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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Bleu Flacon

Bleu Flacon

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ParagonX
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ParagonX The Plug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Jace Williams

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Nomadic or sedentary: Nomadic

Weapons: A Blade he keeps on a hilt on his back, and a sharp six inch knife.

Skills: Jace is extremely proficient at hand to hand combat. He's been fighting all his life and has formal training due to his service in the U.S Military. He's also handy with bladed weaponry and firearms although he hasn't been able to get his hands on those in a while. He has a severe tolerance for pain and has taken many beatings in his life. He is very well read, and capable of reading at a fast paced while retaining some information.

Any unusual traits?: Jace is not exactly a regular person anymore. He's been granted enhanced strength and durability as a result of some strange mutation. As a side effect he suffers severe head-aches from time to time, has a vastly increased appetite for just about everything, seems to be loosing intelligence every day and for some reason gets along very well with violent animals.


Brief Personality: Jace is a very aggressive violent man with a love for violence. He enjoys hurting other people, and getting into altercations. He's easily angered, and is always ready to get into it with someone else. He is always focused on the present, and barely stops to dwell on the past. He's concerned for his own self preservation but to that extent he will also feel similar about whoever he is currently allied with believing in strength in numbers despite his rage. He thinks morals are for the weak, and believes eveything is for the taking whether it's food, resources, or other pleasures. He enjoys using other people as he pleases, and thrives off being a savage.

Background: He was born and raised in a military family. He had a couple brothers, and one sister, and his parents all wanted them to either work for the Military or some form of the Government. Most of his family fell in line but Jace was the problem child. He was always getting in trouble growing up and getting into fights. By the time he was in middle school he was smoking cigarettes and smoking marijuana. He ended up getting involved with selling drugs to support his habit, and experimented with some harder drugs until he was arrested and sent to juvie. After getting out he was even more ostracized by his family, and barely managed to graduate high school. His parents kicked him out, and he ended up working a fast food job but quickly got into selling drugs again to get money. Not wanting to fall into the same trap as others he knew he ended up doing as his family wanted and joining the military where he excelled. He was noted for his brutality, and ended up going into World War 3 where he committed numerous of acts of violence during the war. After the world went to shit he mostly went from place to place struggling to survive, and doing whatever it took to survive never staying one place long until he ran into the Hunters and finally felt like he fell into a group of people whom he could truly relate to and who thought very similar to him. Currently he's on his way to the New York Area to see if he can secure some more food, or some people..same thing..to him after fire there basically edible.

Alone or with someone?: Alone(Unless someone else wants to be with him

Other: Jace suffers from nightmares every night, but rarely declines to talk about them, and the reason he avoids getting close to people is he dearly misses his family which is probably one of only remnants of him that's truly human.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sanctus Spooki
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Sanctus Spooki Savage-Senpai

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Aaron

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Nomadic or sedentary: Nomadic

A DRD Paratus semi-automatic rifle, complete with scope and bipod attachments. A metal baseball bat, well-worn. Always carries a molotov cocktail, and can produce more if he has the necessary supplies.
Skills: basic engineering, Chemistry, and trap design. Fairly skilled shot, but mostly untrained in melee. Knows the city quite well, and can move more quietly than most.

Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?:
Aaron's entire skin is pale and splotchy. It's highly sensitive to sunlight and pressure, and the top layer peels often. For this reason Aaron usually wears clothing that covers as much skin as possible. He can see better than humans in the dark but is nearly blind during the day, comparable to an owl. His hearing is far better than normal, allowing him to easily hear people moving even from a distance, and even track people by their heartbeat. His teeth are misshapen and sharp, making it difficult for him to speak without cutting his lips, and causing him discomfort when eating. His nose is flattened and broken, although this is a result of repeat injury rather than mutation. And unfortunate element of the mutation is the corruption of his lungs, which reduces his stamina and makes him prone to wheezing. It also means his breath can rattle if he isn't careful, and he can have coughing fits.

