Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Interacting with: @VanceXentan Lancelot, @Turboshitter Albert Prelati, @BubbleGumKing Jonathan O'Connor

’You worry too much, Master. Everything will work out, I’m sure. One way or another, we’re sure to learn something.’

WIth that thought transmitted to her Master, Berserker took a breath, planted her hands on her hips, and watched the wilderness for movement. Her confident mien soon began faltering however, replaced with narrowed eyes and an irksome expression.. Berserker shook her head, noting the presences retreating from mutual perception. “Bah. An honorless bunch, that lot,” she crossed her arms and huffed indignantly, “...Or perhaps simply thrall to their weak-hearted Masters. How unfortunate either way.” She then shrugged and looked back to disguised Servant. “Whatever the case, their absences can’t be helped; it seems we’ll have to make do on our own.”

She waited for him to speak first, before responding herself. “Indeed. I could be Saber,” Berserker puffed her chest out proudly. Among her possible classes, she could be summoned as Rider or Saber, in addition to a particularly strange possible Archer classification. And, obviously, the one she was right now: Berserker. “I have thicker skin than that. Think what you may, but I am what I am,” she nodded, giving a dismissive wave to the knight’s apology. Then, in response to that apology, she said: “Likewise. I had not expected someone in your condition to be the noblest of all the Servants I’d perceived, but I will not question whatever strange enchantment attaches you to a mortal guise.” She pointed to the man. “I will give you a free tidbit for being such a courtly Servant however: I am not Saber, as you had guessed. Unfortunately, even that is stretching the limit of my Master’s order, so I canno. You understand, I'm sure.”

At his next words, Berserker leaned back against the church pillar, face bearing a unconcerend look unbefitting the woman’s knightly countenance. “True enough. True enough. But so long as they don’t see anything unusual, these innocents of yours will come and go freely. Surely a lady consorting with a gentleman is commonplace enough in this era,” commented the blase woman in full medieval combat gear talking to a frankly shady-acting man in a trenchcoat with goggles. Though considering the kind of strange images she’d seen plastered around Shinto’s billboards and on shop window posters on the way to the church, her perception was not only probably skewed, it was most definitely skewed. ’Though I must say, the dominant art style of this age is particularly disproportionate,’ she thought, mind calling back to the short jaunt here, ’Perhaps the advent of machinery has rendered photorealistic artistry unimpressive? I suppose I shall ask Albert later.’

Suddenly, the church doors opened to reveal a fatigued caucasian, who decided to stick around rather than leave. Was he the Master of the mystery Servant? Apparently not, if he could not realize that it was a Servant in the first place. He hadn’t expected him to address her, but his words were reassuring that the people of this age were not so completely foreign.

“Good man. At least someone seems to understand,” Berserker nodded to Jonathan. If only her Master were similar; though agreeable, Albert was far too uppity about the trappings of war by her impression. Fortunately, she was confident she could do something about that. After all, to summon her as Berserker clearly indicated that he knew what he was getting into!

“What’s the damned point of gathering a dozen heroes if all you’d have them do is endlessly fight and prepare for fighting,” she gestured around herself, “We’re in a neutral zone; there’s clearly no better place to break bread.” She paused purposefully at that statement. Hopefully that would have gotten a rise from somebody. “Unfortunately, it seems everyone is content with such a droll existence. Me? I’d much rather prefer to get along with people in kind; slaying each other can always come later. I thank you both for that courtesy.” She directed that statement at both of her gathered opponents. “...However scant it must be, for it seems my Master wishes to depart.”

Berserker looked to the door, but instead of her Master, it was a particularly pedantic looking man who emerged, and stomped over to a long metallic vehicle. Berserker snorted. “What a vulgar transport,” she scoffed, watching Togami’s ostentatious limo disappear into the city, “Surely the pretentious little man doesn’t plan on waging war with such a tasteless thing.”

Her attention then turned to the snow crunching under the mysterious trenchcoat-clad Servant’s feat. It seems whatever discourse had occurred inside had concluded.“I believe this is time to make my leave as well,” she announced to her conversation partners, “Goodbye until we meet again.”

But before vanishing into spirit form, she called out to the departing Servant: “And you, Mystery Servant,” Berserker grinned, “I look forward to meeting you on the battlefield in the future.” She gave a wide wave to the departing Servant, before the doors opened again and her own Master stepped out, calling to her from his mental link.

’Celebration you say? Well, who am I to deny the hospitality of my host.’

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interactions: @Grey@Turboshitter@BubbleGumKing@Shadow Daedalus@Phase Transit

Saber stopped for a moment to look back over his shoulder back towards the servant he had been speaking to. "Though I am not one to talk the act of not listening to one's master is a taboo that shouldn't be adhered to. If it is their master's doing then they have little choice but to listen. In regards myself I am what I am and though I wish I had done things differently in my past life I have no shame for what I am now. As for me being noble...that statement while accurate...is indeed misinformed. Perhaps one day you will understand my words on this better. For now I will not go further on that Miss. You and your master are my enemies after all. I speak out of respect for you as a woman, and a warrior with pride." Saber said calmly, and clearly as he dusted some snow off of his clothes. Saber felt the woman's dislike of the world around them and he wondered what exactly she was. Lancer perhaps? She didn't seem to have the anger of the mad dog beserker which he thought himself was the role he should have been summoned in. Maybe Rider? Who knew for certain. However he did continue to speak further if only to answer the woman's scornful words.

"As much as I too dislike the nature of this conflict others would disagree. I could imagine some of our fellows hunger for actual war. Others glory, honor, or even perhaps a lust for blood shed in itself. Others may not have a interest to hold those values we hold so dear to ourselves and seek victory for the sake of victory. The Grail War's nature alludes us only in that we are bound to seek victory be it for ourselves, or simply for the master's will whom keep us tethered to this plain of existence once more. And with those words I bid you a good night miss, and sirs." Saber stated flatly as he decided he himself should keep on going. Perhaps he too should've de-materialized but he much better liked his corporeal form than that of the other state. To be able to touch, feel, and simply be gave him some alleviation to his current status. As he walked around a corner retracing his steps he made a conscious note not to get to far away from Leon.


Leon stopped at the door and took a moment to look up into the beautiful snowy sky and smiled as he reached out a hand to grab a few snowflakes which promptly melted in his hand. "You know the world really is beautiful...I may not be much of a sap for stuff like this but even I can't really deny it. It's a shame that I'll be taking life out of this world for my own reasons...Still I would end up in a worse spot I suppose if I ignored the war itself." Leon muttered to himself as he stuck to himself mumbling to himself as he grinned. He really wondered...was this whole thing going to be over soon? Or would it take longer...Saber....Saber was, while not the most subtle person, his friend. He had been with Leon for a while now and the thought of losing him soon was going to hurt him. He would win the war if not for his own sake then for his partner's sake as well. Saber would never admit to it but he was sure he enjoyed the time he spent with Leon as well. His mask as a knight could only hide so much and he remembered catching Saber sneaking a smile on occasion despite his stoic demeanor.

