Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Character Death Count: 0


Location: England
Time Frame: 1823
Rp Tags: Historical, Regency Era, Casual, Advanced, Mystery, Drama, Romance, Supernatural, Undead, Apocalypse
Type Of RP: This is a period supernatural based drama. It will have a lot of twists and turns. There will be clues given in posts that you can keep track of to help solve the mysteries as they unfold. Now, something very important - CHARACTERS CAN AND WILL DIE! This will be done randomly when events arise. It can happen to anyone at anytime without warning. You have been warned and I suggest a back up character to pull into the fray if that happens. (Don't ask how many of my previous characters are now in the RP Graveyard now because of this.) Don't let the amount of information provided deter you, it is there in place as a resource to push your limits. Enjoy the process.
Goal Of RP: This Rp will touch on many different facets but in the end there is an actual goal to the Rp - to survive and thrive while trying to end the Soulless Threat. You are trying to live as well as fight. Your world does not revolve around one or the other. Clue sheets will be provided and as each mystery a new chapter will unfold. Part of being in this RP is to try to solve the mysteries of the Soulless as it unfolds. On top of the mysteries you will be trying to strengthen your household, no matter your class status. Marriage, trade, wealth, connections, knowledge, secrets, and more will all play a part in securing not only your life but your future. Let's see how devious you can get, how much you are able to get done. Romance, intrigue, undead, slander, truths. It's all there.
Age Requirements: Minimal age for characters is 18, Max age is 70.


It is a universal truth that once death claims a person and the pneuma is lost the Soulless will forever want for the taste of their atman once again. Never was this more irrevocably proven than when every gentry and nobility attending a dinner party at Flitwick Manor was slaughtered during the second course of the meal. Apparently souls ripe for the harvest were far more desired than the saddle of mutton that evening by the uninvited guests. Twas truly a most scandalous event that brought the house of Brooks to its knees that evening. The ton has been gossiping about it ever since, placing blame on Mary Brooks; stating that her inability to run a proper household lead the infiltration of Soulless unnoticed to the event. That had she placed as much attention to detail of the Presence's Guards as she did the invitations none of this would have occurred. Such is the price one pays for not knowing ones place.

Though it was not always like this my darlings. Before the turn of the century our great Britannia was rich with trade from the exotic far east to the more newly discovered colonies. Silks and spices, edibles and gems from the corners of the world washed to our shores in waves of wealth and brilliance. Twas truly a most glorious time. Yet in the midst of this time came a plague the likes the world had never known. Vitriolic and caustic, it began to ravish the country side. Once brought to death by violent means at the hands of a Soulless the dead would rise again in horrific and yet fascinating manners. Each one harboring an insatiable hunger for an element of the soul that once resided in their chests. Many believe the French where to blame. Does this really surprise you?

It would seem certain to some that the end of times had arrived on Englands shores and the prophecy spoken about in the book of Revelations had come to fruition. To protect the masses, large scale construction began around even the smallest of settlements; the grandest around the city of London and referred to as Jericho's Barricade. It did well for a time. Keeping the living within the walls and Soulless outside. Yet as more time passed it became apparent that stone and mortar was no barrier for some and the walls did come tumbling down. Gentry and Nobility fled the city to their country estates, electing to protect themselves with the assistance of Graveolase. Homes were both physically and spectrally protected from the Soulless.

At this time it became highly fashionable to extend ones study from the arts of refinement. Well to do families sent their offspring to other lands to learn arts that were long thought to have died away. Yet have we not learn from the past that all that we believe if dead can rise again? Such was the case here. Probable proficiency was tested for at a young age and depending on where your talents lay you would be trained in arts that would once never have touched your silken gloved fingers. To the far east for deadly arts did the quick and strong get whisked away to; to the colonies for protective arts did the wise and durable go. Those that were not so richly fortunate though still did need to find a way to survive. To the north many of the poorer traveled to learn the ways of old once thought fully driven out by the arrival of Christians so many centuries before. The Pious? They too had their place. To Rome they ventured to, as they described it, harvest the protection of God.

Wards and protection abounded the lands and it was thought that the Soulless had been pushed back to the brink of extinction. Yet do not let this lull fool you. Keep your swords sharp as well as your wits, for the final battle between the Soulless and the Soulled has yet to occur and in the darkness their numbers are rising once again.

*Denotes Character Has Been Approved For RP

  • Millicent Wyndham (Lady A - FC Lily James)


Soulless Lore

*Please note that only what is listed here is what exists in the world. Period. Other information will be provided and learned as the RP unfolds but all characters start off with this knowledge and this knowledge alone. (There is no other myths, rumors, talks, knowledge, etc.)

Each Soulless is a separate creation, each with their own appearance and ways, though all Soulless have several things in common with another and all have many things that keep them separate. Think of them as different species of the same Genus. Every Soulless was once born as a living human and drew true breath. Each contained a soul. Each died in a specific way that spreads the infection to the recently deceased's body and causes it to come back to life within three days of its original death. Each must be disposed of in a very specific way to keep them from coming back the following night.

All Soulless crave something that drives them to kill and create more of their own in turn. Everyone will get weaker the longer they are without what they need. None of them have an special attributes because of their status of being undead other than well you know still bothering the living after they died that is. So they don't have heightened strength or speed or anything like that. They all do retain their intelligence, so they are not mindless. They can be just as cunning as any human can.

