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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Little Kitsune
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Little Kitsune Cloud Dreamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

N A T A L I E K A P L E N - M E A D O W S
F e m a l e ● T w e n t y - F i v e ● B - N e g a t i v e

● Enhanced Speed and Reflexes
Nat's never really been much for athletic routine, that was always her sister's thing. So it comes off quick ironic that her mutations grant her inhuman speed. Specifically, the ability to achieve speeds higher than any human could, or should. Not just in the physical sense either, but her reflexes, her reaction times, and her overall speed of though. This also alters her perception of time, dilating it to the point where she can see things in slow motion, or even at a near standstill.

At first glance, this seems like a passive, natural reaction. She could potentially respond to things faster than a normal human being could with her accelerated process of through and neural signals. However, if she were to concentrate on exactly how fast she needs the world to move, she can control this dilation. When moving at high speeds, she can also perceive things at high speeds, only slowing as needed when an obstacle presents itself through her brain's sub-conscious system of detect, identify, and respond. Ultimately, when moving at high speeds, this would feel almost as if there were no change at all, rather moving as a reaction than a processed thought.

● Shock Absorption and Energy Release
Nat has two very important mutations that coexist with her powers, without them she wouldn't be very useful at all. The first is the overall density of her body, she's not exactly heavier or lighter, nor is she really anymore durable than she regularly is. What this does is orients her body to be able to absorb, and release the force of excessive impacts (e.g if she throws a high speed punch). What this means is that her body converts the pressure from force and velocity into heat and steam, which is released from her back.

The bony plates protruding from her back along her spine not only offer her the same protection a regular bone would, but also serves as a way for her to vent this buildup of heat energy, in great clouds of steam. Without this the friction generated by her body would lead to spontaneous combustion. She also has smaller rows of similar bony protrusions along the outsides of her forearms between her wrists and elbows, and along the back of her calves between her ankles and knees.

● Nature's Velcro
Nat has a slick, oily black substance creeping up her hands, forearms, feet, and shins. Her skin in these areas is very soft, cool, and slippery—Much like that of an amphibious creature. More importantly, this change in texture comes with another important benefit. Her hands and feet are covered in hundreds of tiny, microscopic hairs called setae. Each seta splits off into hundreds of even smaller bristles called spatulae. These hairs, lying more at a horizontal angle, increase the Van der Waals forces between themselves and a surface. In Nature, this allows a creature such as a gecko to climb porous surfaces. Natalie can't climb surfaces, but these setae give her considerably more traction and grip.

If not for their age gap, Nat could almost be her sister's twin. Sharing the same theme of features inherited from their mother, Nat has a softer face but with more angular sculpting compared to her sister's rounder structure. She has the same button nose and pert mouth, but her eyes lack the warm of their mother. Rather, she has her father's hard stare, an icy coolness reflected in those ocean blue pools of color. Her hair is a stark contrast to her pale complexion and bright eyes, being a black so dark as if to seem all color has been washed out—The same as her sister.

Nat fairs a bit better in the womanly department, standing a little taller and leaner at 5'8 (176cm) and weighing 124 lbs (56.2 kg). Her chest is also a tad larger, as Nat sports a duo of firm C-cups. Nat, being the girl she is, does sport a bit of ink and a few piercings here and there.

Yin and Yang tribal band inked around her left bicep.
A Blue Lily tattooed on the back of her right shoulder.
Rose and Compass tattooed on the left side of her torso and hip.
She had a semi-colon tattoo on her wrist, but that has been covered by her mutation.
Pierced ears and tongue.

Nat is a hardhearted, self-centered realist. To her, the world is a cruel place that doesn't give two shits about her, so she might as well make the best of it. Her activities seem to end her up on the wrong side of the law, or at the least running from it. She's a shutout, hiding herself deep within layers of calm coolness and cold apathy. If not very trusting at first, Nat is very loyal and will stay that way as long as you do right by her and her family.

Speaking of family, there's only one person Nat really cares about in this world—You guessed it—her little sister. Though one may not realize what deep affection Nat has for her sister, Anybody who fucks with Makiah is going to see the violent side of Nat real quick. Though she cares less for her loser parents, Nat hasn't completely disowned them.

R E F L E C T I O N S : P A R T O N E

Cigarettes and lighter.
Black pocket knife.

● "Hey, FUCK YOU." Natalie isn't exactly the most calm person. In fact, she can be a tad hotheaded and violent at times. Always quick to action, she's learned how to fight the hard way. "Scrappy" is the right word when thinking of her personal style. She fights fast, and dirty. Fighting to her isn't about class or elegance, it's about winning. Sometimes it's better to win before the fight even starts, Which is one of the reasons she carries a pocket knife. Fortunately she's only had to use it a handful of times.

● "Criminal Scum." Nat's own personal take on "Rules were meant to be broken", she's no stranger to winding up in places she shouldn't be. Usually this involves a bit of street style acrobatics. Breaking and entering is sometimes an art, and Nat's been at it for years. Fortunately all this fence hopping, slithering through crawlspaces, and running from the law have helped keep her in decent shape. She's practically an amateur free-runner.

● "Maiden of the Green Lady." In some regards Nat couldn't be more different than her sister. Especially with the things she does and the people she associates with. Like frequenting obscure hangouts playing grunge music and serving drinks like "Dead Butterflies", with hazy air full of smoke and moshing bodies dressed in muted colors. The kinds of places with back rooms where you can go to just, "chill out", and possibly lose your shoes while you're off on some wonderland trip in your own head. Fortunately, being a connoisseur and a merchant of the Green Lady has made Nat a likable person in these sorts of crowds. She knows what she's doing in the rougher parts of American culture.

● "Sin City." The world is shit, at least to Nat. Everything sucks, so why bother with dieting, recycling, or all that other pointless bullshit? Nat would much rather sit stoned off of her ass watching retro cartoon shows, bad movies, and chowing down on a pile of munchies. Since she works from her phone, she gets to live the sort of lifestyle that would condemn her to hell. Smoking, drinking, gambling, the only thing she doesn't do is "That Hard Shit".

● "Faster than a speeding..." Unfortunately for Nat, her speed isn't as glamorous as television makes it out to be. Though her body has mutated in a way to deal with the extra force of her movements, she can easily surpass these shock absorbers and cause great physical trauma to herself. Additionally, she has to stop using her power to ventilate the built up heat and pressure from the excessive friction she causes. Straining her body's capacity to deal with this buildup will cause her to heat up considerably. Her body will enter an "overheated" state, where she will need to stop using her powers for some time, ventilate, and rest.

● "Vibrato." Should Nat choose to ignore her body's warning signs that she is overexerting herself, she will begin to break apart. When she's approaching the lethal threshold, she'll start to suffering symptoms such as angina, muscle spasms, shortness of breath, dizziness, numbness, and body tremors. In fact, these tremors are a guaranteed sign. As she pushes her limits, her body will vibrate uncontrollably, until she literally destabilizes and breaks apart into dust. Stopping and letting her body recalibrate is the only way to reverse this state. It may be necessary to manually slow her down, such as through cold temperatures or sedatives. This state also negates any additional grip or traction she gets from the setae on her hands and feet.

● "You got a FUCKING PROBLEM?" Nat in two words is simple, and crass. Though she's an averagely smart gal, if maybe a bit more streetwise, she's not exactly the most sensitive or refined. She lacks those finer people skills most people have. More importantly, she's a very straightforward thinker. She can be easy to predict, and quick to action. She doesn't think about how or what would be the best way to punch you in the face. Just that she's going to punch you in the face.

