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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RadioActivity


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Lydia was silent a moment. "Well, this sounding as much fun as shooting fish in a barrel... I'm not comfortable with that, I have..." She struggled with the words, mentally, before giving up. "Private things. In there. I'd rather not have some stranger go through my private things." Willow gave her a strange look and Lydia placed her hand over top of his head, squeezing, and he winced hard. "So. At the very least, let me get SOME of my things, and your workhorses can collect the rest. I'll be back in an hour..."

"Owww, Steelia, that hurts," Willow winced, placing his hands up, trying to get her to loosen her grip, writhing a bit under her grip.

Lydia finally released him, looking annoyed. "So. I'm going to go and run to my dorm. I need the exercise. I haven't went jogging yet today. I'll pick up my stuff, and I'll come back. I appreciate the kindness but I'd rather not have someone going through my underwear and bras." She slid off the counter.

"Oh," Willow said, seeming like he understood what she was referring to finally, and Lydia shot a glare at him again, which he winced and moved away from. "Sorry!" he put his hand over his head. "Um, I- I have some stuff I'd like to get too, if that's okay!" This was directed at Benjamin.

"Good luck keeping up," Lydia muttered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gilgamesh
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"As you wish," said Benjamin. "What about you?" he asked Adrian and Dillon.

"No, I don't ha-" Dillon began before being interrupted by Adrian.

"Get your armor. We still can't trust him," Adrian thought to her.

"Do have something I need to get, actually," she quickly corrected before making her way toward the door.

"Good job," he thought and she responded by flashing a smile at him over her shoulder and continued toward the door.

"You're more than welcome to get my stuff," Adrian said to Benjamin as he made his way to another tray of drinks held by a waitress.

He replaced his now empty champagne glass with another full one.

As the night went on the students would eventually file out of the mansion, leaving only Lydia, Adrian, Willow, and Dillon.

Adrian layed sprawled out ontop of the counter with champagne glasses all around him. "Damn. This bed feels like heaven," he said as he attempted to bring the glass of champagne to his lips, but missed and it spilled down his jet black shirt. " Ah, fuckin' shit on a stick."

"Uh, Adrian?" said Dillon. "Are you okay?"

"Hells to the yeahs," he responded with a smile.

"Are you drunk?" she asked as she got close to smell his breath.

"Of course not! Come 'ere, lay on this bed with me."

"Your slurred speech and the alcohol on your breath tells a different tale," she said before her face contorted in disgust. "And that's not a bed."

"It feels great though! Especially this pillow!" Adrian mumbled as he shifted the wine bottle supporting his head.

"A drunk Adrian. Just when you think you've seen it all..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RadioActivity


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Jesus Christ,” Lydia murmured, walking into the kitchen. “Did I walk into the wrong room?” She looked over at Adrian who was laid out on the counter, surrounded by champagne glasses and lying on a wine bottle. “I never would have thought you were a lush, Adrian,” she said, condescendingly, going for the fridge. She pulled out a soda. “You even managed to pour it all over you.” She leaned on the counter on the opposite wall, opening her soda, trying not to look him over too obviously. She hopped on the opposite counter, using the extra height to her advantage. Well, one man’s $600 bottle of booze poured down is another girl’s ogling session. "You look ridiculous, I hope you know that."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gilgamesh
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"Bitch please, I am fabulous," he slurred.

"Oh geez, she's right. You did spill some on you," Dillon said as she took a closer look. "We should put you to bed. Here just let me..." Dillon said as she reached for the glass in his hand, but he quickly, but clumsily jerked it away from her and spilled even more on himself.

"NEIN!" he protested before nearly falling off the counter and onto the floor.

Dillon had a minor panic attack as she prepared to catch him. "Oh Christ."

"Where the hell is that jacuzzi? Oh! Or maybe the Infinity Pool! That looks nice! Hey, Dill Pickle."

"Wha-Wait, What'd you call me?"