  • Cargast - Something similar to what we would think of as a Ghost. These creatures are created when someone is literally scared to death. To put it in mundane terms, when the bodies conscience is rendered so frightened there is a chance it will literally jump out of it's skin. The body falls to the floor, dead, while the conscience is trapped between the here and the hereafter. The conscience then continues on, first as an unseeable apparition that is still inked to the body for the first 72 hours. After that the tie that links the two is cut and the Cargast is now a mist that can form at will into a ghost like being that can be seen as it would have lived in the present, only you can basically see through it. It can no longer feel rush of adrenaline as a human could and craves that feeling. It must feed off of the one emotion it can evoke from humans - Fear. It has the ability to reach into a humans conscience and cause fear to rise, feeding off of it.
    • Created by death brought about by fear.
    • No physical form, seen as mists or apparitions, cold static feeling in the air.
    • True death by capturing mist in a Pentatone Box and then purification.
  • Ryne - Something similar to what we would think of as a Vampire. These creatures are created by an infection that is spread by mouth to blood contact, usually happening when the Ryne feeds from a human. The illness is spread like an STD and once the blood volume of the human drops to a certain point the human will die, though if the feeding is cut short the human will succumb to the infection nearly instantly and die as well. The difference being is that there must still be life in the body when the feeding it stopped for a human to change into a Ryne. Since death that occurs during a broken feeding is so quick, it is hard to tell which will rise in 72 hours and which will not. Once risen as a Ryne, they crave the blood that was stolen from them, causing them to seek out humans to constantly replenish the loss.
    • Created by infection brought about by the loss of blood that occurred during a feeding.
    • Pale skin, canine teeth slightly sharpened, wounds heal on feeding to a point.
    • True Death by removal of fangs and then insertion of said fangs into each carotid artery on each side of the neck.
  • Hraew - Something similar to what we would think of as a Zombie. These creatures are created by an infection caused by the bite of another Hraew. The infection is similar to that one would get from a rabid animal bite, coursing through from the bite site and stilling the internal organs and causing death. It is hard to tell if a person has been bit because they can easily hide it under clothing if the bite is in the right location. The body feels the death, like the loss of muscle mass during a crash diet. After a bite, it takes 72 hours for the body to die fully and for the Hraew to arise. It feeds off the flesh of humans, trying to constantly regain the warmth of natural human body temperature.
    • Created by death brought about by the bite of Hraew.
    • Flesh rotting around bite site, wounds do not heal, flies attracted to.
    • True Death by removal of the brain from the skull and burning.

Class System

*Note the Class System determines what you can and cannot know in the Rp to start. Depending on who you are and where you come from determines your training and upbringing.

The class system during Regency England is a rather odd and complicated matter driven more by title and appearance than actual wealth. A title and proper manners could grant you more any amount of money. Yet in the same breath, if you have enough money you could potentially marry well enough to take a title. A fickle system that knowing the right or wrong person at a certain time could mean everything. This is a generalization for the purposes of this RP and is not necessarily historically accurate. We will not include the "Royal Family" as it were - King, Queen, Prince, Princess, and so forth - these titles are not available for character creation, so no reason to. These are listed in ranking from highest to lowest as you read down, though please remember that a persons wealth and reputation can move them to be look at as higher or lower on the social totem pole than what their "station" dictates. You will note that military ranks are not listed, they are of their own "class" and are weighed by the rank, the service, and the born social standing.

  • Peers - A member of one of the five nobility classes. Each peer when being addressed is referred to as a Lord or Lady except when addressing a Duke/Duchess; at which time they are addressed as "Your Grace." - Certain males with titles of Nobility are members of the House Of Lords and must attend Parliament when it is in session. Each Peer is a land owner outright in a sense. Thought all lands belong to the crown, the land and all within it are granted to the titled. Being a Peer, one is not legally allowed to hold a "job" though there are ways to increase ones wealth. (Rental of land and imposes taxes for example.) Though just because one holds a title does not mean one has wealth. Many are close to poverty or so indebted they are willing to do anything to retain their lifestyle.
    • Duke/Duchess - The highest hereditary title outside of the royal family. The title is passed down through blood alone to a male heir. A duke is considered to be a royal title but once the title is passed down to the great grand child it is no longer considered a Royal title and for this Rp is considered a peer of the realm. If there is no direct legitimate male heir from the Duke it will be passed to a male heir related to the Duke to the next closest male heir until one of the direct line is produced. (Example, it would go to his nephew until his daughter had a male child. Then said nephew would be stripped of the title and his Grandson would become the Duke.)
    • Marquess/Marchioness - While a Duke is a hereditary only title the title of Marquess is the highest rank of nobility that can be either granted by the Royal Family or inherited. The title is passed down by family through the male heir and is never considered a royal title.
    • Earl/Countess - The 3rd in the line of Peerage. The title can be inherited or granted by the royal family. The title is passed down in the same manner as a Marquess.
    • Viscount/Viscountess - The 4th in the line of Peerage; usually a deputy of an Earl to rule in his absence. Title is passed down and gained in the same manner as a Marquess or Earl.
    • Baron/Baroness - The lowest rank in the Peerage. This person's family has usually received his land and title due to honorable service to the crown. It is passed down like other titles but the land can be lost because of debt or other reasons. When such an incident occurs the title is stripped away.

  • Gentry - Land owners in their own right much of the time and while not a member of aristocracy their wealth and influence can make great headway in the social order. Some with the title of Baronet or Knight are Hereditary and are considered part of the Peerage but on a very low level. It will all depend on financial and social standing. Much of the time the title is for that generation alone and inheriting it for later generations takes great wealth and standing to obtain. Many in this class that are able to mingle with Peers seek out to marry their children to the Peers to earn a title; seeking out the poorest of the Peers to match with their own as to gain more influence through a title.
    • Baronet/Baronetess - The highest ranking of the Gentry; though a granted title by the royal family they are not considered a member of the Peerage and are looked at as nothing more than petty nobility. Land is not usually granted with the title but those with this title most always are land owners in their own right.
    • Knight - A title that is granted by the monarch because of service to the crown. Much of the time the title does not come with the ownership of land and many knights are as poor as the beggars on the street. The title can be passed down from Father to Son if the son swears service to the crown, though the title can be easily stripped away. There was at one time a female version but it was gone during the 1400's and did not return until the 1860's so is not available. Wives of Knights are referred to as Dame.
    • Gentleman - These are men in the gentry that are land, ship or business owners (on a large scale) of high standing that have been able to elevate themselves out of the middle class. They refer to themselves as Gentlemen to distinguish themselves from their considered lesser. While they are not exactly a title of any sort they can carry a lot of influence and respect from even the Peers. Many will seek out to use their wealth to marry off their children to the poorest of the titled to earn titles themselves for future generations and to be able to have a seat in the House Of Lords during Parliament. This also includes higher members of the Clergy - Archbishops, Bishops.

