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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

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Where is everyone?

Been working all day, and waiting for others to go before I do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ready to run? You don't make comments on a woman's thighs. xD
That being said, Nyehehe!

Also, just a general notification, posted.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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It was a compliment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

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It was a compliment.

I guess? You are interacting with a truly demonic creature though xD
She'll take any opportunity to make some chaos.

Also, the real reason was to test Astiroth's powers...but put it subtly. By having a bear chase him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

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<Snipped quote by BKburke>

I guess? You are interacting with a truly demonic creature though xD
She'll take any opportunity to make some chaos.

Also, the real reason was to test Astiroth's powers...but put it subtly. By having a bear chase him.

I'm rooting for the bear, mostly cause their my favorite animals.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Will she be able to sense the ring that is holding back Astiroth power?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lightning
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Sorry for being so slow, been a busy day today. 2 quizzes a mid term and two programming assignments! I'm so proud of myself. <3
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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@Lord of Evil

Tony wouldn't know Astiroth is a demon since Astiroth is in human form and has addressed himself as Jason. Unless Tony has the ability to see through it then yes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord of Evil
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Lord of Evil Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

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@Lord of Evil

Tony wouldn't know Astiroth is a demon since Astiroth is in human form and has addressed himself as Jason. Unless Tony has the ability to see through it then yes.

Could've heard them talking. Actually, gimme a minute.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord of Evil
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Lord of Evil Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

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Right, there we go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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*sigh* If I had known it would be so easyou for the party to find out he was a demon, I never would added that item to my list in the first place. That makes one useless enchanted item that was a waste of space. Well make it two, the ring doesn't have a point anymore either since the statue gives incredible knowledge of magic that could lead to extreme power, that makes two useless items that were a waste.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord of Evil
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Lord of Evil Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

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*sigh* If I had known it would be so easyou for the party to find out he was a demon, I never would added that item to my list in the first place. That makes one useless enchanted item that was a waste of space. Well make it two, the ring doesn't have a point anymore either since the statue gives incredible knowledge of magic that could lead to extreme power, that makes two useless items that were a waste.

It's more of a suspicion right now, you know. He might be half demon or a quarter demon or something, or maybe he has a live demon's head that shoots lightning or something. Or he made a deal with a demon. There are plenty of ways he could have "demon powers", so Tony doesn't 100% know that he's a demon.

And if you want to talk about wasting items then take a look at my character's entire non-combat inventory. Its only purpose is for his backstory, which I could've easily taken out.

I have to ask though, why'd you want to hide it in the first place? I just want to know (although I suppose actually telling me would be defeating the purpose of hiding it in the first place :\)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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*sigh* If I had known it would be so easyou for the party to find out he was a demon, I never would added that item to my list in the first place. That makes one useless enchanted item that was a waste of space. Well make it two, the ring doesn't have a point anymore either since the statue gives incredible knowledge of magic that could lead to extreme power, that makes two useless items that were a waste.

Being able to completely hide that you're a demon would take some very strong magic, especially if it was taken from the context of my canon. Demons are fundamentally different than humans; the way the magic works means that if you were to 100% remove all traces of demon from someone, they wouldn't be a demon anymore period, which would make your ring able to convert him from one type of being to another. That sort of magic would make the ring suspect to those who can tell that certain items are more powerful than others. Not wiping out every single trace, magic and physical, that he is a demon would be to use illusion to some extent, which is only so effective. As it stands, the ring is able to make an effect that is more convincing than the usual illusion, and may as such come in useful for blending into most contexts, though you're probably not going to fool an expert.

If this logic is invalid do explain how the ring's magic operates, because if the above doesn't apply I don't understand how your ring works at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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@Lord of Evil

When I made the cs, his hiding was to go with the original idea of the ring (which sealed his full power and he could gain it back but only if someone else removed the ring). It this setting where demons were just removed from top of the lost and a hero who has gone full tyrant, trust would have been a big issue. I was gonna use Astiroth as some sort of center point for that trust. The humans would have trusted him more since he appeared human and the demons wouldn't. And when the time came for his big reveal, it would taught the humans that they have entrusted a demon the entire while the demons refused to trust their own kind just because of his appearance. I thought it would have been an interesting point in terms of trust within the group.