"I wonder...do any of the other masters feel this way? Or are the heroic spirits just tools to be used? Maybe I should be colder...but how do you spend time with a person linked so closely to you, and not feel something in return for them even if it's just comradely? What kind of person would that make me if I gave into that darkness?" Leon wondered as he walked forward to rejoin any of the masters still left out at the gate. As Leon walked to them he grinned. "You know tonight may have gone better but I couldn't have wished for more of a pretty moon..." Leon said as he pointed out the crescent shaped moon in the sky. "We all may be enemies tomorrow but for now I'd like it if I could just wish you all a good night." Leon said feeling silly for saying something so dumb and corny. However Leon couldn't help but notice something out of the corner of his eye. He saw a small ploome of smoke rising off in the distance. "It looks like there's a fire over there but I....is it just me or do I sense magical energy coming from that direction...?" Leon said aloud suddenly a bit more panicked as he wondered what was happening he reached out in that general direction and made his senses go further. His ability to sense energy was not as well honed as he liked so it took him a moment to grasp it but there was something in that direction. What was it though?


At the docks....

The two men continued their duel as the darkened servant gave a mighty push he forced the man back against a wall. The one with the golden sword couldn't believe that this was so god damn difficult. He couldn't see a pattern in the man's attacks it was like trying to figure out how to deal with a savage animal. However one thing was for certain his attacks were deliberately made this way. The dark servant's skill wasn't that of just raw power it was controlled and well honed. Two arrows were shot at the dark man this time and both once again were dodged with contemptuous ease.

"I DEMAND THAT YOU EITHER STOP THAT OR FACE ME LIKE A TRUE WARRIOR! THIS DUEL IS BETWEEN ME AND THE ONE WITH THE GOLDEN WEAPON! SHOOT AT ME AGAIN AND I WILL COME UP THERE AND BREAK YOUR FACE WOMAN!" growled the enemy servant as he swung his sword in the direction of the female samurai still on her high ground. "Even here in Japan I know better than to face a brute like you in close combat. I sense your power you are no ordinary servant are you?" The Samurai growled as the other one chuckled, "No shit cupcakes it's not like he's got two black swords, and isn't glowing with power or anything!" the other one said with heavy sarcasm as suddenly the enemy servant laughed and nodded. "You deflect your comments with humor warrior. However your own power betrays you. I sense within you a hardened soul made by years of hard work, and labor. A worth adversary if I've ever fought one. You're head will be given to my master for a trophy." The enemy said with sadistic grin as the other one's face refused to be intimidated as he kept his own grin on. "Oh don't worry my 'friend' I'll give you a good fight and then I'll put you down for good. I wasn't some nobody in my last life." the male servant said as the enemy charged at him forcing the other one to roll out of the way and another arrow came down barely missing the head of the enemy who moved it at the last second which just seemed to annoy him more as he grabbed a piece of metal and threw it at the samurai who back flipped and dodged the spiky piece of debris.

He then charged forward and ran towards the other servant with the tenacity of a lion hunting it's prey plowing through a nearby parked trunk spilled diesel fuel all over the ground as the enemy servant figured out was just about to happen he smiled. "Looks like we got you." the male servant said as he jumped back ward and just as suddenly an arrow, lit with magical flames, shot out from the other servant's bow. "Hi ga anata no oni o shōmō sa sete kudasai!" shouted the female servant with zeal as the other servant ferociously grinned. "Clever girl..." he said as suddenly an explosive blast ignited around the area sending the male servant ducking for cover and the female one covering her eyes.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BubbleGumKing
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


@Loki Odinson as Caster, @Vancexentan as Leon

After his Master had entered the Church, there wasn't much that was going on that drew Caster's attention to them except for a few things such as the arrival of the new pair coming to the meeting. Then there was also the fact that the ground underneath them was having some sort of large scale magecraft being applied around the area which was concerning for the most part. It seemed that whoever performed the feat also seemed to want to communicate, as from what he saw the spirit that seemed to be more of a messenger from whoever sent it (Olydicus). Declining the invitation for talks, despite how advantageous it might be, Caster had decided to see what his Master would do first within the church before doing anything else.

It will be a short while before anyone else exited the church and signaling the end of the meeting which meant others would surely follow as well. Caster sullenly stared as he watched his Master conversate with the figures at the front of the church along with the obvious Servant who seemed to respond back to whatever his Master had asked of it. He had watched the arrival of the new servant and its Master along with the leading events which lead to his companion on the roof top being driven away. Taking in everything that he had heard in the time which they had spent here into consideration as he mentally noted several things. Acknowledging vaguely at his Master's endless dialogue which seemed to satisfy him as he sorted through them of what was relevant or not. It didn't take long for his Master to get into trouble which wasn't surprising of him but he seemed to outdo himself this time. Finding himself chuckling along with the female servant about something they seemingly agreed on and even laughed a bit at the woman's joke or at least that what Caster thought it was.

Eying the figures cautiously as they were exchanging conversation with his Master, readying himself in case the worse ever came to actualization. However, his worries were needless as eventually, the other servant (Roland) left with its Master who drove off and the guard (Lancelot) apparently had finished it shift as it left soon as the other Masters were beginning to take their leave. Sighing as the meeting between the three went mostly uneventful thankfully, he looked at his Master questioningly about what to do. Eventually, even his own Master had questioned through their mental link if he should walk to Caster or have him come pick Jonathan up instead. Watching the snow cover him in a slight layer as he occasionally brushed it all off, Caster made a note to come over to the church once it was cleared of any possible Servants and Masters.

Jonathan himself was sitting in the cold as his eyes peered at the opening doors of the church, his other two companions had already left him sitting in the snow. Standing up for himself as he didn't want to look like a lonely sap as he watched whoever was coming out of the church as they all came out. Turning his attention to a voice who had decided interject something before their departure, it perhaps wasn't surprising when he found it to be Leon who was giving a piece of his thoughts to everyone. Listening to him with interest as his eyes also wandered to the moon and back to Leon when he mentioned it. "Indeed the moon is beautiful tonight with the snow to only compliment its beauty." Jonathan said to him before continuing "Even if we shall be rivals should nothing work out between any of us, I wish everyone the best of luck" Jonathan ended with a smile before Leon continued to lead with a more ominous message with smoke in the sky to support it. "It seems like tonight is only to get more exciting, shall I bring beverages?" Jonathan said jokingly as he began to make his way onto the street. "See you guys there shall you decide to come along" He finished saying before leaving off the property of the church as he made his way somewhere.

