Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Astarael42
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Prague: 1890

In a city bustling with life and richness, history and secrets, it is unsurprising that mysteries abound. The common place and mundane coexist alongside the unexplained and downright horrific. Ordinary folk going about their ordinary lives are rarely touched by the later; but the members of Ianus Congreatio are far from ordinary. The paranormal is their stock-in-trade; their focus and their research. Most members possess true psychic Talents that assist them in their research. They work to uncover the truth, whether it is mundane or not, in cases that most folk claim to be unexplainable.

Most of these cases turn out to be nothing but cheap tricks orchestrated by frauds and charlatans but sometimes, rarely, a truly arcane case is uncovered. The truth of such cases are studied, analyzed, researched, and finally catalogued in the labyrinthine underground vaults of House Ianus.


It began simply enough. A requested visit from an old friend. The master of the Society, Adam Ware, could not turn down such an earnest request. Fortunately he had the foresight to ask a few other members of the Society to accompany him, and investigate a few oddities around the city he "felt" were somehow connected. What they found was not a grieving friend but a trap, a cunning and brilliant woman driven to madness, and a dangerous creature formed of dead bodies and spirits. They escaped, and stopped the monstrosity, but it made Adam aware that there would be so much in the future that ordinary law enforcement could never hope to handle, or even understand. The society would need to handle such things discretely to keep their own secrets. And so the small group of paranormal investigators was created to address any future psychical mysteries that should arise.


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Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Astarael42
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Monsters & NPCs of Note

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Astarael42
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Birth Name: Adeleia Ware
Other Names: Adam Ware

Gender: male (in the eyes of most)
Age: 32

Rank/Titles/Social Class: Adam is a member of the old nobility of the city, able to trace his ancestry back to almost the founding of the city; though his family did not originate there they have been nobility in Prague long enough to count almost as a founder. He also comes from a family of noted eccentrics; often considered to be a bit “off”. But the money and bloodlines of the Ware family are not to be questioned and society simply has to shut up and accept them. Fortunately for society Adam, indeed most of the Ware family, has little inclination to venture into the parties and soirees of the polite world. Invitations are consistently extended to him; and always politely declined. Many a hostess has secretly been relieved, and even more secretly been disappointed for to secure his attendance would be the equivalent of a social coup.

Adam is a slim man built along lean toned lines, not muscular. He has fair skin and hair so pale a blond as to be almost white but his most striking feature is his piebald eyes; one green the other blue. All in all he looks extremely exotic and added to the air of mystery and eccentricity that surrounds the entire Ware family he is often gossiped about or wondered about. He does, after all, project the look and air of a dandy . And sometimes his lack of interest in choosing an acceptable wife, slender form and exotic features lead people to one of two entirely erroneous conclusions: either he is weak or he prefers men in his bed.

In general he dresses in impeccably tailored clothes, slacks and vest fitted perfectly to his slim form. He prefers somber hues, black, gray, or deep blue; all his clothing is of the highest quality and clearly tailored by experts. He conforms to the perfect expectations of society, despite his dislike of the restraining clothing. The only thing he balks at are the ridiculous patterns and loud colors often found. He prefers things simple, and that includes his fashion. As much as he can get away with anyway.

In work he often poses as a tradesman, laborer, beggar, or someone even less reputable. He finds no difficultly passing himself off as such, as once disguised the only thing remarkable about him are his eyes. Though he finds such clothing infinitely more comfortable it is too conspicuous for his normal circles and thus he wears it only rarely.

Personality: Adam is a quiet person; indeed he has no problem with sitting in pure silence for nearly unlimited amount of time. He is content with his thoughts, seeking the patterns in the chaos. He is a genuinely good person; but when one talks with him he comes off aloof or distant. He is a calm sort of person; fairly unflappable and clear headed even in a crisis. He is often bluntly logical and sometimes he forgets that others prefer to be more on the emotional side. So he is sometimes seen as unsympathetic and harsh as well. He is very discrete in all things, particularly his relationships. He has a fiercely protective streak focusing on his family, his lovers, and the society. To those he values as a friend or family he is fiercely loyal. To the society he is devoted. And to the rest of the world he is merely indifferent.

