Strike them down, consume and destroy all that lives. It is as simple as slipping a blade between their ribs or into their eye. Come now, don’t resist it. You know you want to.
“Another town of people have reported nearly a dozen people dead from a miasma which seeps from the ground to consume its Victims. Sire, we can’t ignore their pleas any longer. Even if we have nobody willing to take the quest within the Inner Circle, we must have somebody do it!” The man who stood amongst the fifteen Commanders and the Arch-Bishop had been visibly shaken. He himself had been to one such town and seen the destruction, the bodies which seemed to rot well before they were meant to. Yet all this had been ignored by the Order, their strongest not wishing to get involved in what was an obvious act of mass destruction. For people who had been established to protect and serve the people of the World, they certainly failed in this aspect.
“Squire Willams, you dare speak out of line to us? We will not release this information to the public and we will not plead with Adventurers for help. Those disgraceful bastards would make us look like inept fools. Such a heinous organization to allow to freely pass through the nations,” Called down a Commander from his seat, causing a similar uproar from all others.
“Calm down Commander Hall. We shall not take this information to the Adventurers, now will we Squire? Nobody would wish for you to lose your position, your pay, your life’s work with your wife having a child on the way.” The Arch-Bishop who sat before the Squire smiled maliciously at him, obviously threatening him if the information were to be leaked.
“No… Sire.”
Months ago began the war of the North, the many city-states which existed in those reaches fighting each other over simple squabbles. Neither won against the other even as their farms burned and their citizens starved. Many towns after that in the eastern kingdom of Gallhena were found destroyed, their citizens rotting away though they had only been dead for a few days. The acts of destruction were horrendous, enough so that fear for the safety of everyone worldwide became an issue. Many kingdoms closed their borders to travelers out of fear for letting in whatever being was causing this chaos.
It was only weeks ago that a mysterious informer leaked the information which had been gathered from one kingdom to the Adventurers, asking for them to post it as a request for whoever would accept it. The goal: Hunt down the Murderer. The pay: Enough to last a lifetime. The danger? The highest possibility of death on any single posted notice that the Adventurers had ever provided. Adventurers from all over the kingdoms saw the notice, many ignoring it due to its danger while others simply unsure as whether it was a single person committing the crime. Those who accepted the contract were few. Perhaps you were one of them. Perhaps you were not and simply watched as fools race to their deaths. The choice is yours.
Welcome one and all to this interest check and, if you have stayed so far to reach this point, then thank you. In this roleplay, choice is key. You can choose to follow the plot or to go on your own adventures, though said choice will have an effect on the world. Players will all be licensed by the Adventurer’s Guild so as to not limit their movements and to allow them to follow quests, notices put up in every town, for money and fame. Simply enough, what drives your character is their own will to do what drives them.
The world of Till-Arime, a world of endless possibilities and ever changing. Alongside it exists several more planes of existence, some home to monsters who seek to corrupt and kill and others to beings simply looking upon the ever changing plane with disgust. Yet, Til-Arime is life to its own creatures as well. These beings are the Humans, the Elves, the Dwarves, the Elithiri, the Orcs, and the Vilitharin. This world is your home and the home to many others. It changes as you do. Be careful adventurer, few know what lies on the road ahead. May Hecia guide you.
There are some points in each realm at which the barrier between others is much weaker, known as a Gate. It's still not possible for humans to enter another realm using Gates, but sufficient magic can be used to influence the area around them. Gates can be found in nature, usually in/near Vistas.

Fantastical world of Earth - same name, different geography! The planet is filled with much of the flora and fauna on our planet, however there are other notable features that make the world much more interesting - and perilous - to live in.

Vistas are places on Earth that have a strong magical aura around them, usually because they contain a Gate to another realm. The areas tend to look very surreal and almost psychedelic - at these places on Earth the laws of physics are bent. Time could be slower or gravity weaker. Some humans devote their life to seeking out and documenting Vistas, discovering if there is any correlation to their location and the effects experienced within them. Due to their magical nature, Vistas have a tendency to allow beings such as Demons and Wandering Spirits to manifest without the use of a summoning circle. As such, Vistas can often be used as training in fighting the ‘free’ Demons found there.

The Earth in is much larger than the planet we live on. As such, huge colonies of Stelebark trees have formed - the bark is as tough as tempered steel and is even brewed into drinks by some tribes. These forests are the size of oceans in some areas - it is said that those who enter never make their way out again.

The icy grip of the south has been slowly advancing up the planet in the last few centuries. Strange creatures, spirits and beings have crawled out from the maw of the land. Harsh and unforgiving, only the most hardened people dare live close to this area - the south pole is currently unexplored. Who knows what secrets lie there...?

Direct link: http://i.imgur.com/9lKbrXv.jpg
1 Hexagon is equal to 6 miles. 1 Mountain Hexagon is equal to 9 miles.
Since the world is so much larger, there are many more cultures and communities around the globe. Some from colossal cities, others live as vagabonds. Very few have heard of the Titans, worshiping other mysterious gods themselves.

