Character Reimagined: General Dru-Zod
Secret ID: King Dru-Zod I "The Conqueror" of Rann
Age: 102
Powers: Kryptonian physiology grants him:
-Superior strength
-Heat Vision
-Weakened resistance to all forms of damage
-Freezing breath
-Weakened super-speed
His Phantom Gauntlets grant him:
-Power over the Phantom Zone and all its inhabitants.
-Object summoning.
Weaknesses: -Reliance on the Phantom Zone has sapped his natural resistance, meaning he is much more easily damaged than other Kryptonians.
-Overuse of the Phantom Gauntlets is fatal, even to a Kryptonian.
-Normal Kryptonian weakness to Kryptonite.
-Loses power under a red sun.
-Advanced age due to Phantom Gauntlet use.
-Addiction to the use of the Phantom Gauntlets
Personality: Though once arrogant and narcissistic, Zod has mellowed considerably over the course of his kingship, becoming less of a tyrannical braggart and more like a lazy dictator. Still arrogant and with a narcissistic streak, Zod believes in his superiority over all others but secretly doubts his own ability due to his aging body and addiction to the Phantom Gauntlets. As a king, he is well known for his quick and brutal enforcement of justice, but he is also known as a hero to the Rannite people, something that amuses Zod more than he'd like to admit. Zod has began to warm to his people, and sees them as his charge, as such, he will protect them with his life.

BRIEF Bio: Dru-Zod was the son of Kyptonian scientists. As a youth he discovered his father was a brutal serial killer, abducting young men and murdering them after brutal torture. Enraged not by the fates of his father's victims, but by his father's malicious mis-use of his power, Zod killed his father and hid his corpse.
As he grew, he became acquainted with Jor-El, scientist of renown and heavily connected to the military high command through his research and development of weaponry. With heavy recommendation from Jor-El, Zod rose through the Kryptonian army, eventually becoming high commander and general of all Kryptonian forces. Zod, however, began to fear a neighboring race known as the Char, as the military's highest authority, he quickly forged a declaration of war and marched on the Char home-world. Despite their victory, Zod's army was devastated.
Feeling no regret for his actions, Zod argued intensely when accused of treason, eventually he was found guilty, but Jor-El cried for mercy, allowing Zod the chance to escape. Spending years wandering through space, Zod discovered the Phantom Gauntlets, former Kryptonian weapons thrown to space due to the dangers they posed on the user. Taking them, Zod felt emboldened, and his desire for power became all consuming. Zod, frothing at the prospect of being a king, entered the nearest planet and conquered it singlehandedly. As the years go by, Zod becomes more and more mellow, recalling Jor-El's showing of compassion that saved his life, and resolving to use his immense power for the good of his people. Discovering a Kryptonian living on Earth, Zod traveled there with his Rannite entourage, aiming to find himself a successor.
Notes: The main point of divergence in this Zod's story is his murder of his father, not adopted by the house of El due to his mother surviving, he lacked the resentment towards Jor-El that he had in our timeline, allowing him to discover compassion and escape Krypton without being in a bottle.