Psychic Talent: Adam's psychic talent revolves around patterns. He can see the patterns in all things, even those that people might consider entirely chaos. He can spot what will work, what fits into the pattern, how things connect, and what things don't fit at all. He can look at a series of clues and sense how they link together, he can find connections in random incidents, he can spot the person in a crowd who doesn't belong. He can work something into a situation, blending it with what already exists, to misdirect and mislead. It is an unusual talent and he had learned to use it in unusual ways. It also makes him an exceptional strategist for many things; both in the society and out as patterns exist everywhere in the world...in the crush at a party, in fencing moves, in a game of cards, in coded writings, or in seemingly unrelated murders. Because he is so psychically sensitive to patterns he is also psychically sensitive to things that are chaotic. He likes order around him and he gets somewhat obsessive over a problem. In fact if he cant find the pattern in a series of things he will often become a bit melancholy; indeed some, mostly his very close friends/family, fear/ed a sufficiently complex problem might one day drive him mad.

Skills: Adam has spent his entire life in the Society, he was born into it, and groomed to one day take over as Master of the Society. He learned to use his talent as soon as it manifested; and it was assumed he would have a psychic talent of some sort for both his parents had strong psychic skills...his father in engineering and his mother had a talent for reading aura's. He was taught by both of them and learned to use his psychic talent to enhance his skills in other areas that might rely heavily on patterns. He has a knack for languages and code-breaking, they are patterns after all, and has over his life, learned many of them. He continues to develop this skill learning not only languages but also dialects. He has also made a thorough study of disguise, business investments, dancing, and even the disreputable pastime of gambling. All have their roots in patterns and he took to them very well. So much so that he often spends time in the gaming hells winning large amounts of money and then investing it into lucrative investment schemes. The extent of Adam's fortune is known to few, and he uses it to fund the society. He has an amateur interest in chemistry, physics, anatomy, and astronomy but no great skill in these areas. Still he devours well researched and written books on the subject.

Weapons/Fighting: Adam's slight form and vaguely feminine appearance have often called him to defend himself on the field of honor. He has gained great skill in fencing, another pattern. Pistols at dawn however is a bit more of a challenge; he is an acceptable shot at best. Fortunately as a master swordsman he prefers to chose a bladed weapon. In his forays into the underworld and on missions for the Society he has discovered smaller more concealable blades are desirable. Thus he trained, and now excels, in knife fighting as well. His small form give him an advantage in speed and dexterity and he actually prefers knife fighting. The thing is it's not a pastime considered worthy of a gentleman so he doesn't often inform people he has this skill.

Adam was born Adeleia Ware, the only daughter of Marcus and Esme Ware. Their family has been established in Prague for a long time, but it is clear in both name and appearance that Prague was not the origin of the family. Still, they have been a fixture in Prague for so long that they are accepted as local nobility.

Marcus and Esme were private people, even though Marcus was master of the Society he wasn't seen in public all that often. Instead he relied on seconds to deal with planning assignments and most of the day to day work of the society. He preferred to tunnel in the basement, and work in his laboratory building clockwork doohickies and thingamabobs. His talent ran along those lines, able to create almost anything he put his mind to. The patterns simple grew in his mind; often times too fast for him to even write them down. That was where his wife came in.

Esme was far more personable. She handled most of the personal contact; as well as hosting parties and gatherings, conducting meetings, and in what little free time she had she worked as a record keeper for her husband's ideas. She went into seclusion when she became pregnant and an already reclusive couple became almost hermits. They lived in House Ianus however few, save a few trusty servants, had any contact during Esme's pregnancy. Just before Adeleia was born Marcus and Esme moved out of House Ianus.

They moved into town, dressed as common trade laborers, and raised their child there among the locals and trades folk. Unknown to the nobles as well as members of the society. Only Marcus returned to House Ianus on a regular basis, taking over running things as his wife was busy.

He hated it; but he needed to keep his wife and child a secret. Few knew why; and Marcus did not enlighten them. The truth was he had made enemies, as had his wife. For all they were reclusive they were dedicated to eradicating fraudulent psychics as well as stopping those who would use their Talent for dark work. They were adept at blending their Talents together and working as a perfect team. They had worked together to track and stop a man who was using his Talent to ruthlessly murder. They stopped him; but did not capture or kill him. And for as long as he had gone to ground they worried he would return.

When Adeleia was 6 the murder found his way into House Ianus; lured intentionally there by Marcus who had never given up hunting. He had a very few trusted members assist him and together they lured the man into the caves below the house. Marcus, a genius engineer, had planned for this and had trapped the place in preparation. When the traps were triggered the whole house shook as the cave in claimed the murder's life. Marcus and his trusted friends put it about it was one of his experiments gone terribly astray. Things continued as they were before but Esme and Adeleia were free to return to their home.

