“You see, despite the harsh winter, these two fish have survived. Why do you think that is?”
“Because they represent the balance of summer and winter. One day, summer comes again. And will have peace.”
“Peace breeds war.”
“Perhaps. We have seen peace turn to war, and war turning to peace. It's a cycle, you think?”
“Yes, and that is okay. War is our purpose. Without war, shinobi would not exist. Asura and Indra themselves represent it. Even brothers cannot cope with peace for too long.”
- Mawari speaking to her lover Katso, precisely ten years ago.
Osuushi Senhime - @Ryoryoryoken
Eiichiro Kishimoto - @Hillan
Uchiha Kaido - @Hillan
Mawari was preoccupied in the Hokage's office - which was outfitted with a desk, comfortable chair, three less-comfortable chairs in front of the desk, and some other equipment like filing cabinets and the sorts. The Hokage herself was sitting in her chair, leaning over with her arms on the desk as she was writing up some names and details, preparing the reorganization of the military structure. The Second had done a good job, but she felt like she could still improve on the efficiency of the teams.
Strangely enough, the Second had applied for a sensei position, which was uncommon for a retired hokage. Never the less.. she didn't feel like she could've denied him. Despite his short comings due to his wounds, he would be a fine sensei. Even if he wasn't quite the same powerful man she knew once. She made sure to pool him up with some recent graduates, to make sure his legacy would at least be spread to those shinobi that were still susceptible to teaching. Despite their differences in philosophy, she wanted to make sure he was capable of delivering the messages he wanted to deliver.
Another sensei would have to be Osuushi Senhime. A foreigner, like so many others. But unlike the other foreigners, Senhime felt more like she belonged. Perhaps it was because they were of similar age and she could relate to Senhime more, but she felt like Senhime was a true embodiment of the Konohagakure Will of Fire. She had made sure to pick people that she thought would accentuate her fighting style, as Senhime was rather peculiar about how she fought. A Kekkei Tota.. something that Mawari was quite jealous of, even though she herself wasn't lacking in power either.
The third sensei was Uchiha Kaido. He was her prime rival during the elections for Hokage, which made her sort of wary of his sudden request to teach some lead squads. But his skill couldn't be denied, so she felt it was well deserved for him to become a commander. Besides.. she wouldn't dare anger the Hyuga and Uchiha. Especially not after she claimed some of the Uchiha and Hyuga compounds to build additional schoolrooms for the academy. They did not really like that, it seemed.
And finally, she herself would be leading a team as well. Team Konoha she had dubbed it, as the team featured members of the two most prominent, and founding clans. The Hyuga and the Sarutobi clan, paired with the Hokage. It was quite the political statement, and whatever anger she might've caused when she claimed some of the Hyuga lands, she was sure they would have forgiven her when she made this team. As for the students themselves.. she didn't care for them too much. For now, they were tools in her toolbox. She'd have to see if any of them were capable, to decide if she wanted to stick around them or not.
Two knocks woke her from her thoughts, and she looked up to find a Konohagakure jonin in her office. “What is it?” she asked, looking at the man as he dropped off some files on her desk.
“Just the printed team files you asked for, Hokage-sama.”
“Okay. Then, do me a favor and fetch the three jonin for me. That'd be Osuushi Senhime, Uchiha Kaido, and the Second Hokage.”
The man nodded and bowed, before disappearing out of the room through the doorway. She simply leaned back and slid her hands behind her head, resting for a bit and thinking about what she wanted to tell the jonin. After about a minute of thought, she leaned forwards and looked over the printed files again, preparing to hand them off. During the duration of her looking at the files, all three jonin would arrive, more or less on time, and she'd point them all to the chairs in front of the desk when she heard them enter.
“Thank you all for your time, Second, Kaido, Senhime,” she started, making a neat pile of the four dossiers in front of her. She looked over the three jonin, before she stood up, the chair under her sliding back slightly. She leaned on the desk with both her hands, leaning forwards slightly, exposing her busty assets.
“We will start from the top. The first dossier I have here is ah.. hm. Kaido.” She grabbed the dossier and handed it off to him, extending her arm forwards towards him, but not far enough for him to lazily lean back and grab it. He'd have to move forwards slightly.
“You will find my additional details, comments and ideas in the dossier. You'll be leading, what I have dubbed, 'Team Trouble'. I believe you will find they suit you quite well. Please, teach them something about discipline and respect, if you see the chance.”
With that handed off, she looked at the next files, which were meant for Team Kishimoto. She grabbed the dossier, which was quite thick, and handed it off to the Second hokage. She wondered if he felt bad that she had restyled his office. It was a lot more sober now, it felt like. “Kishimoto-sama, you will be leading three genin. They are fresh, but I expect you to teach them harshly all the same. You will find the details on 'Team Generation' in there.”
“And, finally, Senhime's team. Your team, I have dubbed 'Team Wildcard' because I wasn't quite sure what to expect from them. They are .. shinobi, within their own right. But you might just have the most confusing team. I'll.. leave the actual team name up to you.”
She slowly sat back down after handing the dossier to Senhime, her breasts bouncing up and down a bit as she sat, crossing her legs like a lady. She put her fingers to her chin and thought about her own team for a moment. She seemed to be deep in thought for a second or so before she snapped out of it and slowly looked in the direction of the three jonin, her eyelids half closed as if she was tired of the meeting already.
“I have some other news too. I have decided to teach my own team - for now. Besides a shortage of jonin, I also wanted to gain some insight into the work of a jonin, so that I can better help you with adequate policies and team efficiency. So, I have here my own dossier. A copy of every dossier is in the filing cabinets, so if you want to see the contents of the other teams, like mine, feel free to look later. For my team, you just need to find 'Team Konoha'.”
“So, unless there are any more questions, you should all leave my office and leave me to my work. I suggest you go find your team and meet them, draw your own conclusions. See what they're made of. Take them out to dinner. I don't care - just leave me alone.”