Power. To some, this was their greatest desire. An ambition, an aspiration, waiting to be fulfilled. To others, this, and its desire was one of the very roots of all evil. A temptation worthy of aversion. Many, still, were yet to care about such matters.
Is humanity, in a sinful state, deserving of more?

Is humanity, in a sinful state, deserving of more?

The Evening Looms
Since All Has Risen
The Story Behind All
Halfway through the 21st century.
Not anyone, even the brightest intellectuals man ever had, could explain the news of a Russian boy who suddenly found himself able to willingly manipulate light. And none could furthermore explain the sudden emergence of more similarly inconceivable powers everywhere on the globe: magic, ESP, shapeshifting, and myriads more. It all happened so fast; millions were already capable of such fantastical abilities in the span of one day since the first news. And it all happened so fast, governments were unable to catch up on making legislation.
Jump in to a few days later. A fourth of the population is already empowered. Nearly all nations still struggle with conceptualizing the idea of regulating those endowed with this mysterious phenomenon. Only a few were able to begin processing legislation; some cruel, some humane.
But it already didn't take long for opportunistic do-no-gooders to begin their very own questionable experiments with this gift; a deranged psychic, having been exceptionally powered further ahead, began laying waste to a section of the city before disappearing to escape, justice failing to deliver. Then many followed suit: pyrokinetic arsonists began immolating towns, ferrokinetics twisting structures and crushing people within, and hypnotizers enslaving many for their own whims. In such a short time, all had escalated to pandemonium.
Some had apparently "noble" causes, believing that the end they sought to see justified the means. Others were just batshit insane, satisfying their own urges of megalomania. Yet even stranger, some might have their minds altered by the acquisition of their powers. But as many of them wrought devastation, many in turn become compelled to begin carrying out justice and bring an end to this crisis.
Thus begins the typical war of heroes and villains. Yet, the crisis even raged further since, and many say the involvement of the vigilant had escalated the situation to the scale of a world war. And true enough, the ensuing massive battles had resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions within the year, and still counting.
Even further, creatures of summoners' conceptions, with their masters dying, fail to vanish. Instead, they begin living on their own, even quickly evolving and reproducing by themselves and, to make matters worse, joining in the chaos. Some special summons, with nearly the same likeness as, and just as capable of sapience as humans have also wandered around the globe in search for new purposes.
Bands of "villains" have controlled nations. Barbaric creatures have begun coveting conquest. The rest of the states try to fend for themselves, both from outside and from within.
And as humanity further continues its exploitation, the world begins to change as well. Extraordinary disasters, brought on from environmental collateral damage, rage throughout the fields.
And yet everything behind this all remains a mystery.
Armageddon has come. As humanity were given the chance to rise, they in turn shatter themselves.

The city-state of Mundin remains at relative peace, fifteen years later.
As one of the few territories that have enforced their own regulatory laws early on before chaos could even take grip, Mundin's empowered populace are trained to be orderly and responsible in handling their own power as per curriculum requirements. This does not necessarily mean all are soldiers, for its purpose is simply to lead people away from power-tripping; protecting Mundin from threats outside and within is the job of the Mundin Defensive Unit and the Police Unit.
And while it is perhaps the most peaceful spot on Earth at the moment, this peace still remains fragile; some will still take the opportunity to unleash havoc, but obviously risking a very, very likely chance of arrest. Outsiders regularly seek to intrude upon the nigh-impregnable defenses of Mundin to much failure, but fears loom that the city-state will eventually face a daunting ordeal soon...
You may be a migrant or a native resident. You might be simply living within the confines of the city, or you may have committed yourself to the service of defending Mundin. One thing is for certain, however: keep yourself vigilant, if you wish this city to last.
Today, the city-state celebrates its 35th year since its foundation. Thousands gather in St. Jeanne Plaza as festivities take place...
Not anyone, even the brightest intellectuals man ever had, could explain the news of a Russian boy who suddenly found himself able to willingly manipulate light. And none could furthermore explain the sudden emergence of more similarly inconceivable powers everywhere on the globe: magic, ESP, shapeshifting, and myriads more. It all happened so fast; millions were already capable of such fantastical abilities in the span of one day since the first news. And it all happened so fast, governments were unable to catch up on making legislation.
