Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shmektheshmuck
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Shmektheshmuck The Bird not the Fruit

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Aladdin sanity
Hiro followed close behind from above, seeing her dodge those clones with elegance surprised him, he dropped down at the class door as Su-Mi tripped over herself, "are you alright?" he asked while picking her up by the hand, "that was a hard fall and a pretty solid punch.", Hiro had a look of deep concern. Hiro looked around what would BEE his new classroom, it wasn't much to look at, it had the look of any other Japanese classroom, before waiting from an answer from Su-Mi he sat himself down in a seat near a window, he gestured Su-Mi to a seat near his. More students came rushing into the classroom and soon the class was nearly full.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aki Ogawa
Interacting with @Aladdin Sanity

A large rush of air and colorful cards passed both Aki and the draconian hybrid next to him as both started up the stairs. It was a sprinting blur that took the schoolboy by almost full surprise, a large flash of turquoise clothes and short, black hair. Soon, though, he heard triumph yelling from inside the classroom, and, claimed by curiosity, proceeded to see what had flashed so suddenly in front of both him and Sayuri'd.
He saw Su-Mi sprawled out on the floor, covered in cards, and almost in the same amount of surprise as Aki. Volunteering to help the still excited girl up, yet being beaten to the punchline by a hoodied classmate, Aki greeted the frenzied girl with a "Congratulations, you're the first person in class I suppose". Surprises and new people seemed to be popping up everywhere, including this girl. New interests that, if anything, kept Aki from reading his book for more than a few minutes at a time. He took a seat at one of the many desks in the classroom as others started to file in, including the draconian-blooded girl. For once in his life, Aki put his literature away in his desk in favor of a conversation. "So, we have a half-dragon and a sprinting blur, but I'm betting we've only hit the tip of the iceberg"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aladdin sanity
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Aladdin sanity Sanity in the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Su-Mi graciously took hiro's help as she staggered back to her feet. She dusted herself off and picked up a few playing cards around her. she wasn't too sure how well she did but it seemed she made it on time. She gave a sigh of relief as she smoothed out her hair. "are you alright?" he said looking worried, "that was a hard fall and a pretty solid punch." Su-Mi looked to hiro and smiled. "Hah my cheek hurts but I feel great!" she exclaimed feeling the rush of making it on time. "Awe it's fine! a little blood has to shed now and then right?" "heh says you..you just have a sucky quirk that involves you getting socked in the face hah" "watch it" she muttered under her breath before quirking her attention to another. "Congratulations, you're the first person in class I suppose".

Su-Mi could've sobbed at how touched she was. She had never had so many people pay such positive attention to her before. With her eyes glossy she smiled wide. "really?...Wow i wish i could've been there" she said softly with a smile. "Hey that boy's a cutie..don't you think your getting their attention because of YOU..it's because of me of course. I'm the one who got you here on time." Su-Mi frowned inwardly before plopping down in a seat next to Hiro. She pulled out her sketch book and was about to doodle before the boy spoke again. "So, we have a half-dragon and a sprinting blur, but I'm betting we've only hit the tip of the iceberg." She chuckled, "well it's safe to say so. We are in a school full of remarkable people." she said softly now calming down and brought back down to earth. "Oh! I'm so rude! I'm Su-Mi...Yeah I'm not Japanese but we can pretend eh?" she said with a wink and chuckle. She then opened up her sketch book and doodled a bit as she waited for class to start. She only hoped that she can bring honor to her father and succeed in this school.

Su-Mi watched as more and more students pile into the classroom. So many different people of different shapes and sizes excited her. soon she doodled little cartoons of people around her and made little comics on the side seeming to entertain herself just fine. "Boy! I'm so nervous..there's so many people..just imagine how many eyes will be on each-other everyday Aish!" she said aloud to whomever is willing to listen. "imagine how many eyes will be on you when you fail" Su-Mi gave a deep breath "Quiet" she muttered.

