"Tuna? This creature prefers the flesh of it's enemies."
Dexter ♦ 2010 ( 7 ) ♦ Male ♦ Chaotic Neutral
C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:
I want to play an angry space-cat who can interact (sarcastically) with other player characters using his ring's universal translator. I want him to be good, but vicious and violent, murdering threats to his designated sector without mercy. I really want to write a scene where he grooms himself while an enemy is monologuing, to give a general sense of the character.
N O T E S:
Gonna' make the RL corps a bit more "good" in their alignment, so they are protectors, but they're still violent and murderous as hell. Also, I plan to have the ring speak for him, translating his silly cat-noises into words.
Timeline to come.
Timeline to come.
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