  • Upper Middle Class - This class usually includes people of decent education, moderate income, and/or employ many beneath them. Many who aspire to be gentleman in the eyes of the class system come from this class sect. This is basically the make or break level of the class system. You either climb to be more than what you are, or fall onto hard times and drop quickly during this age. Most members of the clergy fall into this class.
    • Clergy - Members of the Church of England. (Though there is some, albeit select few, of other denominations.) This includes Priests, Vicars, Curates, Chaplains, and Nuns.)
    • Physicians - Either you are revered and called on by the highest of the courts or you are thought of as a crack pot dishing out lunacy and medication like bread to the masses. It is a toss up to where you will fall.
    • Lawyers - Though a needed evil, even during this time they are looked at as pretty much the scum and most see them as nothing better than the impoverished that roam the street. Yet, education and income does much to elevate ones status.
    • Educators - Education, while a limited resource during this time, is looked at as a respectable profession. Tutors, professors, even governess's and companions to Ladies fall within this class. (Of which many Govs/Comps are formerly titled women who have given up their title because they sat on the shelf too long and needed an income to survive.)
    • Merchants/Manufacturers - The middlemen in industry, dealing in the whole sale of goods and services. Spice, silks, and more. They deal with the main trade from the imports and exports of the country. This also includes those manufacturers who create larger goods for the upper class that need large scale production. (This includes ship building.)
    • Shop Keepers - Though not owners in their own right, they are the lead management for various shops usually owned by their betters. Goods and services are sold at mark up here and the profits passed to the owners. (Usually after a generous portion is taken for themselves.)

  • Lower Middle Class - Usually considered just above the lower class but more defined by their income than their actual status. These are your day to day workers who keep everything moving and are on the bottom rung when it comes to the employed.
    • Inn Keepers - While they are basically the same as a shop keeper they are considered a little less in status. They can have to deal with all types and depending on the type of business they allow to occur in their establishment can greatly effect how they are looked at by their betters.
    • Artists - These are a fickle bunch, while some musicians, actors, and artists are renowned and sought after by the Peers and Gentry, for the most part they are just considered bohemians that have no place in polite society.
    • Craftsman - Similar to artists, the craftsman can vary greatly. Most are taught their trade, handed down from parent to sibling for generations as they try to build their reputation. There are one of the few in this class that go by the same marriage arrangements as Peers and Gentry, careful to chose who can and cannot be married into their craft.
    • Laborers/House Staffs - Day to day workers; everyone from the butler at the front door to the carriage driver, scullery maid, and hired day workers on the farms. Even though they are all looked at as on the low end of the social class standing they have their own status within the class itself. Some are trusted, some are not.

  • Lower Class - The lowest of society. They are looked at as dirty and beneath contempt by most in society. While there are a select few that feel sorry for them, most wouldn't wipe their boots off on them in fear they would be contaminated. In some cases they are looked to as lower forms of life, even beneath the Soulless
    • Paupers - The general poor, beggars on the streets. Some used to be of a higher class until they fell onto hard times but the sad fact of the matter is that many of them are on the same financial level as some of the Peers, they just aren't lucky enough to have the crown providing them with a residence.
    • Gypsies - Your wanderers who use slight of hand, claims to speak with the hereafter, music, dance, and various knick-knacks to get by. While fun during a celebration, most are taught never to trust them.
    • Thieves - You gotta do what you gotta do to survive and much of the time that means theft from those who are better off than you. Some would think that you couldn't sink any lower than to be a thief in the class system, they still aren't considered the bottom rung, there is worse one can do than be poor or steal.
    • Prostitutes - The lowest of society. Even though some higher and more well bread women can make a substantial living being a courtesan for the most part these are the lowest of the low. Doing their job in the shadows for no more than the price of a cup of ale. Many believe that it is their fault that the Soulless had spread again and again.


*Please remember that your training is largely determined by your place in the Class System. Also note that even the rich cannot learn faster than the poor so you are limited to 1 and only 1 training set. Your character may not have acquired cross skills of other training locations or sects. Each Area specializes in certain things and is divided into 2 different concentrations. Of the eight provided sects below you must pick one and only one. (Your class determines which is available to you, so double check to make sure the one you want can be obtained by the class status of your character.)

Please note that you can choose for your character to have no training. Also note that if your character has not physically traveled to one of these locations for training they have none. No one is trained outside of these locations, period.

The Far East
The exotic far east, land of mystery where spices and silks come from. A land with a history and culture even far richer and longer standing than that of Great Britannia. Here is where the quick and the strong go to hone their skills and learn the deadly arts. Those that travel the long journey to the Far East are best equipped to deal with close combat with the Soulless, pitting themselves against the Ryne and Hraew. Their training is in the physical realm and none are their equals.

  • Japan: - To attend training here one must not only be a member of either the Peers or Gentry but be exceptionally well off in the financial department and have an unblemished reputation. They must have also tested high in the areas of strength and/or speed. (No Clergy Allowed)
    • Classes:
      • Any Peer
      • Baronet/Baronetess
      • Knight
    • Available Skills:
      • Japanese - Local Language Of Japan (Required Skill - Includes reading and writing in traditional Japan Calligraphy)
      • Yama - Strength Based Grappling to throw an opponent off balance or to hold ones own ground
      • Kyū Kaze - Speed Based Grappling used to disarm an opponent using no weapon and using their strength against them. Pins/Locks/Throws
      • Burēdorōdo - Use of Japanese Styles Blades
      • Bouāto- Use Of Japanese Style Bows
      • Inguchippu - Art of wielding a Inguch; favored by women
      • Supiaāto - Fighting with a spear; rarely taught skill but favored by soldiers
      • Shadōtoyūgō - Stealth; learning to meld with the shadows in a sense
      • Shinobaransu - Martial Arts Principle where the defender is able to find balance with their attacker and move in harmony until they can be over taken. (Note: living through the fight isn't a consideration in this thought process, if both must die, so be it.)
      • Shinorinri - Thought process, the way of the warrior. A code of honor that one must follow along side being highly skilled in a single weapon. Emphasizes loyalty, courage, and bravery. A focusing skill. (Must have one and only one of the weapons skills listed above to learn.)