Some nomadic peoples live in the large deserts that swathe the east of the land, living by pillaging other small settlements, hunting and farming mudweeds where they please. These tribes are relatively organised - taming and raising their own docile animals has allowed them to create huge communities on the backs of some alone. At first glance they may seem primitive, but the survival instinct of these tribes have lead them through many hardships - none know the deserts like they do.

Kingdoms have varying aesthetics depending on their location and the culture of the people living there. The city pictured above, Tiriatharg, is the capital of its respective kingdom (Capitals are usually named after their Kingdoms). These cities can be extremely large, or quite small and secluded, depending on the population. Other examples:

Braford is a pirate village in the northwest of the largest landmass, Sage. Filled with mercenaries and criminals of all calibre, the relative anarchy is ironically the glue that holds the town together.

Kingdom on the edge of a large superforest, the Fairie Woods. The people are nature loving and peaceful, despite the imposing aesthetics.

An almost alien Kingdom, found in the middle of a large Vista. The physics allow grand structures to be built, appearing surreal and bizarre - the geography of the city has attracted many researchers of the Vista phenomenon.

The Noble City of Thrayheath has about eight different noble families controlling the day to day lives of their people. The most prestigious of these noble families is the Bhiloda-Darila Family and the second prestigious noble family is the Soren-Esta Family. The Noble City of Thrayheath was built up by the two most prestigious noble families, which pride themselves on the unique architecture they built. The Noble City of Thrayheath is a tiered city with eight districts within it, all basically named after the eight noble family’s last name. The Noble Families mansions are in the center of the eight districts. There is a vast building in the center of the entire city, which is the noble family council building, which is called Thrayheath Hall, it is in the 9th district, which is called Thrayheath Proper. The Noble City of Thrayheath is neutral among the other kingdoms on the planet, they get many travelers going in and out of this city, who wish to go to other places. The rain never stops over the Noble City of Thrayheath, it can constantly rain for about a whole week at sometimes.
Architecture: Thrayheath’s architecture similar to that of Italian and German Architecture but with a wider range of darker colors and brighter colors. The important buildings are with brighter colors and the housing are darker in color. However, there is no gray in the entire noble city. The shapes of the buildings are similar to the Italian/German Architecture. The city’s docks are very beautiful and large enough to hold about three ship of the line but it can hold a lot more of the smaller ships.
Districts: The eight districts of the noble city of Thrayheath are named after the eight noble family’s last names. All the districts have the noble family’s mansions and they are in the complete center of the district and it usually intersects with the 9th District where the Thrayheath Hall is located that district is called Thrayheath Proper. In addition, the housing of the Noble City of Thrayheath is spread around all 9 districts and including the outside of the city. The Districts are separated by stone walls since the city needed to be protected, the stone is usually limestone or granite. The gates are normal sized construction, they can fit a large animal equal to the size of an Elephant or slightly bigger and you are required to buy a district pass from the entrance to the city.
The Briloda-Darila District is the cleanest district since it is specialized in making jewelry, clothes, and these shops charge a lot of money for their services. The Soren-Esta District has more hands on shops, alike Blacksmithing, Fletchery, and it has Thrayheath Grand Church in this district. The Yaariyan District is the inns, taverns and other forms of entertainment and it has the Thrayheath Park in it as well. The Garr-Molsi District is the Harbor District, which holds warehouses, the docks itself, and a building, which houses shipbuilders to construct any size of ship, which is the size of a Sloop or smaller. The Draeven District is the Military District, which trains soldiers and guardsmen to keep the city peaceful from dangers from the water and the land, it houses the Military Complex called Thrayheath Fortress. The Ragna-Marr district is the where the criminals go to lay low, there’s dens of bandits and thieves in this district and if you go alone you might get killed. The Beta-Lira district is the Magic District it has magic shops, magic schools, and other such things, it houses the Thrayheath Magic School of the Nobles. The Wilhelm district is a district of mystery and fortunes told, it is where the would-be physics go to get a buck on the unexpecting traveler.
Culture: The Noble City of Thrayheath has a mixed culture compared to other cultures, both genders within the city are treated equally as if they were apart of a Noble Family. The Ratio of Male to Female is slightly more in favor of the female at least 1 male to 2 female. The Noble City of Thrayheath has a harsh conscription policy since it requires all able bodied citizens, living within the city to learn how to fight at a young age(9 Years Old) for both genders. The Noble City of Thrayheath usually prides itself on its fleet of mixed ships and its three Ships of the Line even though they usually use this fleet for protecting other kingdom’s trade fleets. They have to do this protecting trade fleets because of their trade agreements to all other kingdoms to keep their neutrality.
There is a strict rule against same-sex relationships. Anyone who is found out to be an offender of breaking this law is disowned from their Noble Family and banished from the city. However, this only affects the citizens within the Noble City itself. However, they usually cover up the fact if anyone has been banished. The offenders of this crime are usually told to keep their heritage a secret and never to come back to the city or they will be killed. The Noble City of Thrayheath has lack Religion Policies, is to allow anyone to worship in their city, which brings fortunate to the city or a rival of theirs, they enjoy friendly competition. The Nobles have knowledge in all things, which goes on in their city and sometimes without, the most fun they have is with a trader trying to get a better deal than they had gotten. The Nobles gave trading licenses to the other kingdoms on the continent of Sage via a letter of recommendation in not harming their neutrality. The Noble City of Thrayheath has a neutral attitude with the what’s going on the world, they haven’t once tried to intrude on other people’s business if they come from the other kingdoms.
Additionally, they are absolutely have a problem on their hands, there has been Giant Spiders coming from the woodlands to the north and the coast to the east and west of their city. These spiders are similar to Black Widows or Brown Recluses but much larger and much more dangerous compared to the smaller counterparts. Everyone within the Noble City of Thrayheath is terrified of spiders because of a strange coincidence, which caused them to be suspicious of these spiders. These spiders have intelligence as if someone is leading them to cause mayhem and terror to the citizens of Thrayheath. The Spiders from the woodlands are called Tree Willows and the spiders from the ocean are called Brown Depth Spiders. This is the primary reason, why the Noble City of Thrayheath has a very strict conscription policy. The spiders only come out around midnight to 3 o’clock.
Population: 600,000
Ethnicity: The Noble City of Thrayheath are lighter skin tone than all other humans, which makes them somewhat look like they are frail frail people in terms of their skin tone. They get sunburned very easily and usually cannot stay out in the sun very long. Their hair color are easily has a wide variety of hair colors. The people who possess silver hair are usually revered as apart most prestigious Noble Families and Traders, it is a very rare trait to be born with silver hair. Most people of the Noble City of Thrayheath are usually of the average height for male and female and can wear their hair as long or as short as possible, which they try to keep clean and well combed. The males like short hair and while the females like longer hair. The Noble City of Thrayheath’s primary eye color is Gray, which can sometimes turn into Blue Eyes.

