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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 1 day ago

“You see, despite the harsh winter, these two fish have survived. Why do you think that is?”
“Because they represent the balance of summer and winter. One day, summer comes again. And will have peace.”
“Peace breeds war.”
“Perhaps. We have seen peace turn to war, and war turning to peace. It's a cycle, you think?”
“Yes, and that is okay. War is our purpose. Without war, shinobi would not exist. Asura and Indra themselves represent it. Even brothers cannot cope with peace for too long.”
- Mawari speaking to her lover Katso, precisely ten years ago.

Osuushi Senhime - @Ryoryoryoken
Eiichiro Kishimoto - @Hillan
Uchiha Kaido - @Hillan


Mawari was preoccupied in the Hokage's office - which was outfitted with a desk, comfortable chair, three less-comfortable chairs in front of the desk, and some other equipment like filing cabinets and the sorts. The Hokage herself was sitting in her chair, leaning over with her arms on the desk as she was writing up some names and details, preparing the reorganization of the military structure. The Second had done a good job, but she felt like she could still improve on the efficiency of the teams.

Strangely enough, the Second had applied for a sensei position, which was uncommon for a retired hokage. Never the less.. she didn't feel like she could've denied him. Despite his short comings due to his wounds, he would be a fine sensei. Even if he wasn't quite the same powerful man she knew once. She made sure to pool him up with some recent graduates, to make sure his legacy would at least be spread to those shinobi that were still susceptible to teaching. Despite their differences in philosophy, she wanted to make sure he was capable of delivering the messages he wanted to deliver.

Another sensei would have to be Osuushi Senhime. A foreigner, like so many others. But unlike the other foreigners, Senhime felt more like she belonged. Perhaps it was because they were of similar age and she could relate to Senhime more, but she felt like Senhime was a true embodiment of the Konohagakure Will of Fire. She had made sure to pick people that she thought would accentuate her fighting style, as Senhime was rather peculiar about how she fought. A Kekkei Tota.. something that Mawari was quite jealous of, even though she herself wasn't lacking in power either.

The third sensei was Uchiha Kaido. He was her prime rival during the elections for Hokage, which made her sort of wary of his sudden request to teach some lead squads. But his skill couldn't be denied, so she felt it was well deserved for him to become a commander. Besides.. she wouldn't dare anger the Hyuga and Uchiha. Especially not after she claimed some of the Uchiha and Hyuga compounds to build additional schoolrooms for the academy. They did not really like that, it seemed.

And finally, she herself would be leading a team as well. Team Konoha she had dubbed it, as the team featured members of the two most prominent, and founding clans. The Hyuga and the Sarutobi clan, paired with the Hokage. It was quite the political statement, and whatever anger she might've caused when she claimed some of the Hyuga lands, she was sure they would have forgiven her when she made this team. As for the students themselves.. she didn't care for them too much. For now, they were tools in her toolbox. She'd have to see if any of them were capable, to decide if she wanted to stick around them or not.


Two knocks woke her from her thoughts, and she looked up to find a Konohagakure jonin in her office. “What is it?” she asked, looking at the man as he dropped off some files on her desk.

“Just the printed team files you asked for, Hokage-sama.”

“Okay. Then, do me a favor and fetch the three jonin for me. That'd be Osuushi Senhime, Uchiha Kaido, and the Second Hokage.”

The man nodded and bowed, before disappearing out of the room through the doorway. She simply leaned back and slid her hands behind her head, resting for a bit and thinking about what she wanted to tell the jonin. After about a minute of thought, she leaned forwards and looked over the printed files again, preparing to hand them off. During the duration of her looking at the files, all three jonin would arrive, more or less on time, and she'd point them all to the chairs in front of the desk when she heard them enter.

“Thank you all for your time, Second, Kaido, Senhime,” she started, making a neat pile of the four dossiers in front of her. She looked over the three jonin, before she stood up, the chair under her sliding back slightly. She leaned on the desk with both her hands, leaning forwards slightly, exposing her busty assets.

“We will start from the top. The first dossier I have here is ah.. hm. Kaido.” She grabbed the dossier and handed it off to him, extending her arm forwards towards him, but not far enough for him to lazily lean back and grab it. He'd have to move forwards slightly.

“You will find my additional details, comments and ideas in the dossier. You'll be leading, what I have dubbed, 'Team Trouble'. I believe you will find they suit you quite well. Please, teach them something about discipline and respect, if you see the chance.”

With that handed off, she looked at the next files, which were meant for Team Kishimoto. She grabbed the dossier, which was quite thick, and handed it off to the Second hokage. She wondered if he felt bad that she had restyled his office. It was a lot more sober now, it felt like. “Kishimoto-sama, you will be leading three genin. They are fresh, but I expect you to teach them harshly all the same. You will find the details on 'Team Generation' in there.”

“And, finally, Senhime's team. Your team, I have dubbed 'Team Wildcard' because I wasn't quite sure what to expect from them. They are .. shinobi, within their own right. But you might just have the most confusing team. I'll.. leave the actual team name up to you.”

She slowly sat back down after handing the dossier to Senhime, her breasts bouncing up and down a bit as she sat, crossing her legs like a lady. She put her fingers to her chin and thought about her own team for a moment. She seemed to be deep in thought for a second or so before she snapped out of it and slowly looked in the direction of the three jonin, her eyelids half closed as if she was tired of the meeting already.

“I have some other news too. I have decided to teach my own team - for now. Besides a shortage of jonin, I also wanted to gain some insight into the work of a jonin, so that I can better help you with adequate policies and team efficiency. So, I have here my own dossier. A copy of every dossier is in the filing cabinets, so if you want to see the contents of the other teams, like mine, feel free to look later. For my team, you just need to find 'Team Konoha'.”

“So, unless there are any more questions, you should all leave my office and leave me to my work. I suggest you go find your team and meet them, draw your own conclusions. See what they're made of. Take them out to dinner. I don't care - just leave me alone.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Tenshi Uchiha

Standing in the bathroom of his house, is the young genin known as Tenshi Uchiha. Standing there with his eyes closed with the basic tiger hand seal in front of a mirror. "Come on, today is the day I get my Sharingan..." Tenshi focusing his chakra at no real direct, he quickly opens his eyes and yells at himself, "Sharingan!" He stands there staring at his hazel eyes expecting something to happen, but there was no change. "Oh come on! I am a genin now, I should have the Sharingan now."

Tenshi was trying to awaken the Sharingan, the bloodline trait of the leaf village's Uchiha clan. The Kekkei Genkai pasted down to each member born within the clan by blood. Tenshi was still a bit young but he was still trying to unlock the trait that makes the Uchiha stand out.

He stands there and lets out a sigh, giving up on awakening the Sharingan for the time being. Tenshi knows it will come when he is ready for it, at least that is what his father told him. Tenshi hated having to wait but he had no choice in this circumstance. He opens leaves the bathroom and looks around his house. His father was out most likely at the academy teaching he was guessing. Walking over to his couch he grabs his bag then opens it. The only things inside are his two chakrams, 'Note to self, get some standard gear.' Quickly zipping up the bag and throwing it over his shoulder. Walking out about to leave Tenshi grabs his money pouch then leaves. He locks the door and starts walking outside the Uchiha Compound.