A figure wearing a gas mask, as well as thick leather and cloth coverings, usually coloured black or grey. Almost no skin is visible. He's of slightly above average height but usually moves in a crouched, hunched stance, rarely standing at full height. Were his face visible it would be a frightening sight indeed, with grey peeling skin pulled back to reveal hollow black eyes, thin lips barely covering long and oddly angled fangs. His hair is black, often meticulously cut and washed, so far as the apocalypse allows. His broken nose and habit of short, twitchy movements does nothing to humanise this monstrous appearance.

Brief Personality:
Aaron is incredibly shy about his mutations, and therefore often avoids human contact. He tells himself he prefers this state of isolation, but in truth he's a very socially oriented person, and craves attention. Sometimes he'll sneak into compounds just so he can listen to other people's conversations. He feels like he isn't 'proper' anymore. He's sad and on the whole not very violent, although he is prone to violent outbursts when angered (a difficult feat to achieve). Aaron quite likes animals, and likes reading, often scavenging the books that others leave behind. He's also a big fan of decoration, often using flowers, and tries (usually in vain) to keep his temporary lodgings clean.

Background(Please reveal your current location):
A soldier for most of his life, Aaron was expelled from the group he had been living with when his mutations became more apparent. These people believed that such mutations were infectious, and none wanted to end up looking like Aaron. This was when he became a Nomad, wandering the world in solitude. Most recently he's found himself in New York, where he's stayed for a while, although moving from area to area. The sheer size of the city means there are areas that haven't been scavenged yet. Often camps that ran afoul of the wildlife that pushes ever deeper into the city.

Alone or with someone?: Alone
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 27 min ago

Amelia Averyonna



Nomadic or sedentary:

Amelia doesn't really know how to fight and she's usually kept unarmed for security reasons.

Though not skilled in combat, Amelia has some knowledge of nature and how to get the most out of it. She is adept at finding food in the wild and growing plants, if she is given the supplies. She does have some knowledge in marksmanship, but it is limited and she's never been able to put it to use.

Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: None yet.

Amelia is an albino, resulting in her having extreme pale, practically white, skin and hair as well as dark red eyes. Her condition is often mistaken as a mutation, but one that gives her a kind of ephemeral beauty. Her skin is flawless, with no blemishes to speak of other then whatever dirt might get on it. Her hair is kept straight and short, reaching her shoulders in the front and growing progressively shorter, to the point of only reaching half way down her neck in the back.

Amelia wears whatever the Wolves provide her, though she has a preference for t-shirts and jeans, though she has no problems with wearing dresses. Her preferred colors are white, as she finds it doesn't contract to harshly with her skin, and blue, as she feels it has a calming effect on her. She doesn't bother with accessories or make-up, finding little point in such trivial things.

Amelia is short for her age, standing at a just under five feet and is a little underweight, giving her a fragile appearance.

Brief Personality: In front of the Wolves, Amelia is forced to wear a mask and act tough but subservient. She does as she's told but can display a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, usually in the form of making fun of the Wolves mistakes or their personalities, though she knows which ones to avoid making fun of and will avoid doing so. She rarely cries or complains, no matter what the task she's given is and will work at the task until it is completed, with some exceptions.

Underneath this mask though, is a young, caring, strong-willed, and passionate girl, who values life and nature. She burdens herself with the task of surviving through her ordeal in the memory of her parents and those who the Wolves kill while she is with them. Despite the monsters they tend to be, Amelia looks for the good in each Wolf and tries to get them to realize that bit of good in them, however small it may be.

Background(Please reveal your current location):
Amelia grew up with her parents alone on the remote farm. Having never known the world before the nuclear apocalypse, Amelia grew up knowing the desolate, harsh lands, but also the potential in them. Her father and grandfather, both former scientists, managed to work out a way to grow a stable food supply and used this knowledge to keep their family fed while fending off the local, hostile wildlife. As such, she grew up in relative peace, not knowing the ugly side of humanity.

