Character Reimagined: Starfire
Secret ID: None (Will choose the name "Coriander" after she gets to eat kitchen spices and decides it's her favorite.)
Age: 3 months (appears 21)
Radiation Metabolism: Her cells can metabolize a wide variety of radiation.
Neutron Radiation: Grows carbon nanotubes throughout her tissue, making her more resilient.
Alpha radiation: Grows graphite along her nervous system and neurons, giving her enhanced reflexes and intelligence, and allowing energy to more easily flow through her body.
Beta radiation: Causes hyper-dense muscle growth and temporarily increases her healing rate and metabolism. Too much at once will make her hyperactive.
Photonic: Stored as an energy-dense complex carbohydrate which her cells can metabolize. Absorption rate must build up to higher levels, so sudden bursts (like laser weapons) will only be partially absorbed.
Plasma manipulation: Can create and manipulate plasmas. She uses this to attack and fly.
Weaknesses: Cold temperatures weaken her. Certain types of exotic radiation, such as that produced by the substance known as "Kryptonite", can't be properly metabolized, and act as a poison. Due to the fact that she was supposed to be controlled by a handler, she is weak to mind control and telepathy. A lack of understanding of human culture makes her easy to manipulate.
Personality: Oblivious. While she has considerable knowledge of HOW to do things, she doesn't understand WHEN or WHY to do many things, nor does she understand human taboos, morality, or culture beyond legal codes.

Currently has no hair or clothes, as it was burned off by the sun.
BRIEF Bio: As soon as he took office Lex Luthor ordered Star Labs, a private thinktank and science facility, to create a Superhuman agent for the military that can challenge Superman or other aliens if they need to. He even saw to it that they were given samples of DNA from various alien races.
After creating a viable embryo in the lab using meta-human and alien DNA, it was transferred to their Solar-orbital anti-matter collection facility inside Mercury's orbit, where it could absorb the radiation it needed in it's sun-side tank. After a month of development, when the clone was developmentally four or five years old, they placed implants within its brain so that they could control it if it awakened, and feed it data as it slept. They gave her technical knowledge of fighting techniques, strategy, weapons, vehicles, and taught her every earth language, as well as a few alien ones.
Before the project was finished, however, a massive solar flare knocked out all electronics on the station, including her life support and implants. With the containment on the anti-matter pods failing and them being unable to manually dump it, the scientists fled the station, assuming her to be dead.
The station exploded, but she was able to survive, unconscious, in orbit of the sun where she continued to develop for several weeks. Eventually, however, she regained consciousness and used her powers to fly to Earth, intent on performing her duty of stopping the enemies of the United States.
Notes: The scientists were able to grow a proper clone at another solar-orbital facility, and named it "Commander" Blackfire, as it was created for the military. Whether it was brought out of stasis or not is unknown at this time.