@Shmektheshmuck @Gutshot
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shmektheshmuck
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Shmektheshmuck The Bird not the Fruit

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Aladdin sanity@Gutshot
Before class started Hiro thought he could pop off a few questions. "So who are you?" Hiro asked Aki.

"I'm Hiro... so, um, what can you guys do, I mean, what are your quirks?" He asked both Sumi and Aki, he seemed very interested in what they had to say, he loved hearing about people's quirks and abilities.

"Cool, my quirk is quite different, I can change certain pressures in the air and water, I can mostly just cause bottles to crush and walk on water, and air, but it's nothing compared to yours!" Hiro said humbly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Daichi was one of the first to enter the right wing, but he most certainly wasn't the last. As he tried to move around the incredibly scary lady, a young woman with black hair that crazily shot out in all directions and wearing the boys uniform appeared. She glanced nervously at the large device the woman held in her hands, before stepping away from the small crowd that was beginning to form.

"H-Hey, maybe it's not as bad as it looks?"

She walked forwards, a face completely unfazed and straight, before shooting out another response to the woman, who Daichi had just realized was wearing a nurse uniform. The smile on the nurse seemed to expand, frightening Daichi to levels previously thought unimaginable.

"If this can be an excuse for being late to class, then I guess I don't mind helping you out."

Daichi, having been blocked from passing around the nurse, moved back slightly until he was to the side of the girl. As he moved closer, he could see that she was far taller than any girl he had ever seen before and she was wearing fingerless gloves that were dark as her hair, despite the fact they were inside a school. Maybe it's so she doesn't hurt her hand while writing... Either way, she's so cool! Daichi was about to step aside for the girl to walk to the nurse when a small boy, whom Daichi had not even noticed until that point, made his presence known.

"...quick. Please. Class starting. Soon."

As the boy fidgeted, the blue hair on his head allowed Daichi to remember him. He was the same boy that Daichi had nearly run over nearly 5 minutes ago! And he was covered by a thin, blue aura and had a large cut on his cheeck... As Daichi took note of this strange feature, a pretty girl with bubblegum pink hair joined the crowd, voicing her own opinion on the bizarre scenario.

"You guys are so totally joking right? You're going to actually like, let her draw some blood? A needle that size will suck you dry! C'mon! Can't you like totally do something and protect me! Needles are super super scary and uncute! Like If you use your quirk, whatever it is, we can so totally just breeze past her quickly!"

Wait... The last comment seemed... off...


Daichi shook violently at the thought. His mother had always told him to never use his quirk. It was illegal to do so, and he would get in serious trouble if he ever hurt anyone. Then again... this was Komei academy. Of course, the greatest hero academy second greatest hero academy in all of Japan would want to test students on the use of their quirks... but doing it so sneakily... Daichi would have never realized that this was a test had the others not told him. His train of thought was broken when the black-haired girl looked over to him, a pleading look in her eyes. Daichi nervously shook, realizing that he had missed everything she had said. However, another black-haired woman appeared, this time with short hair.

"I... I think she wants us all to do a blood test"

She added something else, but Daichi was too far from her to make it out with any clarity. She was also wearing gloves... Was that part of the school uniform? A look to the clock eliminated this fear, replacing it with a different kind of terror. Daichi had always been the type of person to arrive to things early, and he was about to miss the deadline! What kind of impression would that give to the staff?! After his heavy breathing was calmed down, he noticed that he had, once again, ignored a person while they were speaking. Dang it! Daichi nearly threw his fist into the wall, before remembering that he would probably break it. Daichi spent several seconds thinking of a solution... until he looked at his hand. If he could grin he would be doing it. Striding over to the short, blue-haired boy, Daichi lightly picked him up.

"N-no time! S-sorry if it h-h-hurts..."

As carefully as he could, Daichi tossed the boy over the nurse, doing his best to avoid throwing him too hard or high. Daichi was worried that he might hurt the boy, but calmed down slightly. After all, that blue aura felt very hard underneath his hands, to the point Daichi wondered if even he could break it...