  • China: - Attending training in China requires just a bit less than training in Japan. Training in China still requires one to test high in the areas strength and/or speed but the cost is not as severe as training in Japan, though still costly, and title is not required. Usually those that are in debt or as not as well off will be sponsored by others to attend training here - usually traded for marriage of a child for a better political or titled position. (No Clergy Allowed)
    • Classes:
      • Any Peer
      • Any Gentry
      • Members Of The Upper Middle Class
    • Available Skills:
      • Mandarin - Local Language Of China (Must Chose This or Other Local Language Of China Provided here - Includes reading and writing in traditional Chinese Calligraphy)
      • Cantonese - Local Language Of China (Must Chose This or Other Local Language Of China Provided here - Includes reading and writing in traditional Chinese Calligraphy)
      • Baquan - Hard style martial arts that focuses on protecting the body from impacts during a fight
      • Fu Mei - Neutral style martial arts that focuses on speed and turning an opponents moves against them
      • Chang Li Fut - Soft style martial arts that focuses on protecting the spirit from impacts during a fight
      • Lamgarga - Art of wielding a Lamga; normally used against longer weapons that use safe distance to attack from such as a spear or a sword, easily concealed in dress folds, can be used to break other weapons and disarm opponent
      • Desinmon - Art of wielding various styles of Chinese swords
      • Kung Bafa - Art of wielding various styles of Chinese flexible weapons. (Rope Dart, Meteor Hammer, Flying Claws, Chain Whip, etc.)
      • Chuan Quan - Similar to a one inch punch technique, martial art form that focuses on small movements for massive impact; specifically bone shattering techniques in close quarter combat.
      • Mi Lin So - Northern Style Martial Art that focuses on wide stances, long range techniques, aggressive attacks and circular blocking.
      • Nan Pao - Southern Style Martial Art that focuses on strong stances, powerful waist along with quick strong forearm and hand movements.
      • Jow Ping Lin - Qi related Martial Art that focuses on Strikes that transcend the body but strike the Pnuema.

The New World
While the culture of the New World is thought of as new, it's roots are deep and long; dating back to long before most would like to admit. Here go the wise and the ones of heavy constitution. These are the main line of defense against the Cargast. They learn methods of astral combat and protection as well as how to control their hear and harness their courage. They think outside of the box to lure the Cargast to the last prison they will encounter before their can be purified. They are sought out to evoke Presence's Guards in place.

  • Colonies: - As like with training in Japan, you must be a member of the Gentry or Peers, have a high level of wealth and an unblemished reputation. Instead though of testing well in strength and/or speed, those that come to train in the Colonies must have tested well in Wisdom and/or Constitution. (No Clergy Allowed)
    • Classes:
      • Any Peer
      • Baronet/Baronetess
      • Knight
    • Available Skills:
      • Arre-Catte Waho - A language of the New Worlds Native; a sort of tongue that while is not spoke by any tribe specifically can be understood by all. (Required Skill - Includes reading and writing in Native Symbols)
      • Motsqueh - Ability to create a Presences Guard and activate it
      • Nakai - A focusing of ones mind and body to make the person more durable and resistant to damage; both mental and physical. Lowers the chance of being "scared to death"
      • Mikasi - Ability to project ones soul fully into the between as to battle in astral combat with Cargast; leaves the body itself limp and vulnerable to physical attack.
      • Chankoowashtay - Ability to project ones mind into the between for purposes of observation only; can move up to one mile from the body. Body is semi there but cannot perform complex action, seems in a daze and just sits takes 1 word direction
      • Sokw - Same as above but can go further, up to 50 miles; chance of the mind getting lost while out and about as it were and not being able to return to the body
      • Kwatoko - Ability to wield a bow; includes on horse back
      • Pavati - Ability to wield an Axe; includes throwing accuracy
      • Ethete - A spiritual walk in where a person might be able to grasp a look into a probably future. This takes hours and is straining on the body but the results can be priceless.

  • West Indies: - Like with Training in China, wealth or reputation is not as important in the West Indies but one must have tested high in Wisdom and/or Constitution. (No Clergy Allowed)
    • Classes:
      • Any Peer
      • Any Gentry
      • Members Of The Upper Middle Class
    • Available Skills:
      • Musa - Local language of the West Indies; a mixing of African and Caribbean languages that has sprung up by the locals over the last three hundred years. (Required Skill - Includes reading and writing in local symbols)
      • Chane - Ability to create a Pentaone Box and utilize it
      • Busarah - Skill required to create an item that can be used to damage an intended target at any distance by inflicting damage to said item. Item must contain something personal of the intended target
      • Jamal - Ritual that can be utilized to sense a Soulless before the 72 hours process has been completed; difficult to complete in time as it takes many hours and is rather temperamental, not always successful
      • Farjari - Ritual technique used to hold a soul within the body after death
      • Taabu - Ritual technique used to draw back a soul after it has been separated from the body by fear
      • Sefu - Art of the spear, African based fighting technique, utilizes quick animal based movements
      • Nyo - Art of the Shadow, the use of darkness and stealth to move unnoticed
      • Amani - South American Martial Art that refocuses damage taken and redirects it towards in the form of strikes towards the opponent; original damage is still taken but adds to the next strike towards one opponent

The Spiritual World
Only the pious dare to enter this training. Members of the Church, they take their pilgrimages seriously and are the most devout in the fight against the Soulless. Depending on their beliefs, they will venture to one of two places and hone themselves to be an all around force against what they believe are the spawns of hell. Though they are not as strong or as constitute as those that have trained in the Far East or the New World, they are more capable when new threats arise, having been the ones to develop most all knowledge and techniques to fight the undead. (Must be a member of the clergy in some religion to be part of this sect.)