During the time she had been raised among the commoners Adeleia had grown to be more comfortable as a boy than a girl. She was accepted, allowed to do far more, able to play freely in the streets, and soon she simply adapted to that lifestyle. As she learned how restricted she would be as a female in society, particularly the elevated circles she was born into, she began to resist it more and more. Her parents accommodated her wishes to live as a boy and when they moved back to House Ianus and the majority of the members met the Master's child for the first time; they met Adam Ware, firstborn son of Marcus and Esme Ware.

Adam continued his education, training, and life as a male and few ever knew otherwise. Fortunately as a descendant of psychically gifted parents, and raised by a society of people who not only believe in but possess and study such Talents, he was taught to use his abilities from a very young age. When he was 15 his parents went on a trip to the continent and never returned. It is believed they perished over there but Adam has had no news or proof to one way or the other. He continues to search for some sign; one way or the other. But he could not allow himself to mope for long. The society needed running; death or absence did not change that; and it needed a strong leader. Adam became that leader. Unfortunately as the Master of the Society is a hereditary position and Adam favors female lovers it is unlikely that he will ever produce an heir and that position will die with him. He knows this and has already begun researching current members seeking who would be best to be named his successor; who has the society's best interests at heart, and who would keep true to it's goals. Unfortunately the member list is quite large and he has not had an overabundance of contact with many of the members. Deciding he needed to have a more direct contact with the members Adam has become the exact opposite of his reclusive parents, to the point of even leading investigations and research projects in an effort to learn more about the members than was cataloged in the member roster.

Random: There are 4 people who know Adam is in fact a female; besides his parents. His lover, his personal butler/valet, and two of his parent's close friends who helped in resolving the issue that had caused Marcus and Esme to move from House Ianus when Adam had been born. This is mainly because Adam himself identifies himself as a male; and with the masculine gender. To him it is as natural as breathing. It is known Adam has a lover; but he gives discretion a whole new meaning and he is fiercely protective of her.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Birth Name: Lady Adriana Sona Pavlina Láska

Other Names: Ana, Adri, Addy (Only her late brother called her Addy), Sona

Gender: Female

Age: 18 years of age, of marriage age

Rank/Titles/Social Class: Adriana was born very much so a Lady, and has always been such. Upper-class.


Adriana is of average height, standing at five foot four, or 162.5 centimeters. She has long curly brown hair that she usually pins up into a bun, or braids and then pins up. She usually is seen wearing long dresses with many layers of petticoats, high button up boots, a fashionable jacket over her dress, and a wide brimmed hat and a pair of gloves.

She is of a slender build, being as she is noble, she does not tend to eat much. She is also in good physical shape, being an avid fencer in her spare time. She does have a small scar on her back left shoulder, but she does not like discussing it or showing it. However, due to how she dresses, no one knows it is there.

Personality: Adriana is a fairly easy person to get along with, gifted in the art of small talk. She is use to conversing with people from all walks of life, and is use to wandering the streets of Prague and finding interesting people to talk with. Adriana is very interested in the paranormal, which is part of the reason why she is part of Ianus Congreatio, besides having her own talent.
For greatest loves, she has much love for the works of fiction, especially one by another young woman. She loves the dark tales from the Americas, and eats up the Macabre. She also loves fencing, calling it an art. She is a master, but does not get to use her skills often, since ‘Ladies do not fight.’
For greatest hates, Adriana hates frauds, criminals, her father, and sweets. For some odd reason she has never found a fondness for sweets that the others of her gender seem to have. As for her father, he use to parade around as a psychic, and made even more money off of people. As Adriana’s own talents developed in secrets, she grew to resent her father.
Adriana is firmly Catholic, which is at odds with her talents and her paranormal knowledge. She is never seen without a cross on her person, and always has a bible tucked away on her person. As for her worldview, she does have a bit of her nose in the air, having been born in the highest rung of society, but is having a bit of change of heart since joining Ianus Congreatio and meeting more people from all walks of life. She is a little snooty at times, but she is working on it.

Psychic Talent: Adriana can read the history of an object by touching it. However, what of what she can read in the history of the object can be rather random. This manifested itself when she was around seven years of age, and she touched a purse belonging to her mother, and saw where her mother had spent the day. She has used this to her advantage, in some aspects, but found that there are times where you do not want to know an object's history. She tends to wear gloves because of this. The last time she used it to her advantage was during a marriage meeting that her parents had arranged, and she asked to see her suitor’s watch. Finding out about his many dalliances, she spurned him. She never clarified as to how she knew, but it became harder for her to hide her gift when abusing it as such. So, she limits herself to how she uses her gift now.

