Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fashy
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Fashy Admin of Edgy Memes and Fashy Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Imperial Terra

Circa, 500 Years Ago
The collapse of the great empire was long, drawn out, and resulted in a Milky Way in chaos. It all began with the reign of Edrios "The Misguided Emperor", who attempted to institute laws for a more accepting and less Human-Oriented empire. These reforms would cause mass unrest amongst the upper class and other members of the royal family, and this would spark a chase for the throne once Edrios was assassinated. While the successor of Edrios would stop these reforms, the rivalry between these two parties would last throughout the final centuries of the empire.

350 Years Ago
The Imperial Terran Civil War would change the outlook of the galaxy and would help draw the eventual lines of once the Empire completely fell. Those who supported Edrios's reforms, quite typically Nonhuman races, and those who supported the laws of the Old Empire. This Civil War would be quite short, lasting only ten years, but this would cause the first major loss of territory for the Empire, as New Jerusalem would declare independence from the warring sides. While the "Old Imperials" would eventually declare victory, they would institute some reforms to try and lower the unrest of the Nonhumans.

150 Years Ago
The death of Justas would mark the official collapse of Imperial Terra, and the beginning of the Age of Chaos. The last 200 years would see thousands of Splinter nations declare independence from Imperial Terra, with most of these being absorbed by the other independent countries or reconquered by the Empire, but Justas's death would be the final nail in the coffin, and within 3 months of his death the Empire would officially fold, devolving into warring states and empires, all vying to be the next Empire or attempting to claim themselves as the legitimate successor.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CaptainBritton
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CaptainBritton Man of War

Member Seen 16 days ago

The First Contact War

For years, the 10th Armada roamed the Northern Reaches of the Old Empire, scouring hundreds of dead and lifeless worlds, few even worth harvesting. For years they've scouted worlds that could fuel the Dathu Warmachine, or discover potential new subjects to the New Empire or a resource, and for years, have found nothing. This region seemed too remote. All seemed calm, the Armada's mission seemed to be long over, or so they thought that is. Bits of the Armada broke off for another sweep of a new uncharted sector they've come across, the Commanding Overseer, Zamaria, wouldn't be surprised to find yet more barren, primordial systems. But this sweep would prove to bare fruit.

Uncharted Star System, 2th Scouting Brood

For several days the 2th Scouting Brood had ventured around this newly discovered star system, for days they traveled, from the drifting asteroids, and slowly travel deeper in the system, recon probes sent out ahead have found a lush world, a planet that seemed more, "alive" compared to the countless worlds they scouted before, interestingly enough, the worlds of this system seemed to be orbiting a black hole-type anomaly, how such worlds maintain their structure is quite a mystery, yet the current matter at hand was top priority. The small brood consisted of a heavy cruiser at the helm, and half a dozen frigates. The scouting brood were near the end of their cycle, and were to soon return to the Armada, making their rather satisfactory report, until yet another unexpected event occurred, alien vessels were inbound.

Aboard Heavy Cruiser 11120, Command Room

Deep in the bowels of the heavy cruiser, spindly, thin insect creatures were at their stations, keeping track of the new arrivals, letting out clicks and gnarls, communicating, it was not long before the one In command of this Brood walked in. It was a tall, imposing figure, carrying a long staff, the small clacking and clicking sounds of his crawling legs echoed throughout the hall. He was called Guimos, Overseer of the 5th Planetary Swarm.

The other creatures cower before his presence, scurrying off as he approached the center of the room as a holographic map of the system materialized right before him, several red lights appearing in one part of the system as well. "How many vessels are present?" He asked.

"Unknown, Overseer guimos" The Ship A.I spoke. "No signal transmission has been detected as of yet."

"Maintain our course, we shall determine how the locals respond, they may prove to be good servants...or cattle, it matters not to me in the least."

Patrols often are laden throughout Dearothian space. Despite not being quite sure what is out there, the Fleet is convinced something is out there. In their paranoia, large patrol groups are split from the Fleet at assigned intervals, scouring the seemingly empty system which they call their own.

Edge of Dearothian Space, I Patrol Group

This motley flotilla of two cruisers, six destroyers, eight frigates, and twelve corvettes are in what seems to be another monotonous and fruitless patrol across the edge of the system they call home, until a strange reading appears on the telemetry of each craft. Chittering and chattering, humming and panicked typing between the bridge of each ship confirms the readings as the ships turn to bear.

Diligence-class Cruiser DFS Vigilant

The bridge of the lead vessel is alive with uncertain chatter and a suspenseful feeling as they receive the unanimous result from each of their subordinates. They've encountered aliens. Soon enough a figure in an ornate uniform and a rugged look on his face waltzes on deck, and the chatter dies down.

"What've we got this time, petty officer?" The figure queries, in a slightly annoyed tone. "This better not be one of your 'jokes'."

A seated individual replies with haste, his voice much more panicked and higher pitched. "No sir. All vessels are reporting vessels of unknown origin off the group's starboard, bearing roughly 260 degrees, sir."

The officer scowls and retorts after a moment of contemplation. "Open a broadband channel. Order all ships to receive and relay the reply."

The seated petty officer goes about his work, pressing buttons and twirling knobs with shaky hands. "When you're ready, sir."

The standing officer composes himself, straightening his posture and beginning to speak in an enunciated and commanding tone. “This is the DFS Vigilant, identify yourself and state your business in Dearothian space." The officer nods to the seated man to broadcast and relay it. All that's left is to wait, and so he does, standing there, legs spread slightly, hands clasped behind his back.

Overseer Guimos stood at the center, observing the holographic image of the inbound alien ships, their technology seemed primitive, something typical of a civilization at this stage of technological development. "Overseer." A Dathu Operator spoke. "The alien ships are emitting a transmission signal."

The Overseer turned his gaze towards the direction of the operator. "Can we receive it?"

"Barely, I've only managed to gather only a fraction of the signal." The Operator proceeded to pressed down several keys, the audio playing in the intercom. The message sounded like gibberish and static. "I figured as much." Guimos said. "This world was spared from the wrath of the Terrans. Their language not recognized by the archives. Open up channels, perhaps they'll have a better chance in understanding us."

"Shall we continue course?"

"Indeed." Within moments, a small device lowered from the ceiling, right before the Overseer. "Attention people of this system. I am Overseer Guimos of the Dathu Hives, your world and all it's holdings now serve the Queen Mother. I will be kind and offer you an open hand in our new Empire, serve us well, defy us, and you will face bloodshed unlike anything you've experienced in your isolated existence, the choice is yours, choose carefully."

"Captain, we're receiving a signal!" Exclaimed the petty officer.

The Captain's scowl is replaced by a shed of surprise. "Let me hear it."

Garbled static is all that is heard over the comms. "Was that some kinda joke, petty officer?"

The petty officer replies in a quiet, embarrassed tone. "N-no sir. They're definitely sending out a signal. We just, uh.. Can't seem to receive it."

"Prepare to broadcast again." The petty officer nods and repeats the process. The Captain speaks up in an even more agitated tone. "I repeat, this is Captain Rainard Anthelm of the UFS Vigilant. Identify yourselves and state your business, or you will be fired upon."

The Dathu Warships continued on their course, disregarding the second message all together, it wouldn’t matter either way, neither side could break through the language barrier, this clash ending in only one possible outcome.

“They’re still on course right for us, sir!” Exclaimed the petty officer, shaking in his seat.

“There goes diplomacy.” Muttered the Captain, stroking the thin fuzz ‘beard’ upon his maw. “Tell I Section to send a warning shot, high. Put Sections II through V on high alert. Any signs of retaliation, I want all Sections putting fire out.”

Across all vessels in the group, the same calm humming and chattering sounded over the announcer system, a grim warning that loomed in the air as the personnel grasped its meaning. “General quarters, general quarters. All hands man your battle stations. This is not a drill.” It loops five more times, cutting to static. Each vessel is filled with a sense of panic, yet order. Sailors man their guns and consoles while marines pile into each deck’s armory, flooding back out armored head to toe.

A lone frigate on the far starboard of the group maneuvers to bear. A shot from its main coilgun is sent high, shuddering the deck of the vessel as it goes forth.

The coilgun round was sent speeding past the Dathu ships, missing one of them barely. From the Command Room, the Overseer was less than pleased. “I see they’ve made their decision…” The Overseer said, turning to face one of the Operators. “Let us oblige them. Have our batteries target the ship that shot first. Turn them to stardust.”

And as said, they carried out his orders. The ship trembled as as streams of plasma light were shot out from the underbelly of the Heavy Cruiser, the plasma beams converging towards the offending frigate.

As the plasma is sent flying, a blinding light flashes as all the frigates and destroyers present fire off their coilguns at any target they can acquire, following it up with a hefty payload of missiles.

As for the poor frigate that fired the warning shot, they do not take it well. Before they even manage to arm their missile batteries and begin reloading their coilgun, the plasma beams strike home and essentially vaporize the midsection of the ship, exposing the internals to space.

The retaliation was swift from the defending ships as volleys of missiles was sent towards the Dathu, two of the frigate escorts took the brunt of the attack, their shields crumbled to the constant strikes, and left limp as the coilgun rounds tore into the smaller ships. The Heavy Cruiser unleashed its own payload as plasma bolts were shot out from its starboard, followed by more plasma battery strikes.

The Dearothian ships begin reloading their coilgun batteries and continue to sustain the seemingly never ending barrage of missiles. Many of the plasma projectiles strike targets, taking out quite a few of the frontline corvettes which are now beginning to clump even closer to protect those ships behind them.

The Heavy Cruiser now fell under fire as the missiles clash against its shields, while the shields were a higher grade compared to the smaller frigates, their seemingly fearless determination to hold their stance was quite something. Few times have opponents of the Dathu stood tall against their larger capital ships with such defiance.

“I want our frigates to fall back. Send in the fighter swarms to weaken them.”

The frigates do as commanded, and pull out near the Heavy Cruiser’s flank, within that instant, a swarm of over a hundred interceptor and bomber craft launch from the cruiser, converging towards the Dearothian fleet.

“Fighters. Damn. Loose formation, deploy all interceptors. Screen the enemy and delay their approach. I want all available hands on either point defense or repair duties.”

The vessels spread apart in a loosened formation, the point defense guns on each swiveling and preparing to fire on any enemy craft close enough. Simultaneously, the two cruisers and six destroyers deploy a much smaller but still sizable force of fighters, most of which thin themselves into a screening line, jumping at the chance to delay and probe the oncoming fighters, with almost no regard for losses of their own.

The small fighter craft on both sides soon clash in between the gaps made by the Dearothian capital ships, turning the battle into a deadly maze of dogfighting. The Bomber craft unleashing light yield plasma bombs on the enemy ships, many however, were shot down by the Point-Defense guns or pursuing fighter craft. The Dathu Interceptor had done their best in harassing the defenses on enemy capital ships and opposing interceptors.

As the bombs are sent hurtling towards the vessels, the CIWS systems open up, shooting down as many as possible before they manage to collide. A few get through, doing a fair amount of damage but nothing mortal. Unfortunately there is no atmosphere, so there is no ‘BRRT’ to be had. The fighters pursue and harass the retreating enemy craft, returning back to their own ships once they were at their maximum flight range.

The surviving Dathu fighter craft ceased their attack and made their return to the mothership. The Overseer was somewhat impressed at their continued resistance. “These creatures are not as weak as I assumed, they’ve managed to survive our weapons technology, if barely. I’ve had enough of this.” He turned his back on the holo-display. “All remaining ships pull out. We’ve got a report to fill out, these beings will truly know to fear our might in due time.” All was still in the space around the two fleets as the Dathu made no other actions, a few moments pass as the remaining ships pull out and retreat to the dark reaches of space, leaving behind their wrecked ships.