Architecture: Elir Nazik possess architecture similar to that of Turkish architecture but with a wider range of bright colors. Many buildings are domed in the city and spires are often seen from almost anywhere.
Culture: Elir Nazik is a female dominated culture despite the ratio of females to males be one to five. Females are raised from a young age(Seven years old) to become War Maidens, the fighting force of the Kingdom. This entails learning everything from simple tactics to fighting with the myriad of curved swords found within Elir Nazik. Females are expected to choose their husband and husbands mostly live a domesticated life of weaving, cooking, and farming. A young woman often sets out from Elir Nazik on a ten year journey after she turns eighteen, a process which begins with them joining a tribe of the desert.
Each journey has a different purpose depending on the War Maiden. Some go out to pray at Shrines for the safety of Elir Nazik while others travel beyond the desert, visiting the myriad of Kingdoms outside of their home and encountering the various people who live in these places. A War Maiden is not to return to the city before her ten years are up nor are they allowed to return should they not return before the end of an eleventh year.
Ethnicity: The people of Elir Nazik are of darker skin than those of say plains or forests. Their hair is naturally brown and borderline black, though there are those who posses blonde hair and are often revered for their beauty. Many of the people of Elir Nazik are tall and possess long hair which they obsessively keep smooth.

Heham, a bustling Kingdom located in the Northern lands bridging the massive distance between Bradford and Hawic, is well known as a center of trade and vital position for all who travel across the North. Many people live in the bustling city from many walks over life but the most well known of those who reside there are the warriors of the Guilds. With thousands of men and women of great power within Heham and a noticeable population of dangerous creatures, people, and the need for protection came the creation of said Guilds. As such, many Guilds such as the Sentinels and Black Watch call the city home. It is not surprising to meet a member of such Guilds on the streets, either returning from or leaving to perform jobs.
Architecture: Heham, being a Northern Kingdom, relies on alpine woods and stone gathered from the surrounding forests and Shaziram Crags to build their structures. Many of the homes are reminiscent of Nordic style housing and often tend to be built into the hillside or the majority of their space being in cellars. Guild halls are often the most ostentatious of the buildings in Heham, often being made from the finest wood and stone possible. The only building in the entire Kingdom which stands out more than the rest is that of the Palace, a massive marble castle built and furnished with dark spruce.
Culture: Heham is a typically Nordic city, one ruled primarily by men though women are often treated as equals and independent, even being able to own land and businesses. Strong women who are capable of self-defence and fighting are considered the most equal and are even allowed to join one of the Guilds which reside in Heham. Though Heham is a center of trade and highly prosperous for a Northern Kingdom, it is better known for the Guilds which have taken residence within. Many of said Guilds vary in purpose with the Sentinels and Black Watch being prime examples, one being used to hunt creatures while the other often is hired to guard caravans, respectively. Despite having a standing military force of its own, Heham relies heavily on the Guilds to protect them whenever the need be, whether this is through charity or by payment is decided by the Guild in question.
Ethnicity: Due to Heham’s nature and position in the world, the ethnicities which exist inside the city are extremely varied. The largest of the ethnicities are Nordic in appearance, bearing dark hair and eye colors and generally being larger than the other ethnicities. One can find people even from the Bradford and Hawic living within Heham, though they are noticeably by their primarily smaller stature or darker skin color.
“Walk carefully, o’ traveller from afar away. Andrasil is far from the once peaceful capital of our fair empire. Now it is petulant, ridden with men and women who vie for power, lacking any qualms with puttin’ a knife in yer back if you get in their way. The streets at night are believed to harbour vermin of all kinds, those who’ll sell ya illegal trinkets and steal from you alike. But beware, they are not the vermin to fear. Some say that ye can find those who live off the blood of others here, others say it is a beast which stalks our sewers. Whatever it may be, the night is far from calm.”