Jump in to a few days later. A fourth of the population is already empowered. Nearly all nations still struggle with conceptualizing the idea of regulating those endowed with this mysterious phenomenon. Only a few were able to begin processing legislation; some cruel, some humane.
But it already didn't take long for opportunistic do-no-gooders to begin their very own questionable experiments with this gift; a deranged psychic, having been exceptionally powered further ahead, began laying waste to a section of the city before disappearing to escape, justice failing to deliver. Then many followed suit: pyrokinetic arsonists began immolating towns, ferrokinetics twisting structures and crushing people within, and hypnotizers enslaving many for their own whims. In such a short time, all had escalated to pandemonium.
Some had apparently "noble" causes, believing that the end they sought to see justified the means. Others were just batshit insane, satisfying their own urges of megalomania. Yet even stranger, some might have their minds altered by the acquisition of their powers. But as many of them wrought devastation, many in turn become compelled to begin carrying out justice and bring an end to this crisis.
Thus begins the typical war of heroes and villains. Yet, the crisis even raged further since, and many say the involvement of the vigilant had escalated the situation to the scale of a world war. And true enough, the ensuing massive battles had resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions within the year, and still counting.
Even further, creatures of summoners' conceptions, with their masters dying, fail to vanish. Instead, they begin living on their own, even quickly evolving and reproducing by themselves and, to make matters worse, joining in the chaos. Some special summons, with nearly the same likeness as, and just as capable of sapience as humans have also wandered around the globe in search for new purposes.
Bands of "villains" have controlled nations. Barbaric creatures have begun coveting conquest. The rest of the states try to fend for themselves, both from outside and from within.
And as humanity further continues its exploitation, the world begins to change as well. Extraordinary disasters, brought on from environmental collateral damage, rage throughout the fields.
And yet everything behind this all remains a mystery.
Armageddon has come. As humanity were given the chance to rise, they in turn shatter themselves.

The city-state of Mundin remains at relative peace, fifteen years later.
As one of the few territories that have enforced their own regulatory laws early on before chaos could even take grip, Mundin's empowered populace are trained to be orderly and responsible in handling their own power as per curriculum requirements. This does not necessarily mean all are soldiers, for its purpose is simply to lead people away from power-tripping; protecting Mundin from threats outside and within is the job of the Mundin Defensive Unit and the Police Unit.
And while it is perhaps the most peaceful spot on Earth at the moment, this peace still remains fragile; some will still take the opportunity to unleash havoc, but obviously risking a very, very likely chance of arrest. Outsiders regularly seek to intrude upon the nigh-impregnable defenses of Mundin to much failure, but fears loom that the city-state will eventually face a daunting ordeal soon...
You may be a migrant or a native resident. You might be simply living within the confines of the city, or you may have committed yourself to the service of defending Mundin. One thing is for certain, however: keep yourself vigilant, if you wish this city to last.
Today, the city-state celebrates its 35th year since its foundation. Thousands gather in St. Jeanne Plaza as festivities take place...
World Information
Although no official, general term has been coined yet for those able to access any unusual power, much of the population have taken to calling them either "the gifted", "Homo sapiens arcanus", "New Age Humans", "supernaturals", "the empowered" "Praedons", "Merveilles", and many others, depending on one's location. The last three are most commonly used terminologies within Mundin. Regardless of any term used, it can be agreed upon that they have a higher place in most societies, and that being the lowly, powerless human typically earns stigma, a stark contrast from the situation years ago.
Powers span a massive spectrum of abilities; some typical, some strange. They range from espers that typically arm themselves with any -kinesis and -pathy, magicians that use some sort of poorly-understood energy to do anything within their capability including summoning any creature within one's imagination and limits and crafting mystical items, shapeshifters that are capable of altering their forms to any creature known or unknown, and much more.
The nature of magic/ESP/whatever in this RP is very much still a mystery, but very much for the sake of keeping players free to be creative with their powers as much as they can. Of course, powers of a ridiculous extent would be still questionable for use in the roleplay. The upper boundary for abilities in a sheet is also comparatively greater than most roleplays, but standards are still to be followed in order to prevent godmodding festivals.