The Captain is relieved as he loses his posture of authority. “Recover our fallen and those damn enemy ships. Also, get a line to the capital. Give them a damn good report and request the entire Fleet to station.”

The Captain retires to his quarters as his orders are carried out.

Dearoth, 3 Days After the Battle

News of the battle had spread rapidly throughout the system. Cities swelled with riots, riots of fear and hatred of the aliens who had opened fire on Dearoth’s ships. WAR, printed on the headlines, arguments of intellectuals, all was focused on the encounter with another kind. Ukyla was scheduled for a speech, broadcast across Dearoth in all its languages.

She stepped up to the stand. If she wanted to go back, it was far too late now.

“In this solemn hour it is a consolation to recall and to dwell upon our efforts for peace. This is of the highest moral value--and not only moral value, but practical value--at the present time, because the wholehearted concurrence of scores of millions of men and women, whose co-operation is indispensable and whose comradeship and brotherhood are indispensable, is the only foundation upon which the trial and tribulation of modern war can be endured and surmounted. This moral conviction alone affords that ever-fresh resilience which renews the strength and energy of people in long, doubtful and dark days. Outside, the storms of war may blow and the lands may be lashed with the fury of its gales, but in our own hearts this morning there is peace. Our hands may be active, but our consciences are at rest.

We must not underrate the gravity of the task which lies before us or the temerity of the ordeal, to which we shall not be found unequal. We must expect many disappointments, and many unpleasant surprises, but we may be sure that the task which we have freely accepted is one not beyond the compass and the strength of the Sovereignty. The Ministers said it was a sad day, and that is indeed true, but at the present time there is another note which may be present, and that is a feeling of thankfulness that, if these great trials were to come upon our planet, there is a generation of our kind here now ready to prove itself not unworthy of the days of yore and not unworthy of those great men, the fathers of our land, who laid the foundations of our laws and shaped the greatness of our country.

This is not a question of fighting for power or for territory. We are fighting to save the whole world from the pestilence of alien tyranny and in defense of all that is most sacred to us. This is no war of domination or imperial aggrandizement or material gain; no war to shut the Sovereignty out of its sunlight and means of progress. It is a war, viewed in its inherent quality, to establish, on impregnable rocks, the rights of the individual, and it is a war to establish and revive the stature of our kind. Perhaps it might seem a paradox that a war undertaken in the name of liberty and right should require, as a necessary part of its processes, the surrender for the time being of so many of the dearly valued liberties and rights. In these last few days the Ministry has been voting dozens of Bills which hand over to the executive our most dearly valued traditional liberties. We are sure that these liberties will be in hands which will not abuse them, which will use them for no class or party interests, which will cherish and guard them, and we look forward to the day, surely and confidently we look forward to the day, when our liberties and rights will be restored to us, and when we shall be able to share them with the peoples to whom such blessings are unknown.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Serpentine88
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Serpentine88 Writer of Overly Long Character Sheets

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Secretary-General Eridani on behalf of the Terran Federation and her citizens would like to pass along his best regards to President Larson and the people of Earth, and would like the further reiterate his acceptance of the United Nations offer to host a peace conference.

A delegation is being organised as of the moment this communication was sent via subspace ansible.

Peace and goodwill, in name of humanity.
-Foreign Secretary of the Terran Federation, Minerva Heatherwood.

Cornucopia, Copernicus Prime, Copernicus System, Perseus Arm

Secretary-General Hardian Sirius Eridani looked out the windows of the Federation Secretariat Building, viewing the midday view of the megalopolis of Cornucopia. It was a majestic view, the influence of Neo-Deco architecture pronounced throughout the city, seen across the enormous arcologies and skyscrapers.

The view however, was also a distraction.

“I implore of you Secretary-General to reconsider. The delegation, I can make it work. I promise you, do not throw away this chance” a soft voice spoke from behind the Secretary-General, almost on the verge of tears. The speaker was one Princess Astoria Edrosia Carmilla of the imperial house of Justinaria.

The Terran Federation was a strange and complex place in, even to its head of state. Despite being ruled as a direct democracy, the Federations citizens still put incredible amounts of faith and trust into old bloodlines and titles of the fallen empire, such as possessed by the young girl standing behind him. The princess was only a pretender in truth, the Terran Empire having been unclaimed for 150 years now, but the absence of the empire did not make her family's titles disappear in the eyes of many Terrans.

“I-I will do whatever Heatherwood asks, just allow me to… to…”

“To do nothing” Eridani finished. He turned then, looking the the Terran pretender-princess, the teenage girl essentially a child compared to the wizened former Fleet Admiral.

“Your highness, if I must repeat myself, I will. You will not be attending the conference. The meeting will include some of the most violent xenos in the galaxy, and we have no way to ensure your or even our own diplomats safety, as it will be held on neutral grounds”.

“I can handle myself. I have gone to dangerous places before, so I am not afraid”.

Eridani sighed. Arguing with small girls was the last thing he wanted to be spending his time doing. It was sad too, he supposed, because he sympathised. This conference was a lost cause, mostly because none of the warring factions had any intention of actually making peace, even his own.

“Princess, I applaud your bravery, but now is not the time. The Federations people demand action, not words. If you truly want peace, then by all means go and speak with my constituents, perhaps even try to steal some voters from the Restoration Party with your royal charms” Eridani spoke as politely as he could, trying to pull off his old grandpa routine as much as he could in a speech that essentially told her the people voted for war.

Grabbing votes from the Restoration Party might be the Princesses greatest strength, at least until the Justice Party goes and steals the rest of them Eridani thought.

The truth was, if he actually tried to make the conference work, it would be almost certain political suicide for him and the Homeland Party. His approval ratings were already floating in the low 40’s, and the Justice Party was now rapidly growing in popularity. The end justifies the means is what they say with this kind of situation. If it meant keeping the Justice Party out of power, he would do anything… even intentionally allow a peace conference to fail.

“Regardless, my hands are tied, the party has already made its decision and the delegation has already been chosen. I am sorry princess, but I under no circumstances can I allow you to be present at that conference”. Eridani said. The Secretary-General and the princess were silent for nearly half a minute, staring at each other. The princess’ expression morphed from sadness to anger, then suddenly became expressionless.
“Thank you Secretary-General for meeting with me and taking some of your time to hear my request. I will take your words to heart and try to win over the people. I bid you a good day”

“And to you as well your highness”

The princess then made an effort to walk out of the office as officially as she could muster, leaving the Secretary-General alone. Another days work Eridani thought.

Roughly the same time, Himalaya III (Terran Federation), Himalaya System, Orion Arm

“So, do you want me to crash the party or not?” A shadowy figure at the lonely back end of a red light district nightclub spoke to what appeared to be a hologram standing on the table.

“No… just watch it” The hologram spoke, the hologram a mere form with no features, its voice distorted and artificial.

The shadowy figure gave a short snort and then reclined back further in the nightclubs couch. “Usually you have me for kill jobs, not surveillance. Seems like the perfect time to stir up trouble, why not?” The shadowy figure argued.

“The conference serves our purposes significantly more as intended than as a crater. As for your work, usually you do as you are told and do not debate orders” the featureless hologram shot back.


“Now then” the hologram returned to a more neutral tone, “Eridani is not fool enough to risk actually agreeing to anything at the conference, however his mere involvement in it will be all the propaganda we will need.”

“So I am there because…” The shadowy figure held the question in the air.

“We believe one of the xenos will ‘crash the party’ as you say themselves. Your purpose is to be the cavalry and kill but more importantly expose any xeno attempts at terrorism, thus we may discredit both Eridani and any xeno-loving policies” The featureless hologram said.

“You will engage in no attacks or false-flag operations before the xenos attack” the hologram continued, expecting such as response. “Do you understand?”

A brief silence followed, until the shadowy figure stood up, revealing a rough face covered in many scars with a head covered by a thin black buzzcut. The face was smiling, but it was clearly one hiding annoyance than anything else.
“I understand” The scarred man said before picking up a large pistol from the table and finishing his glass of whisky.

Glory and justice my friend” the hologram spoke before vanishing.

Glory and justice” the scarred man finished to no one in particular.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Dathu Periphery
10th Fleet Assembly Zone

A few light-years from the Dearoth System, the 10th Armada rested and drifted into the dark void of space, awaiting the return of the 2nd Scouting Brood, their estimated time of arrival is overdue.

Deep in the bowels of the leading Supercarrier, High Overseer Zamaria stood in the center of the Command Bridge, staring intensely at the large holo-display of the fleet's general position right before her. "He's late." She spoke. Before long, several blips appeared on the display, the holo-display automatically zoomed in on the incoming scout ships, but something seemed off, several ships were missing and the scout ships had sustained some damage. Zamaria was quick to action, turning to one of the Operators. "Open channels with the lead cruiser, I want answers." In mere seconds, the Dathu operator was flawless in his execution of the order, the holo-display morphing into a flat screen as the image of Overseer Guimos appeared.

"Report." Zamaria ordered, clearly showing her rather cold and mechanical attitude towards her underlings.

"High Overseer." Guimos begun. "We've encountered a low-tier planetary civilization not too far from our current position, we had engaged the natives, and they have proven themselves a defiant lot."

"That explains your missing ships..." She muttered.

"They may have outnumbered my brood, but with the full might of the Armada at your command, we can surely conquer their pitiful world!

Yes, yes, I shall." She said, putting great emphasis on herself, hinting towards something unpleasant. "However...there's one matter I must attend to." her words, her matter of speaking, it sent chill to Guimos exoskelelton.

"You've failed to properly display our power, Overseer." She said. "Such a shameful act, losing ships to a bunch of primitives. This needs to be rectified."

Overseer Guimos' mandibles started to trembled and shiver, his eyes growing wide, Zamaria could clearly see the fear in his eyes. "All ships...target the scouting brood, annihilate them."

"NO! NO!!" Guimos cried out as the feed was instantly cut off, the combined firepower of the fleet turning the small scouting brood into drifting stardust.

The holo-display readjusted itself to show the wreckage left behind. "Ah, that's much better." She said sadistically. "All ships are to follow the coordinates that our dearly departed overseer has provided us, we will finish what he failed to start."


Terran Border Regions
Kausis System

The Kausis system, a star system rich abundant in natural resources, and currently under the banner of a Gaian Mining Company who had the fortune of stumbling upon this previously unclaimed system. Unfortunately for the Gaians, something terrible was on its way. Near their Asteroid Settlements, a Dathu fleet numbering over a hundred warships had blinked into existence just outside the star system, not too soon after their arrival, swarms of strike craft and boarding craft departed from the fleet and were quickly converging towards the Asteroid Fields, intent on claiming this system in the name of the Queen Mother and the Hives.

Today was to be a day of great Infamy for the Gaians, the bloody Battle of the Kausis Fields.


Capital City of Aurud
Battlecruiser 201102 "Royal Nest"

An Aururd-class Battlecruiser hung high over its namesake, the Capital City of the Dathu Empire, observing the city below through one of its many observation rooms stood Princess Kelesia, firstborn of the Queen Mother and next in line for the throne and to her right was the Queen Mother herself, preparing for their goodbyes.

"Mother...I must ask." Kelesia asked. "Why have we agreed to this conference?"

"In honestly my daughter, merely to humor the Terrans." Zalkui answered. "I have no intention of ceasing the invasion, we've gone so far, and to end it all on the whims of the Terran Leaders is simply madness, if they wish us to stop, I say let them try." she paused a moment, taking in the sight of the city from above. "Besides, you need some experience concerning the terrans and others. See how they bicker and scrabble, something we must never fall to."

"I understand mother." the princess said.