Andrasil, the capital of the Empire of Vintharan, was built in ages long past and has existed for, at least what is believed, the longest of any. The colors of the city betray how it has become in recent years, what with the rise of the Council and the King become naught but a puppet to their honeyed words. Vibrant and alive during the day and night alike, the city seems to glow in warm reds and yellows and radiant a calm but lively air with its bright blues and greens. Merchants line the streets, their wares differing little except in price as they battle for attention and money. During the day, Men and women of the Court strive for positions greater than the ones they hold. But at night, at night Andrasil transforms into a place of wonder. Galas are held near weekly for the Court to mix and mingle, for intrigue to grow, and for the bonds between families to be strengthened through marriages.
The many terraces and cliffs which this town sits upon culminate in single point, the Castle Andrasil. Having existed for many ages and held the Royal family, Castle Andrasil is a spectacle that must be seen by any tourist and lord or lady of court alike. Built of marble, grey stone, and painted with blues and greens whose match is only that of the sky itself. Dark oaks and bright birch line the insides, only seen by those invited in for the Court or those who have been ever so lucky enough join in a Royal Gala. Cheery though the city is, the underground which roams its streets is one to fear for it is unlike that of any other. Some say you can find assassins in the city seeking their targets, others the smugglers bringing in their ‘wares’ of people and drugs. The nightlife of the city is only as vibrant as it can be dark.
“Walk carefully, o’ traveller from afar away. Andrasil is far from the once peaceful capital of our fair empire. Now it is petulant, ridden with men and women who vie for power, lacking any qualms with puttin’ a knife in yer back if you get in their way. The streets at night are believed to harbour vermin of all kinds, those who’ll sell ya illegal trinkets and steal from you alike. But beware, they are not the vermin to fear. Some say that ye can find those who live off the blood of others here, others say it is a beast which stalks our sewers. Whatever it may be, the night is far from calm.”
Andrasil, the capital of the Empire of Vintharan, was built in ages long past and has existed for, at least what is believed, the longest of any. The colors of the city betray how it has become in recent years, what with the rise of the Council and the King become naught but a puppet to their honeyed words. Vibrant and alive during the day and night alike, the city seems to glow in warm reds and yellows and radiant a calm but lively air with its bright blues and greens. Merchants line the streets, their wares differing little except in price as they battle for attention and money. During the day, Men and women of the Court strive for positions greater than the ones they hold. But at night, at night Andrasil transforms into a place of wonder. Galas are held near weekly for the Court to mix and mingle, for intrigue to grow, and for the bonds between families to be strengthened through marriages.
The many terraces and cliffs which this town sits upon culminate in single point, the Castle Andrasil. Having existed for many ages and held the Royal family, Castle Andrasil is a spectacle that must be seen by any tourist and lord or lady of court alike. Built of marble, grey stone, and painted with blues and greens whose match is only that of the sky itself. Dark oaks and bright birch line the insides, only seen by those invited in for the Court or those who have been ever so lucky enough join in a Royal Gala. Cheery though the city is, the underground which roams its streets is one to fear for it is unlike that of any other. Some say you can find assassins in the city seeking their targets, others the smugglers bringing in their ‘wares’ of people and drugs. The nightlife of the city is only as vibrant as it can be dark.

Andale Tower, an imposing castle set on the the junction of a river leading in land towards its own lake, gained its name from the many spires which are an integral part of its structure. Made from graying marble and local oak wood, the castle itself is a sight that even causes even the most traveled of men and women to stare in awe. Set around the castle is the town of Andale, sprawling and built from wooden and stone housing whose inhabitants vary in shapes in sizes as well as in occupation. It would not be surprising to find a few small Guilds within the boundaries of the town.

Usually found near Vistas, institutes house those that wish to learn the ways of magic. Institutes are normally independent facilities, but may have close relations with a kingdom if it is beneficial to them. Consider them very large universities.

