
@Animal@FallenTrinity@Gutshot@KimmiNinja@Pudding@Aladdin sanity@Nerv@cloudystar@sharksama@Shmektheshmuck@Demous@Duoya@pkken
It was the first day of school, bright blue sky, birds singing and a lot of happiness in general. It was mostly like any other day, the traffic didn't move for one bit, it was way to early to rise and it couldn't be any worse then being late. Anna was helplessly lying on the ground at the train station. She had been telling the people trying to help her to leave her lying. They insisted on it and tried helping her. After getting her up she bluntly fell again in no time.
A few minutes back she had been helping someone for longer than anticipated. The person did not understand to hurry and made her overuse her quirk. This was the last time she was trying to help someone... It was already getting late to arrive at school even though it was only a small walk away. Finally she felt a little less nauseous and quickly stood up dashing off to get there in time.
In 10 minutes she had ran as fast as she possibly could. Luckily she had planned ahead to leave at least a tad earlier like usual and was on time at the school gates with only a few minutes left on the clock but she would make it at least.
Anna stepped towards the gate and pulled out her card from her blazer in a swift motion. The card got stuck on her pocket as her hand slid on. In slow motion the ID card fell to the ground. Anna glanced at the card in shock. Both her hands tried moving towards the card to catch it. The card only hit her hand getting the trajectory of the card off course. The card fell further down as her mouth went open wider in shock making her yell out in slow mo.
The card fell into a nearby sewer drain. Anna shrunk away in terror. She squated down to the ground placing both hands on the top of her head in disbelieve with her face crunching up in pain at the same time. She quickly placed herself next to the drain on both her knees looking down it to see her ID card disappear in thick mucus. She wouldn't be surprised if it was eaten by the mucus that is how horrible it looked.
With a bit of a weight lifting exercise she lifted the drain lid up. She gulped and sat upright for a moment to make a quick side tail from her hair on the left side of her head. There was no other choice. She lifted up her arm. THERE WAS NO TIME! It was smelling really bad. She went in...
Her arm slowly reached further down into the drain. There was nothing but gross stuff down in there. She had to puke but she was holding it in for now. This sensational feeling, rarely anyone got to experience such a wonderful event like this! Anna was crying tears of joy. After about 15 minutes digging around and throwing up in the bushes close to it she gave up... It was only giving her more problems. While she was not paying attention her house keys had shifted out of her pocket and plopped right in there too...
Youth! Youth is experiencing great house parties! Trying out new things! Adventuring! Digging in the sewers...! Crying in front of teachers to get onto the school grounds while being grosse!
Anna had made it inside with some slight delay and a lot of effort. There was no time to wash her arm! She had to hurry, Anna had fallen on the stairs from the rush... Her knees were bleeding arms were messy There is vomit on her blazer already God dammit late already!
An incredible odor could be smelled from miles away! The tension grew in the classroom before the door opened! The girl looked beat up and worn out even though it was only half past eight. Some people might have thought it had something to do with her power that grosse arm. Yet she could muster a relieved smile on her face.
(i'm so glad) She muttered before eyes sprung into tears as she moved her arms towards her face. She brushed the tears away with the palm of her blazer as the grosse arm was awkwardly hanging in front of her chest to hide some of her embarrassment at least.
She sniffled once or twice more before she cleared up and just smiled.
"I... made it"