Having tossed the boy, Daichi turned to the rest of the crowd, his razor-sharp teeth shining briefly and his form menacingly rising to a standing position.

...The flickering light was not helping his image...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

★Gahana Shoujyo★


This was getting them nowhere. Everybody wanted to sacrifice themselves, agreeing to the nurses proposal. Maybe she decided to follow the wrong people. If she was on her own, she'd probably just user her own quirk to knock the nurse out. Regardless, she decided to raise her opinion once more, even if it didn't sway anybodys' decision.
I just so totally don't want anybody to get hurt, ya'feel? Like, it'd totally mega suck if one of us had to be rushed to hospital!★ Even if you think you can handle yourselves there's no reason to go rushing into danger. I've totally seen something like this in a manga before, there's a simple solution! .... I just can't remember what it is..★ Gahana shook her head, throwing her last two cents into the conversation before walking back. So like, Hana will just do whatever you guys wanna do, if you get hurt, I'll carry you to class★ We don't have much time after all~ I couldn't even think about seeing my classmates get expelled★ As Gahana walked back she accidentally bumped into an obvious mutant, the feel of skin was quite rugged. She apologized to him.Whoa, sorry Muscles! Didn't see ya' there!★ Gahana smiled sweetly with her apology, moving towards a school window.

She thought to herself, maybe if she used her quirk quickly, she could bust out the window, scale the wall to a higher level and bust in through the roof and or walls to her classroom. It'd be no problem with her Overdrive quirk, when she uses it, she becomes super humanly strong. Probably even stronger than Mr Muscles she bumped into.

Turning around to see the group, she saw Mr Muscles throw the smaller boy over at the nurse. Dumfounded Gahana wasn't sure what to say. Nice!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Sazama Soft Apocalypse

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sazama Nyko

Upon entering the classroom, Sazama deactivates her quirk in order to save on energy. There were already a few number of students that made it to class. Feeling relieved that there probably won't be that many students that will get expelled, she looks to the group of three students already conversing.
She notes the girl whom she had punched earlier and did not get the chance to see if she was alright.
She slowly walks towards the group and remembers that the girl owes her a favor.
After careful thinking, she finally reaches the group of three and in her usual listless tone she asks towards the girl,
"I hope my punch didn't hurt you that much. But my favor involves your body."
Sazama stares at the three but realizes how wrong that sounded.
"Oh sorry I mean your body and time."
Satisfied with her correction she looks around and sees that everyone has a shocked expression about what she had said.
Confused with the situation, Sazama closes her eyes and thinks about where this conversation went wrong.
Then it hit her.
"Oh sorry I didn't ask for your name first."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aki Ogawa

"Oh, right. I'm Aki, nice to meet you.", Aki responded to the previously sprinting girl. He had already digressed that she was foreign due to her slight accent (Korean, was it?), but it seemed rude to let her know that. No matter. Soon another student chimed in, the hoodied boy that had helped Su-Mi up.

"I'm Hiro... So, um,what can you guys do? I mean, what are your quirks?"

Right off the bat this kid wanted to know the real details, and Aki could honor his straightforwardness. Swilveling in his stationary chair to get a better look at Hiro, Aki came out with a, "Nice to meet you. I'm Aki, and the quirk's 'Shell Coating'"