These ancient monuments seem to have been left here from generations passed. While some tribes worship the weak spirits and apparitions that appear there, legend has it that the bodiless can find purpose there. Whether this is true or not remains unproven.
There are a multitude of creatures that exist in Til’Arime that don't on earth. Here are a few that may prove worthy adversaries if encountered:

Large creatures seemingly formed of icy flesh. These creatures are very primitive and only seek to consume what the cold hasn't. While they're known to wander the south independently, finding them in groups is not too uncommon.

Hulking figures always enclosed in some form of armour. These creatures do not eat, or sleep. They simply wish to experience war and slaughter their enemies. Very resistant to magic. Approach with extreme caution.

Mysterious beings, these creatures seem to gift certain humans with dreams - or nightmares - that can avert the course of fate. Why they do this is unknown, but it is wise to heed their message.

Demons, beings from another Plane of existence than one which the Earth exist on, are known only due to the dabblings done by magi curious in finding those who exist on the other Planes. One such Plane was the home of the Demons, a race of morally ambiguous and physically horrendous. These creatures are as unpredictable as the Seas and just as likely to kill someone. Summoning a Demon is like rolling a dice and you may get a terrible roll, ending with a being highly unwilling to allow control or provide any help to its summoner. Those who are lucky may full well end up with a being which shall help them beyond even the goal they were summoned to complete. Occasionally, Demons will form in a lesser state of being in Vistas, thus making Vistas highly dangerous to the average traveler.
Wandering Spirits
Wandering Spirits, the souls of lost Humans which have failed to have been put to rest, are a natural occurrence on Earth though few can see them without magical training. These souls often are found around loved ones or the lineage of their loved ones. Some consider them to be Guardian Angels due to their ability to influence the world around them and protect others. For the most part, Wandering Spirits hardly ever interact with those whom they do not know and will avoid magi who see them. Yet, some Spirits seem drawn to Vistas where they may physically manifest.
Magic is, by its very nature, a chaotic swirl of energy which is not quite of this world nor of another. It seems, rather, that magic exist from the mixing of worlds after the great Cataclysm which ushered in the new era. Magic has no limitations except by what its user has learned, either done by themselves or by another. All can learn magic, though some races show an inherent dissociation with magic in general. Whether this dissociation is one created by the Cataclysm or by the Gods who watch over said race has yet to be determined by any Magi. While some believe their magic is given to them by the Gods, the truth is that the Gods can only limit one’s skill with a certain magics and often look down upon those who perform them.
The Styles of Magic
Magic doesn’t quite ‘branch off’ as many academies prefer to teach as. Rather, magic is a singular existence which is controlled by the Magus imposing their will upon its existence. A Magus can feel the flow of magic around them as naturally they would wind. Using the flow of magic requires one to tap into and then impose their will upon it. For younger Magus this limits their spells to weaker powers while those who have honed the craft can form entire creatures from magic. The many Styles of Magic are simply that which a Magi can learn through a long life
---Druidic Magic---
Druidic Magic comes in many forms though its branch is well known to be used by the Northern Magi and the Forest Academies. Using druidic magic can be considered as growing closer to nature itself and often is considered to be one of the easier Styles to learn. Yet, easy is not to be taken as lacking in power. Rather, a properly skilled Druid can eliminate entire armies with their magic. Entire forests can be grown by ancient Druids and a barren desert may very well become a grassland overnight should they wish it. A user of Druidic magic can feel how entire forests are doing, can asses what ails all beings which live and breathe, and can even imitate the form of creatures they have encountered
Summary: Druidic magic is comprised of the following areas of magic.
-Animal Empathy
-Animal Morphing
-Botanical Communication
-Ecological Empathy
-Nature Manipulation
-Weather Manipulation
---Creation Magic---
The act of creation something from nothing is an art that only gods and select Magi learn. Only a few are powerful enough to properly create something more than inanimate objects with creation of a living creature being both a taboo and a dying art. Nowadays, the art of Creation Magic is simply known for creating beautiful gems or wondrous flowers which never wilt. Within the boundary of Creation Magic exists the magic known as Animation, making the inanimate able to move whether by free will or programmed orders. Some Magi are known to learn how to create constructs and use them from varied activities such as research assistance to battle. In the end, Creation Magic is a dying art which few can learn on their own and even fewer are skilled to teach.
Summary: Creation Magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Construct creation (Golems, Elementals, etc.)
-Nature creations (Flowers, Trees, etc.)
-Creature creation (Animals and People)
-Object creation (Common items)
-Elemental creation (Making fire, water, etc.)
---Holy Magic---