"Hhhhhnnnnnng-" Jonathan yawned loudly said looked between the allies and buildings as he walked, waiting for Caster to come to his side. While he didn't specifically ask for either one of them to travel to the other, it would be more convenient for Caster's greater mobility to reach him instead. Looking briefly right and left before sighing about his vague hopes about being carried but he didn't want to trouble his servant much. He could feel the other's presence as they were connected and soon felt his incorporeal form next to him which was confirmed to be Caster. Together, the two while this moment began an instant debriefing on the situation at hand 'While I know about your fatigue, Master' Caster commented on the tired appearance of his Master who seemed to be drained from whatever magic he seemed to have worked inside the church 'There is also the situation about the disturbance you surely should have felt' Caster said as he waited inquisitively for his Master Jonathan seemed to raise his head in surprise as he concentrated his senses in feeling the disturbance that Caster was talking about and acknowledged it, feeling it coming from the same direction of the smoke. 'Well that would explain what is happening over there, we could go over there and see who are other players going be. However, you should take note that I might be dead weight in a fight with Servant' Jonathan said through the link with a chuckle as they continued their before abruptly stopped before Caster picked him up once they felt they distanced themselves far enough and went into the direction of the commotion. It would serve well in gathering additional information so long as they weren't directly involved with whatever conflict was taking place.

@Loki Odinson as Brynhilda

Rider's awareness has been well used during the meeting within the church as she kept a vigilant watch around the area without complaint. Increasing the area of her watch for anything suspicious gradually as the meeting continued to drag out, she had finished the quick route she made that covered her desired area. This was allowed only due to her confidence of the two figures who guarded the church with one of them being a Servant (Roland) and the guard (Lancelot) being confident on taking on spiritual beings of that status. They weren't going to be a problem yet and covered for her so that she could secure the area further in case any threat decided to come within the area. Trying to find the mysterious user of the magecraft which had infected the ground underneath them was no doubt on her list, but far down in term of priorities.

One such interest of hers, was the signs of smoke in the distance was what bothered her as while, she was unsure that the distance required to be covered would make it difficult to return back to the church if anything happened there. So, it was her best interest to stay for now until it could be determined what was happening over in that general area but she had her ideas of what was happening. She had predicted it earlier this night that tonight would be interesting beyond a simple meeting and she was correct. 'Master, should you wish to know about a point of interest' Rider began to comment about her simple and rather obvious finding but reported it anyways as it was of high interest 'The plumes of smoke in that are coming from that direction would be a good place to investigate other obvious activities of those participating in the War. Also, let me know if you require assistance with leaving the church, I am nearby if you shall request it'. She said while she kept her eyes around the church now that it seemed everyone was beginning to take their leave, even the two guards at the door had taken their leave first. Slightly concerned now, it seemed like it was now her job to keep her Master safe should anything unprecedented came, elimination of the threat would be easy from where she was waiting on a nearby building.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Albert Prelati

Interacting with: Berserker (@Grey), Saber, Leon, Takumi & Togami (@vancexentan), James (@Shadow Daedalus), Brynhilda (@Loki Odinson), Jonathan (@BubbleGumKing), Amina (@Phase Transit)

Fuyuki Church - 6:32 PM December 1st, 2012

Fuyuki Hyatt Hotel - 7:36 PM December 1st, 2012

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Master orders sir?" asked Saber quickly as he waited for his master wondering if he would be sent out to deal with the situation at hand with the possibility of killing enemies, or possible allies over by where the fire was. As Leon stood there...alone besides the brother he couldn't help but question what he should do. He could go there but what would be the point? He'd fight, or maybe even get killed if he went directly into action. But sometimes the worst thing to do was nothing at all. He stood there struggling with himself as he gripped his hands together and rubbed them together for warmth. "Saber I...I believe that it would be better to leave this fight to whoever is fighting it. I don't want to risk you revealing your true name so soon. No one will see you coming and the second they realize who they're fighting they'll have an advantage, and a new fear. So let's go home...back to Satsuko and lock up tight for the night. I don't trust that assassin is not going to be vigilant tonight." commented Leon to Saber mentally as the servant acknowledged his master's order with an slightly approving grunt he himself turned around and left. He began his slow walk home and he wondered just exactly how tomorrow would end up going?



As the fires burnt around them and smoke billowed into the sky the male servant stood there panting and looking at his trembling body. What in the world exactly had happened? Why had he let that brute get so close? Why on Earth did he trust his god damn companion not to fuck him as well? He supposed it was that samurai spirit. "Big guy says get fucked? I thought so..." grumbled the male servant as he calmled himself down not seeing anyone emerge from the fire as he wiped some sweat off his face. "Is it truly over yet?" asked the female servant as she looked at the fire. She focused on it with hawk eyes and then those eyes widened in confusion as the hulking mass of the enemy servant walked out of the fire covered in burns but none to severe. His golden hair blew in the wind still messy and disheveled. His pants had been singed pretty badly but still remained in tact. And the arrow on his back had been torn out as indication of rather decent amount of blood covering the enemy's hands. His face grinning as the male servant backed away disbelieving of his own eyes. "A clever trick...it had been a long time since I felt anything close to dragon fire...still that was almost a kill...not good enough though. You think I'd come into this fight without so much as a safe guard? Alright now where we?" the enemy servant cackled with malice intentions as he sized up his enemy once more. The male servant calmed down he had faced tough enemies before, maybe not of this caliber, but still near that level. This was nothing...it had to be nothing or else..."Dragon proof huh? That's an interesting clue still I guess I won't be able to get away without an ample distraction." grumbled the male servant as he went back into his defensive guard. "I've killed worse than dragons friend. You're no different..." said the man as he spun his swords around him. "TIME FOR ROUND TWO!" the enemy servant roared as he charged forward and the clash once again resumed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Interacting with: @Turboshitter Albert Prelati

There was a long and confusing journey that took place before the duo had arrived at the Fuyuki Hyatt. While most of it was Albert’s calculated strategy at avoiding the eyes of prying competitors, another major contributing factor was Berserker’s own desire to do as she did. After all, the periphrastic nature of their path not only removed prying eyes, but also allowed Berserker’s eyes to pry into the intricacies of the modern age. It was convenient then that Albert’s acquiescence to Berserker’s desire for a more modern set of outfits (a decision completely and utterly motivated by tactical value, or so she’d say if anyone asked) had temporarily abated the impulse towards rampant consumerism, at least long enough to get them safely back to the hotel.

Fortunately for her Master’s poor sense of feminine fashion, Berserker was not a hard woman to please in this regard. While she did cast aside the ones that were too small, she kept the oversized pieces and of course the perfectly-sized ones. Waste not, want not was what her mother had told her in the coastal cave of her childhood. Even this selection could not compare to wearing rags for the better part of a decade. Overly ornate outfits would only ensure discomfort, so the eclectic combination of poorly-fit clothes was pleasantly familiar whilst also being novel and modern.

For tonight, she settled for a navy pullover with some Japanese phrase or other emblazoned on it and some light, baggy jeans. The majority of her lengthy dark hair was tied up by a dark ribbon. It was not an accessory that Albert had brought, but rather one that Berserker had been summoned with, and one that she looked at with fond melancholy before using it to tidy up her hair in a low-set tail.