That all changed when the Wolves came across her families farm a few months back. While her parents tried peaceful negotiations, all that it ended in was bloodshed and her parents deaths. Her grandfather was also killed after hiding the young preteen and, despite his best efforts, Amelia was found due to how thorough the Wolves where in scavenging for resources. As they debated on whether to kill her or not, Amelia made a desperate plea for her life, offering her services in whatever form they wanted, short of murder, in exchange for letting her live. The plea works and she has been traveling with them since, more or less of her own free-will.

Alone or with someone?:
the Wolves

Due to how sensitive her skin is, Amelia always carries an umbrella around with her during the daylight hours.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Saint Girralo

Saint Girralo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Sarah (It's all she remembers)

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Nomadic or sedentary: Sedentary

Weapons: A crudely made, but sturdy 3' long sword and a crudely made Warhammer.

Skills: Farming

Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: She a giantess, compared to the average person, so yes that shows. Her intelligence has also stagnated in most places between 7yrs old and 12 years old.

Appearance: Standing at 9'8" tall Sarah is the tallest person she and everyone she has met is aware of. She has shoulder length brunette hair generally worn down or pulled back into a ponytail. She has vibrant emerald eyes with a golden starburst pattern at the centre. Her skin is rather fair considering the amount of time she spends outside. This is roughly what she looks like.

Brief Personality: A part of the mutations Sarah has suffered from has stagnated her ability to learn, meaning she in many situations has the intellect and emotions of a child, but still she understands her actual age. Due to this condition she often has trouble finding words or communicating effectively, which leads to an unusual tendency to communicate via crudely drawn images in crayon often accompanied by a few simple words. She is generally a very peaceful and calm woman, but often pouts and gets irritated by people who take notice of her height and intellect. The only time she is outwardly angry and physically violent is when someone threatens or tries to attack her or those she considers friends.

Background: Sarah spent her early years on the farm with her family before the Fall. After the bombs fell, they were lucky to survive as well as they did. They were in an area that wasn't directly impacted. Instead it was the fallout and the nuclear winter that affected them most. The crops were harvested quickly to avoid the worst of the radiation, but it wasn't enough. Eventually her parents got sick, and she started taking over jobs on the farm to cover the work her parents weren't able to. Small Raider groups began striking the farm in small groups, which her father managed to drive off or get them to a safe hiding spot. In time her parents got worse and worse, but it also appeared that the radiation had an effect on her as she continued to grow taller. When her parents passed away she was 16 and over six foot eight tall, and she gathered what she could and began looking for safer ground to work. As she traveled she would set up a couple of temporary farms and would harvest quickly and move on before raiders would catch up with her. When she turned twenty one, she was over nine feet tall and was finely tuned to the craft she grew up with, but other parts of her education were sorely lacking. Which was only made worse by the radiation exposure. Eventually she ended up settling down about a quarter mile from a town and began building her farm. She slowly incorporated herself into the town by selling the excess crops that were safe for consumption.
Alone or with someone?: Alone, despite being so close a town she generally sticks to herself unless she is shopping or selling crops.
Other: She keeps a few tame mutant cattle on her farm.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SkankingDevil
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SkankingDevil "Vivir es devorar tiempo" / - Antonio Machado

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Don Matthews
Age: Late 20's
Gender: Male

Nomadic or Sedentary: Nomadic

Weapons: Carries a roughly sharpened machete on his back, and a well worn 9mm pistol on his hip.

Skills: Business minded individual, skilled in the soft arts of persuasion, mechanics, close quarter combat, and of course general wasteland survival.

Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: What's really unusual about Don, is how healthy he seems! Well fed, strong, brimming with energy- not something you see a lot of these days.

Appearance: Don Matthews is a man of medium build, and average height. In a crowd, he blends. There is an energy about him though. His bright brown eyes and white teeth seem so out of place, as if the War passed him over when death came to town. His shoulder length hair shines healthily, soft to the touch. Don's wardrobe is about function, and he can usually be found wearing a pair of tough denim pants, sturdy hiking boots, white long sleeve cotton under layer, with a leather vest and heavy overcoat to boot.

