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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winston Smith

Winston Smith

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The People of Aznavor were no strangers to winter.Heavy snowfall,frozen lakes and scare hunting was a blight that affected the land yearly so the people were prepared for the worst.However, this winter things were especially bad and the mountain passes of the east became uncross able stranding hundreds of Dontian citizens in their poverty stricken nation. Stories of peasants dying,huddled in their homes whilst government officials feasted in their palaces made their way into Aznavor over the snowed-up passes. The terrible winter would only have compounded the effects of the harsh economic climate.Rumours of bread riots and populist grumblings in Nacer were not uncommon and the Aznavori could only hope this would mean and end to the regime in place. In Aznavor royal feasts were downsized throughout this winter leftovers were shared with the population, the poorest and the destitute were taken in by the church and given board bedding in exchange for work. As it did every year winter would come to pass eventually and the North sea would become practical again.
In Aznavor's Aventian colony the situation was slightly better,the climate was more tropical than temperate and the population was thriving. a second settlement emerged to the North of Newport with the northern mountain ranges attracting the unemployed from all around in fact several of former Dontian refugees now found themselves working in Mountaingate's deep mines. As ships and men sailed west to the new world cargoes of minerals and timber began to be shipped back east. Explorers were being sent further and further out,instructed to stay well clear of the Empires' lands to discover the resources and new sources of wealth that were sure to exist in the New World.Regardless of winter it could be said that Aznavos colony was thriving. And then courtier Ga Yao from the Empire of Khan arrived bringing news of his masters' wishes. This message had followed the discovery of the Khan empire by Aznavors' own scouts and now its seemed that Aznavors' own curiosity had come back to bite it. In the weeks between the arrival of the Empire's emissary and the dispatching of a response from the capital large Khan formations were seen parading outside Newport and Mountaingate's walls. Those who inhabited these towns were ever on high alert and all proceeded with their daily duties with great caution, and began carrying muskets around with them.New trenches were dug, food was stockpiled and cannons were taken off ships and added to the town walls in case of a attack by the Empire of Khan for few people truly expected the proud King of Aznavor would accept to become a vassal of the Khan Empire.

A few weeks after Ga Yao had addressed the governor of Newport a response arrived. A single ships had sailed over from Oceanrock bearing the response and this brought despair into the hearts of many for a single ship was unlikely to be carrying the King's entire entourage or a large enough support force to defend Newport and Mountainsgate from the wrath of Khan. From this single ship a man unknown to most people , protected by only a small escort, emerged and ordered the town gates to be opened before riding out to meet the Empire courtier who would take him back to their capital to meet the Emperor.
Back in Oceans rock preparations were made for the arrival of Duke Kollin from the Southern Alliance lands to discuss a potential peaceful resolution to the tensions going on in Dont a region where both the Kingdom of Aznavor and the Alliance had many vested interests. Just days before the arrival of Duke Kollin King Phillip had sanctioned a move that would authorize the sending of several theater troupes, bards and musicians to Dont where they would perform traditional Aznavori songs and sagas including the tale of Bard and his lovely Lutetia who had been kidnapped by a vile foreign uncle who made her work as his slave in his home and mistreated forcing her to sleep in the cellar with his dogs instead of in one of his home's many rooms. The wicked uncle thinks to have Lutetia to himself by sending her sweetheart Bard away to fight in a war. The story is one of hope as eventually Bard returns from the war a hero kills the wicked oppressive uncle and frees Lutetia before marrying her. King Philip saw in this tale an opportunity to score a diplomatic victory so had his musicians and playwrights substitute the names Bard and Lutetia for Victor and Melodie a former King and Queen of Aznavor who had fallen in love with one-another when King Victor visited Melodie's fathers' estate in Dont as part of an official visit.

