Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Good show Vilageidiotx! Looking folward to next time.

This was my first time spectating these games. How long have you been doing this? You're quite good at commentary.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Good show Vilageidiotx! Looking folward to next time.

This was my first time spectating these games. How long have you been doing this? You're quite good at commentary.

Aaron started doin them here about this time last year. He did them at first, then I did one and people liked it so we started alternating in the summer, then he got bored of them in the fall and I started doing them.

Imma drop a bunch of links on you know because imma really want them in a couple of weeks and there is nothing easier than just being able to go back to the last thread and grab them. So listed below is the Spam Hunger Games Anthology.

This is the first two games Aaron did. HaleytheRandom won the first and Chapatrap won the second.

This is the third one done by Aaron. Phantom of the Opera won.

The Election Year Games was the first one I did, and the first one with a hard theme. Mr Rogers won.

Aaron's next run was the History themed games, which marked the first time custom events were added. Not So Rare Trump Pepe won.

My second was the Fourth of July games, which is the first time all of the events were customized. Betty White won.

Aaron then did the Summer Games. Clocktower Echoes won.

Next I did the Halloween Games. Shoryu Magami won, despite having been legitimately mad he was added in the first place.

On top of that there are three others. This all sorta started when Aaron did a Hunger Games in the OOC of our RP using our RP characters, making the Precipice Games sorta the first one, just not the first Spam one, so I am not counting its winner as a champion. The other two were false starts. First, Foxes took a whack at doing some games, but he wasn't used to how awkward the BrantSteele website is and he lost it all, so we never got close to the finish. The last weird one was when Aaron started a Back to School games in September, in which he collected the tributes but never actually started the Games, making an even falser start.

So that's the long and short of it. I'm collecting this list because the next games will involve those eight official winners, plus forty people collected the normal way except for some stricter rules (probably something like they either had to have appeared twice in previous games, or they have to be a person closely associated with 2016).
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 7 days ago

I think what made me stop doing them was when I went to do the Back to School version and wanted to do what Vilage did on the one before mine: delete all the old events and replace them with theme-fitting ones. When I went to go do that I discovered a whole world of tedium so I just sorta didn't do it. At that point I retreated from the games and let Vilage take over.

Off-forum I do operate these on an irregular basis, often using existing game formats and just adding in more and more events to make an even larger clusterfuck. And I've tried to replace every single vanilla event, but I usually get tired and stop mid-way and resume my old patterns of just adding new content based on who is participating on if I know who or what the characters are. I can readily add whatever event I want for historical person, pony, politics, and a handful of movies or other shit I only seem to care about; but I don't have a readily accessible pool of knowledge for anime so I tend to just look at the images provided and write something based on that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Good thing no one tributed Mario, he has a lot of experience with killing Bowser
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think what made me stop doing them was when I went to do the Back to School version and wanted to do what Vilage did on the one before mine: delete all the old events and replace them with theme-fitting ones. When I went to go do that I discovered a whole world of tedium so I just sorta didn't do it.

Yeh, it's absolutely like pulling teeth for several hours. Something masochistic about me taking something like Hunger Games, which normally only takes about an hour to do, and adding a four or five hour chore to it. But we just kept having holidays I thought would be great with nothing but custom events so I kept doing that to myself.

I think imma just add events on top of the defaults for the New Years Games, since it makes sense to have the classics make an appearance. There isn't really any cool holidays the first half of the year so, assuming I keep doing these, I'm probably not going to do complete rewrites. The only holiday with enough going on with it would be Valentines Day, so maybe February would be worth a rewrite. I dunno. But the others? What happens in January? Martin Luther King Day? And what else is there until the Fourth? Easter? What the fuck you do with Easter?

The way I think i'll do new years one is i'll add 2016 events on top of the default, and i'll let people go back and pick out favorite events from the old games if they want (History, Fourth of July, Summer, Halloween, and Christmas had custom).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 1 hr ago

HAHAHA, oh Shoryu. I take it you won't be adding that particular champion to the champion's games? I'm actually surprised so many of the winners were RPG users.

