Hm, and I had Buddha pinned as a shitposting prick.
is that it is very largely dependent on the person, and also the manner in which they escape. Some might cope well with roleplay, others might not?
because I'm talking about hypothetical people with mental disorders or illnesses that are genuine.
@Dynamo Frokane
Again, not really relevant to the people I wanted to discuss
Hmm, well, yes, I am interested in seeing why there are so many I mean, your argument is that there aren't many. But I think that despite a lot of screamy attention grabbing 'ill' people on RPG, there are a lot more that are genuinely ill that you do not hear about) on RPG, that have a genuine illness.
@BrokenPromise Hmm, well, yes, I am interested in seeing why there are so many (I mean, your argument is that there aren't many. But I think that despite a lot of screamy attention grabbing 'ill' people on RPG, there are a lot more that are genuinely ill that you do not hear about) on RPG, that have a genuine illness.
I suppose you make a fair point but my prime concern, again, is that it is very largely dependent on the person, and also the manner in which they escape. Some might cope well with roleplay, others might not?