But that was just it. Astirother has no magic. They only thing that identifies him as a demon is his physical appearance and physical abilities. He literally can't develop magic. It was in my cs. His body can not manifest magic. Which is why I believed the ring would have done a good job, all the ring does ishe make his physically weaker. His neckalce doesn't have to cloak anything but his physical form. He has no aura or magic. He is literally a pure physical character.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

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But that was just it. Astirother has no magic. They only thing that identifies him as a demon is his physical appearance and physical abilities. He literally can't develop magic. It was in my cs. His body can not manifest magic. Which is why I believed the ring would have done a good job, all the ring does ishe make his physically weaker. His neckalce doesn't have to cloak anything but his physical form. He has no aura or magic. He is literally a pure physical character.

Being 100% unassociated with magic while still being a demon, my canon's lengthy argument against such an occurrence aside as it's not relevant here, still leaves the ring and the amulet's ability to manipulate him. The ring itself would carry suspicious magical properties as a result of being able to hold back his physical prowess - either he has the prowess still and it is deeply tucked away within him, or the ring modifies/contains it. There's more I could go into on this area, but then I'd shoot myself in the foot as I hate getting too technical ;p

The amulet, similar to the ring, must be rather powerful to physically manipulate him, and even then it wouldn't 100% change him to one thing or another unless the ring was extremely powerful which would be a giveaway in and of itself to those aware. Demons have different physical compositions than humans; it's rather like turning a cow into a chicken from where I'm seeing it.

The CS also makes mention of a demonic aura to those properly equipped to sense it -
He wears a necklace that allows him to take human form though this does not hide his demonic aura from holy figures trained to sense it.
- And I don't think it would be too much of a stretch for individuals who spend time around illusion or demons that utilize similar tools or are demons themselves to be able to notice.

What Tony has right now is merely a suspicion, and there's presently no way for one of the mortal characters - save, perhaps, Alionna - to be able to prove anything or to go beyond a mere suspicion. Given the presence of other demons already, Tony would be right to have a bit of paranoia when dealing with the group. Your character's task seems to me is to prove himself worthy of the trust in such an unreliable setting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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The ring was to hold back his strength because he never cared to to take precautions on the battlefield. He would let his strength run wild and if he killed his own people, then sucks for them. The ring puts it in check. The necklace allows him to alter his physical form. That's it. He was going to try and build trust, that was his idea. However, now that 3 members of the group know/suspect he is a demon, there is no point in keeping the necklace, might just have him tear it off and crush it when he gets back and on the way power is going to be obtained, he might as well cast off the ring and forget about because he will need to physically keep up with the mastery knowledge of magic everyone else will obtain.

Also, changing your form isn't high level magic. The poly-morph spell from d&d for example only requires you be level 4. All depend on what you are trying to reference.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago


The ring was to hold back his strength because he never cared to to take precautions on the battlefield. He would let his strength run wild and if he killed his own people, then sucks for them. The ring puts it in check. The necklace allows him to alter his physical form. That's it. He was going to try and build trust, that was his idea. However, now that 3 members of the group know/suspect he is a demon, there is no point in keeping the necklace, might just have him tear it off and crush it when he gets back and on the way power is going to be obtained, he might as well cast off the ring and forget about because he will need to physically keep up with the mastery knowledge of magic everyone else will obtain.

Those who know aren't talking. The demons present have no particular reason to give him away, and Kolonis, I can say this much for certain, would only do it if she felt she had something to gain (actually, that reminds me of something else - does your human form change? If not, Remus and Kolonis would immediately recognize you unless you never used your human form in a way either of them would have a chance to detect). It's one of the issues of being a demon in the midst of demons - did you think you were going to fool a demon lord and one of the demon lord's top intelligence figures, for example? Those who know for certain aren't new to spells and items such as what you're using.