● Makiah Kaplen-Meadows is Natalie's sister, who is two years younger.
● Elliora Kaplen is their mother of forty-nine.
● Arcturo Meadows is their father of fifty-two.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 1 day ago

female ✦ thirty one ✦ b-negative

✦ Enhanced Strength and Reaction Time
The muscles in Cerridwen's body have grown in a way that grants her the strength of a man double her size, and the speed of a trained athlete. The difficulty in this mutation is that her appetite has increased and prolonged exertion of her abilities can tire her out, forcing her to rest more often than normal.
✦ Tough Hide
As the virus slowly takes over her body it has started to leave a series of dark marks, some of which have hardened into calluses. While these calluses do not act like a natural body armour, they do present the occasional some resistance to any slash like attacks.
✦ Razor Sharp Claws and Teeth
The nails on Cerridwen's hands and feet have grown into a series of sharp, hardened talons while her teeth have also gone the process of being replaced with a set of razor-edged canines. They both have the ability to slash and tear through skin, clothing and even hard leather.
✦ A Long, Vigorous Tail
A peculiar mutation, but one with several advantages is the long tail that has grown from the base Cerridwen's spine. This bodily extension has improved her balance and manoeuvrability much like that of a typical animal, while also allowing her to control it like an extra limb. It holds enough strength to be used as a blunt force weapon, while it's sharp spines can leave deep cuts on those who have been unlucky enough to make contact wih it.


With long black hair, a thick set of defining eyebrows and a face that can intimidate those around her, Cerridwen was a woman who can resonate authority and submission with a simple look into your very soul. She doesn't have a keen sense of style and instead opts for the more casual look with leather jackets, boots and an old pair of jeans. As the virus eventually began to take over her body, it started to shift, alter and change her appearance into something that resembles more of an animal than human being.

Her skin began to form lesions, blistering into black sores that hardened into calluses; her fingertips slowly turned into beast-like claws as the nails have begun to grow out into long, curved talons; while her bones have started to calcify, causing her hands and feet to mutate, grow, and increase in size and density. The two most unusual of changes are both her spine, to which it has begun to extrude out of the skin on her back and grow into a long, muscular tail, and her teeth, that are slowly falling out to eventually be replaced by a set of long, flesh tearing canines.

Cerridwen can be considered quite a smart individual with personality traits that are are both observant and cunning in nature. During her time in the precinct she was noted to be forceful, dominating and self-confident; attributes that helped accelerate her difficult and demanding career. She was not afraid to push the rules and boundaries and enjoyed seeing justice be served to those who committed any wrongdoings... At least this was how the public viewed her.

Magnify those traits and pay close intention to her inner most desires and you will soon realise that Cerridwen holds a deeper, darker secret. Her hobby is homicide, her skills are in the kills, and she has a craving for watching people suffering time and time again. Borderline psychopath, a nightmare in the making, Cerridwen is a monster down to her very core.

The heart breaking part of all this is that she once had a softer, more compassionate side for others. As a young woman she was loving, caring and playful, but something happened during those years and her mind broke, leaving people to wonder what her true intentions were for joining the police force in the first place.


The room was shrouded in darkness, even with the knee to ceiling window that occupied one of the facing walls. There was a reason for this absence of light and it all had to do with that special coating on the glass surface; a mirror finish that allowed any individual to view directly through the surface without the risk of being seen from the other side. One of these occupants wearily leaned over and place his finger on a rather large trigger button, pushing it down before directing his voice into the microphone piece hanging before his face.

"Can prisoner one-five-five-eight-dash-jay please step through and into the examination room?" The voice acoustically echoed into the brightly lit chamber that laid on the opposite side of the glass. With a silence shattering click the handle of the door snapped opened to allow a certain inmate to enter. Heavy chains rattled around her ankles, her feet shuffled along the tiled floor, all while she was cautiously escorted in by two faceless guards towards a steel chair. They pushed her down into the seat, shackling the cuff chains to the eyebolts on the floor as to prevent her from moving about of her own free will.

"She looks rather familiar, where do I know her from?" one of the younger observers spoke out, curious as to how he recognised the cold expression of the criminal that sat a few meters away from him. His young inquisitiveness drew him closer to the glass, begging him to place his face and hand against its surface so that he could get a closer look at the female.

"Cadet," the examiner opened his mouth as he turned his aged, burly face towards the youngster. The trainee returned the look as the examiner once again pressed the button and expressed his commands down the intercom line, "Will the convicted state their full name."

Silence fell long enough to almost warrant a repeat of the request before the feminine voice responded coldly to the examiner's demands, "Cerridwen, Lankerfield."

"No way? You are telling me that that is Detective Lankerfield?" By this point the cadet had turned his full attention to the other observers, one of them being the Bronx District Attorney, Miss Harper. The DA was currently enjoying the soothing aroma of a two dollar cup of coffee when she gently pulled the beverage away from her lips in order to respond to his query.

"Yes, the woman sitting there before you is former Detective Cerridwen Lankerfield," Miss Harper began as she leaned into her briefcase in order to pull out a thick, heavy case file. Reaching out, she handed it over to the cadet who seemed quite eager to see the confidential information that was contained inside. "What you have there in your hands is four years of hard work; and many, many mistaken arrest. Evidence tampering, forced confessions, and even a miscarriage of justice; all performed by her to cover her own acts of crime, the multiple homicide of case victims."

The cadet looked up as the DA, slightly bewildered with what she was saying. "So she targeted the actual victims themselves?" He flipped to one of the pages, "That means Michael White here was murdered because he was the sole survivor of an armed robbery and—" quickly the rookie flipped to the next page, "—Vicky Walker was killed because she was a rape victim?"

"Hard to believe, but you are correct. At first we thought they were simply revenge killings, but as time went on we soon realised that it was an internal job since much of the evidence presented at court didn't quite match that which was discovered at the crime scenes; and so we fabricated a case in order to entrap our unsub," Miss Harper took a short sip of her coffee, "Lo and behold it came as a shock to many when Miss Lankerfield here was the one that we had to place the cuffs on."

The cadet turned back to the front page and decided to read through Cerridwen's personal details, muttering out loud some of the findings. "Orphaned at 8... Grew up in a foster home til the age of 18... Graduated NWPD Police Academy at 21, top of the class... Promoted to detective at 25." He felt like he had read enough and closed the document folder, turning his gaze back at the woman in the room. "I just don't understand. How can such a valuable member of the force fall from grace so willingly?"

The DA walked over towards the glass, standing between the cadet and examiner, "It's best not to think about it," she reluctantly whispered, looking at the criminal beyond the glass. She could faintly see the smile on the woman's face, a slight grin hidden behind a mess of long hair. "Let's just hope that it's a long time before she has the opportunity to ever walk free once more."

✦ Police Issue Pistol
Not the weapon that she held while on the force, but one that she managed to acquire from a guard in the Riker's Island prison compound.

✦ Trained Enforcer
Years on the police force have taught Cerridwen well. She is a woman skilled in both hand to hand combat while educated in how to use a variety of firearms—most notably pistols and shotguns.
✦ Observant
Collecting crime scene evidence, and learning how to hide evidence of her own, have all been possible through Cerridwen's observant nature. She notices when things go amiss, she can spot the subtle changes and she has very well developed set problem solving skills.
✦ The Alpha Female
Cerridwen has a way to convince and manipulate those around her into doing her dirty bidding. She has a level of charisma and charm that meshes well with intimidation and fear. As a result she feels most comfortable when she is in control of a situation.