After getting all readied up, she took a seat at the little table, and lifted an eyebrow watching the magus ineptly attempt to… “...What in the blazes are you doing with that thing?” she inquired. Her Master hadn’t struck her as the insane sort, and sabrage was not in her Grail-granted vocabulary; thus she could only keep watching with a combination of curiosity and confusion. And then, with a crack, the top of the bottle burst off, hitting the wall with a thud and likely leaving some kind of property damage. Oh well.

She then listened as her Master exposited their menu for the night as he poured her out a glass. “Only the finest wine for the finest guests; you have been raised well,” Berserker complemented, giving the glass of blanc a few swirls before lifting it up. “Tchin-tchin!” she toasted, before downing the drink in a single gulp, like a fraternity member and a stein of beer.

“Alright Master, let’s finish this bottle up; I wanna try that sword thing next,” she grinned, miming the motions of sabrage with her empty cup as the blade. Worryingly, her interpretation was a particularly brute-force take. “And what of tonight at the church? Impressions of our competition? Were they as spineless as their Servants made them out to be?” she poured herself out another glass and took a swig, “Or were the flowers of courteous combat blooming well within holy ground?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Albert Prelati

Interacting with: Berserker (@Grey)

Fuyuki Hyatt Hotel - 7:42 PM December 1st, 2012

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Interacting with: @Turboshitter Albert Prelati

“Mmm. Indeed,” Berserker nodded slowly and sagely, not wishing to disturb the smooth outpouring of alcohol into her once-more empty cup, “Saw the boy and his long car on the way out” She took a swig. “Quite ostentatious, that one. I will commend his… confidence, let’s say.” She chuckled grimly and dripping with irony. “I pray for the safety of all God’s children, but that little man won’t survive the War with that an attitude like that.”

With startling celerity, she poured herself one and took it in a single gulp. She set the glass down hard, but gently enough not to shatter it. At this rate, the volume of the champagne bottle was quickly becoming dangerously low, mostly the fault of the Frankish heroine’s robust constitution. Steepling her fingers over the glass, she listened intently to her Master’s analyses.

The first observation was about what appeared to be a woman of great moral impurity. The options her Master had offered were not at all mutually exclusive, and it takes a certain kind of magus to attach such a heavy scent of blood to themselves - the kind of magus that strays dangerously close to devilry, idolatry, and other great heresies. “Hm. Well if she does turn out to be a Dead Apostle…” She made a slight gesture with her index finger. It needn’t be said what gesture it was. After all, the threat of vampirism had once, in a time after her time, resulted in the camaraderie of both Saracen and Christian alike. Or so the knowledge of the Grail had informed her.

Berserker shrugged at the suggestion of a dangerous Rider, however. “Bah, Rider isn’t a class I’m that incompatible with, I’m sure.” She gave a dismissive wave of the hand. “Wings are only good for flight, a horse can be cut in twain, and a monster is nothing against a sword of God.” She filled herself another glass, and her Master’s as well. ”Were you aware that I’ve slayed dragons with sticks?” She leaned back in her seat, brimming with indignant confidence. “A beast - monstrous, phantasmal or divine - is just another enemy. A particularly fast one, granted, but just another enemy. And another enemy is just another thing to be felled by my blade.”

She then reflected on the second Master. A wielder of firearms - the Grail had granted information on modern anti-personnel weaponry, so there was no need to explain - and a man her Master had found abhorrent on principle. “Nonono, not hypocritical at all,” she interjected, “I understand perfectly.” It was like faith. Everyone had faith in something, even if they wouldn’t admit it. And since that was true, everyone had something they couldn’t tolerate. So by her understanding, this James character was like a Godless barbarian, but of magery. Very unscrupulous indeed, if even magi could not tolerate his like.

“Speaking of opening a wine bottle with a sword.” She reached into the wine cooler and withdrew a bottle, which she set on the table. It was the pinot noir; a fortunate thing for Albert, considering what her intention was. She eyed the AZOTH dagger. “May I?” She stared at her Master, waiting for his answer, before he started speaking of other Masters: ones with proxies and ones with no discernible qualities of note. She ignored that mostly, in favour of having her hand hover in an awkward mid-position of grabbing and not grabbing the AZOTH.

The conversation then turned back to Togami, a person whom Berserker had already expressed her disdain for. Instead of listening, she took the opportunity to pinch the hilt of the blade and drag it into her grasp. “What’s ‘googling’? Also I'll just... she asked, taking hold of the bottle with one hand, and the blade with the other. She angled the bottle like she’d seen her Master do earlier. “It sounds kind of like... Well, I don’t believe you’d like to stand over his body in that manner.” Her blade hand hovered to the left as she mentally lined up an angle. In her perception, she heard her Master begin to take on a worrying tone to his voice. In one movement, in one moment, Berserker brought the blade to the bottle and-


It exploded against even the restrained level of B Rank STR she’d focused, sending the upper half flying everywhere, with the cork sailing out the window, which had a new hole in it. The sanguine drink dribbled down the remaining lower half, which Berserker brought to her mouth as a makeshift glass. Wasting wine was no good. Apologies, Master.” Her mouth was a hard line, and there was wine spatter across her shirt. Fortunately, it somewhat blended in with the dark color. The hotel carpet and table were a mess, however. “This one wasn’t that good anyway...” she muttered.

Berserker set down the broken bottle remnant, sliding it away as if to absolve herself of guilt. She stared down the Franco-Italian, and repeated slowly: “‘What did I mean by that?’” She took a breath. “You are familiar with my legend, yes? Then you should be able to realize what I think of duplicitous action.”

She watched the red wine run down the woodwork.

“...‘Cloaks and daggers’, the man at the Church had called it,” Berserker continued, “I am the greatest paladin. It will take more than that to slay me. Yes… Our enemies, enemies like that, would be right to fear me.” She grinned, eyes looking dreamily into the distance, before closing shut, preceding a deep breath she’d taken as a silent prayer of sorts.

“...I was once a military commander, and this is still a war, no matter how small,” she admitted. The ideal of the preudomme was clear in what it seeked and what it required; honor was simply the result of the code, rather than the means. “But I am also a paladin: I will adhere to any challenge for single combat, I will not fight an ally without dissolving the alliance, and I will not cling to the shadows,” she stated adamantly.

“We will announce our presence on the battlefield, whether that be by word or by deed.” Berserker grinned viciously, looking more like a conqueror than a knight. Then she relaxed reached down.

“Now then.” She set the vintage Bordeaux on the table, in the middle of all the spilt pinot, and held the AZOTH up like a butcher. “Let’s try that again!”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 21 days ago

Interacting with: Amina @vancexentan

Taking the woman's silence as deep thought, James watched the other masters trickle out of the hall and made a brief glance at his watch. It was late, and he needed to get things set up for Amina's summoning. Slowly producing a sleek-looking smartphone from his inside pocket, he tapped into the 8 identical devices scattered around the edge of the neutral area, the same devices he was setting up prior to entering the cathedral. The small, low-profile cameras transmitted their live video feed to the device with surprising clarity, James swiping between each camera view as he searched for the camera over-looking the entrance of the church, before quickly looking over the devices internal memory.