Tenshi walks about the village, 'Which will it be today, Barbecue or Ramen...' Tenshi ended up deciding on going to the Ramen shop. He walks into the shop then sets down at the counter then says cheerfully, "One bowl of Ramen please!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hitori Nagasaki

The wind was dead and the sun was just beginning to set. The bright green field made the dummy easy to see from their distance. Hitori pulled the string back with confidence. He closed his left eye and took a deep breath. This shot was going to hit it's mark, it was one of the most important shots of his life. Years of training has put him to this, no one could beat him. No one. He released his breath and released his finger's grasp on the string. The arrow flew with great speed, arching down slightly from where he aimed, just like he wanted. With a loud tick the arrow sat in it's target, right on the Bulls-eye. With a smile and a little jump, Hitori turned around and pointed at his brother in short lived superiority. "Take that! There is no way you could beat that sh-". Before he could finish his boast, a arrow flew right above his head, causing him to drop down to his knees.

His Brother's arrow cut right through his placed arrow, sending it into splinters. Then another split that one and then another. "You were saying Hit?" his Brother said with a smug smile. Hitori just sat there in shock, his jaw dropped and eyes widened after seeing his Brother's performance. After a few seconds of feeling like a newborn, Hitori got up on his feet and shook his head in self disgrace. "Why do I even try...". They both stood in an awkward silence for a a moment before it was replaced by Brotherly laughter.

Hitori messed with his little brother's hair and began to push him in his wheelchair. He honestly expected nothing less, It was just sad he could barely walk. "Alright you won the bet, again... So Ramen? or Dumplings?". "Ramen!!!" His brother joyfully replied with his hand up in the air. Hit has lost at least thirty meals to his terrible betting, but seeing his Brother's smile was worth the loss. To him it was really a gain.

It didn't take long until they reached the Ramen shop, maybe a few of his Shinobi brethren were around.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ria Uchiha

Gazing upon clear as the day itself. Ria is in deep thought while skin dipping in the hot springs. "One day soon I'll..." It's been a while since the last Chuunin exams, she is newly promoted as a Chuunin, she'll be facing tad amount of responsibility but for what? What is a Shinobi? What is a Village? What is a dream? All she could think but an assurance is given that it should be taken one step at a time. Little by little, she'll achieve it and put content into her heart.

Afterwards, she get dressed and style her hair in many ways possible yet every single one of them failed. "Gosh, I wish I have longer hair!" She frowned and keep it the way it usually was. She sports her usual outfit; black pants, ninja boots, black singlet and her beige/sandy color Uchiha jacket with the clan symbol behind it, she wears her headband around her kneck.

She look toward north which is the Uchiha Compound and look Northeast which is the Konoha Military Police Force. Obviously, her mother would be doing paperwork right now and clearly tending to rule breakers and sentencing them to prison. Ria continously walk and decided to spend her breakfast in the Ramen Shop.

"Ramen, Onigiri, Gyoza, Sushi, Tonkotsu....?" She can't decide on what order to take. "Spicy Beef Ramen please." For an Uchiha, Ria is polite and addresses those low and high with honor, she sat next to a young boy in blue "And give me red tea as well, thank you." She said to the Ramen Guy.

While waiting, she tend to her new and improved dual blades, she recently purchased it. Clearly, the Daisho Habaki was from her father, it was old but it served purpose during the chuunin exam and it broke but it served her the honor to be promoted as Chuunin. Two old man caught her attention, one is wearing red and the other is wearing blue and so she uses her sharingan to watch how the old men play shogi. Ria is able to predict the probability on who would get a win or lose, it's all based on how their muscles move. This is what she does while waiting. "Old Man in the Red would probably win."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Tenshi Uchiha

@Masaki Haruna

'More people are showing up, at least I won't be eating alone I guess.' were the thoughts that were going through. Quickly realizing he never really gave an order, "I'd like some pork ramen." Tenshi noticing the girl who came in and ordering she was watching to old men playing shogi. He never fully understood the game of shogi, maybe he was too young for the game or he didn't have the kind of mind to play such a game.

"Old Man in the Red would probably win.", hearing this Tenshi begun to watch the shogi game as well. Something about this girl was all too familiar, 'Do I know her? I swear I saw her somewhere...' Tenshi glances over away from the shogi game and noticed the eyes of this dark-haired girl. The Sharingan, that would mean she was an Uchiha or at least that is the conclusion that Tenshi came to. It was a simple conclusion as he has never seen anyone outside his clan with those eyes.

He looks down at his blue and tan outlined coat, he looked at the little Uchiha emblem he had hanging from one of his buttons on his coat. No wonder he recognized her they were in the same clan. He wasn't sure who she was by name but he recognized her, maybe seeing her in the Uchiha compound one time or another.

Tenshi comments on what Ria comment on the shogi game, "I don't know, maybe he will win. I wouldn't know where to begin with shogi. All I know it takes strategy and a lot of thinking." Then he figured he would introduce himself, "I'm Tenshi, nice to meet you." He says that to Ria with a smile enjoying meeting others people.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Dio Hyuga

Training Field

Four men of eerily similar continence stood before one another in the silence of a glade, the soundless void harkening to the tension in the air. Each watched one another with unbiased contempt, their snow-white eyes unforgiving, always watching and constantly waiting. A light breeze touched the leaves and they danced in the spring air, twisting and twirling until a single, bright green leaf touched down ever so gently in the center.

In that frozen second between stand off and settling leaf, temples bulged from a single ninja’s eyes, setting everything in motion. Gripping a Kunai tightly, Dio narrowed his activated eyes as three clones sprinted towards him, their stance low to the ground. With his Byakugan, he could observe the little chakra that shaped the clones’ bodies; doppelgangers were inadequate sparing partners, but he would have to make due. With the flick of his wrist, his Kunai leapt from his grasp, sinking deep into a clone’s chest, causing it transform back into water.

A second clone attempted to bite him with a left hook, but with elite speed he leaned back on the balls of his feet, allowing the fist to sail past him before throwing a quick, precise thrust of his right palm into the clones’ gut, forcibly inserting his chakra and dispatching it. Before he could breath, he ducked low, a roundhouse kick brushed over the top of his head, nothing escaped his vision. Twisting his torso, he swept the leg of clone and shoved two fingers into its ribs, inserting a burst of chakra before releasing another from the palm of his right hand, liquefying the last clone.

Letting out a long since held breath, Dio deactivating his Byakugan and rose from his crouching position. Sparing never fled far from his mind, as each and every moment of his free time was spent training to better himself, to better the Hyuga; as was such, the Training Ground became his “home away from home” when he wasn’t out on a mission.

While many may have found that unusual, Dio’s pragmatic ideologies and values, while finding truth in their opinions, simply did not care. While he lacked the motivation to become Hokage or unify the Leaf, he found himself addicted to mastering and evolving the techniques pounded into his psyche as a child. As is such, he found himself where he was today, a chūnin on a team with the Villages greatest and strongest Ninja, Mōri Mawari, also known as Lady Hokage.