✦ Running on Fumes
The mutations that have altered Cerridwen's body have drastically increased her strength but at the cost of making her prone to exhaustion, and increasing her metabolism to a level where she has to eat more often. Failing to conserve her energy and eat at regular intervals will drain her stamina levels to a point where she may feel tired, weak, but worse of all her natural regenerative abilities will shut down completely. This can pose as a major problem in a world where available food sources may be sparse leaving her to find anything that may be somewhat edible, even if that happens to be the human companion next to you.
✦ Prone to Injury
Cerridwen's sudden changes in muscle mass and bone structure have placed her at risk of easily injuring herself. Pulling a muscle, straining a tendon and even popping a joint out of place are all possibilities when she hasn't had the time to understand what these mutations are changing. By continuing to push herself Cerridwen can suffer some of the more severe problems of internal hemorrhaging and even organ failure.
✦ Not your Friendly Neighbour
The New Windsor news channels all kept very will up to date on the arrest, trial and conviction of Cerridwen Lankerfield, labelling her as "The Victimiser" killer. This reputation, the nature of her mental health, and her time within prison have gradually blurred the lines for what it was like to feel compassion, sympathy and even love. She is confused and conflicted about her own humanity, leaving with very few that she can trust.

C O M P A N I O N S / F R I E N D S / R E L A T I O N S
(Unknown at this point)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Little Kitsune
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Little Kitsune Cloud Dreamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

M A K I A H K A P L E N - M E A D O W S
F e m a l e ● T w e n t y - T h r e e ● A B - P o s i t i v e

● Enhanced Durability and Heat Resistance
Kiah has dark, sooty black scarring that's cracked and split, resembling cooled magma rock and the molten glow beneath. This scarring travels from her hands, up to her forearms and fades out just past her elbows. It also covers her feet,shins, and creeps just up towards the middle of her thighs. There is also scarring around her eyes, with finer cracks, and irises that glow like white hot coals.

The scarring is hard as a rock, offering her good resistance to external forces, but can be broken off. When a section is broken off, the revealed area glows dull orange, like lava. Thanks to the Changed's regeneration abilities, the rocky covering can grow back quickly, but takes a little longer to thicken up, and harden. An additional benefit to her condition, Kiah is highly resistance to heat and flame where the scarring covers her.

● Playing With Fire
Makiah has the ability to generate and control fire. Kinectically, she can emit bursts of flame, and bend it to her will. She can also control natural fire, which is considerably less taxing than generating it herself. As she uses her power, she heats up, becoming hotter and hotter. She can create an aura of intense heat around herself, making her body too hot to touch. She can intensify this into an actual aura of flame itself, becoming a living human torch.


With shoulder-length, raven black hair Kiah is almost the spitting image of her sister. Sharing many traits with her mother, her face is softer and rounder, but has the same button nose and pert mouth as Natalie. Though, she does have her father's eyes; large, and ocean blue, they have her mother's warmth. Fortunately she wasn't gifted with her mother's height, standing a little taller at 5'6 (170cm), and weighing a reasonable 136 lbs (61.6 kg).

Kia's complexion is relatively clear, and has a moderate tan. Though, since her mutations have awakened her tan lines have seemed to have evaporated into a full body tan, perhaps that has something to due with her affinity to heat. Also, her skin is always noticeably hot, also due to her mutations. She has a small waist, a slender figure, and a pair of compact B-cups.

Butterfly Bow tattoos on either side of her pelvis, near the top of her hip line.
Pierced ears and bellybutton.

Kia is an ambitious risk-taker who knows how to have fun. Before the end, she was no stranger to a club with pounding music, a bar flowing with drink, and always seemed to have headphones in her ears. Always moving, always tapping her feet or strumming her fingers, she's self-diagnosed herself with A.D.D. She's prone to her impulses, and often isn't as observant as she could be if she just slowed down.

Kia can also be known to be rather flirty, at least in a comfortable situation. She cares about people, she's quick to trust, and she always tries to find the good lurking within everyone. Always the optimistic, she lives her life riding the silver-lining.

R E F L E C T I O N S : P A R T T W O

Cigarettes and lighter.
Hello Kitty brand pepper-spray.
"Lady Mary Jane".
Rolling papers.

● "Hello, Thank you for choosing..." Without any real technical, or practical trade skills, Kiah's only real work force benefit comes from talking to people. Five years of customer service will do that, and teach you how to get what you want: Like diffusing a situation, especially when your ass is on the line.

● "Inter-Store Triathlon." Being near the bottom of the corporate ladder meant Kiah got her hands dirty with plenty of grunt labor. Jogging with product boxes, bending and lifting, and scaling ladders equaled her work provided entry level gym membership. At least it helped keep her muscles in shape and provided a good core workout. This and getting her cardio in at the gym, or through early morning jogs, means she's in better than average shape compared to the rest of the world.

● "Those are rookie numbers." Little did she know, her strategic planning ability sure is likely to come in handy nowadays. Working as a manager in retail meant she had too much work and not enough time, along with planning the everyday normal things; Her outfit for the night, How she was going to do her makeup, If she had time to run errans, What to eat for dinner, If she was going to miss any of her favorite shows, Calculating how much money she had in the bank. Crunching all these numbers, and perfecting all of these plans has oriented her brain to strategic thinking. How to use facts, how to manage her time, her resources, and most importantly—Remembering every detail.

● "Vice City." Nobody's perfect right? Well, neither is reality, work, or all of the struggles that come with adult life. Kiah like to spend her nights out, clubbing, bar hopping, or just perusing around the town. Her nights were late, and her mornings came much too early. She's the kind of person to lay in bed for ten extra minutes, debating whether to call into work or not. The one thing that really helped her feel leveled out is something she shares with her sister, Good ol' "Lady Mary Jane". Kia is also a smoker, and a frequent drinker.

● "Do Not Operate When..." There are two major downsides to Kiah's powers. The first is the cooling of her body, much like snuffing out a candle flame. She's particularly vulnerable to excessive cold temperatures, the kind that negates her body temperature, despite how hot she usually is. Water is a double-sided coin: On one hand she'll warm standing water, fortunately well below boiling point. On the other, cold water will have the same effect as cold temperatures, sapping away her body heat until she shuts down completely. The second downside is that fire is a raging, destructive force. It can be hard to control, the more intense the fire the harder it is to stop. This fact is even more true when her emotions are running wild, she can become a conflagration instantaneously, even subconsciously.

● "The Grass is Always Greener..." Despite the rocky road life can be with her sister, Kiah is what you'd call an optimist. Always trying to have a positive outlook, always trying to find that silver-lining. She hasn't been wholly exposed to the cruelty of the world, or she looks away. She's got a good heart, but that only means she takes the negative harder.

● "Little Inferno." Due to her outlook on life, it's not often that Kiah finds herself truly down in the slumps, or very angry. But, when she gets truly pissed... well, that's when things can get out of control. Iconically, anger and fire go hand-in-hand, and she's a living example of that. Like a lit match on a dry plains swept with wind, she'll become the kind of inferno you've only heard about.

● "Stoking the Fire" Makiah not only has a limit to her powers just as the other changed, but they can come in two forms. When she goes beyond that limit, she'll start to suffer symptoms akin to a heat stroke. Signs of delirium, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, fatigue, and an accelerated heart rate. Ignoring these signs will lead to cardiac arrest, followed by her heart weakening to a point where it will give out completely. The second, more dangerous version of this is her unleashed state. If her emotions are running rampant, the inferno she causes will start to consume her, burning her away until she is nothing but ash.