Then came in yet another girl, one that seemed to glow with fire for a second but soon willed such heat to dissipate. Coming up to Su-Mi, the girl spoke of apologies for punching her, and then produced a phrase that Aki had not heard before. Perhaps the strange statement was something common in the girl's own culture? She repeated the phrase again, and then, quite blatantly, just asked for Su-Mi's name. "Do you happen to be alright? You may have had gotten a good whacking from our assistant teacher's clones"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aladdin sanity
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Aladdin sanity Sanity in the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"So who are you?"
Su-Mi Looked up as the stout boy..or Aki introduced himself. She nodded softly in return "Hmph He probably thinks he's so cool and cold." Su-Mi rolled her eyes and ignored the voice. "I'm Hiro... so, um, what can you guys do, I mean, what are your quirks?" Su-Mi pondered that a moment, what did her doctor say it was again...Bi....Bipolar...no..Bi..."Oh! Bi-mentality enhancement!" she yelled aloud as she recalled. "real smooth moron" She pouted to herself as she hit the back of her head. "enough out of you already" she muttered softly. Then Aki revealed his quirk, "Nice to meet you. I'm Aki, and the quirk's 'Shell Coating'" Shell Coating...hmm..That sounded cool it was a shame she couldn't see any of them in action while she was activated. "Cool, my quirk is quite different, I can change certain pressures in the air and water, I can mostly just cause bottles to crush and walk on water, and air, but it's nothing compared to yours!" Su-Mi gasped, "Are you crazy that's really cool! You can WALK on water...Like a cliche super hero..I give you kudos" she said with a wide smile. Damn If only she could be conscious when she was cool too...ugh.

Before she could ponder more on the thought the girl from before appeared. She looked deep in thought and very serious, was she serious when Su-Mi talked to her?...Hmm. Finally the girl approached her. Su-Mi looked up to the girl and smiled, "I hope my punch didn't hurt you that much. But my favor involves your body." Su-Mi's eyes widened as she held back a snort a giggles. he held a hand to her mouth as practically choked on her own laughs as the girl tried to speak. Maybe she wasn't so frightening after all? "Oh sorry I mean your body and time." Su-mi snorted again. Then finally having the girl stop and think she spoke again. "Oh sorry I didn't ask for your name first." Su-Mi's posture straightened as she cleared her voice. "Oh yeah haha how rude of me, I'm Su-Mi" she held out a hand to shake. "And Thank you for punching my face!" she said with a chuckle. "so there was favor involving you body and time..oh my~ already getting experimental I see" Su-Mi's face heated up a bit as she hit the side of her head...but quickly played it off as smoothing her hair.

@Gutshot @KimmiNinja @Shmektheshmuck
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Ako probably gave one of the most emotionless yells anyone has ever heard, as if being thrown didn't phase him at all...which really didn't. He was thrown a lot before for many reasons and being thrown at someone or something was no different. The blue aura of his reflexively spread all around his body now when in mid-air as he was launched toward the nurse. Upon landing on her, he has no idea if she was fine or not due to how he played no real hand in being tossed at her...despite being an extremely tough/rough projectile. Ako was perfectly fine despite being tossed pretty aggressively but was even more surprised that people actually noticed his presence which led to him being thrown.

People...are strange. Wonder why they tossed me out of everyone...

"...passing through? You guys...go. I'll catch...up."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Sazama Soft Apocalypse

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sazama Nyko

Su-Mi that was her name. She held out a hand to shake but Sazama ignored it, afraid that the heat from her quirk wasn't fully gone.
One boy from the three spoke up,
"Do you happen to be alright? You may have had gotten a good whacking from our assistant teacher's clones."
Sazama was confused again, "Yes I'm perfectly fine why do you ask?"
Everyone who was listening in was just as confused as her, was it her face? She was sure to wash up properly before leaving.
Maybe she misled them somehow? She turned back to Su-Mi and started to explain the favor that she wanted from her.
"Well uh you see, I need your body and time because I tend to sleep around a lot."
Someone from the back chokes on their water and there were a few giggles from other students.
"Ah uh... what I mean is that I'll need protection while I sleep around."
Again there were more giggles. By this point Sazama felt her face heat up, she was no longer tired because she was embarrassed. Was there something wrong with her voice? Why were people laughing?
At this point, Sazama became too flustered to explain anymore and turned around to leave.
"Ah nevermind forget the favor..."
She said softly while putting her hands to her face to hide the redness.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sharksama
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sharksama Shark Fin Soup (aka Kingfish)

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Interacting with: Ako (@cloudystar), Daichi (@Duoya), Shoko (@Nerv), Hana (@Pudding)

Amber eyes snapped to the mutant she had just noticed. He she knew he was there, but when did he suddenly get so close? No matter; she didn't mind him being near her. In fact, she was thrilled. Why? She wasn't quite sure yet.