There are only two things for certain here: if one started off with weaker powers, training themselves to acquire more power would be easier than those that started off quite strong. Of course, having no powers at all to start with means you can't really do much. Secondly, abilities are hereditary and may follow either the typical dominant-recessive process or incomplete dominance (i.e. mixture).
Powers span a massive spectrum of abilities; some typical, some strange. They range from espers that typically arm themselves with any -kinesis and -pathy, magicians that use some sort of poorly-understood energy to do anything within their capability including summoning any creature within one's imagination and limits and crafting mystical items, shapeshifters that are capable of altering their forms to any creature known or unknown, and much more.
The nature of magic/ESP/whatever in this RP is very much still a mystery, but very much for the sake of keeping players free to be creative with their powers as much as they can. Of course, powers of a ridiculous extent would be still questionable for use in the roleplay. The upper boundary for abilities in a sheet is also comparatively greater than most roleplays, but standards are still to be followed in order to prevent godmodding festivals.
There are only two things for certain here: if one started off with weaker powers, training themselves to acquire more power would be easier than those that started off quite strong. Of course, having no powers at all to start with means you can't really do much. Secondly, abilities are hereditary and may follow either the typical dominant-recessive process or incomplete dominance (i.e. mixture).
A unitary, multiparty, parliamentary republic not unlike Singapore, Mundin is a self-governing city-state that sits on an artificial island located on the mouth of the English Channel's Strait of Dover. It was originally founded thirty-five years ago as a joint land reclamation project between France and England, then becoming autonomous territories split between the two due to tensions that followed shortly afterward, before finally attaining independence as itself due to even further differences and conflicts. Mundin was one of the first to pass legislations and employ empowered people as a means of enforcing regulation since that unfortunate year, thanks to a delay in chaos to allow the laws to take place.
Mundin is mainly European in culture, and its native inhabitants speak a blend of French and English, which had somehow led it to being called a Little Canada. This term has negative connotations, however, since Canada had then become a territory of an empire of oppressive magicians, psychics and other villains originating from the United States. Further immigration, tracing from even before the power uprising, led to large Asian communities settling within its districts, and today it's not unusual to see plenty of Japanese, Koreans, Chinese and such roaming around.
Residents are subject to strict disciplinary training during their education, which especially focuses on the right conduct on use of one's powers. Mundin bans public and/or destructive display of powers with the exceptions of self defense or as obliged by their work, slapping heavy sanctions on those that dare do so. In the case of outsiders coming in, they are heavily scrutinized and assessed psychologically, and if they are intend to become residents, they must attend orientations lasting up to a week, along with other legal processes to become an official citizen of Mundin.
Mundin is geographically closer to France and mainland Europe. That side tends to have massive walls intended to deter invaders and prevent easy access, while the England-facing side is fortified with artillery towers of both conventional and magical in nature intended to drive away sea threats. Mundin's southern areas are mainly composed of highly urbanized districts, while everywhere else are suburban and park areas. The most notable locations are the Parliament Building in downtown south, the St. Jeanne Plaza just beside it, the Elizabeth Park a few blocks nearby, the walls far south, the artillery emplacements up north, the Dover Market District with its famous towers nearby, the main Mundin Defense Unit and Mundin Police Unit academies within, and many prestigious academies and universities, also within the district and nearby.
Mundin is mainly European in culture, and its native inhabitants speak a blend of French and English, which had somehow led it to being called a Little Canada. This term has negative connotations, however, since Canada had then become a territory of an empire of oppressive magicians, psychics and other villains originating from the United States. Further immigration, tracing from even before the power uprising, led to large Asian communities settling within its districts, and today it's not unusual to see plenty of Japanese, Koreans, Chinese and such roaming around.
Residents are subject to strict disciplinary training during their education, which especially focuses on the right conduct on use of one's powers. Mundin bans public and/or destructive display of powers with the exceptions of self defense or as obliged by their work, slapping heavy sanctions on those that dare do so. In the case of outsiders coming in, they are heavily scrutinized and assessed psychologically, and if they are intend to become residents, they must attend orientations lasting up to a week, along with other legal processes to become an official citizen of Mundin.