Producing a white rag from his jacket pocket, he wiped what little sweat dribbled on his forehead. Many had their own opinions about Team Konoha; it was the coming together of Konohagakure’s head clans, a peace offering, a display of dominance. To Dio, it meant little. While the opportunity to train with the Hokage sounded splendid, he found himself doubting Lady Mawari’s ability to lead a Team and a village at the same time. Only time would tell if she was up to the task, reining in the Sarutobi would be no easy feat, especially since their willpower was a confounded nuisance. A small smirk danced its way onto his face; the Hyuga’s prodigious hubris was no different.

As was such, he next plan of action was return to the Branch Home, which meant dealing with the ramblings of his father against the Hokage’s forward advances. Fortunatly, the idea of meeting with the Hokage herself posed itself as a viable option and Dio stuck with it, making headway for the Hokage Residence.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ria Uchiha

The old man in red eventually won the game. For all old people's game sake, the loser pays up the winner, what a way to put a game into a form of gambling. Ria sighed because she was correct. Of course the very inch of his muscle is preempted to ensure victory, the sharingan could predict movements and visualize it even before its execution but wait' there's more. The tables have turned and the old man in blue pulled a win and unexpectedly defeated the old man in red, the King fell.

Suddenly, a young boy from the Uchiha engages conversation with her. He looks familiar too, as a matter of fact, every Uchiha boys look the same. Younger ones tend to have spiky and long hair, older ones step it up a notch, you can't tell if they are old because they look young and you would only see them visibly age on their 50's. It's in the family's genes to look youthful, who knew!

As the blue won, the red fell. Ria smirked and loved that she's proven wrong. Her sharingan is deactivated because it would be impolite to talk to a young boy of the clan while having it on. As per Uchiha customs, Rule # 1 Don't ever have your sharingan active when having a conversation, this applies to meetings as well. It is a form of disrespect because it can result to many mischief.

She greeted him with open arms. "I'm Ria, nice to meet you cousin." Cousin, literally coming from the same clan but not really closely related. Ria as per her friendly self. "Pardon me for having my sharingan active. It's a rule among our clan. Eh, I see I'm not the only one who loves this place. Thanks! Most of our clan, no offense thinks that this place is for kids and cheap because it's not off the hook. But I love it here, don't you too?" Her usual monotonous tone changed, Ria is now lady-like, showing more girl behavior. Her smile shows a big heart too.

Even though she's trying hard to be in the girl territory, she's oblivious to the fact that she's too up close to the young Uchiha. Not to mention, taller than him. She stands because of excitement that a fellow clan member likes the Ramen Bar. With the up closeness, it's as if there's no space and it might end up into a kiss. Realizing this, she distance herself a bit. "Hehehe sorry about that, I got too excited!" What are you thinking Ria? The boy is too innocent and with that body and looks of yours, you're gonna end up corrupting his mind. @BladeSS4
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RyoRyoRyoken
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RyoRyoRyoken Lewdlord

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Osuushi, Senhime

Million Threads
@Hillan @Buddha

As Senhime had come to expect from Mawari, the meeting was rather brief. All the better for maximizing the time she could get in with familiarizing herself with the squad from day one. "Team Wildcard, huh? Ara ara~. Sounds like an interesting bunch." the horned kunoichi thought, looking over the list of names as the Hokage dismissed the three jounin. Grabbing the Shurakumo, Senhime gave a bow to the Hokage and her fellow jounin, having decided to make her exit first. "Well, then, I'm going to go on ahead. Eichiro-san, Kaido-kun. Good luck with your teams~. Oh, and you too, Mawa~." she chimed, waving at the three before exiting the room. If any one of them had anything to say about how she addressed them, she certainly didn't stick around long enough to hear it, having made her way back out onto the streets of Konoha in short order.

"Ara ara~. Two Uchiha? I hope they can get along with the Nagasaki boy." Senhime muttered as she looked over the team roster once again. Hitori's apparent lack of talent in some of the finer points of the ninja arts would be a challenge to overcome, but Senhime was certain that she'd be able to bring the boy up to par. If it was an issue of chakra control, she was just about the best person for the job. "Ara ara, I'm getting too excited. Maybe I should let Jo-sensei know before I go look for them?" Senhime pondered. The silver-haired chef would doubtless be nonplussed by the news, being unconnected with shinobi affairs, but perhaps it'd be a good way to share her feelings on leading a new squad. With that goal in mind, Senhime set off to the bizarrely convenient location of the Ryugamine Ramen.

The Ryugamine Ramen was arguably one of the most popular places to eat in Konoha. Good food, good atmosphere, and fairly reasonable prices if you weren't trying to get too fancy. As a pair of youngsters entered the establishment, the bespectacled gaze of the eatery's owner drifted over to them. From the looks of both of them, they appeared to be Uchiha. Not exactly a common sight in the Ryugamine establishment, but common enough here and around town that the chef knew one when he saw one? Brother and sister? As far as he was concerned, it didn't exactly matter. Simple miso ramen. Spicy beef ramen. Nodding his head, Ryugamine Josuke, better known by most as the "Ramen Guy", set about making their orders. The two occupied themselves with a fairly meaningless discussion about shogi, slowly transferring into some spiel about the etiquette of their clan's trademark weirdo eye nonsense.

Josuke scoffed at the intimation that anybody in the Uchiha clan would know a good restaurant, much less a good bowl of ramen, even staring at one with their funky eye bullshit. The two's orders were prepared swiftly, and Josuke promptly set their bowls down in front of them, lingering for a moment to observe the two raven-haired greenhorns. Taking particular not of the girl's paired blades, Josuke gave a barely audible "Tch." before returning to his work, taking the orders of the next few customers.

"Oh, is that...?" Senhime mused, spying a young man pushing another boy along in a wheelchair. While she hadn't spoken to either of the young boys personally before, she could put together the name with the face of Nagasaki Hitori from the prior chunin exams. Especially since the boy seemed to scrape by bby the skin of his teeth. "Excuse me, Nagasaki-kun?" she called approaching the chunin with an air of friendliness. "You happen to be just the boy I'm looking for~. I'm Osuushi Senhime, and I'll be your new squad leader for the foreseeable future." she greeted, giving the boy a respectful bow. "Come, come~. Let's have a bowl of ramen together. I'll even buy one for your brother too." she chimed, giving the wheelchair-bound boy a wave before heading into the Ryugamine.

"Jo-senseiiii~." Senhime cooed, slinking up to the counter and propping the Shurakumo up against it as she leaned over, her breasts squishing against the countertop in her unintentionally sultry position. The sharp silver eyes of the ramen chef darted over to the horned kunoichi and he shook his head. "I distinctly remember telling you not to call me 'Sensei'. I don't wanna give these people the wrong idea. And get those things off the counter before some weirdo tries to use it as their personal sniffing post." Josuke growled, prompting Senhime to stand up a little more straight.

"Ara ara~. Aggressive as always, I see. Anyway, I was going to come in just to tell you I've been appointed as a squad leader, but I saw one of my subordinates on the way and figured I'd grab a bowl of ramen with them." Senhime explained, earning a curt nod from the gruff chef. There were precious few people that interacted with the Ryugamine Ramen's owner in such a casual way, and the number could be counted on one hand. Unintimidated by the former samurai's perpetual glare, Senhime casually ordered herself a tonkotsu ramen with some extra eggs. "I should probably make this quick. I've still got to find the other two, after all. It looks like I've been saddled with a pair of Uchiha to boot." she mentions. At the sound of this information, Josuke's eyes once again drift over to the pair that had entered earlier, although he doesn't deign to say anything about it before tightening the long hachimaki tied around his head and working on the new orders.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 11 mos ago


Kei had been up since early morning. Not in excitement like some, but out of sheer habit. An early morning hunt was no longer the necessity it once was. Instead Kei and his father, Haya, had been lightly sparring with wooden swords. Kei’s was a short blade, roughly 40 centimetres, while his father’s was a traditional double edged longsword. There was a slight bit of paint on the bladed edge of each wooden sword. Kei was on the back foot, as usual, but parrying confidently as he retreated, Haya graciously not using the Tonbo bloodline as a handicap for Kei.