A small smirk slid onto the assassin's face as he watched each master arrive, some with their servants in corporeal form. The device couldn't detect the mana of the servants or tell him which class they belonged to, but they could record their appearances so he knew what he was looking for, in a literal sense. Copying the memory onto his phone, he closed the device and slid it back into his pockets before he tapped his warrior-esque partner on the arm to catch her attention. He began to walk out of the hall, gesturing for her to follow him until they reached the gates.

"I need to made preparations for your summoning, so I'll be heading to my safehouse in the city. Lancer will watch over you while you collect what you need from wherever you're staying. I'll meet you there in one hour."

And with that, he turned back down the path he had arrived from originally, his tracks filled by fresh snow. As he walked, he tried to keep his mind focussed on his task, but it was harder to do than he had anticipated. It wasn't surprising, however, because he was, after all, involved in something bigger than anything he had ever faced before. This wasn't just a group of villainous magi he was tasked to assassinate, this was a War between Legends given physical form... This would not be easy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As James walked away Lancer sat there and began his task of watching over Amina but before long he noticed something out of place. And by that time it was all too late. Lancer felt the presence of the enemy just as he appeared over his shoulder and it was a blur of motion. A dagger in the back, then the spine, a laceration across the front of his throat, and then finally darkness as the masked individual in a turban quickly finished his job that he had been assigned by his master. To kill one of the servants as soon as possible. The sooner the war was over the better. Assassin felt no remorse. No pity. He was as he always had been...a killer deep inside of his rotten soul. Be it Knights Templar, Sunni heretics, or another legendary figure it mattered little to him. He had stopped caring when he picked up his mask way back a long time ago. Perhaps Lancer may have fared a better opponent...if not for his foolish lull into calmness. As Lancer fell down off the perch they shared Assassin had no regrets for surprising him like this. It had to be this way.

He then turned his attention towards the woman walking away from the other master who was heading away from them....he could settle him at a different time. A message to the church, and to the people on this damnable crusade would learn to fear him. Perhaps there was someone else nearby watching...No he couldn't get greedy. As he dropped down from his perch, and cloaked himself in shadows once more he moved forward. Silently. Plainly. And without a hint of reason the girl he knew nothing about felt the stab of his Janbiya dagger into her throat. He grasped her and held her steady as she died in his arms and he covered her mouth. "Be one with Allah for he is merciful. Peace be with you in the darkness master. I'm sorry, but for you this journey ends with this. A mercy. Allah I give this one to your judgement even though she is unworthy." quipped Assassin as he dropped her on the floor and looked back at the church just a fair distance away now. He shook his head. "Death comes." grumbled Assassin as he vanished once more into the moon light his job finished...for tonight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Albert Prelati

Interacting with: Berserker (@Grey)

Fuyuki Hyatt Hotel - 7:45 PM December 1st, 2012

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Harakure Residence....

Leon and Saber had finally arrived home in the suburban part of the city. The snow had come down rather hard since then...and truth be told he had an odd feeling in his gut he couldn't tell why though. Saber was as he ever was quiet and always next to him. As Saber entered the house he breathed out easily and the guise of the noble phantasm he carried vanished into air. Leon felt his mana supply was draining but he could've maintained it longer than he had if he needed too. Saber took off his disguise that he had kept on as an extra precaution and put everything he needed to on a nearby rack and so did Leon. Leon proceeded to take off his shoes, and Saber promptly put his away as well. The house felt warm. It was a typical small house and it belonged to Satsuko's family. Her father more specifically he had only met Mr. Hagakure a few times oddly enough and he was kind enough man who loved to travel. Which was what he was doing for a winter vacation at the moment. He had taken it earlier seeing as his daughter had agreed to help Leon out thankfully enough. Saber...was expensive to uphold and it was taking a chunk out of Leon. However Satsuko made it easier for him and when he needed to rest Saber did indeed dissipate into his spiritual form.

However all he could think about was the smell of food that Satsuko was making in the kitchen. She normally made dinner for them and Leon did breakfast when he could. Saber...he wasn't necessarily the best cook he had his moments but he was a warrior first and foremost and not trained in the art of taste. It wasn't long until she came prancing into the hallway her messy apron still clinging to her red sweater. She was a pretty young woman even if she lacked certain aspects that men typically liked to stare at...But that wasn't the reason Leon kept her close. It wasn't some sort of romantic fan fictional crap that tied them together like some cheesed romance story. Leon, and Satsuko had been friends since he first started training in magic. She had tutored him in certain aspects of controlling magic and though she hated him and his dueling streak initially they became good friends.

general appearance of Satsuko


"There's my two special guys! You're both home at long last! Mr. Perfect, and Leon!" Satsuko said as Saber grumbled in disagreement as she passed by Satsuko with an annoyed frown. Saber was not like Leon he didn't like Satsuko because she was too fond of picking on him. He hated when she called him names like that, and tried to get him to snap out of his knightly disposition. Saber would have none of it as it would be badly reflective of Leon if he did. Saber was still stuck in his old ways and he wouldn't change them. Respect everyone, and show no ill will less it reflect badly on your lord.

"Enough of that Satsuko what's for dinner? And for once can we please skip the banter?" Saber grumbled as he moved into the kitchen and Satsuko puffed out her cheeks, "Nothing if you keep acting like that I slave all evening over the freaking stove I expect to have someone thank me!" Satsuko growled childishly at Saber who promptly gave a off hand apology to his secondary master. "Well I'd certainly like to thank you. It was a tall order going to church today. I'd like to kick back and eat so thanks for preparing our meals. I appreciate it." Leon said as Satsuko turned around and smiled at him and nodded in satisfaction before turning back around and facing Saber. "At least SOMEONE'S grateful for me huh Sir Prissy Pants? Alright well I made spaghetti tonight! Dig in please! I got sauces, and all sorts of stuff. You like yours with just butter right Leon?" Satsuko said as Saber, whom had been seated at this present time, groaned a little but didn't say anything. If Satsuko heard it she ignored it. They had eaten Italian food for the past four days straight. Saber wasn't one to complain but he apparently would enjoy some variety.