Brief Personality: Don plays well with others. Until he doesn't. He'll twist your words, break your arm, then take your last tobacco cigarette. Don tells himself he takes no pleasure in what he does. Tells himself he does what it takes to survive. But that sense of pride? Knowing that he is capable of doing what others wouldn't? What others couldn't? It's that sense of accomplishment that sends him off to sleep with a smile. Despite his imperfect nature, Don is a cheerful fellow who doesn't take life too seriously. "This life is short, brutal, and cold. Why waste energy worrying about it?"

Background: Don Matthews was around nine years old when the War broke out. For the better part of his life, he had been traveling from place to place with his family and other nomads. At 19, Don was exiled from his tribe, for reasons to this day he has remained silent about. Armed with a rudimentary knowledge of machines from his mechanics apprenticeship, Don Matthews headed out into the world, desperate and alone. Don survived with his wit, lying, cheating, doing whatever he could to get the upper hand. Along the way, Don met Eddie Donahue, who coincidentally was running scam of his own at the time. After repeated mishaps and run ins with each other, the two agreed to work together for mutual benefit, resulting in a decade long partnership. They travel the country, sometimes stealing, seldom helping, and always leaving their mark.
Current location: Sizing up the town
Alone or with someone?: Eddie Donahue
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Lawrence Nightguard
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Nomadic or sedentary: Conditional
Weapons: A set of spiked knuckles and a heavy crossbow
Skills: Tracking, Brawling and Scavenging
Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: Lawrence has thick, rock-like callouses across the arms and legs. Her body runs hotter than normal, she appears to have stopped aging, and she's much stronger than she used to be. However, she expends energy much faster than normal, and she has to sleep 12 hours a day and eat much more to keep herself healthy.
Brief Personality: Lawrence spends most of her time helping coordinate the Town Guard. She's dedicated to the path she's set out for herself, and will forge onward regardless of anyone else's opinion. On a personal level, she takes no nonsense, seems to have no sense of humor, and expects everyone around her to share her dedication to others.
Background: Lawrence was a Marine in the US Army before the bombs fell, though she was on leave when the actual event happened. This put her both close to the blast zones and in a first responder capacity to find survivors. Exposed to so much of the radiation, it didn't take her long to fall ill and begin to mutate. She recovered from her illness quickly, even though every doctor still working told her it would be the end of her life, and after seeing the devastation war had brought to the planet, she swore to herself never to allow anything like this to happen again. It took a long time, but eventually she had gathered like-minded people to her cause and set up a home base in the Statue of Liberty. Since then she's slowly built her power base in New York, and a settlement has formed at the foot of the Statue under her protection.
Alone or with someone?: Always with the Guard
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rockin Strings
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Rockin Strings Mechanically intelligent, musically inclined.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Maxwell Kilimal
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nomadic or sedentary: Nomadic
Weapons: Rifle, sword, spiked gloves.
Skills: Inventing, crafting, general idea making, strategist, endurance.
Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: Enhanced Intelligence. Not shown physically.
Appearance: At 5'8", Max is not a big guy. He has a slim build and very little muscle compared to most people. He has short, light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He is usually seen wearing a celtic knot t-shirt and a pair of ratty jeans, often with black shoes or brown boots.
Brief Personality: He loves to learn and build. He is usually found creating something new or drawing plans for his next invention.
Background: Max lives alone in the middle of a small, abandoned city, in a large apartment building. Throughout the building are a myriad of traps and tripwires to prevent the bandits from getting too close. For the most part, he has been growing in intelligence, creating more elaborate and creative traps, each one more deadly than the last. The only free way in at this point is through the roof.
Alone or with someone?: Currently alone.
Other: likes to train with his sword and rifle despite knowing he's not very good with them, or the spiked gloves he made to keep the bandits from leaving in one piece.
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