“You’re far too used to using your shuriken, Kei. If you keep retreating like this you’ll never regain the momentum” as Haya pointed out he seemed to realise what Kei was doing and a look of concentration appeared on his face, his blade altering its trajectory mid swing to parry the three small stones aimed at his head before stabbing towards the ground, blocking Kei’s wooden blade just before it ‘disembowelled’ him.

“I win, dad. You had to use Jūjun'na karada to block~♪” the lazy grin on his face was deceptively childish when Kei knew full well that if he hadn’t used the stones he would have had paint stains on his shirt within another three moves, five at the most.

“You do realise that this entire sparring session was supposed to be a means of improving your swordplay, correct? What’s the point if you’re going to simply fall back on your bad habits? Oh well. That’s your teacher’s problem now. No playing dead when you’re with your team, understand? No stopping your heart and no skin breathing.” Haya’s own smile was more wry than lazy, but the family resemblance was uncanny. Ruffling Kei’s hair Haya sighed before sending Kei off.

“Now get dressed and go grab a meal before you go find your Jonin master, okay?” With that Kei was dashing off into his room and getting out of the white training outfit, grinning how he didn’t have to get it washed today. Pulling on his clothes he was so glad that he didn’t need those dumb shoes with no toes. What’s the point of them? Twigs and stuff keep on getting in there and it’s an easy spot for someone to stomp. Why is there some kinda ninja uniform anyway? Why advertise that you’re a ninja? Finishing lacing his boots, Kei dashed out of the house, pulling on his totally stealthy purple jacket as he went and grabbed his umbrella by the door. Shouting a goodbye out, Kei took a leisurely pace to get to town.


With a yawn, and through half lidded eyes Kei finally made it into town proper. With a grumbling stomach, Kei decided to try and grab something tasty and probably bad for him to eat, he was honestly not sure where to look for either his team or his leader so eating seemed like a fine thing to do. Jonin are clever, right? And Kei isn’t really trying to hide or anything, so he was sure the super clever Jonin could find him. Arriving at Ryugamine Ramen, Kei did a half bow to the owner of the store. It’s important to be respectful to those that handle food, after all, you don’t want to find something unpleasant you didn’t order do you?

“Hello Mister Ramen, may I please have a bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen? I’m in the mood for something unhealthy today” Kei’s lazy grin brightened a bit at the sight of the proprietor before he noticed the two Uchiha’s. One was a presumably Genin like himself, but Kei recognised the other one from her silhouette. That was Rai! Kei’s father had told him that he should take notes on her swordplay, while Kei himself took note of her shurikenjutsu. It was rare for the father and son to agree completely on a subject but Rai was one such topic, she was a ninja to be respected and a goal to strive for. Still, Kei simply took his seat and waited for his order. The easiest way to be forgotten by an idol is to be a fan asking for an autograph or something. Plus, from the tail end of the overheard horned lady’s conversation, her team Jonin had just arrived. Poor timing over all. Still you wouldn’t guess such an intense line of thinking was going on under the kindly mask of sleepy eyes and a lazy smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Interacting with:
Chimamire Shirayuri - @Asura


Waking up early had never been such a chore as today, Sakana thought to himself as he sat down, squatting on one of the tree branches. Unlike most genin, and perhaps some of the chunin, Sakana did not have a day off. No, instead he was trapped with guard duty of all things. His eyes peered into the distance, attempting to see if anything was arriving. Besides some merchants, nothing really came by, so he already knew it was gonna be one of those days where nothing happened. But he was stuck out here anyway. God damn hokage, and her stupid fucking reforms.

His hand held on to the tree itself, the branch awkwardly bending under the weight of the boy. His head pivoted around looking for his 'partner', who probably had vanished off somewhere to go busy herself with whatever she was doing to get out of guard duty. Tsk. Stupid girl. He'd have avoided her like the plague if it weren't for this damn mission.

Speaking of mission.. was that a caravan in the distance? Some distance away, a set of two carts pulled by oxen were moving towards the village, trailing along the dirt path with little to no care in the world. Well, since Konohagakure was one of the safer areas to travel through, Sakana supposed the traders couldn't be blamed for that. He let them continue on their way for some time until they were more or less in front of him. Right now, he wished Shirayuri hadn't been shirking on the job, but there was little he could do besides grit his teeth in annoyance.

With a thud, he let himself drop onto the ground, stopping the caravan from moving any further. The oxen looked at him with a dumb look, as ox' do, while the merchants hurried to the front to see what was up. “Oi, can I see your transport papers. Ahem. Please.” The merchant fumbled for a while, looking through his cart, while the armed guard seemed to be a bit on edge. This, in turn, caused Sakana to be a bit on edge. He could feel his muscles tensing up when he looked at the mercenary, his hand subconsciously already reaching for his Han'nin.

“What's taking so long? Just get the bloody papers already, geez.” Sakana's voice was covered in snarky undertones, which only made the merchant rush harder.

“A-ah.. s-see, I am just transporting these things.. I have my papers here, somewhere.. j-just hold on..”

“Come on man. I don't really have time for this.. if you don't have your papers, turn around and go get them.”

“N-no, I have them h.. where are they? I.. I'm sure they're here.”

“Look, I'll just check your bloody cart myself.”

Sakana stepped closer to the cart and reached for the white tarp that covered his load, grabbing it tightly and moving to pull it off when a loud “No!” stopped him halfway. Sakana looked over at the merchant, his strange behavior beginning to grow slightly worrisome for the young chunin. “Just, it's.. the papers. I'm sure I have them. Just wait.”

“Stop acting so weird, idiot..” Sakana could feel his heart beat a bit faster, wondering just what this man could be transporting. Refugees from Kirigakure? Illegal Kumogakure metals, stolen wares? Kinjutsu scrolls? Dead bodies? Just what would make this man so nervous to get his papers. With a swift movement, Sakana tore the tarp from the wares, revealing a shocking revelation..


Sakana looked at them in horror, his arm beginning to shake visibly, a drop of sweat seemingly dropping from his temple.. He turned around with a swift movement, and pointed at the merchant, the anger visible in his eyes. “B-BAKA!” he yelled, his voice cutting the sounds of the forest around them. The merchant seemed visibly frightened by Sakana, the guard stepping back slightly. He was no match for a shinobi, he was just hired to fight bandits.

“W-why didn't you just tell me you were transporting watermelons!”

“I'm sorry! I-I know they're illegal in Konoha! I'll.. I'll dump them in the river downstream, I swear, just don't hurt me!”

“Why didn't you- wait, what? Watermelons are illegal in Konoha? Since when?”

