Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 4 days ago

@KOgaming Blame Charak for putting these questions into my head.

How are the holders aware of the Solar Legacy wish thing?
Is the 'wish' section the thing they're going to ask when they win 15 times, or is it a symbolic thing?
Can someone refuse to summon their legacy when it urges them to through shere force of will?
How much duel energy is drained?
Can someone refuse to put their legacy in their deck?
Do the Solar Legacies interact with their duelist in some other way? (e.g. the dimension dragons with their yu-boys, Judai and Winged Kuriboh, ...)
What stops someone from dueling the same guy 15 times in a row every time they get their energy back, by force if needed?
Does a duel between Solar Legacy holders turn into something that physically hurts?
If one disobeys their Solar Legacy, could it choose to leave you?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thinking of throwing my hat into this ring, if it's alright. I'm planning on playing a movie buff type with a ramshackle Kaiju deck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@KOgaming: Righty-o, here's what I've made.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hira, Light of the Nekroz [Solar Legacy]
Level 2 Spellcaster type Normal Monster
500 ATK / 1000 DEF
While this card is on the field, all Nekroz Monsters on your side of the field gain 200 ATK.

Normal monster with an effect?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Right, mb. Fixed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

How are the holders aware of the Solar Legacy wish thing?

I'll reveal it at the start of the RP in a long exposition by a character who may or may not be otherwise irrelevant. Or maybe it's some inherent knowledge. Perhaps their cards whisper to the owners.

Is the 'wish' section the thing they're going to ask when they win 15 times, or is it a symbolic thing?

A little bit of both.

Can someone refuse to summon their legacy when it urges them to through shere force of will?

Yes, but it would be extremely painful.

How much duel energy is drained?

Enough to be plot relevant.

Can someone refuse to put their legacy in their deck?

Yes, but it will always find its way back and may likely end up as a drawn card regardless.

Do the Solar Legacies interact with their duelist in some other way? (e.g. the dimension dragons with their yu-boys, Judai and Winged Kuriboh, ...)

Yes, the cards interact with their owner. To what degree, however, is on a case-by-case basis.

What stops someone from dueling the same guy 15 times in a row every time they get their energy back, by force if needed?

The duel energy doesn't replenish until someone makes a wish.

Does a duel between Solar Legacy holders turn into something that physically hurts?

Not necessarily, but this game has Solid Vision with mass, so it is possible to hurt other duelists. The Solar Legacy cards are also artifacts that hold some kind of magical power. Take that as you will...

If one disobeys their Solar Legacy, could it choose to leave you?

For the most part, a Solar Legacy has a mutual relationship with their duelist and really can't grow without them. While I can't necessarily force a player to do such a thing, a Solar Legacy can sabotage games by not showing up at the right time, becoming a dead draw, or might even influence draws so the player draws into something they don't need.

Thinking of throwing my hat into this ring, if it's alright. I'm planning on playing a movie buff type with a ramshackle Kaiju deck.

Sounds good. Kaijus might be interesting- and also possibly force other players to play differently.

@KOgaming: Righty-o, here's what I've made.

Duel Disks are solid vision. Also, for consistency's sake, the game will be referred to as Duel Monsters. I've talked to you about your deck in PMs, but I still think a ritual user shouldn't have so many synchro monsters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@KOgaming: Edited accordingly. Though... Really, the Synchros are just going to be chucked in the grave with Kaleidoscope more than anything else. Arc Lights are 3/5 of that, and Star Eater isn't really going to be made unless some miracle happens with Debris Dragon (and even then is only a last resort). Moonlight's really the only reason Debris is played, and even then it's inconsistent.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 4 days ago

Moonlight's really the only reason Debris is played, and even then it's inconsistent.

>implying you can't stack the ever loving sweetness out of your deck
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Frankly, if people here were planning on manaweaving and strategic anti-meta sidedecking to win matches instead of topdecking, they're not playing right.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 4 days ago

Ah, who dares wins right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Ah. I see you prefer metric.

Also your RUM is a little too generic for my taste.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 4 days ago


Ah. I see you prefer metric.

Also your RUM is a little too generic for my taste.

I told this to the guy double-checking me too and he said it's fine so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, tell me how to fix it then. I have no clue how to rank up into Vertun without making it this generic.

EDIT: Outside of Xyz Universe, of course.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

For dat spicy flavor, I'd make something that takes rank 8 dragons, which you have 2 of, and turns them into rank 9 wyrms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 4 days ago

For dat spicy flavor, I'd make something that takes rank 8 dragons, which you have 2 of, and turns them into rank 9 wyrms.

Uh. Funny thing.

That's a Warrior and a Machine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What do you mean divine dragon knight Felgrand isn't a dragon?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 4 days ago

What do you mean divine dragon knight Felgrand isn't a dragon?

Dragon Knight. He's no dragon, he's a knight.