  • Rome: - While during this period the main religion is The Church Of England, because of Rome's extensive history many in the church have worked to bridge the gap between the Vatican and the Crown. Many will travel on the crowns coin to Rome to study; learning the old ways of the Swiss Guard. This is a more physical trek. Strength and speed are needed to learn the more hands on ways of the Church, though there is some spiritual aspects as well. (Must be Catholic or Church Of England)
    • Classes:
      • Peer Related Clergy
      • Gentry Related Clergy
      • Upper Middle Class Clergy
    • Available Skills:
      • Latin - The language of the Catholic Church (Required Skill - Includes reading and writing as well as knowing Roman Numerals and symbols)
      • Nescip - Focusing skill to protect ones soul from Soulless infection; requires extreme faith and dedication to ones religion
      • Obriss - The ability to bless items for other followers of the faith; a faithless gains nothing from a blessed item; blessed items wielded by those of faith carry additional damage to the Soulless
      • Gilisi - Ability to take mundane items or to think outside of the box to come up with a new solution in dire situations
      • Audist - An art of wielding a Halberd
      • Pundanti - Ability to create Holy Water and utilize it to speak to others of the same training across great distances
      • Tanter - Focusing of nearly a sixth sense to detect the presence of a change Soulless that has been able to pass as a Soulled
      • Inimul - A combination of Short Sword and Shield fighting that used to be utilized by Roman Soldiers
      • Cibera - A martial art style that encompasses the use of a rosary as a weapon
      • Timyne - Ability to heal through faith to a certain point; can reverse the chances of becoming a Soulless from time to time

  • Jerusalem: - A pilgrimage to Jerusalem is not cheep but this seems to add something. It does not matter the Church you follow, as long as you follow an ideal to make this trek. Those in Jerusalem look at you as if you are a cast out member of main stream religion. You are there for the greater good and like the Templar's of Old after Friday The 13th, this is where you go to learn what you need to know to protect your congregation. A more spiritual teaching, those here will learn some ancient world techniques of protecting one's self against the Soulless. (All religions welcome)
    • Classes:
      • Peer Related Clergy
      • Gentry Related Clergy
      • Upper Middle Class Clergy
      • Other Religious Clergy
    • Available Skills:
      • Hebrew - Language of the Jews (Required Skill - Includes reading and writing in traditional script - must chose between this language or one of the other languages here in the Jerusalem Skills List)
      • Arabic - Language of the Muslims and General Popultion of the Middle East (Required Skill - Includes reading and writing in traditional script - must chose between this language or one of the other languages here in the Jerusalem Skills List)
      • Egyptian - Language of the Egyptian (Required Skill - Includes reading and writing in traditional script; ancient hieroglyphics included - must chose between this language or one of the other languages here in the Jerusalem Skills List)
      • Abdullah - Ability to deal with extreme situations; stress, heat, cold, lack of water, lack of food, etc - with minimal effect for a period of time
      • Hoque - Shield/Sword Technique that when used can up the chances of blocking and harden ones constitution
      • Mekates - Ability to wield a chain in combat, when makes strong connection with an Soulless there is a chance of the chain will trap the Soulless and break off, leaving the wielder with the remaining to continuing fighting
      • Zaahir - A holy prayer that can have an area affect to Cargast and make them visable and susceptible to mortal weapons but there is a chance it will temporarily deafen anyone within the radius
      • Diyo - Short term small holy ground that can be cast to create a boundary where Soulless will not cross. Max 10 feet in diameter, lasts a max of 10 minutes
      • Yahiaway - Ability to wield ancient weapons of the Middle East that do not fall under basic sword techniques
      • Sefertit - Ability to bond with a chosen animal to speak with it on a basic level. (Must declare what species at character creation, only works on that one. Example - Horse will not work on a mule or a donkey.)

The Old World
Not everyone can afford to go half way across the world to train but everyone must learn how to survive. Those who treasure basic breath above riches and status, because their have neither really, travel not far from home and seek out those within their own continent. Traveling to one of only two places remaining that can provide them with knowledge of this new threat and how to battle it. (Not available to Clergy, Peer, or Gentry)

  • Scandinavia: - To the gods of old they speak and from them they learn. Cost is nothing but your mind and your heart must be open to not only the training but the harsh colds of the winters.
    • Classes:
      • Upper Middle Class
      • Lower Middle Class
    • Available Skills:
      • Norwegian - Local Language Of Norway (Required Skill - Includes reading and writing in traditional Nordic Runes)
      • Opri - Team Fighting with Shields to form a defensive stance against an oncoming horde
      • Cnut - Short Sword Fighting
      • Hrilf - Axe Fighting
      • Aerun - Bow Use
      • Kotkell - Blood Ritual to protect grounds and fertilize the land for better growth
      • Hadd - Ritual performed before sleep to induce dreams that may tell of past, current, or even future events
      • Abjan - Survival Skill that can utilized during extreme cold
      • Ingulf - Blood Ritual for Water Purification; works on anything from diseased water to salt water to make drinkable
      • Kadlin - Scandinavian based martial art that focuses on grappling techniques
      • Gislid - Natural Navigation even when the sky is covered by clouds or stars are masked by sunlight

  • Ireland: - If the Celts of old knew one thing, it was how to wage war. Survival above all costs and the cost is nothing here. As long as you show up and survive, that is all that matters.
    • Classes:
      • Lower Middle Class
      • Lower Class
    • Available Skills:
      • Gaelic - Local Language Of Ireland (Required Skill - Includes reading and writing in traditional Celtic Runes)
      • Suairt - Traditional Celtic Boxing
      • Aonghuis - Wrestling techniques that focus on the collar and the elbows of the person
      • Deasmhumhnach - Art of fighting utilizing a shillelagh
      • Shuibhne - Martial art techniques that utilizes the feet and kicks; aiming for shins, knees, and ankles
      • Duinn - Fighting using long swords and round shields
      • Mhic - Ability to carry heavy items for long amounts of time, utilized mainly for actually wearing older chainmail
      • Ruirac - Taking on a similar trait to a Celtic God (must specify trait at activation; added strength, endurance, mental capacity, etc.)
      • Lorcain - Unearthing ancient Celtic sacred sites and reactivating them as a holy field that is protected against Cargast
      • Riada - Banshee like scream that can stun the Soulless for a few moments; area effect
      • Maolain - Calling of a mist for cover; usually used when trying to escape a hoard that is too large to fight