"Very good my dear, now I must be off, the ship leaves soon for the Terran Homeworld, may the Divine Matriarchs watch over you." The two embrace one another for the last time before the Queen Mother leaves the room and soon back to the surface.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ekreture
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kausis System: Fairbank Mining Company

The workday is over, and miners pile into a mobile bar they had set up. The wealthy planter that sponsored this colony, Merryweather Fairbank, doesn't sponsor the bar. No, the miners pay for Dierks, the bartender who went on these mining expeditions, out of their own pockets.

It's strange; looking from the inside, you wouldn't know they were miners, or that they were Gaian. Hell, you wouldn't even know that Terrans ever colonized outside of Earth, as the atmospheric bubble that surrounded many of the 'residential' asteroids allowed for them to walk into the bar without a suit. They laughed as Dierks, a former Ranger, brought them drinks, and a few grabbed guitars, fiddles, and other instruments. As Dierks went back to the bar the pour out some whiskey, while the miners sang a rousing and drunken 'Rose for Virginia', he looked out the window; Fairbank may not pay for a bar, but he does pay for a somewhat decent defence system-you need one on these far off expeditions to ward off whatever small pirate groups would try to harass the miners. Right now, Dierks stared at an ion cannon-the colony had about forty of these, all manned by Fairbank's private security. That's when he noticed a small dot in the distance-it soon turned to many. Ships. Xeno ships, by the looks of them. "Shit!" he exclaimed, and scurried for the bar, grabbing the laser rifle he kept underneath in case someone got too roudy. "Xenos! Everyone, get a gun!"

The rest of the bar all started shouting, worried, as the ran out of the bar to either their homes, or the supply shacks around the asteroids which usually had a few weapons in them. Due to the ambush, it was hard to be prepared, but some managed to get a spacesuit on. The ion cannons started firing, blasting down a number of the oncoming Dathu craft, but as they moved onwards, the miners prepared for a fight. Dierks saw a couple of boarding craft moving towards the asteroid his bar was on, and, knowing that a pitch battle outside would be a losing battle, yelled to the armed miners that still remained on his rock. "Everyone, behind the bar and shut up!"

His heart beat. He's known battle before. All rangers have. The skull and rank insignia tattooed on his arm proved it. He and about ten miners were crouched behind the bar, rifles in hand, waiting for a signal. He heard the bar doors creak open, and the foreign footsteps of a Xeno step inside. One of the miners moved his hand to his trigger, but Dierks looked at him, shaking his head. He waited a few more seconds, for more aliens to step into the building, before he shouted, "NOW!" The miners, all veterans, move up from the bar and begin firing a volley of energy blasts at the Dathu, cutting them down like the pests that they were. Dierks hopped over the bar, looking down at the corpses. They were disgusting creatures, unlike anything he'd fought in the army. He motions for the miners to move out, as they exit the building.

What Dierks came upon was far worse than he could've imagined. A whole fleet of these Xenos had enveloped the colony; the ion cannons on the edge they had come in on were destroyed, and about 24 of them remained. Meanwhile, miners and Dathu traded shots on the asteroids on which they had disembark. Other miners had gotten onto the plasma machines they used to blast holes in Asteroids and were using them as an improvised artillery. Some former pilots had gotten onto cargo and transport ships that had been outfitted with weapons and were trying in vain to fight back the horde, and some pilots who had gotten into cargo ships without weapons moved their ships to ram into the main Dathu warships, rather dying then awaiting whatever fate awaited them.

Dierks had seen his fair share of battles in his life, and knew this to be a losing one. The miners who had fought in the bar with him now went off to war, but he knew they were soon to die, and he went back into the bar to find his space suit, before jumping to a large nearby residential asteroid.

Dathu soldiers were blasting shots at a sealed door, and Dierks heard screaming behind it, and used the element of surprise to cut down the Xenos, going to knock on the door. "It's me, Dierks, open it!" A female voice behind it retorted, "Like Hell!" "Shit woman, do you want to fuckin live?" After a pause, the door unlocked, and Dierks looked inside to see a large group of women and children, who had huddled inside the house when the fighting stopped. He was also staring down a barrel of a shaking pistol.

He knew this woman-she was one of the only woman on the colony who was a miner herself, not just the wife of one. "Mary, put the gun down, it's okay." A tear rolled down her face as she hesitated, then dropped the weapon to her side. "Why ain't you fighting DIerks?" Dierks sighed. "I done enough of that...there a shuttle on this rock?" One of the other woman stepped forward. "Yeah, down below...but we can't leave our husbands!" Dierks turned around, moving towards where the shuttle was. "If they live, they'll find you."

As he and the survivors huddled into the shuttle, the AI booted up. "Emergency shuttle to Gaia, only to be used if absolutely necessary." Dierks looked up, rifle in hand, and shouted, "Shit, this seems a little necessary to me!"

"Affirmative. Are you aware that returning to Gaia if not necessary is a breach your contract with Mr. Fairbank, under page seventeen clause A6 paragraph 9?" Mary then stood up. "Fuck it, just go!"

"Affirmative." The emergency shuttle then blasted off. "Reaching warpspeed in 10...9...8...7..." As the shuttle moved out, a couple Dathu ships took after them, and the children started screaming. A plasma blast ripped one of the ships in half, as Dierks looked back to the chaos in the colony. The miners were putting up a good fight, but he knew it couldn't last for last.

"3...2...1" At this, the ensuing chaos behind them went out of sight, and the survivors, and, as it would turn out, the only survivors of the battle, were safe.


James Montgomery Spaceport, right outside Bethleham, Gaia, Alpha Centauri System

Mutants loaded cargo of clothing and bibles onto the Eagle. Of course, they're sending me in the Eagle, thought Cincinnatus, What else would they send me in? Cincinnatus, of course, had been famous all over Terran space when he defended the Eagle against Xeno pirates for a full month. But with that fame came some losses...namely his left eye. As he watched the slaves load the ship, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Admiral Michaelson!" exclaimed President Parsons, his suit as sharp as the saber in Cincinnatus's belt. Cincinnatus turned to greet him, extending a hand. "Mr. President...for what do I owe the honor?" Shaking his hand, Parsons laughed, and said, "Why, just to see of my delegation to Earth! You will bring me back a bible, won't you?" The honored veteran nodded. "Of course, Mr. President," as he scoffed internally, or as his wife put it, 'rolled his missing eye'.

The pilgrims and other delegates that were also going to Earth turned around to see their president, all whispering to each other various remarks, some good, some not as good. Parsons, noticing the attention, chuckled, and put his arm around Cincinnatus's shoulder, leading him away from the crowd, then muttering, "Now, at this conference, don't get too chummy with the Xenos, okay?" Cincinnatus nodded. While Gaia has historically been extremely hostile towards non-human intelligent life, under the Parsons presidency, relations with the Aliens have started to cool a bit. Unfortunately, this has lowered Parsons's poll numbers a bit, and so, as talks continue, he doesn't want his delegation to seem to openly pro-Xeno.

Later, Cincinnatus was boarding the ship, and the pilgrims were saying their goodbyes to their loved ones, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see his wife, Virginia. "What, did you hope to leave without your goodbyes?" He chuckled, something he rarely did. "I thought we did that this morning!" She laughed, and hugged him tightly, leaving a kiss on his cheek. "Cincinnatus Michaelson, you never change." He smiled, and then looked behind her at his two sons, George, 25, and Jack, 18. George had recently graduated military school, and had become a lieutenant in the Marines, and was due to begin his tour of duty next month, while Jack was enrolling in a few months. Cincinnatus looked to George. "Now son, you take care of the farm while I'm gone, understand?" George saluted him, giving a stern, "Yes sir!" Cincinnatus then looked to Jack. "Jack...I'll see you." Jack nodded, not making eye contact, and Cincinnatus embarked the ship, and soon they were off, leaving for their neighbor.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Inside and out of the Asteroid Colonies, the remaining miners, the Dathu and their Yanthu servitors fought a bitter and bloody battle, every inch taking was at a great cost of the Dathu ground troops, the miners throwing everything at their disposable, thier military training and makeshift military hardware proven enough to stave off their advance, for how at least. The space battle itself was quiet similar, the Ion Cannon Platforms wreaking havoc on any passing by fighter clusters or any incoming troop transports in their sights. Wreckage from both Mining ships, destroyed Ion Platforms and Dathu ships soon enveloped all around the colony, becoming more of a hazard for any spaceborne Dathu ships.

Inside one of the colonies, the corridors with littered with human and Yanthu corpses, a lone Dathu Overseer and his centurion guards strolled though the bloodied halls, following a trail of blood leading to the worker barracks, passing through the sliding door, there he saw one dying miner, covered plasma burns and a small hole in his chest made from said plasma weapon. The overseer approached the dying man. "Oh how the mighty have fallen." he spoke mockingly. "To think our people once knelled to your kind centuries ago."

"Go to hell." the miner spat at the overseer.

"You're in no position to make that call." the Overseer replied. "Although, you did make quite the valiant last stand, it won't mean much, but you certainly have shown me terrans are still capable of being just as brutal as they were before." he paused a moment as he took a small device from one of his guards as it made several beeping sounds, pressing it against his head. "Hmm, yes...understood." he returned the device to the guard as he turned his attention back to the miner.

"Seems the battle will be over very soon, you're defenses have fallen, along with most of your people."

"Hehe, that's what you think you goddamn xeno." the overseer's antenna perked with slight interest. "Oh? Got a nuke in your pocket?" he mocked once again.

The miner started to cough up blood before weakly responding. "...noooope..." he replied, but our sons, daughters and wives escaped...Gaia will know what happened here....and we're gonna take all you bastards with us." without hesitation the dying man pulled out an active grenade, much to the horror of the overseer. "Go to hell." he said once more before he and the overseer were engulfed in a blazing explosion from the grenade.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ekreture
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Central Security Command, Kausis System

The last of the Gaian defenders huddled into the Central Command, about ten private security and twenty-five miners. They were being led by John, an ex Marine sergeant, who was on a communication device with Seamus, an old miner who was alone in one of the residential areas, when he heard an explosion on the other end, and placed it down. "Seamus is gone." He looked around to the last survivors. A couple of the security guards were on turrets, but most of them were sitting around him. He didn't know what to say to these men-some were as young as fifteen. He knew they were gone.

He heard weeps, prayers. In the corner, the reverend at the colony's church was kneeling over a young boy, giving him his final rites. At his side, John had his weapon-a sledgehammer. His rifle died after shooting a dozen of these bastards. Just then, he heard something strange-a violin tuning. He turned around. One of the older miners had grabbed a fiddle, and started playing. One of the other ones started singing and old song that all Gaian miners and soldiers learn at some point.

I was born where I would die,
In search of fortune in the mines,
And it's here I will take my final stand,
I've seen rocks throughout the galaxy,
And if I must end, it's fine by me,
Just bury me in my fair homeland.

More miners started joining in.

Bury me in Gaia,
Bury me in Gaia,
Though my soul be damned,
In this heathen land,
Bury me in Gaia.

At this, the rest of the defenders joined in the sad song, though a few broke off with their rifles, going back to fire at the remaining aliens.

Bury me in Gaia,
Bury me in Gaia,
I'll die with rifle in hand,
In this heathen land,
But bury me in Gaia.

The original two musicians kept playing, but the rest of the miners had broken off to continue the fight. And they managed to keep up the fight for a few more hours, taking down a good many Dathu. In this time, John had made his way to the communications deck in the Command Center, and send a message to Gaia, explaining what had happened. Eventually though, one of the turrets shot down a Dathu fighter at the exact wrong time. The entire building shook with rage.