"Dill Pickle, I think," Adrian slurred before breaking out into a fit of drunken laughter. "C'mere, we're goin' for a swim. Then we're gonna play some pool. Then we're gonna watch 'The Tiger King.' Yo, you," he pointed at Lydia, "Ms. Pretty Eyes, you're comin' too."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RadioActivity


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Awww, isn't that sweet of you?" Lydia muttered. "... Alright but I'm getting in the jacuzzi. At the risk of you passing out and drowning, I suggest we use the jacuzzi opposed to the infinity pool. I don't want to rescue your drunk ass. Plus, I sink like... um. I just don't like swimming. Alright. I'm going to go change into a swimsuit because A, I'm not getting in there in my underclothes, B, I'm not getting in there naked, and C, I really don't want to be the one who helps you get to the jacuzzi or WORSE helps YOU change. That's all up to your minion. So... later." she walked off to her room to change into her swimsuit. She changed into her best top, wondering if she should really be thinking this hard about getting in a jacuzzi with a drunken Adrian. Worse, her drunken worst enemy. She shrugged it off, slipping a pair of swim shorts over her bottoms, finding that to be more comfortable. I hope he doesn't pass out or throw up in the jacuzzi. I'll literally kill him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gilgamesh
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Dillon sighed, "Yeah, if we have to go to one or the other. I'd prefer if you didn't drown..."

"The jacuzzi it is, Dill Pickle!"

"I hope you don't remember that nickname in the morning..." she said as she helped him down from the counter with busting his head open. Allowing him to lean on her for support she proceeded to lead him toward the jacuzzi. "Okay, how are we going to do this?" she asked as she leaned him against the jacuzzi.

He began to clumsily take his shirt off, but mid way through he found himself stuck with his arms twisted in odd directions. "Hey, uh Dill?"

Dillon quietly snickered to herself before helping him, "I gotcha," she said as she waded through the mess he found himself in. Finally taking off his shirt revealed not only his well-muscled body, but also his scarred chest, arms, and back lined with thin and thick slash marks. The scars arched across his chest in wild, random patterns.

"Geez! Where di-" before she could even finish her sentence Adrian had found himself a comfortable spot in the jacuzzi. "H-hey! Your pants are still on!"

"Heh, what? You think you can get my pants off on the first night? Maybe another night, Red."

She blushed a bright red, "T-that's not what I meant!"

"Aww yeah, this feels gooood."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RadioActivity


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lydia came back, swinging in, settling on the bottom of the jacuzzi easily. "All changed... and man, he's not kidding, this feels amazing..." she tipped her head back, turning to look at Dillon, as she slid down, a little lower into the water. "You can go change now, I don't think you want to hop in naked either..." Speaking of naked, she glanced over at Adrian. He'd kept his pants on, but above that, was quite a show. He looked very much the battle scarred warrior. She looked away from him, tipping her head back. Well, she'd just have to keep watching later. Her own thoughts brought a ruddy color to her cheeks. "Damn it, Adrian. This better not be something you do regularly." She finally complained, not sure how to hold a normal conversation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gilgamesh
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Thanks, Steelia," she said before scurrying off for her own swimsuit before Lydia began eyeing Adrian.

Adrian laughed, "It ain't. Me gettin' drunk, that is. I go shirtless tons of times though," he said with a wink. "Besides, if I knew you'd change into that, I'd get in this jacuzzi all the time, whatever floats your train." His own eyes began eyeing her up and down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RadioActivity


