Arashi Atsui

Information collected by the census office of Konohagakure“Anything worth hiding is something worth seeing.”| Birthname: |
Atsui Arashi
| Nicknames: |
Clothes-Line Swordsman
| Alias: |
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| Bloodline: |
Atsui: Originally nomads based in the the Demon Desert, the clan migrated to Konoha during the early months of the Winter.
| Rank: |
Psychology & History
From detailed inspection and investigation by ANBU and medical personnel“Yep... that went exactly how I didn't want it to go.”| Personal biography: |
Arashi is a strong-willed, lighthearted, cheerful young man who yearns for adventure and to experience everything that life has to offer. To most, he is a revered, loyal friend whose beaming personality lightens their day and whose achievements spur them on in their own lives. To others, he is a naive, headstrong troublemaker who shirks the responsibilities of a shinobi. Both viewpoints are equally valid.
Arashi is somewhat mischievous. His trademark oft-present grin and lust for exploring often land him in trouble with conservative, authoritarian figures such as guard captains or shopkeepers. He is rather notorious for trespassing just about anywhere, a remnant of his childhood wanderlust and nomadic blood. Thankfully, Arashi is a genuinely well-meaning person, and his lack of borders rarely causes actual harm to the places he wanders into. He respects people's property far more than it seems; he just believes that anything worth hiding is something worth seeing.
Of course, these aspects hide the complex and determined young man underneath. On the reverse side of his frivolous nature is his considerable shrewdness, which makes him quite capable of reading people and situations. He is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges and is not above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics to ensure his own survival. Being singularly ambitious, Arashi also has a remarkably tenacious will that allows him to overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles and accept inhuman burdens for the sake of his own ultimate goal. He has a considerable pride that will not stand for having his humanity insulted or condemned by his enemies, but Arashi is also capable of shelving his pride if it becomes something that will stand in the way of his objective.
On missions and in battle, Arashi exposes a more contained face of his personality. He can be professional when called for, make use of his various abilities when ordered to, and he respects his training and the chain of command like any good ninja would. He keeps up a witty banter with his adversaries so long as he sees them in a human light. Arashi is very protective of family and comrades, refusing to allow any harm to come to them and often deem their safety more important than his own in spite of his own personal ambitions and goals. He has to be reminded several times that his own safety is something upon which many people depend and he uses his loved ones as hid primary motivation when all hope seems lost. As such, he becomes furious when observing those who willingly or remorselessly cast aside their own comrades or brethren and is sickened by the idea of superiors who reject their duty to those who trust them. Those who kill innocents, take hostages, or injure his friends are placed on a different level, approached and dealt with in a much more serious manner. They are often ripped to shreds beneath his heavy onslaught, sometimes literally. And that brings to light Arashi's willingness to kill if the situation calls for it. Despite his lightheartedness, he is a leaf ninja with a serious responsibility towards his village and his Kage. That love for all that he holds dear manifests in a military attitude towards the loss of life. Although he may err towards capture if given the choice, he has no qualms about ending the lives of those who would harm his homeland.
These idiosyncrasies has played a dynamic part in Arashi's life, not only as a growing shinobi, but in everyday life. In the early years of his childhood, Arashi found himself playing the village prankster, often exploring every nook and kranny Konoha had to offer. While the outside world fascinated him, life at home grew 'overwhelmingly crowded' in his words, as he had adopted the moniker of prodigy within his clan due to his affinity to become a shinobi. Expectation and expectation overwhelmed him, he would carry on the legacy of the Atsui, he would master the Dengonēru it was all on his shoulders, but he nonetheless resist from shrinking the this responsibility. Taking on the mantle of his clans Hiden, Arashi pushes himself to show what the Atsui are capable of.
| Family biography: |
Atsui Clan: Once a nomadic clan known for their unusual brand of swordsmanship and Taijutsu: the Dengonēru, used in conjunction with an expansive catalogue of Wind Style Jutsu, and thier reverential worship of its creator, the clan wandered the Demon Desert for generations, and now stands as a shell of its former self.
A product of circumstance, the Atsui lost many of it members early in the Winter, their unpreparedness essentially killing them off. Refusing to assimilate within Sunagakure, the Atsui chose to migrate to Konoha in search of a survivable climate.
During the period known as the Frozen Generation to those of the clan, the Atsui became a mercenary clan loyal to the Konoha to better align themselves with the village. This resulted the slash of once again half its numbers and stunted the clans growth, leaving the clans rich culture to slowly die due to the loss of shinobi.