Mundin is geographically closer to France and mainland Europe. That side tends to have massive walls intended to deter invaders and prevent easy access, while the England-facing side is fortified with artillery towers of both conventional and magical in nature intended to drive away sea threats. Mundin's southern areas are mainly composed of highly urbanized districts, while everywhere else are suburban and park areas. The most notable locations are the Parliament Building in downtown south, the St. Jeanne Plaza just beside it, the Elizabeth Park a few blocks nearby, the walls far south, the artillery emplacements up north, the Dover Market District with its famous towers nearby, the main Mundin Defense Unit and Mundin Police Unit academies within, and many prestigious academies and universities, also within the district and nearby.
It's not surprising that the world has developed some significant technological advancements, obviously stemming from the story's future setting. From this, it can be concluded that holographic interfaces, advanced transportation, advanced habitation, improved communication and other commonly perceptions of the future are commonplace. There had also been lunar colonies developed since, but communications were mysteriously lost some time after the uprising.
But it's also interesting to note that people were also able to integrate their newfound powers into these developments. The resulting technologies then seem from years or even a few centuries ahead. Versatile magicians and espers are often found constructing and powering massive vessels, structures and other contraptions. Telepathics often play positions as communication workers, with the assistance of special tools designed by enchanted crafters.
And more often than not, most of these also find use as devastating instruments of war. Flying, magic-powered, and occasionally massive craft are often found ravaging ranks of opponents in wars.
But it's also interesting to note that people were also able to integrate their newfound powers into these developments. The resulting technologies then seem from years or even a few centuries ahead. Versatile magicians and espers are often found constructing and powering massive vessels, structures and other contraptions. Telepathics often play positions as communication workers, with the assistance of special tools designed by enchanted crafters.
And more often than not, most of these also find use as devastating instruments of war. Flying, magic-powered, and occasionally massive craft are often found ravaging ranks of opponents in wars.
Since summoners have come and gone, some of their creatures managed to have the will to persist beyond their death and live their own lives. Some of them are docile (or have become so) and simply roam around as additions to the ecosystem, with many even becoming domesticated and serving as household pets, although raising them for personal consumption is still widely regarded as taboo.
Some creatures, however, have become nasty plagues upon mankind. Monsters lurk within the wilderness, among abandoned urban landscapes, and beneath the ocean. Those that dare wander and stumble within their territories face great dangers. Occasionally, monsters will even attack cities and other human settlements, with poorly-defended towns often becoming simply just another breeding ground. Dragons, death worms, and other creatures of human imagination roam these parts.
More powerful mages, however, have managed to even create intelligent life in the likeness of their kind. These summons are as capable of emotion, rational thought and the like as their creators. They rarely reproduce, making them rather few in number as of the moment, but it has been noted that some of them are able to even bear children with a regular human, and even pass down their special traits as well. Humanoid summons are just as ostracized as bestial summons in many cultures, but not for Mundin where they are free to blend in with society.
Some creatures, however, have become nasty plagues upon mankind. Monsters lurk within the wilderness, among abandoned urban landscapes, and beneath the ocean. Those that dare wander and stumble within their territories face great dangers. Occasionally, monsters will even attack cities and other human settlements, with poorly-defended towns often becoming simply just another breeding ground. Dragons, death worms, and other creatures of human imagination roam these parts.
More powerful mages, however, have managed to even create intelligent life in the likeness of their kind. These summons are as capable of emotion, rational thought and the like as their creators. They rarely reproduce, making them rather few in number as of the moment, but it has been noted that some of them are able to even bear children with a regular human, and even pass down their special traits as well. Humanoid summons are just as ostracized as bestial summons in many cultures, but not for Mundin where they are free to blend in with society.
Within Mundin, including interactions
-Mundin is celebrating its 35th founding anniversary.
-Much of northern mainland Europe is anarchic.
-Southwestern and far western European nations struggle against the forces of the Novodean Union to the east.
-Great Britain still struggles to keep itself stable as maniacs and rebels wreak havoc. This has caused enough difficulty to temporarily cease trade with Mundin for the moment.