Then, she snapped her head to the girl, whom also wore gloves. "Hm... If that's what she means..." She nodded to herself, contemplating on how to react to this situation. She snapped her fingers as she realized what they must do. "What if only one of us distracted her? They rest of us would get to class safely while the other would face the punishment of being late. But, if we say the nurse needed their help, it mustn't be so bad a punishment?"

Then, she stopped cold as the mutant threw the blue-aura boy to the nurse. She wasn't scared of his hulking figure or strength, but she just seemed to smile at him. "You... Wow. That was amazing, er, dude!" she spoke, thinking on how to describe his strength. She only stuttered because she was nervous of social interaction, not because she was nervous of him, mind you.

But quickly after she recovered from the social awkwardness, she ran to the boy that had been thrown. She stopped when she was near them. Why was she hesitating? She could help the boy up easy, distract the nurse, and somehow get the rest of the stubborn students to class safe and sound. A new plan formed into her mind, her head turning to the looming man. Don't completely embarrass yourself. She helped the blue aura boy help, dragging him away from the nurse. "Hey, you alright, buddy?" she asked lowly before proceeding towards the crowd.

The black lioness shook her head to clear it, walking back towards the mutant in meer seconds with the boy in toll. "Hey, mutant-dude," she whispered, hoping the blue aura boy didn't hear her. "Can you do me a quick favor? These three-" She gestured to the gloved girl, the perky bubblegum, and the blue aura boy. "-and you-" She gestured to him. "-need to get to class before the bell rings. I'll distract the nurse while you get everyone past." She smiled a friendly smile at him. "You don't have to do it, but I'd, uh, really appreciate it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shmektheshmuck
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Shmektheshmuck The Bird not the Fruit

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Don't worry, Sazama." Hiro assured, "we'll look out for you while you have a rest, I sometimes get headaches when I use my quirk, we're all the same here!", Hiro noticed the other kids giggling, he felt a bit sorry for her, "don't mind them, you can't help it, your quirk must make you tired...", Hiro thought for a moment, should he take her to the infirmary, no, it's the first day and she should be here for the first class, "how about we take you down to the infirmary after class? the nurse will give you a bed and you can rest.", Hiro noticed Sazama hide her face, he pet her head and laughed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shmektheshmuck
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Shmektheshmuck The Bird not the Fruit

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aladdin sanity
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Aladdin sanity Sanity in the Stars

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Su-Mi noticed that her hand wasn't going to be shook anytime soon so she lowered her hand again. She propped her head on her elbows as she listened to the girl go on. Then Aki spoke up, "Do you happen to be alright? You may have had gotten a good whacking from our assistant teacher's clones." Su-mi pouted at him and shook her head. "Aki she's not brain damaged" she insisted. The girl looked even more confused as she answered with an unsure voice, "Yes I'm perfectly fine why do you ask?" "wow this girl sure has a chip in her block...but not as much as you." Su-Mi flicked her own forehead..but quickly played it off as scratching her forehead and quietly listened. "Well uh you see, I need your body and time because I tend to sleep around a lot." Su-Mi gave in all of her power and effort to simply smile and nod as there was a rush of giggles surrounding them. She initially knew what she was trying to say but the delivery was defiantly humorous. "Ah uh... what I mean is that I'll need protection while I sleep around." then there was more giggles. Su-Mi looked past the girl to the on, onlooker only for her expression to change into a cold deadly stare. Then her face sweetened again as she looked to the girl again. Finally the girl gave up and simply hid her face in shame, "Ah never-mind forget the favor..." "we'll look out for you while you have a rest, I sometimes get headaches when I use my quirk, we're all the same here!"