Whether holy by nature or by definitions provided by man, Holy Magic is considered to be one of the Styles closest to that of the Gods. Holy Magic has the power to cure ailments of any kind, repel evil entities, and even bring back the recently dead. It is unknown if the Gods allow the users of Holy Magic, massive in number though unskilled, to use it or it is simply the act of a Magus who has passed down their teachings in this ancient Style. The average Cleric, as a Magus who uses Holy Magic is known, knows well enough how to heal wounds ranging from small cuts and scrapes to broken bones as well as curing many diseases. Those who are ‘blessed’ by the Gods show exceptional skill in the use of Holy Magic and can eventually reach the ability to revive those who are recently dead and even heal fatal wounds.
Summary: Holy Magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Divine Force Manipulation (Repelling Evil)
-Divine Weaponry (Holy Weapons)
-Divine Enchantment (Enchanting Weapons)
-Curse Negation
-Malignancy Negation
Necromancy is a dark Style, one which is rarely ever known to be used anymore except by those looking to extend the length of their lives. A Necromancer can live centuries by absorbing the souls of other and feeding on them to extend their life. While believed to be an inherently negative magic, Necromancy has many uses which are beneficial to common person. A necromancer can bring back the dead and use their tireless forms to perform mundane tasks and assist others. Those who have great enough power may even extend their lives through the consumption of the life force of a living object, whether this be a person or even a tree. Those of the highest level of skill in Necromancy can even harness the souls of the dead for combat or purge them for the living.
Summary: Necromancy is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Soul Manipulation
-Undead Control
-LIfe-force absorption
-Mediumship (Talking to and seeing Spirits)
-Pain Control (Inducing or Removing pain)
---Ritual Magic---
Ritual Magic is one of the potential strongest areas of magic as it encompasses the ability to summon beings of great power, demons included, and even create them whenever the need be. The very Style is considered the most dangerous as the creation of a ritual circle, being a simple process for those learned in it, can be done at anytime and can do anything from bringing onto this plane a demon to cursing a foe. Yet, one misstep in the creation of a ritual circle can very well endanger the creator as well as all of those around them. There are even those who use Ritual Magic to physically empower themselves by creating circles on clothing or their bodies.
Summary: Ritual Magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Invocation (Spoken spells)
-Creature Creation
-Physical Empowerment
---Blood Magic---
Blood Magic is simply that, a style of magic which allows the user to manipulate and use blood in varied forms. Though a magic which inherently requires the injuring of another or one’s self, Blood Magic is also rather powerful, creating virulent plagues that corrode the body of their target or vitalising the body of the user while stealing life from another. Blood mages are known to form Blood pacts, using their magic to bond two people under a set of conditions. Blood mages can heal people if they wish, but given the nature of the magic it is mostly used for destructive purposes.
Summary: Blood magic is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Blood pacts
-Minor healing
-Life-force absorption
-Plague creation
-Animation (to a degree; a blood mage can imbue the power of blood vitality into a recently deceased or inanimate object - this is by no means permanent or even feasible for more than a few minutes)
Enchanting is a mostly ancient art, with its more powerful uses lost as innovations in magic emerge. In modern times, its practical use is imbuing an inanimate object with magical energy, for purposes such as establishing a magical communication link between two specific entities. This cannot be done to the living - the equivalent of imbuing a human with magical energy is known more commonly as healing. However, enchanting is known specifically for inanimate objects. The properties given to the object can become more complex with the amount of life-force imbued with it.
Summary: Enchanting is comprised of the following areas of magic:
-Healing (rudimentary)
-Tempering (enchantment of metal)
-Wordsmithing (enchantment of books - how they initially have any magic power)
The belief in mana is an ancient one, founded in beliefs long ago that many were simply provided the inherent skill to use magic but only had so much to use. As the years grew on and work into discovering how magic works and how it exists in Til-Arime, many came to understand that magic was everywhere but the average person only had so much in their body, barely enough to even cast a small fire. Those of true skill in magic possessed a Will which allows them to control magic. Magic also possess its own Will which a Magus must try and force into submission or coerce into working for them, this is where the power of a spell may differ.
Magic for powerful spells must be pulled from far away or a source consistently providing it to the caster such a Familiar. Forcing magic to bend to one’s will requires the a lot of focus and time, time which isn’t always as free if casting in the middle of a battle. It also becomes harder to assert one’s Will over Magic the further away it is from the caster. Though who prefer to coerce magic into working with them find it easier to cast magic, though few people have ever managed to do this. It is common to find some mages with Familiars which provide them with a constant flow of Magic for cast, the pair forever bound to each other. Familiars are, on the other hand, perfectly sentient and only choose their caster.