In other news due to the increased numbers of pirates and privateers in the western ocean King Philip has decided to invest 850,000,000 to build a series of warships.
-An emissary is sent to respond to the Empire of Khan will it be fealty or War?
-Aznavor's Aventian towns prepare to fight off an attack by the Empire of Khan
-Aznavor isn't too badly affected by the winter they're kinda used to harsh winters and know what precautions to take.
- Aznavor employs soft power to send a propaganda campaign to Dont
-Preparations are made for the Arrival of Duke Kollin of the Alliance
-Aznavor's Aventian colony expands northwards as a mining town emerges.
-Building orders are placed in Shipskeep for:
and in Wintersgate for:
2- Sloops
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It’d been tough in recent times; the recession had really hit them hard but there were signs to be optimistic about despite the gathering storm clouds on the horizon. No matter how diplomatic, how peaceful and how much the Councilate tried to facilitate trade, every nation seemingly wanted to resort to war. The Commerce League would prove important now more than ever and he had to ensure it remained strong.

- Investment of $5 Billion into a colonial export business to bring a number of new world commodities over into Edoniras in order to jumpstart the Arbassian economy.
- Army preparations made for all but 5000 Recruits to be ready for immediate deployment to the defence of their colonies should it prove necessary
- Defenses (trenches, cannon towers, walls, traps etc.) prepared at their two colonies Wardenfall and New Stendmark, land patrols stepped up in order to detect any land advanced and two ship teams are sent down to the edge of the inland sea in order to detect any land advance
- Naval patrols stepped up, mainly focusing on a fan to the north but keeping a light screen to the south using the majority of the colonial navy. The homeland navy has been compartmentalised into a home defence and a relief fleet ready to sail across should it be needed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thanat Shamash sighed, writing some documents. Kamm Kutuk had a hunting accident and lost a finger, which brought many grief, but the colonial affairs were much important than that. With no time for divine rituals, Kamm basked in the political and social problems of Kamalao.

Instantly, many men we're mobilised, trained, armed, sounds of guns being trained on the ranges boomed through all of the colony, which was named Airavata.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The City-State of Bennipolis


The 14th Eponymous Year of Athenakles With Lysander as Interrex

It was a chilly morning in Bennipolis. Luckily for Bennipolis, their farmers were on the barley period of their crop rotation. While the Bennipolitans would prefer wheat to barley, they knew that barley was the hardier crop and more apt for their soil than wheat. Moreover, barley had a lesser chance of failing than wheat, allowing Bennipolitan to have a slightly larger harvest.

On that day, the Ekklesia of Bennipolis had gathered in order to decide the fate of Athenakles, who had single handedly crashed the entire economy of all the Edoniras. From the midst of the Ekklesia, a certain Cimon rose to his feet. This man was from the merchant class, or at least he was, since his means of livelihood had went up into smoke on account of Athenakles’ actions. In this way he spoke:

“My fellow Bennipolitans, we all know what Athenakles had done. He has brought much shame onto this fair city of Bennipolis for several reasons. First, he put himself and his own private interests before the interest of the Demos of Bennipolis. Next, he enacted a decree without our approval, which has caused havoc across Edoniras. What madness overtook you so that you would make such a rash decision, Athenakles? Your negligence has severely hampered Bennipolis in both its own domestic affairs and its international relationships.”

“Normally, we would ease our anger towards a sonless father, as you are, since we would never want to condemn the Bennidae to wither away without any male heirs, as the Bennidae are descended from Bennis herself. However, since the Bennidae are accustomed to allow their eldest daughter to become their heir if both the father is sonless and the daughter has Amazonian blood within her veins, as your daughter, Adraändreis, does. While I would personally want the death penalty, as you have killed the livilihood of numerous men, Hellenes and barbarian alike, which would be the easy way out. Therefore I propose that we perform an ostracism so that this very Athenakles might be ostracized.”

Therefore, all the Bennipolitans present at the Ekkesia were giving broken pottery shards and were instructed to write on the shard whom they wanted to be ostracized. When all the shards had been collected, there were two responses on the shards. One was ΑΘΗ, which were the first three characters of Athenakles’ name. The other response was ΟΔΥ, which was short for Odysseus, the legendary king of Ithaka from the Homeric epics. Once the votes had been counted up, ΑΘΗ had two more shards than ΟΔΥ. Therefore, