"Nana? Is that my name now?" asked Naomi pointing to herself with an oblivious look. But it was replaced by a chuckle as the little outspoken grade-schooler put the other older girl in her place.
"Haha. Don't mind her. She's just a little uptight cause her parents never let her go out except for schoo-" Naomi was interrupted.
"That's none of her business!" A bitter expression crossed the girl's face as she looked away and crossed her arms.
"Hehe...coke bottle eyes over here is Mary." continued Naomi. But Mimi at this point was joining in with Lucia on the backs of the seats. The bus was rife with laughter and cheering as the two girls announced themselves.
"Alright take your seats please!" badgered Mrs.Cassidy, but her voice once again went unheard as Mimi and Lucia commanded everyone's attention. She let out a sigh of relief however as the two young girls eventually dismounted the chair tops. A small smile found its way onto her face however as she admired the friendliness shown by these young children. It made her somewhat hopeful for the class. Mr.Connors on the other hand was as oblivious as ever, still lecturing on to an unfortunate group of boys about Volcano facts, Diloh and William among them.
Before long, the school bus of children came to a fork in the road. A small foliage-ridden path laid to the left of them.
"So this is the shortcut?...Are you sure it's safe?" asked Mrs.Cassidy as she stood up and leaned in next to the driver, feeling a little unsure after seeing the condition of the road they would be taking, but after a quick glance to her watch, she dismissed the thought.
"Nevermind." She wasn't expecting an informative answer anyway.
"Just don't get us all killed okay?" declared the teacher, somewhat jokingly, before returning to her seat a bit nervously. Everyone gently shook around in their seats as the bus turned off the cement path onto the 'shortcut' which was a narrow road made up of tightly packed gravel and stones just wide enough for a single vehicle. A couple of the younger children giggled as they were rattled about by the bumpy texture of gravel trail. The bus slowed down as it ascended, winding along the side of the mountain and above the trees.

Chapter II - See you next fall...
Rocks clattered down the cliff side as the bus snaked up the narrow mountain pass. Looking out the left side windows, the students could see the long drop off just over the edge of the road a couple feet away. A sight that made a few of the younger children nervous but went mostly unnoticed. The bus rattled gently as it slowly rolled over the gravel and rocks. Droplets of water beaded down the glass as they passed underneath the sparse runoff from the cliffs above.
"That's weird." pointed out Mary under her breath, who had still been broodily staring out a window, as she fixed her gaze on the statue of a crucifix sitting atop a pedestal, similar to a grave. Ancient writings were carved across a small plaque at its base but were far too hard for anyone to make out. Across the front of the pedestal was a
symbol of some kind. A winged orb atop three triangles.
Sunlight pierced the clouds and beamed through the windows just as they passed the statue and curved around the cliff side, up the winding road. Just as they rounded the turn, the distant sight of Lake Ebott came into view. It was resting at the base of the mountain, somewhat surrounded by trees and a brilliant green field littered with a few benches and tables. Mrs.Cassidy clapped her hands together and rejoiced as she saw their destination no more than twenty or so minutes away.
"Yes! I'm sorry I ever doubted you mister...uh...driver." She could even make out the ant sized people scattered about.
"We may actually get there on time!" But her excitement faded as she noticed that other school buses were already pulling up.
"Okay well...fashionably on time. Let's push it! We almost got it!" The bus driver threw up an a-okay and they continued forward over a hump and finally into a descent down the further snaking pass.
Mary stood up in her seat as she continued to gaze out the window.
"Uh...g-guys." But her voice was lost in the dull roar of children debating about the quality of different cartoons.
"Guys!" She said once again. Finally Naomi turned away from Mimi and looked up at the somewhat distraught girl.
"What is it Mar? Still upset you got told by a fourth-grader?" Mary huffed.
"No idiot! Th-the road! It's.." The bus shifted suddenly, rattling vigorously as one of the front tires slid downward over a small slope of loose gravel. Several shrieks and screams rang out as the bus tilted. The driver hit the brakes, sending several loose objects and backpacks tumbling into the aisle. Mrs.Cassidy almost slid out of her seat.
"What...What's going on?" asked Mr.Connors as he was snapped out of his lecture, catching a child who was standing when the bus halted.
"The road's too small! Go back!" Shouted Mary.
Mr.Conners looked over to the left side window and peered as far down as he could from inside the bus. The young girl was right. The road was too narrow for the wide and heavy bus to go any further.
"Oh boy..." declared the geology teacher to himself. Mrs.Cassidy brought herself to her feet and joined him, looking over the side of the steep cliff side.
"No! No no no no! We have to go back?!" exclaimed Mrs.Cassidy. The bus creaked. A concerned expression crept across the bus driver's face. He turned back toward the two teachers crossing his hands.
"Does that mean the field trip is canceled?" asked a child in a disappointed tone.
"Whoa look how far that is." "That's scary!" A couple more children stood and peered through the left side window. Stones rattled against the cliff side. Sweat beaded down the drivers face as he began motioning more desperately.
"We're so high up!" "Stop pushing!" "That's my foot stupid!" "Let me see" "Wait whats down there?" More and more students stood, pushing past the seats and each other to get a glimpse of the drop. But their attention was suddenly snatched as a loud voice shook the bus.
