Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

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Kyle picked up his own oar. He faced the other side of the lake the way his partner. He had never done anything like this. He tried to move his oar the way the counselors had showed him. He hoped that they could get to the other side. "I'm ready."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 11 hrs ago


*James chuckles softly at her expression, he had to admit she looked cute when she did this. But he would smile after her asking her question, did she not believe him? Or maybe it was because of what happened today* "Ya, I mean it all. Even with what happened today Cecilia... we all get scared, but it's what makes us who we are and what makes us human... I mean even I'm scared... don't worry about all the bad, look at all the good that happened today. I mean look at me? I met nice people and a girl that helped me break my shell, that is a sweetheart, that is considerate of others, that I find rather-" *Stopping himself for a moment as he thinks, blushing softly. He didn't wanna say what he was about to say. But soon sighing as he looks to the side, now he was making a bad look to himself. Sighing as he looks back at her, shifting in his spot* "Well... I think you are wonderful anyway, and if you weren't someone that Helena or Edmond or anyone liked. Do you think they wouldn't have come back and try to ask for forgiveness? Seems to me that people here like you for you." *Ending with that, smiling as he sees Neric off to the side. His eyes going for him for a moment before looking back at Cecilia, he was curious if he went too far or what. Wondering how she will act towards all of this*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

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Cecilia was at a loss for words for a few seconds, her blush persisting as she looked up at James after he had finished. She could feel her pulse quicken against her vest, her hand still against it. "James... Th-thank you... I-I was scared back there, but... what I was really afraid of was the thought that I let everyone down, especially you because..." she hesitated, shyly looking down. This was nearing what she was intending to say to him back when she saw him waiting by the cabin previously. She could never get the words right in her head and there was a chance she wouldn't fair any better now. But she resumed anyway, regaining eye contact with him and making sure to breathe in. "Ever since I've gotten to know you and especially after spending time with you, I've wanted to be the kind of person you could rely on. I was scared even before I came to this camp. It just took the accident for me to realize how much I truly was. But you were always there. You introduced me to Neric and were there for me ever since... I mean what I said, now more than ever. You two are just so amazing... and I... I want to be there for you, James," she spoke genuinely, smiling more freely after saying what she wanted to, almost everything anyway. She managed to maintained her composure too, which was always a plus. She looked over the side again, anxious over what James would say.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 11 hrs ago


*James would blush softly still, looking away shyly and momentarily as he thought on his words carefully. But she could tell his words warmed his heart, looking back at her as he spoke* "Thank you Cecilia, that means alot to me. There are times I'll fail but I can try and be a person that's there for you and everyone else. I mean you did something me and Neric weren't expecting, you accepted us for who and what we were. And that was something I'll be happy about, something good in my life and it's just getting better. So really I should be thanking you." *James would say as his eyes linger on her before looking back, thinking on if they spent enough time lingering in the same place or not. Not wanting Cecilia or him getting in trouble, he would pick up his oar and smile at her with a question coming forth* "I think we had a very nice break, but before we continue... you said we maybe could have a time for stargazing or such. I'm curious if that is still a thing you wanted to do?" *Showing that he didn't just want to head back, rather wanting her to know he wanted to spend more time with her if she wanted. But of course with how he said it, it was completely her choice*
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

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His words were touching and it showed to a large extent on her face how much she valued his sentiments. She felt like she could sit in that canoe with him for hours. But she had to admit to herself that it just wouldn't be right of them to idle anymore than they already had. "Stargazing, you're right..." She would think intently on his question. It wasn't so much that she forgot as much as it was that she had gotten the impression that something like that may not even be permitted. "I remember and I'd love to still go stargazing with you..." she started blithely before sounding less confident as she continued. "... But I'm unsure if we'll be allowed. The counselors mentioned before that we can't even go to each others cabins and especially not without their supervision." James could likely tell that she had really looked forward to it and the possibility that it may not happen clearly wasn't something she enjoyed contemplating. She wanted to hear what James had to say, but ultimately would be happy with whatever they ended up doing together.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Valencia lowers her oar in the water on her left. "Yes, I'm ready" she replayed to Max. Then she started to paddle at the same time as Max started. The boat began to wiggle a little bit. Valencia tried her best to keep the boat in a straight line. It was pretty hard to get the boat to move in the beginning. Then they took off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 27 days ago

@Vampy"so we just have to get to the other side and back right?" max said as he got some water in his hand. He splashed Valencia a little bit. Max laugh slightly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SoulEater
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SoulEater Faith. Hope. Love. Repeat.

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Edmond took her hand and stood up shakily. He quickly sat down making the canoe move a bit, making his back straton instantly. His hands flew to the sides of him as to make the canoe stop moving, but it was no use. It swayed a bit but the reason it was above water still sent him on the edge. Edmond was caught off guard with his thoughts of falling in. He shook his head and focused on Helena instead of the water threatening to consume him. She had handed him a...big spoon which he didn't even realize until now. He was clutching it so hard his knuckles started to turn white. He nodded to her as he asked, "W-Whats with t-the b-big spoons...?" They just ate, so maybe she was thirsty.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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"Big spoons?" Helena chuckled, "These are oars, you use them to get across the water like this." She had only seen it in television before, but it seemed simple enough. Her left hand was on top of the oar while her right held about the middle. She dipped it into the water on her right side and pushed the water backwards, making them drift forward. "Then you just switch it around..." she muttered, trying to focus on the movement. As she lifted the oar out of the water, she reversed her hand positions and dunked the oar into the water on her left side, repeating the process. "See? Now we're going forward. It's not straight, but we can get across." Edmond's nervousness was almost insane. He was so scared holding the oar, his knuckles were whiter than a ghost! "Hey, Ed, if you don't want to do this, we don't have to," Helena said before they went too far.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 11 hrs ago


"Right... ya you're right. Well we can always ask if there is an activity like that we could do? They did say to ask them if there was something we wanted to do here at the camp?" *James would say with a smile, looking at her before turning around in his seat and getting his oar ready. Mostly he wanted her to take in that idea and think on it, maybe if they asked permission it can be something. Even if some are looking through a telescope, though he would start to doubt that idea. Would many people at the camp like that idea? Would it be something they would enjoy? Well he would nod and look back ahead as he would try and turn them around with Cecilia's help. It was worth a shot, better to try then to do nothing as far as he thinks*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

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Cecilia nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I guess we can do that." It was a reasonable suggestion and well worth her consideration as she readied her oar, setting it down on the same side of the canoe that James set his down, their combined paddling turning their vessel around and facing the way they came. With James at the front, Cecilia again began to harmonize her rows with his, finding it a little easier than when they started. As the motions became more natural to her, her mind wandered. Stargazing was something she herself enjoyed, but she knew it probably wasn't everyone's idea of fun. Cecilia could just hear the counselors shoot the idea down in unison. If it wasn't for James, she would very likely just let it go. She smiled warmly, supposing it's just another way he's making her time here all the more special.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoulEater
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SoulEater Faith. Hope. Love. Repeat.

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Helena explains that the big spoons were oars and they moved the canoe forward. He watched her dip each side of the oar into the water making the canoe drifted farther from the shore. Edmond then loosens his grip on the oar and dips one side in the water to skim the surfes. He looks to the water and says with a weary smile, "Well this seems... Safe. Sorta." Edmond then looks to Helena as she says it's ok if they get of. Edmond shakes his head from side to side. "No let's just continue. I don't what to be the reason you don't have fun." Edmond smiles with his face being to show color. Edmond then uses the oar to move the canoe so his back is facing the shore. He shivers and holds the oar tightly again remembering the water as it lapped at the side of the canoe. He then quickly looks to Helena to distract himself as he says, "I'll peddle first and if you want to switch just ask."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 11 hrs ago


*James would smile as they continued through the water, curious if anyone else caught up to them or not. Though he would spot Neric off to the side a bit, the black fin still sailing through the water as he chuckles* "Scared anyone else besides me yet Neric?" *Him watching the fin continuing on it's way, as he shakes his head. Though Neric being quiet right now is kinda weird to even him, usually if he asks something to Void replies unless it's something important. Him watching the Void a bit as he starts swimming around their canoe, watching carefully at the Void*