-Japan also struggles as it faces attacks from rampaging creatures, but still manages to do well.
-Northern North America, which includes northern United States and nearly all of Canada, is controlled by the oppressive Great Arcane Union.
-GAU is also threatening to attack Great Britain.
-South of GAU, all of Australia, and parts of Africa and China are anarchic and creature-infested.
-Beijing still is in control of a small portion of its former territories, struggling against threats all around.
-The rest of the nations still survive, but are faring poorly against threats.
-Both the GAU (Great Arcane Union) and the NU (Novodean Union) are nations seeking to conquer and bring under their rule anyone in their way. They are both often seen as oppressive and tyrannical, being ruthless in their efforts of conquest and expansion.
-The GAU is ruled by their Grand Council, a council of 10 powerful mages that reign with an iron fist over their subjects. As said earlier, they span much of the north of North America, which includes most of the United States and Canada.
-The NU, on the other hand, is a one-man dictatorship led by a mysterious, powerful man whose name, face and extent of power we do not know. The only widely accepted descriptions of him are that he speaks with a faint Russian accent and that he has been known to "possess control of a wide variety of energies". The NU spans most of eastern Europe, including Poland, parts of Russia, east Germany, Greece, Romania, parts of Turkey, and countless other small countries between.
-Mundin is celebrating its 35th founding anniversary.
-Much of northern mainland Europe is anarchic.
-Southwestern and far western European nations struggle against the forces of the Novodean Union to the east.
-Great Britain still struggles to keep itself stable as maniacs and rebels wreak havoc. This has caused enough difficulty to temporarily cease trade with Mundin for the moment.
-Japan also struggles as it faces attacks from rampaging creatures, but still manages to do well.
-Northern North America, which includes northern United States and nearly all of Canada, is controlled by the oppressive Great Arcane Union.
-GAU is also threatening to attack Great Britain.
-South of GAU, all of Australia, and parts of Africa and China are anarchic and creature-infested.
-Beijing still is in control of a small portion of its former territories, struggling against threats all around.
-The rest of the nations still survive, but are faring poorly against threats.
-Both the GAU (Great Arcane Union) and the NU (Novodean Union) are nations seeking to conquer and bring under their rule anyone in their way. They are both often seen as oppressive and tyrannical, being ruthless in their efforts of conquest and expansion.
-The GAU is ruled by their Grand Council, a council of 10 powerful mages that reign with an iron fist over their subjects. As said earlier, they span much of the north of North America, which includes most of the United States and Canada.
-The NU, on the other hand, is a one-man dictatorship led by a mysterious, powerful man whose name, face and extent of power we do not know. The only widely accepted descriptions of him are that he speaks with a faint Russian accent and that he has been known to "possess control of a wide variety of energies". The NU spans most of eastern Europe, including Poland, parts of Russia, east Germany, Greece, Romania, parts of Turkey, and countless other small countries between.
Technical Information
1. Standard Guild rules, yadda yadda.
2. Basic RP common sense, blah blah. (I will slap you in the face if you still don't know these, unless you are actually new to RPing, in which case, I will still slap you in the face to emphasize my point while I sermonize to you about the dangers of godmodding, powergaming and metagaming.) (I still give further attention to the fact that the power limits are elevated here, but if you're just being absurd, then I'll bitch-slap you in the face.) (Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.)
3. Basic SPaG. Regardless of wherever you come from, if your text is a jumbled, unreadable mess then I'll ask you pay more attention to your English class. (If your curriculum doesn't teach English, complain to your superintendent.) I don't really demand any specific length, as long as it fits Casual standards.
4. Devotion is needed here. Consider if you'll last before you join. If matters force you to withdraw, however, do announce. Please.
5. Expect somewhat unusual, if not outright weird shit. If you have some similarly interesting ideas, feel free to suggest.
6. If the story is halted to a standstill due to inactivity, I'll be taking actions to keep it moving forward. This will occasionally include some undesirable events, which also includes killing off characters.
7. In matters of dispute, I, and any co-GM I appoint, shall have the final say. I could allow further disputes to that, but being whiny about it will not help you.