"So anything that I should know?" Satsuko questioned as Leon sat down at the table and Satsuko brought over the food. Leon also noted some garlic bread which he was not to fond of. Not because Satsuko was a bad cook but because he wasn't a big fan of fancy foods and garlic covered foods in general. "Well to make a long story short we're facing more than the expected amount of people. More over we're supposed to find allies among them. And I received an invitation from two people and even a card from that old guy." Leon said as Saber looked over to him firmly and Satsuko's eyes widened as she quickly told him to pull it out and show it to her. She grabbed it and checked it over making sure to look for very specific things. "You doofus! You could've lead them here! Or it could've had bad magic!" Satsuko scolded him but told him it was fine. Leon acknowledged he had checked it before he left regardless and thanked her for the concern. "We must talk about this alliance system later Leon for now however we need our strength and must eat up. Satsuko, despite her own issues, has prepared us a meal. It would be impolite of us to let it go cold." Saber commented plainly as he ate his food occasionally rubbing off some water from his brow from snow. Leon agreed to that and started to eat up himself. So far it had been an easy evening for them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BubbleGumKing
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@Loki Odinson as Caster, @Vancexentan as Samurai with the Dragon Tattoo, The Lone Wolfer, and Dashing Sarcasm

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interactions: @BubbleGumKing


The fighter had gone on ever since the explosive blast as it always had golden blade flaring in the reflection of flames, and moon light leaving behind a trail of sparks as the enemy servant had blocked his own attempts at a counter attack. He was tiring but he wouldn't give up, not would he be able to he could fight well past his limit of exhaustion thanks to his condition as a heroic spirit. What kind of man would he be if he let this hunk of meat beat him? Not a very good one he could bet you that much. The enemy servant on the other end had apparently decided not to follow up on the pesky ant that was shooting at him and follow up on his attacks until he had broken the legendary servant. An apt block here, an adjustment of the feet here, and some quickly slashes and parries were thrown his way every once in awhile but the waltz of war never stopped. It would never stop if these two would continue on fighting like this. "You know for a big wall of meat you're not half bad at fighting me big guy! You remind me of a special kind of asshole who fought me way back. So how about we stop-" the male servant tried to work his skill once more on the enemy. This needed to stop now people were coming they wouldn't ignore a fire! However as the male servant was forced to dodge by rolling back his mind was assailed by an unknown entity as he barely heard the beast in front of him rail at him that he should just shut his mouth.

He listened to the strange being in his head telling him things. His first reaction was that this was bad. Obviously enemy magician...but was it a servant? A master? He couldn't tell his mind raced with thoughts on what he should do he needed to have some control if this person derailed him now he'd lose! "I'd appreciate it if, whoever you are, didn't prod around my brain while I'm fighting! A hero like me can work miracles but if you're able to do this then you must be an some sort of magi." the servant growled mentally as he then noticed the presence nearby as he was giving orders to him. "Oh I get it you're caster aren't you? Why should I trust you? Magicians like you, especially in your class, didn't get to where they were by being good allies, and stalwart friends. If you're on my side you're going to need to give me a bit more proof than some combat advice. I can fight him well enough on my own. What I need is some sort of more physical advantage. This guy won't go down easy to strategy. We tried that already in case you couldn't see that fire over there."" the male servant said calmly as he stepped back as the enemy servant stopped moving and gave him a chance to breath as he glared up at the robed man. "This is a battle between true warriors! Be gone spell-caster your foul trickery will not be welcomed here!" the beast of a man growled as he aimed his black sword in his left hand in the sky as suddenly the male servant charged in and tried to pierce his heart but the enemy with contempt blocked the blade with the right blade and threw the male one back after a brief clash of wills.

"Hold yourself! I will finish you off in a moment. You should've not have underestimated my abilities to sense you! Now be gone less I show you your insignificance in the grand scheme of two bloodied veterans of true war fight TO THE DESTINED CONCLUSION!" the enemy servant growled however the female servant unleashed a volley of three shots at him forcing even the enemy servant to turn his attention to her letting the male servant seize up the initiative only for him to be forced back by a sudden ball of flames from out of nowhere sending him back. This was followed up by gun fire from out of nowhere the shots directions unknown as suddenly the female servant's perch was blown up from underneath her by what appeared to be a explosive of some sort perhaps a grenade. The female servant was forced to drop into the water nearby and the male servant pushed on his back leg. The enemy servant looked none to pleased for the help but he didn't argue with whoever had given him the help as he charged towards the male servant who just barely recovered from dodging the surprise burst of bullets. He received a slash to his face as he and nearly had his shoulder cut open but he apparently had managed to raise his sword in time but it didn't appear that he had moved his arms all to much. "Damn it! I won't die here! I refuse to die here!" growled the male servant as he considered his options it may end up better for him to flee if his friend didn't recover soon enough. His body was covered in soot, his cape blew in the wind, and his face was covered in dirt now it appeared that despite all this and all the issues going against him the male servant wouldn't be put down easy as he pushed back and forced the enemy servant back with a furious counter attack with well placed sword swings. "Well done! Your warrior spirit is truly marvelous! A true son of war!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BubbleGumKing
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


@Loki Odinson as Caster, @Vancexentan as Samurai with the Dragon Tattoo, The Lone Wolfer, and Dashing Sarcasim

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interactions: @BubbleGumKing


"You have no honor as a warrior caster! Truly you are a pathetic servant if you seek to destroy me using weak familiars like these. I always despised your kind who seek to fight using others! Fine I'll deal with them then!" the enemy servant roared in anger as he took his place he As the male servant watched as the fight started to progress he couldn't help but realize his opportunity to leave this fight was now at hand. This fight had lost it's luster the second it started for him and to be quite frank he didn't really care to continue it. If Caster truly wanted a fight with the big guy then that was his problem. As it stood up he quickly moved to the background of the fight outside the zone as he walked over to the water front end of the dock. He tried to stay as far from the fight as possible and he made sure to take his blade with him as he walked away. He went over and knelt down towards the dock's waterfront and looked for the sign of his friend and found her quick enough he beckoned her over and reached down to grab her. "Thank you." she muttered respectfully as he nodded and looked around and saw that the enemy was now surrounded and could tell by the formation of the small army caster had summoned that things were about to get bad. He heard sirens not to far away now and not the fire alarms blaring but the police. Normal humans would be here soon. As he pulled up his ally a teenage girl by her appearance ran out from a nearby open crate. She had short cut messy white hair the dragged down over her forehead and was wearing a red winter coat, and a white sweater underneath it as she ran over to the two assembled servants. She shouted over to them loudly as she ran, "Quickly get us out of here!" she said to one of them as she got over to them. It was clear enough that she was a master but who's master she was exactly was unclear. The female one nodded and looked over to her friend. "Stay close to me unless you fancy staying here to fight." the female servant said to him as the male servant gave her a sarcastic smile. "I don't think I intend to die here." the male servant said as he moved into the group and looked over to see what was happening.