“I-it's an old law, made by the daimyo of the land of Fire! Honest, I didn't mean to break the law, I just wanted to give the people the food they wanted!”

“.. you OLD FOOL! I THOUGHT YOU WERE TRANSPORTING BODIES, OR REFUGEES, OR SOME SORT OF STOLEN GOODS! THESE ARE JUST WATERMELONS! JUST.. just get the hell out of here! Take your damn melons to Konoha, nobody gives a fuck!”

The merchant nodded and hurried to get his carts in order again, before swiftly continuing on his way towards Konohagakure. Sakana dropped his arm and sighed, looking down at the ground momentarily before looking up, scratching the back of his head. “Fucking guard duty.. where the fuck is Shirayuri anyway..” he muttered to himself, looking around only to find Shirayuri approaching from some distance away. Useless girl. “Oi! Where the hell were you? Some guy just came by transporting illegal goods, and I could've used your damn help! Stupid idiot, with your damn kekkei genkai, thinking you're so damn flashy.. The last bit was obviously whispered under his breath, way out of her hearing distance.

He shook his head and turned back to the road, wondering just how many idiots with watermelons would pass by today.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Mū Sarutobi

Rise and shine early in the morning is Mū's routine, he got up rubbing his silky brown hair that was rather messy. He walked over to the bathroom and drew some water, washing his face and combing his hair, as he looked in the mirror he was met with big grey eyes and tan skin. "You are a pretty good looking fellow" he said flashing a bright smile in the mirror. Mū brushed his teeth, finishing his morning hygiene before going back to his room. He put on his clothes, a light green pinstripe coat with a black long sleeve shirt under the coat rolled up past his forearms, a long black scarf, blue pants, and his black ninja shoes. Mū puts his leaf headband around his waist.

MŪ grabbed his chakra blades and walked outside into the courtyard of his house to meet his older brother for an early morning sparring match. "Morning jhin" Mū said, as he started stretching. "Goodmorning younger brother" Jhin said, who was meditating as he waited for Mū. Soon Jhin got up, "You ready?" his older brother said taking out a kunai. Mū spun one of his chakra blades on his finger before putting the brass knuckle like weapon on his finger. "No chakra flow alright" Mū said getting into his fighting stance, keeping his hands near his upper body as he stared at his brother. Soon they started going at it, the sound of clashing metal early in the morning, soon 20 minutes had went by, Mū panting lightly while his brother hadn't broken sweat yet. ""That's enough for me today, I must go and prepare for a mission" Jhin said putting his kunai in his pocket. "I'll see you in a couple of days Mū alright" Jhin said messing up Mū's hair before entering the house.

Mū mumbled, dissatisfied with the sparring he took some more time practicing his form. Thought they were sparring Mū's clothes had gotten dirty, he went inside and grabbed a towel and some clean clothes as he headed to the Sarutobi clans hot springs to clean himself off. He entered the springs locker room, taking his clothes off and placing them in a bin. He put his towel on and walked into the spring summerging himself in hot water. Nothing could beat an early morning hot bath with the spring to himself. Mū soon started day dreaming about himself 10 years from, being regarded as a legendary shinobi who was also popular with the ladies. Mū let out a wide grin before opening his eyes and realizing how much time has passed. He got out and got dressed, putting on a kimono shirt with the Sarutobi clan symbol on the back of it, black pants, and ninja shoes. Mū placed his lead headband on his belt before heading out, the sun sayig hello and the afternoon atmosphere walking beside him.

Usually Mū would train but today was his resting day, he headed home saying hello to his fellow clansmen of all ages, carrying his dirty clothes to drop off at home before getting lunch at the ramen shop which was rather popular among the youth of the village. Mū reached him dropping his his clothes off but before leaving he realized he was low on ninja tools; wire string, Shuriken, Kunais, he was almost out. He picked up his 3 ninja pouch and money pouch before heading out the house stopping by the blacksmith. As he opened the store, the jingle of a bell greeted him and alerted the blacksmith that he has a customer. "Hey Mū, you need repairs on your chakrs blade or a restock?" the blacksmith said as he was hammering out a sword. "Just a restock, shurikens, Kunai,and some wire string" Mū said already calculating the money before reaching the store, he placed it on the desk and takes out his ninja pouchs preparing to stock up his items. "The usual amount" Mū said as the man went in the back soon returning with a dozen kunai, shuriken, and 15 meters of wire string neatly wrapped. Mū stocked up his pouches and placed them on belt, he gave his farewell to the blacksmith and left on his way to the ramen shop which was pretty busy today. He walked and greeted everyone, "Hello everybody" he said as a surveyed a customer and met eyes with a long time rival, Ris Uchiha. "Ria...fancy meeting you here" Mū said nodding his head with a smug look before taking a seat. Their history went back as far as the ninja academy.

@Masaki Haruna@RyoRyoRyoken@Thecrash20
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Tenshi Uchiha

@Masaki Haruna

'Well well, the guy in red did win. Good eye.' were the thoughts in Tenshi's head. When the girl spoke to him, she called him cousin which isn't too strange. They were in the same clan, when she apologized for using the sharingan, he didn't know that was a common rule with the sharingan. "I didn't even know that was a rule then again I can't use the sharingan yet. Yeah, this place is great. I don't see why others don't come here from our clan. It is great food and so many people come here."

She was a nice person, Tenshi was glad for that. He didn't even notice she got very close to him until she backed up and apologized for being so closed Tenshi really didn't mind her being so close before he was enjoying talking to her he says, "Don't worry about it, nothing wrong with getting a bit carried away at times."

The ramen orders arrived he turns and says, "Looks like our orders have arrived Ria." He then says to the shop owner cheerfully, "Thank you for the ramen sir." He picks up the eating utensils getting ready to eat his ramen. He hears outside the shop someone talking to someone about looking for two Uchiha clan members. What a coincidence there were two in the ramen shop now! Tenshi begins to eat now thinking about who could those two Uchiha could be. Another person enters and talks to Ria, looking about the same age Tenshi wondered who that is. This shop was bring all sorts of people to it, Tenshi was glad he went to the ramen shop get gets to meet so many new people.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hitori Nagasaki

[Hitori had just arrived at the shop with his brother before being greeted by his superposed team leader. He returned the Bow, but didn't get to say much before she left them. "Wow she really pretty and nice, Hitori! She's your new Sensei?" Sutakku said as he waved back at Senhime. "I guess she is now. Well it's good to have a little company tonight. By the way, don't tell Mom I brought you here, she'll give me another guilt trip about how I think her Ramen isn't as good...".

The Brothers moved to an empty table, Hitori removing a chair and putting it to the side so his brother could take it's place. They both shared a little banter about the upcoming shooting Competition Sutakuu was going to win, just burning time until Hit's new teacher would arrive with their dinner. After awhile Hitori's eyes wandered around his surroundings. He was shocked to see how many people were actually here. Especially how many familiar Chunin. This changed his attitude to become a little more suspicious, nothing from this situation, just had one of those gut feelings.

His head snapped to the sound of the "Hello everybody". Hitori eyes squinted and his jaw became crooked. Not at the person, but who he addressed. "Ria"? The name was familiar, but he couldn't think where from. After a few seconds, Hit collected himself and focused his attention back to his brother.