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"W- well, I can't say that I'm disappointed. In the first part, I mean. I guess..." I'm awkward as hell. Dillon won't be back for awhile. Why is he doing this? Lydia flushed bright red, all the way down to her neck. "Adrian, you're drunk, shut up." But the praise, even from a drunken Adrian was nice. It appealed to her sense of vanity. She did look pretty good. She worked out a lot, usually lifting and moving around the garbage in the town dump, mostly because she got to destroy what she played with... She realized she was off track, and calmly brought her mind to the present. Stranded in a jacuzzi with a drunken flirting Adrian. "I'd like to know how you would have gotten in this jacuzzi all the time if this is our first day living here." Floats my train? Nothing floats my train. Literally. I can't even float in salt water. Stupid weird body-density. I love water. She let the comment go.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gilgamesh
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Adrian laughed at her comment, "Screw logic! I would've found a jacuzzi one way or another. I'd probably steal one. Maybe this one! Y'know, I think I've figured out what has been plaguin' this polluted air between us," he slurred nonchalantly as if he was talking about how his day went. "You know what it is? We don't really talk. Or understand one another. Maybe I am a little too harsh on you, but to be honest, I hoped you received the closure you wanted regardin' that one dude, Mythos. That's why I told you about the party. Man, to think he chickened out because of the exit exam.

Maybe there is some sexual tension between us as well. I don't know... What'd you think, Pretty Eyes?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RadioActivity


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"You are so charming," Lydia's voice was dry, as she leaned it back on the edge of the tub. Ugh, I forgot my diet pepsi in the kitchen... "Oh really?" she murmured as he went on about the polluted air between them. "Well, I don't really talk to anyone, so, that's probably why..." she let out a sigh. Drunk as Adrian was, she might as well talk to him. She sat up a bit. "Yeah, I'm kind of a raging bitch all the time. I'm sorry about that. I've just always been a bitch." She put her arms back behind her on the arm rests. "I don't think I'll ever get the closure I want from Mythos... so... He's just a chicken shit." She startled at Adrian's last statement, his bold statement of sexual tension, and gave him an annoyed look. He really thinks my eyes are pretty? No. Drunken Adrian. Not the real thing. "I really don't think that we have any sexual tension. I mean, yeah, I might do more than my fair share of ogling but that's as far as it goes." The words were out of her mouth before she could think about them. Her eyes widened and she turned around to climb out. "... Ah, you know what, I'm really thirsty, and I forgot my drink in the kitchen."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gilgamesh
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Huh, so you do ogle me. I couldn't tell if you're plotting to hurt me or somethin' else. Nice to know. Don't mind me! Go get your soda, for you shall not be missed."

Just then Dillon came bounding and bouncing back to the jacuzzi, much to Adrian's wonder and possible horror. "You may be cute, Dill Pickle, but you're also secretly conniving. And bouncing. Why are you bouncing? Should I be afraid that you're bouncing?"

"Not at all, big guy," she said cheerfully as she slid into the jacuzzi alongside him.

"So tell me," Dillon began with wide, eager eyes. "How'd you get the scars? They're everywhere!"

"Samurai are assholes."

"Are you saying samurai did this to you? I can't tell if you're yanking my chain or genuine since you're wasted..."

"A ghost samurai, actually," he continued.

"Yep, yanking my chain," Dillon sighed. "Even now he isn't letting me in. This is hopeless..." she whimpered as she sank further into the water of the jacuzzi until only her nose and defeated eyes could be seen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RadioActivity


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nope, not plotting to hurt you, just eye fucking you. Lydia headed to the kitchen, leaving him with Dillon, much to her relief. She leaned against the counter, her drink in her hand. Ughhh, so awkward. ...You're being so silly, Lydia, she thought after a moment. He won't remember any of this in the morning. She managed to trudge back to the jacuzzi, sliding back down into it, the hot water sliding over her skin. "So. Adrian," Lydia tipped her head back. "Whose breast size do you like more, mine or Dillon's?" With the tentative promise of anonymity, she decided to have a little fun with Adrian. Plus, she was genuinely curious. Hell, why not. "I mean, I'm a pretty good sized handful..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gilgamesh
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Adrian laughed long and loud at this before flicking his eyes between them. Dillon seemed to grow self conscious at this as she attempted to cover herself up, but Adrian had already made a decision.


Dillon sighed, "I should have known..."

"Hey now, you're still impressive, Dilly. You're cute to boot."

"Hehe, thanks."

"And you have the better ass."

"You looked at my ass?"

"I look at every bodies' ass. Even Mr. Money Stacks'."

"Are you bisexual, Adrian?!"

