The greatest of evils lies not in the heart of a Beast; but within the soul of a Man.
“ x x x “
Age. | Date of Birth: date, month. xx / xx | height. | SOLDIER Rank.
[rank can be of any choosing: third, second, first, commander.]
“ x x x “
Age. | Date of Birth: date, month. xx / xx | height. | SOLDIER Rank.
[rank can be of any choosing: third, second, first, commander.]
A P P E A R A N C E.
Optional category.
P S Y C H E.
Cover beliefs and basic psychology of their core, how do they feel about their Aeon counterparts, other SOLDIERS, battle, politics or religion. It’s not just personality and how they act. Consider trope types.
B A C K G R O U N D.
Key factors leading up to present living situations. Include how they’ve come to join SOLDIER, reflect on family if deemed important. This is not meant to be a detailed biography, mind you. Just enough to reflect on origins that reflect to the present.
R E G A I L I A.
This is the subject of warfare and arsenal, weapons, armour, combat strategy and style. This reflects to how your character carries themselves and adheres to their spliced body and DNA. There is where you will also list the powers gained from the Aeon. Like so.
x x x [characteristics, ideals, attributes, etc.] Description of power.
A E O N.
color/color [max of two] and listed attributes.
Describe the Aeon, theorize on what their ideals might have been and how they effect the SOLDIER. Do they bond well?
C O R E.
The core is a selection of aspects and details that is kinship to a skillset. You choose one. Core sets are:
MEDIC: healing by 100%
COMMANDO: Physical strength increase by 100%
RAVAGER: magical strength increase by 100%
SENTINEL: Physical resistance by 100%
SYNGENERSIST: magic resistance by 100%
SABOTUER: critical physical damage increase by 200%
CASTER: critical magic damage increase by 200%
ARCHER: critical chance increase by 300%
ASSASSIN: K/O chance of 50%; random roll.
SABER: Agility increase by 100%
LANCER: Evasion increase by 100%
BERSEKER: Physical strength of 200% ; self damage of 200%
REAPER: Magical strength of 200%; self damage of 200%
MEDIC: healing by 100%
COMMANDO: Physical strength increase by 100%
RAVAGER: magical strength increase by 100%
SENTINEL: Physical resistance by 100%
SYNGENERSIST: magic resistance by 100%
SABOTUER: critical physical damage increase by 200%
CASTER: critical magic damage increase by 200%
ARCHER: critical chance increase by 300%
ASSASSIN: K/O chance of 50%; random roll.
SABER: Agility increase by 100%
LANCER: Evasion increase by 100%
BERSEKER: Physical strength of 200% ; self damage of 200%
REAPER: Magical strength of 200%; self damage of 200%
O V E R D R I V E.
The final attack achieved by the SOLDIER when at their final strength, this will usually drain the SOLDIER to the point of death. Caution is highly suggested. This adheres to the Aeon’s attributes and colours, keep that in mind.
[sup]“ x x x “[/sup]
[sup]Age. | Date of Birth: date, month. xx / xx | height. | SOLDIER Rank.[/sup]
[rank can be of any choosing: third, second, first, commander.][/center]
[indent][sub]A P P E A R A N C E.[/sub][ hr][/indent][indent][indent]T E X T[/indent][/indent]
[indent][sub]P S Y C H E.[/sub][ hr][/indent][indent][indent]X X X[/indent][/indent]
[indent][sub]B A C K G R O U N D.[/sub][ hr][/indent][indent][indent]T E X T[/indent][/indent]
[indent][sub]R E G A I L I A.[/sub][ hr][/indent][indent][indent]T E X T
[indent][indent][sub]x x x [characteristics, ideals, attributes, etc.] Description of power.[/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[indent][sub]A E O N.[/sub][ hr][/indent][indent][indent][sub]color/color [max of two] and listed attributes.[/sub]
[indent]T E X T[/indent][/indent][/indent]
[indent][sub]C O R E.[/sub][ hr][/indent][indent][indent]
[sup]MEDIC: healing by 100%
COMMANDO: Physical strength increase by 100%
RAVAGER: magical strength increase by 100%
SENTINEL: Physical resistance by 100%
SYNGENERSIST: magic resistance by 100%
SABOTUER: critical physical damage increase by 200%
CASTER: critical magic damage increase by 200%
ARCHER: critical chance increase by 300%
ASSASSIN: K/O chance of 50%; random roll.
SABER: Agility increase by 100%
LANCER: Evasion increase by 100%
BERSEKER: Physical strength of 200% ; self damage of 200%
REAPER: Magical strength of 200%; self damage of 200%[/sup][/indent][/indent]
[indent][sub]O V E R D R I V E.[/sub][ hr][/indent][indent][indent]T E X T[/indent][/indent]