Waves of subtle warmth blanketed the humble town as the sun rose to its throne amongst the sparse clouds in the early morning sky. A chill loomed on the breeze as the coldness of morning slowly dissipated. It was the makings of a beautiful mid October day. Bells chimed loudly, echoing across the bustling campus of a local school house, signalling the end of breakfast period. A stampede of chattering students and the heavy patter of footsteps filled the halls and classrooms. Suddenly the somewhat distorted voice of the vice principal rang out over the intercoms as she cleared her throat to speak. "Attention students and staff! If your class was selected for the trip to Lake Ebott, please meet with your class at the rear of the campus. Buses will be waiting to load everyone. Do not board without your teacher! The selected classes will be--" The announcement went on, vaguely overshadowed by the dull roar of children across the school. Most everyone had known who was and wasn't going for a couple weeks now. Anyone who didn't either wasn't going anyway, or would soon find themselves in an empty classroom.
The rear exit of the school was made up of a wide driveway which merged into the staff parking lot, with the main path leading past the track and field into one of the bigger playgrounds. It had been about ten minutes before the playgrounds and cafeterias were clear, and a large horde of children had assembled at the rear exit gate. Just as promised, several long, bright yellow school buses lined the curve just outside the padlocked fence and continued around the corner. This was a large school and the rosters were big. Even though only a few classes made the list, there were still very many heads to account for. Many students wandered about, slowly being corralled into formation by the handful of somewhat stressed adults.
"We're gonna to need bigger buses..." Spoke a slender middle aged woman standing on the sidewalk just outside of the fence as she passed an anxious gaze over what was practically a small army. "There's about thirty to forty children per class here. Maybe thirty-somthin odd seats per bus at best. How were we supposed to fit them in these?" She asked, pulling a few loose strands of auburn hair that escaped her ponytail behind an ear. But her question went expectantly unanswered as, aside from the crowd of kids, it was only her standing there. Still, she reassured herself, straightening her blue, button down blouse, tucking a stray corner into her black, snug fitting slacks, and stepped toward the chain and padlock that held back the flood of excited children. Tightly gripping a clipboard in one hand and a ring of keys in the other, She took a deep breath before reaching for the lock...
Mr.Connors and his geology class seemed somewhat out of place here. No, it wasn't that he dressed himself like he was half asleep most of the time, or that his hair could be mistaken for a grayish brown birds nest. Rather, most of the classes going to Lake Ebott were gradeschool range. But his was the only middleschool class that even bothered signing up for the trip. Pushing a pair of thin glasses up on his nose, Connors almost felt embarrassed, looking out at how his students towered over most of the rest. He couldn't help but think back to how excited he was when he first heard about this trip. Mount Ebott has always been fascinating to him, being a sleeping volcano and all. He's always wanted to go with the idea of getting some interesting minerals or stones for his lectures. He only found out at the last minute that this was actually just a glorified picnic to the lake next door to it. Or at least that's how he felt about it. But this didn't get him down too much. The school year was coming to a close soon anyway so it's not like anyone's really missing out on anything that they can't be taught another day. With that in mind, let out a sign and accepted the situation. "Okay kids...I guess it's time for role call...Malcom?..."
A loud rattling screech hissed out of the metal gate as the small woman slowly pushed it aside, leaving a space just big enough to fit herself through. Standing amongst the crowd now, she pulled up a whistle that dangled from a string around her neck and took a deep breath. The piercing sound of the woman's whistle cut through the uproar, bringing a temporary quiet to the mass. "Alright everyone, we're about to start loading. Make sure you stay with your teacher and classmates at all times." She biefly looked down at the notes on her clipboard. "A few of you may be assigned to ride with the smaller middle school class due to space issues. Your teacher will let you know who you are so please do not ask to be moved. Now, the following classes are assigned to the following bus numbers, so listen closely..."
