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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

Member Seen 1 yr ago

lol oh no @The Fated Fallen, looks like you've been overtaken again.

Anyway, I guess chances are, I will be posting after you.

Looks to me like Jezebeth is getting a lot of 'suitors' right off the bat :D Calanon and potentially Settione (and she would have very different attitudes toward the both of them, chances are, if Settione's getting added to her 'list', since they're two very different people).

Relationship-wise, I can sense that she and Alice are going to be girl friends (not girlfriends, mind you, but hmm... XD), but from what I'm seeing from Alice's CS and her thoughts, feelings and actions so far they might become strained? Too early to tell. It's just as likely that they're going to be BFFs :D Just waiting for a town to appear so they can go window-shopping and buy make-ups and shit.

As for An-Hasst, it's a tricky one, with all those long-drawn prejudice and tension in the background. Could go either way though, for reasons I won't reveal. Roleplaying is fun when it's so unpredictable XD

And Ursaren... From the looks of things, it might seem straightforward, with both him and Jezebeth likely to get what they need, but it's just as likely that something might tear them apart (hyuck hyuck :D). Ah, the sweet smell of drama :).

The rest seem to be grey areas. I wish more limelight would be given to Beren.

Sorry for rambling. Just gotta get these off my chest as I try to make sense of the new group dynamics. I haven't even cover what I think Jezebeth might stir up in the group between the different members.

Anyway, can't wait to see your post, Fated Fallen! :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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lol oh no @The Fated Fallen, looks like you've been overtaken again.

I'm certainly not going to lose sleep over it! Always great posts from @BCTheEntity, but I suppose it's great posts from everyone

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@The Fated Fallen Well, I needed to post anyway, and it seemed like a good plan to start talking to the abnormally-beautiful knight, since Sett hadn't done so already. It'll be funny writing out how he reacts when he learns she's actually a demon, especially if as @Darkraven says he's a potential love interest.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, I needed to post anyway,

Don't worry, I'm happy that you did. Other than how I love reading the stuff in this RP, I've been worried that I'm running out of things to write about . But I guess it's just me being rusty with roleplaying. I've forgotten how roleplays are like neverending springs of writing material.

and it seemed like a good plan to start talking to the abnormally-beautiful knight, since Sett hadn't done so already

lol what an oxymoron isn't it? Abnormally-beautiful. Gotta add it to my list of favourite phrases. Anyway, I'm hoping that she'd be able to go around to every group member before another battle happens. It would make narrative sense - but failing that, I might have to settle for a fast-forward with summaries.

It'll be funny writing out how he reacts when he learns she's actually a demon

I can imagine him being confused over whether to be terrified or in love with her. When Ushael regains enough of her abilities, he might not have a choice though :)

especially if as @Darkraven says he's a potential love interest.

With Jezebeth, every men are potential 'love' interest as long as they're not ugly. She's got her reasons, and it's not just because she's unwittingly a Succubus inside. So... I think that pretty much covers everyone?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

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@Darkraven You are not wrong about any of what you just said. Except his not having a choice, it's entirely plausible that Fineki helps him stay lucid despite Ushael's best efforts. Or he may not. After all, he is very... finicky. Badum...
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

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@Darkraven You are not wrong about any of what you just said. Except his not having a choice, it's entirely plausible that Fineki helps him stay lucid despite Ushael's best efforts. Or he may not. After all, he is very... finicky. Badum...

Hmm I didn't think of that. That would be interesting.

And lol love your joke
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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@Darkraven Merci. And yes, it'll be neat to see if Fineki does in fact help him out in that scenario.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

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Can't help but to feel that I've created 2 characters rather than just one. They're connected though, obviously, in that everything that Jezebeth feels, thinks and does will affect her if and when she becomes Ushael. It's the same with the group dynamics. I don't know what's going to happen when it's revealed that she's a demon.

In the RP this character was born in, it didn't go very well, but mostly because there's no coordination between the roleplayers. They didn't talk to me about it. They just went ahead and killed her the moment she starts changing into a demon. The clique favouring the older member ended her. :( :( T_T T_T ;_; ;_;

That said, I really hope Ushael doesn't become an antagonist working against the group - I'm hoping that one thing would lead to another, and she'd end up becoming a bit of both - Working with the group because she was still Jezebeth in a sense, and because even as a demon she's looking to preserve the world as it is for her own amusement and she's trying her best to be 'good' out of curiosity, fun, habit and genuine interest. She'd probably work against the group because she's still a demon, and would probably be saying and doing things that are morally objectionable - not to mention some people might still not like a demon, even if it was a one-of-a-kind accidentally-partially-good one.

lol as you can see, I'm still not sure about what to do with Jezebeth/Ushael if and when she enters that phase. The good thing is, though, that I think I'll have many months, if not years, to figure it out.

