Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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I believe it's going to work on that they're only accepting around 6 of us or so to make a crew. As such, one must show dedication in crafting an app worthy of this rp xD

Though the information on the Quarians does help my app. It's been a lot of fun coming up with ideas for my character, so that's always nice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DarkFey
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@BlackSam3091 @MrDidact

Updated my character based on further information that has been provided. Further updates can be made as necessary.

BTW: If anyone has any comments, suggestions, or feedback, lay it on me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JaceBeleren
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To make this easier on everyone else, I'm gonna pull out. I've got enough rp in my life right now (but as soon as I don't, you can sure as hell expect me to launch a ME rp, especially considering the enthusiasm here).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkFey
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DarkFey The Queen of Darkness

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Always thought it was wierd that Quarian Marines are just wearing plain Quarian Envirosuits. You'd think if anyone would need to be wearing armor, it's a Quarian whose sole job is going into battle.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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@DarkFeyThere's probably a few reason for this, firstly and mainly, you've got to remember that Quarians aren't exactly well off, they don't have factories or anything on a large scale in terms of production given their ship bound way of life, heavy metal plating in the ME universe has limited uses on foot soldiers, especially for a race that isn't exactly physically adept- any metal plating they've bought or acquired would be used on their ships as it would serve a larger and greater purpose than protecting one soldier.

So yeah, that's probably why- they do look sick though those suits.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JaceBeleren
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@DarkFey @Leos Klien
Consiering the power of the quarian fleet, it is likely they were some of the most significant contributors to the final battle, which would probably earn them some galactic recognition. I'm willing to bet that, say, 100 years from the Reaper War they could have the funding that quarian marines would look like that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DarkFey
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DarkFey The Queen of Darkness

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@Leos Klien @JaceBeleren 100 years after ME3 I imagine you'd have Quarian Marines in power armor with Jarvis-like Geth AIs
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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I have no idea what happened, it posted my last post several times. I apologize so much >_>
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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Again I'm sorry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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It kept posting >_>
I'm sorry!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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I wouldn't say that they aren't psychically adept, though they do have weak immune systems, which is the sole purpose they have the suits. Quarians lived in a relatively clean society before they were forced into the migrant fleet, and so because they had no need to develop a strong immune system on their home planet, they were forced into wearing the environmental suits and cybernetic implants to protect them. Not to mention their DNA I believe is reverse of ours and the same as Turians, so they're limited on what they can consume or else it'll poison them. I'm not sure if it's DNA, but something along those lines.

Anyway, this is why they generally have lots of procedures for people coming towards the migrant fleet about sterilization of germs, and usually have to eat a type of paste or heavily processed Turian food.

Regardless, I believe it was Grunt who said or wrote somewhere that Quarians were hard to take down in a fist fight, which may suggest they're stronger than they appear, most likely due to their suits.
Though, I also know that after a pilgrimage/during a pilgrimage, they can't start customizing their suits. I'd assume that a majority of the metal would go towards their fleets or research for countering the geth, at least up until the peace at Rannoch.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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I suppose the Guild is still messing up?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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@POOHEAD189Either that or he's very certain about his statement :P

But yeah, in terms of DNA they're Dextro-amino acid based life forms, I think intercourse between them and a human requires something like tablets or ointments to prevent a rash occurring from contact with fluids, don't know my knowledge on their biology is spotty at best.
I only say that they're not physically adept as in terms of their prowess in technology, they're more likely to use tech to defeat their foe rather than suit up in armour - a big gun can stop a Krogan but no amount of plating can stop them from tearing your limbs off and beating you to death with them; if you catch my drift.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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@Leos Klien

I blame my phone for that >_>
But no I understand now whatcha meant.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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For the record, I'm still interested. I'll probably make a Drell, either a tank or Biotic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

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I will just say I'm shocked so much interest has been displayed. We may decide to raise the player cap depending on how many apps we get and the quality and dedication put into each of them but it is very gratifying to have so much interest in our game, thanks a lot guys. Sam should be finished with the OOC soon.