This has actually inspired me to run the same thing on a private forum. I'm thinking about copying all the vanilla ones and making a template so that I can switch things up easier. Entering them in one at a time is a bother, but it's worth it I think.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

HAHAHA, oh Shoryu. I take it you won't be adding that particular champion to the champion's games?

We'll just make "CENSORED" the name.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@ArenaSnow How about REDACTED?

I understand CENSORED, but doesn't REDACTED sound more like someone who survived the hunger games?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

HAHAHA, oh Shoryu. I take it you won't be adding that particular champion to the champion's games? I'm actually surprised so many of the winners were RPG users.

I dunno how to do it actually. I guess I could always ask him.

Also, more were RPG users because the first games were mostly for RPG users. I think it was the third games where Aaron also allowed fictional characters?

This has actually inspired me to run the same thing on a private forum. I'm thinking about copying all the vanilla ones and making a template so that I can switch things up easier. Entering them in one at a time is a bother, but it's worth it I think.

This is what I do.

Back when I did the Fourth of July Games, I copied all the defaults onto notepad files, one for each section (day, night, day-fatal, night fatal, etc) and rewrote them. Now when I go to do some games, I copy the Fourth of July rewrites, paste them in another folder for the new Hunger Games, and rewrite those. Then I go to the website, delete all the default events and enter in the rewritten ones one by one. It's the fatal events that suck, because for each one you need to specify who dies and who kills. The non-fatal events are easy since you only have to specify how many people are in them.

That takes four or five hours. Now, I'm a lazy motherfucker, so I am not sitting there all focused while entering them, I usually watch movies or TV on my second screen, so some of that four or five hours is me being distracted. Either way, complete rewrites are some work and it'll probably be a few months before I do one again.

When you do that you better fucking save the website too. That's what foxes had trouble with. When you save the website, you have to copy the new save code or there is a good goddamn chance you'll lose everything. So when I am done doing whatever on the website, I copy the save code url and replace my bookmark link with it. That's important because if you don't do that you'll lose everything easily enough.

After that, you add your people and you are good to go. Adding people is easy as fuck too. Bing is actually better for image searches than google btw, since you can specify the shape of the images and you want them square. That's largely why I don't use most people's images they submit - I want me a square image if possible.

Then after that I run the games until I find a glitch in what I wrote, like I forgot to kill somebody (keep a notepad file in the background making sure the kills line up with what is reported for this reason), or the most common for me, I forget to designate a number of people for a non-fatal event and it defaults to one. If I have a glitch I go back and fix it, then I start the games over by opening edit characters and then quickly saving it. I'll keep running through the games until I reach the end with no glitches, and the one I end is the one I keep.

Then it's all about print-screening them bit by bit into paint files and save them numbered 1 to whatever. Usually there is only about 35 or so, though this time the games ran sorta long and we ended up with 50ish images.

That's the how-it's-made anyway, if any of that is useful for your attempts.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

@ArenaSnow How about REDACTED?

I understand CENSORED, but doesn't REDACTED sound more like someone who survived the hunger games?

Sure :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 7 days ago

I think while this is here I'll come out and say I'm considering running some more of these here at some point. Presently I'm planning a sort of two-site games. Meaning I'll post a thread here, and another thread elsewhere. You and them will share half the districts and it'll play off as not only an internal conflict, but a conflict with the other community.

I may or may not accept non-player candidates as filler. I'll need to run a census on who has contributed before deciding on this. If I know I'm going to run a deficit then I will. If I'm confident I can fill it just on users alone, then I won't take non-user candidates.

The worry now is if I do it too soon I contribute to burn out here. I'ts been a while on the other site so I know they'll leap. I'll have to speak with Vilage for scheduling purposes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@ArenaSnow Yay! The robot agrees with me! Maybe he won't stomp on me should we both enter as tributes?

@Vilageidiotx Thanks a lot for this! I'll tell you how it goes.

By the way, I watch quite a bit of anime. Not so much anymore, but I fall in and out of it. The game I'm working on will have RP and anime themed events. So if you ever want to trade events down the road, I'd be happy to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Fucking Bower, I knew his bara dad bod would be the end of everyone
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

@ArenaSnow Yay! The robot agrees with me! Maybe he won't stomp on me should we both enter as tributes?

We'll see. >.>
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