"Hitori what were you staring at?"
"Sadly, now your ugly mug."
"Your just mad you lost again today and ugly!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Dio Hyuga

Training Field

Dio's purposeful footsteps was lost in the clamor of Village life. Merchants argued, Ninja returned from a days work, children bounced happily to and back from school; Konoha awakened and breathed, a jumbled mass of limbs and conflicting ideologies that fascinated him to no avail. Unfortunately, it was the same tangled mess that supposedly held the Land of Fire together, a thought that scared him the more he thought about it; which meant he probably shouldn't no longer.

Among the chaotic yet somehow orderly hustle and bustle of the village, Dio managed to find himself gazing at the Ramen Noodle Shop, which was particularly active. Hunger had since escaped his mind, but quickly returned upon smelling sizzling of barbecue and listening to the annoying yet alluring slurping of noodle soup.

Dio clenched and unclenched his fist. Choosing between reporting to the Hokage or stuffing his face should have been an easy decision, but after skipping breakfast to train, the grumbling of his stomach was starting to make the better argument. The Hokage could wait, it wasn't like his appearance was mandatory - yet.

Before a moments notice, Dio stepped into the shop, pulling back the curtains that hung from the post. It took him little time to take in the satisfied faces of those who dwelled within, one of which was Ria's; a ninja who's attitude towards him was as vexing and polar as the worlds unusual weather phenomenon. Mū's face also happened to catch his eye, although his seeming conversation with Ria caught him by surprise, but the fact that he found one of his teammates here instead of with the Hokage put to rest any doubts about his decision. If they were to fall, they would fall together.

Instantly he reeled. How could he place food above his duty to the Hokage? Although it wasn't that big of a deal, his conscience and Hyuga pride put him against it. Sighing, he ripped himself away from the goodness of Ryugamine Ramen, a decision made for the best. In the end, it would work out, if Lady Hokage chose to take them out, she would most likely pay for his meal - right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Uchiha Ria
Ramen Bar

More and more familiar and new faces popping up and she couldn't take it when Muu dropped by. The young Uchiha is kind and reminds her of a kid about his age with a kind heart back in the woods. Before she could even eat her food, Muu spoke and his very presence alone is enough to agitate Ria herself.

She clenched her fist irritatedly, from monotonous earlier to sweet and now irritated. Ria is in one hell of a stormy mood swing. As if she's almost up to punch the table down. Muu is someone she usually gets flustered about.

Then she looks at him with a rude stare and paused for a while. "Hmph!" The usual aloof and expressional smirk of an Uchiha. "P.O.S. Beat it, kusomushi(You Piece of Shit)". Not really in a mean way but in a good way too. Their history is basically two phoenixes in the sky who fights to be the last phoenix standing or a dragon and a tiger. She addresses him P.O.S as a way to express her feelings towards him. Ria acts like this towards him but there's more to it than just rivalry.

" Didn't expect you seeing here. How long has it been? "
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Interacting with:
Mu Sarutobi - @Pkken
Ira Sarutobi - @Hillan
Dio Hyuga - @LokiLeo789


Once the jonin had left her office, Mawari felt inclined to release a sigh, leaning back in her chair ever so slightly while she mentally prepared herself for the task of training a team. She gave herself a minute - not more - before she slapped her palms on the desk and got up. Right, time to get to work. She got up and grabbed her white cape and purple sash, throwing the cape over her shoulder and then tying it all down neatly with her purple sash. When she was done, she looked at the body-length mirror in the office and fixed her eyepatch slightly, puling it down ever so slightly. Unnoticeable to anyone else, but to her it was very obvious it wasn't in the right place.

Once she was done, she left the office, closing the door behind her as she left. She walked down the stairs and through the entrance, before parading onto the streets of Konohagakure. Perhaps the leadership of a team had another benefit, and that would have to be 'not being locked inside'. A welcome benefit, at least.

Heading down the main road leading down the entrance of Konoha to the Hokage's office, she immediately spotted a single team member of hers. Seemed they had already gotten the notice of her leadership - which was strange, there must be a leak of information somewhere. Perhaps one of those damn Hyuga already let them know the hokage would 'teach' them. Well, they were wrong. She wasn't going to teach them much, except for the fact that she was merely testing the waters with these new teams to see who would function well enough for her.. molding and shaping of the future generation.

As Dio approached, she walked up to him with a rapid pace, not giving him much time to respond. She immediately grabbed his arm, and forcefully dragged the young lad with her, heading for the small town square in front of the ramen place. Once she got to the center of it, she let go of Dio's arm, and turned to him. “Good of you to make your appearance. You're precisely in time. In fact, you are late. Don't ask me how or why. From now on, whenever we have a mission, you'll be in front of the Hokage's office at 5.30 AM sharp. Good boy.”

While she did not speak extremely fast or slow, her stern tone and the hidden implication that 'he would do as she said, regardless of what he thought' would not offer him much time or space to object. “Where are your teammates?” she mumbled, more to herself than him. Looking around, her eyes befell on the ramen place, and through the gap in the curtains she made out what she presumed to be Mū.

Without speaking to Dio, she walked off again, her pace rapid. Whether Dio followed or not, she would continue towards the ramen place, and with one quick swipe of her hands, she would open the curtain. She made a rather 'grande entry' when she did, letting everyone know that the hokage was inside.

Without giving anyone time to react - it seemed she was in a hurry today - she reached for Mū and grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him backwards and forcing him off the seat. Her incredible physical strength must've been felt by him, despite her rather normal figure. “Mū Sarutobi, how nice of you to be late for our meeting. Follow me.” Without letting him enjoy his meal, she dragged him with her, making sure he 'followed her.' When she left the place, she looked at Senhime, passing by her momentarily when she left. When she did, she shot the woman a smile, seemingly finding herself amused with the differences in 'teaching'.

She dragged him all the way back to the square, before tossing the boy down in front of Dio - whether he stayed on his feet or not, that was up to his reflexes. “Okay, good. Now I have two of you snub-noses here, all I need is that good-for-nothing third cousin of yours, Ira.”

When she thought about it, she raised her fingers to her chin and softly stroked it, looking up to the sky ever so slightly. She pondered for a moment what the best punishment would be for that boy. “Hmh. Okay, here's the catch. I'm the hokage, so I'm the boss. And I am not feeling like looking all over for that kid, when he should've been here already.”

She offered the two boys a smile, lowering her hand from her chin. It seemed she had come up with a rather devious plan to ensure that the two boys would get properly warmed up. “So, you two are going to make up for being late, and you're going to find him. And you're gonna drag him here. Who ever of you two manages to get him here first, wins a prize.”

Glaring back at the ramen place, she carefully looked back at the boys. Well, she wasn't going to pay for their food. The prize would be something much better. She'd reveal it when she had a winner. For now.. “Oh. And all bets are off. If you two want to use taijutsu or something to make sure you bring Ira back here first - whether that means knocking each other out, or knocking Ira out - that's fair by me. Life isn't fair after all. Ready, set, yawn, go.”