● Natalie Kaplen-Meadows is Makiah's sister, who is two years older.
● Elliora Kaplen is their mother of forty-nine.
● Arcturo Meadows is their father of fifty-two.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mcmolly
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Mcmolly D-List Cryptid

Member Seen 1 hr ago

f e m a l e - e i g h t e e n - AB p o s i t i v e

Simply enough, Anya can move inanimate objects with her mind. As it is, she cannot move big things, but something small, or lightweight, she can handle. How fast, or far she can make something move is mostly a matter of intent, and focus, but even then her scope is, for the time being, quite narrow.
Anya was always very meager, but with the onset of her mutations, these attributes have begun to root. She’s a rather brittle girl, almost skeletal, thin of bone and muscle and prone to bruising. She walks in an even drift, and such a ghostly appearance is only further cemented by perhaps her most notable mutation: her hair, sapped of its color floats when uncovered. Not directly up per se, but more like a muted submersion. Competing for this slot would be either the third eye opened on her forehead, or the sleek, fleshy pair of antennae sprouted from her skull. Were it not for the fact that she often keeps the eye closed and covered, along with the antennae, by a hat or hood, these would most certainly take the cake.
Anya's mutation operates in two modes: her passive, pale, "banshee"-like state, and the easily identifiable "active" state. As she continually uses her telekinesis, most semblances of physical humanity are gradually lost. At its peak, her eyes open for the duration, and are overwhelmed by a vibrant white glow. Her flesh darkens dramatically over time, nearing pitch, but her veins brighten similar to her eyes, and create a twisting, spindly visage through the skin. This form, while perhaps intimidating, offers no underlying defense, and past her telekinesis she is no more physically volatile than in her passive state.

Anya is not possessed of a figure that inspires terror. She is perhaps unnerving to behold, but on even the basest practical consideration there is not much to fear at a glance. She is short for her age, a trait of her father, with glassy blue eyes wide as a doll’s nestled into her skull. Her face is gaunt and like a raindrop turned upward, with contrastingly full hair that, were it not for her mutation, would fall fair about her shoulders.

More drastically, she is alarmingly narrow–thanks as well to her mutation. Her thin skin, like her hair, seems utterly drained of life and color. The blues of her veins bulge along her arms, and as she walks, one might strain to even hear it. It is not uncommon to see her bruised, angry winds can set her tumbling and though she tries to avoid bumping into things, any wayward encounter with a “push/pull” door could easily leave her shoulders purple for a time.

She tends to chill and so will often dress generously. Long pants and jackets with hoods to keep her hair in check, a scarf for the chilly nights–or even the not so chilly nights–and gloves or arm warmers are not out of the ordinary. Even casually, she’ll usually keep a beanie on, with her hair tucked as away as she can remember to keep it.

Anya’s cold and diminished appearance might render her unapproachable altogether, were it not for how often she smiles, and how warm those smiles tend to be.

While she may look ghastly, cold, and distant, Anya is in fact a stark opposite to her mutation. One might get this idea first by her smile, which manages to light up her face unaided by her dull eyes. But, supposing otherwise, one might think through a conversation with her, that she’d no idea the state the world, or even she herself, was in.

With Anya, everything is “how’re you doing?” and “can I help?” She’d give the shirt off her back if it meant someone else could be warm, and finds herself running errands for others almost compulsively. She enjoys the feeling of a job well done, but especially revels in the accomplishments of others, and so tends to put aside her own goals.

Unfortunately, be it with naiveté natural to her age or to herself, Anya is rather gullible. It does not take much to get a lie over her head, even without proof, and sob-stories especially will capture her with ease.

In addition, while good-intentioned and warm-hearted, growing up Russian in a country at war with Russia has taught her to be reserved with her own life. Should one feel inclined to ask her about herself, they would receive conservative responses, and could expect a deflection to another topic. Perhaps it is no longer the case that such caution is necessary, but it is a habit, and a hard one to break.


-Mother’s Knife
A simple knife, with a cross guard and ebony-wood hilt. The initials “A A” are carved at its base.

The “sweet” to the bittersweet gift that is her mutation. Anya is quick and quiet as a result of her diminished being, and is difficult to hear even when she isn’t attempting to be silent. While by no means an experienced sneak, having the practical tools necessary for being subtle lend themselves to a degree of natural stealth.
+"Fleet of Foot, Fleet of Mind"
Anya considers herself a good problem solver, at least when not under extreme direct stress. In regards to her mutation, this might mean that, since she can't move people, she might try to move what they’re holding, or say, yank their shirt over their head. Likewise, though she can’t lift herself, she might instead lift herself via her clothes or the thing she’s on–which might prove impossible for her to do with someone of an average weight while her abilities are yet budding.
+"Mother Knows Best"
Having a former soldier for a mother had its perks. Anya received crash courses on many aspects of surviving in unideal situations, and while not all of it stuck–she never took too firmly to things like “this is how you hold a gun” or “this is how you break an arm”–she knows basic first-aid and navigation well enough, is well disciplined, and could handle a knife with a small degree of practice.

-"Glass Bones"
An exaggeration, to a degree. This would be the “bitter” to sweet flitter. Anya might well move like a wisp but she’s brittle and easily overwhelmed. This often leads to an array of injuries, a generally warmer wardrobe, and a habit to stand in places where she can avoid bumping into people.
-"Serial Apologist"
When one’s very body is as frail as Anya’s, an apologetic, non-confrontational nature should come as no surprise. However the truth is Anya has never had fierceness in her blood, and if something could have conceivably been her fault, she’s likely to take the blame. She may go out of her way to make excuses for others, especially if they face trouble for their actions. But at the end of the day, whatever aggravations or inconveniences she may cause can be preemptively handled with a stern “be quiet.”
Something else people might attribute solely to her mutation is Anya’s tendency to scare easily. Rather than list her phobias, she prefers to just say she’s “jumpy” and the truth is she’s always been that way. All the mutation did was heighten her sense of fear, turning some which would have once been baseless into true threats.
Anya's sole survival skill, aside from attempting to run, is her mutation. In that same breath, she lacks the understanding, control, and even fundamental possibility to do much with it as it stands. Moving things that are small or lightweight has its uses, but until her abilities develop, in kind words, she does best with others around.
-"My Own Worst Enemy"
While fortunately Anya's telekinesis suffers no direct counter (such as water to fire, or light to dark) her greatest-or more accurately, her closest or most constant-danger is herself. In her case, there is no exertion without repercussion. This drawback escalates corresponding to effort and mental preparation, so, if she moves a small object around for no great extended period of time, she'd likely suffer nothing, especially if she'd had a chance to prepare beforehand. However if she had to, say, force a heavy door open, depending on the effort exerted, she would instantly receive mental feedback in the form of a painful throb or jump in vision. Overexertion can be met with instant effects ranging from dizziness or disorientation, to minor hemorrhaging, loss of consciousness or, in the worst case, a major, fatal hemorrhage in the brain.

C O M P A N I O N S / F R I E N D S / R E L A T I O N S
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 10 days ago

M a l e ● T w e n t y - F o u r ● A B - P o s i t i v e

✦ Plant manipulation
Francesco’s mutation has given him the psychic ability to connect with and manipulate vegetation such as plants and flowers, and control their growing process. All he needs is fertile soil, a place where plants can grow naturally. He can make plants bigger and larger, push them beyond their limits like a 50 feet apple tree, but the size of the apples will remain normal. No basketball sized fruits. Plants without a wood base seem to take him the least amount of time to grow. He can grow a potato or lettuce in a matter of minutes while a small, let’s say shoulder height apple tree might take up to half an hour. He also seems to be better at growing plants that yield food, as that is the only type of plants he’s had practice at growing. His ability is erratic and uncontrollable. He needs his full concentration to cause something to happen.
✦ Pheromone generation
A second mutation which lies dormant and is connected to his bloodstream and the veins popping up to the surface. It is as if the veins are trying to emulate vines, the little flower buds that have appeared randomly will eventually enable him to release a plant based pheromone from his body. The type of pheromone dictates the effect it will have on its environment e.g. calming, arousing, fear inducing. The scent is vaguely floral but almost undetectable by the human nose.