General Skills

*These general skills are just a small example of what you could possibly chose. Keep in mind your characters history, status, availability to funds when composing your list; keep them within the scope of your character. Remember, no skills from above may be used in general skills nor any new variation of them. If they are too far fetched they will be edited out as per the discretion of the GM; if in doubt PM the GM.
  • Court Etiquette
  • Ballroom Dancing
  • Horseback Riding
  • Pistol
  • Dueling
  • Languages (Outside of Native Tongue or Learned Nation Training - Each Language takes up a new slot)
  • Reading (Most Lower Class do not know how to read, if you are lower class and wish to read you must have this skill for your native tongue.)
  • Bribing
  • Deception
  • Disguise
  • Breaking and Entering
  • Lock Picks
  • Pick Pocketing
  • Seduction (Court)
  • Seduction (Street)
  • Forgery
  • Sculpture
  • Swimming (Most people cannot swim, so if you wish your character to swim they must have this skill)
  • Carriage Driving
  • Leadership
  • House (Ability to run a house - may be taken by Female only)
  • Cooking
  • Sewing
  • Sketching
  • Instrument (Be specific)
  • Singing
  • City Knowledge (You know where most things in the city are or can be found - Be specific of which city)
  • Country Knowledge (You know how to get from point A to point B between cities - Be specific which Country)
  • Masonry
  • Smithing (Be Specific to Material or Job)
  • Heraldry
  • History (Be Specific)
  • Linguistics (Be Specific to Major Language Root)
  • Culture Knowledge (Be Specific to which Culture)
  • Class Knowledge (Be Specific to Class outside of birth class)
  • Diplomacy
  • Negotiations

Glossary And Guide

The 1800's were a time caught between times and such there is a bit of the old and the new mixed together. Customs and words can be very different than they are now, or at least they can be used in ways one would not suspect or get the full grasp of at surface glance. Combined this with this world of Soulless creates the need for a crash course; both in certain words, knowledge's, and locations. If something pops up into the RP you do not understand or can't google, just let me know. This though should give you a good start to be used in conjunction with the rest of the information provided.

Regency Terms: Link to website of useful Regency Era terms
How to Speak: Link to website about certain phrases used during this time period
Rules and Etiquette: Link to various rules and etiquette in place during this time period (though hardly all inclusive)
Regency Colours: Link to website describing and showing those unique colors often found in the descriptions of Recency Era Novels
Regency Marriage: Link to website about the legalities needed for marriage in Regency England
Ranks: Link to website about military ranks
Soulless: A term for the undead or supernatural
Pnuema: Soul of a person
Atman: Another word for soul or pnuema
Presence's Guards: A ward created to keep Cargast at bay, a spiritual fence
Graveolase: Specially trained educators of myth and legend; founders of modern day techniques to protect one's residences from invasion of the Soulless
Flitwick Manor: Location of the last great slaughter where all three types of Soulless worked together to over take a single location
Ton: Referring to the high society of Britain: fashion, etiquette, manners, social customs, and many other aspects of social life are all dictated by the ton
White's: Gentleman's club situated in St James's Street, London; highly selective
Almack's: King Street, St. James, in London; mixed social club that was mostly known for it's events in which people would seek out others during the Season for marriage arrangements
The Season: The annual period when it is customary for members of a social elite of society to hold debutante balls, dinner parties and large charity events. It was also the appropriate time to be resident in the city rather than in the country, in order to attend such events. Starting around March and running through late June
Hyde Park: Large park in London that is the in place to be seen during the morning and early afternoon hours
Bath: The only hot mineral springs in England, a vacation spot for the wealthy, known for its healing attributes
Special License: A license for marriage that could be purchased from the Archbishop of Canterbury that would allow people to forgo the usual requirements of marriage
The Banns: Notifications in the papers that a marriage is to take place between two people so that objections can be made if needed
Gretna Green: Are in Scotland just over the border where many couples would elope to marry; no real requirements for the marriage to take place and underage could marry without the consent of their parents
Jericho's Barricade: The largest protection wall built during this time, it surrounds London thirty feet high and twenty feet deep. There is only one gate into and out of the city
Pentatone Box: A specially crafted chest made of Alderwood and carved with runes. The only way to hold Cargast until it can be purified
Bluestocking: A girl or woman with an unfashionable interest in intellectual and literary pursuits, often with a scientific bent

