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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lily SOUL of Paitence

"Good things come to those who wait."

Lily felt a small jolt of relief when one of the older kids spotted her and offered to share her seat. Lily had been briefly afraid none of them would want her to sit next to them. Lily shuffled over gratefully, taking a seat. She was so small that once seated she was completely hidden by the bus seat in front of her, the top of her head not even coming close to clearing the top of the seat. As she got settled and comfortable, she supposed she had taken too long in answering because soon her seat-mate was chattering with the other children about television shows. Not wanting to interrupt, Lily folded her hands in her lap and simply listened to the conversations flowing around her. However, a loud noise pierced the chaos around her like an arrow and the little girl leaned sideways down the aisle in order to see what was going on. It appears the trip coordinator was ready to get things rolling and had tried to resort to megaphone use, while had apparently backfired. Thankfully though the noise was enough to quiet the bus so Lily could hear the woman as she spoke without the use of the ear-piercing device. Lily quietly listened to the woman speak and when the topic of lunch was brought up, Lily turned to the backpack resting in her lap. She hd packed it herself that morning but it still didn't stop her from pulling down the zipper just in case.

Mhm. There sat her lunch box. She had even brought her own band-aids because she knew how clumsy she could be. Satisfied that she was ready for this trip, she turned her attention back to Missus Cassidy just in time to see her elbow the bus driver to spur him into movement. The bus gave a lurch and Lily placed both hands against the seat in front of her to prevent her small body from getting thrown forward. Once the bus had settled, Lily rested her hands around her backpack and simply gazed out of the window, content to watch the scenery go by as they zoomed towards their destination.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Soul of Perseverance ♥ Mimi

@Thread Generator SIN @Vesuvius00

Laughing as Lucia appointed herself as lieutenant, Mimi looked at the nagging girl and simply said "See?" before climbing on the back of her seat herself. Confident she wouldn't fall, Mimi didn't even bother putting a hand against the ceiling. Going as far as to bow courteously before speaking, falling was for the weak after all. "That's the spirit! All of you should follow Lucia's example! If you're not making friends you're doing something wrong!" Having shouted her message, she confidently observed her crowd. They were mostly kids older than she with disinterested looks on their faces.

One "cool" guy thought he'd make her shut up by pulling her leg and causing her to lose her balance. This plan however, was foolish and only resulted in Mimi putting her foot in his face. "See? This is what you're doing wrong. Try being less of an ass to others and you might actually make some friends." Mimi's face showing with disapproval, the boy's friends saw no issue joking about him getting schooled by a grade-schooler. Hopefully having gotten her point across, Mimi sat down again. If these guys were going to oppose her, they would have to try a little harder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Nana? Is that my name now?" asked Naomi pointing to herself with an oblivious look. But it was replaced by a chuckle as the little outspoken grade-schooler put the other older girl in her place. "Haha. Don't mind her. She's just a little uptight cause her parents never let her go out except for schoo-" Naomi was interrupted. "That's none of her business!" A bitter expression crossed the girl's face as she looked away and crossed her arms. "Hehe...coke bottle eyes over here is Mary." continued Naomi. But Mimi at this point was joining in with Lucia on the backs of the seats. The bus was rife with laughter and cheering as the two girls announced themselves. "Alright take your seats please!" badgered Mrs.Cassidy, but her voice once again went unheard as Mimi and Lucia commanded everyone's attention. She let out a sigh of relief however as the two young girls eventually dismounted the chair tops. A small smile found its way onto her face however as she admired the friendliness shown by these young children. It made her somewhat hopeful for the class. Mr.Connors on the other hand was as oblivious as ever, still lecturing on to an unfortunate group of boys about Volcano facts, Diloh and William among them.

Before long, the school bus of children came to a fork in the road. A small foliage-ridden path laid to the left of them. "So this is the shortcut?...Are you sure it's safe?" asked Mrs.Cassidy as she stood up and leaned in next to the driver, feeling a little unsure after seeing the condition of the road they would be taking, but after a quick glance to her watch, she dismissed the thought. "Nevermind." She wasn't expecting an informative answer anyway. "Just don't get us all killed okay?" declared the teacher, somewhat jokingly, before returning to her seat a bit nervously. Everyone gently shook around in their seats as the bus turned off the cement path onto the 'shortcut' which was a narrow road made up of tightly packed gravel and stones just wide enough for a single vehicle. A couple of the younger children giggled as they were rattled about by the bumpy texture of gravel trail. The bus slowed down as it ascended, winding along the side of the mountain and above the trees.

Chapter II - See you next fall...

Rocks clattered down the cliff side as the bus snaked up the narrow mountain pass. Looking out the left side windows, the students could see the long drop off just over the edge of the road a couple feet away. A sight that made a few of the younger children nervous but went mostly unnoticed. The bus rattled gently as it slowly rolled over the gravel and rocks. Droplets of water beaded down the glass as they passed underneath the sparse runoff from the cliffs above. "That's weird." pointed out Mary under her breath, who had still been broodily staring out a window, as she fixed her gaze on the statue of a crucifix sitting atop a pedestal, similar to a grave. Ancient writings were carved across a small plaque at its base but were far too hard for anyone to make out. Across the front of the pedestal was a symbol of some kind. A winged orb atop three triangles.

Sunlight pierced the clouds and beamed through the windows just as they passed the statue and curved around the cliff side, up the winding road. Just as they rounded the turn, the distant sight of Lake Ebott came into view. It was resting at the base of the mountain, somewhat surrounded by trees and a brilliant green field littered with a few benches and tables. Mrs.Cassidy clapped her hands together and rejoiced as she saw their destination no more than twenty or so minutes away. "Yes! I'm sorry I ever doubted you mister...uh...driver." She could even make out the ant sized people scattered about. "We may actually get there on time!" But her excitement faded as she noticed that other school buses were already pulling up. "Okay well...fashionably on time. Let's push it! We almost got it!" The bus driver threw up an a-okay and they continued forward over a hump and finally into a descent down the further snaking pass.