John woke up, coughing, dust and debris surrounding him, when he heard footsteps coming, and rose, grabbing the sledgehammer next to him, and waited by the door. As the Dathu and Yanthu entered, he swung, caving in one of their skulls, brains splattering on the Xeno behind him. He swung again, striking a Yanthu in the gut, causing it to keel over in pain. Another raised its gun at him, but John grabbed a Yanthu soldier, putting the handle of the hammer on his neck before the one aiming at him accidentally shot his comrade, before the former marine struck him dead in the throat. It was then that the one he hit in the gut shot him square in the back, and John keeled over, screaming in pain. The Dathu commander walked over to him. "Was this worth it Terran? To die like this? For what?" John started laughing, in between coughs of blood. "Fuck, I don't know, but you gotta admit, it's pretty cool how I got your boy's brains out, ain't it?" The commander grimaced, and kicked him on the ground, before picking him up and holding him close to his face.

"You are the last of your puny defenders, and you will die like the rest of them!" John nodded. "Yeah...well...not quite."


It's too bad the Dathu learned nothing of the vibrant and fascinating culture of the Gaian Miners before unleashing their wrath upon them. Then they would've known about the prize ship. You see, after so many pirate attacks on the Gaian trade ships, the sponsors of these mining expeditions started paying for a ship much more expensive than the rest of them, a large cargo ship that, while defenseless, had decent cloaking technology, supposed to be used to transport as much wealth as possible back to the sponsor in case of a large scale attack. This colony had a prize ship as well, but this wasn't filled with precious metal.


Dathu Flagship, Battle of Kausis Fields

The admiral of the Dathu fleet surveyed the destruction, when a communication signal, apparently from some nearby miner, tried to come through. He allowed it. It was only a voice-no face.

"Do you believe in Christ?" The whole of the Dathu ship starts laughing, before the admiral responds, "We have no need for such weak Terran gods."

"Well, you might want to start."

"And why's that?"

"You're about to meet him." At that, the Kausis Colony prize ship, filled to the brim with mining explosives, appeared right in front of the flagship's deck, slamming into the ship full force.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CaptainBritton
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CaptainBritton Man of War

Member Seen 16 days ago

First Contact War, Continued

Dathu Periphery
Dearoth System

The 10th Armada had finally arrive to their destination as over a hundred ships had simultaneously flashed into existence as they all left FTL space. They had appeared just beyond the Asteroid Fields, and made their move towards Dearoth. From the Command Room, High Overseer Zamaria observed what little recovered footage and layouts of the star system from the scouting brood's remain, even watched the battle that took place prior to the Armada's arrival. "For Primitives, they are quite the determined sort, as the late overseer said." On both flanks stood two other Dathu, Ranaj and Udena, her top officers in the fleet. She turns to face both of them. "You two are to take your forces and move ahead of the fleet, don't let these wretches lick their wounds." They both bowed and complied, leaving the command room. After some time had passed. Over fifty ships had broken off from the fleet and sped ahead towards their target.

Flagship DFS Resolution
In Orbit of Dearoth Prime

“Your sole purpose is to hold them off, Grand Admiral. For every minute you delay their armada, we can retrofit another freighter to work with their FTL drives and another thousand people can escape. Good luck,” came the voice of Ukyla over the video screen. Her features almost seemed to droop with resignation before the feed cut off.

The Grand Admiral rose from his seat, a scowl forming on his face. A bridge officer addressed him and he spoke. “Bring all vessels to general quarters. Get us in column formation and move on my command,” He said in his smooth and calm voice.

The nearly two hundred and seventy five vessels did as he ordered, forming up in a column. Corvettes at the front, frigates behind them, destroyers behind them, battle cruisers behind them, the flagship bringing up behind them, and the carriers at the rear. The engines of each vessel fired synchronously as they moved to meet their foe.

The First wave of the Dathu fleet had finally arrived to the world of Dearoth, met with the full might of the Dearothian Military in orbit. The Dathu light and heavy frigates were the first to enter orbit, approaching the Dearoth Fleet, unleashing their missile salvos and volleys of plasma bolts. The five larger capital ships had hung back, providing support as they unleashed their own attack in the form of swarms of fighter craft.

The first wave is met with a blinding flash as coilgun shot after coilgun shot, missile after missile, are sent at the fast approaching foe. However, the plasma bolts do their number, taking out a fair few corvettes and frigates, also damaging the rear portion of a destroyer.

Meeting the Dathu fighters is the Dearothians’ own swarm of interceptor craft, clashing midway and unleashing hails of autocannon fire and air-to-air missiles.

Meanwhile, the first evacuations were taking place, the lights of first a few, then many freighters vanishing into FTL visible on the other side of the planet. In the initial evacuation, perhaps sixty thousand people had made their way into the void of space. After that, the flashes of light turned into small trickles in the void, as freshly retrofitted ship after retrofitted ship made their way away from the system. A simple morse message came through to the flagship of the Dearothian forces. “SIXTY-SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE GONE. THEY OWE YOU THEIR LIVES.”

The Dearothian counterattack took its toll on the Dathu frontline, many of the frigates shattering from the coilgun shots, many fighters shot down before they even properly engaged the enemy, for Zamaria’s talk of absolute strength of the Dathu, it seemed even a planetary civilization could resist a space faring empire like the Dathu, now she will feel the shame that Guimos felt. Stray missile had gotten passing the Dathu frigate screen as they hit one of the larger capital ships, merely dents or small hull damage, but brave nonetheless. The Capital ships soon made their move as the frigate screen was slowly collapsing, over a dozen ships already lost. Three light cruisers and a battlecruiser moved in to fill in the empty gaps, firing away as streams of plasma emerged from the formation. In the chaos, one could easily fail to notice one missing ship, a heavy cruiser had broken off from the rest, moving closer towards the planet, ready to wreak havoc down on the surface.

The Dearothian fleet keeps up its attack, indeed failing to see the heavy cruiser. The fighters, too, keep up their attack, screening the attacking fighters and attempting to minimize losses.

The ground-to-orbit guns on Dearoth roared to life, shaking the earth around them as they fired at the heavy cruiser. Meanwhile, ships continued to trickle out of orbit. In ten minutes, another ten thousand people had escaped. The flagship received another message, “DISMANTLING FACTORIES, SEVENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE GONE. OUR INFRASTRUCTURE WILL NOT BUILD WEAPONS FOR THE ALIENS.”

The continued assault from the surface was tolling on the heavy cruiser’s shields, but pressed on as it neared the surface, passing through the clouds, those that were still on the ground witness what seemed to be the end of the world as a large burning object drew closer to planet. The cruiser had finally arrived, but to a great cost, the combined strain of the Anti-orbit guns and entering the atmosphere had caused the shields to shut down, the ship was vulnerable, but it did not matter to ranaj, she would carry out her orders to death, and made for her possibly final attack as her ship begun to track the origin point of the anti-orbital attacks.

“Damn! Full power to all weapons! Hold for a bit longer!” Cibran shouted, grasping for dear life onto a nearby console as the deck shuddered with the fire of each weapon.

The column was now breaking, but soon reformed into a wedge, with the flagship at the head, firing off its spinal coilgun at every interval it could. The fighters that had encountered the Dathu’s were now faltering and breaking, many of the remnants limping back to their carriers. But, as fast as they left, new but smaller squadrons scrambled to replace them.

More frigates had falling, shutting down as vital systems had been blown off from coilgun rounds, the three light cruisers moved ahead, firing off their plasma cannons and turrets, but sustained much damage as they advanced. From the command bridge aboard the leading battlecruiser Udena observed as the battle became too close for comfort. “Guimos was right..” he muttered, his fleet slowly being worn down by the natives, his worries may soon be put to rest as reinforcements arrived, for the most part. Still quite a distance away, but within range, the High Overseer and the rest of the Armada had finally arrived, deploying another swarm of fighter craft to support the slowly crumbling frontline.

The city of New Silai was preparing for the worst. The local military reserves had been called in, and raggedy local militias had been formed. The guns continued to fire on the heavy cruiser, as legions upon legions of troops amassed in the city itself for a desperate defence of whatever might come. Meanwhile, the trickle of ships only continued to increase as the evacuation continued. Beamed to the flagship was the short message, “PLANETARY MUSEUM HAS BEEN EMPTIED AND SPIRITED AWAY. OUR HISTORY IS SAFE.”

Cibran wore a worried expression on his face as he yelled to the officer at work beside him. “Get me a morse line to the executive!” The officer did as told, pulling forth a drawer of keys, waiting to type the message.


A stray plasma bolt strikes the flagship moments after, nearly shearing off the starboard hangar bay. “Sir, we’re venting atmosphere! Sealing off decks five and six!”

Meanwhile, on-planet, joining the militias and such raised inside the various cities are small detachments of marine reserves, bearing their imposing armor and weaponry, preparing to defend to the last.

The heavy cruiser now was approaching the city, detecting a large amount of life signs, within moments, pods drop from the cruisers underside, dozens raining down on the city. Within these pods held the dreaded Omega Strain of the Yanthu servitors. Throughout the city, the pods sprang open as they unleash small broods of Ravagers, living killing machines now running loose in the streets of New Silai.

Up in orbit, a light cruiser had taking too much fire and had split in two from one last round of missile strikes, shattering in large, drifting wreckage, said wreckage colliding with other cruisers, causing their shields to burst. The newly arrived fighter swarms flew past the battle-wrecked fleet and towards the Dearothians fleet, hundreds destroyed from another wave of attacks from the defenders.


Meanwhile, on the ground, the fighting began as the militias entered urban combat with the Dathu, achieving early successes due to superior use of the terrain and a healthier knowledge of the city.

The fleet keeps up its fight, most of its corvettes and frigates lying in ruin. As many vessels run out of missiles or tungsten rods, support vessels swarm from the carriers at the rear to replenish each one.

The Grand Admiral himself reads the message addressed to him, nodding at the officer which received it and announcing to the bridge. “All hands, all hands, we are clear to pull out at our discretion. Now, I want to say, anyone who wants to leave, do so now.” The voice booms across the PA systems of every vessel in the fleet. Not one ship or even man budges whatsoever. “Good.” Each and every one remains at their station, a steady order in that of chaos. Load, aim, fire. Load, aim, fire.

On the ground the marines encounter their enemy with fierce resolve and decisive tactics. Having been trained for these scenarios, the marines ambush their foe at every bend and turn. The men fight til the ammo has run out. And when it has, they draw blades and encounter their enemy in hand-to-hand.

Up in orbit, the first wave of Dathu warships was reduced to a single ship, a battlecruiser. Udena stared intensely at the holo-projection of the Dearothian fleet, their determination, their continued resistance filling him with fury, and fear...he knew his fate as soon as the High Overseer arrived with the rest of the fleet, her orders are to be followed by the letter under her, and if not, Guimos is a perfect demonstration of the price. In that instant, Udena’s battlecruiser was lit ablaze as the supercarrier dawned over it. “Pathic.” Zamaria spat. “You fools followed one order at least. The natives have been worn down, now I will finish what my underlings have failed to, all ships! fire!”

Elsewhere, below, the city of New Silai was burning as Dathu Aircraft departed from the hovering cruiser, raining plasma down on the city. Corpses of Ravagers and local defenders littered the streets. Soon the more humanoid Alpha Strain of the Yanthu roamed the streets as the dropships make their landing.

“THE ARCHIVES HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED. OUR TECHNOLOGY WILL NOT FALL INTO THEIR HANDS.” came the message, right on schedule, as the fighting continued in New Silai. Soon enough more forces from the local countryside and neighboring cities entered the fray, leaving in its wake brutal fighting.

The remnants of the fleet consisted of mainly the large destroyers, battlecruisers, carriers, and flagships. They pressed as hard as ever, having been resupplied. Many focus their main batteries on the supercarrier and any surrounding battlecruisers. The missiles of which they release seek their target on smaller craft which dared to lurk in their path.