"Only when I'm drunk."

"I don't think that's how it works..."

"I'm just tellin' it like it is!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RadioActivity


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lydia was satisfied with his answer, mostly, before stretching out a bit. "Honestly, I can't say I ever looked at Benjamin that way. I don't even see people if they don't matter." She took a drink of her diet pepsi. "And I'm thinking the four of us are all that's going to matter here, in the long term... Hey, wait a second," she sat up. "Son of a bitch. Willow took first place and didn't even tell me. I didn't even question why he was here. I can't believe he didn't even tell me he won... I'll kick his ass later for that." The water felt too nice to be angry for long. She found a new complaint after a bit, muttering to herself. "Pfft. She has a better ass... she can have her better ass. I'm too busy running and exercising to have an ass." She reached up and tightened her pony tail.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gilgamesh
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"Aw, how sweet of you, Lydia. You said that I mattered. If I was light enough you'd probably see me blushing. And do I sense a tinge of jealousy, Lydia? Dillon could give you a run for your money."

"Y'know, this is sort of weird. I didn't think I'd be sitting in a jacuzzi with my drunk partner and his curious rival."

"That's how it usually goes around here. By the way, were Titan and Lilith actually together? Y'know, like they were rumored to be."

"Yep. Although Titan was with a lot of girls."

"Ugh. I couldn't see how he could do it. She terrifies me now."

"Watching you fight her felt like watching 'The Exorcism.' Quite scary..."

"I think I can still feel a little pain from the ribs she broke. I'm probably imagining it though."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RadioActivity


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Like I'd be jealous of Dillon." Lydia turned up her nose at him. "What's the point in being attractive here? We're here to work hard and succeed, not pick up chicks and dicks." She closed her eyes and listened to them chattering about the other villains, the ones Adrian had defeated through his hard work and efforts. Unlike me. I got lucky knocking Dynabane out of the ring and then Mythos let me have it. I worked so hard. I ran for miles every day and benched cars until my muscles bled and built up my pain tolerence and for what. Some celebration this is. "Good job, Steelia, you certainly let them hand you your victory like the delicate woman you are." Even if she were healed, her body and mind still remembered the wounds, as if they were still there.

"Congratulations on earning your victory," Lydia murmured. "I've heard that the wounds inflicted at our tournament are love bites compared to what we'll be coming up against in the exit exam... I still have the mental fatigue from today's matches... I smelled like an outdoor barbeque." She finished her drink, setting it aside. "I plan on all but killing myself to get ready for the exit exams. Which means I need to get to bed pretty soon to be up by 5:30."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gilgamesh
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Are you all work and no play, Lydia? Even I can get my kicks out of pissing you off and fighting. Maybe you should get a dick."

"That's what I've been trying to tell him, that the exit exam isn't to be underestimated, but my efforts fall on deaf ears."

"Psh," Adrian waved away their concerns. "I'll kick all their asses here to the moon and back. They don't stand a chance.

"You're too cocky," sighed Dillon.

"But rightfully so!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RadioActivity


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"I'd consider myself all work and no play..." Lydia lifted herself out of the water. "And I would normally not be so unconfident if I hadn't had today's victory tied up and neatly placed into my lap, like I'm an incompetant bitch who can't hold water." She got out of the hot tub and stretched, the water pooling on the floor. She picked up one of the towels and wrapped it around her waist. "And dicks are too much work. There's maintainence, upkeep, you have to upgrade to a new model every 100,000 miles or so... Just not my thing." She stretched. "You kids have fun though."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gilgamesh
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh we will," he said as he waved her bye.

"No, we won't, actually," Dillon said as she got out of the jacuzzi. "I'm tired too and I'm not leaving you here."

"You're so good to me," he said as he clumsily attempted to get out of the jacuzzi, but was halted by Dillon.

"I'd like to think you'd do the same for me," she said before helping him out of the jacuzzi, and allowed him to lean on her again.

She managed to grab a towel and dry Adrian off, and carefully help him up the stairs without breaking his neck.
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