"STOP MOVING TO THE LEFT OF THE BUS!!!!"LEFT OF THE BUS...OF THE BUS...THE BUS... Echoes of the bus driver's voice resounded over the cliffs and foothills. For a moment, everyone was still and confused. Then, almost at once, Mr.Connors, Mrs.Cassidy, Naomi, Mary, and several other students realized what was happening. It was almost like time had frozen as nobody moved, save for exchanging panicked looks. All accept for the bus driver. His eyes were fixed on something slowly fluttering down from the cliffs above. A small yellow object gently carried on the breeze and onto the hood of the equally yellow bus.
"A....a petal?" A loud groan escaped the frame of the teetering bus as it lurched forward, tilting even further over the edge of the cliff. It shook violently, juggling several children around in their seats.
"HOLD ON!" shouted Mr.Conners as he braced against the back of a seat before motion yanked the bus down the rocky slope. Debris was tossed about and a symphony of screams echoed out from the bus as as they plummeted off the edge. Everything happened so fast yet it was like time had slowed down as adrenaline pumped through everyone's veins. People were flying over the aisle, launched across the bus. Shards of glass rocketed into the air, scattered out from a broken window toward the rear. A spatter of crimson sprayed into the air among the chaos. Gravity tossed the bus against the cliff side, ripping off bits of engine from the undercarriage as it rushed downward. Brief glimpses of the trees peeked through the windshield. But there was something strange below. Something staring up at the bus from the darkness amongst the thicket. A deep blue hue.
There should have been a loud crash and then darkness. That's typically what would happen when a bus of thirty-something-odd students collides with the earth from several hundred feet. But the trees and the ground rushed by without collision. Among the turmoil, there was a brief moment of calmness. Gravity seemed as though it was absent. Objects slowly floated through the air. A deep blue light filled the bus, replacing the rest of the spectrum. It was as if they were floating through space or sinking underwater. Those still conscious felt their bodies enveloped by some kind of viscous energy, as if they were indeed in water, but there was none. Suddenly, the calmness ended. The sound of tearing metal and tumbling boulders bellowed out and everything went pitch black.

Everything was dark and quiet. It had been for some time. Slowly, the low whimpers and whines of barely conscious children quietly hummed into existence, followed by the gentle hush of running water. The darkness subtly gave way to dim rays of what could be sunshine from far overhead, which split through the rocky canopy above. One by one, a few of the children slowly grabbed hold of their senses. They found themselves surrounded by caverns. The chilled air kissed their skin. Pollen wafted through the air as they realized the floor was a bed of yellow flowers.
Mimi came to, she found herself laying next to Mary, Mr.Connors, and a few other children all out cold near a large rock formation a few feet from the cave walls. She felt a sting in her arm and a sticky substance running down her hand. A small laceration extended from her lower shoulder to above her elbow, a few inches long. She was otherwise unharmed.
Lucia felt something heavy on top of her as she slowly awoke to droplets of water splashing across her face. She laid near a small pond, filled by the runoff of a miniature waterfall. On top of her was Naomi, who was still passed out. Lucia could feel a sticky substance dripping onto her leg, but there was no pain. Naomi's body blocked her vision.
Sitting on the other side of the pond in Lucia's view was
Lilia, who awoke to feel her leg pinned against the ground by a loose bus seat. There was no pain, but it was too big for her to move on her own. Aside from that, she had a few scrapes and bruises. Her bag laid in a pile of rubble and wreckage along with several other backpacks and bags just out of reach.
A dull pain in
Diloh's chest nagged him awake. He was laying on his stomach near the side of a cliff with his arm over the edge. As his eyes opened, he could make out the face of Mrs.Cassidy hanging precariously over the edge, kept up by the strap of her bag which had gotten caught on an old branch protruding from the cliff side. She wasn't awake, but she seemed close to it. The ground below Diloh didn't seem entirely sturdy either.
Laying across from Diloh, propped up slightly by a boulder, was
William. A bit of yellow wreckage teetered just over head. He could feel a soreness in his back and right leg, but there was no blood. He was for the most part fine, aside for the looming threat of crushing death above. He needed to be careful about his movements, if he did indeed move in time.
Morrigan could feel warmth below as she regained consciousness near the center of the cavern. The static filled sound of her music still playing through the cracked headphone around her neck. A handful of slowly writhing injured children subtly squirmed beneath her. As the blurriness cleared from her vision, she could see the flickering paleness of paper just ahead. It was the map, caught on a vine. Pain shook her legs, making it difficult to move.
Low screeching brought
Max back to the waking world, ringing through his ears. As he opened his eyes, he could see that he was laying on top of a piece of wreckage that made up most of the bus. A couple feet from his head was a slowly spinning tire, which let out the consistent screeching whine. As he moved, he felt the wreckage jostle below. Several students were still inside of what was left of the bus. Many of whom were motionless. The bus itself sat just at the edge of the cliff, looking into a void filled abyss. It seemed like any moment, the whole thing could go crashing down again.
A harrowing feeling filled the cavern as a the wind howled through the rocky formations above, while a dim yellow hue emanated from the massive bed of flowers below, setting a prelude to the events at hand. This escalated from a innocent field trip to life or death. The real adventure has begun.
♥ You had quite an impact. Then there was an impact. Your pride is briefly replaced with pain.♥ Trouble is looking for you. It'll find you if you aren't quick.♥ Opportunity lays in front of you. Or maybe it's tragedy.♥ You brought many together. Now they might be torn apart. Literally?♥ Just when you were feeling well enough to speak, your first words will likely be asking for help.♥ You've been saved the trouble of answering pesky questions. Instead, you have a few pesky injuries.♥ Now's you time to shine. Or your turn to burn. Better act fast.