“Alanthrial, Lord of the Seas and he who guides the sailors, may you bless our ship, thy waves guides us along the path of our lives and bring us back to home and hearth. To you we provide our fish and the other fruits of the seas which we have harvested. To you we pay our penance for entering your realm. To you, we give our youngest for thy company. O Alanthrial, praise be ye our benevolent lord.”

“Vurin, the fury of thy winds, the crack of thy whip, and the strike of thy hand bring fear to our hearts. Thy protector of beings small and large, Lord of the Storms and bringer of the rain which nourishes our lands. Praise be unto you, our Lord, for your glory and fights against those who hide from thy cleansing storms. To you we give our harvest of grains and an abundance of fruits from thy bushes. To you we celebrate the height of the summer. To you we celebrate our dead for they have joined your company. O Vurin, praise be ye our benevolent lord.”

“Otholia, he who walks among the skulls as if he was walking among the glass which littered the street. Thy realm is that of death, of the ruin that comes to the living, of the beast which haunt the night and plague us. Thy will is to bring an end to that which thy other Lords and Ladies have brought, every breath devoted to the miasma which kills and suffocates. To you we give naught but the rotten and maimed. To you we pray for safety from the very grasp of ruin which approaches our injured. To you we will kill others for safety. O Otholia, Lord of Ruin and Death, praise be ye for our safety… our malevolent lord.”

“Kali, thy eyes closed and bound, thy feet following the blind road of destiny and thy hands reached out to feel. Thy realm is that of the dreams and destiny. Thy blind eyes turned upon us as children to guide us with your matronly hands, protecting the flames which are our lives. It is by thy guidance that we follow the road ahead, dark though it is with no destination. To you we burn a parcel of incense at the height of the night. To you we create the arts. To you we provide our first daughter, a matron to guide others in thy temples. O Kali, Lady of Destiny and Dreams, praise be ye for your guidance our benevolent lady.”

“Perth, thy hands hard from work, thy body strong from the weather and thy mind sharp from the dangers of your realm. You who walk in silence, hunting the beasts of the wild and living off the lands, thy realm that of the wilds itself. Thy art master of the beasts who walk the forest and stalk caves, the creator of those which swim and those which fly, the Lord who admires the movement of those which walk and those which slither. By your will, we have fresh hunt and safety from that which hunt us. To you we burn the best meats. To you, we train our best hunters to honor your prowess. To you we return to the wilds our bodies, the souls long gone. O Perth, Lord of the Wilds and Hunt, we praise ye for thy prowess and for thy protection our benevolent Lord.”

“Erathur, you of the darkening nights, thy body pale as the moon which you cover with thy hands. By thy will the moon darkens, the nights growing more fearsome as we cower in our homes. Thy realm is that of the darkness of night, creator of the horrors which haunt it. Thy hands weave the blanket which covers the skies, the many stars upon it a gift of beauty yet a temptation into danger. To you we give our best wines. To you we bleed our best horses. To you we send our oldest men to serve as your company. O Erathur, we praise you for the beauty of the night and follow thy will if it is to die our malevolent lord.”

“Nishalla, thy blade broken and thy mournful face covered with a mask. By thy hand we fight, bringing about death to each and sorrow to another. Thy face stained by tears you hide from the chaos you have wrought yet thy blade does not yield to strike another down. Thy halls we leave after the battle field and thy feasts welcome us though thy art missing from them. To you we offer the blood of our foes. To you we cry over those who have died. To you we pray for peace and victory. O Nishalla, Lady of War, we praise you for victory and cry for you cry.”

“Hecia, our mistress of mystery and wonder, thy hands guide us in the exploration of the unknown, of the magical and mundane alike. By thy will we possess powers unimaginable, fire at our grasp and mend wounds with naught but our bare hands. Thy realm is shrouded in mist, crumbling at our sight but unimaginable to our eyes. Thy eyes see naught but you see all that we do not. To you we bring creations of gold and copper. To you we hold festivities of your honor and create stories of that which cannot be seen. To you we wander endlessly to discover the mysteries which have been created by thy hands. O Hecia, Lady of Mystery and Magic, praise be unto you for the glory of that which is unknown and unable to be seen.”

“Turin, thy hands calm the skies and thy creatures fly through as the wind dies down. Ye who art the brother of Vurin and rule the Skies as your own. Thy impetuous brother rages against your will, bringing death and life at the same time, and only ye can calm his anger. Bringer of peaceful skies, we pay penance to your for intrusion in your Realm. To you we give flowers of beautiful colors. To you we burn woods and spices of wonderful smell. To you we bring peace by leaving thy creatures unharmed and thy winds unmastered. O Turin, Lord of the Skies, we praise you for your calming touch and protecting winds our benevolent overseer.”

“Casion, thy tears the rain which fall, thy hands clasped in pray for your children who fight constantly in the skies. Mother of Turin and Vurin, ye who brings rain and life by it. Vurin’s harsh words bring tears to thy eyes and Turin’s calming hands halt them as he turns to his brother. Thy who art in the skies high, hidden by the clouds of your children and brought forth only for our selfish needs, we praise you. To you we offer maidens to keep you company, their hands to hold and their voices to tell of their own sons. To you we offer gems as clear and blue as the waters. To you we honor by the maidens who cry at the death of their sons. O Casion, Lady of the Rain and Mother of Vurin and Turin, we praise ye and thy patience, thy tears which bring life.”

“Zenim, thy stands are our memories and that of those before us. Ye who weaves the present into the past, ye who keeps track of all that has happened and will happen. Thy hands hold our futures and thy strands hold our pasts. Weave your tapestry of time, create the path which will be followed and see the deviations as they happen. To you we offer cloths of purple and red. To you we let the blood of a sheep unto thy grounds. To you we bring about thy will and praise thy for keeping for us what has happened. O Zenim, Lord of Memories and the Future, we praise ye for being the keeper of all that is great and bountiful for ye bring joy and sadness alike was we swoon in remembrance of the past.”

