@Heap241 Loved your profile a lot. Its quite sad his naga village was decimated though.
Tisandros CavalleriCharacter Summary
Name:Tisandros Cavalleri
Aliases:Tisan, San, Caval
Age: 76
Race/Ethnicty: Naga Race
Place of Origin: Deep in the mountains near Andale Tower
Gender: Male
Class/Job: Mercenary, ThiefStatsThough we will not be rolling dice for feats, this will give a baseline to run off of for your character. Max for any stat is 20, average is 10. You have 75 stat point to assign between the six stats.
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 20
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 20
Charisma: 5Physical Attributes
Height: 6'0" or 230cm when in his standard position, raises to about 7' 6" or 288cm when his tail is coiled under him.
Weight: 215lbs
Build: Slender build
Day To Day Attire: Wears nothing but a belt around his wastePsychological AttributesWise * Stern * Calm * Subtle
Personality: Tisandros is calm in his demeanor and very wise. He will often listen to all of what another has to say and will correct them if needed through means of asking questions, discovering their answers and then asking more questions allowing them to discern the correct answer for themselves. Though he isn't arrogant he often feels he is the smartest man in the company however his subtlety doesn't allow his thoughts of this nature to be noted.
Tisandros more often then not will stand his ground against opposition, whether that be verbal or physical. His foes are foes through and through, this is where his sternness comes into play. While he is not stern in day to day interactions, he is in intellectual debates, aggravated scenarios or physical encounters.SkillsA listing of skills, such as horseback riding, and natural abilities, such as night vision - this also includes any racial edges
- Skill: Night vision - Can not see traditionally better then any human could, more rather can detect infrared radiation from warm bodies within up to ten metres (32 or so feet) away.
- Skill: Prolonged breath holding/Excellent Swimmer - Can hold his breath for a really long time though he does eventually have to come up for air. Due to his physical nature he can swim really well and rather quick moving as an eel would underwater
- Skill: Druidic Magic Mage - After studying Druidic magic for most of his life he is an Expert level mage
- Skill: Extremely dexterous - Due to his physical attributes he is nimble and flexible often using his tail as a means of climbing, killing and distraction.
- Skill: Short sword play - He would be considered a journeyman level sword player as he often does not need to use it but, has it in case a close quarters confrontation were to arise.
MagicA listing of spells, their descriptions - casting times, elements needed to cast, expected damage, any drawbacks to casting
- Familiar:
A root fairy named Nyx
- Spell: Weather Manipulation - Pulls magic from his familiar and can manipulate the weather within a 50 yard radius for up to 45 minutes
- Spell: Divination - Looks to the stars and to the signs in the earth for the study and prediction of future encounters. This ability is more inherent after it was learned and does not require much magic
- Spell: Zoolingualism/Animal Empathy - Draws power from his familiar for the ability to communicate and sway the feelings of various animals and creatures. The less predatory the animal is the less magic is required to communicate and sway. Larger more dangerous animals require a lot more focus and magic.
- Spell: Nature Manipulation - The ability to manipulate botanical entities within a 50 yard radius. Ie. quickly grow plants, lift roots, drop branches, etc. Cannot manipulate weather and nature at the same time. Draws his power from the natural life of the plants.
Possessions Generally On Person: Clothing, coin purse, money, etc
- Item: A belt made of roots and vines wrapped around his waste
- Item: A coin purse containing 60 coin at the moment
- Item: An empty lantern used to carry Nyx, made into her little home.
- Item: A small pouch filled with 5 vials of liquid
Weapons: Personal weapons, no magically enhanced items
- Item: Short sword
- Item: Uses his tail and magic as a weapon more often then not
Armor: Base armor only, no magically enhanced items
- Item: Wears no armour as his scales are a natural armour.
Animals: Have a horse or bird?
- Animal: Nyx is his root fairy, they are never separated, she is his familiar
Potions: Premade or prepurchased potions
- Item: 2 Vials of a healing elixir, made to expedite the healing process by 3 times, the potion is a pearlescent green with light blue streams running up the sides.
- Item: 1 Vial of poison, a purple vial that's 3/4 of the way full. Only a few drops needed to get the job done.
- Item: 1 Vial of a sleeping draft, a bright orange color.
- Item: 1 Vial of unknown contents, given to Nyx when she becomes weak to reinvigorate her. It's a light sky blue, only a few drops needed for effect.
Parents: Both are deceased
Siblings: No known siblings
Childhood: During Tisandros' childhood, the fighting against the Naga became really terrible. The village he grew up in was decimated by ravaging villagers who thought of his type as a monster or beast to be slain. Thinking that by destroying the "hive" they would eliminate the problem. While he was still young and not quite fully grown, Tisandros parents had him hide away deep within the earth where he would not be found. After a few weeks and fighting seemed to be ended, he emerged from the earth starving and dehydrated to find that his entire village had been killed and destroyed. He searched but found no survivors. He travelled to the woods of Galorond and made a home there under the canopies of the trees. After a few years of living on the land an older druid mage found his way into his wood looking for a secluded place to build him home and meditate on his magic.
Tisandros, originally planning on scaring the mage out of the woods instead studying him from amongst the trees before coming down and introducing himself, ready for a fight should the need arise. The mage look a liking to the young Naga and the two became fast friends. The mage taught Tisandros everything he knew all the while calling him Caval. He learned quickly and naturally, discovering his love and passion for magic. In his 30's Tisandros travelled to the fairy wood with his master where he met Nyx. He saved her from an attacking predator using his powers of Zoolingualism and Animal Empathy. Nyx clung to him, lost and alone and Tisandros formed an unmatched bond between them. They've been together ever since, the tiny fairy and the large Naga.
Adulthood: At the age of 50, the mage was very old and having taught Tisandros everything he knew, died in his sleep under a full silver moon giving his Caval his final lesson in divination magic as he prophesied his own death. Tisandros buried his friend and father deep under the structure they built together to make the old mans home. The old man left him his short sword and keep with him always in case of emergency and he's held onto it ever since.
After a few years of wondering he joined a mercenary group and learned not only how to use his skills to his advantage but also how to use this dagger as he needed it. He became a pretty good thief in spite of his size because of his ability to get really low to the ground and hold his breath for long periods. He could sneak onto a passing ship, steal a chest and sneak off without much of a sound or whisper.
Special Moments: The death of his village, the meeting and dying of the old mage and joining the group of mercenaries.
Current Events: Tisandros and Nyx are strolling through their woods watching and counting the stars together, Nyx sitting comfortably on his shoulder her little head resting against his neck. Tisandros stopped slowly and whispered to himself, "Why do I do this? Why have I chosen this life my friend? And why have you joined me?" The little fairy snuggled her face into the Nagas neck as if to tell him she would accompany him anywhere. Tisandros sighed to himself, hoping to make a change within himself and use the ability the old mage gave him for good rather then for harm.Extras
Character Quote: "The winds blow, the trees with grow and I can manipulate them but, the world will still grow and change without my manipulation, I will never be stronger then the earth and the earth will never bow to my strength."
I swear I'll finish my character soon, I've just been with my girlfriend all weekend because it's her birthday so I haven't had time to write. Also @Mag Lev I just wanna know if the way I have my spells (one spell right now) is okay because I know it's not as detailed as what the others have down
I've finally finished up my character, hope there's nothing too egregious on there.
As for location, I think I want to start out heading to Elir Nazik, maybe in the last town before getting there? I can't find it on the map though, I'm pretty sure I'm just blind
Hm, I'll just start off in Elir Nazik. It's easier that way. Does my character look fine @Mag Lev?