Mary stood up in her seat as she continued to gaze out the window. "Uh...g-guys." But her voice was lost in the dull roar of children debating about the quality of different cartoons. "Guys!" She said once again. Finally Naomi turned away from Mimi and looked up at the somewhat distraught girl. "What is it Mar? Still upset you got told by a fourth-grader?" Mary huffed. "No idiot! Th-the road! It's.." The bus shifted suddenly, rattling vigorously as one of the front tires slid downward over a small slope of loose gravel. Several shrieks and screams rang out as the bus tilted. The driver hit the brakes, sending several loose objects and backpacks tumbling into the aisle. Mrs.Cassidy almost slid out of her seat. "What...What's going on?" asked Mr.Connors as he was snapped out of his lecture, catching a child who was standing when the bus halted. "The road's too small! Go back!" Shouted Mary.

Mr.Conners looked over to the left side window and peered as far down as he could from inside the bus. The young girl was right. The road was too narrow for the wide and heavy bus to go any further. "Oh boy..." declared the geology teacher to himself. Mrs.Cassidy brought herself to her feet and joined him, looking over the side of the steep cliff side. "No! No no no no! We have to go back?!" exclaimed Mrs.Cassidy. The bus creaked. A concerned expression crept across the bus driver's face. He turned back toward the two teachers crossing his hands. "Does that mean the field trip is canceled?" asked a child in a disappointed tone. "Whoa look how far that is." "That's scary!" A couple more children stood and peered through the left side window. Stones rattled against the cliff side. Sweat beaded down the drivers face as he began motioning more desperately. "We're so high up!" "Stop pushing!" "That's my foot stupid!" "Let me see" "Wait whats down there?" More and more students stood, pushing past the seats and each other to get a glimpse of the drop. But their attention was suddenly snatched as a loud voice shook the bus.



Echoes of the bus driver's voice resounded over the cliffs and foothills. For a moment, everyone was still and confused. Then, almost at once, Mr.Connors, Mrs.Cassidy, Naomi, Mary, and several other students realized what was happening. It was almost like time had frozen as nobody moved, save for exchanging panicked looks. All accept for the bus driver. His eyes were fixed on something slowly fluttering down from the cliffs above. A small yellow object gently carried on the breeze and onto the hood of the equally yellow bus. "A....a petal?"

A loud groan escaped the frame of the teetering bus as it lurched forward, tilting even further over the edge of the cliff. It shook violently, juggling several children around in their seats. "HOLD ON!" shouted Mr.Conners as he braced against the back of a seat before motion yanked the bus down the rocky slope. Debris was tossed about and a symphony of screams echoed out from the bus as as they plummeted off the edge. Everything happened so fast yet it was like time had slowed down as adrenaline pumped through everyone's veins. People were flying over the aisle, launched across the bus. Shards of glass rocketed into the air, scattered out from a broken window toward the rear. A spatter of crimson sprayed into the air among the chaos. Gravity tossed the bus against the cliff side, ripping off bits of engine from the undercarriage as it rushed downward. Brief glimpses of the trees peeked through the windshield. But there was something strange below. Something staring up at the bus from the darkness amongst the thicket. A deep blue hue.

There should have been a loud crash and then darkness. That's typically what would happen when a bus of thirty-something-odd students collides with the earth from several hundred feet. But the trees and the ground rushed by without collision. Among the turmoil, there was a brief moment of calmness. Gravity seemed as though it was absent. Objects slowly floated through the air. A deep blue light filled the bus, replacing the rest of the spectrum. It was as if they were floating through space or sinking underwater. Those still conscious felt their bodies enveloped by some kind of viscous energy, as if they were indeed in water, but there was none. Suddenly, the calmness ended. The sound of tearing metal and tumbling boulders bellowed out and everything went pitch black.

Everything was dark and quiet. It had been for some time. Slowly, the low whimpers and whines of barely conscious children quietly hummed into existence, followed by the gentle hush of running water. The darkness subtly gave way to dim rays of what could be sunshine from far overhead, which split through the rocky canopy above. One by one, a few of the children slowly grabbed hold of their senses. They found themselves surrounded by caverns. The chilled air kissed their skin. Pollen wafted through the air as they realized the floor was a bed of yellow flowers.

When Mimi came to, she found herself laying next to Mary, Mr.Connors, and a few other children all out cold near a large rock formation a few feet from the cave walls. She felt a sting in her arm and a sticky substance running down her hand. A small laceration extended from her lower shoulder to above her elbow, a few inches long. She was otherwise unharmed.

Lucia felt something heavy on top of her as she slowly awoke to droplets of water splashing across her face. She laid near a small pond, filled by the runoff of a miniature waterfall. On top of her was Naomi, who was still passed out. Lucia could feel a sticky substance dripping onto her leg, but there was no pain. Naomi's body blocked her vision.

Sitting on the other side of the pond in Lucia's view was Lilia, who awoke to feel her leg pinned against the ground by a loose bus seat. There was no pain, but it was too big for her to move on her own. Aside from that, she had a few scrapes and bruises. Her bag laid in a pile of rubble and wreckage along with several other backpacks and bags just out of reach.

A dull pain in Diloh's chest nagged him awake. He was laying on his stomach near the side of a cliff with his arm over the edge. As his eyes opened, he could make out the face of Mrs.Cassidy hanging precariously over the edge, kept up by the strap of her bag which had gotten caught on an old branch protruding from the cliff side. She wasn't awake, but she seemed close to it. The ground below Diloh didn't seem entirely sturdy either.

Laying across from Diloh, propped up slightly by a boulder, was William. A bit of yellow wreckage teetered just over head. He could feel a soreness in his back and right leg, but there was no blood. He was for the most part fine, aside for the looming threat of crushing death above. He needed to be careful about his movements, if he did indeed move in time.