“Malinathar, ye of rage and burning hatred, ye calm and crackling deceit. Thy fires burn bright as ye cleanse the world of darkness and pestilence, thy heat bringing much needed warmth in the cold. Under thy guidance, thy fires burn hot to protect yet may be used to harm. Thy who may rage against those who are ill towards ye and thy who bring warmth to those who praise ye. To ye we burn fragrant woods. To ye we roast succulent meats. To ye we cleanse our dead with thy fires. O Malinathar, Lord of Fire and Vengeance, we praise ye for your protecting flames and warming touch.”
Though the Gods have no power to truly effect Til-Arime as a physical force, there are those who say that certain people born under the star of a God, should their whims guide them to act upon this, will have been blessed by the Gods. Said child will be given powers based on whichever God blessed them, to an extent due to the lack of power from the God. For example, one blessed by Malinathar has better control over fire magic, is resistant to lame, and often is a better warrior than most. Though, the Gods rarely bless anybody of any race making those who are practically a one in a million and nearly worshipped by those who also worship the God who blessed them.

“Established in the Second Era during the Great War, the Adventurers Guild was built with a singular goal in mind: to provide those who needed help with the help they wanted. Unfortunately, they were bound to a singular nation for almost a decade before all of the Kingdoms agreed to allow those who had passed their examinations and earned the title of Adventurer to travel through their borders without any hassle about papers. Now class, do you understand the history of our little guild?”
In nearly every town one may find a notice board where citizens pinup request for any average person to take up and in almost every town in a Adventurer’s office, often just a small building where a guild member had taken up living. Here, any person who has registered with the Guild, which happens to be the majority of people who wish to travel or even just those looking to learn a little cash, can bring a quest that had been marked on a board and receive the information needed to seek it. Sometimes said quests will require multiple people, making it necessary to have another person walk in with them. Here below, quests shall be listed once they have been created. If you wish to know what quests will be in a town before the start of the IC, then I shall post them as requested so as to open them to collabs.
[h1][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Character Name[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1]
[center][img]Character Image[/img][/center]
[h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3]
[b][color=6ecff6]Name:[/color][/b](Full Name)
[b][color=6ecff6]Aliases:[/color][/b](Nicknames, previous names, maiden names, etc.)
[b][color=6ecff6]Place of Origin:[/color][/b]
[color=6ecff6][i][center]Though we will not be rolling dice for feats, this will give a baseline to run off of for your character. Max for any stat is 20, average is 10. You have 75 stat point to assign between the six stats. [/center][/i][/color]
[h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Physical Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3]
[b][color=6ecff6]Day To Day Attire:[/color][/b]
[h3][b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Psychological Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3]
[i][color=6ecff6][center]Trait * Trait * Trait * Trait[/center][/color][/i]
[b][color=6ecff6]Personality:[/color][/b] Minimal 2 paragraphs
[color=6ecff6][i][center]A listing of skills, such as horseback riding, and natural abilities, such as night vision - this also includes any racial edges[/center][/i][/color]
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Skill:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Skill:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Skill:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Skill:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Skill:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Skill:[/color][/b] Description
[color=6ecff6][i][center]A listing of spells, their descriptions - casting times, elements needed to cast, expected damage, any drawbacks to casting[/center][/i][/color]
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Spell:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Spell:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Spell:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Spell:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Spell:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Spell:[/color][/b] Description
[b][color=6ecff6]Possessions Generally On Person:[/color][/b] Clothing, coin purse, money, etc
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[b][color=6ecff6]Weapons:[/color][/b] Personal weapons, no magically enhanced items
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[b][color=6ecff6]Armor:[/color][/b] Base armor only, no magically enhanced items
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[b][color=6ecff6]Animals:[/color][/b] Have a horse or bird?
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Animal:[/color][/b] Description
[b][color=6ecff6]Pack Contents:[/color][/b] What do you carry in you pack when traveling
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[b][color=6ecff6]Potions:[/color][/b] Premade or prepurchased potions
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[b][color=6ecff6]Creation Materials:[/color][/b] Anything used to brew potions or for alchemy
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[*] [b][color=6ecff6]Item:[/color][/b] Description
[b][color=6ecff6]Parents:[/color][/b] Alive/Dead/Known/Relationship With?
[b][color=6ecff6]Siblings:[/color][/b] Any/Birth Order/Relationship With?
[b][color=6ecff6]Childhood:[/color][/b] Anything notable?
[b][color=6ecff6]Adulthood:[/color][/b] Anything notable?
[b][color=6ecff6]Special Moments:[/color][/b] Things that stick out in your character's mind most often
[b][color=6ecff6]Current Events:[/color][/b] What brings you here? What were you most recently up to? What's a character like you doing in an rp like this?
[b][color=6ecff6]Character Quote:[/color][/b] Something they say a lot or live by
[b][color=6ecff6]Anything Else:[/color][/b]