Avatar of sharksama
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 320 (0.10 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. sharksama 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Not gonna be on until later tonight!
8 yrs ago
Hey! Won't be on very much for certain reasons If you need anything, please PM me (Note: This Reeks of Havoc will be postponed until at least tomorrow sorry guys)
8 yrs ago
going shopping with mom and sister. brought $50 just in case there's a new game
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8 yrs ago
welp today has been terrible. time to rp my favorite characters and cry
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8 yrs ago
watching episode 1 of black butler at 1 am was probably not the smartest idea


regardless of mornings, the future doesn't scare me at all

Hiya~! My name is Shark, but you can call me whatever. I don't mind any name at all.

If you ever want to rp, just PM me. I don't mind. The sort of rps I like are generally romance (of any genders: MxM [especially], FxF, or MxF- any of them are fine!), fantasy (fantastical worlds are my favorite), and pretty much anything, as long as the plot is good. I don't want to rp a crappy plot. I'm not all for fandom-type rps (since I generally like new and fresh ideas), but I'm sure I could try if you want to that badly. I usually like at least one paragraph, nothing too fancy. Just no abbreviations while typing a post for the rp. That's all I look for.

Need a time schedule? Here you go:

Weekdays: 5:00 to 12:00 CST
Weekends: 2:30 to 12:00 CST

(Note: At 12 CST, my Wi-fi turns off and I can't get on it until the upcoming morning. Please understand that if I don't respond by then.)

Have a beautiful day!

Most Recent Posts

Interacting with: Shoko (@Nerv), Daichi (@Duoya)

Mesu looked at the mutant as he spoke, then turned her head to the nurse. Her face grew red with embarrassment. Of course she was distracted! How stupid could she be to not see that? She facepalmed herself with a nervous laugh. "Y-You're indeed correct..." There you go, embarrassing yourself... She watched him scooped up the blue aura boy and run off to class. All that matters is that they won't be late to class...

She turned her head to the gloved female, tilting her head slightly. She had been quiet for so long... The black lioness almost didn't notice her. It was kind of her to heal the nurse, with only a small chance of being late to class. But she couldn't possibly stay by herself; two was better than one, as her parents used to say. Her heart pained a little. They needed to get to class...

She walked towards her and patted the girl on the back. "Don't stay out too long, okay? I don't want to be late to class, but I don't want you to be late to class. So good luck." With that, she ran towards the stairs and to her classroom, giving a wink to the gloved girl as she did her work.

Duke Indigo tilted his head at her actions. He felt her move his hand to her waist, their palms touching ever so gently. He thought he felt his face heat up, but that was gone in a mere second. Following her movements with his eyes, he smiled at her laugh. "You're awfully excited about this," he said lowly, as to not catch the attention of the others.

"Let me try." He looked down at their feet for only a moment before returning his gaze to hers. "1... 2... 3..." He repeated under his breath, moving them along with the music. "And... Spin!" He spun her around, his smile genuine and happy. When was he last time he had had this much fun? He wasn't quite sure, but one thing was for sure; he had forgotten all about the treasure for now.

Mesu: *shifty eyes* "Pssh... No."

Mesu: "I told you guys it would work!"

Mesu's just gonna try to deal with this her way lol
(she's probably going to ultimately fail but it's fine)
[center]Interacting with: Ai Isukami (@Polaris North), Red Vino (@TalijaKey), Coach V (@Pudding), Law (@KimmiNinja)

Seung watched the two act helplessly, half-paying attention to everything until Coach V said something about, 'partners.' His eyes widened, standing up immediately. "W-Wait! If we have to have partners... He pointed to Ai and Red Vino. "...And you two are partners... He thought to himself. "That means..."

Then, his blood ran cold when he heard Law's screaming. "Oh God this is going to be difficult..." Seung couldn't possibly. Even though his brother was a fan of Law's, the red-head knew they had completely different styles of singing. And completely different styles of... fashion style. "Coach V, are there any other people in Team V that I don't know about?" But he sighed. He'd have a better chance at this concert with a partner.

Seung, hunching over slightly, knew he had only one choice to make. He was being completely over-dramatic about this whole situation, but he didn't seem to care at the moment. Raising a hand slightly, he turned towards Law. "Guess I'll be your, 'partner for life'?" he spoke up, trying to sound enthusiastic, but ended up sounding completely nervous.
Daichi's new nickname has been set to "Precious Cinnamon Roll"
Interacting with: Ako (@cloudystar), Daichi (@Duoya), Shoko (@Nerv), Hana (@Pudding)

Amber eyes snapped to the mutant she had just noticed. He she knew he was there, but when did he suddenly get so close? No matter; she didn't mind him being near her. In fact, she was thrilled. Why? She wasn't quite sure yet.

Then, she snapped her head to the girl, whom also wore gloves. "Hm... If that's what she means..." She nodded to herself, contemplating on how to react to this situation. She snapped her fingers as she realized what they must do. "What if only one of us distracted her? They rest of us would get to class safely while the other would face the punishment of being late. But, if we say the nurse needed their help, it mustn't be so bad a punishment?"

Then, she stopped cold as the mutant threw the blue-aura boy to the nurse. She wasn't scared of his hulking figure or strength, but she just seemed to smile at him. "You... Wow. That was amazing, er, dude!" she spoke, thinking on how to describe his strength. She only stuttered because she was nervous of social interaction, not because she was nervous of him, mind you.

But quickly after she recovered from the social awkwardness, she ran to the boy that had been thrown. She stopped when she was near them. Why was she hesitating? She could help the boy up easy, distract the nurse, and somehow get the rest of the stubborn students to class safe and sound. A new plan formed into her mind, her head turning to the looming man. Don't completely embarrass yourself. She helped the blue aura boy help, dragging him away from the nurse. "Hey, you alright, buddy?" she asked lowly before proceeding towards the crowd.

The black lioness shook her head to clear it, walking back towards the mutant in meer seconds with the boy in toll. "Hey, mutant-dude," she whispered, hoping the blue aura boy didn't hear her. "Can you do me a quick favor? These three-" She gestured to the gloved girl, the perky bubblegum, and the blue aura boy. "-and you-" She gestured to him. "-need to get to class before the bell rings. I'll distract the nurse while you get everyone past." She smiled a friendly smile at him. "You don't have to do it, but I'd, uh, really appreciate it."
Interacting with: Ako (@cloudystar), Hana (@Pudding), Daichi (@Duoya)

Mesu was somewhat confused. That boy would take blood instead? Not on her watch. She instinctively reached out, but her hand stopped midair. What was that aura around him? It perked her interest, but she bit her lip from asking; her parents told her some people were sensitive to the topic of their Quirks. "Listen, er... Buddy." God, that was terrible. That probably wasn't the way a person was to talk to another, was it? It had been too long. "Go on to class. I can take getting yelled at, but, uh..."

The black lioness's gaze turned towards the new female in the scene. "Why would I joke about something serious as to drawing blood...?" Confusion grasped her words, tilting her head to emphasize it. "So what if it does? I'll be fine." She then looked back over at the large man, Daichi, silently asking him to help her get these two to class.
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