And with that, she expected the two boys to run off immediately to go find Ira. She herself would stand where she was, and casually spend time looking around, observing the people around her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Mū Sarutobi

Mū smirked as Ria called him a piece of shit, their rivalry as strong as ever. "Not long enough I believe" Mū said at Rias question, he turned to the ramen cook. He held is index finger high his eyes happy, nothing could interrupt his lunch, not even Ria. ""A bowl of Shoyu Ram" Mū was grabbed by his shoulder with great strength before getting dragged off. The face of happiness turning into despair, he looked back to see who had gotten a hold of him, his eyes grew wide. Lady..hokage " he looked back at Ria with eyes that said help me. Knowing aria she would just let Mū be as she enjoyed her lunch.

Lady hokage dragged Mū to the town square and threw Mū on the ground next to Dio, Mū looked up and his eyes met with Dio's, in a way of saying hello to him while not interrupting Lady hokage. Mū got up and bowed, apologizing "I apologize for being late, won't happen again" Mū said shortly picking his head bsck up as he listened to the women in front of him. He was unaware that the person he would be meeting would be the hokage, if that was the case he would have came earlier.

"Okay,good.now I have two of you snub-noses here,all I need is that good-for-nothing third cousin of yours, Ira."

Mū knew Ira, infact that was another one of his rivals next to Ria. Soon the the third hokage proposed a competition between Mū and Dio. All we had to do was find Ira and bring him to the town square with or without force, and she would reward who ever completed it. This sounded sort of interesting to Mū even though he knew he would be at a disadvantage against Dio's byakugan. Soon she told the boys to go off, Mū's first idea to look, the Sarutobi clans section of the village. Mū nodded at the hokage in understandment before taking to the rooftops, Mū thought possibly that Ira decided to sleep in. Mū prepared his chakra blades knowing that Ira would most likely provide resistsnce. His face intensified as he jumped from building to building, treating this competition as an important mission, Mū didn't care so much about the prize, he wanted to beat Dio and proved that he could be a valuable asset to the hokage in any at possible. He reached the entrance to the Sarutobi clans sector letting out a deep breath, his face intesified showing that he meant business.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 26 min ago

Eiichiro Kishimoto

The day started like most others, him waking up, kissing his wife and getting out of bed. A quick shower and a shave were in their place, huddling along on his one leg, he was wearing only his undergarments and a tanktop when he stepped out of the bathroom, his wife sat on the bed, smiling, her hand on her stomach. Kishimoto smiled at her, and they traded words, hopes for the baby, but also about the fact that this wasn't an ordinary day for him. He was gonna become a jonin again - captain of a team. It had been almost twenty years since he did that last. Juri smiled, as he sat down on the bed next to her, she laid her hands on his left shoulder, feeling where his arm had once been, her hands began glowing, using her medical ninjutsu to dull the pain he felt in what remained of the arm. He got dressed, in his black net shirt, and a nice red kimono and warm pants. He put on his single ninja tabi, while others thought it was rather cold outside today, he found it rather refreshing in his leg.

He and Juri had breakfast together downstairs, having delightful chat, Juri had to go out before him, an early surgey at the hospital. They kissed each other goodbye, Kishimoto hunching down and kissing her stomach before she left the house. He grabbed his crutch and headed up the stairs into his study to spend the time he had left before he had to leave reading. Old reports from his time in the hokage's office that he spent his time reviewing, thinking to himself that he'd become a better ninja if he kept learning from the village's past.

Soon, the clock would be enough, and he set out to go see The Third. He headed into the busy streets of Konoha, still happy to see people out and about, still not able to quite grasp the fact that the cold winter was past them, and that a new chapter of the village was starting. He looked up at the mountain side of the village, where the face of his surrogate father was carved in - his own, nor the thirds had not gotten this treatment yet, it was rather low on the priority list, and he was against either of them being put in the same light as the first, he believed it would undermine the greatness of the First.

He mused as the huddled around, his white coat covered up his stump, both on the arm and the leg, and most of his crutch, he could walk rather seemlessly with the crutch, keeping up with everyone else around him - far more able bodied than himself. He soon arrived at the Hokage's Office. A place full of memories. Most were tough times, but he had some good memories here, too.

Entering the Hokage's office, a sense of nostaligia washing over him everytim he did so. He couldn't quite shake the feeling. The place was different under the third, a different aura was in the air. The air felt easier like everyone weren't on the top of their toes at all time, waiting of the next attack from enemies, or the next battleground to be chosen. It was calming, really.

Even if Mawari - The Third, was far from a calm woman. She greeted him, Kaido and Senhime, both of which were excellent jounin, Kaido was a man in search of political pursuit, and Senhime was a immigrant. He didn't agree with either on them on everything, and they had their fair share of differences, but he respected both of them, and he would put his life, and the fate of the city in either of their hands.

She presented them with their teams. Kaido gracefully left once he had been briefed, that man's efficency was matched by none. Kishimoto was given a team of three Genin, as such, the odds of them seeing heavy combat was slim. A sigh of relief, with a hint of disappointment and maybe even a slight bit of bruised Ego escaped him. He was sure the Third had nothing but the best intentions for him, for him to not strain himself teaching these children, yet, he couldn't help but feel a little underwhelmed that she stuck him with the newbies.

He wasn't going to pout about it, though, instead, he was surprised at the revelation that Mawari-San would be teaching a squad all on her own. "I see you're tending to the concerns of the Sarutobi and Hyuuga, huh. A Hookage leading a team's without precedent. A play I'd expect from Kaido, not you, Third. There might be a politician in you after all." He complimented with a grin. "I'll make sure to do my best to train these genin with my ever so gentle, but firm hands. Make soldiers Konoha can be proud off. Good luck to you, Third."

He huddled out of the room, down the stairs - a Chunnin ran into him, the chunnin was older, one of the ones who had been a clerk in the kage's office when he was in the office above. "O-Oh! I'm so sorry Lord Kisihmoto!" He said, trying to lend Kishimoto a hand to help him down the stairs. The former Hokage smiled softly at him. "It's quite all right, Ibu. No harm done. How's the family?" He asked, and the embarassed Chunnin smiled at him. "The wife is great, the kids are growing up so fast! I heard Juri's expecting, too? Congratulations!" Ibu said, patting him on his shoulder. Kishimoto smiled.

"She is. The family's getting bigger. Honestly more worried about a pregnant Juri than I ever was of enemy forces." He laughed roughly. "Actually, Ibu, if you're not too busy, could you lend me a hand with something?" He asked, and Ibu froze for a second - realizing what the Second had just said. "I- uh.. Yeah, sure!"

"Can you call my three genin students to come meet me out at the Lake on Training field 4?" He said, handind Ibu the folder, and Ibu nodded. "Y-Yes, Lord Kishimoto-sama!" He said, bowing deeply. Kishi smiled. "It's just Kishi now. Just another vest now." Ibu smiled sheepishly, before he went to gather the three genin.

Kishimoto huddled off to the market to get himself some supplies for his meeting with the genin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 16 days ago

Haitani Sarutobi/Inori Yamanaka
Training Field 5
Mentions: @Jay Kalton @Weird Tales

Training Field 5 looked like a battle ground befitting only a war zone. Rocks were shattered and scattered about the area, tree limbs covering the small grassy patch, and in the middle of it all stood the blue coat wearing chunin known as Haitani Sarutobi. Several feet from him was a small pond that shinobi normally used to practice the water walking technique. Now in that pond was probably a recently thrown Yamanaka Inori, as Haitani had been training with her. It was just a bit of taijutsu training while they waited on the others to arrive. It had been over a month since they all had been together; the loss of their former jounin had seen to that little issue. Haitani and the band of shinobi were not the greatest of friends but they knew how to work together to an extent. Now the Hokage had ordered for Haitani to lead the genin for a select mission, one he was worried about. Haitani didn't rightfully know what the mission was but he only hoped it wasn't too difficult as he didn't get many chances to lead squads. His mind was pretty much pre-occupied leaving him open to an assault from Inori.

