The Sovereignty of Dearoth
“Sub vexillo nostro, nostrae vindicem”
An influential woman of the species, she is the original unifier of the planet. She maintains a strong hold over the Sovereignty.
An aggressive and hard-headed man, Admiral Aleixo commands his troops with an iron will and a piercing discipline.
73% Concilianda
23% Salutem
4% Other (Subspecies)

The namesake of the genus, the Concilianda were bred and housed in the harsh polar regions of Dearoth. As such, they developed huge amounts of fur-like fuzz which helps to insulate their bodies. Their primary diet consists of the abundant mosses that grow in damp gaps in polar ice, of which they reach with their set of long mandibles. Short and portly, Concilianda on average grow in a range of 4’3” to 4’6”. Being natural pacifists and also making up the main part of the Acherontia genus, they consist of the main civilian sector.

An oddity of evolution, the Salutem, only if barely, are related genetically to the Concilianda. Once, the Salutem were similar to their brethren. They walked as they did, talked as they did. However, mass migrations of significant amounts of Concilianda took place, settling them in the more temperate region at the equator laden with coniferous forests. Generations phased out useless traits and brought on new ones. The Salutem lost their huge coat of fur, protruding mandibles, and short, portly stature. Instead they became avid carnivorous hunters, preying on the abundance of animals in their home region. A hunting culture developed, with most Salutem even to this day priding themselves in their endurance, accuracy, and fieldcraft. Being a naturally aggressive minority, the Salutem make up the main military population of the Acherontia genus.
Allegiance and Relations:
Due to the Acherontia only having recently entered the interplanetary age, most extraterrestrial nations remain uncontacted, including those of Terran origin.
The Government:
The Sovereign Executive is, as mentioned in the name, the executive of body of the Sovereignty. It consists of the Grand Sovereign along with their cabinet of ministers, which lead the Sovereignty and take guidance from other branches of government. Despite a facade of checks and balances, this branch makes most of the decisions it does with no obligation to any other branch or body of people.
The Sovereign Congress is the legislative body of the Sovereignty. It consists of an upper and lower house which deal with issues of law and order. They prepare laws to be sent before the Executive to be approved, and make decisions on laws based on the guidelines provided to them.
The Dept. of Planetary Security is the defense body of the Sovereignty. It maintains the Planetary Provisional Forces and various intelligence services of the Sovereignty. It is charged with the defense and wellbeing of the government and citizenry of the Sovereignty.
The Dept. of Planetary Exploration and Expansion is the main armed forces body of the Sovereignty. It maintains the Fleet and its Marine Force, along with expeditionary missions to extraterrestrial nations.
The Provisional Planetary Forces (PPF) is a collection of units prepared and equipped to defend the Sovereignty from external invasions and internal strife. The PPF acts as a militarized police of sorts to fulfill its objective and is often called in to quell riots.
The Fleet is the Sovereignty’s flotilla of naval ships constructed for its ventures into the stars. Maintained is a large amount of carrier craft supported by legions of destroyers and frigates. Less forward but still present are battlecruisers and other large battlecraft, but are less useful in the current Fleet Doctrine.
The Fleet Marine Force (FMF) is the main expeditionary ground-combat element of the Sovereignty. They accompany most fleet vessels for rapid response and deployment anywhere they might be needed.

The workhorse of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the M29 is an electronic-breech pulse rifle chambered for 8x21mm Caseless. It sports standard iron sights and can fit the Mk11 Bayonet. It has many specialty-issue attachments such as foregrips, optics, launchers, and muzzle attaches.

The dedicated sidearm of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the M4 is a traditional hammer-fire pistol chambered for .45 DW (Same dimensions as .45 ACP).

The standard utility and fighting knife of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the Mk11 has a 7 inch clip-point blade made of stainless steel and sprayed matte black. The grip is made of a super dense nanoplastic that can withstand extreme pressure and weather.

The light support weapon of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the M82 is your run-of-the-mill LMG chambered for 7.62x53mm.

The heavy support weapon of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the M83 is a beastly weapon firing the 13x95mm round.

The main anti-tank weapon of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the M77 utilizes powerful shaped 82mm warheads of varying type to shear through armor and fortifications alike.

The BDU of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the Fortress is a sturdy suit consisting of a sealed and insulated bodyglove covered in a kevlar-type material to absorb shrapnel, along with an apparatus of plating to defend against larger, higher velocity threats like rounds. The bodyglove and kevlar itself is rated type II, defending against shrapnel, simple knives, and very low velocity rounds. The helmet is rated type III+ and ranges from single to multi hit depending on the area. The rifle plates located on the chest, back, groin. shoulders, and thighs are made of a durable, light alloy rated type IV and are multi-hit against anything short of higher powered rifle rounds.