*The Void didn't respond right away, but once it gets close enough it would barrel out of the water. Apparently Neric never took the form of a shark at all, he was a dolphin. Jumping out of the water with a spin before landing back in the water, but not before the Void would splash James and Cecilia with some water. Laughing as James rubs his face, looking at the Void with a joking glare* "Dang Neric, why did you do that?" *The Void still not responding as it swims away, James sighs softly as he watches. Looking at the rest of the campers in their canoes before continue to paddle in his* "You ok Cecilia?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

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Just when Valencia wanted to answer Max's question a little splash of water came in her zip-hoodie. "Aahh, that's cold." and she looked over her shoulder and gave a little splash back at Max. "And yes, we have to go to the other side." Valencia smiled as she saw Max's reaction and continued to paddle. It became more easy the longer she tried. steering the boat was a hole other story, she had to react fast enough to keep it going straight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 27 days ago

@Vampy"i think to steer we need to paddle the same direction " max said still chuckling. He was having fun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vampy
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Vampy The Lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Valencia thought at the suggestion that Max made. "Won't the boat turn to hard then? We just need tiny corrections now." Valencia was getting the hang of it and her smile became bigger. They were almost there. The arms of her hoodie are wet from the paddling and the splashing water.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

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It was not too surprising that Cecilia couldn't tell the difference between a shark's fin and a dolphin's fin. However, she didn't have time to reflect on this new bit of experience, as Neric then splashed both her and James with water. Thoroughly shocked, she rose her arms along with the shaft of her paddle in a knee-jerk attempt at blocking the oncoming water, unsurprisingly unsuccessful as she was splashed, partially soaked. As she had suspected, the lake water was profoundly cold and she could feel it all the way through her clothes, the wind being knocked out of her so to speak. She gasped, her hands subconsciously and hurriedly over her upper arms. A split second later, she remembered her oar, which had started to drop into the lake. She outstretch her hand to reclaim it, grabbing hold of it just before it went beyond her reach, the boat rocking considerably before settling. Cecilia gripped her paddle close to her chest and tighter than ever, her heart racing. "I think so..." she ended up saying in a small, trembling voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 11 hrs ago


*James would turn around to look at Cecilia, biting his lip as he looked at himself. He was wet all over too and he was cold. Though his jacket was soaked, it is staying fairly warm besides that. He would sigh softly, putting his oar to the side as he takes it off. He'll have to tell Neric off for this, and hopefully Cecilia will do the same* "Hey I'm really sorry, I'll tell him off after this and tell him not to do it again... ummm, my jacket still feels warm even after... here..." *Carefully getting up, now the air feels cold without it on. But due to Neric and him wanting to be a gentleman, he would carefully walk over to Cecilia. Wrapping the jacket around her carefully as he sighs* "I'm... really, really sorry..." *The look on his face said he ment it, they were having a good time and now Neric had to go and do that. Even if it was an accident he could have did the trick further away, and he felt guilt for it*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

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"Hey, don't worry about me not having fun," Helena said as they paddled out farther, "I'll have fun anywhere, so don't worry." She paddled, enjoying being above the water. Many people had no access to water activities like this, so she felt extremely fortunate. Looking back at Edmond, his face was still anxious, but there was nothing much Helena could do to help. His suggestion at switching paddling, Helena said, "Well, usually you paddle at the same time, for better control and speed, so maybe we need to find a better rhythm?" She took her oar out of the water and continued, "You paddle and I'll join once you get a rhythm, okay?" They were about halfway out in the lake, a good chunk of their water journey already over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mangrale
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Mangrale Star-Craving Mad

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Cecilia nodded feebly, relieved for the moment that she didn't tip the whole boat over just then. She wasn't outright angry with Neric, but she would have honestly preferred it if she was wearing her swimsuit at the moment. "Oh? J-James, what are...? Y-You don't have to do that...!" she insisted skittishly in a softer voice as he came close to her, her cheeks flushed as his jacket came over her shoulders. He was right, it did feel surprisingly warm, the warmth growing by the second. She let out a faint whine, not very happy that she was holding them up some more. At the same time, she tugged the ends of his jacket together over her vest, her oar secured on her lap. It was still very sweet of James to do this, a meager smile growing on her face. "It's alright... Thanks James," she meekly said. "Um... I think I'm ready to keep going..."
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