
Name: Maleko Kaiwi
Birth Date: Fall/18th
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Profession: Livestock Farmer
Standing at around 5’9”, Maleko has an athletic build due to his time spent farming, however his skin tone is due to his heritage. His somewhat short brown hair is usually rather unkempt as he’s not very worried about his appearance. His eyes have a strong green colour which is often the first thing that people notice when they see him, and it’s also usually the first thing people refer to when describing him. Maleko also has tribal tattoos that run down his left arm, which can sometimes be quite intimidating to most people.
Maleko dresses rather casually to almost everywhere he goes, opting to wear a simple button up shirt with an undershirt and a pair of cargo pants with boots. Although one would expect these clothes to be rather dirty due to his profession, they’re often quite clean for.. unknown reasons. He never tries to hide his tattoos since he’s quite proud of them.
Maleko is a very welcoming person, he always likes to meet other people and get to know them. He likes it when people take interest in his work, he’ll often offer a tour around his farm and possibly give them a souvenir. Maleko can be quite trusting to a fault, but that doesn’t mean he’s gullible or careless about protecting the things and people he cares about, he can become quite vicious if someone tries to harm his farm or his friends, thus making quite a good friend to have.
Most animal products, fish, flowers, sea shells, chocolate, coffee, socialising, all sorts of cakes, animals, rain, night walks
Garbage, overly boisterous people, weeds, hiking, disrespectful people, rocks
Maleko was born in Hope Valley. His parents were livestock farmers and have been that way for generations. However it’s interesting to note that his ancestors were seafarers before they settled on islands. Although he couldn’t remember much of his childhood, it was quite lively. His parents weren’t rich, but the bonds they shared with the community was priceless and many friendships had grown from when he was young. However as time passed, people left the valley as they saw opportunities elsewhere, leaving the Kaiwi family almost by themselves.
As a young lad, Maleko had always adored the animals on the farm, and often helped tend to them whenever he could. He enjoyed walks on Sunset Beach as well, picking up random seashells and the like. But as he grew older, his responsibilities began to increase as his parents grew old and sick.
By the age of 21, his parents had passed away and the farm was left to him. Like his parents, he grew up to be a very friendly person who would never let a friend down. He hopes that with the help of Chester, Hope Valley will be brought back to it’s former glory and possibly more.

General Info
Name: Maleko Kaiwi
Birth Date: Fall/18th
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Profession: Livestock Farmer
Physical Info
Standing at around 5’9”, Maleko has an athletic build due to his time spent farming, however his skin tone is due to his heritage. His somewhat short brown hair is usually rather unkempt as he’s not very worried about his appearance. His eyes have a strong green colour which is often the first thing that people notice when they see him, and it’s also usually the first thing people refer to when describing him. Maleko also has tribal tattoos that run down his left arm, which can sometimes be quite intimidating to most people.
Maleko dresses rather casually to almost everywhere he goes, opting to wear a simple button up shirt with an undershirt and a pair of cargo pants with boots. Although one would expect these clothes to be rather dirty due to his profession, they’re often quite clean for.. unknown reasons. He never tries to hide his tattoos since he’s quite proud of them.
Mental Info
Maleko is a very welcoming person, he always likes to meet other people and get to know them. He likes it when people take interest in his work, he’ll often offer a tour around his farm and possibly give them a souvenir. Maleko can be quite trusting to a fault, but that doesn’t mean he’s gullible or careless about protecting the things and people he cares about, he can become quite vicious if someone tries to harm his farm or his friends, thus making quite a good friend to have.
Most animal products, fish, flowers, sea shells, chocolate, coffee, socialising, all sorts of cakes, animals, rain, night walks
Garbage, overly boisterous people, weeds, hiking, disrespectful people, rocks
Maleko was born in Hope Valley. His parents were livestock farmers and have been that way for generations. However it’s interesting to note that his ancestors were seafarers before they settled on islands. Although he couldn’t remember much of his childhood, it was quite lively. His parents weren’t rich, but the bonds they shared with the community was priceless and many friendships had grown from when he was young. However as time passed, people left the valley as they saw opportunities elsewhere, leaving the Kaiwi family almost by themselves.
As a young lad, Maleko had always adored the animals on the farm, and often helped tend to them whenever he could. He enjoyed walks on Sunset Beach as well, picking up random seashells and the like. But as he grew older, his responsibilities began to increase as his parents grew old and sick.
By the age of 21, his parents had passed away and the farm was left to him. Like his parents, he grew up to be a very friendly person who would never let a friend down. He hopes that with the help of Chester, Hope Valley will be brought back to it’s former glory and possibly more.