Morrigan could feel warmth below as she regained consciousness near the center of the cavern. The static filled sound of her music still playing through the cracked headphone around her neck. A handful of slowly writhing injured children subtly squirmed beneath her. As the blurriness cleared from her vision, she could see the flickering paleness of paper just ahead. It was the map, caught on a vine. Pain shook her legs, making it difficult to move.

Low screeching brought Max back to the waking world, ringing through his ears. As he opened his eyes, he could see that he was laying on top of a piece of wreckage that made up most of the bus. A couple feet from his head was a slowly spinning tire, which let out the consistent screeching whine. As he moved, he felt the wreckage jostle below. Several students were still inside of what was left of the bus. Many of whom were motionless. The bus itself sat just at the edge of the cliff, looking into a void filled abyss. It seemed like any moment, the whole thing could go crashing down again.

A harrowing feeling filled the cavern as a the wind howled through the rocky formations above, while a dim yellow hue emanated from the massive bed of flowers below, setting a prelude to the events at hand. This escalated from a innocent field trip to life or death. The real adventure has begun.

You had quite an impact. Then there was an impact. Your pride is briefly replaced with pain.
Trouble is looking for you. It'll find you if you aren't quick.
Opportunity lays in front of you. Or maybe it's tragedy.
You brought many together. Now they might be torn apart. Literally?
Just when you were feeling well enough to speak, your first words will likely be asking for help.
You've been saved the trouble of answering pesky questions. Instead, you have a few pesky injuries.
Now's you time to shine. Or your turn to burn. Better act fast.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MisterMisery
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MisterMisery Praise!!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

William Davison,Bravery

"well ill be damed." Blinking groggy one eye at a time William stares straight at the metal death above him, after a second looking at it he slowly started sliding his body away from the object above him while careful to not make any vertical movement upwards. After a couple of seconds of pure uncomfortable sliding his back against the ground William finally gets out from under the metal he stands up and takes a look at his surroundings, but all he can see was walls of stone, a torn to shreds bus, and a couple alive or dead kids he couldn't tell. "Well I got to say that this is the worst first field trip I've been on." A hollow chuckle escapes his lips after he muttered that sentence he then decides to takes a moment to look at himself other then a few bumps and scratches nothing seemed out of place or broken lucky enough. Pain engulfed his body as he started moving his joints around, but that wasn't a new feeling to William. He decided to ignore the pain and started actually walking around trying to find kids that he can help out the best he knew how careful not to find himself in another death trap like before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Lucia ~♥~ A Kind Soul
Before the Crash
Lucia laughed along with the rest of the kids as their leader hopped up onto a seat herself, and she felt a bit of pride that Mimi had accepted her announcement -just like that- and was now echoing her thoughts that everyone should be making friends. She heard Ms. Cassidy calling for them to get down from the chairs, and couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for the woman. She seemed to be losing control of things today.

She watched out the front window of the bus, over the tops of all the other students’ heads as she knelt on her seat in order to be tall enough to do so. She was right, the view from higher up was amazing. And the road they were on -a narrow lane of gravel bordered on one side by a steep wall of rock, and the other side a sheer drop down to the forest sloping down the mountainside below- made her feel like they were adventurers traveling through uncharted territory in the rainforests, or survivors of the plant uprising!

She was sitting on the right side of the bus as they trudged along this winding road, the side closer to the cliff face. She watched the rocks as they passed, wondering how the clif got to be there like this in the first place. Maybe she should go ask one of the teachers, they might know. Just as she turned around to try and call her question out to Mr. Connors, the bus shifted suddenly, and Lucia squealed as she slid from her kneeling position on her seat and into the aisle as the bus began to tilt.

As people began to talk over each other again and flock to the one side of the bus to look out over the edge, Lucia got herself to her feet and tried to get as close to the other side of the bus as she could. Tilting in a car was bad, so she knew tilting in a bus was like, 100 times worse. If the driver hadn’t called out for them all to stop moving to the left side, she probably would have a second later. The moment of silence that fell over the bus right after that didn’t last long, as soon enough the bus fell over the edge of the cliff. Lucia tried to find something to hold on to, but the blocky-shaped leather seats and pretty much open space of the top half of the bus didn’t offer the girl much. As they fell, she felt herself go up into the air after one particularly large bump, and, hitting her head on the ceiling of the bus a half-second later, she lost consciousness.

Waking Up
The darkness faded, or it would have if the area around Lucia wasn’t so dim itself. She blinked her eyes open in the periods between the droplets of water that kept hitting her in the face. She felt heavy, and her whole body ached, especially the area on her head where she’d made contact with the bus’ ceiling, and then apparently the ground not too long after that.

Someone -one of the older girls that Mimi had been talking to, she realized after a moment- was laying on top of her, and possibly causing some of the heaviness she was feeling. As far as she could tell, the older girl was still out cold, or close to it anyway. She tried for a moment to shift the girl off of her, or to lift her enough that Lucia would be able to slide out from under her at least. But, Lucia stopped once she realized that she was right next to a pond, and that moving the girl to the one side that she possibly could push the girl off of herself in would put her in the dark, cold water. Nope. She didn’t mind being a pillow (more like a mattress in this case) if it kept someone safe.

"He-hello?" She tested her voice, calling out to the void of dark cavern ceiling she could see above her. That was about all she could see. Cavern, pond, and the passed-out girl on top of her. As she lay there, listening for anyone to respond, she realized that water wasn’t the only liquid dripping onto her. She knew she didn’t have any cuts, she would have felt the sting as soon as she started waking up, so… the sticky blood she felt on her leg was probably from the girl on top of her. Taking a deep breath, or as deep as she could manage with the girl’s weight holding her down, she called out again as loud as she could. "Is anyone there? Help, please!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Soul of Perseverance ♥ Mimi

@Thread Generator SIN @Vesuvius00

Waking up to ash and dust, Mimi found herself in a dimly lit cavern, the only rays of light filtering in from above. Trying to lift herself up by her arms, Mimi noticed she had a cut on her arm. Reflexively grabbing her arm, she covered her hand in blood. Thinking back of what mum'd always said, she realized she should clean the wound. A moment later her senses returned to normal capacity and she was interrupted by a variety of sounds, causing her to remember the fall.