*Rules are enforced and you will be removed if you break them - they may seem strict and harsh but I am a fair Gm as long as communication remains open and honest and people do no take advantage.
  • Gm Is Goddess
    • Gm has final say on all matters
    • You must read and follow all the rules at all times
    • Gm does check on posting and log in habits
    • Do NOT insult the GM, the rules, or your fellow Rpers
    • If you are holding up the RP and joining other Rp's you will be called on it
  • CS Sheet Provided Must Be Used
    • Use code provided below
    • Do not submit WIP's - Final CS's only
    • Post CS for approval in OOC
    • Only GM approved CS's allowed in CS Tab
    • Change color code to one not in use (This is required for various reasons)
    • If you have problems with changing out the color code or any of the coding, just pm it to me and I will take care of it for you.
    • May not use default CS color, any colors currently in use by active characters or that are close to another characters color
    • Once your CS is approved and posted in the CS tab you may not edit it without first gaining permission from the GM.
  • This is a historically based rp
    • All items must be present for the time period
    • Well thought out Character Sheets Only
    • Things like jobs and skills must fit with characters back story
    • Don't go overboard - seriously, enjoy not knowing things and learning as you go.
  • Language - No Filters
  • Gore - No Filters - This will get gross
  • Taboo subjects will be crossed but will be maintained to fade to black if needed
  • Romance is allowed but keep it Pg-13, then fade to black
  • Please remember this is taking place in 1823 England. There will be certain prejudices in place: gender, religion, sexuality, class. So please take this into account as it will be a factor in the RP.
  • Only listed Lore is approved or known for this RP.
    • Your character may only know or even reference the lores listed for this RP.
    • You may not post about additional lores spoken about elsewhere as flavor text. It does not exist in this world.
    • If you reference a lore that is not specifically listed for this RP, you will be told to edit and remove it. Refusal or even argument against it will result in your removal from the RP.
  • Follow All Forum Rules
  • Communication is Key
  • Approved and active members of the Rp will be given the link to Lady A's Rp Chat room to better help stay in touch with your fellow Rpers in this RP
  • The world is controlled by the GM - All NPC's, weather, what you see, what you find, what happens, everything. So if it isn't in my post, it didn't happen
  • If you wish your character to have "connections" please run it by the GM first to ensure it is acceptable and isn't already being done by another.
  • Randomization and LLA is used in this RP - Please refer to my tutorial for a description if you are new to this concept
  • Posting Habits
    • You are not allowed to use @Mention Tags or Interacting With Headers In IC.
    • You are not allowed to copy and paste anything another character has said or posted in a previous post in your posts
    • Minimal of 2 well developed paragraphs per post
    • Must IC post once every 7 days (It is your job to keep up with when you need to post. Your last post hits Day 8 and I remove you from the RP.)
    • I do not accept "no inspiration" as a reason not to post
    • I do not accept "waiting for someone else to post" as a reason not to post
    • I do not accept "I have nothing to post" as a reason not to post
    • Keep up with all IC and OOC posts
    • No word in IC or OOC after 7 days = your character got killed doing whatever stupid screw up I decide (In other words, you're out.)
    • If you need additional time to post you must notify the Gm by day 5 of your counter. Extensions will not be granted after that.
    • No spamming OOC - Seriously, I will gut you
    • Under Extras in the CS place your favorite undead so I know you at least skimmed this...(Ha all you old timers, I moved one.)
    • Minimal 2 posts between your last
    • No editing a post in IC once it has been posted without first getting permission from the GM
    • No deleting IC posts if you leave or are removed from the RP
    • There is no additional time granted due to forum glitches unless the forum is fully down for more than 3 days. A week to post is plenty of time even if the forum glitches a day or two
    • Collabs may not be started after your day 5 counter
    • If you are collabing and your partner vanishes or does not reply, you must finish the collab and post it before the timer runs out
    • If your collab partner vanishes you are granted temporary minimal bunnying privileges to complete the collab
    • If your collab partner vanishes, you need to make the Gm aware so it does not count against you
    • Know your personal posting limitations before applying to join
    • If you cannot post, you must contact the GM and make me aware by day 5 of your last post counter, you will be granted extra time to post (do not take advantage of this) - I realize real life comes first but you know your schedule better than anyone, if you join it is your responsibility to keep up and not hold up the rest of the Rpers. I will work with you, just let me know what's going on
  • Spots are not first come first serve
    • Gm will review completed CS first
    • Gm will review previous Rp's and posting habits
    • Gm will then notify you if you are approved
    • Character deaths will happen, no one is safe - it will be randomized and you will be notified when your death approaches. (This does not mean you are out of the RP, it will mean however you need to make a new character should you wish to continue - I recommend having Back Up Characters Ready)
    • I am looking for long term highly dedicated Rpers. My Rps tend to run a minimal of 6 months, so be prepared for it!
    • This RP is within the Lady A Universe Alternate Timeline 'Verse
  • You may NOT use characters from previous RP's
  • Once Cs's are approved, relation sheet will go up and must be completed and added to CS
  • Read through Rpers Guide To Etiquette - This is a good reference for RP Etiquette - It is required reading for the RP and you will be held to everything in it
  • Rules and Cs sheet will be added to and changed as need be depending on problems or points that come up.
  • Under Extras in your CS post a link to a post you have done in the past on this forum. If you submit a CS without this it will be declined
  • Special - To New Comers To The Guild - Pm The Gm about what you can place under extras instead of a link to an RP post on this forum

Character Sheet

Please, make sure you have actually read the rules for this RP before you even attempt to fill this out. Seriously, read. And, before I forget - NO PREDONE COUPLES! (Seriously, it ruins shit. Remember while romance is welcome it is not the main reason of this RP. If you want to ship your character it has to be done organically and in the RP over time. If you pull a "we just met today and they are now madly in love and will die for each other" - You will.)

This CS must be filled out as specified in the rules and the explanations in the CS code itself. Do not submit a WIP to me. Remember, please do not reuse a character you have used before for this RP. (I do love to lurk in people's character sheet topic and other Rps. >.>) - Character Images are not required but are encouraged. (In place, please make sure to do further in detail in the appearance section of the CS) - Age Calculator - RP Starting Date is March 21st, 1823

Please pay close attention to the instructions to the CS itself, it holds instructions in how to fill in certain sections. You may only play a Human, you may not RP a Soulless.

Special Note!!! - Those of you in other Lady A Rps - You may create a character for this that would be the ancestor of your character in them!!! (Now, isn't that a hell of a tie in!) ~Note: Do not make the character a direct ancestor, just in case they die you don't want your character in my other rps to *poof* if you get my drift.~

Relation/Clue Sheet

*If you solve a mystery - Submit your answer and how you came to it to the GM via PM!!!

This sheet is required to begin.

You must have a relation worked out for every one mentioned in your CS as your NPC Relations. You must also have at least 2 relations done between your fellow Rpers before you will be allowed to begin. PM your fellow approved Rpers to work out details. (Future required submission/update times will be given in the OOC as needed.) - Take notes, use this as your tool. Remember, even though your character might not have a clue, this sheet is of dual nature. Relations are for your character with other characters. Clues are what you are spotting in anything I put out there or have others place in their posts. So look for patterns, hints, and more. You could find them in IC, the CS's, here in the original OOC post. You never know when I might drop a hint.

If you are confused by something, ask me. The worst you will get from me is - No Spoilers. The best might be the clarification you need to solve a mystery!

Remember, this is a Mystery RP. You are trying to solve the mysteries. Each mystery leads to another. There are rewards granted for sticking it out and surviving each chapter of the RP. Those that solve the mysteries get even more. These can be anything from additional skills granted, to special abilities, artifacts for your characters that can come into play, and even up to a Get Out Of Death Roll Free Card to be used in any of my Rps! (Wouldn't it be nice to give LLA the finger and say "Not today Satan!"?)