Ugh... Why am I rambling so much today?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

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@Darkraven Sounds like the RP this character was born in was filled with bad roleplayers. I've seen them before, I've been them before. As far as what I'm hoping for, I'm fine with Ushael being an anti-hero-villain sort of person as long as you don't godmod her into doing anything that'd actually affect other characters significantly. (It has to be mentioned: like raping them, which would obviously result in major attitude changes.) Obviously, if they allow you to do that, it's not an issue, but the golden rule is of course no godmodding, and I don't expect you to do so seeing how you've played so far.

In any case, long talks are good. Who said they're not? RPs thrive on communication. I'm certainly enjoying all this chatter we're having.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sounds like the RP this character was born in was filled with bad roleplayers. I've seen them before, I've been them before.

I guess. There were some good roleplayers there though. You know what's the kicker? As much as such people are bad roleplayers, their clique ensures that their RPs last the longest. Feels like a slap in the face if you ask me. The RP Jezebeth is born in is still active by the way, though by now it's chugging on so slowly it might as well be a zombie (like, 1 post every 2 weeks :D)

As far as what I'm hoping for, I'm fine with Ushael being an anti-hero-villain sort of person as long as you don't godmod her into doing anything that'd actually affect other characters significantly.

I definitely won't Godmod. It's in the very code of the roleplayer's guild that I abide by, and I've been here since long before the hack that destroyed the previous iteration of this site.

(It has to be mentioned: like raping them, which would obviously result in major attitude changes.)


Now that you mention that... Thing. You definitely know that Ushael's still going to try to get into everyone's pants, right? I don't think she'd rape them though, she'd just try to seduce them, and if she fails, laugh it off like a good sport, hopefully with the other party laughing with her.

She won't be a horny devil immediately after transformation though. There's probably going to be a long period of readjustment where she'd act like Jezebeth, only in a demon body, and slowly return to her old ways over time. The way I'd set it up, Ushael won't even be able to stand/walk properly without slipping or falling over when she's fresh back to demon form, having been human for so long. So everything else would also needed to be remembered/remastered. This way, it sets up a proper 'level-up' curve - Ushael is POWERFUL as a Succubus, so I think this would balance her out.

Obviously, if they allow you to do that, it's not an issue, but the golden rule is of course no godmodding, and I don't expect you to do so seeing how you've played so far.

Nope, definitely not! I'm definitely going to be talking and coordinating a lot in and out of PM when the time comes.

In any case, long talks are good. Who said they're not? RPs thrive on communication. I'm certainly enjoying all this chatter we're having.

I'm glad we talked too. OOC is so fun - Can't believe I've forgotten that too. Thinking back, yes, it's the lack of communication that ruined things for the RP Jezebeth's character is born in.

God, all those wasted years without roleplaying!!!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

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@Darkraven Yeah, bad RPs going on for extended periods of time sure is a thing, isn't it? Coordination and communication is a good thing, but obviously a lack of communication in some situations can lead to... well, what happened to you. Not that I have any intention of joining said game, or worse, but which RP was that anyway?

As for not godmodding and Ushael getting into people's trousers, sure, that's all well and good. In fairness, Settionne's likely as not to eventually fall for her wiles either way, considering the lack of knowledge about any form of good-aligned demon, let alone Fineki's opinion on such a thing. He'd probably want to try and contact his god about that at some point, just to see how that works out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

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@Darkraven Yeah, bad RPs going on for extended periods of time sure is a thing, isn't it? Coordination and communication is a good thing, but obviously a lack of communication in some situations can lead to... well, what happened to you.

Eh, it's the not the first time lousy things defeat the great filter anyway. Won't be the last. I'm used to it, and as long as I don't bother them, they won't bother me.

Not that I have any intention of joining said game, or worse, but which RP was that anyway?

You mean 'which RP is that anyway?' rigth? It's still alive, albeit barely living. I'm afraid I prefer the past to stay in the past. I brought it up only for educational purposes.

As for not godmodding and Ushael getting into people's trousers, sure, that's all well and good.