Looking around, she managed to make out a few silhouettes. Nauseated by the metallic smell of blood and the chilly air causing her wound to sting, she took a deep breath (through her mouth). The chaotic "silence" that lingered in the room was pierced by Lucia's voice. "Is anyone there? Help, please!" Instinctively, Mimi stumbled to where she thought she'd heard Lucia from. Calling back and forth in a Marco-Polo-esque manner, Mimi waded her way through the darkness. Almost walking over the pond's edge in the darkness, Mimi made it to Lucia. "Lucy, you okay?" Not yet recognizing or remembering Naomi, Mimi grabbed one of her arms and tried dragging her off of Lucia. "I can't do this alone, Lucy. When I say go, be ready to throw her off of you...Go!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Laach
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Laach They call me fish

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dilloh, ♥ soul of Determination

"Ugh..." Dilloh groaned in pain from the exhilarating fall he had just experienced. Hearing his own pained voice was enough to reassure him that he wasn't dead, but that's about it. "What the fudge happened?" He mutters to himself while slowly getting to his feet. Feeling a pebble below him budge and start falling in line with gravity makes him reconsider moving as much as he is. Looking down over the ledge, he notices one of his teachers. "Mrs. Cassidy?" She was barely hanging by the arm holds of her backpack. She didn't seem quite awake, but chances are that when and if she did wake up, the surprise might end up making her fall the rest of the way. Knowing this, Dilloh starts to come up with a plan of desperation. "Okay Cassidy, whatever you do, don't wake up... or look down."

Scanning his surroundings, the 14 year old finds another kid beside him, William, moving around. "Wait!" he says, trying to get the kids attention. "Whatever your name is, I need your help." Dilloh knew that getting his teacher up by himself would be too hard, but with the help of a friend, maybe he could do it. "Mrs. Cassidy is in danger." Dilloh didn't think about warning him about the unstable cliff that he was standing on, and was more focused on the safety and well being of his teacher at the moment. "Hang in their Cassidy" he whispers to himself, "help is on the way."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Lucia ~♥~ A Kind Soul
I really hope we're all ok...
Lucia was so glad when she heard Mimi's voice getting closer as the girl made her way over to where Lucia was pinned down in the darkness. "I'm alright, just kinda stuck... But be careful, she's hurt." She responded as Mimi started trying to pull the older girl off of her. She nodded when Mimi told her what to do, placing her hands in as good a position as she could to help get the girl off from on top of her.

When Mimi gave the word, Lucia pushed as hard as she could and the girl slid off of her and onto the ground next to her, the pond on Lucia's other side. "Thanks Mimi. You're one awesome leader." Lucia sat up as soon as she could, and started trying to wake the girl who'd been on top of her up, also trying to find where she was bleeding from. Now that she was able to see more of the room (due to no longer being pinned by heavy older kids) she looked around a little. It was dark, really dark, but she could make out other people walking around maybe, and a big hunk of the bus not too far away. The scene was pretty bad, kids lying about everywhere while the wreckage of the bus loomed in the darkness around them. It made Lucia's heart hurt to see, but if she was ok, and others were moving around...

Lucia raised her voice and called out as loudly as she could, her frightened tone hidden by the way the sound echoed around the caverns. "Roll call! Who's ok and who's not?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A small plume of dust wafted into the air as Mimi helped move Naomi off of Luica and onto her back. There, the two could see a gash on Naomi's leg. It didn't appear to be broken, but was badly bruised and dripping blood. There was little response when Lucia prodded her body, attempting to wake her, other than a few feeble unconscious groans. She was at least alive and breathing for the moment. As their eyes adjusted to the darkness around them, the two girls could see the children sprawled across the ground among the wreckage and rocks. Along the length of the pond was a rough rocky trail that seemed to lead deeper into the cave system. Dim blueish light emanated from small clusters of crystal formations sprouted from the ground in scattered places about the path.

In the other direction behind the two girls was the cavern they had landed in, lined by walls and formations on one side, and the pond on the other. At the very end appeared to be a ledge. From where they were standing, they couldn't see the void filled descent the ledge overlooked. It was then that they saw a young man struggling with something near the edge. His voice echoed faintly through the caves just as Lucia had called out. "Mrs. Cassidy is in danger." The words silently resounded out as Dilloh attempted to flag a nearby student for help. However there was no response as the other young man still seemed dazed and confused.

Though there was no answer from William, Dilloh's words did seem to reach through to Mrs.Cassidy, who's eyes began to flicker open. She blinked the darkness and fuzz out of her vision as she slowly came to. Her eyes came to focus of the young man in front of her, holding her up. "Wh-wha....what's g-going...ow" As she tried to muster a sentence, Mrs.Cassidy could feel sharp pains all over her body. Attempting to look down and inspect her condition, the horrific reality of her situation dawned upon her. Her gaze snapped back up to the young boy trying to help her, panic in her eyes. She didn't want to move, but she really wanted to move. Tears began to bead in her eyes as she slowly reached up and grabbed onto the ledge. "P-please...help me..." she whispered as a few stones crumbled from beneath Dilloh and clattered against the rock face below, cascading into the darkness. Cracks along the ledge widened as the boy endeavored to think of a way to keep the trip coordinator from falling.

Amidst the darkness through the dull groans and low sobs, Dilloh's voice reached another. Rena, another girl from Mr.Connors class, began to stir awake as consciousness returned to her. As she awoke, she could feel a slight headache nagging at her, throbbing through her head every few seconds but subtly fading away. A few droplets of sticky crimson fluid ran down the length of Rena's face, keeping her right eye from opening fully. It didn't take long for her eyes to adjust, and she came to see she was laying next to a pile of rubble and wreckage near the center of the room. A few feet ahead of her, caught on the thorn of a vine by its edge was a map. It was the one Mr.Cassidy had gotten from the bus driver. Gentle winds shook the flimsy map, nearly taking it off the thorn with each passing breeze.