Su-Mi nodded in agreement as she gently pulled her hand away from her face. "Hey hey! I know what you meant. sure no problem, I owe the favor and now i'm going to keep my word...now..why don't you take a seat" she suggested softly as she gave a small smile. "Oh and don't worry about what other's think..you know we all die someday and when they do they won't put a scratch on your mind" she said morbidly yet playfully. "So don't worry ok!" she said again in a perky tone before looking back down at her sketch book. "Hah atta girl, your sure to scare everyone away with your humor." "Shut up" she muttered.

@Shmektheshmuck @KimmiNinja @Gutshot
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pkken
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ken Hashimoto

5:00 am at the train station, Ken was saying his goodbyes to his grandfather, "Ken, don't you go about causing ruckus over there. I'll knock some sense into you sully my name" he said putting Ken in a head lock. This was the type of affection that both of them showed,"Alright! Alright! I won't gramps jeeze" Ken said pulling away. His grandpa let go of him and gave him a heart warming look, "Make sure to call your old geezer alright?" he said forming a fist and placing it on kens chest. "for sure geezer" Ken said placing a fist on the retired heroes chest. Soon the train arrived and Ken picked up his backup and boarded, shooting a peace sign at his role model.

the train ride was short and sweet, because Komei was a boarding school they requested that students send their belongings weeks ahead, all his boxes and things should be placed in his dorm room awaiting his arrival. Ken reached in his pocket and pulled out some earbuds, plugging them into his phone, and relaxed on the 2 hour long train ride.

Musatafu, Japan, home to many heroes as well as Konei academy, the train came to a stop at the station and out came the young gravity boy, Ken moved up the stairs and onto the surface looking around at the big city. It was different from the rural area that he grew up in. Ken made his way over to Komei academy which was huge, what kind of budget do they have he thought to himself.

It was about 7:30 when he arrived, he was 1 hour early. Ken went to the front gates and used his ID but it didn't seem to work, was it busted? Ken took a seat on a bunch shaded by a tree and observed the other students seeing all types, some that look like dragons others that look monstrous, and those who looked average and regular. Ken took a short nap, soon waking up to a bunch of commotion, he checked the time on his phone. 8:22 was the time he read.

He jumped up from the bench and pushed his way through the crowd, scanning his ID and making his way in with brute force, he was a lot taller and bigger then the other students making it easier. He met sarge at the entrance, who said he cannot let the students on through the main door. Ken watched as Sarge shoved some students, the young gravity boy looked right and left before taking the right path. He opened a slip containing what class he was on and made his way full sprint as he ran he saw 2 mutants and some other students. They seemed to be in his way. He payed no attention to them and sprinted right past them, his earbuds dislodging and hitting a couple of them in the head, he put a hand in the air as he ran past them"Better not be late on the first day!" Ken said as turned up the flight of stairs going up 3 floors, he ran down another corridor, class 1-C, class 1-B, class 1-A! He had arrived he opened the door and took a step inside, checking his phone for the time he read 8:26 am. He let out a sigh and sat in the back of the classroom, not making any eye contact with the other students already there. He placed his backpack on the back of the seat and relaxed, his heart rate slowing down he prepared for class.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gutshot
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Gutshot Abdomen-Bursting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aki Ogawa
Interacting with @KimmiNinja and @Aladdin sanity

