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Houndmaster Hoyt (@Paraffin)
Cyril Tabard (@chiru)
Thomas Aldane (@DrunkasaurusRex)
Desmark Zepertes (@Blubaron45)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blubaron45
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Blubaron45 The Musical Mathmagician

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Desmark Zepertes / Male / 22

Desmark is fortunate enough to possess his father's rough looks on him as he is often regarded as having a good poker-face. A-top his head, is a thick set of brown and dusty nestled to complement his ragged appearance. He is of medium height along with long and hooked nose of his household along with board facial features. His eyes are dark blue, often regarded as a piercing blue and crystal-like color. Desmark overall has fair skin and looks intelligent as he is in actuality.

Though he has a poker face, Desmark could easily be described as an obsessive-compulsive, and a very stubborn one at that as he becomes easily angered when things don't go the way he wishes to. Many may say this is due to his upbringing as a privileged noble, though he himself believes he gets it from his mother. Many of his impulsive behaviors are often things he regrets as he reflects on afterward, though he learns from his mistakes quite easily. His demeanor also often also comes across as boastful, making him unlikable by many, though that is not his intention. Desmark is a man who can easily come off as 'smarter-than-thou' due to being a young medical practitioner, though can often back up what he says. Seeing death however has made him fear losing the life of those who he becomes fond of and tries his best to save lives. He is also witty and at times, quite humorous though only rarely as well as quiet and reserved, although not entirely submissive. Desmark also lives by a code, and often has trouble breaking his own rules though has learned to pass his limits at times.

Born as Desmark of the noble house of Zepertes, son of Gretyr, this charming young lad was born into the fortunate turn of events as a nobleman and like many of his forefathers and relatives who lived before him, he was predisposed to a life of easy simplicity, or so he thought. Though born privilege, he could not say he had a life of ease for he was born to a stubborn and hardened father who like many good fathers, challenged him to a life of becoming a hardened and soon-to-be honorable man, waiting to make a name for himself. Though he was the eighth-born son, his father encouraged him to take initiate himself in a intuitive manner despite knowing he could not own the lands of his older brothers. One young and eager boy, who was often told the tales of great knights and warriors who participated in the many battles during his father's time, could've easily conditioned themselves to live a life of soldiery and rigorous training, Desmark focused his attention on becoming a scholar.

Though training quite as often as many pages his age, often catering to knights they had admired and aspired to be, Desmark would usually spend his time buried underneath his books, studying anatomy and often reading about the 'Old World', as many authors refer to it as. It was a world Desmark often mesmerized of, one world of a great technological renaissance, where many historians often romanticized though never truly knew of. It was never a great knight or warrior Desmark wished to become, but an intellectual as the many he once read of in the old world and the ones who lived during the time after the events which destroyed it. He never quite caught in interest in swordsmanship though he has some experience in the field due to growing up as of a noble household who at his youth, was trained to become a knight at the time prior to choosing his career in the medical field.

And so, at the age of thirteen, just having received his title of being a 'squire', Desmark, under the supervision and approval of his father, moved away from home and boarded himself at the University, where his formal training in medicine would begin. The University was not quite was he expected, being rather small and conservative, not quite what he expected from what he read about in his youthful days. Though being quite a few years younger than most, many scholars noted him for being rather intelligent, far ahead of those his age and often beyond, though he was still a boy and not often taken seriously. This was something Desmark had to deal with as he grew to show his competence in this meritocracy and thus name a small name for himself as a young man, destined to be a great contributor in the intellectual world.

It was at age twenty where the University granted him his credentials to consider himself a competent doctor and although he had traveled to many places, he had still not known the real world. It is in these two years that Desmark decided to travel outside of the intellectual world he had grown accustomed to, in the pursuit of wisdom and experience, awaiting what life had to offer him before making a name for himself as a doctor. Desmark hopes to complete his life goals, as he always dreamt of in his youth.

Ever since Desmark was young, he always had aspired to make a name for himself despite being the eighth born son of his noble family household, destined for nothing but soldiery, priesthood, or an academic. After choosing the life of an academic intellectual, ready to pick the ripped fruits of knowledge to help the world. Desmark chooses to live the life of a scholarly and philosophical intellectual, enriched with wisdom and experience - though he has quite a long way to go.



  • One handed sword.
  • One blue-painted shield.
  • One sturdy Longbow.
  • Thirty arrows.
  • One long dagger strapped to his belt.
  • Three hidden knives: One he keeps in his boot, one he keeps in his shirt, and another hidden in his left sleeve.


  • Light boiled leather armor.
  • Light brown and green clothing.
  • Basic cape and hood.


  • A sturdy, medium-sized backpack.
  • Basic Medical tools.
  • Herbs and medicine to perform basic surgery.
  • Four medical books.
  • Small pickaxe.
  • Food to last a few days.

Medic - You can perform basic first-aid to a certain degree of skill. +2
Doctor - You have extensive experience in more advanced medical operations. +3
Scholar - You are an expert in some "scientific" field. +3
Intelligent - You are naturally smart. +2
Learned - You are literate and have a relatively advanced education, in comparison to the common man. +2
Ranged Weapons - You are skilled in the operation of bows, crossbows, or perhaps even javelins or slings. +2
Light Armors - You are comfortable in leather, chain and scale armors. +1
Observant - You are better at noticing traps, as well as your enemies' weaknesses. +1

Clumsy - You are a klutz. -1
Myopic - You have bad eyesight. -1
Abrasive - You are rude, and generally disliked for it. -1
Skittish - You frighten easily, and have trouble keeping your cool in stressful situations.-2
Hot-Headed - It is sometimes difficult for you to think clearly. -2
Slow - You cannot move quickly. -2
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