You can clearly see this in his artwork.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 14 days ago

Tora Furinto

This hair color is natural!

Sex: Female
Age: 17 (and still very much Immature)
Personality: Tora, is childish in the way she acts. She is well known for playing pranks on others which mainly consist of setting traps macgyver style for people to fall into while she watchs from a distance but still capable of viewing the outcomes of her pranks. She also has a fond love of sweet things, to the put where any petty dispute with her ends in one of two ways, she gets candy or you get a nightmarish week where everywhere you step is a potential landmine until she eventually gets bored. She is otherwise quiet timid, hence why her way of getting back isn't a direct confrontation. She has been known to break into tears if directly confronted.

Dueling wise... She slowly grows in confidence as the duel gets into motion and the trap cards get set. She is not one for direct battles between monsters, she sometimes may also throw the match if it bores her death or if she just didn't want to be too cruel to her friends. This is a little counter intitive and she know that but she doesn't care as long as shes happy.

History: Born to a family of scientists specialising in Biology, her early life was very much crowded with Insect and Plants, Her lack of proper social interaction with others may be the reason for her childishness as she never really had to grow up, it might also explain her reason to seek attention through her exploits and her traps. When she was younger she would always play trap heavy decks, mostly for their defensive style. If her opponent couldn't touch her board with their stupid creatures she would be safe.

Naturally, her love of the game made her wish to deviate from her familys regular course of learning, She pooled her entire allowance, months after months into building this deck. She is very very proud of each and every card, and you would be best not to insult it, otherwise you'll be liable to face her wrath. She hopes everyone treats her nicely at her new place of learning and she takes great pleasure in the prank she has yet to pull.
House: Utopia House
Duel Disk: Her duel disk is one based on the Arc V style of disk, however instead of one continous black bar to hold her monsters, her monster zones are circles connected with lines. She prefers this style as it makes it easier for her to see what monster is in each of her zones and thus better register what she can do.
Wish: "Can I say... I wish for a world where everyones wish, as long as it doesn't harm anyone, becomes true."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 4 days ago

Suggested fix:

Name: Rank-Up-Magic: Rising Force
Spell type: Normal
Effect: Target one Xyz monster you control, except a "Number" monster: Special Summon one Xyz monster from your Extra deck, except a "Number" monster, which is 1 Rank higher, using that target as the Xyz material. (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz summon. Materials attached to that target also become Xyz Material on the Summoned monster.) You can not Special Summon other monsters during the turn you activate this card.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thecrash20
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Here is a WIP.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Fuubi Yagara
Sex: Male
Age: 22
House: Utopia House

Appearance: A short fella, five feet tall and ninety pounds. He has a black buzzcut, five o'clock shadow, dark brown eyes, and huge yellow buck teeth. He wears a black school suit with his left arm sleeveless.

(I'm really shit at drawing. I tried though!)

Duel Disk: The classic

Personality: Fuubi is an asshat who uses unorthodox behaviors and tactics to try and disrupt his opponents. Psychological warfare, intimidation, ridiculous antics... He'll do whatever it takes to make an enemy lose their cool. Aside form that, he's a manic guy who loves energy drinks, hitting on girls, and having a good time.

History: Fuubi's parents were both wildly abusive, and beat him with a sack of ripe mandarins twice daily. Sometimes they forced him to miss classes, so that the teachers wouldn't see his full-body bruising. When he was 17, his grades were piss poor and he had reached the limit of his patience. He flipped out and punched his dad in the nuts, hit his mom with a folding chair, and then ran out into the streets, crying. He stole and hotwired a pizza delivery truck and drove all the way to duelist academy, seeking to change his life. He knew that the only way he could get over his childhood trauma was to do what he loved best; duel and annoy people.

Wish: To meet the famous Yugi, challenge him to a televised duel, and then make him rage.

Deck: Berserker Soul, 56 cards

Monsters: Necro Gardna x3, Submarineroid x3, Goblin Black Ops x3, Wulf Lightsworn Beast x3, Volcanic Scattershot x3, Volcanic Counter x3, Rai-Mei x3, Magical Merchant x3, Gokipon x3, Kuribandit x3, Wattgiraffe x3, Bacon Saver x1, electromagnetic turtle x1, Dandylion x1, Gear Golem the Moving Fortress x3, Pero Pero Cerperus x3, Sylvan Peaskeeper x3, Sylvan Komushroom x3, Sylvan Marshaleaf x3, Treeborn Frog x1, Revival Golem x1.

Spells: Berserker Soul x3

Side Deck-
Monsters: Revival Golem x1, Jinzo x3, Sylvan Bladefender x3, Jinzo - Returner x3, A/D Changer x3, Destiny Hero Malicious x3

Extra Deck: Gagaga Cowboy x3, Blackship of Corn x3, Burner Visor x1, Castel x3, Daigusto Emeral x2, Maestroke x3
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