After the change set in Francesco’s skin changed into a greenish hue. His veins have pushed themselves closer to the surface in a permanently swollen state, kind of like the veins you see on old people’s hands. The skin that covers these veins has darkened and toughened to protect the fluids running underneath. In some places, small dots have appeared which seem to grow slightly bigger each day. They look like dark green skin tags, shaped similarly to a flower bud. When he uses his powers his veins glow a bright green, the intensity of the glow depends on the amount of power he uses.

Thorns grow on random places but are seemingly focused on the more vulnerable parts of his body, E.g. the neck, chest. They have attached themselves like scabs and can be torn off which is painful to him. His eyes give off a pale light when it is dark, a form of bioluminescence like that of a glowing fungus.

Aside from his mutations what is left of his appearance has remained human. Francesco looks young for his age, like he’s in his late teens. He has dark brown wavy hair which he usually wears up out of his face. His eyes are light brown and slightly almond shaped. He has an oval shape face with a pointed nose, full lips, and thick long brows. Occasionally he keeps a bit of neatly trimmed facial hair. His body is slim and toned but without much visible muscle, also he’s not the tallest guy in the world at only 5’5’’.

Helpful and naïve are two words which sum up his character pretty well. If you need help with anything, anything at all you should go to him. Even if he can’t help you he’ll find someone who will. He tries to see the good in everyone and the upside to every downside. He’s an introvert, calm, shy, and somewhat withdrawn. A very sensitive young man who often feels misunderstood. He hates to argue, or see other people argue and is a peace keeper, crossing his own personal limits to ensure group harmony. Often lost in thought he can come across as dreamy, passive and a push over. Add to this the fact that he has a very strong drive to care for others, a maternal instinct he has no qualms about hiding and you have an eccentric guy.

Francesco wasn’t slow to realize that he’s not your typical guy’s guy, but doesn’t attempt to act differently. Instead he’s accepted the fact that he is the way he is. He’ll always be a bit awkward around guys and more at ease around girls. In social situations, he tends to speak only when spoken to and sticks with the people he’s comfortable around. He’s always the last one to voice his opinion and often only when asked for. He’s a late bloomer and while he has experience in some areas he has a complete lack of experience in others.


Smartphone- Not much to say here, only that his battery has nearly run out, which isn't unusual for him by any means.
Wallet- Most of the paper in there are receipts he forgot to throw away, pictures of his family and friends and cards from psychics and mediums he saved from a fair he went to.
First aid kit- He "compiled" (stole) at school. It has the standard things in there, bandages, pain killers, stitching thread and a needle.
Housekey- Doubtful if he'll be going home anytime soon.
Schoolbag- The contents aren't extraordinary, a small laptop, notebook, pencil, a bag of nuts, a lunchbox with two sandwiches, a stale apple and a bottle of water.

✦ "Nurse in the making" Francesco is in his first year of nursing school and has a lot of know-how but lacks the practical experience. For example, he knows how to measure blood pressure, apply bandages, check a pulse or basic first aid, but he has zero experience with these in the field. He practiced on either his super healthy class mates or on human dolls.

✦ "Herbals are the way to go" A hobby which has gone completely out of control. He has tons of books about the subject and can name an herbal medicine for most common ailments. Some are better than regular medicine and others don’t have much noticeable effect. It works on a case to case basis as everyone’s body has a slightly different genetic makeup. He knows the basics and it comes in handy especially with his new powers.

✦ "Kitchen Prince" A home cook but good at what he does. He knows Italian food inside and out and can cook a mean dish of pasta among other things.

✦ "I’m here to listen" Years of family arguments, a failed but instructive education as a social worker and now studying to be a nurse has left him with the talent of listening to someone’s burdens. He tries to not be judgy or come up with solutions that never work. People often feel at ease around him and trust him with difficult life issues. It comes natural to him.

✦ "No family no bueno." Without his family or friends, he’s an emotional wreck, he becomes a recluse and refrains from making much contact with strangers. He needs someone to care for as that is what he does best. Knowing someone will have his back no matter what eases a lot of fear he has for the future.

✦ "No...No way I can't do that!" Francesco has extreme self-esteem issues. He thinks very lowly of himself and what he can do, or rather what he can’t do. The things he’s done right and the stuff people admire him for are barely registered by him, if at all. His confidence is easily shaken and all around he’s just easily discouraged.

✦ "Right.....or left?" Maybe not one of the worst quirks to have, but Francesco has a horrible sense of direction. He can’t read a map to save his life and never pays attention to where he’s going.

✦ "No plants without dirt" His powers only work when there is fertile soil. If the area is tainted by toxic waste, radiation, or any other kind of pollution he can’t grow anything, not even a patch of weeds.

✦ "Death by fire" Due to the nature of Francesco’s mutation his physicality has developed a dangerous and possible life threatening sensitivity to fire. He has a severe asthmatic reaction to smoke. Minimal exposure is required to burn his skin and his burns are much more severe than they would be on other Changed or even The Pure.

✦ "Close to nature" Whenever Francesco overextends the use of his power, either by using a large amount of power at once or continuous strain, he will begin to suffer adverse affects. His psychic connection to vegetation has a downside. The plants seem to sap moisture from his body when he pushes them and himself too far and at this point it will become dangerous. Symptoms not unlike those of dehydration will start to impare his bodily functions. At best he'll experience dizziness a headache, tiredness, dry lips, eyes and mouth. A loss of strength and stamina. At worst he'll start to shrivel, his skin will crack and his organs will seize to work. If he doesn't increase his intake of water, or receives moisture in any other kind of way he'll most likely die.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Firecracker_
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

m / 25 / ab+

⇻ biography ⇺

⇻ personality ⇺
With tired eyes and a look of general sleep deprivation, Acton looks like the typical tired office worker with little interest in the affairs of other people. Acton keeps to himself, opting to throw himself into his work and hobbies rather than being out and being social. He’s not against social interaction, but he just finds it difficult and exhausting go out and making friends, unless the other person seems genuinely interested in getting to know him, which doesn’t happen often. While getting close to Acton isn’t the simplest of affairs, once someone is his friend, they will see the warmth and compassion come out of him.

Stemming from his rather emotionally unfulfilling upbringing, Acton often has to battle fears of abandonment and loss, leading to him being on the clingy side of things. Once he has made a friend, he goes out his way to make them happy, sometimes to the detriment of his own well being.

Even if he is rather anti-social and quiet, Acton is by no means a heartless jerk, and often empathizes and sympathizes with people very extensively. Though he doesn’t usually know what to do or say to comfort or congratulate someone, he experience’s others emotions almost as vividly as they do. He will cry with you, or laugh with you, or cheer with you, even if you can’t hear it. Even more so if you are his friend.

Acton tends to be calm and level headed, always trying to think out the most logical plan of action for every situation, to a fault. He’s very weary of taking risks and making hasty decisions, always paranoid of the repercussions. If possible, he tends to try and push the task of making decisions to other people, so that he can at least have confidence that any mistakes or consequences aren’t his fault. He will will only do that, though, in the most dire of situations, as most of the time he shares the pain of failure with the other person anyway.

⇻ appearance ⇺
Betraying his meek and quiet personality, Acton is actually quite tall and his height it punctuated with good posture. He hasn’t the most muscular build, but his hasn’t the lankiest one either. He may be a recluse, but he doesn't let that make him a couch potato. Although he likes being one of those too.

From his finger tips to about a quarter into his palm, Acton’s skin and most of his muscle have given way to a strange form of smooth, murky crystal, which is mostly black with moving spirals of blue inside of it. Ephemeral sparks of electricity can often be seen sparking between his fingertips, or traveling down his hand from end to end of the crystallized sections of his hands.