Skills: Adriana is a very well rounded lady, able to speak no less than three languages, play the piano, sing and also fence. She can also cross stitch with the best of them. She had to fight to learn how to fence, since her parents insisted that it was not a thing a proper young baroness would need to know. However, she was very passionate, having watched her older brother for years, and picked up the art quickly. She soon surpassed her first teacher, and moved on, becoming a master at the age of sixteen. For languages, she learned her native tongue, Czech, English and German. She does understand some French, but not enough to keep up a conversation with anyone.

Weapons/Fighting: Fencing. Adriana is a master fencer, having started when she was about seven years in age, mastering the art by the time she was sixteen. Due to this she has rather good reflexes. She also always carries an umbrella for this reason, because who would expect to be fended off by an umbrella?

History: Adriana was born into the noble house of Láska, an old noble family line in Prague. She was raised mostly by nursemaids and governesses, who taught Adriana to be a proper young lady. She was only really allowed one rebellion in her life, and that was fencing. She had grown interested in fencing after watching her older brother, Ludvik, fence. The art fascinated her, and her own brother would let her hold his sword after he was done practicing.

Adriana loved her older brother, and the two kept very little from one another. She never informed her bother of her talent, fearing she would be put away in an institute if she told him. As he was ten years older than Adriana, he was preparing for marriage when tragedy struck. He was gunned down in an alleyway for money one night after returning his fiancee to her home. The criminal stole Ludvik’s money, and his life. After this incident, which happened when Adriana was about twelve, she changed. The bright bubbly girl she had been once grew more introverted, and much more interested in the macabre and morbid things. Her pallor faded, and she became very pale.

This was changed when she turned sixteen, and after she mastered the art of fencing. Her parents did not want to have an ‘unusual’ daughter, especially not with her quickly approaching marriage age. They encouraged her to attend parties, as well as help her father with his frauds. She was disgusted with her father’s antics, but did enjoy the socialization. The color returned to her cheeks, and she started getting a bit more of a healthy life. It was through one of these parties she learned of Ianus Congreatio, and that she was not alone with her gifts. She sought them out and joined them, and has been a part of the society for a little under a year at this point.

Random: Adriana is rarely seen without a ring on her right index finger, which is in the shape of a black rose. It was a gift from her older brother, and she almost never takes it off, except to bathe. Anyone who attempts to take it off of her is promptly beat senseless with an umbrella, or a sword if they are unlucky. Her parents are pushing her into an arranged marriage, but she is not fond of the idea at this time. Marriage is for later, in her mind.
((Left like this if we chose to add existing relationship between other PC))
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MacabreFox Wee Witchy Woo

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Took me way too long.
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Birth Name: Lucie Ruzicka

Other Names: Andel Cervenka(Male alter ego), Lady Aneta Montilyet, Daniela Musil, Katerina Myska, Gabriela Novosad, Irena & ‘Little Rose’.

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Rank/Titles/Social Class: Princess of the Underground, Baroness of Thieves, One Who Knows.


Lucie Ružička is one of those rare gems found throughout the world, jealously guarded by overprotective fathers. She has an oval face, skin unblemished, with full, rose lips in a natural pucker, a sharp chin and high cheekbones. She has a small, straight, nose, sat under a pair of bright, amber eyes slanted slightly inwards; equally capable of being warm and kind, as they can be sharp and piercing. Waves of chestnut hair falls down her back and over her shoulders, reaching to the middle of her back, and most often hanging free—Though set up in a variety of intricate designs should the occasion demand it.

Lucie is a tall woman, at 170cm or height, and lithe of build, her body being the evidence of countless hours of training. Though there is no truly chiseled muscles on her body, one does not need to look twice on her naked form to know that she has a strength few other women possess. At the same time she sports a distinctively womanly figure, with wide hips and ample bust. While not quite buxom, she is still well endowed enough that she finds nothing to complain about.

A meek serving girl, a ruthless head of staff, a quiet observer, and a cheerful drunk. Lucie Ruzicka can be any of these and more, but it is not truly who she is. She is not the easiest person to get close to, preferring to keep people at a safe distance where she feels that they cannot hurt her. There’s always been the risk of quickly losing a friend or acquaintance in her life, and so growing too attached is something of a risk, given that any one of them could disappear without a trace one day, only to turn up in a ditch two weeks later, throat cut. As such she very rarely lets someone know the true her, but in the event that it happens they’ll be someone she will confide in with almost everything. To most, however, she seems self confident to the point of nearly being arrogant, acting aloof in many situations and teasing in others.