Shivers ran down Ginty's spine, shaking him awake to the feeling of cold water running over his legs. As he came to, he found that he was laying on his stomach near the edge of the pond, with his legs loosely dangling in the water. The bleak light from far above cast a dim glint over his damp, pale hair. Another shiver ran over his body as the chilled air kissed his skin. Shadows and blurriness drained away from his vision as his eyes grew accustomed to the darkness of the caverns that surrounded him. A few yards away, near an overturned bus seat, was a pile of loose clothing and backpacks. If he had one, it likely would have been there. Another deep shiver nagged the young boy as his body desperately tried to warm up. The frigid water that consumed his legs didn't help with this matter.

You're loyal following has gained another...but how many has it lost?
Would you risk your life for another?
Your voice pierced the darkness and pain. It will be remembered.
You've woken up to a strange world with a few strange pains.
You'll catch your death of a cold like that.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ginty will keep his Integerty

Ginty calmly looked around to figure out where he was. It seems like he is in some sort of underground moonpool, he has only read about them in books, though, he never thought that they were actually real. It's no time to think about things in story books now Ginty! We gotta stay alive and figure out how to get out, He thinks to himself trying to access his situation before doing anything too bold, Okay... where are you, Ginty... You are in a moonpool with you feet in the water... your cold... Best bet is to get out of the water and try to dry off. So he does just that, he first slowly takes his legs out of the water to make sure that his skin can get to the temperature change, he then slowly stands up to get a better look at where he is exactly. Once he got a feel for where he is he decides to loose his family necklace and try to loose some of his wet clothes so he can dry off better which would help him warm up, he gently places his stuff on a rock by something that seems to be like a tree. Thats a plant! I can start a fire with that but I don't want to use too much energy... I need that to get out, he thinks to himself knowing that talking would also use too much energy. He then walks up to the tree and uses one hand to push against it to see how stable it was.
The tree was thin and the wood should be dry enough to start a fire. He then looks around for something he can use, the first thing he finds are rocks, but he could easily drop it and hurt himself and it would take to much energy to use the rock like it was currently, so he continues looking around and seeing an overturned bus seat and a bunch of clothes and a backpack of a sort, but if he chooses that option he would have to use more energy to swim in the water and swim out, and the water is too cold to do that. He sighs before looking up and sees some vines he could use to make a net and use to get the backpack. He quickly nods his head and walks over to his necklace grabbing hoping that he could use it has a hook of a sort before climbing up the tree know that it was strong enough to climb by how hard it was to push. He was barefoot so climbing the tree was slightly painful not he didn't get hurt to the point he was bleeding but because he was barefoot it was easier to climb up the tree. Once he got to the top he held onto the tree with once had and threw his necklace at the vines hooking onto them and pulling the down.
It worked but he dropped the necklace causing it to fall to the ground. Ginty watches it fall and tightly holds onto the tree, based on his knowledge of survival from the books and shows he has watched the best thing to do is to watch where you are going has you climb down so you don't fall and get hurt. He does just that but slips and few times though but catches himself. once he got down he quickly got to work on weaving a net to use to get the stuff out of the water using his necklace like a saw. He kept some of the leaves to use has fire feed once he get's it started. He then throws out the nets to the clothes to practice with it before trying to get the backpacks and the bus seat. It takes him a few tries before getting a hang of it and even after he get's a hang of using the net it took him three good tries to bring in the backpacks.
Now that he has the backpacks and the clothes he starts off by moving the clothes to some wear that they can dry off with his over clothes. He then looks down and his underclothes, all he had on what a pair of black shorts and a black tank top on, It's better than nothing. Now let's look through these bags He sits down Indian style and grabbed his first backpack. There was a hand full of snacks, some paper, and a water bottle. The other's had similar things but one of them had a pocket knife and a tin water bottle. Ginty's face lit up when he saw the metal water bottle and a pocket knife. Ginty stood up and took out the blade of the pocket and began to try get an axe blade on a rock or the rock at least sharp enough to cut down the tree. It take a bit of work but he does get some type of edge out of the rock.
He then walks over to the food collecting and places the food onto a rock where he could see it from all directions to make sure nothing steals it, before taking the backpacks and lining them up with the clothes to dry out so he could use one of them to store the food, a different one to store supplies, and another one to store the clothes in. Once he got his workspace organised and cleaned up he starts on the fire, but first, he got to get that tree down. Ginty grabs the rock axe blade thing glad that he normally wears thick leather gloves everywhere he goes. He firmly holds the rock piece in both hands and takes a good swing at the tree making sure to focus on one spot that was softer than the others. It takes him a good twenty or something hits until he cut it down enough so that he could push it over the rest of the way. He huffs and stretches stiffly dropping the metal piece and checks his hand. They were sore but they'll be okay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 3 days ago

Rena Narim, Soul of Justice ♥


These were the last things Rena remembered before her world snapped to black, sweeping her senses away and into the inky void of unconsciousness. The next thing she knew, there was a light, pulsing pain in head. She gave a cough, and opened her left eye, finding her right eye to prefer to be closed. This concerned her a bit, but she reasoned that it may just have been bruised a bit.

She forced herself to her feet, supporting herself using the wreckage around her. She rubbed at her face, causing warm blood to smear onto her hand, and her to shudder. She took a shaky step forward, seeing the map in front of her. She figured that she would need that once she made her way of the cave, if she wanted to be able find her way back home. She carefully pulled at the map in front of her, and then heard Lucia call out, who's voice she recognized. "I'm fine Lucy, kinda..." She called out, and then coughed again. "I don't think I'm that beat up anyway..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hearing Lucia's compliment after having pushed Naomi off her, Mimi blushed. No one had told her she was a great leader before, only that her actions were "dangerous" and would bring similar "danger" to others. "Thanks Lucy." She mumbled, before returning to observing as Lucia seemed to do the same. A small sound resounded through the cavern; "Mrs. Cassidy is in danger."