There's a lot of ways it could go though. Ushael in her original form is sensible and 'good' enough not to treat her allies like her enemies. She'd only do it if she thought it's for the 'best' or if her friends (who might cease to be friends for better or worse after the deed) 'want' it, not to mention there's some tactical considerations - Does she want to empower herself in expense of an ally? Especially knowing what she's capable of on the battlefield?

All that being said, while she couldn't fornicate without sucking magic and energy, she could hold back and not drain everything. But of course, then there's the fact that Ushael's concept of 'good' is warped at worse and incomplete or misguided at best, so again, it could go any direction.

She could even just 'hunt' around at night for strangers while everyone is asleep at night, if she wants to preserve her relationship with the rest of her group.

I guess that's what you should expect from demons, who are like the embodiment of chaos.

Only way we can know for sure how it'd turn out is if we're there. So everything we're talking about is pretty much just projecting into the future and possibly a bit of planning.

In fairness, Settionne's likely as not to eventually fall for her wiles either way, considering the lack of knowledge about any form of good-aligned demon, let alone Fineki's opinion on such a thing. He'd probably want to try and contact his god about that at some point, just to see how that works out.

That'd be interesting. Would love to see how that plays out.

Ushael won't exactly be good-aligned though. She's a demon, and she's chaotic. The best and most accurate way to describe her is this, I think:

She's a demon who's a little bored of being chaotic evil and derives fun and pleasure from being good to the point of mellowing out and assuming numerous lifetimes as mortal beings such that goodness could come from the demon out of staying true to one of her identities, reliving memories, habit, and as mentioned above, in pursuit of distraction and pleasure, but rarely out of genuine goodness such that she could swing from chaotic evil to lawful good and then back again from time to time.

In summary... Urm... I don't think I can summarise. Hmm... Sensualist-Metamorphic Chaotic Evil with a sprinkling of Good?

EDIT: Sorry, was fixing grammar problems and misspellings. That's just how I am
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

*When you get back to the OOC and it's filled with great conversations*

Sorry for not posting IC yet, I fell asleep all of yesterday, but I will post today!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

Member Seen 1 yr ago

*When you get back to the OOC and it's filled with great conversations*

Sorry for not posting IC yet, I fell asleep all of yesterday, but I will post today!

Hehe... Yeah you and me both, except I was participating. Reminds me of the good ol' days when it was actually good.

Can't wait to see your post.

Anyway, here's how I imagine Jezebeth's armour to be like:

Except there should be a slight bulge around the chest, but not to the point of looking like unrealistic depiction of female armour in fantasy games. Also, Jezebeth's gorget won't cover the lower half of her face, and the urm... Groin region should be full plate. It was form-fitting and custom-made just for her by a rather obsessed blacksmith. The above picture does not show, of course, the various accessories that she would wear - namely, her cloak, partial surcoat and shawl, loincloths, weapons belt with sheathes for her dagger, sword, quiver and crossbow tools.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oooh, gothic

<Snipped quote by The Fated Fallen>
Except there should be a slight bulge around the chest,

Is that what the kids are calling them these days?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Is that what the kids are calling them these days?

Well, the chest area won't be so exaggerated so I can't call them metal boobs... Despite this, urm, accommodation, it'd still be a tight fit for Jezebeth though.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I can't call them metal boobs...

Metal Boobs, my superhero name!

... It needs work
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Do the men in the group then also wear skin-tight armor that allows everyone to see the neutral position of every muscle along their torso however slight it might be ? That would be a pretty freaking show in An-Hasst's case.

Damn. He wears a cloak. And it's not even out of metal but out of some sort of wood. And it's not even plate but scale-bolted-on-leather. I'm so screwed

Wait! We do have a GM around here! And he did, at some point, tell us a weird story about epic lootz! This can only mean that there's still a slight chance of supertight clothing for everyone, including an-harness.

Ohhhh no... I did it again! I mangled my own character's name and made an otherwise perfect sentence ambiguous by doing nothing more than inserting a single hyphen at the correct location!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

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By form-fitting I don't mean skin-tight you know...

EDIT: I just meant it didn't look like this, which was standard fare for high-ranking knights and heroes of fame in the fantasy world:

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Darkraven
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Darkraven Nevermore

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oh, and I wanted to post, even have a post that's nearly ready... But there's a blackout in my area so I can't.

EDIT: Oh hey, what do you know! Let there be light!

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