She is a rather curious individual, in the sense that her love for books is born out of a wish to see the world outside of what she has found herself confined in since her earliest years. She’s never outright malicious either, actually being a surprisingly benevolent person despite her calling; preferring a way out of confrontations that don’t end in violence, though she won’t shy away from it either, if the only way out is through force. She’s quick witted, and prone to idle banter, with retorts flying from her lips faster than she can sometimes think. She’s not apologetic in such situations, expecting remarks shot her way in return. More to the point, she’s not apologetic very often, mostly resigning to the fact that some people might not like her sharp mind and tongue.

That aside, however, Lucie will be pleasant company to those who are not too easily offended, and are intelligent. Her morals are very much in a grey area, so the ignorant people whose worlds are white and black do not appeal to her, and neither will she appeal to them.

Psychic Talent:
Psychometry is a skill that allows Lucie to learn of objects through concentrating on related objects, or by using what she calls ‘Keywords’ when concentrating on a person. If, for example, she uses the keyword ‘Invaluable’ and uses her talent on a person, she’ll receive a brief image of an item the person considers invaluable, as well as whatever room it is contained within. She can also turn this skill to use on people themselves to extract information about them, however this requires physical contact—skin on skin, or through thin pieces of clothing such as a shirt or through silk gloves. When using it on people she doesn’t require keywords unless she wants to learn more specific things, as simply directing the skill at someone will give her their name, age, and gender. Though the latter is very rarely important.

  • Stealth:Lucie is, thanks to her background, exceptionally good at stealth. She excels at sneaking through shadows and lurking along corridors without people noticing her. She moves silently and unseen.
  • Agility: To say that Lucie is agile would be an understatement. A trained eye will not see that she moves with an ease born only out of years of intense training. She can run, jump, dash, and bend in ways that most people would balk at. Peasants and commonfolk would compare her speed and ease at which she moves to that of a cat or snake: She always lands on her feet, and strikes with deadly precision.
  • Social Adaptation: In an effort to blend in with any environment, Lucie has learned to apply make-up to look like anything from a Lady to a common street rat, or even an androgynous male. Not only that but she can mimic the dialect and behavior of both the upper and lower class to the point where neither will be able to discern her true origins.
  • Learned: As a result of her upbringing, Lucie can both read and write, and have even grown quite fond of books regardless of contents and topics. As a result she’s also rather knowledgeable in many fields, but far from an expert.
  • Memory Frames: Throughout her years, Lucie has learned that memorizing details is a vital part of her ‘job’, and as such she has taught herself to memorize certain scenes or events in near perfect condition as a ‘Picture’ in her mind. It’s not something passive, so she’ll have to consciously do it. Nevertheless, she can commit a short conversation or an event to memory, keeping it as ‘picture’ to draw upon later if need be.

Being the surrogate daughter of a Crime Lord of a major city such as Prague does not come without training to hold one’s own. As such she is fully capable of defending herself with a variety of weapons, including both guns and more primitive weaponry. A list of what she can use best.
  • Daggers and Knives. Her preferred weapon, as they do not impair so much on her movement, and allows for sneaking much better than any broadsword ever would.
  • Firearms. Lucie knows well how to use, load, and clean most basic firearms. She’s no expert as she prefers a dagger in the back should it be absolutely necessary, but it is within her ability to use them.
  • Poison. A Woman’s Weapon, they say. While a rare skill she employs, she has ways to obtain poison and have used it on a few occasions in the past to take out a target.
  • Brawling. Lucie is by no means a small girl, and has enough core strength in her body to take down most unarmed opponents, if she does not wish blood on her hands.
  • Swords. Basic knowledge of sword fighting as a whole, and more skilled with the lightweight rapier.

Her alternate names—aside from the first and the latter; the name of her male alter-ego, and a pet-name only one man knows—are in order of rank and title, with Aneta being the name of a fictional baroness she once impersonated to infiltrate a dinner party, then going on to simply being names of fictional ladies from minor houses or other nobles, and finally Irena being the name she uses when being someone without a titles.

