@Dioxit....How does he know Avery is a summoner by looking at him?
There isn't really a thing known as summoners in the Re Zero universe, in fact Avery is probably the only one and that's because of his divine protection. Something which no-one outside the Celestia family knows about (ok maybe the odd family friend like Maria)
There's a thing called meta-gaming. And I believe that is exactly what you are doing. Whether it be intentional or not, it kinda needs to stop please.
Meta-gaming is where your character posts with information they shouldn't have, meanwhile you may know about it but unless you can justify them knowing it then well....
Which leads me to my next thing. Perfectly reading Avery's thought pattern despite this being the first time you've met. If the above isn't meta-gaming, oh boy that is.
Wanna know why he was going for a hawk? Because he can't summon something big straight off the bat in the morning. Not because of the size of the room.
But other than that that is the weakest excuse ever XD
'I'm a trader' 'I entered the wrong building' oh god. My sides. He is going to get an ass kicking. An absolute handing of his ass on a silver platter. I mean if Avery doesn't, then the commotion they will cause will bring someone who will.
Because I view their mansion somewhat similar to the Re Zero one....out in the middle of fucking nowhere XD There are no other houses to enter nearby XD
Also finally someone from this world knows the Celestia's XD Though he is idiotic enough to break into their mansion... -_-' Eh take the good with the bad.