Sound Track

  • Kamelot - The Human Strain(Opening Theme)

Quick Note

Many of the images and background for this RP are based in factual history and established lores. Having said that, please remember this is not the world as you know it. Things have been changed and adapted to what works best for the RP. Only what is listed and spoken about by the GM is allowed in the RP, all others are void. So clear your mind of everything you think you know. Why? Because I know debates will arise over such matters but in the end you must remember the first rule of this RP - Gm is Goddess. So before the debates arise, put them to bed.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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@Lady Amalthea Would I perhaps be able to portray a Crypt?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Morose You mean one of Belladonna's and Javiers family line? Sure, just remember like with DttS's, to keep it from being a direct ancestor so we don't risk Belladonna, Javier, or Mercurial from poofing before you killed them in AH, LOL
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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@Lady Amalthea Awesome :) I'll probably send you a PM (and Pundii too most likely) to make sure you're all okay with whatever family history I create before I submit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Morose Okay sounds good - doubt I would have any issues ( or that Pundii would either) since the whole damn Crypt thing started off as a joke to make you gag :P
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 6 days ago

I duly present Torstein, @Lady Amalthea.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Buddha Okay, looks good for the most part - have a few questions and some things that need a bit of correcting.

Residence - You just have London, need a bit more there. (Can refer to old maps of London for inspiration or make something up and just put something along the lines of "Harold's House" Gentry area of town, or "Miss Pennyworths Whore House in the Red Light District" lol - Just something to go off of. (I will be creating a general map as we progress through out the RP with markers for where places are)

Income - Add in a brief title for Occupation and generally how much he pulls in a month or year if you could. (I can provide a link to a website for Pound Value during this period if needed.)

Residence Part 2 - You have nothing listed under his residence in the items section. Do you want to keep that completely vacant come the start of the RP or did you want some ideas to place in there?

Anything else - You are missing one bit that needs to be added - it's in the rules section. You hit one, missed the other.

Color - That might need a change, will just depend on who else joins the Rp and what they use to read the forum. (It may end up being too dark for them to be able to read without highlighting. If it ends up I can change out the code for you if it is an issue.)

Relations - Okay with the family members in the History, remember you will need to have a basic relations filled in for them on the relation sheet before we begin. (Nothing you have to worry about now mind you but it will come into play so you might want to go ahead and think on how close or estranged you want them to be currently. You will be able to pull them into play later on as your personal NPC's.)

Other than that, should be good. Will do a final review once I put the OOC up (Will need the CS posted there in the OOC once it is created for official final review.) Have any questions just hit me up. We have some others working on sheets as well, hopefully I will have Milli's up tomorrow sometime with her beginning relations to help give people some ideas.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Okay peeps - We have a couple of others that are working on Cs's - so I will probably move this over to an official OOC tomorrow or Weds. Milli's Cs is complete, it is in my facades topic for now until we get the actual RP up but if you want to check it - roleplayerguild.com/posts/4051116 - there you go. I will finish up her relations later tonight or tomorrow for her family. Anyone working on Cs's feel free to drop me a Pm if you want to work out something to where Milli would know your character in the meantime.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GummyCat
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GummyCat The Cutest of the Chewiest

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Lady Amalthea
I've been cooking up a character sheet with a definite idea in mind, but the only things that's hard for me to comprehend is the class system which would be good for a normal character. The question I have pertains to my character having a commonly unsavory occupation (to be blunt I'm making a Prostitute but high end... lol) that has been successful to obtain patrons from the upper classes like Gentry and Upper Middle Class.

Being paid well enough to achieve a status of wealth and respectively influence as well to increase in power to dig themselves out of the bottom of the barrel. In this scenario, would I put their social class as 'Lower Class' as dictated by their occupation or from their combination of respective wealth, reputation, and influence to be more or less 'Upper Middle Class'. (I doubt my character's reputation would allow them any further into the Gentry Class or daresay- Peer Class).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@GummyCat Now, are you wanting to go with a well earning prostitute? Or a courtesan? Or even higher, Geisha? Depending on nationality and other things, would be able to better fit a class for them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by GummyCat
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GummyCat The Cutest of the Chewiest

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Lady Amalthea
Hmmm, I was pretty railroaded with my character starting from being a lowly prostitute to becoming a well-earning one. However, I did have aspects of them being a courtesan as they essentially 'evolved' with their clientele, as not everything had to be lewd activities at their current station now (things like providing companionship and similar things that are being paid for instead of sex alone). So, for all purposes I would indeed call my character a 'courtesan' as they had refined themselves to catch better fish outside of the 'normal' requests.

With the wealth they earned from their better clients, my character would develop themselves by taking private lessons (as they were too poor for education initially), learning etiquette for the upper classes (to interact with peers and gentry class people), and things like that. Both to improve themselves as an accomplishment and for the added benefits of being more sophisticated
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@GummyCat Well we could start with them being considered lower class as far as the cs goes but having them have some funds and refinement if you wish. Then through the course of the rp working up higher and perhaps even obtaining what is known during that time period as a sponsor (a single person that provides for them: housing, funds, etc) to elevate to a kept mistress; after perhaps obtaining courtesan status. Which would end them up being upper middle class. We can start where ever on the class line you wish (from upper middle class and down) - just depends on how much you want to take place before the rp starts and such.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GummyCat
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GummyCat The Cutest of the Chewiest

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Lady Amalthea
Okay, everything sounds reasonable and its great to have your feedback! I'll develop upon these ideas, as I plan to start off with my character being much more refined but have a suitable background/history to reflect their past. So, I'll just be incorporating everything into this character in the meantime! Thanks again for the response :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@GummyCat Sure thing, what I'm here for. ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Working on my character now. :) Just putting it out here that I'm using Bella Heathcote as my faceclaim for Lady Virginia Crypt.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mnkee
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mnkee *Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Lady Amalthea I'm just letting you know that I am slowly working on a male character. He is a soldier in the social class of peer, specifically a baron. I am working on it intermittently in between school work. :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@mnkee Sounds good to me ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

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