And as for anyone else, nobody can prove it, and neither do they actually know. Some merely have suspicions. You are one of a set of characters that include a demon lord and a few of his minions. Everybody is suspect, and trust is not guaranteed at all. If I had a more heroic character, I wouldn't even completely trust the heros. Perhaps the entire circumstance is an illusion created by the demon lord and everyone's a demon. You can't really know if you're interacting with beings of such a high power level. As for what he does with the ring and amulet and how, all up to you. Personally, I think it's a waste to do so. You might not fool the hero or his most powerful generals, but such a spell could certainly be useful against other humans and almost anyone that isn't a powerful demon or holy figure. Kolonis can cloak demon auras with the proper runes, but it can only go so far. Having a self-sustaining shield against all but vigilant forms of detection is an asset, but it's your character, so use your resources how you will.

All depend on what you are trying to reference.

Fair enough.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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one of the demon lord's top intelligence figures, for example? Those who know for certain aren't new to spells and items such as what you're using.

If your character is that, then any individual who hears knows a the fact about Astiorth, plan and simple. The only reason they have for not taking your word for it is that you are a demon but there no point in really mistrust ingredients a demon pointing out another demon. Another thing is that only holy figures could detect his aura, by all accounts, you character is technically not holy. You are a mage, not a cleric, or a paladin, or a priestess. Also, while it depends on a personal view, demons are not holt either, that is why it is called demonic. But it is what it is.

My only goal was to use these items to set up a dynamic that would cause the group to look athrough each other in a new liget that almost forces them to actually look at each other as individuals and not as mere demons and humans, but now there is no point. As for the demon lord, all the was given is that he can talk through a host, it said nothing about his abilities being capable utilization through a mortal human body.

Again, I'm seeing these items as a waste of space and would have much had rather spent the time making items to benefit him in combat I stead of using trust to rely on his team to make up for his lack of versatility in a fight.

Since the human heard you, there is also no reason he wouldn't tell the others.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by ArenaSnow>

If your character is that, then any individual who hears knows a the fact about Astiorth, plan and simple. The only reason they have for not taking your word for it is that you are a demon but there no point in really mistrust ingredients a demon pointing out another demon. Another thing is that only holy figures could detect his aura, by all accounts, you character is technically not holy. You are a mage, not a cleric, or a paladin, or a priestess. Also, while it depends on a personal view, demons are not holt either, that is why it is called demonic. But it is what it is.

My only goal was to use these items to set up a dynamic that would cause the group to look athrough each other in a new liget that almost forces them to actually look at each other as individuals and not as mere demons and humans, but now there is no point. As for the demon lord, all the was given is that he can talk through a host, it said nothing about his abilities being capable utilization through a mortal human body.

Again, I'm seeing these items as a waste of space and would have much had rather spent the time making items to benefit him in combat I stead of using trust to rely on his team to make up for his lack of versatility in a fight.

Since the human heard you, there is also no reason he wouldn't tell the others.

I will not debate the other points because I want to know this first: Where exactly does Kolonis identify Astiorth? When does she say anything at all aloud about him? When, indeed, does she directly acknowledge that he specifically exists? And if she never mentioned Astiorth, how is everyone else about to figure it out? Even Remus at full strength and in his true form isn't a mind reader.

Edit: And before I forget, please address my point regarding being able to recognize him if he doesn't change the appearance of his human form frequently. Does it change or does the amulet simply do a 1:1 conversion from what he looks like as a demon to his human equivalent? Because if it's the latter, he's immediately detectable by Remus and Kolonis due to the fact the three of them, based on your bio, would have had at least some interaction over the past couple thousand years.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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The necklace just gave him a random human appearance. They wouldn't be able to identify him anyway because he didn't get this necklace until after the demons lost.

As for identifying Astiroth, according to the intelligence of your character that you have stated, you kinda put it out thhat all it would take is a quick glance.

By my cs, there is only one character who would actually have the ability to detect Astiroth and that's Alionna. Sue is a holy class worshipping a holy figure that takes care in hunting demons.
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