Margaret Vergilia
Age: 26Gender: Female.Race/Nationality: Irish-born, with Roman lineages. Weak accent.
5'8", 166 lb, slender physique. Heterochromic, with one blue eye and one normally green eye, the latter changing color upon her power's influence. Her very light blonde hair covers that green eye, and shines an almost white color under certain lights. Typically wears in either neutral color schemes, very regal clothing or military uniform.
In this world full of sorcerers, heathens, god-maniacs and skeptics, she is perhaps one of the very, very few to worship God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, let alone any god or godly spirit. Even while the Vatican is now all but a tiny institution, Margaret herself remains firmly rooted in her Catholic faith, and still puts much of its devotional principles into practice. As such, Margaret can often be seen contemplating on the mysteries of the Rosary in the morning, suddenly stopping to pray exactly at noon and 6 in the evening, fervently praying when encountered with adversary, and carrying devotional scapulars, prayer leaflets and relics of saints. Her continuous faith can be attributed to an incredible coincidence of her family's deep religious traditions and the holy-like nature of her power, and even her family continues to hide any trace of their newfound irreligion should she contact them.
Consequently enough, this deep devotion has also compelled her to gain some notorious traits of the typical zealous Middle Ages crusader. In particular, Margaret often believes herself to have the right to damn anyone to Hell, and most especially condemns Novodeans, GAUs, and, to much hypocrisy, self-righteous people. Margaret believes the rise of humanity's power as God's test on whoever is virtuous enough to use God's gift wisely and gain right to Heaven, and whoever is wicked enough to use God's gift for nefarious intentions and earn damnation. Among Margaret's list of what constitutes as virtue is the fervency to purge whatever she deems as sin... which would in turn spell quite some trouble in this age.
In general, Margaret is very disdainful to the brash, but kind to the gentle. She, in turn, is gentle-natured most of the time, but thinks highly about herself and can come off as arrogant occasionally. Margaret, though, is willing to rend her abilities, especially the
Spirit, in servicing people for the better.
Besides religion, Margaret has actually quite a knack for games both video and board (though not really good with the former), drinking, and dining to the point of gluttony (while surprisingly staying fit). It seems much of her morals are simply quite focused on the issue of superhumanity and is willing to let it be loose, if not totally absent, when it comes to other aspects.
DivinityA luminous form of magic that comes in three forms, altogether making Margaret angel-like in power. She has named the forms after the aspects of the Holy Trinity:
The Power of the Father - Simply referred to as the
Father, the energy of Divinity is conjured into forms able to hurt and kill. The
Father can damage anything that lives with extra effectiveness against any creature of a summoned background (except intelligents), but is not capable of doing damage to nonliving things.
The Wisdom of the Son - Simply referred to as the
Son. Luminous wings made out of Divinity and capable of flight and shielding.
The Love of the Holy Spirit - Simply referred to as the
Holy Spirit or
Spirit. Performs the exact opposite purpose of the
Father: to heal. Rends wounds at a very quick rate, but may not be able to resurrect one that has sustained an injury severe enough to deliver quick or instant death.
All three abilities derive from the same energy pool. Should one ability sustain overuse, other abilities may be rendered unusable upon the depletion of Divinity. One can read how exhausted her reserves are by her heterochromic green left eye: increased use reddens it, and turns black as her energies go less and less.
Born within the more Catholic confines of Ireland, Margaret was raised by a wealthy family whose faith was rather empty; despite a large collection of religious icons and even relics of saints, most of them simply didn't have the motivation to attend regular Masses nor take any prayer seriously. This was Margaret, too; the girl used not to have a care in anything.
Around 11, however, Margaret suddenly started heading to a life of "sainthood". From a simple fascination with icons and relics, it all then spiraled into full-blown devotion, something so sudden her parents started thinking what the hell has gone wrong.
Cue hell breaking loose.
Concerns grew even deeper. What if Margaret was to become one of those maniacs on the news? Her family had already began packing their bags in case she did prove herself to be one. And when they finally saw her floating around the rooms, bearing wings of light, it was then decided that it was high time they got the hell out of here.
Just as they were about to leave, however, a crazed telekinetic decided it would be fun to join on the rampage, starting with the Vergilias. When they were then cornered and as her father had just sustained a blow to his shoulder with a rock, Margaret raced quickly out of the house, struck the attacker in the face with a beam of light, and fixed his father's shoulder in a snap.
Though some of the rest of the family acquired their powers, Margaret was still best suited to guide her family while they roamed around, before settling on Mundin months later. This proved to be a wise choice; the city-state would later become one of the few remaining safe havens of the world, and for the rest of the years the Vergilias would then live in peace without a care in the world... while Margaret had her own duties to pursue, as a soldier of the Defense Unit and "most importantly, as a soldier of God".
Adept at memorization, and knows the entirety of the Catholic Pastoral Editon Bible, all known Catholic prayers, and the encyclicals of St. John Paul II. Strong-willed and motivated. Fluent in Latin and English.
Regularly keeps with herself scapulars, a Rosary and a Miraculous Medal, along with money, IDs and other necessities.
Has tons of religious icons and relics of saints in her home. Mostly retrieved from her old home, but some new ones are in there as well.
Margaret is stationed at the long-range defense placements on the coast facing Britain.
Prefers wines, but will still occasionally take beer.
Very much loves steaks. Dislikes fruits, but likes leafy greens.