On the ground, outdated fighter craft scrambled from nearby airstrips to encounter the enemies. The craft swarmed, the entire stores of them having been mobilized, veterans from other wars and civilians filling their seats. The marines continue their well planned ambushes, phase lines being set up. When one wave is broken, another lies merely a block behind it.

The Supercarrier and her heavy escort pressed on with the attack as the made their slow advance, victory within their grasps, no matter how worn out the shields were getting, or the loss of any ships, the fleet pressed forward, returning fire with volleys of plasma beams and missiles.

The Heavy Cruiser down below took even more damage to its hull as enemy aircraft made strafing runs on it. The city battle was as brutal as ever as the Dearothian soldiers engaged their equals, the Alpha Strains, trading shots through the city. The battle would soon be put to an early end however as one fighter had a lucky shot, a missile hitting a vital part for the ship’s stability. A series of explosions appeared all across the hull as the cruiser made its last descent towards the city.


The singular message came through to the entire fleet, as the city itself was crushed under the cruiser. The steady trickle of ships from the other side of the planet did not stop, indeed it only grew larger as the workers became more and more efficient at retrofitting the ships.

The flagship takes a hit to the port hangar, it literally vaporizing as it is hit. Destroyers and battlecruisers alike take their fair share of hits, operating under massive strain as they throw fire towards their foe.

On the ground the marine reserves of each city mobilize and detachments accompany each and every evacuation craft, with many manning each city’s defenses.

“I’ve had enough of this..” Zamaria said. “ Cruisers 3021, 4502 and 5694 are to move at full speed, ram the enemy ships and unload all your ordinance.” following her command, three light cruisers speed towards the Dearothian fleet, followed by a swarm of plasma missiles. “This world WILL be ours…”

Meeting the three on course to ram is two battlecruisers per light cruiser, four destroyers per light cruiser, and what’s left of the frigates and corvettes, all of which unloading nearly all the ordnance they have at them, intent on basically vaporizing them.

Meanwhile the unoccupied vessels, including the flagship, keep up fire in the same fashion as they have all this time.


The evacuation continued.

Another screen of light warships fall to the last of the Dearothian fleet, the Supercarrier continuing its advance, its shields under attack from a wave of missiles, coilgun shots and incoming wreckage from its comrades and enemies alike. The Original one hundred and fifty strong fleet had now been reduced to eighty seven, a sizable force no doubt, but far from their old numbers, but they kept it up, no matter how many ships they’d lose. The fighter swarms were soon recalled as the fleet made their push.

Meanwhile the Dearothian fleet had been whittled down to a mere 73. Nonetheless the enemy’s number and weaponry advantage, the fleet continued its fire and still focused mainly on the supercarrier and its escort. However, as the foe closed in, the ships began a steady backpedal in which they kept up their fire but still distanced themselves from the enemy.


The Dathu sent out another wave of plasma and missiles, the carrier firing its heavy plasma cannons, its shields however were weakening, down to nearly ten percent. “Push forward! I want all of them dead!”

In that moment, one of the frigates took a direct hit in the command deck, drifting straight towards the supercarrier as it clashed with it, breaking down the shields and dragging against the hull. More missiles targeted the carry, adding to the damage to it. “We’ve lost the shields!”

“We will not fall back! PUSH. FORWARD!”

Many of the destroyers the fleet once had lay as eviscerated husks. Now the remaining vessels fire their coilguns at the now unshielded supercarrier, allowing their dwindling supply of missiles to deal with smaller craft.

The carriers in the rear release the remains of the fighter and bomber craft in their holds, screening the enemy as they push forward.

Once the Dearothian fleet focused all fire on the supercarrier, Zamaria became all too aware of her fate. “No..no!” she screamed out as a wing of bomber craft flew past the graveyard of starships, making their move towards the carrier’s underbelly, unaware however, that somewhere within that section is the command bridge. The room trembled as a round of missiles hit near their position, alerts ringing out for a hull breach nearby. “No..” she muttered as another round of missiles pushed their way in the breach, the very floor beneath Zamaria collapsing as she and all nearby personnel were sucked out into the cold vacuum of space.

Unaware of the massive blow they had dealt, the Dearothian ships keep up their fire as they had.

The Grand Admiral transmits to the executive. “WE ARE HOLDING.”

The Dathu fleet begins to scatter as they begin to encircle the Dearothian fleet, preparing for the final strike, and possibly end it.

As the Dearothian fleet begins to realise what is happening, they start to focus their fire on a specific section of the encirclement, moving to break free.

“THE LONGER YOU HOLD, THE MORE WE CAN EVACUATE.” came the reply to the admiral’s earlier message.

As the fleet begins to trap the enemy, they Dearothians quickly reacted, followed by a combined assault of one section of the formation, a heavy cruiser now vaporized, leaving an opening for the Dearothians.

They take it, moving to escape encirclement, forming a whole new column of defense as they escape.

With the loss of the High Overseer, the fleet was in chaos regarding the chain of command, the ships scattering about, no doubt much to the bewilderment of the Dearothians, and for them, a miracle had occurred, the Dathu ships begun to flee to the darkness of space, the battle had been won so it seems for the defenders.

The Dearothians, with what ships they had left, began an orderly withdrawal to the other side of the planet, to closely escort and safeguard the evacuating civilians. On the surface, the process continued with all the vigor it had been.

Jelaki Mining Corporation
Somewhere on Dearoth Prime

“I can’t believe they’re trusting us with this much ordnance,” said one of the miners, as he directed the nuclear missiles into the massive deep-core mining pit. He might as well have said it to himself, as nobody responded. Everyone had their job to do, and they were doing it. The entire arsenal, thousands upon thousands of missiles and bombs, from the first prototypes to the latest versions were being loaded into the core. Everyone knew what it meant, this was the last time they’d see their planet. Nonetheless, they worked on. The evacuation was a public affair, and everyone knew their duty.

Ark ships were beginning to be pumped out rapidly, millions of people escaping on them into unknown space.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Kausis System
The sudden appearance of the large cargo ship caught the High Overseer off guard, giving him little time to even react or evade the suicide run. "Brace for impact!" the Overseer commanded, the cargo ship had broken through the supercarrier's shields, colliding against one another, the miner ship was caught in between the large gap in the supercarrier and upon impact, all the explosives within the ship had simultaneously detonated, the supercarrier now split in two, all power had been lost as both halves of the ship went completely dark, slowly drifting towards the asteroid belt, and eventually clashing with said asteroids, initiating two more bright blazes of lit as the ship exploded into dust.

The Dathu on the colony watched in sheer awe as their flagship had been reduced to stardust, the tenacity of it all of these terran "miners", if you even can call them that! But, nonetheless, despite their very heavy losses, about seventy-five percent of the standing force now in ashes, the asteroid mining colony and the entirety of the kausis system itself was now in Dathu control.

Two Days Later
Only a few days have past, and the Dathu have already begun to fortify the star system, Kausis among dozens of claimed or soon to be claimed "beachhead" systems made ready for the Dathu's next phase of their invasion of the Border Regions. The Kausis system was now under new management by a recently promoted High Overseer, a Dathu by the name of Uhan, who was among the lesser Overseers in the invasion fleet before the High Overseer met his unfortunate fate.

Uhan had strolled through the new cleaned corridors of the former mining colony, observing the terran decorations and all that sort. One particular room took the notice of the High Overseer, stepping back as he entered the new vacant bar, he had noticed a large flag hung on the wall, colored in red, white and blue with three stars.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Roguen IV. Roguen System. Karaldia Oversector.
Colonel Maximilian Sepalev strode through the corridors of the Chimerian Royal Palace, five figures in yellow armor and masks behind him while all around the blue-clad soldiers of Baron-General Herren rushed through the hallways, moving to crush the last remnants of the Royal Guard still fighting inside the palace complex.

Not that their resistance mattered anymore. The rebels had taken control of the capital already, and with it the vital center of the Chimerian communications and logistics network. The King was dead, the Queen would soon follow and their spawn was safely locked away awaiting execution. The rest of the planet was also secured, its garrison commanded by officers loyal to the Baron-General.

With the capital under their control it would be a question of days until the rest of Chimeria fell in line. Mere days until the official authorization came in allowing the 319th Army Group of General Shikai to cross into Chimeria. And from there strike at the rest of the Oversector. Yes, the Colonel thought with contentment, Roguen IV will be the biggest stepping stone on the Path of Enlightenment for Karaldia.

Sepalev finally reached the throne room, signs of battle still apparent everywhere. The soldiers standing guard before the ornate golden door saluted him but did not opened the door. Sepalev glared at them from beneath his mask.

“I'm sorry, sir.” One of the finally spoke up. “But the Baron-General is announcing the new order of things to the masses. Nobody gets in until his lordship is finished talking to the plebs.”

Sepalev nodded slightly but did not move. The five soldiers behind him also remaining perfectly still as the Chimerian troops tried to not make their discomfort show.

Sepalev and his retinue stood in front of the door waiting still and silent as statues for 20 minutes (or rather, Sepalev continued to give orders and receive updates through the integrated communication device in his helmet) as the self-proclaimed new ruler of Chimeria spoke to the people of the Kingdom about the righteousness of his cause and other tiresome discourse to justify his coup. There wasn't much point to it, as far as Sepalev was concerned, the Chimerian aristocracy was infamous through the entire Oversector for its decadence and disregard for the well being of its people. The masses held no true loyalty to their distant and cruel monarchs. All Herren had to do was not be worse than his predecessor and the people would create no problems.

But then again, the threat didn't come from the masses but from the Chimerian elite. Dukes, Countesses, Admirals and Marshals who had much to lose with this regime change. Though even they wouldn't be able to do much overtly with Herren holding the capital and the loyalty of the armed forces. And once General Shikai's forces arrived there would be no hope for them.

“Sir.” The guard finally spoke as the others opened the doors to the throne room. “His lordship is ready to see you.”

Sepalev walked in.

General-Baron Carl-Emil Larsen Herren The Third still sat on the bejeweled golden throne, looking incredibly pleased with himself as the media crew worked to dismount the transmission equipment. He turned towards the new arrivals. Smiling as he almost pranced his way towards the Colonel.

“Roguen is ours, my good Colonel!” He cheered, extending a gloved hand towards Sepalev, who took it. “Admiral Rogriss has just declared his support for my new regime and Count Priamzl has brought the border garrisons' loyalty with him.”

“Then I shall let General Shikai know. He will move at once. You better prepare the necessary arrangements, the 319th is a rather large force.” Sepalev paused. “By Chimerian standards.”
“Of course. I shall send the orders. Your troops will lack for nothing while in Chimeria.” Herren's smile strained almost imperceptibly. “And I assume the good General is bringing with him the relief convoys?”

“Yes.” Sepalev replied. “Enough to buy you the loyalty of your peasants for the duration of the war and make them accept our presence here.”

“Wonderful!” Herren replied, his smile turning into a predatory grin. “Now that the situation is under control why don't we pay the Royal Family a visit? I'm sure they would love to learn first hand about Enlightenment.”

ENS Lama Drup. En route to Earth.

Sub-Commissar of External Matters Liu Jian sat by the table in the corner of his sparsely furnished bedroom. The sleeve of his right arm lifted up to the elbow while his left hand carefully inserted the syringe into his vein. The chemical solution flooded through his body, making him feel a faint burning sensation all over his body. This was a common practice among some members of the Enlightened State. Mostly those more dedicated than the average to the Quest for Enlightenment who felt that they needed more than what the usual treatments could provide.

In Lian's case, the fanatical dedication was coupled with an anomalous high pain threshold. Which more often than not allowed him to go beyond the usual self-inflicted pain methods as much as he could get away with. And as long as it didn't interfere with his official duties, his superiors saw his dedication as something to be praised.

