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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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Happy new year!

Also hey oh @Cojemo.
Thinking bout comin back? Weeze got all the good plot here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

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By the way, I plan to post again after everyone else that's still here has posted their choice, just to make things official.

Also leaves less loose ends to tie up, imo. owo;;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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where'd yall go?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cojemo
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@Beloss Heya! Ah, while I do have a bunch of new ideas for Servants and Masters, I dunno if there'd be room for me to come back. I mostly just popped in to read and follow along.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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@Cojemocare to swap? Its always nice to throw around new character ideas.

Also you never know what could happen latter on if a new slot opens up, or PK decides to expand, or wants someone to play a villan or something.

Who you thinking about making?

I have been working on a Servant Rider Etana for a while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cojemo
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@BelossYeah I'll be sticking around so if I'm ever in need I won't turn down the offer if I'm wanted!

And sure, I don't mind sharing. I've actually been working on a choose-your own adventure type RP on another site with elements from Fate/Extra so I've basically written up concepts for nearly an entire cast. In other words, I've got plenty of ideas. I'll just give you a briefing of who I've got.

For Berserker I've got Muramasa Sengo, with the idea being that he's basically the embodiment of the legend of his swords. (has E rank luck obviously)

Then is Mary I of England, summoned as Bloody Mary and given the Assassin class. I'm quite happy with her Noble Phantasm, with it obviously being she can travel between any mirror, and if someone says her name they are pulled into what is basically a Reality Marble of the mirror dimension.

Rider is Sinbad, but instead of having him be the amazing adventurer everyone likes to portray him as, I've interpreted him as an eccentric adventurer who's survived based on pure luck, thus I've given him EX luck. On top of that he probably has my favourite Noble Phantasms, one being a giant Roc he can fly on and the other being what is basically a dice roll for a Reality Marble, bringing forth the setting of one of his seven adventures.

Saber is Drona, and I planned for him to be super overpowered. I'm still conceptualizing his NP's, but so far I have that his sword, being the personification of every weapon ever created, is basically the NP of every single sword weapon ever created and he can use any of them at will. On top of that, he gains a boost to all of his stats when he's fighting anyone who's using a weapon. On top of that he has the Brahmanda astra, which is basically Ea. So yeah he's pretty tough.

I've also been tossing around the idea of having Don Quixote as kind of a joke character due to how weak he'd be. But yeah, those are the ones I have developed the most. I have a few others still under heavy construction. I've been trying to come up with Lancers, but that's quite difficult actually.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Reality Marbles. Reality Marbles EVERYWHERE.

NG on Mary, NG on Sinbad, ABSOLUTELY NG on Drona. Just going to say that right now, okay? =3=;;
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cojemo
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Hey, it's only 2! ....Or 8, depending on how you look at it :P

Haha yeah I thought so. Drona is basically my Gilgamesh so I completely understand that one for sure. And Sinbad definitely has the potential to be broken, though his stats actually aren't that great. And Mary...Ah I could maybe see why you wouldn't want her.

I have other servants brewing in my head as well, some including Bellerophon, Circe (who would definitely not be allowed), Aoife, and Diomedes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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@PKMNB0Y I think for now we are not seriously pitching any of these, just juggling possible ideas. Hence overpowered stuff is on the table.

@Cojemo Huh. Cool selection. Sinbad would have a ship as well right? Also doesn't he have a flying carpet to? Its been a long time since I read. But yeah the Roc would definitely be his trump card, not to mention very strong.

Muramasa Sengo, I dont know much about, seems odd to have a smith as a Berserker though.
EDIT Nevermind, the guy makes blood thirsting swords. Wow.

Bloody Mary is cool. You would probably need to allow her to manifest withought having to have people say it 3 times though, or else no one would ever say it in the RP. Maybe she is just summoned once by someone saying her name 3 times and then can go wherever? Interesting...

Drona, I would have to read about him. Considering the general power of Indian legends all around though, im sure he is very strong. Some of their strength does need to be taken tongue in cheek however, or else half of all Indian Heroic Spirits would be as strong as Gilgamesh. It's a writing style thing with them that they make a lot of their Hero's very strong and having done things like slain 10,000 demons singlehandedly and such. You kind of have to balance them out in your head, or Indian legends would the strongest Heroic Spirits in every field.
Otherwise though yeah, most Indian Hero's are very strong.

Remember that you have half a dozen other Indian Heroic Spirits who are as strong or stronger than Drona, it would not be fair within the Nasuverse to have them all as Gilgamesh/Alexander/Arturia level Heroes. Those or usualy only one or two per mythological cycle.

Don Quixote would be great. He would be prime candidacy for a Reality Marble, one that made his imagination a reality, and turned him into the knight he envisions himself to be. He would also have very high luck himself, possibly EX.

So, a few Servants I have in the back of my mind that I have sort of half made, or thought about making in the past:

The two really big ones are Vainamoinen and Etana. Both are overpowered, so they would probably work best as villains if they were ever to see the light of day, that or have them suffer a major summoning mishap or something along those lines.

