Power. To some, this was their greatest desire. An ambition, an aspiration, waiting to be fulfilled. To others, this, and its desire was one of the very roots of all evil. A temptation worthy of aversion. Many, still, were yet to care about such matters.
Is humanity, in a sinful state, deserving of more?
Halfway through the 21st century.
Not anyone, even the brightest intellectuals man ever had, could explain the news of a Russian boy who suddenly found himself able to willingly manipulate light. And none could furthermore explain the sudden emergence of more similarly inconceivable powers everywhere on the globe: magic, ESP, shapeshifting, and myriads more. It all happened so fast; millions were already capable of such fantastical abilities in the span of one day since the first news. And it all happened so fast, governments were unable to catch up on making legislation.
Jump in to a few days later. A fourth of the population is already empowered. Nearly all nations still struggle with conceptualizing the idea of regulating those endowed with this mysterious phenomenon. Only a few were able to begin processing legislation; some cruel, some humane.
But it already didn't take long for opportunistic do-no-gooders to begin their very own questionable experiments with this gift; a deranged psychic, having been exceptionally powered further ahead, began laying waste to a section of the city before disappearing to escape, justice failing to deliver. Then many followed suit: pyrokinetic arsonists began immolating towns, ferrokinetics twisting structures and crushing people within, and hypnotizers enslaving many for their own whims. In such a short time, all had escalated to pandemonium.
Some had apparently "noble" causes, believing that the end they sought to see justified the means. Others were just batshit insane, satisfying their own urges of megalomania. Yet even stranger, some might have their minds altered by the acquisition of their powers. But as many of them wrought devastation, many in turn become compelled to begin carrying out justice and bring an end to this crisis.
Thus begins the typical war of heroes and villains. Yet, the crisis even raged further since, and many say the involvement of the vigilant had escalated the situation to the scale of a world war. And true enough, the ensuing massive battles had resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions within the year, and still counting.
Even further, creatures of summoners' conceptions, with their masters dying, fail to vanish. Instead, they begin living on their own, even quickly evolving and reproducing by themselves and, to make matters worse, joining in the chaos.
Bands of "villains" have controlled nations. Barbaric creatures have begun coveting conquest. The rest of the states try to fend for themselves, both from outside and from within.
And as humanity further continues its exploitation, the world begins to change as well. Extraordinary disasters, brought on from environmental collateral damage, rage throughout the fields.
And yet everything behind this all remains a mystery.
Armageddon has come. As humanity were given the chance to rise, they in turn shatter themselves.

The city-state of Mundin remains at relative peace, fifteen years since the beginning.
As one of the few territories that have enforced their own regulatory laws early on before chaos could even take grip, Mundin's empowered populace are trained to be orderly and responsible in handling their own power as per curriculum requirements. This does not necessarily mean all are soldiers, for its purpose is simply to lead people away from power-tripping; protecting Mundin from threats outside and within is the job of the Mundin Defensive Unit and the Police Unit.
And while it is perhaps the most peaceful spot on Earth at the moment, this peace still remains fragile; some will still take the opportunity to unleash havoc, but obviously risking a very, very likely chance of arrest. Outsiders regularly seek to intrude upon the nigh-impregnable defenses of Mundin to much failure, but fears loom that the city-state will eventually face a daunting ordeal soon...
You may be a migrant or a native resident. You might be simply living within the confines of the city, or you may have committed yourself to the service of defending Mundin. One thing is for certain, however: keep yourself vigilant, if you wish this city to last.
Suggestions for further information are welcome on the IntChk. I will add them accordingly to the OOC once things have taken off.