The fatigues of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the M61 is made of a cotton and polyester-type material gathered from undergrowth on-planet. It retains heat well and resembles the German Flecktarn pattern.

The multipurpose standard vehicle of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the FAV (affectionately nicknamed the Lymph by soldiers) often fulfills multiple roles, the forefront of which being reconnaissance and patrol vehicles. Often mounted with heavy weapons such as the M83 HMG.

The standard APC and IFV of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the M788 is a jack of all trades, having variants fulfilling everything from troop transport to anti-air and artillery.

The Tyrant is the main battle tank of the Dearothian Armed Forces, armed with a 155mm main cannon, an M82 Coaxial Machine Gun, and an M83 Pintle Machine Gun. On some variants, an accompanying ATGM battery is mounted, firing two 200mm guided missiles and five 85mm guided missiles.

The light tiltrotor craft of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the Oracle essentially fills the role of a transport and light support helicopter. It sports a nose-mounted 20mm autocannon and two door-mounted M83s.

The heavy transport and gunship of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the Phantom has a much wider array of loadouts than its counterpart. It has many variations from heavy lifting to in-atmosphere gunship support.

The fighter of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the Bandit is quick, stealthy, and powerful. It has a top speed of Mach 2.3 and sports a nose-mounted 30mm rotary autocannon.

The 'bomber' of the Dearothian Armed Forces, the Renegade is not very stealthy or fast, but makes up for it in sheer power. It sports a nose-mounted 30mm autocannon, wing-mounted 20mm pods, and a multitude of ordnance racks.

The pride of the Fleet, the Resolution-class is the foremost example of the industrial power of the Sovereignty. It sports a spinal coilgun as the main armament, with an absurd amount of anti-ship missiles supporting it. Two hangar bays rest on each side of the ship, housing a multitude of craft for various purposes.

The backbone of the Fleet, the Valiant-class foregoes firepower for deployability. By carrying only the minimal weaponry to defend itself, it can pack every crevice it has available chock full of aircraft, vehicles, troops, and supplies.

The warfighter of the Fleet, the Diligence-class has firepower as its middle name. With a spinal coilgun and four smaller coilguns (two cheek-mounted, two ventral), along with an array of missiles, this ship can take most competitors of its class head-on.

As the designated escort craft of the Fleet, the Stalwart-class is equipped with a balanced amount of firepower. With two cheek coilguns and one ventral coilgun, along with an array of missile pods, it proves a formidable threat when in pairs.

With no real purpose or role, the Brawn-class is the multi-role ship. It can perform many tasks, such as swarming ships when in force, or baiting and hunting corvettes.