Hearing Dilloh's words silently echo through the cavern just before Lucia roll-called for others, Mimi was spurred into action again. "Danger" There it was again, that word she'd heard so often. She had never really understood it, but from everyone's reactions to it, she figured it must be something bad. Gesturing for Lucia to come along, she scurried off to where the voice came from. Passing by a pile of bags and clothing before arriving at Dilloh's location. Looking around to locate mrs. Cassidy, but not seeing her Mimi asked "Where's mrs. Cass--" but interrupted herself as she looked down over the edge to see whar Dilloh was staring at so worriedly. About one-and-a-half meters beside Dilloh, she was looking over at mrs. Cassidy dangling over a black, menacing void.

Quickly thinking about a solution Mimi concluded they'd need something to pull her back up without the ground giving in further...obviously. They needed something like a rope, but that wasn't exactly something you'd carry on you at all times. Remembering she'd seen a pair of jeans on the way here, she rushed back to the pile of clothes with a quick "Hold on!". Quickly grabbing two pairs of jeans, she turned to Dilloh and yelled for anyone to hear "If anyone can help, grab something like a rope and help us pull!"

Returning to Dilloh, she threw a pair of jeans on his shoulder, the pipes bungling over his back and chest. "Give that to Cassidy so she can hold on to something, after you do, grab this one and we'll try to drag her back. Extending Dilloh one half of the jeans so he could grab hold of that himself. "You help me pull, Lucy! And everyone else too!" As she said this, Mimi was praying people had chosen to actually show up as well as praying this would go right. Adrenaline pumped through her veins as time seemed to slow around her. Her gaze locked at Dilloh to make sure she wouldn't miss the crucial moment, a multitude of thoughts ran through her head. What if mrs. Cassidy did fall? Sure, it would confirm mrs. Cassidy was weak if she did, falling was for the weak after all, but despite her wanting to be proven to be superior, Mimi was hoping that mrs. Cassidy wasn't entirely weak, that she'd at least be strong enough to not fall here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Lucia ~♥~ A Kind Soul
Still hoping to help everyone.
Lucia sighed in relief as she finally found where Naomi was hurt, and was certain that the older girl was still alive. She had a nasty gash on her leg, but without anything to wrap it with Lucia couldn't do anything to help that at all yet. She considered trying to clean the wound with the water from the pond, but before she could act on the thought, she heard others calling out now, answering her call from before.

"Mrs. Cassidy is in danger."

"I'm fine Lucy, kinda..."
"I don't think I'm that beat up anyway..."

At the first call Mimi ran off, beckoning Lucia to follow her as she did. Lucia stood up and glanced down at Naomi before deciding to follow. The older girl would be fine for a little while, right? "Wait up!" She was slower than Mimi in getting to where Ms. Cassidy was, and once she got there she had no idea what to do. The teacher was hanging over the edge of a cliff, an older boy trying to hold her and keep her from falling. Mimi went to get a few pairs of jeans from a pile of backpacks and clothes, and Lucia looked around to see if anyone else was coming to help. It, didn't seem like it yet, but there was a good chance that everyone was still stunned from the crash and couldn't really help.

As Mimi lay out her plan, Lucia took hold of the now makeshift rope, ready to pull when it came time. "Wait, shouldn't we try to tie these together and then tie one end to Ms. Cassidy? then we can all pull from this end away from the cliff so none of us fall over either."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Laach
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Laach They call me fish

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dilloh, ♥ soul of Determination

Dilloh had always believed there was some god above that loved to smite people for fun. In fact, he believed there were multiple gods, all hanging out and laughing at the woe's experienced by people below. He liked to nickname these gods the gods of Irony, simply because of how ironic his life turned out to be. Say that he doesn't want to go on this field trip, and the gods decide to crash the bus. Ask for help saving his teacher who is on the brink of death, and the gods do the one thing he didn't want them to do. Wake Mrs. Cassidy up. He watched as His teacher squirmed in her vulnerable position, trying not to panic.
"C-calm down Mrs. Cassidy. Help is on the way." As he utters this he eyes shift to the sad state of the cliff, slowly wearing away at the human activity it isn't normally used to. It dawns on him that he probably should have warned the others not to come too close, but before he is able to relay this new information, a girl steps up close to him.
"Where's Mrs. Cass--" she says while looking over the ledge, coming face to face with the victim of unfortunate events. It was a blur how quickly she acted from that point. Finding and tossing a pair of trousers over to him, calling for more help, all while Dilloh tried his best to keep Mrs. Cassidy from doing anything that could put her into more danger.
"Mrs. Cassidy..." Dilloh muttered in the calmest voice he could muster. "I need you to grab a hold of these pants. We're gonna try and pull you out."

@Ryougu@Vesuvius00@Thread Generator SIN
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lily Soul of Paitence

Interaction: Open for anyone to respond
"Good things come to those who wait."


Wha...What's that sound...?

The thought pierced the darkness in her sluggish and foggy mind as Lily slowly surfaced to consciousness. Her eyes blinked open and she had to shut them again as the world spun and twirled above her. After taking a few deep breaths, she slowly opened her eyes bit by bit, giving the world plenty of time to settle in its rightful place. As she took in the view above her she felt...confusion...a little bit of anxiousness as she realized that whatever she was looking at was not the roof of the bus. And if she wasn't in the bus...then where was she? She closed her eyes again and cast her thoughts back. She remembered getting on the bus, remembered sitting next to friendly older girl and listening to the shenanigans of the other children on the bus. Then she remembered seeing their destination through the buses front window, remembered hearing Miss Cassidy urging the driver to go faster so they would make it on time.