The girl responded to Aki's question with a puzzled "yes I'm perfectly fine, why do you ask?". "Nothing. I just wanted to make sure you weren't too shook up by the encounter or using your quirk", Aki explained. Yet, such a response was quickly drowned out by the rest of the classroom's giggling and laughter. The boy really didn't get what everyone was laughing about, the girl was just asking a favor, and it seemed like she was requesting that Su-Mi take care of her when she sleeps or, more likely, faints. Was spontaneous sleeping part of her quirk? If so, these were legitimate questions to ask. Aki didn't see any of her statements as sexual innuendos, not even remotely.
The girl, now blushing and hiding her face, was comforted by Hiro and Su-Mi. The later of the two retorted Aki's honest question with a jarring, "she's not brain damaged". Aki was sort of shocked by the sudden misunderstanding, quickly saying, "No, no. That's not what I was trying to convey at all. I just wanted to know if she was ok or not. That's all". The class continued their poor-humored laughing as Hiro and Su-Mi huddled around the previously fiery girl, giving her advice and offering to take her to the nurse after class. Aki, turning around his chair, addressed the loud laughing of the classmates behind him. He was starting to get fed-up with the volume of the classroom, much like what had happened at Komei Academy's gates. "Oi, you understand that she may have been trying to say that she could faint at any moment, right? And she wanted Su-Mi take make sure she was ok."
This line seemed to shut most of the really loud kids up. With almost all of the gigglers now looking down shamefully in unison, Aki couldn't help but chuckle and pull out Faust from his desk. "It's fine, I didn't know that was the situation at first, either", Aki informed as he started reading his novel. Soon, the 14-year-old's face reappeared, and he was terribly engrossed in his literature once again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 24 days ago

Daichi had lived the majority of his life with incredible strength, which was hard to adjust to. Most delicate tasks were incredibly difficult, if not impossible. In fact, Daichi was once kicked off of a baseball team for accidentally breaking a child's arm with the ball. Sometimes, these things happened at the worst of times, and could lead to horrible first impressions.

This was one of those times.

Despite throwing him relatively gentle, the blue-haired boy still flew at the nurse. The boy was catapulted forwards, and to the outside observer, it appeared as though Daichi had thrown the boy at the nurse intentionally. Daichi didn't even realize his mistake until he heard one of the most apathetic screams in his life.


As soon as Daichi was paying attention again, he was looking at the sprawled form of the boy on top of the intimidating nurse. As soon as he noticed this, he began to shaake slightly, which eventually evolved into a shiver throughout his entire body. Daichi quickly called out to the small boy.

"I-I'm sorry, you w-were the c-closest person, and y-you are p-p-pretty short, and I p-pa-panicked!"

Daichi barely managed to hear the response of the boy, which was still echoed out with that same, emotionless tone.

"...passing through? You guys...go. I'll catch...up."

Daichi honestly didn't know what to make of it. After all, the nurse was hit with a person, she wasn't going to move quickly after that. The girl with pink hair had bumped into him just before the toss, and she let out a response to the toss.


Daichi slightly jumped at the comment. Sure, it was nice that the scary lady was stunned, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he had still hit her. And besides, the blue-haired boy could have been seriously injured if he didn't have that blue aura! Daichi heard the tall black-haired girl, whom he had taken to calling tall lady in order to avoid confusion with the much shorter black haired woman, also commented on the throw.

"You... Wow. That was amazing, er, dude!"

The stutter caused Daichi to shift uncomfortably. People being astonished at his freakish strength wasn't anything new, but it was never pleasant. Throughout his entire life, his strength had merely been an anoyance, like a limb that twitched and spasmed involuntarily. He could never control it, and it usually led to something being broken or someone getting hurt. One of the main reasons he decided to become a hero in the first place was so he could learn to control his strength easier, or at least use it to help people instead of hurt them. The tall lady walked over to the boy and began to drag him over to the rest of the crowd. As she did so, she made her way towards Daichi and whispered out a request.

"Can you do me a quick favor? These three and you need to get to class before the bell rings. I'll distract the nurse while you get everyone past. You don't have to do it, but I'd, uh, really appreciate it."

Daichi considered the favor temporarily. It would be rude to simply take the others by force, and she did say that he could refuse... But what if she was lying? What if she really needed Daichi to take these people to class because she had some serious disease that the scary nurse needed to cure? What if she was to embarrassed to say anything, and simply was using the distraction as an excuse to stay behind? What if she was going to die if Daichi refused to take the others?! What if-

"A-actually, I think s-she is p-p-pretty distracted r-right now..."