Usually a pleasant shade of blue, Acton’s eyes have begun to mysteriously shift between their natural color and a bright shade of yellow, and both colors have a habit of flickering and flashing, similar to seeing the flashes of lightning bolts across a night sky.

Along his arms and on the back of his neck all the way down to between his shoulders are raised sections of skin, which form uniform rectangles, all of which appear identical to his hands, black crystallized bumps with swirls of blue floating in them.

⇻ mutations ⇺

The Pandora Virus has endowed Acton with the mysterious ability to generate electricity from his body, and to bend and manipulate electricity in the world around him. His ability to wield and bend electricity as a tool greatly outweighs his ability to use it as a weapon, being able to sap power from systems, power machines with his own body, things of that nature. That being said, his electricity's combat use isn’t completely negligible, as he can use pure electricity as a short range taser, or give his opponents a healthy electrical shock while in hand-to-hand combat. Of course, he can use his electricity faster than he can produce it, hindering his combat abilities even more. On the more defensive end of the spectrum, electricity based weapons have little effect on him in short doses, but prolonged shocking could overcharge him. (See: Limitations.)

Welding electricity also gives Acton an odd assortment of other powers, such as using electricity to magnetize pieces of metal to his body to form makeshift armor, or create small balls of electricity in his hands for a easy light source. He’s also great for charging batteries.


Acton can (rather, will be able to) be able to transfer his consciousness into electronic devices such as computers and cell phones, controlling them and accessing their information for himself to retain. He can control them, render them useless, or any other number of things. His consciousness will leave his limp body, and enter any sort of computer or electronic device, and every electrode and transistor enters his control. If a device can be automated, he can do so from inside, and control the machine like a sort of beastmaster.

⇻ proficiencies ⇺

shakespearean pupil
Having experience on stage, Acton can be quite the convincing actor. He isn’t the silver-tongued diplomat, or the brawny intimidator, but he is the keen liar, good at playing at other’s emotions, as he understands them.

human battery
Electric shocks and hazards have little effect on Acton, simply acting to charge the strength of his own abilities, until he is as his capacity. He can only so much more energy past capacity, and once he has gone too far past capacity, he will short out, releasing all of the energy in a blast around him. The blast will leave him weak, if not comatose, but the resulting AoE shock should incapacitate or perhaps even kill most of what it hits, within a roughly 5 meter radius. Past that, it will deliver a healthy electro shock.

computer knowledge
Having studied Computer Science and other similar subjects at college, Acton has extensive knowledge about computers, and decent knowledge about other electronics too.

⇻ limitations ⇺

Social interaction has never been Acton’s strong suit, and it still isn’t. Unless he is crafting a well acted lie, Acton is almost entirely unable to hold stable conversation. His skill isn’t non existent, as for a while there it had seemed he’d cracked his shell, but with his dreams being crushed by this father and otherwise positive life rocked by being kept in secrecy, he has withdrawn back into himself, finding it difficult to make even simple eye contact.

memory loss
When using his consciousness to access and control electronics, any assortment of things can happen. He could lose partial or whole memories somewhere in the device. If the device is destroyed while he is inside, it could very well kill him then and there. He could come away with memories that don’t belong to him, thus muddling and confusing his thoughts. Not only that, but anytime he must use his entire mind to control a device, it puts him in an incredibly vulnerable place, leaving his body completely defenseless.

human battery v2
In a similar vein that Acton can absorb electricity, he also needs electricity to use his own powers, and even further, to keep his body going. Overuse of his body’s own electricity can incapacitate him, and continuous overuse can even kill him. His body can produce it’s own electricity, but at nowhere the rate Acton can use it when his powers are in full swing. Similar to most electronic items, water is extremely dangerous when Acton is submerged in it. All of the electricity will be sapped out of his body extremely quickly, electrifying the water around him to dangerous levels, and knocking him unconscious nearly instantly.

static electricity
Acton is not really used to having any sort of stable relationships, so when he actually gets in one, he is very proactive. He will always try to be of use to his friend, no matter if it is of a detriment to himself. He is a bit clingy, and will always try to stick to his friends if he is near them, finding comfort in bearing near a friend.

electric empath
Acton is a very empathetic person, and it can get to the point where it affects his own mental mood. Sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad, the mood of those around Acton is very influential on his own mood. He is, for lack of a better word, a slave to the emotions of others.

acton has no friends

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 3 days ago

M a l e ● T w e n t y - S i x ● B - N e g a t i v e


● Hollow Bones
Seb's hollow bones are perfect for reducing his body weight, further contributing to his already high agility and speed, but as a consequence, his bones break easier than normal humans.
Additionally, they make possible for the sound he produces to echo through his body, allowing him to produce sound waves of various intensities and frequencies.
● Avian Physiology
Feathers, wings, extremely sharp talons and claws give Seb the ability to fly, coupled with other abilities related to the avian physiology such as enhanced balance, reflexes and senses. It doesn't come without downsides, such as frail bone structure and its enhanced senses make him vulnerable to high frequency noises (Although his talons and claws are already fully formed and his wings almost fully formed, the last still doesn't have enough strength to lift him off the ground, and once they do, he still has to learn how to effectively use them).
● Sound Manipulation
By vibrating his feathers and using his vocal chords, Seb can produce an incredible variety of sounds, ranging from high intensity high frequency sounds to low frequency sounds.
This has a number of different applications such as using as a sonar (echolocation), by emitting high frequency sounds (which cannot be heard by normal humans), emitting powerful low frequency sounds, creating pressure waves that can be used to damage objects or people, using destructive and constructive interference to hush or intensify sounds, and to move faster by riding the pressure waves created.


Long length, brown hair, honey eyes and standing at 6'4 ft Seb is someone who cares about his appearance. As a result, his hair is always carefully brushed and tend to wear elegant clothes.
He has a rather slender body, due to his avian physiology, but at the same time, its packed with muscles.
With a beautifully tanned skin, Seb is quite the uncommon sight. His height coupled with his long hair color make him stand out very easily on crowds.

His mutations partially covered his body with feathers (excluding his face), transformed his feet on powerful talons, his arms turned into two big wings, on the end of his wings, there are two fingers with claws on them, these fingers and claws are mainly used to grip on walls or other places. Due to losing his pinky, ring finger and middle finger, the dexterity with the two remnant fingers is quite limited. Although he is still able to grab some things with them, more complex things such as pressing buttons, using his smartphone (by sheer luck he always used voice commands on it because he was too lazy to actually use his hands) & etc. are simply impossible.
Additionally, his teeth became sharper, ideal to cutting meat.


Seb always was a very laid back guy and carefree guy. He hates working, but will still do it if its something that needs to be done, but he will do it the easiest way possible. Seb enjoys reading, listening to music, travelling and sightseeing.
He has a very interesting tendency to always take the best out of everything that happens, even bad things he will try to see them by the good side. He is a very intelligent and calm person, who avoids unnecessary conflicts as much as possible.

One trait that defines Seb is his capacity to not think about the future at all. By his own words: "Planning is only useful to one thing: to disappoint you later." Living by this motto, Seb is the type of guy who just lives the life, without preoccupying himself too much and always trying to take the best out of his experiences.

Seb does have a slight tendency to sometimes isolate himself, especially when around many people. He hates being around too many people at the same time, places like night clubs, shows & etc. are places where probably Seb will never step on.

Before the incident, he was suffering from severe depression, but the things that happened, instead of making him worse, lifted his mood, making him extremely excited and interested. Life was no more boring and dull.



Single ear Bluetooth headset.