The enemy servant roared in annoyance as he found himself surrounded by the enemies his instincts told him to tear them apart but he knew that it was probably a trap of some sort if they were all in a formation like this. Still he was hardly in a spot to be overwhelmed by a target. As the enemy servants tried to send a volley of arrows at him another grenade was thrown masterfully towards the archers and the fragmentation grenade imploded stopping them from hailing the enemy with arrows. From the shadows emerged a very tall man, and muscular looking man. Around his shoulders and body was a black leather coat with a silver zipper blowing in the wind. His face hidden from view with a black tactical combat mask and his front torso covered in body armor. He had blue jeans on and black combat boots. By all means he looked terrifying radiated a powerful magical presence indicating that he was a master, or at the least a mage. He came out with a shotgun and began to pepper the enemy soldiers from behind with it as shells popped out of the gun and fell onto the ground. The bullets appeared to be enchanted as they bypassed the enemy's armor. However as the oil began to appear around them the man raised his right hand as the enemy smashed the ground with his fist causing the concrete the rupture and the ground to shift upward underneath him in a set of giant pillars. He shouted a tremendous roar as he did so invoking the name of something inaudible. As the giant fire storm swelled around the area and engulfed everything within eye sight the two were lost in a sea of fire.

However as things died down there remained a ball of fire standing where the newly appeared mage had been and then the flames scattered as he dismissed a spell that had shielded him from the blast. He appeared none the worse for wear afterwards. "Fuck you asshole." the man growled in a guttural voice from underneath his mask his voice muffled within the mask. As for the enemy servant the stones were scorched badly and his back was burnt badly itself but the man sat there breathing in heavily as he looked at clenched his fist and shook his head. "A cowardly last move if I had ever seen one caster! But fine it appears our fight is at an end. The humans come and I'd rather not butcher them farewell." the enemy servant bellowed as the enemy mage jumped down from the docks onto a nearby jet ski that he must've come in on during the fight and headed off into the coast line without another word. The only thing left of the enemy servant was a trail of sparkling dust as he turned into his spiritual form and vanished. The other trio had vanished likewise what had happened to them, or why it had happened was lost in the chaotic flames.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow Daedalus
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Shadow Daedalus A Tiny Dragon

Member Seen 21 days ago

Interacting with: No-one.

James stopped walking as a hollow, empty feeling passed over him before the mana flowing between his servant and himself suddenly ceased. He tried to contact Lancer, but he got no response, as if casting his voice across an empty plain. Glancing back towards the church, he began retrace his steps as he pulled out his phone again, quickly cycling though the cameras until his blood ran cold from more that just snow on the ground. Pocketing the device and pulling out both sidearms, he ran back to the entrance of the church before diverting himself down the direction Amina had turned, safeties on his pistols clicking off as he ran.

It wasn't long before he found her, body cooling in the snow with her throat slit. He tried Lancer again, but again no reply. Slowly scanning the area around him, weapons raised in two different directions, he growled lowly under his breath. He flicked the safety on one of his guns and replaced the weapon with his phone as he knelt down besides the woman's body. Keeping an eye on his surroundings, he played back the memory of the camera, taking notes of anything important about Amina's murderer. Curved dagger, Arabic in origin. Turban. Mask. Compiling what he knew of the previous grail wars, it didn't take long to come up with a reasonable culprit. The killer of both his servant and his partner was mostly like the namesake of the Assassin Class, one of the many iterations of the legendary Hassan himself.

James looked sadly at his fallen partner for a moment before sliding her eyes closed, reclaiming the catalyst from her pocket and rising from his place at her side. He walked for about a minute, eyes coldly watching his surroundings before before taking a deep breath and cursing loudly in English. His feet carried him into the church were he wordlessly passed the monk on guard and went into the main hall, taking a seat on one of the back-most pews as he waited for the overseer.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interactions: @Shadow Daedalus

Father Walter wandered in his eyes full of confusion he had apparently just gone to check on something and had felt the presence of James returning to the church. The elder priest looked down at him and shook his head. However he had no sign of surprise on his face. "I assume something bad has happened my son? Has the world wronged you in some way? Or perhaps it was an enemy? A master, or servant perhaps? I assured peace would be here today in this church but what happens outside is one's own concerns. I can tell that Lancer is no longer with us. However I believe that the servant known as archer has not been summoned...or do you intend to try to bring back Lancer? He won't be the same...But there is no rule against doing so." commented Father Walter as he moved slowly as cane emerging from his robes as he leaned on it and slowly walked down and sat next to James. "Was your friend also hurt? Killed mayhaps? If so I can offer to bury the body here in the mausoleum downstairs if that is the case you seemed to have known her the best." commented Walter kindly and gently as he reached out a wrinkled but non judgmental hand to pat James on the back slowly. "In case I am correct...maybe these words will give you peace. 'Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who are welcomed by the grace of god. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy, and the shadow of greed that is. Greed leads to envy and eventually you will have let it consumed you.' is what my master once told me. I lost a friend long ago...in a far away place as well. And there are others here like Brother Jun who understand what you've been through. So what says you master?" Father Walter prattled as he sat next to James waiting for an answer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Interacting with: @Turboshitter Albert Prelati

“Pfft,” Berserker threw her head back at the sight of her Master’s panicked expression. It’s not like that bottle was in any real danger after all. All she had to do was hit with more fin- “...Of course I knew that,” she lied, giving an awkward dismissive handwave to further her false point, “I know… mathematics and... natural philosophy, and all that rot.” She tapped her head and gave a thumbs up.. “Grail stuff.” She paused setting down the AZOTH slowly enough that it seemed she wasn’t intending to, but quickly enough that it would seem… suspicious. “But, I admit, perhaps a Servant’s force is too much for an ancient bottle. I shall leave this to you.”

Fortunately, the conversation topic shifted away from this particular faux pas. Inwardly, Berserker pumped her fist triumphantly, determining that her deceptive talents had been capable of sufficiently swaying her Master’s opinion. Truly she was a Servant of many talents. (It was still pretty suspicious, to be honest)

Unfortunately, the result of this shift in topic had become far more troublesome in nature. He’d asked if she would not assent to orders that were offensive to her sensibilities. A troubling question on multiple levels. The first, as a prelude of statements to come. The second, as a test of their Master-Servant pact. The third, as a dangerous situation where any verbal misstep could spell calamity. As far as oration went, Berserker had always left that to the likes of Emperor Charles and the second, Olivier. She was a leader through actions, not words; else she’d be armed with a pen over a sword.

So Berserker bit down on her teeth, opting to observe rather than provide swift and decisive (one way or another) answers to Albert’s rhetoric. Silently, she repeated the triad of prayers in her head: one for patience, one for understanding, and more importantly, one for wisdom. Nevertheless, her Master continued on as the words played themselves in her head, a droning soundtrack underlying her Master’s words. An intent to fight. A focus on practicality. Strategy. Intelligence. A needed warrior. And then two statements that made her heart stop and mind go blank:

A general on the battlefield never leads the charge, and a general will do everything they can to keep their men alive.

Berserker felt her fingers dig into her seat, sundering fabric and wood like Saracen mail. Her expression, thus far one of distant contemplation, contorted into a barely restrained rage. Even the magical energy drain - thus far practically unnoticeable - increased in severity as prana surged, before quickly ebbing. Eyes closed and breaths deep, before an utterance with an unsettling serenity. “I would pick your next words carefully,” Berserker stated, “Your point is made, but I need not remind you that rhetoric can be effective for different reasons.”