Said dedication was what had earned him to command of this diplomatic mission. That and the covert influence of the other members of the Eightfold Path. For them, it was a win-win situation, if the talks failed then it was expected (the Ministries hadn't even bothered announcing the conference to the masses) and the worst Jian had to fear was a stint in the sensory deprivation chambers. But if he somehow managed to secure an advantageous deal for the State, the invisible game of influence inside the halls of power would shift in favor of the Eightfold Path. Something they desperately needed with Jigwei bringing Enlightenment to Karaldia as if it was a walk through the park.

The burning in his veins had already faded. Always too fast and never strong enough, Jian would have to look into getting something stronger eventually. He turned his attention back towards the datapad over the table. This particular file related to the whole “cultural exchange” aspect of this mission. Truth be told, Jian doubted he would be able to achieve anything concrete on this front. The masses almost always rejected Enlightenment if given the choice, preferring the false comforts and crass pleasures of the material world over true Enlightenment. That's why in most cases Enlightenment had to be forced upon a population, the State was the only entity capable of breaking a people and rebuilding it according to the proper teachings.

But then again, it's not like anyone actually expected him to achieve anything anyways.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ekreture
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Fairbank Plantation, Gaia, Alpha Centauri

As the shuttle slowed from warpspeed, the green planet of Gaia came into view. "Now beginning initial descent into Gaia. Welcome home," announced the intercom, which started playing the tune of 'Dixie', and the ship beginning moving down to the planet. Dierks sighed and took off his helmet, then looked around him at the survivors; twenty two women and fifty three children. That's all that's left of the Kausis colony.

The shuttle broke into the Gaian atmosphere, and the children gathered to the windows, seing a planet's surface for the first time in their lives. The shuttle was headed to the Fairbank plantation, one of the largest plantations in Gaia, being around the size of the pre-Terran US state of Vermont, and home to their sponsor, Merryweather Fairbank.

The ship landed, and the doors opened. They were surrounded by Fairbank security, headed by a plantation overseer. The overseer looked back behind Dierks at the rest of the survivors. "I thought we told you only one wife to a man." Dierks grimaced. "Shit, I ain't married." The overseer, not saying anything further, moved forward placing hit fist in Dierks gut, causing him to keel over. "What the fuck?"

"What's with the early arrival, trash?" Apparently they had arrived ahead of the news. "Fuck...Kausis is dead!" The overseer laughed. "Bullshit!" Dierks straighted his back and moved toward the overseer. "I ain't lying," he said through gritted teeth. The overseer and him stood there, eyes locked, for a second, before the overseer grabbed him by the arm and pulled him toward a barn. "Come on!" The security motioned for the women and children to follow them to the big house. As they got off the shuttle, one of the children asked, "Ma, what's that smell?" His mother looked down at him. "Well...that's just grass, child, don't you pay it no mind."

Dierks was bound to a chair in the barn, the overseer circling around him, whip in hand. "You know," said the overseer, "Mr. Fairbank won't be happy his miner's breaking contract." Dierks spit on the ground. "Yeah, well he'll be a lot more upset when he find's his colony's been wrecked." The overseer grabbed his hair from behind and pulled him back, as Dierks shouted out. "Who done it then?"

"Fuck, I don't know! I didn't recognize them...they were some bug people shit..." The overseer let him go, and Dierks heard the whip crack on the floor behind him. "You inbred pale-ass miner trash, you better fess up right fucking now-"

"If you gonna whip me you better hope I don't get these binds off!" As the overseer raised his whip, a security guard entered the barn.

"Billy...he's telling the truth."


Bethlehem, Gaia, Alpha Centauri

President Parsons sat at his breakfast table in the Presidential Manor, wearing an imported silk robe and drinking coffee from his plantation, watching a Federation program on his screen. Just then, one of his aides burst into the room. "Mr. President, something requires your attention."

"Why don't they ever play our programs there? We even got that new one I like so much...that one about the revolution..." The aide stepped in a little further. "Sir...it's quite in urgent." The President rolled his eyes. "Reginald, every day you come in with something urgent that's always a...a senator's wife wearing a dress that's too short, or, or-"

"Sir, The Kausis Colony's been destroyed." At this, Parsons took another sip of his coffee, placed it down on the table, and turned off the screen, before saying, "Well...shit."


Streets of Bethlehem, Gaia, Alpha Centauri: Later that day

Lines stretched outside of the recruiting stations, stretching far beyond the eyes' comprehension. Uncertainty hung in the air; it was tangible, pungent. A worried stench that lingered in the nostrils of young men going to a certain war against an uncertain enemy. Wives and loved ones clung to the recruits like infants to a rattle, clutching tightly to their arms with tears welling in their eyes. Hot dog stands lined the streets like rubble in a warzone, feeding the coming masses of future veterans, widows, and corpses. It's strange-in times of tragedy, someone always seem to make a profit. Preachers, pastors, and pretenders stood on stone soap boxes, announcing apocalyptic jargon with a clueless certainty. Above, screens hung that usually played advertisements, but now rattled on fearmongering and speculation with a journalistic integrity. It seems as though the news had arrived.


Location Undisclosed

Proxima and her circle of advisors were all watching the same screen as the terrans. One of her men turned to her. "So..what do you make of this?" Proxima clicked her tongue. "What you want me to celebrate? Shit, these aliens don't know nothing about Gaia and they attack them...what do you think happens if they catch the Legion?" The head of the fleet, Remus Pericles, looked at her. "What, so we don't trust Xenos anymore?" Proxima laughed and stood up, moving to her window, moving the blinds to reveal the bustling black market that was The Triumph.

Arms dealers had shops next to candy stores, both of which sold firecrackers, while prostitues were stalking every turn. Drug dealers were allowed, though of course it was forbidden for Mutants to consume anything too powerful. Small bars and clubs existed in the nooks and crannies of the massive battleship, while Legionaries patrolled the halls, looking for anyone who might break their laws. Those who made up the black market were a vast mixture of xeno species, along with Mutants, mostly soldiers from the legion and former slaves waiting for transport to free planets, and some Terrans, who were either simply criminals looking for fun, or Gaian abolitionists.

"Shit," Proxima said, "We better trust Xenos...we're knee deep in 'em." She turned around. "Not to mention we're meeting with a shit ton of 'em today. When're those Federation Xenos supposed to talk with us?" One of her advisors spoke up, "Soon, ma'am, their ship just docked in one of our carriers, who'll be transporting the delegation to us shortly." The Mutant leader nodded. "Good...I'm eager to see what they may have to offer..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by hivekiller
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hivekiller SCP

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

10:00. The streets of Gladenapolis, Eusht, Egloera Solar System

The city of Gladenapolis, the capital city of the entire Egloera solar system. The city was built atop emerald hills of grass and is truly a fully modernised marvel. Its wonder is matched by the backdrop of monumental waterfalls which have helped shape the city to what it is today.

The climate these waterfalls brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings incorporate the aesthetic elements of water and waterfalls, as well as the lush greenery they provide.

The skyline is crowded with impressive skyscrapers, hologram billboards, all kinds of aircraft and they have aspects which represent their past, present and future. Daily life isn't too stressful in Gladenapolis and it has attracted a lot of attention. Various cultures have left their mark not just on education, but also of the city's identity. What historically was a city of no variation has grown into a multicultural hub and it's this that unites the 13 million people to this day.

It's this multicultural identity that has truly left its mark. Hundreds of bakeries, gastropubs and cafés offer a plethora of culinary choices and those who feel hungry for something else can enjoy dance, adventure sports, sightseeing or one of the many other recreational venues.

A hologram clock on the top of a tower struck ten o'clock in the morning. A loud buzz can be heard even from miles away, and citizens have begun to stop what they were doing and stared at a huge screen under the hologram clock. Everyone knew ten o'clock indicated that it was time for the national news program.

"Good Morning everyone, I'm your today's host - Prat Michael... For anyone who follows the news regarding the peace conference between factions that everyone was talking about recently, it seems that there is a respond now." Prat turned to his second page, while everyone was looking at him quietly. "After much consideration, Abril Daera - The Head of Foreign Minister, will be representing Egloera Federation to go to The Earth as one of the "witnesses" of the conference alongside with other neutral nations."

The people watching the news did not listen until the end. Instead, they started to whisper to each other about the good and bad things of sending a "non-human" to represent the federation. Some agreed and some did not, but the government's decision was final.

"And right next, the protesters at the Eam II Planet...." The news reporter continued to deliver the next news, but the crowd gathered in front of the big screen was already gone.


14:22. The Foreign Affairs Department, The Arc Citadel, Gladenapolis, Eusht, Egloera Solar System

The Arc Citadel was the official residence and principal workplace of the government and The Emperor himself. The citadel was located right in the middle of the city and it has been the residence of every ruler of Egloera Federation since the nation was formed by The First Emperor Jatch Rolsalhu thousand years ago. The Arc Citadel only allowed government personnel to enter until few hundred years ago, several tourist areas were built with spectacular and huge sculptures of the nation famous heroes and fancy decorations for the visitors to take pictures with.

Inside one of the office rooms at the foreign affairs department, was a female Asaci species alien sitting in front of her desk, quietly looking at a hologram newspaper on a big screen. The silent was broke with a few knocks on the door.

"It's me - Irita Selas. May I come in?" A female voice was heard coming from the other side of the door.

"Oh! Yes please." The female Asaci responded, stopped what she was doing earlier.

"Good day, Head of The Foreign Minister - Abril Deara." Irita stepped inside the room and immediately raised her palm to put on her upper right chest, lastly bow down while the palm was still on the chest. Abril did the same to Irita afterwards.

The salute both Irita and Abril did to each other, was a form of salute or greetings that every Egloeran was taught three years after they were born. It was a gesture for the military or government personnel to display respect for each other but civilians can also use it as a greeting. "Did we have to do this every time we met each other...We knew each other for years." Abril joked, acted all annoyed by the salute thing she did just now.

"You know it was compulsory for everyone right?" Irita answered fairly.

"Sure." Abril disappointed as Irita never get her jokes. But Abril has no time to argue about this matter as they both were going to be on a special mission. "So, I assumed that you too received the order from the above?" Abril sat down in her chair again and invited Irita to do the same.

"...That I owe the pleasure to go to the Earth?" Abril grabbed a letter from her desk. "Why me?I mean... Won't it be better if we send a Terran to the conference since Egloera Federation is technically a Terran empire?" She continued with a confused expression on her face.

"Sure. We can send Debera to the conference, but we are a neutral nation with different species living together." Irita replied while walking around the room. "What I meant was, by sending you to the conference we just proved that we trusted xenon and really hoped for a peace between two factions."

Abril did not mean to disobey any orders from the above, she was just simply curious. The departure time was less than two hours which means she has no time to ask questions. "You're going to do just fine. We were just invited to be one of the witnesses of the conference so you really didn't have to worry about anything. In fact, I'm the one who is going to escort you... What could possibly go wrong?" Irita joked before she saluted Abril once again and left the room.


15:50. Royal Valiant Force Military Spaceport, Delto Point, Eusht.

"All personnel departuring to The Earth, please gathered at Port 2-1. I repeat..." The announcement for the spacecraft departuring to The Earth signaled that Abril should be at Port 2-1 now. She brought only a few clothes with her, and a identity card for her during the stay on Earth.

Abril went up to the gangway and queued with a few other government personnel and escort soldiers, waiting to be seated into the spacecraft - RVF Endeavour. "Abril..." Abril turned around to find the source of the voice, and Irita Selas was standing near the control room for the spacecraft. "The emperor himself asked me to thank you, as for the sake of representing our nation." Both of them saluted to each other.

"Long live the emperor... So, are you going to stay beside me during the peace conference?" Abril was finally able to sit down and relax in her seat after spending a whole hour to prepare for this trip.