As the hunter-killer of the Fleet, the Cursory-class is stealthy and powerful. Utilizing limited weaponry and great speed, it can stalk and kill enemy vessels of much larger size. Though its main purpose is that of hunting, variants exist to perform as orbit-to-ground assault craft.
Manpower = 400,000 Active, 150,000 Reserve
Flag Group
1x Resolution-class
10x Stalwart-class
I Carrier Group
2x Valiant-class
12x Stalwart-class
20x Brawn-class
25x Cursory-class
II Carrier Group
2x Valiant-class
12x Stalwart-class
20x Brawn-class
25x Cursory-class
I Battle Group
6x Diligence-class
12x Stalwart-class
25x Brawn-class
30x Cursory-class
II Battle Group
6x Diligence-class
12x Stalwart-class
25x Brawn-class
30x Cursory-class
Flag Group
1x Resolution-class
10x Stalwart-class
I Carrier Group
2x Valiant-class
12x Stalwart-class
20x Brawn-class
25x Cursory-class
II Carrier Group
2x Valiant-class
12x Stalwart-class
20x Brawn-class
25x Cursory-class
I Battle Group
6x Diligence-class
12x Stalwart-class
25x Brawn-class
30x Cursory-class
II Battle Group
6x Diligence-class
12x Stalwart-class
25x Brawn-class
30x Cursory-class
Manpower = 200,000 Active, 50,000 Reserve
25x Marine Divisions (20 Active, 5 Reserve)
25x Marine Divisions (20 Active, 5 Reserve)
Manpower = 70,000 Reserve
7x Guard Divisions
7x Guard Divisions
The progenitors of the species, the Concilianda make up a majority of the population. In prehistoric times, all members of the species were of the Concilianda class. But, it didn’t take long for migration patterns to put an end to that. Evolving in the icy tundras, they grew thick, soft skin and a heavy hide of fuzz. This was a necessary feature in their survival. They did not have as many predators, and instead fed mostly on mosses.
They had no qualms against technological advancement, meaning they moved with a rapidity rarely seen. They quickly learned how to farm the mosses, then how to domesticate the animals around them. Then, they began to spread outwards, coalescing across the polar regions while avoiding the temperate regions, seen as a hellscape. They quickly advanced through the ages with little to oppose them.
They were an extremely cultured, peaceful society. Wars were rare and few between, as technology continued to pave steadily forwards. Exploration soon began into the temperate regions, with little initial success. This success soon found its way into the limelight, however. This was when the first contact was made. The Concilianda, compared to the Salutem, were particularly advanced; where the Salutem had primitive weaponry, the Concilianda were using crossbows and early matchlock firearms.
They had no qualms against technological advancement, meaning they moved with a rapidity rarely seen. They quickly learned how to farm the mosses, then how to domesticate the animals around them. Then, they began to spread outwards, coalescing across the polar regions while avoiding the temperate regions, seen as a hellscape. They quickly advanced through the ages with little to oppose them.
They were an extremely cultured, peaceful society. Wars were rare and few between, as technology continued to pave steadily forwards. Exploration soon began into the temperate regions, with little initial success. This success soon found its way into the limelight, however. This was when the first contact was made. The Concilianda, compared to the Salutem, were particularly advanced; where the Salutem had primitive weaponry, the Concilianda were using crossbows and early matchlock firearms.
The Salutem’s beginnings in the temperate but none the less dangerous equator region ensured a strong focus on nomadic travel and hunter-gatherer lifestyles. They dared not leave the cradle of their civilization, wandering the area for what seemed centuries.
Their culture made power struggles common within tribes, and further splintered them. That is, until a certain tribal leader, Iago Roi, became perhaps the Genghis Khan of his people.
Through isolated warfare, Iago united nearly 15 tribes and clans into a strong civilization that spanned the entire equator valley. The confederation prospered and entered a new golden age, of which some dared to venture outside the valley.
Their culture made power struggles common within tribes, and further splintered them. That is, until a certain tribal leader, Iago Roi, became perhaps the Genghis Khan of his people.
Through isolated warfare, Iago united nearly 15 tribes and clans into a strong civilization that spanned the entire equator valley. The confederation prospered and entered a new golden age, of which some dared to venture outside the valley.
Contact between the two species occurred in a precarious situation on both civilizations’ parts. The Concilianda’s scholars’ minds were boggled by the discovery while Salutem leaders cried to conquer.
Despite the bumpy beginnings, the two nations developed stable trade. Years passed and it grew into much more than that. By the end of about three centuries, the two nations had basically become one.
However, this period was not without strife. Civil war, especially rebellion of former Salutem tribes, erupted on three occasions, all of which ending in mass bloodshed on both sides.
Eventual advancement of technology and culture made civil conflict occur less and less. Ages were sped through at double the pace they once had. It seemed another age of prosperity was upon the nation.
Though, in reality, it could not have been more far from it. The age of firearms came, sparking new conflict. Small forces armed with muskets could cut down legions of melee troops. Monarchism and Authoritarianism were solidified as defining governments of the period.
But, a coup in 492 AC (Acherontia Calendar, beginning at the birth of the Concilianda-Salutem nation) saw democracy take hold. Elected officials allowed citizens say in the government they had never had before, and the democratic experiment turned into a way of life.
The new government saw the nation through nearly two and a half more centuries of advancement. In 654, the first spacecraft was launched from the Concilianda wastes, giving new insight on the planet on which they reside, Dearoth, and its three moons.
Over the next six decades, other craft were launched to chart other planets in the system, yielding results that delighted and surprised the top scientists of the Sovereignty.
For ten years, a new fleet has been in construction, with the aim of colonizing and consolidating their solar system. Now all that is left is to see what is in that great shoreless sea.
Despite the bumpy beginnings, the two nations developed stable trade. Years passed and it grew into much more than that. By the end of about three centuries, the two nations had basically become one.
However, this period was not without strife. Civil war, especially rebellion of former Salutem tribes, erupted on three occasions, all of which ending in mass bloodshed on both sides.
Eventual advancement of technology and culture made civil conflict occur less and less. Ages were sped through at double the pace they once had. It seemed another age of prosperity was upon the nation.
Though, in reality, it could not have been more far from it. The age of firearms came, sparking new conflict. Small forces armed with muskets could cut down legions of melee troops. Monarchism and Authoritarianism were solidified as defining governments of the period.
But, a coup in 492 AC (Acherontia Calendar, beginning at the birth of the Concilianda-Salutem nation) saw democracy take hold. Elected officials allowed citizens say in the government they had never had before, and the democratic experiment turned into a way of life.
The new government saw the nation through nearly two and a half more centuries of advancement. In 654, the first spacecraft was launched from the Concilianda wastes, giving new insight on the planet on which they reside, Dearoth, and its three moons.
Over the next six decades, other craft were launched to chart other planets in the system, yielding results that delighted and surprised the top scientists of the Sovereignty.
For ten years, a new fleet has been in construction, with the aim of colonizing and consolidating their solar system. Now all that is left is to see what is in that great shoreless sea.