Occasionally dresses as a boy her age, using make-up, a binder, and relatively loose clothing to hide her feminine figure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Birth Name: Martha von Reidenberg
Other Names: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Titles: the Old Doctor

Appearance: Martha isn't someone who you could spot in a crowd normally. She is roughly 170 centimeters tall, has black hair that hangs down to her shoulders, and her features have been hardened by long travel and meager diet. However, she has one accessory that stands out. She wears a white cloak, with a huge hood, signifying that she is a member of the Old Doctors. The hood has a red symbol on the front (where her eyes would be) in the shape of a snake entwined around a scalpel. However lately, the cloak goes unworn and hidden, replaced instead with regular clothing made to avoid being noticed.

Personality: Martha is often silent. She does speak, but often, she could get her point across with a facial expression. However, those facial expressions are almost always either condescending or questioning. Only rarely does one receive a rare thin smile, and a more commonly, those same people are on the painful end of a vicious slap. She shows great zeal for the ways of the Pagans, and her greatest fear is that the Christian Church would stamp out the traditions that she held so dear. And so, her greatest wish is to reestablish the ways of the past. Martha rarely communicates with people. When she does, she speaks bluntly, eschewing two words when one would serve perfectly fine. Her words are direct, and she rarely dances around any subject, no matter what "formality" says. She has little care for the squabbling of other's, and when people come to her seeking help, usually she couldn't be bothered.

Psychic Talent: Illusions and false perceptions are Martha's trade. The Old Doctors aren't really as effective as the local German stories say, and most often, all she does is relieve their pain as a "treatment". She can create images seemingly out of thin air, such as an attention grabbing streaker, and in other cases, people around her might hear something out of place, such as a conveniently distracting scream. A near vital trick that has helped her escape scraps with larger more dangerous people in the past.

Martha has always known of the "trick", as she likes to call it. It has been a huge part of her life since the beginning. She could preform the trick even before she could walk or speak. Often, as a small child of 5 or 6, she would have to escape the fists of large bullies. They would chase her into dense forests, and she would compel their minds to believe they were hearing rustling leaves or footsteps, and run after the source of the "noise". This would go on for an hour, then they would give up. The village people saw this as a sign, and sought out the Old Doctors for help. They saw what she could do, and quickly inducted her into their ranks, where little Martha found home.

Skills: Martha's real talent is medicine. She has an extensive knowledge of herbs and how they effect the body. She has also learned to walk with a quiet step, having been chased for quite a while. She can also play the violin surprisingly well, despite the fact that she doesn't own one. There was a family in Reidenberg with a violin, and she took an immediate interest in it, teaching herself over the years.

Weapons: Illusion tricks. Mostly, She attempts to avoid fighting, commonly through escape. If there is no choice but to take arms, Martha will attempt to avoid any honorable combat, preferring to create distractions or twist the environment to her advantage. Anything to escape being on even ground with an enemy. However, the moment she must fight directly, she's doomed.

History: Martha is truly raised by the village. No one knows where she came from, not even herself. She just showed up one day in the small village of Reidenberg, a little child standing in the middle of the town square, dressed entirely in sloppily worked hide and clutching a smaller ball of the same skins. The people were very kindly and extremely superstitious, so they made an unspoken pact to care for this mysterious girl. They reasoned that with her just showing up, it must be a test of faith assigned by the Three Witches of the Moon. There, she was introduced to the Old Doctors, pagan healers of the people. She learned quickly, her eagerness for learning eventually becoming religious zeal, and ascended to the rank of the experienced before too long. However, this idealistic simple life was not to last, for the Christian Church's influence spread to this rural village, and drove out the Old Doctors. They scattered, some leaving to other places in Germany to as far as Portugal. So she ran, with the Church constantly on her tail, and has been traveling ever since. She has escaped now to Prague, where she hopes she could remain hidden forever. Now, she owns a small "hospital" in the center of the town, where she pretends to be a science based doctor. So far, the locals don't suspect a thing.

Other: Martha knows that a doctor requires a sterile environment in order to preform more dangerous procedures with utmost safety. Therefore, she constantly cleans her healing cloak. At first, when she received it in Reidenberg, she cleaned it out of pure necessity, but coming to Prague, it became the only constant she could rely on in her uncertain life of fear. She washes the cloak as a sort of "end of the day" ritual.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ConteAmarula
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ConteAmarula An Explorer Lost in Time

Member Seen 14 days ago

Birth Name: Lilian Catherine McClellen

Other Names: Lily, “Professor Lil” is preferred.

Gender: Female
Age: 31

Rank/Titles/Social Class: Professor of “Human Advancement” as she puts it. She has no official documents showing her right to be called a professor, however her family's wealth has allowed her to get away with calling herself such. Her family is among the wealthiest in Europe thanks to her fathers shrewd business tactics and her mothers amazing ability to end up in the wills of old and dying nobles. Her peculiar nature makes her unliked, but the desire's of others to entrench themselves in a position of good standing with her family means she is tolerated and often included in many social and political events.