Vainamoinen is a Caster from the Finnish Kalevala, he's the strongest sorcerer in legend that I have come across, but also has very high physical capabilitys. Anyway he has a spell that turns the land before him into a deadly swamp that sucks people down and drowns them. His NP as a Caster is a magical harp that spits out rockin tunes so beautiful that they can be heard over long distance and mesmerize those who hear them. But basicaly, his Epic is quite long, and he has a shit ton of nifty spells and magic artifacts, to much for me to really sort through here or decide between ATM.

Etana is more viable, mostly because his legend is fairly short, and he has solid weaknesses. He's a king who lived shortly after Gilgamesh who rode to heaven on the back of a giant eagle. The key point is this eagle, you see, in the Nausaverse chronology it would be the very first Phantasmal Beast mount in human legend, which gives it tremendous import. Not to mention, it being a giant eagle that can fly into heaven as it pleases.

Basically, Etana would be a fairly mediocre Rider Servant, but he would have one of the Strongest Mounts, a Divine Beast Eagle stronger than even Pegasus or most dragons.

He also has a herb he gathered from heaven that makes people give birth. I kind of like it since it's on the more WTF side of things, but I'm thinking about reinterpreting it as an ancient herb that creates a powerful homunculus. Or, it also might becomes something related to manifesting the grail, turning people who eat it into a possible Grail Vessel like the one Medea was planning to make.

There is also this other Servant thats been under my skin for a long time, I actually made her and have played her though, but all the RP's in which I did broke down before she ever got up enough prana to do anything. The Necromancer Skuld, from the Saga of Hrolf Kraki, she's a powerfull witch who raises an army of undead vikings, yes, viking zombies, along with a shit ton of demons and other monsters. Her top summons are a giant demonic boar, and her undead husband who is a powerful berserker, who she can repeatedly resurrect if he falls.
She also controlls the weather and uses enchanted mist and storms to send her army into stealth mode.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cojemo
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@Beloss That's the thing with Sinbad. You'd THINK he'd have a ship, but if I recall from reading his tale, on most of his journeys he either gets separated from his ship or it gets destroyed. In fact there's a lot of stuff he does that is contrary to what people believe about him, including murdering a grieving women in order to steal her food. That's why the Sinbad I made would not be nearly as heroic as the ones most media portray him as. I'd probably ditch the Reality Marble if I were to use him outside of my main RP, such as this one.

I sort of agree with the whole Drona issue, but the thing is that there is already Karna and Arjuna who are ridiculously strong. I made him so strong because he is the only person in Indian mythology to summon the Brahmanda astra, and the only way he died was because of his own honor. I see what you're saying, but Nasuverse lore has already made three super powerful Heroic Spirits from Indian mythology, haha.

And yeah, I don't have much to say on your heroes except I like them!

@PKMNB0Y May as well mention this but if I DO end up joining, if I were to remove Sinbad's Reality Marble would he be usable?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

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I sort of agree with the whole Drona issue, but the thing is that there is already Karna and Arjuna who are ridiculously strong. I made him so strong because he is the only person in Indian mythology to summon the Brahmanda astra, and the only way he died was because of his own honor. I see what you're saying, but Nasuverse lore has already made three super powerful Heroic Spirits from Indian mythology, haha.

To be fair, Indian Servants are, rightfully so, nerfed within the confines of Nasuverse. And the ranking of abilities dont really match the rankings of the actual powerlevels within their lores. To which I think Nasu simply didn't check his facts.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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@ADamnFiddle Hey Fiddle, I still need you to call for Babylon or Scandinavia. If you could back me up on Babylon that would be great.

For the power rankings I think they did a good job. You have stuff like Indian legends with Bhima being able to win a tug of war with 10,000 elephants, multiple super weapons being thrown around, and vast armies of demons being annihilated without breaking a sweat. Then you have Hero's from the Trojan War who are listed as being godlike fighters because they killed 15 men in one day. You need some kind of balance between these two.

Achilles is one of the most legendary warriors of all time, probably the most, and he should be able to fight Karna, even if a direct comparison of their two legends would not seem to sugest this.

Sinbad: That's interesting. I did read some version of Sinbad but it was a long long time ago. I know that he has a long list of adventures, so you probably have a lot of interesting stuff that could go in there. He's a pretty nice dude in the end though, or he would never have hosted that begger that gets him telling his story to begin with.

I wonder if it would be possible to do anything with the living island sea monster that he escapes from... maybe instead of having the Roc that he can ride around, he has some sort of ability that allows him to summon and trick these various giant monsters into serving him. For example, hiding on the Rocs back and such, maybe he could do the same with the seamonster.