In the present day, the clan struggles to produce shinobi of any kind, in fact, Arashi stands as the soul shinobi in the clan. As such, he carries the burden of keeping the clans culture alive and practicing the Dengonēru Style through the study of ancient scrolls.
| Family ties: |
Puritigāru Atsui | Mother | 43, Konoha, Teacher
| Dreams and fears: |
While Arashi remains just as adventurous and outgoing as he always has, remaining akin to the Atsui's nomadic roots; he finds himself much more intent on mastering his clans Hiden and bringing the ninja art to the aid of the village. On the flip side, this brings on his greatest fear, the death and complete destruction of his clans culture, which has faded out dramatically over the years.
Combat Reports
From detailed reports from previous missions and academy sparring matches“Running makes you look guilty.”| Fighting style: |
An avid and devoted practitioner of the Atsui Clan's lost Hiden known as the Dengonēru, Arashi hails himself to be a 'close to mid-range super-ninja'. Utilizing a mixture of Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu, Arashi is a terror in his own right; switching between powerful, torrential bone breaking attacks, acrobatic and calculated blows wielding the his Sōgi-kai or splitting hairs with his Wind based techniques and Hien.
| H i d e n : |
H i d e n nameDengonēru
DescriptionForged under blistering heat of the Demon Desert sun, the Atsui created the Dengonēru Style to not only defend themselves, but to better akin themselves to desert life. The core forms within the Hiden can be divided into two schools; Harikēn and Shinshi. Both harmonize to form the Dengonēru and explicitly require a Sōgi-kai; a T-shaped steel bar capable of infusing Chakra, and an affinity for the Wind Release. Once both requirements are met, one can learn the Dengonēru.
The first form; Harikēn, literally translates to 'hurricane', and focuses on continuous and devastating 'hurricane' like blows. The blunt force capabilities of the Sōgi-kai in conjunction with hard-force wind Jutsu make up the bread and butter of this form.
The second form; Shinshi, literally translating to gentle gust, focuses on acrobatic displays and the extensive use of Hien and the sharp edge of wind-natured chakra. It requires a remarkable amount of balance, expert footwork, not to mention a a great amount of upper body strength for the kicking based Taijutsu the form expands into.
StrengthsDengonēru is a vastly offensive style that focuses on the two facets of natures movement of air, its bestial roars and its gentle breezes. As such, it is extremely versatile in one on one combat or against multiple enemies. The Sōgi-kai also gives its user an extended range apart for jutsu and can turn into a dangerous weapon in the right hands.
WeaknessesDengonēru's greatest weakness is its unwieldiness in small, controlled spaces. A Sōgi-kai is a remarkable large weapon and requires wide open spaces for use in combat. Its secondary shortcoming is it affinity as the who style runs on the power of the Wind Release. Against a Fire style user, one may have to fall upon the brute force that a Sōgi-kai provides.
| Ninja techniques: |
B rank techniquesC rank techniquesHarikēn Art: Wind Style: Raging Bellows
Harikēn Art: Wind Style: Heaven Stream
D rank techniquesShinshi Art: Betraying Blade
Shinshi Art: Vorpal Fool
E rank techniquesAcademy Jutsu
| Custom techniques: |
Jutsu name Harikēn Art: Wind Style: Raging Bellows
RangeShort to Long
DescriptionThe user molds wind-natured chakra on with side of their Sōgi-kai and expels it in short concentrated bursts with each swing making ones blows capable of causing concussive, bone crunching results if hit repeatedly.
Jutsu name Harikēn Art: Wind Style: Heaven Stream
RangeShort to Long
DescriptionThe user swings thier Sōgi-kai upward towards thier enemy, calling forth a powerful stream of wind capable of carrying an enemy high into the air.
Jutsu name Shinshi Art: Betraying Blade
DescriptionA taijutsu where one launches a succession of high kicks and low kicks balancing upon a Sōgi-kai that is firmly planted into the ground. Firstly, the opponent's evasion margin is restrained upon seeing the high kick, thus augmenting the chances for the low kick to hit the mark, but this is all a ruse to make way for the Nien coated Sōgi-kai that ripped out of the ground to make a downward diagonal cut on the opponent. This requires a remarkable amount of upper body strength can put a strain on the body to those untrained.
Jutsu name Shinshi Art: Vorpal Fool
RangeShort to Long
DescriptionThe attack is a simple rear spinning low sword swing aimed at that ankles with without Nien. The user then uses the spinning momentum to carry them back around to swing at the chest-neck area with Nien activated.
| Weapons: |
Weapon name Rīfukattā
Weapon, tool, or object typeSōgi-kai
DescriptionShaped like the letter T and measuring 4' feet in length and 3' in width, a Sōgi-kai is a steel, linen wrapped club of sorts. Used in conjunction with the Dengonēru Style and Hien, it becomes a wickedly shaped blade that is awkward for any opponent to fight against. Armed blunt force and Sai-like capabilities, a Sōgi-kai becomes a versatile ninja tool and a handy dryer rack.