● "Aimless Wanderer" Seb is used to wander around, be it on cities while sightseeing or on forests observing the nature and wild animals, resulting in a very good sense of direction. As a side effect, Seb's legs are quite powerful and muscular.

● "Hunting Instincts" Together with his mutations, came an powerful hunting instinct. Its natural to him the act of diving in on a prey and using his powerful talons to pin it down and kill it, sinking its sharp teeth on his prey's flesh, savouring its warm meat, everything comes to his mind once he is hunting, its on his nature.

● "Logical mind" Seb has the capacity of remaining calm or calming himself quickly even in dire situations, thinking in a solution for them without being desperate. Although he can still feel fear, he will remain calm and think carefully about his actions and decisions.


● "Blunt Force Trauma." Due to Seb's hollow bone structure, blunt force attacks are very effective against him. A strong hit on his wings, especially on top of them, where the bones are located, will easily break them. On the other parts of his body, a little more of force is needed due to his flesh dampening the impact, but they will still break easier than normal human bones.

● "Fatigue" Seb's wings are those of a bird of prey, and although very fast and maneuverable, they are not fit for long flights. He can flight continuously only for a couple of hours before having to land and rest. If he choses to ignore his body's warnings and overexert himself, his wings' muscles can even tear apart, forcing him to stop flying (and obviously using his wings until his muscles heal themselves) and even plummet down from the sky.

● "Limited Hand Dexterity." Seb's mutations made him lose his pinky, ring finger and middle finger. This results in limited dexterity with his "hands". Although grabbing a cup of water is still doable, using a weapon or other things that require more dexterity is simply impossible for him.

● "Enhanced Senses" His enhanced senses also mean that he is vulnerable to loud high frequency noises (not those produced by him), which can cause him to get very dizzy and unable to fly or even more, or if its too high, even make him unconscious due to the pain.
Additionally, Seb is also vulnerable to very bright lights (Such as tactical flashlights, strobe flashlights & etc.) due to his enhanced vision. Those will make him blind and stunned for a small period of time (until his eyes can adapt themselves to the sudden change, which is around 5 seconds).

● "Moral Compass" Seb will refuse to take any actions that harm -innocent- people. Although exceptions can be made on specific occasions, he will feel very bad about it and will only do it if there is no other alternative.

● "Sore Throat" Although Seb can freely produce sounds, sustaining them for long periods of time (rather than just a burst) takes a heavy strain on his body. Should he overexert himself, he can even tear his vocal cords apart, taking some good deal of time to heal.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Necrophage
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


M A L E - T W E N T Y F I V E - A B-P O S I T I V E

Catalyzed Spikes-
Alan adapted a pair of new arms once he was infected. The virus aggressively and painfully gave him a stranger, larger set of limbs. They are covered in pointy black chitin and end in claws with superbly hard and sharp tips. There's a grooved hole in each palm that leads back into his forearms where new muscles not seen in normal human anatomy have grown and act as a launching mechanism for catalyzed projectiles. Since it would be unconventional to launch bones the body instead generates its own compound that can catalyze when Alan flexes a certain way, quickly compressing and creating a black crystalline spike to launch.

By appearance the spikes have the natural drippy look akin to stalagmites and stalactites. The spikes are very ceramic-like in hardness and effect and are capable of being launched roughly one hundred feet before being affected by drop. Projectile size can vary between six to twelve inches. Because they are unusual projectiles they are capable of piercing through body armor designed to block bullets like Kevlar. They have enough power to stick into solid objects but not much further than that, being unable to penetrate thick building materials. Changed and other infected creatures may sometimes have a naturalized armor coating parts of their body that direct spikes would be ineffective against.

Spike Compound-
The "holes" in Alan's hands can release some of the spike compound before it is catalyzed which quickly solidifies into a light-weight and hard ceramic-like substance. Useful for myriad of things from blocking doorways to medical emergencies and even for makeshift tools. The spike compound begins to deteriorate after a few hours. Certainly an interesting tool for an engineer to make use of.

Chitin --
The outsides of Alan's arms are covered in a thick black chitin that matches the color of the claws. The chitin offers moderate defensive capability. The exposed areas on his inner arms and around his palms exhibits a dark orange hue. Short black barbs extrude from his elbows and shoulders. Alan's arms in general are larger in size than a normal human in order to make room for the new biology.

This whole thing has Alan rather rattled. He can't help but think of himself as some kind of a monster despite how naturally the whole transformation affects him.

Alan has blue eyes and blond hair. He has a soft, gentle looking face with a fair complexion. He prefers high-collar jackets, no hoods. Of course any shirt he wears he will have to tear the arms off of in order to properly fit. His general attire is jeans and sneakers or similar footwear.

Physique-wise Alan takes care of himself. He's no stranger to hard labor in his field of work but he isn't a frequent gym attendee either. The occasional run and a little morning exercise were always enough for him. He stands at around 5'11 and comes close to dragging his claws on the ground. Alan weighs about 175 lbs.

Alan is generous with his time and kind. This mostly comes from a solid background with a loving family. Also he's a church goer. He's a religious man who doesn't thrust his values on other individuals but nevertheless holds on to his as if his very life depended on it. If there's a debate of morals or something very wrong is about to be done he'll be the first to speak out about it. Certain things are just wrong and he will always go against them even if it doesn't make sense. Raised in this setting he has never had a sip of alcohol in his life, preferring to abstain from that and drugs to avoid needless drama and mistakes.

Though Alan is so often kind and gentle, being pushed or threatened brings out the worst in him. Alan has never taken kind to threats of any sort. Being pushed to the brink of rage has happened but he's always controlled it. Very rarely has he exuded aggressive anger that his brothers refer to as a berserker rage.

Being changed so drastically by a virus has a tendency to bend some of those rules.. Alan can't help but become conflicted with all of what's going on. He finds himself feeling monstrous and unable to tell if what's happening to him is fatal or stable. His personality will change over the course of this story. It will have to if he is to survive.

Before the Outbreak:
Alan had been out of community college for a few years now, working a successful job as an automation engineer, holding an active position in his church, dating a girl he loved named Liz. One he couldn't fess up enough to marry. Life was great, it was steady and safe. No mistakes, no debts. Alan was happy and set with high hopes for the future. There wasn't anything that could mess this up. Pfft! Right.

-Empty Backpack (What? It keeps your back warm and you can put stuff in it.)
-Keychain and Wallet
-Android phone.

"Know how.." Technical trade skills happen to be Alan's business. He knows how most machinery works including, cars, cranes, work lines, electrical systems and so on. He can use computers better than an average guy but he's never been good at programming or more advanced computer skills.

"The Good.." No one hates Alan, he's just a nice, friendly guy. You know, unless you hate nice guys, then it's awkward. Alan is good at earnestly getting close to people and being trustworthy. He would hate to be made a liar. He will stand as a moral pillar to stop a wrong before it happens.

"Why you little...!" Alan is a lot stronger when he's pissed. Surprisingly his anger is almost always put in the right direction. It's a good thing he grew up with a good family and values or he'd have some serious anger problems.

"The Bad..?" Yeah... well, sometimes being a good guy isn't helpful when you get in the way of a decision that needs to be made. The most righteous option isn't always the one that will save everyone's hide.

"Top Heavy." The rest of Alan's body hasn't yet evolved to accommodate the change in muscle mass and size. He can get off balance easily if knocked around and he's supporting the extra weight on mostly normal legs so his ability to move is below average.

"Muscle Cramp..!" Overuse of catalytic projectiles in a short amount of time could cause one of Alan's inner arm muscles to cramp and close sooner than it's supposed to, trapping a catalytic reaction inside his arm. This could involve piercing through his arm in multiple directions as the force finds its way out. This could disable his arm until the problem is fixed.