Then...she remembered seeing a bunch of the kids crowding to the left side of the bus to apparently get a view of the steep drop that awaited them should they fall. Then came a feeling of her stomach jumping up to her throat, screams, things flying about. The last thing she remembered was a blue light surrounding them as they fell then everything went dark. So they fell..but where to? She opened her eyes and tried to move her legs only to realize that one of them wasn't moving. Worried, she glanced down at her feet and saw that one of her legs was pinned by a broken off bus seat. She tried to pull her leg free but it didn't budge. Panic began to claw at her throat as her breathing sped up.

Oh no what if I'm trapped down here with no way to move?!
I'll starve or dehydrate
No one will ever find me

She sharply shook her head, slapping one of her cheeks. Stop panicking and take a deep breath! She closed her eyes once more and sent her sense out. Nothing felt broken and there wasn't any pain other than a few scrapes and bruises. So she was just pinned down. Okay now, what did she hear? The dripping sound that had first woken her....and...voices? Voices! People! She hoped it was the other children from the bus. She opened her eyes and tried to call out. "Help..." Fear tried to grip her again as the thought that maybe she damaged her voice and wouldn't be able to call for help ran around in circles in her mind. She sharply shook her head again befoe clearing her throat and coughing a few times. "Hello! Can anyone hear me?! Please, I need help!" This time her voice echoed out and she prayed it would be heard. Now her only choice was to be patient and wait for help to arrive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Thread Generator SIN

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

With her free arm, Misses Cassidy reached up to grab hold of the dangling pants leg. Her fingers quivered as fear coursed through her body, but she was slightly reassured by the additional children who came to help. Rocks clattered from beneath Misses Cassidy as her fingertips neared the pants but she was almost there. Suddenly a loud metallic groan wailed out from above. Gravity had finally gotten the better of the dangling chunk of wreckage above, tilting it off the narrow ledge it was propped over and sending it crashing down. Chunks of steel and bits of glass rained down from above as the debris crashed against the upper side of what was left of the bus. A spatter crimson fluid sprayed out from beneath the impact, painting the nearby wall and dripping over the scraped yellow paint of the bus. The vibration from the collision shook the ground. Deep bellowing snaps resounded from below. Cracks spread across the ground like wild fire and the weakened ledge below the bus gave way. A symphony of screams rang out from within as the bus collapsed over the broken ledge and careened into the darkness below. The voices faded with the sight of the bus, engulfed by shadows and silence.

Like dominoes, bits of the ledge continued to erode away, tumbling down the steep rock face in heaps of dust and stone. The cracks and erosion split across the ground, encroaching on the small group of children attempting to assist Mrs.Cassidy. The shock of the impact and the rumbling ground caused the trip coordinator to loos her grip, slipping off the edge. But her fall was quickly halted as an arm looped through the strap of her bag. The other strap, still snagged on the branch protruding from the side of the cliff, let out a slow hiss as the fabric began to tear. The zippers of the bag barely held together as the stress of holding up the full grown woman spread across it. Misses Cassidy let out a shriek as her heals finally slipped off her feet, clattering hollowly into the void.

Like a land slide, the ledge continued to crumble, claiming another dazed victim who failed to act, pulling the child into the darkness. Cracks continued to spread, infesting the ground around Dilloh, nagging at his balance as a foot slowly sunk into the eroding ground. He was further from safety but closer to the distraught woman. The ground felt weak below but still held enough integrity to match the weight of the young boy without completely collapsing. At least for the moment. "Help!!" screamed Mrs.Cassidy as she reached her hand towards the young man who was trying to save her. Mimi found herself closest to the edge now after Dilloh, just in view of the strap Misses Cassidy held so tightly to.

The earlier impact sent ripples through the pond, washing water over the edges of the island Ginty had set up camp on. The sounds of panic and turmoil echoed out reaching the young boy, accompanied by the vague vision of the struggling group in the darkness on the other side of the river. His reflection danced across the surface as the water continued to ripple. Among the voices that rang out, another faintly came to his attention, a bit closer than the rest. On the other side of the pond, near whatever was left of the pile he wasn't able to retrieve, now visible thanks to the bags he moved, was a small girl calling out for help. Lilia had managed to shake some of the timidity out of her voice, finally regaining consciousness below the wreckage.

The trebling ground sent a few stones cascading into the pond near a young boy who was passed out just out of view, a few yards from Ginty, on the same side of the pond as him. He was hidden from sight by the detached bus door, which was propped up over Ashton against a rock. As the green haired boy began to wake from the darkness of unconsciousness, he found himself laying on his back beneath the debris. He too could see his reflection in the edge of the pond near where he was laying as ripples continued to spread across the top of the water. His reflection stared back at him ominously as the sounds of the near by conflict rang out, slowly fading in as his hearing returned to him. A sharp pain nagged at his right shoulder, keeping him from fully moving his arm. It wasn't broken, but ached and was slightly swollen.

Someone can be saved here...
Your reflection tells you you've woken up to danger.
Make a Choice.
Someone can be saved here...
But who will come.
Someone can be saved here...
If only...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The1Rolling1Boy
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The1Rolling1Boy The Rando

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ginty will keep his Integerty