"Where is she?" Haitani spoke absent-minded, confused if he had even thrown her in the first place, "Inori, you alive? OH GOD DID I KILL YOU?!"

“Can you even use your eyes, Haitani? Are you blind?” A soft albeit audible grumble came from the base of the pond alongside the figure of the blonde-haired kunoichi. More apparent was a blatantly unimpressed scowl on her lips.

"Oh thank Sage. A shallow pond could mean death. Sorry bout that." Haitani's heart beat slowed down several paces and a very awkward smile crossed his face, "So are you going to just sit there or do I have to throw you again?"

“I just don’t see if this is necessary— you’re not a jonin yet, Haitani, and this is only one mission. Why were you so insistent on this one-on-one? There’s two other members of this squad, you know.”

In one single motion Inori jumped to land on her feet, her expression remaining relatively unimpressed towards the slightly older shinobi in front of her. Her words may have been a bit rocky, but that was how she was normally. Haitani wasn’t unfamillar with Inori, so he knew the conversation they were having could’ve been a lot more hostile if she was actually upset.

Blunt to the core but, the young genin was correct. Haitani placed both his hands behind his head in a casual manner. The mission had not been detailed yet and Haitani was only on temporary status as leader. His eyes narrowed at Inori before he decided to respond, knowing that any response could go horribly wrong.

"Welp me and you are the main taijutsu users so just thought it would be a better sparring session. Besides you could use some work." Haitani stopped for a second, looked to the sky as he was searching for the right words and then started up again, "Izu isn't much of a close range fight. Its hard to teach or help him and Kohaku's womanly presence can get in the way of things. Plus I had to get away from all the snow and this place is so unnaturally warm."

Haitani took a step back realizing his words as the blonde-haired genin crossed her arms in a slight huff. Inori would probably take that wrong or smack him with blunt advice. Though this didn't stop him from explaining himself a bit more so she understood him. Moments like these were good.

"Look. I want to do good here. For you guys and myself. I'm so close to being a jounin that I can feel it, plus this could open doors for you all." Haitani gave Inori a sly wink and smile,"Trust me."

“Maybe I’m not ‘womanly enough’ to.” She retorted, still slightly irritated from his off-hand remark. “But I guess you’re not wrong that this isn’t completely pointless. Though, a real team leader would want to coordinate, I don’t know, the whole team before getting into helping squad members individually? When are we supposed to be getting the details about our assignment anyway? It’s not like we just got assigned as a temporary squad today.”

"I didn't mean it like that. You're womanly too." Haitani hesitated a bit but he was geniuine, "I mean you both are cute." Haitani spoke under his breath before clearing his throat loudly and trailed off into her question, "We have all fought together and trained together so we do understand each other's abilities. I think learning individually can help better understand when we come together. Also, we should be getting the information some time today. Hopefully the others get here before then."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Dewa Shimura

Dewa had spent most of the first half of the day at home with his father, siting up under the man doing nothing but taking up space. Usually he would be out and about finding something to get into but he was being lazy today...for a reason. His father had been pestering him lately with going out and making friends with the other genin but Dewa saw right through that. Their clan had been on the outs with everyone else recently and now he wanted to use his son to get back in the other clans "good graces". Saying things like "Son you need friends your age." and "Just go out and enjoy yourself while your young."The man was full of shit and Dewa knew it, they both knew it. So just to spite him he sat under his dear old pops until mid-day, when the older Shimura got sick and tired of the disobedience and chased him out.

Now Dewa had been walking around for a while now passing by different shops and saying hello to people he knew, He even played with some of the younger children, surprisingly he like kids a lot better than adults, simply because they had more honesty in their hearts than anyone else. When his stomach started to grumble, Dewa knew there where many choices but he had one in mind, a place he had not been in a while Ryugamine Ramen.

Dewa went the shop with haste and when he got there bowed his head at Ramen Guy and took a seat. There seemed to be many other shinobi here today. A boy and a girl both with black hair, their names eluded him at the moment but he did recognize the white haired boy and sat right next to him."Can I get Shoyu Ramen please." he said to Ramen Guy and then turned to look at Kei Tonbo, he had asked to spar with Kei in the past and Kei said he might do it, but when it came time, Kei did not show and instead the two ended up playing a game of cat and mouse most of that day. If the old man wants me to make friends so much then I will!!!! Dewa thought with some determination.

"You look tired Kei, not getting enough sleep." he said with a teasing smile. While he said this another man had came into the room, a jonin by the look of it, looked down at a flooder then right at Dewa. He walked over and looked between Kei and Dewa, "Are you Shimura Dewa?" at this Dewa nodded, "Lord Kishimoto requires your presence on Training Field 4, you must go at once!!" Then he turned to Kei.

Dewa's eyes got big at this, what had he done now, he had not mouthed off to anyone shaming them for one thing or another in a while, no fights, all he did was come to eat. Shit, Fuck...wait until the old man hears about this. He thought as he got up, paid for his ramen even though he did not eat it and started to leave for flied 4, wondering why the 2nd Hokage wanted him.


Nō Iemochi

Nō had woken up extra early that day just to rise with the sun. Even though her sisters did not like the early bird, they never said anything, and just enjoyed her glow because as their mother had said "Its Refreshing." She had woken up and made breakfast for he household, which only consisted of herself, once of her sisters and her mother. After doing that she woke both of them up and walked her mother down stairs and made her a plate. The older woman is getting sick and she might have even been close to death but even knowing this Nō will continue to smile, if not for her mom then her sisters, they needed it. "When you go out for patrol this morning I need you to deliver this to Tano and please don't forget." Her mother said and handed her a note as she left for her patrol duty.

Doing patrols where not the funnest thing but she liked her partner, and plus she got stationed at the front of the village, at the main gates. Her smile and warmth had made her perfect for two reasons, people would feel safe, and if they did start trouble they would not know what hit them. She had already made the trip to see her sister, always unforgettable and mean but still promised to train with her later on today. Nō did not peak to see what the note said and simply passed it along.

While in the middle of speaking to an elderly woman, a suspicious look man was walking in her direction. She patted the lady on the shoulder and went towards the man and his cart, Nō knew he was hiding something in there and hoped that he would just tell her after she asked. "Hello and welcome to Konoha, can I see your pa-"

"Please I is just watermelons, I p-promise its not a dead body or drugs or w-weapons so don't hurt me!!!" Nō raised her eyebrow at the man and soon after checked his cart to see that it was just watermelons. Soon after the merchant broke down in front of her and told her all about his and Sakana's meeting. He had described the black-eyed boy perfectly, and after was asking for forgiveness.

"Well give me a watermelon and I will let you go by with no problem." Soon after the man was hurrying away and Nō stood there with a watermelon in hand and put it behind the booth,I have to thank Sakana later for scaring the guy, he scored me a watermelon, Nō thought with a smile as she turned to talk to someone else.
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