Name: Rais Al-Mudra also known as "The Golden King"
Role: Bandit leader of The Stray Dogs
Age: 18
Appearance (Pic or description):

Personality: As expected from someone who goes by the moniker "The Golden King", Rais is brash and cocky in his bandit ways. As a bandit Rais joys in all of the life's pleasures, he loves the thrill of looting scores as well hoarding and spending his ill-gotten gains, but there is nothing he loves more than a good fight. A skilled warrior, he adores nothing more than to take on strong opponents. Despite all this Rais isn't a savage and is shown to follow his own code of chivalry. He doesn't take the lives of those who are unarmed or have surrendered if he takes hostages they are taken care of. He is even beloved by the common people as a Robin-hood type figure. Often spreading his "wealth" with them without asking much in return.
Other: Is also known as "Sword Stealer" because of his penchant for taking the weapons of strong foes he's bested. He doesn't just keep them as trophies, and actually uses them as his personal armoury. Making his already unpredictable style even more predictable. His current favourite is eastern blade named "Akatsuki" he claimed from an eastern warrior, which he usually dually wields with his own scimitar, Weeping Lady which he usually affectionately refers to as "Lady"
The Stray Dogs are a relatively new clan, only about 4 years old, but they have easily grown into the largest in that short timespan. This is a result of Rais crushing and assimilating many of the preexisting bandit clans under his banner.
Also in contrast to his other tendencies, he a sucker for animals.