"Feel the Burn.." The catalytic compound produces acid as a byproduct that breaks down muscle, overexposure could mean the acid would eat through his arms following the flow of gravity. Ignoring these serious conditions and forcing a continued use of catalyst could cause it to burn through his body and contact vital organs which could result in organ failure and death.

"Did That Tickle..?" Spikes are ineffective against Changed armor and most other infection based protections. There may be some exceptions such as a thin layer of armor or armor that has been weakened or turned brittle by other means.

Liz Hensley is his girlfriend, where did she go?
Eddy is his brother, the younger by four years.
Ben is his older brother, the elder by three years.
Others to be decided.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

Member Seen 3 days ago

M a l e ● T w e n t y - S i x ● B - N e g a t i v e

» M U T A T I O N S

  • Fulgurkinesis- Ezra can generate electricity and plasma on a decently-sized scale, cloaking himself in an aura of bright crimson lightning, greatly increasing the threat he poses to his enemies at close range. He can also absorb electricity from outside sources, feeding his powers in that manner, rather than having to generate the energy himself. He cannot, however, focus his powers into a projectile (say, a lightning bolt) without some other medium, such as his harpoons. See “Livewires” for details.
  • Crystal Armor- Ezra has a strange, organic crystal slowly growing just beneath his skin, even protruding from beneath his skin in certain areas or outright replacing it, such as on his hands, shoulders, parts of his spine, and his shins and knees. This crystal is incredibly durable, slightly harder than concrete, acting as armor for Ezra, especially in the areas where it has supplanted his skin. The crystals glow red when he uses his fulgurkinesis.
  • Livewires- Ezra has what is effectively crystal harpoons loaded into his forearms, connected to reinforced biological cables. These harpoons can be fired with the speed of a speargun, by igniting gas in a chamber behind the harpoons. The harpoons and the bio-cables both share Ezra’s conductive properties, allowing him to channel his fulgurkinesis down them and electrocute whatever target he’s made contact with using his harpoons.

    There is a significant downside to this ability, however- he has no way of retracting the cables once they’re fired. Meaning the only way he can reload the harpoons is by ripping them out, cables and all, and letting new harpoons grow in their place. Obviously, this power is used as a last resort.

» A P P E A R A N C E
Ezra is somewhat short at 5’6”, and stockily built- as he puts it, “built like a brick shithouse.” He has cropped blond hair, once styled spiky, but now left to its own devices, as Ezra cannot be bothered with haircare during the apocalypse. His eyes were once vivid green, but are now bloody red with black sclera. Spikes of dark red crystal erupt from under his skin in various places, especially his hands and forearms, which now appear to be covered in blood-red crystal gauntlets. His shoulders, spine, and shins have similar armor plating covering them.

» P E R S O N A L I T Y
Ezra was a sarcastic son of a bitch before Day One, and sees no need to change that now that the world has ended. Ezra is, to put it in his words, “sophisticated as hell.” His language is vulgar yet erudite, profane yet elegant- he just as likely to call you an asshole as a “petulant, sanctimonious plague on my sanity.” He’s constantly cracking jokes and witty barbs as he adventures through the dark streets of New Windsor, more as a coping mechanism than anything else.

Beneath his prickly facade (har har), however, lies a very altruistic and caring individual who is troubled, shocked, mortified, etc. by the recent turn of events. Even only a day after the Outbreak, Ezra has seen and done horrible things for the sake of survival. Things that can very easily weigh on a gentle soul such as Ezra’s. At the moment, his goal is to find any uninfected and protect them from the ravenous hordes, by any means necessary.

» B I O G R A P H Y

» E Q U I P M E N T

  • Messenger Bag- Containing a half-full canteen, a bunch of granola bars, and…
  • Journal- For all the random bullshit that floats through Ezra’s head.
  • Hunting Knife- Slightly superfluous at this point, but he's not getting rid of it. Black-handled with the initials "ABL" engraved on the pommel.
  • Shark-Tooth Necklace- A gift from an old ex that Ezra's not sure why he keeps around. Especially since it makes him look like kind of a douche...

» P R O F I C I E N C I E S

  • ”I’m going on an adventure!”- Ezra is good at turning a bad situation into… well, still a bad situation, but much funnier. Ezra seems basically unflappable, gliding through the apocalypse with wit, sarcasm, and linguistic flair. While this makes him great for dealing with high-stress situations, and can be inspiring to his allies, it does have its drawbacks- see Limitations for more.
  • ”UNLIMITED POOOWWAAAAHHH!!”- Ezra can absorb massive amounts of electricity before needed to expend his charge, making him a living third rail. While he does still have limits (see Limitations), they’re set so high as to make such risks negligible in most situations. He’s also, therefore, highly resistant to any electrical attacks brought to bear against him.
  • ”Your Kung Fu is no good!”- Ezra is a scrappy gentleman, having learned to fight from a young age. Recently, he even started learning actual martial arts in the form of Krav Maga, and though he’s nowhere near a master of the craft, he knows enough to make someone very sorry they picked a fight with him. Especially because...
  • ”You think I can’t take a hit?!”- The crystal beneath Ezra’s skin is incredibly durable, reinforcing his body and effectively making it so that he’s wearing full-body Kevlar at all times. He’s especially durable in the areas where the crystal has supplanted his skin, his fists, in particular.
  • ”I punch, you suffer. Got it?”- Speaking of his fists, Ezra’s most potent weapon is his newly-armored extremities. Without having to worry about self-injury like most normal humans- at least, not to the same extent- Ezra can bring relatively monstrous strength to bear on whatever his target is, even being able to tear through metal and solid walls with enough effort.

» L I M I T A T I O N S

  • ”I’m givin’ ‘er all she’s got, Cap’n!”- Ezra has limits to how much electricity he can absorb before he is required to expend his accumulated charge. Attempting to take in anymore beyond that limit will either flat-out not work, or even cause Ezra severe-to-lethal injury due to overcharge. Same principle goes for using too much of his powers at any one time. Using his powers causes a strain on his body, even if he’s just expending gathered charge from his surroundings. Discharging too much at once, or for too long, can cause muscle spasms, mild seizures, and even cardiac arrhythmia or arrest if he pushes it too far.
  • ”LOOOUUUD NOISES!!”- Certain sound frequencies resonate with Ezra’s crystals, which can cause serious pain, like a full-body migraine, to the poor mutant. Louder noises of such resonance frequencies can even cause his crystals to shatter and splinter, which can cause serious damage to the rest of Ezra’s body.
  • ”Don’t go in the water.”- Logical weakness- if Ezra gets wet while using his powers, or tries to use his powers while wet, he shorts out or could even electrocute himself. And that would be an awful way to go.
  • ”I’M GETTING HUNGRY, HOMBRE!!”- Use of his powers is a massive drain on Ezra’s energy, and will require him to eat large quantities of food or absorb large amounts of electricity to offset his massive resource burn, or else go into a torpor.
  • ”It only hurts when I laugh…”- Ezra’s mutations hurt. All the time. It’s crystal growing beneath and through his skin, what did you expect? It’s not intense pain- a full-body dull, throbbing ache- but it’s sufficient enough to be quite distracting.
  • ”This is fine…”- One of Ezra’s greatest strengths is also one of his greatest weaknesses. While his ability to deflect the tragedy around him with humor and wit is impressive, it’s ultimately only a stopgap measure. Eventually, if he chooses not to confront his issues, the weight of them will end up crushing him, causing him to potentially go catatonic with shock, at most likely the worst possible time.

» R E L A T I O N S

  • Rebecca Lark- Ezra’s younger sister, lost somewhere in the chaos of New Windsor. His primary goal at the moment is to find and rescue her.
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