Psychic Talent: Astral Projection: Lilian is able to leave her body behind and become pure thought. She is completely invisible, however those who are sensitive to the psychic potentials of others could easily point her out, though they wouldn't know what they were pointing at. While there is no apparent limit to how long she can project her mind for, she does have a limit to how far her mind can get from her body. Currently she is able to project herself up to four-hundred feet from her body. She is always quiet famished after doing this for any length of time and has learned to bring a snack with her. She is able to interact physically with the world around her however anything heavier than an average size book is too much for her. If she's within fifty-feet she can manage something twice that weight, though getting so close often gets her in trouble.

She often uses this ability to get into places she isn't allowed to satiate her curiosity. She frequently uses her ability to read the books in the library of the local university, as well as the private collections of many prominent doctors, professors, and scientists that live in the city.

Chemistry. Engineering. Research. Investigation. Mathematician. Alchemy

Desiring to contribute to science and the evolution of humanity Lilian focused her attention on a set of skills she felt would bring her closest to this goal. She knew she couldn't just be able to manipulate information, she would have to find it an apply it as well.

Weapons/Fighting: Lilian is very skilled with a weapon of her own design she calls “The Pin Gun.” So named because instead of a firing a bullet, her gun fires close to 50 sewing needles with a single shot that spread out slightly. She uses this gun to kill specimens to examine without destroying the body. Something a normal gun is prone to do. The gun itself uses air pressure to fire the needless rather than black powder and is only good for a single shot. Because of this she always has four ready to fire pistols in one of her pouches. It used to be just three, but she once had to contend with a very angry deer that needed more than three shots. Though she could theoretically be rather accurate with any pistol, the fact that she is used to a gun that does not use black powder means a normal gun would fly out of her hand when fired and her shot will miss.


Random: Lilian absolutely adores pears. So much so that she usually has at least one for every meal. She'll eat it with a fork and knife, savoring every bit of it. Her mother used this fact to her advantage and had perfume made that smells exactly like pears which she gave to Lilian to wear. It was the only way to get her to wear some kind of perfume. Because of this she smells strongly of pears at all times.

She hates anything that does not have a proper explanation as it means there is nothing for her to learn. Because of this she often gets into debates with religious types, fortune tellers, and other such people she considers to be “fraudulent leeches on society.”

She is deathly afraid of staying put for too long. A disorder caused from her early experiences with her ability to leave her body. At that early stage she could not move far from her body and was often forced to watch doctors stick her with all kinds of needles and listen to them suggest "Putting her to rest" to her parents numerous times. She fears staying in any place for too long will lead to someone trying to kill her.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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Birth Name: Anna Havel
Other Names: Miss Havel

Gender: Female
Age: 21

Rank/Titles/Social Class: Born to a wealthy merchant, Anna's status is relatively modest. She possesses neither the blood nor connection with nobility of any kind.

A young woman of medium height, Anna stands at just about 160cm tall, slender of build almost to the point of being petite. She has a heart-shaped face with large, expressive, green eyes, and freckles dotting her cheeks and rather small nose. Due to a habit she blames her mother for inspiring, she is almost always seen with red-painted lips. Spending most of her time in-doors, working, she is rather pale as a result, and sometimes finds herself likening her skin to being the colour of moonlight. The rest of her follows the same theme; small hands and feet, though with nearly cornflower-yellow hair that falls in waves down to her waist, the bangs kept in check by a few decorated pins gifted to her by Lucie.

While on the job she usually wears a relatively standard maid outfit, composed of a long, light blue dress with long sleeves and loose fit, over which she wears a white apron, that also becomes akin to a dress from the waist down, the edge stopping a few centimetres above the angles, as opposed to the inner, blue part of the uniform. Her hair is usually tied back in a ponytail or hanging free, but other times braided or otherwise done up.

To call Anna a sweet girl would not be wrong, but neither is it entirely accurate. While thoroughly loyal and sweet, she possesses a slightly mischievous streak, that occasionally compels her to make a verbal quip that others with more self-restraint might not have said, something which a particular member of the society finds increasingly entertaining. They are, however, never meant to insult or offend, and only the most uptight and, in her own words, people with the biggest sticks up their arses, will ever take offense at anything she says. Beyond that she is incredibly attentive and quick to learn, especially when it has to do with one of her favourite hobbies: Needlework. Be it knitting, crocheting, or sewing (she is, however, partial to embroidery, sewing various animals into pieces of cloth to hang around her home), so long as it has to do with needle and thread she is always eager.