Ginty quickly stands up tightly holding the pocket knife he got from one of the backpacks using it to cut up the leaves on the tree we just cut down after hearing someone cry out for help a loud crash. "H... Hello? Are you okay?" He asks walking over to the shoreline letting his feet touch the called causing shivers to run up his spine. He looks around to see a little girl around his age stuck under a bus seat or something, "Hello! Don't be scared, please. I'm Ginty. Who are you?" He waves his arms around to get her attention before running to where his clothes were and quickly puts them on. He grabs a backpack and the rope vine then wraps it up and puts it inside the backpack before rushing back over to setting it down and looks over the tree then at her. I rather save her than save myself. My body will be able to withstand the cold, she will not withstand that pain for much longer, though, He thinks to himself panicking on the inside. He sighs and waves his arms around to makes sure she is still okay.
He takes a deep breath before clenching and unclenching his fist before beginning to push the trunk over a near of the shore that seemed to be closer to the other side. He takes one more deep breath before pushing it into the water and holding the backpack with the rope in it tightly before moving a few rocks over the tree trunk to make sure it doesn't start moving around when he is walking on it. He looks at the girl then at the tree trunk and jumps it and slowly crawls across stopping whenever it moves to much. He takes him a while before he get's to the other side but once he does he automatically darts over to the girl and checks that she is okay. "Hi are you okay? I'm want to help," He says kneeling down smiling softly tilting his head slightly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Inner Demon
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Inner Demon Summoned King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Soreness wracked Ashton's body, specifically his right shoulder, causing him to wake from the pain. He let out a muffled, slowly pulling his eyelids open as the dark recesses of the cave the bus had fallen in came into view. He blinked a couple times, letting his eyes adjust. Once he regained some strength, Ashton attempted to pull himself from beneath the object he eventually realized was the schoolbus door. The feat was difficult due to the pain that plagued his shoulder, but it wasn't enough to keep him immobile. After a few ragged breaths and grunts, Ashton finally pulled himself out from underneath the wreckage and to the shore of the underground lake, where he was able to see his reflecting. Among the rippling waters surface where his reflection danced, he saw the reflections of the other children as they struggled with something on the other side of the lake. The sight made Ashton snatch his gaze upward toward the turmoil. He couldn't tell exactly what was going on but something else caught his eye. Someone had made some kind of makeshift campsite just a few feet away. Curious, and still somewhat dazed and confused from the crash, Ashton walked over to the campsite where he saw someone had set aside a pile of various snacks along with a pile of backpacks, and clothes that seemed to be damp. Among the bags, he found one that looked familiar. Ashton knelt down, rummaging through the pile for a moment before he procured his own bag. Looking inside, Ashton saw that most of the contents had either been removed or were stuck to the insides of the bag thanks to the moisture. After shaking out the ruined pieces of paper and droplets of water, Ashton slung the backpack over his bad shoulder, grabbed a handful of snacks and supplies from the piles, tossed them in the bag, and stepped toward the edge of the shoreline.

Looking out over the lake, Ashton felt the cold air nip at him as a mysterious and gentle breeze wafted over him from the caverns above. The idea of swimming across the water to get to the other side quickly left his mind as shivers ran down his spine. However, it was then that he noticed the makeshift bridge of a fallen tree trunk that laid precariously across the surface of the water. A convenient path for Ashton to take, but likely not an entirely safe one. It didn't help that he was a rather tall kid for his age and not the most graceful at that. But he wasn't going to let the fear of getting a little wet stop gt in his way. With that, Ashton carefully stood upon the tree trunk, holding his arms out for balance. "Okay...here we go. Don't fall..." He began slowly stepping across the length of the log, repeating encouragement to himself. "Don't fall don't fall don't fall!" As Ashton got further across the log, his steps grew faster and his balance wavered. "Crap crap crap!" He shouted as he neared the end, stumbling and almost falling into the water. However his foot managed to connect with land before he went tumbling forward, landing face first on the ground next to the girl trapped under a seat and the other boy who was knelt down by her side. "...Oww...That smarts..." Muffled Ashton into the dirt as he peeled his face up off the ground and rubbed his forehead. That's when he saw the other two kids. "Wha...oh...hey. Hey! Are you guys...ow...alright?" Asked Ashton, gripping his shoulder as he stood up. "Are you stuck under there?" He asked toward the girl who's leg was hidden beneath the bus seat.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Lucia ~♥~ A Kind Soul
Things seem to be falling apart here...
About 30 seconds at most had passed since Lucia got over to where everyone was trying to save Ms. Cassidy, and now things were getting even more hectic. Whatever part of the bus that had caught on something before, and been suspended above what was left of the bus hanging halfway off the cliff not too far away, started screeching and groaning as it finally began to fall. Lucia watched as it hit the bus, and the whole thing began tilting off the cliff. She had to cover her ears to try and block out the screams of the children who'd still been in the bus as it disappeared into the abyss below.

Painful tears pricked at her eyes as she tried to focus on saving who she could. She turned back to face Ms. Cassidy, and seeing the cracks in the ground spreading towards the small group, she acted as quickly as she could. First, she took one pantleg from each of the two pairs they were using as a rope and tied them together with a simple double knot she hoped wouldn't come undone. "Ms. Cassidy? Once you get a hold of the pants, wrap it around your wrist once and hold on tight. Then see if you can get you feet on the cliffside to help push yourself up as we pull. If this works, you should just be able to walk up the cliff, but you have to stay calm." Lucia saw this in a movie once, so it should work. Her only worry was that the three children wouldn't really be able to pull the full-grown woman up if she couldn't help them at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Laach
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Laach They call me fish

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dilloh, ♥ soul of Determination

Ground crumbling around him, death approaching precariously ever closer, it was only a matter of time before Dilloh's spirit kicked into overdrive. "rrrRRRRAAAAAAGGGHHGHGHG!" He roared, putting all of his strength into each and every tug on the one pair of pants between him and Mrs. Cassidy. It wouldn't be a surprise if the garment of clothing were torn asunder from the pressure and force being applied to it from both gravity and the children. In fact, if he had been paying attention, he would hear the faint sound of a ripping noise over the breaking floor as he pulled his teacher from certain death. Adrenaline could make him care less however, as all of his focus, all effort, his sweat and his blood, his life purpose was to pull Mrs. Cassidy up to stable ground. At risk of his life... Luckily for him, he was the only one far enough along the cliff for it to matter. He would be the only one to fall down, and it was his choice.

It was not like his life was worth much. He was always the problem child. The defective one. Destined for failure. These are just a few of the words used to explain him. He heard his parents speak them once or twice. Even his teachers couldn't hide what they truly believed about him. In fact, if he could recall correctly, Mrs. Cassidy may have been one of them. But that didn't really matter now. Right now, all that matters is saving Mrs. Cassidy. Whatever it takes, he would be the one to do it. Inhaling one more time, he readies himself for another powerful tug, and makes his desperation vocal. "RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
@Thread Generator SIN
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