In terms of military doctrine the Quarians resemble the Salarians more than they would the Turians.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WanderingSpirit
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Would you also be adamant against someone playing an STG operative since you limited Specters? I have an interest in creating my Salarian as one of their rare biotics operatives. He's part of the intelligence services as a covert operative as a scout or information gatherer rather than in a team, leading missions for raids and etc. I would be thinking that my Salarian is tagging onto the group should anything develop worth notifying the Salarian higher-ups.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

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@WanderingSpirit Yeah that kind of character would be perfect for the Task Force. This organization is like a black ops team, predominantly made up of either the cream of the Citadel military and intelligence crop or the most notorious criminals in the galaxy. So we expect to see lots of commandos and spies rubbing shoulders with mercs and killers of all stripes. Very similar to the crew in Mass Effect 2 except with more government operatives.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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I only say that they're not physically adept as in terms of their prowess in technology, they're more likely to use tech to defeat their foe rather than suit up in armour - a big gun can stop a Krogan but no amount of plating can stop them from tearing your limbs off and beating you to death with them; if you catch my drift.

I suppose the Guild is still messing up?

You mean it stopped messing up at some point?

This forum is about as reliable as the Walmart brand volus-made knock off crap of turian made goods.

Always thought it was wierd that Quarian Marines are just wearing plain Quarian Envirosuits. You'd think if anyone would need to be wearing armor, it's a Quarian whose sole job is going into battle.

I have no idea why the person who mocked that up decided to give the one on the left an FAL and a harness for over-sized rounds that definitely aren't 7.62x51... or why the one on the right has some manner of Glock and what looks like a comically huge revolver on her back.

But yeah, they look cool, but I think they're kind of out of setting. It's like modern tacticool aesthetics meshed with Mass Effect stuff, which is pretty cool, but also doesn't really work once you start peeling back the layers.

Most of what those guys are wearing is just fabric with the one on the left having what I assume is a plate carrier, so it's really not any more protection than they'd be wearing normally. Quarians tend to rely on advanced shielding to protect themselves.

Personally, I think their environmental suits probably have a pretty reasonable amount of durability and protection to it, but they shy away from unnecessary fabrics (save for easily discarded decorative stuff) because if they do get a suit puncture, it's a lot easier to address it and seal it off if you can immediately access it before it contaminates your entire suit. Plus, with those suits above, if they did get shot, there's a chance of getting an infection by tattered fabric getting pulled into the wound.

It's one of those things where even armour for other species doesn't necessarily do much most of the time because we're still talking about projectiles that move a fraction of the speed of light and hit brutally hard thanks to velocity; the rounds are about the size of a grain of sand being launched with the same technology that allowed faster than light travel. It's probably better against stuff like shrapnel and blades than bullets, and playing the game, bad guys die super quickly with just a couple well-placed pistol rounds when their shielding and armour is down. It's kind of like how the kevlar helmets the army wears aren't really designed to stop a rifle round.

Plus, as others mentioned, the quarians are kind of woefully unequipped across the board save for ship numbers... which doesn't mean quality. Basically everything in the entire Flotilla is second hand and in most cases is considered obsolete or useless by other species or corporations; the quarians just make it work.

So really, quarians are kind of the equivalent of space Gypsies with an exceptional ability to fully embody the sentiment that "one man's trash is another man's treasure" and can pull off some incredible technological achievements if they have the resources to do so. Considering their living accommodations are so cramped they basically live in the bastard love child of a tent city and office cubical floor where there's so little space that anything a quarian isn't using gets put out to a community market for someone else to use free of charge, it really isn't surprising that they don't have special uniforms or armour for their marines. They can probably only just afford to give every quarian an environmental suit.

It's basically super sterilized communal poverty.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

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@POOHEAD189Either that or he's very certain about his statement :P

But yeah, in terms of DNA they're Dextro-amino acid based life forms, I think intercourse between them and a human requires something like tablets or ointments to prevent a rash occurring from contact with fluids, don't know my knowledge on their biology is spotty at best.
I only say that they're not physically adept as in terms of their prowess in technology, they're more likely to use tech to defeat their foe rather than suit up in armour - a big gun can stop a Krogan but no amount of plating can stop them from tearing your limbs off and beating you to death with them; if you catch my drift.

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