But in spite of her occasional impishness, she takes care to do her job diligently, and to keep her sharp tongue in check, save when she is around people, who would find it as entertaining as her. As such, she has avoided making too many nobles and members of the Ianus Congregatio scowl at her.

Psychic Talent:
Anna's ability is something a lot of people would equate to future sight, or mind reading, but neither of those are accurate. She does not hear other peoples' thoughts, nor see images of what is to come. Rather, Anna has the innate ability which allows her to expect what people around her wants, often before they have even spoken a single word. In most cases it simply helps her be a maidservant who acts quicker than anybody else. Another application is one she has, in the past, used for self-defence, where it allowed her to foresee what her assailant wanted to do before he attacked, allowing her to duck far before his punch was even halfway toward her.
In less serious moments, it allows for incredible wit, words having formed on her tongue that, much to even her own surprise sometimes. Other times it allows her to know that someone is approaching, and so will open the door even before they knock.

  • Sewing - As a result of her work, and hobby, Anna is proficient with the needle and thread like few others.
  • Cooking - Even though she was born to a, by all accounts, wealthy family, and had some servants, she still learned to cook. She may not be a gourmet chef, but she can make something tasty almost regardless of ingredients.
  • Wit - Perhaps not an extraordinary skill, but Anna is a clever and quickwitted young woman, and often has a smart reply on the tip of her tongue.
  • Mathematics - Having grown up as the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and having watched him go through ledgers, calculations, and various transactions, Anna has gained a keen sense for numbers and equations.
  • Business - Maybe not on par with the likes of Aleksandra, Lucie, or Adam Ware, but Anna has still learned enough watching from the sidelines, to have an above average sense for business, including how to watch the market for when there might be a shortage of surplus of various supplies, and how to make good investments.

  • Marksmanship - Anna possesses just enough skill with firearms to wield one with sufficient proficiency. She would win no contest were she to even enter.
  • Hand-to-Hand - Anna knows how to throw a proper punch, but little more.

The date is March 16th 1869 and Anna Havel cries for the first time, newly born to Jana Havel, and greeted was by Josef Havel - her father - and her older brother, Krystof. Her father was a wealthy merchant trading in spice and expensive fabrics, and whatever else he can get his hands on. She grew up with a comfortable life and received a proper education, which involved some lessons on how to defend herself.
All things considered her life was uneventful up until her thirteenth birthday, where she started to notice ideas popping into her head that, whenever she acted upon said ideas, caused peculiar outcomes. Never anything bad or scary, but always peculiar. She would move out of the way while standing underneath an apple tree, only for an apple to fall down exactly where she had stood moments before. She would watch their cook go about his business, only to pick up a particular spice he would then ask her for moments later, only to notice she already held it. This continued for a few years, where she went about her days confused as to what exactly was happening, though not frightened since nothing bad had happened as a result of this 'Intuition' of hers.

It was when she was nearing her sixteenth birthday that a stranger approached her and her family. Someone who introduced themselves as a representative of the Ware Family, and announced that they were currently looking to expand their staff, and were interested in hiring their daughter, for however long she so desired, or until she were to marry, whichever came first. At first stunned by the prospect of having a daughter work for a family of old nobility, Josef and Jana soon agreed to let their daughter work there. Anna was, however, sceptical and stubborn, and it wasn't until this member of the Ianus Congregatio revealed - during a private chat between the two of them -that he, too, possessed a unique talent like herself, and that many others who lived in the Manor possessed very similar abilities, that her hesitance began to wane. He explained to her that many in the House Ianus possessed talents of a psychic nature, and that she had been approached exactly because of hers. That steady work and pay were not the only things she could stand gain by agreeing to this arrangement, but also the continued development and understanding of her Talent, as well as others'.

Knowing all of this, and swearing herself to tell no one of the truth, Anna Havel agreed, and thus went on to work as a maidservant in the Ianus Congregation, learning to better harness her Talent, as well as learning so much more about the world of Psychics she had previously been unaware of.

  • She is the personal maidservant of Lucie Ruzicka, having been requested for that position within a month of Lucie's arrival at the House Ianus. Wary at first, due to the younger woman's incredible height and sometimes odd mannerisms, she soon came to enjoy the position, as the two shared the same kind of wit.
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