8. Characters may range from age 15 to 50, given that this is neither a school RP (well, not primarily) nor a retirement home RP. Additionally, one can have two characters at a time, though this is subject to change depending on how desperate are we to keep the story going.
9. Honor the Lᴏʀᴅ your God. Love your wife and your family. Stay strong.
2. Basic RP common sense, blah blah. (I will slap you in the face if you still don't know these, unless you are actually new to RPing, in which case, I will still slap you in the face to emphasize my point while I sermonize to you about the dangers of godmodding, powergaming and metagaming.) (I still give further attention to the fact that the power limits are elevated here, but if you're just being absurd, then I'll bitch-slap you in the face.) (Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.)
3. Basic SPaG. Regardless of wherever you come from, if your text is a jumbled, unreadable mess then I'll ask you pay more attention to your English class. (If your curriculum doesn't teach English, complain to your superintendent.) I don't really demand any specific length, as long as it fits Casual standards.
4. Devotion is needed here. Consider if you'll last before you join. If matters force you to withdraw, however, do announce. Please.
5. Expect somewhat unusual, if not outright weird shit. If you have some similarly interesting ideas, feel free to suggest.
6. If the story is halted to a standstill due to inactivity, I'll be taking actions to keep it moving forward. This will occasionally include some undesirable events, which also includes killing off characters.
7. In matters of dispute, I, and any co-GM I appoint, shall have the final say. I could allow further disputes to that, but being whiny about it will not help you.
8. Characters may range from age 15 to 50, given that this is neither a school RP (well, not primarily) nor a retirement home RP. Additionally, one can have two characters at a time, though this is subject to change depending on how desperate are we to keep the story going.
9. Honor the Lᴏʀᴅ your God. Love your wife and your family. Stay strong.
Feel free to deviate in format, as long as all vital elements included within are kept.
Name: self explanatory.
Age: self explanatory.
Gender: self explanatory.
Race/Nationality: Should a nationality be absent, as in the case of humanoid summons, simply input as "Summon" and, if you wish, add a specific name for their species they are based on (e.g. demonlike summons are labeled as "demons").
Appearance: Pictures work well, but descriptions (or both) work just fine, too.
Personality: Straight to the point.
Abilities: self explanatory.
Biography: Be as creative as you want with this. You could chronicle everything, or leave things vague.
Specialties: Any other talent besides being able to bend a spoon with your own mind belongs here.
Equipment: Optional. If your character carries around stuff, special or not, all the time, you might want to add this.
Other: Anything else that doesn't fit above.
Name: self explanatory.
Age: self explanatory.
Gender: self explanatory.
Race/Nationality: Should a nationality be absent, as in the case of humanoid summons, simply input as "Summon" and, if you wish, add a specific name for their species they are based on (e.g. demonlike summons are labeled as "demons").
Appearance: Pictures work well, but descriptions (or both) work just fine, too.
Personality: Straight to the point.
Abilities: self explanatory.
Biography: Be as creative as you want with this. You could chronicle everything, or leave things vague.
Specialties: Any other talent besides being able to bend a spoon with your own mind belongs here.
Equipment: Optional. If your character carries around stuff, special or not, all the time, you might want to add this.
Other: Anything else that doesn't fit above.
There's not much to say, actually, other than this being kind of based off a non-Guild RP back in my early roleplaying days. There are also quite some derivations here that I can't really bother to remember, but this is mostly an original conception. For the most part, however, any resemblances to any Guild RP, living or dead, or any other work, are simply coincidental.
Some people have also found hints of Shinsekai Yori vibes within, namely its backstory. I don't know what the hell it is, but it sure looks neat.
-make fancy schmancy header images
-outline more distant plot points
-implement more details i've overlooked
There's not much to say, actually, other than this being kind of based off a non-Guild RP back in my early roleplaying days. There are also quite some derivations here that I can't really bother to remember, but this is mostly an original conception. For the most part, however, any resemblances to any Guild RP, living or dead, or any other work, are simply coincidental.
Some people have also found hints of Shinsekai Yori vibes within, namely its backstory. I don't know what the hell it is, but it sure looks neat.
-make fancy schmancy header images
-outline more distant plot points
-implement more details i've overlooked