For Drona, I guess in a way the cat is already out of the bag on that one. Whenever you have a Heroic Spirit that's incredibly strong, anyone who contended with them in their legend must have also been similarly strong and such, so, when the Nausaverse makes one Heroic Spirit at a Alexander the Great level, they are sort of indirectly making about 6 or 7 at the same level, in the case of the Mahabharata.
Aside from the Brahmanda astra superweapon though, would you concede that Drona's not as strong as Gilgamesh?

Also, because the Indian conception of the world is radically difrent from the modern one, it is probable that the Brahmanda astra would not have the power it is said to in its legend. While Indian mythology is quite old, about 3,000 years, compared to something like the 6 or 7 thousand year old Ea the Brahmanda astra is fairly young, and would not have the same power of origin as Ea.

Im just really hesitant to concede that there would be 2 planet destroying artifacts within the world, and with one being half the age of the first. Especially when Gilgamesh states that there is no Noble Phantasm to compare with Ea.

This is another Heroic Spirit I made in the past but never had a chance to do much with: King Naresuan, the King of Thailand in the 16 hundreds. He's a great general, master warrior, hand to hand martial arts legends, gunslinger, and elephant rider.

Basically, there are not that many Elephant Rider Riders, and combined with his Kung Fu (muay thai, really) I thought he would be a really interesting versatile guy. Especially when he then pulls out pistols and has a crack at you. With his Elephant having a weapons rack on its back acting as a mini armory he would be able to engage in every form of combat, from ranged, swords, spears, hand to hand, and mounted, his mastery of all of these forms being noted in his legend.

I might need to give him some sort of personal skill that alows him to overcome the class limitations of weapon specialization though...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cojemo
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@Beloss Oh yeah I'd say Gilgamesh would definitely be above Drona, I don't argue that at all. I was just comparing him to Gilgamesh in the sense that he's ridiculously broken in a sense. Funnily enough, while Gil's weakness is his arrogance, Drona has his honor which would be HIS weakness. Also, in regards to the Brahmanda astra, I've definitely considered that as well, and I have to say I agree with you. Of course my idea for it otherwise is still super strong, as it is said to basically burn everything without ashes, so it'd have a similar effect and instead of say destroying the world it'd wipe it clean.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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So, something like widespread worldwide destruction. I want to ask, is its power regulatable? As in, can he shoot a weaker version of it at someone like Gilgamesh can with Ea? Otherwise, unless he specifically wants to wreak destruction on the world it's sort of useless.

Actually, the only things I can think of that something like that would actually be useful for, would be if there was something very large in space that he wanted to destroy, or if he was trapped inside a reality marble. Which, actually, is not that useless in something like a grail war, or against Dead Apostle Ancestors...

Also, considering the definition of the world at the time, you might say that its destructive capacity could be limited to wreaking havoc on an land area around the size and surrounding seas of India.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cojemo
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So, something like widespread worldwide destruction. I want to ask, is its power regulatable? As in, can he shoot a weaker version of it at someone like Gilgamesh can with Ea? Otherwise, unless he specifically wants to wreak destruction on the world it's sort of useless.

Actually, the only things I can think of that something like that would actually be useful for, would be if there was something very large in space that he wanted to destroy, or if he was trapped inside a reality marble. Which, actually, is not that useless in something like a grail war, or against Dead Apostle Ancestors...

Also, considering the definition of the world at the time, you might say that its destructive capacity could be limited to wreaking havoc on an land area around the size and surrounding seas of India.

Well it's destructive capacity was actually said to be that of the entire universe, so worldwide seems pretty understandable. And I've been iffy whether to allow for it to be weaker. At first I thought obviously so, but in the myth he was the only person EVER to summon it, and even then he didn't end up using it because the gods told him he better not use it. I'm thinking it'd be a slower destruction sort of thing where he tosses it into the air and it begins to take effect, and he'd only use it when his temper flares up. You know, to show that whoever provoked him just seriously messed up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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@Cojemo Okay, but their conception of the universe was pretty much India floating on a giant chariot wheel with various layers of heaven and hell under and above.

Karna also shakes the entire universe at one point I think. Basically Indian myth is the ancient version of Dragon Ball Z.

But, for the Astra, it would be something he could begin to implement, but then retract?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Okay, so... Maybe you guys should be taking this to PMs? I mean, at this point you're very clearly discussing something that's likely not gonna be a part of the RP, and it feels kinda arbitrary watching notifications pop up left and right for something that isn't going to have any relevance to the rest of us. =3=;;

Speaking of the RP... Who still needs to post? I think it's @GreenGoat, @Rin, @VitaVitaAR, @Raineh Daze, and... @Lonewolf685, I think?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nanashi Ninanai
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I haven't posted either, will post as Himiko tomorrow and hopefully if his fate gets sorted out, Murdoch.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I mean... If @ShadowKingman doesn't return then you can probs take over with Murdoch.

aka if he doesn't give some notice of life, do it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cojemo
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@PKMNB0YI'm sorry, I'd stopped because I'd noticed we were doing just that! I didn't mean to be of any inconvenience!
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