"I hope. I don't think the conference will allow soldiers or escorts to enter since conference tend to keep out soldiers as a "sign of peace". Irita spoke. As they were catching up with each other, the ship finally embarked and fly towards their new destination - The Earth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 3 days ago

Forgotten Region; Shanxi Sector; 1233 Capital/Earth Time

Anaris tapped the dermaglass of the holo-map - watching as the so-called Black Fleet of the Great War-Master Andors was torn apart under the salvo of fire, of the Minotaur Armada. Mostly that salvo being unleashed by the Guard Fleet - their rail-guns firing round after round into the pathetic pirate fleet. Despite what was spoken and rumors about the Minotaurs - they weren't some pirate armad, that many xenophobic human or alien liked to tell their masses.

In truth, they were their own kind nation. A nomadic nation at that, moving from one end of the stars to the other - they were more, than some pirates stealing and enslaving others to survive. They only used force in the case of defence, and in those cases - trying to limit civilian casualties - instead of like some pirate or criminal lords, whom were eager to drown in the blood of their enemies.

Such had been the case, when they had decided to set up their people in the Forgotten Region - a region of space, that had been forgotten or star maps of the place destroyed or corrupted beyond repair, with the fall of the Imperium. Namely they had landed in the Shanxi Sector - where they encountered some guy called Andors - who entitled himself as some Great War-Master and his collection of ramshack vessels, the Imperium reborn. Anaris didn't even spare the time, to listen to his rant about enslaving xenos, sub-humans and other nonsense, of him going to rape her. Instead she cut the connection and one-quarter of the Guard Fleet jump-in and let them annihilate the so-called Black Fleet.

She had them limit their firing, namely targering the engines and weapon-systems - since she was 85% sure, that the human pirate lord kept some aliens in his personal ships. Either as cheap labor or as concubines. It wasn't even a fight at that, as soon as the BlackGuard stormed onboard - it was a simple massacre of the pirates left onboard and freeing both human and alien slaves. The only injury they received was when some rookie BlackGuard dripped and fell into an air-shaft at that. Otherwise, it was a simple - smash, eliminate and recover. Most of the pirate vessels were being stripped of their parts, since they were in worse shape than some of their oldest vessels - while the people recovered were being integrated by the Interior Fleet.

For now the Minotaur Armada would stay here, while she and the Simulacrum would head to Earth. Namely to visit said 'Conference of Peace' that was being organized by the nationals from Earth itself. While the people of the Armada, had zero love for the Imperium - they understood the necessity of having a somewhat human or sub-human present. Incase this Conference seemed to be legit, and not have the Earth-lings suddenly declare a xenocide against the aliens.

In the basis, Admiral Anaris was being sent to Earth - in the simplest terms to watch and observe the delegation. It wasn't something she would EVER like to do - but her duty to the Minotaur Armada took precedent. Even though she'd likely have difficulty resisting the urge to strangle some of their 'pure-blood' leaders there. Once it was confirmed, that the Pirates had been dealt with - she gave was given the clearance to take the Simulacrum to Earth.

She once more sat upon the 'Accursed Chair' as some like to call it. Feeling the familiar tingle and touch return, before forcing the ship into N-space and towards Earth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkspleen
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Darkspleen I am Spartacus

Member Seen 11 days ago

One Month Ago

Arkford, Blit Star System, The Rim Systems, Mankind Empire of Ithica

“You are to kill every single person found out on the streets captain.” The black shirt said. “This farce has gone on for long enough.”

“I must of misheard you” Captain Noel Dupuy said. “For a moment I thought that you gave me the unconstitutional order to kill on sight any citizen in this city.”

“These citizens are rioting.” The black shirt said, a raised eyebrow belying his indignation at having to explain himself.

“They are protesting peacefully” Captain Dupuy countered. He gestured towards the crowd of humans standing before the two men. The crowd held signs plastered with anti-Humanity United slogans as they chanted their demands for the party to step down from its position of power.

“We do not distinguish between rioters and protesters.

“Perhaps you don’t, but I do.” Captain Dupuy said. “As do my men. And even if we didn’t we still wouldn’t shoot them. We do not shoot unarmed civilians.” The argument had drawn the attention of a few nearby soldiers, who were even now beginning to crowd around so they could listen in.

“Very well” The black shirt let out a long sigh, “if you will not listen to reason than I will have no choice but to charge you with dereliction of duty. Sergeant” He turned to a nearby soldier, “Please arrest Captain Dupuy and notify that his XO is now in command.” When the sergeant stood unmoving the black shirt said “Sergeant? You have your orders.”

“No one here will listen to your orders.” Captain Dupuy stated. “You are hereby under arrest for breaching article seven, clause two of the IGF code of conduct. Sergeant, remove this piece of trash from my sight.”

“What you can’t-” The black shirt began.

“Yes sir!” The sergeant gave a smart salute before manhandling the black shirt away.

“And now we wait to see what the fleet does…” The captain muttered to himself.

ISF Undoubting, Low Orbit around Arkford, Blit Star System, The Rim Systems, Mankind Empire of Ithica

“So in short,” Admiral Lolande summarized, “the IGF on Arkford are refusing our orders and placed all the black shirts under arrest while allowing the riots to continue.”

“That is correct sir.” The captain of the battleship Undoubting said. “Its nothing to be overly concerned over. There are only a few battalions planetside anyways. Just give the order and we’ll send the marines in to reestablish control over the planet.”

“I have another idea.” The admiral said. “Captain prepare for planetary bombardment. Target the planet’s capital city. I want nothing left of that city.”

“Uh… You want to bombard the whole city? Shall I issue an evacuation order?”

“Heavens no. We want to kill them all, don’t we?”

“...Them?” The captain asked with a deep frown.

“Why the rebels of course. And not just the soldiers. Those so called ‘citizens’ down there are also guilty of treason. Now prepare the bombardment.”

“I… Aye aye Sir.” The captain turned away from the admiral. “Prepare for orbital bombardment! Target Arkford’s capital city.”

“Ye- yes sir! Preparing orbital bombardment. Target: Arkford’s capital city.”

Please with himself, Admiral Lolande tuned out the going’s on of the bridge for a few moments until something said by an officer caught his attention.

“Sir! The destroyer Argent has moved into our line of fire. Its captain is requesting that we hold off on our bombardment.”

Lolande yet out a long sigh before saying “Just destroy the Argent if it insists on rebelling as well.”

“I,” The captain began only to rethink whatever it was he was about to say. “Aye sir. Gunnery. Target the ISF Argent. Now fire.”

ISF Argent has gone silent.” An officer reported. “Its breaking up. No escape pods launched. All hands lost.”

“Excellent.” Admiral Lolande said. “Now captain, continue with the bombardme-”

“Sir!” Another officer shouted. “The battleship Warspite is broadcasting to the entire fleet.”

“Let’s hear it” the Captain said.

A moment later the voice of Warspite’s captain could be heard throughout the bridge. “Warspite will not follow the orders of a fleet admiral who is willing to fire upon his own fleet. This action, along with the intent to destroy a city of the Empire, is an act of treason. This ship will now act to purge the Empire of this filth. All loyal subjects of the Empire to arms!”

Admiral Lolande let out another sigh. “Captain destroy the Warspite, then commence the bombardment.”

“The battleships Warspite, Valiant, Indomitable, as well as three cruisers and ten destroyers have just formed their own command net!” An officer reported a moment before the Undoubting began to shake. “They have us outnumbered three to one!”

“Oh shit.” The captain muttered. It was those words, more than anything else, that caused the blood to drain from Admiral Lolande’s face.

“Captain!” Lolande shouted. “Hail the rest of the fleet. Tactical retreat. We’ll return with more forces later!”

The opening shots of the Ithican Civil War had been fired.

Current Date

ISF Curious, En route to Earth

“Do you understand your role in all of this your Highness?” Grebel asked for the third -or was it fourth?- time.

“Look regal and show the galaxy that Humanity United has the full support of the Imperial family.” Princess Veronika answered flatly.

“And?” Grebel pushed.

“And if we don’t” Veronika liked to use the royal form of we to keep the lackeys from Humanity United off balance, “you will have our niece killed.”

“Well,” Grebel let out a soft chuckle, “let’s make sure we don’t repeat that at the conference. Or around the other members of our diplomatic party. Do you understand your Highness?”

“We do.” Veronika said. After a moment she continued “So the knights from the Orders of Cross and Magi…”

“Yes? What of them?”

“You are bringing them so they can feel invested in the current system.” Veronika stated. “So they will have a vested interest in fighting against the Constitutionalists.”

Grebel let out another soft chuckle. “The insurgents you mean?”

“Of course.” Veronika inclined her head. “We wouldn’t want to give others the wrong sort of impression about our small band of misfit rebels.”

“Its times like this, your Highness, that I wish you hadn’t been born into the Imperial family.” Grebel said. “But to answer your earlier question: yes. If the knightly orders feel like they are being included in how we run things, they will feel less inclined to aid the insurgents.”

“And you really don’t care how these conference turns out, do you?” Veronika pressed.

“Not really.” Grebel said with a shrug. “The only things we really care about, in regards to this conference, is securing our influence over the knightly orders and ensuring that the rest of the galaxy things things are just fine within the Empire. Now then… you do understand what your role is, correct?”

Veronika let out a long sigh. “Please tell me you won’t keep asking me that for the duration of our trip.”

“Well I can think of another way of entertaining ourselves” Grebel wiggled his eyebrows at her.

“You want us to look regal at the conference, right?”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Dathu Space
Occupied Territories
Regional Capital of Rendilla

Dozens of large holo-projection screens hung over throughout the Capital City Crishi as they broadcasted war footage of Yanthu forces overtaking worlds of the Border Regions, all the various and far off battles strung together to form a cohesive story of propaganda and Dathu-centric nationalism, loud and victorious music booming throughout the skyscrapers of Crishi, as the footage cycled through wartorn and devastated cities littered with the corpse of dead terrans and non-dathu xenos that dare stand in their way, battalions of Yanthu servitors marching through the streets triumphantly, led by their victorious Dathu Overseers, followed by the Dathu Hiivefleets looming over the shattered remains of overwhelmed enemy star fleets, many more images of similar in nature cycled through and through, all the the while, chorus cheering rang out throughout the city as millions of Dathu citizens were gathering around these holo-screens.

"Our Empire grows ever more stronger!" A disembodied voice cried out. "Our valiant brothers and sisters lead the the front in our grand crusade! Terran Worlds fall one by one in the face of our renewed military might!" More cheers followed. "The War, however, is far from over! The Terrans will do whatever it takes to stall our advance! But we will not relent! We will not be stopped! We need Warriors and Leaders like you to keep the Cause alive! Glory to the Cause! Glory to the Queen-Mother! Glory to to the New Empire!"


Somewhere among the hundreds of transport ships and other assorted vehicles and ships, a lone prisoner transport was passing over the city, the cries loud enough to reach pass the hull for all to hear. John Grispin, the Gaian miner from the Kausis battle, was among such prisoners, for most of the trip between Kausis and Rendilia, John had been completely knocked out from the near constant beatings, his bunk mates suspecting if he was even alive half of the time. The loud cheering rang from the intercom, disrupting his "rest" as he woke up, sore in all sorts of places. "Welcome back to the land of the living." An older man spoke in a grizzled similar southern accent, he walked towards john as he knelt down and extended his hand towards him. "Need help?"

"Uh....Much appreciated." he replied thankfully. "Shit...where are we?"

"Far from home." Another , more feminine prisoner spoke with a strange accent, john turned to face the woman, and much to his disgust, was a xeno, a purple-skinned Narasheen woman, flanking her was a white-furred Aldzir. The older human took notice of John's hostile facial expression. "Easy now fella, we're all in this together. Last we need is killing each other."

"Easy for you for to say.." John said. "We're here because of goddamn xenos!" the Narasheen woman frowned at such a generalization. "Terran, I'd much appreciate it if you didn't lump me and my friend with the bugs. We're no friends of 'em either. Fuckers razed my home just like yours.."

John simply didn't reply, for now, he couldn't care less of the xeno woman's woes and turned his attention back to the other human. "Where they taking us?"

"The "Workers" District.." The old man replied, followed by light chuckle. "Don't let the name fool you, it's pretty much a slave camp and slaughter house rolled in one."

"What in god's name are you on about?!?!" John exclaimed in shock and surprise. "Slaughter house?!!?"

"They work you literally to death." The Narasheen replied. "When you're of no use or too much to handle, they ship you off to be "processed" as they say."

"How the hell do you people even know this..." John asked, trembling.

"Rrrright, forgot to introduce ourselves. " The human man spoke. "Names Ian, Ian Zaamil." Ian then pointed at his Xeno cohorts. "The Narasheen is Jerau and the big fella is Guzia. We're members of the Free Argonis Sector Army."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 3 days ago


Common Region; Sol Sector; 0133 Capital/Earth Time

The Simulacrum eventually jumped out of its FTL, with loud bang - that sent several sparks of green light into every direction. It was the quirk of travelling onboard a foreign, almost alien ship at that. While most of the aspects of the ship were understood, they couldn't explain how or why, it did such things.

Anaris unhooked herself from the Chair at that, letting the dullness of her own mind return and the energy dissipate from around her. Sitting in that chair was always a mix of between, thinking about the laws of quantum physics while trying not to bump their ship into some celestial body - like a sun or black hole.

"We have successfully, translated into real-space Admiral. It looks like, we are the first to arrive here. Meaning we won't be able to approach the Sol System, until others have also arrived," spoke one TecOps Specialist - in her own native language, which was translated by Anaris' VI-translator.

"Very good, keep a simple course. Shielding at maximum, and weapon systems at minimal. Knowing how many other people, have been invited here - I am not in the mood, to being caught in the open," spoke Anaris - while many human and alien dignitaries had been called over - it was more in the sense of an armed standoff, than a peace conference. Many aliens hated humans, many humans hated aliens. And namely they, disliked both - in the sense, that Anaris was willing to engage more openly with xenos than humans.

Since most humans, over several thousand years had developed that innate superior sneering, sense of entitlement - that at some point, made Anaris believe that being Minosian was better than labeling herself as a human. Her train of thought was broken, when another SenOps Specialist, informed Admiral Anaris that another ship was approaching the zone. She got into position at that, hoping that their second arrival - wasn't from the 'shoot everything on sight' kind of nation.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oraculum
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Oraculum Perambulans in tenebris

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Norma Arm
Nassir IV, Nassir System
Refuge, Capital of the Autonomous Nassiri Republic

It was only midday when the crowd began to gather about the large holoscreen installed in the main square – an uncommonly early hour, seeing as those of the city’s inhabitants who usually found themselves in the environs at that time were mostly hurrying about their business, and only a few of the Republic’s more idle subjects loitered there in the hope of seeing something more interesting than the weather forecast. This time, however, it was not mere idlers who were assembling to worriedly gaze at the shimmering surface; the best part of the city’s population was converging beneath the projector installations, whispers coursing through the throng as rivulets of a subterranean stream through a thick patch of moss. Across the entire planet, much the same was happening in every settlement wherein a public monitor was present. Some few remained shuttered in their homes, gazes locked upon their private devices, or – and these were the most apprehensive and pessimistic – formed small groups about portable radio-receivers in the environs of the nearest spaceport. But the vast majority of the Nassirians, men, women and children, congregated at the heart of their towns or cities, perhaps seeking reassurance in company, or merely driven by human communal tendencies not to face new and portentous events alone.

And, indeed, it was something novel and not immediately expected that had caused such an unusual situation to unfold. For the first time in decades, the forlorn and peaceful Nassir System had, to all evidence, been located by outsiders. Hours before, scanners placed on its rim had signalled the approach of several heat signatures, far too even to be produced by anything but ships, and soon afterwards detected a number of bodies headed unerringly towards Nassir at sub-light speed. The general surprise at someone having approached such an unsightly location had soon been contaminated with apprehension by some rather perplexing circumstances. Foremost among those was the fact that the sensors had ceased all activity before a clear image of the visitors could be obtained; the abrupt and thorough interruption of transmissions all too easily lent itself to support the idea of hostile action. Furthermore, there was something odd about the heat sources themselves. In the few seconds during which the sensors had recorded their activity, their output had been staggering – dozens, if not hundreds of times higher than what it was estimated the planet-spanning Republic’s entire fleet would produce if every single one of its vessels had been in motion simultaneously; and this despite their quantity being, in all likelihood, no higher than twenty. No commentary on these matters had been divulged by the government; yet it had been announced that the Planetary Defence Fleet had been mobilised and would stand ready to intervene in the case of “complications”.

Presently, the screen flickered to life, and a murmur spread through the crowd as a simplified map of a section of the system materialised on it. There, to the left, was their world; and near it were hovering the luminous dots representing their fleet – a full hundred and fifty craft, as battle-ready as a force which had not seen combat for many years could be. The murmur intensified when there appeared from the right end another cluster of pulsing dots – the outsider ships had arrived within range of the planet’s own orbital detection systems. It was now apparent that they were fourteen in all; they moved slowly – almost ponderously, it seemed – yet steadily towards the planet, neither stopping nor altering their course when the Defence Fleet began slightly, yet perceivably shifting to better cover it if it should become necessary. Presently, the screen dimmed for a moment, preparing to display a physical view of the approaching ships, transmitted directly from the scouts above, and when it grew clear once again, a gasp arose from the throng, followed by some sparse muttered exclamations and prayers. The ships were clearly immense, larger than any moving body anyone present had ever seen; yet it was not this that struck a vague, instinctive fear into the assembled public. No, it was the nature of what it saw that was most strangely terrible – these were not the bright, metallic forms one would immediately associate with the word “spaceship”, but ghastly amalgams of twisted armatures, angularly jutting out in places like the ribs of a starving behemoth, and a pulsing, writhing, timorously bloated fleshly substance clinging hideously to the steel bones beneath. Whatever their intent, these things from the outer darkness of space could not possibly have been birthed by a wholesome human mind; they were something indisputably alien, something other.

After some moments of stunned silence, shared, it seemed, by the people and the fleet alike, the seldom-heard yet unmistakable voice of Admiral Markus Redin, commander of the Defence Fleet, rang out over the square. Such were the Republic’s customs of popular involvement that the half-greeting, half-intimation broadcast to the approaching ships, as well as their response, was to be heard by anyone who wished, and, by then, there was no shortage of expectant ears on the planet.

“Hail, visitors. Speaking in the name of the people and government of the Autonomous Nassiri Republic, whose territory you have now entered, I bid you welcome to the system of Nassir and respectfully ask that you identify yourselves.”

Throughout every city, in houses and on squares, under holoscreens, in front of domestic projectors and around radios, people huddled, waiting for the answer of the beings in the mysterious, sinister ships. One minute passed, then two, then five, then ten. Nothing but silence came in reply to the Admiral’s question, and still the alien vessels advanced, unswerving and, it now began to seem, ominous.

Redin spoke again: “I repeat: you are in the territory of the Autonomous Nassiri Republic. Pray identify yourselves.”

For several more minutes, there was no reply. Then, at last, a voice rang out from speakers worldwide. It was toneless, metallic and distinctly mechanical; and it said:

”Complete elimination will be achieved.”

Now it was the Nassirians who remained quiet, dumbfounded by such a bizarre message – and yet one of which they secretly dreaded they understood the meaning all too well. Finally, the Admiral regained sufficient presence to speak, and began, clearly straining to suppress the tremor in his voice:

“Excuse me, what exactly is-“

He was interrupted by the voice, which repeated, with the same absence of inflection,

”Complete elimination will be achieved.”

On the screen, a flash of sickly green light flared up from the prow of one of the alien ships, and the picture flickered out. The screen remained dark for a few seconds, then the map reappeared. The fourteen pulsing dots were now still, and the Defence Fleet appeared to be manoeuvring opposed to them. Yet what most of those present could not know was that the defenders were not manoeuvring at all, but panickedly rushing back and forth in a desperate attempt to restore a semblance of order among their ranks. Nor could the crowd see the deflagrations of metal, flame and acid that were tearing the space around them to shreds, preventing them from flanking the assailants and forcing them into a cramped mockery of a formation, at the mercy of the scorching pale-green beams and the swarms of predatory pseudo-machines which streamed out without interruption from the aliens’ position. The dots began to rapidly flicker out, first one by one, then in clutches, and it was sooner than anyone could have believed that the last of them had vanished, the invaders resuming their advance.

It occasionally happens that, if one is facing a danger which does not appear immediate, fear will not blaze up until the dulled mind reaches the crucial realisation. Thus it was this time. A pall of stillness seemed to hang over the planet for a few moments before the screaming and scrambling erupted. People yelled, wept, loudly invoked whatever deities they placed their faith in, desperately clung to each other, scampered for the illusionary refuge of their homes. Many rushed to whatever vehicle they could find, cramming them well beyond what they were designed to allow and clinging to their roofs or sides, or simply ran, wherever they might have been, with only their destination in mind – to the spaceports. Had even the latter been prepared for a rapid evacuation, their number was limited, as the Republic had never felt the need for a large fleet, and the bulk of the fleeing masses was still far from the nearest port when missiles began to rain from above the skies. Cities were engulfed by impenetrable toxic clouds, with blind, agonizing human wrecks flailing helplessly in the streets. Lakes of corrosive foulness spread to consume stone and flesh alike, and the ground shook with nuclear explosions of horrid potency, pulverizing anything unfortunate enough to find itself within their radius.

The bombardment was barely over when agile trilobite-like vessels swept down upon the surface of the ravaged world, firing swift bursts of lethal green flame upon the remains of the escaping columns before landing sparsely and unleashing hordes of malformed monstrosities, no two of them identical, from their odiously pulsing stomachs. A tide of bone, chitin and metal, dripping with infected ichor, spread through forest and countryside, ravenously pursuing the scent of warm blood. It seemed as though an army could have scarcely withstood the onslaught of these horrors; as for how a handful of terrified fugitives could have fared in the face of it, there could scarcely be any uncertainty. Within hours, only mangled tatters remained of what had once been a thriving population numbering in the billions. A few stray pockets of survivors remained yet, scattered about impervious places; but their fate was sealed.


Beyond the orbit of the sixth planet from Nassir, some three dozen ships of wildly varying sizes and designs, but all bearing the Republic’s insigna, flew in as great a haste as their crews could manage towards the system’s rim. Someone had, after all, been fast enough in fleeing, or cautious enough to prepare for the contingency. Behind them, the gargantuan alien vessels were spread about the world they had left. Three of them hovered directly around it, smaller craft still descending from them into the atmosphere, whilst the others hung still. Either they had not noticed the escaping motley fleet, or they did not deem it worth the effort to pursue them. Perhaps whatever minds directed them knew they would have been too slow and unwieldy to reach their prey. Whatever the case, those on board what was left of the Autonomous Nassiri Republic’s navy seemed to have reason to believe themselves out of immediate danger.

The future, however, was anything but certain. The Republic had held no contact with other states for over a century; they did not know whither to go, or who would harbour them. All they had was a general idea of roughly what direction Earth should have been in, and a hope that there still was some form of civilization to be found there. For them, there was now little choice. Behind was a faceless, unreasoning and unstoppable enemy; before, somewhere many light-years away, were the Core Regions – and safety.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kaga Classs
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