Was her Master ignorant of circumstance? Or perhaps, was this a measured tactic meant to sway her resolve? She could tolerate the former. The latter, less so. She was more than dumb muscle to be swayed by the goading of others. Whatever the case, it remained to be seen. She allowed him to continue without further interruption, observing his movements with keen eyes, eyes that carried a dreadful shadow rather than the careless shine of minutes prior. Finally, when he had made, his last statement Berserker responded thusly:

She leaned forward and poked him in the forehead with enough force to tip his chair over.

“You’re gonna have to try harder next time, kiddo,” Berserker wagged her finger, lifting the glass of bordeaux as she did so, “I think the wine’s gone to your head.” She took a tentative sip of the supposed peak of the batch, recoiled slightly, and swirled the wine around. “Hm! this is pretty good,” she nodded before taking another drink, “What is this? Six-hundred years old?” She took small sips, savouring the taste with each. Wine like this needed to be appreciated.

“As I was saying,” Berserker said, “The whole carrot or stick thing isn’t going to work out well for you, Master. Be fortunate that the Lord preaches forgiveness above all things.” She set the crystal down and to the side. She’d taken on a more serious tone, and continued forward with it: “If you wanted to know, you could have just asked.” She sighed and scratched the back of her head. “I admit, I may have been unfair in this regard, but there’s no point in this partnership if we cannot be frank with each other. We are both, as you said, Frankish. ‘Tis even in the name.”

She shrugged.

“I suppose then, I ought to answer that which you wished so much to know.” She leaned back, clapped her hands together, and lifted her index finger. “The first limit is loyalty: I will not backstab an ally to gain the upperhand, as you so elegantly put. Nor will I violate an agreement settled on by the adjudicators of this war, or between parties in good faith.” Its brother rose to join it. “The second is benevolence; a hero who sacrifices the masses that venerate him is a corrupt and false one. If you wish for me to sacrifice innocents, you’ll have to spend a Command Spell. The same extends to an unaccompanied Master.” Finally, she lifted her third. “The last is honor in battle. If I am challenged to a duel, I will accept and act accordingly, excepting extreme circumstances. If I am to ambush an enemy, I will stay to reap what I sow.”

Berserker spread her arms out and leaned forward, as if doing a little bow in her seat. “That is what I deem inviolable. I trust there is sufficient leeway that there shan’t be any issue? Of course, we could discuss ethos all night. Or..." A shark-like grin, with a desire to kill a man. "...you could see such a thing firsthand. Tell me, have your familiars found anything noteworthy?”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Harakure Residence....

As Leon, Satsuko, and Saber all finished their meals in rather quiet fashion, Leon decided that he should be the one to do the dishes tonight only for Saber to object to it in quick fashion. Leon accepted his servant's request as at this point he knew arguing with Saber's nobility was as easy as shoving a square into a circle. Satsuko had gotten done first and had gone over to watch the news only to find out there was apparently a large fire started at the docks. No doubt that was where Leon figured the others were located at. Leon whom had gotten up and sat down next to Satsuko in quick order stared at the screen in disgust as he grumbled out, "Those idiots are just going to make things harder on all of us...fourteen magi in this damnable city all running around with famous dead people isn't suspicious at all right? So here's an idea...let's blow up the harbor!" Leon muttered in exhaustion as he collapsed backwards onto the couch. Satsuko looked at the screen biting her lip and then looked to Leon.

"What they do is their choice and if they want to be loud idiots then let them. You already know this...but I'll fight for you Leon. To the very end. I won't abandon you, I would be a pretty poor friend if I agreed to help you and then turned my back on you." Satsuko said gently as she put a gentle hand on Leon's shoulder. Saber listened to the words quietly as he scrubbed the pots Satsuko had used to make the food. It brought him back to the days of washing clothes when he first became a knight at his king's court. It brought back a certain nostalgia to him as he fondly remembered his adventures...even if his actions afterward plagued him even now as he took the small comforts he did. "I'll survive this war...I'll try to make sure you do as well. I'd like for us all to go home together to America. But I need to win first. Running away from our problems isn't an option thus we are left with the only action left to us. To fight the enemy masters. I have faith in Saber, my-our friend is beyond compare. A knight of knights. However he can only do so much. Assassin, Lancer, Caster, and the rest are all inexcusable threats to all of us. But....but I REFUSE TO LOSE!" Leon said with vigor as he clasped his hands together and Satsuko smiled. That was the boy she met with that fiery look in his eyes all the way back at the arena. "We will all survive I'm sure of it. If not then at the least we will go down kicking and screaming. But don't be too fool hardy. We had this dicussion before. We need to trust in Saber but not just in Saber but our own skills as Magus. We will and shall become the duo that will win this all! I've never seen you lose in a fair fight Leon! For that I'm glad to be your partner in this." Satsuko said as she hugged Leon on the couch smiling and giggling a little at the fact that she was getting so into this. Leon hugged her back and broke a smile himself.

"I'll be a great magus some day. Maybe the best there's ever been. I'll go as far as the stars allow me to grasp at. And I'll do it with my eyes looking forward towards a new future for both Saber, and I want to see this to the end. I won't die Satsuko I promise you." Leon said as he broke free from Satsuko and looked back at the TV. Saber spoke up however, "And that is why you are my master Leon. I will accept no substitutes. When I was a normal man my friends, and I strove on quests for our king who ever righteously demanded we better ourselves. In our pride we achieved much, and in our humility some of us achieved even more than that. The Unfading Light of the Lake is yours to command and I will bring you the chalice so that we may both find our closure. I am yours to wield as you see fit. Simply point me in the right direction and I shall carry out the quest you've given me." Saber said as he stopped washing the dishes and walked over to Leon. He still had his unfaltering calm face on him but he was indeed cracking a little bit with pride. "Thanks Saber. I mean it thanks a whole bunch. It's been a long time since I've summoned you and you've never led me astray or lied. I'm proud to be your master. But...I must admit...I'm having a hard time looking at you seriously with that apron on." Leon stated with a snicker as he looked over to his servant whom was wearing a polka dotted pink apron over his plain white shirt. He frowned at Satsuko as she started to giggle and sighed.

"Perhaps then you should go shopping for something more befitting of a knight then my master. I make do with what I have. A knight does not scoff from his duties and as such I will not complain about this attire. However just make sure Satsuko is not the one shopping this time when you do it." Saber grumbled as he turned his back his pride in his master wiped away by his embarrassment. "Well at least he's thorough...alright well I'm going to sleep Leon. I'll see you in the morning. Ciao!" Satsuko said as she got up and left the room leaving Leon to look at the news alone. "Go to sleep soon master I will lock up, and then go back into my spiritual form to let you rest easy." Saber said to Leon who nodded and thanked Saber saying he'd get to it soon enough.
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