A look towards the nurse proved this statement to be correct. She appeared to be stunned or, at the very least, distracted for the time being. Clearly, she did not expect a student to use brute force have an accident. Daichi gently scooped up the small blue-haired boy in his arms. Daichi had thrown him, and even though he didn't look hurt, he could be bleeding internally for all Daichi knew. Which was saying a lot, considering Daichi didn't even know internal bleeding was a thing.

"S-sorry again about t-t-throwing you. I-it was the h-heat of the m-moment...

As Daich began to run down the hall, he didn't even notice a tall boy run past the group.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sazama
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Sazama Soft Apocalypse

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sazama Nyko

When the three came to her aid she felt her face warm up but in a different way. She nodded her head to Su-Mi and took a seat near them.
She got out her nap blanket and put it on the desk making it into a pillow.
"I'm fine with not going to the infirmary, with you guys around I can sleep peacefully..." She slightly smiled at all three of them before laying her head down and shutting her eyes until class can be started. Despite the noise, she was fully relaxed.
She knew she shouldn't sleep right when class is about to start but she wasn't all that worried since someone could just wake her up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nerv
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shoko Iseki

Shoko could only stare in wide-eyed confusion as she watched a large... boy, probably?... toss another boy directly at the nurse -- and rather forcefully too. Clearly the holder of a mutant-type Quirk, when he turned to face the rest of the students, as though asking 'who's next?', Shoko couldn't help but feel her stomach drop a little as she reflexively raised her hands in front of her and shook her head slightly with the most disarming smile she could manage in the situation.

The way the large boy spoke was in direct contrast with his appearance, though, causing Shoko to drop her guard some, which in turn brought her back to reality. Worried about the thrown boy, she took a few steps towards him before even glancing his way. When she finally registered the blue aura that had appeared around him, she paused. It had something to do with his Quirk apparently, and he seemed completely fine. Now that Shoko thought about it, hadn't the yell he had given when he had been careening through the air been very... bored? Maybe he had known the throw wouldn't hurt him in the slightest.

Man, the people here were nuts. Not only in terms of their incredible Quirks, but in their personalities as well.

With a shot of panic, Shoko noticed the daze state the nurse was in -- they hurt a faculty member before the school year had even officially started?!

The girl instinctively closed the distance between herself and the nurse and boy, already moving to pull one of her gloves off as she knelt beside them. Before doing so, however, she paused, mind working as she listened to the tall girl who was once again speaking up.

Shoko couldn't help but admire the girl -- the way she was ready to take the fall for all of them, seemed good with taking charge, and her cool looks all helped. The shorter haired girl felt herself relax a little thanks to her presence, and she caught herself staring for what felt like maybe a moment too long.

"A-actually, I think s-she is p-p-pretty distracted r-right now..." the large boy replied to her, getting a slight nod from Shoko who quickly glanced back to the nurse.

"He's right," she spoke up, a sheepish smile on her lips. She cringed as she thought over again what she was about to suggest. "Everyone should head to class now, while she's... um, distracted. I can heal her quickly, so I shouldn't be late even if I stay back for a couple extra seconds so that we don't leave her like this."

As she watched the large boy run off to class with the one he had thrown in his arms again, Shoko silently apologized to the nurse for leveraging the woman's pain as a way to skip their blood tests for now instead of immediately healing her.

The short-haired girl glanced to the other two female students that had spoken during everything, catching herself hoping that maybe one would stick around for the few extra seconds that she would be with the nurse. She silently scolded herself at the thought, pushing it away -- there was no need to potentially get somebody else expelled if things went badly.

Shoko turned on her knees to properly face the nurse and pulled up her right glove enough to expose the red skin at the base of her palm. She instinctively kept her hand close to her chest, keeping the different skin mostly hidden from view.

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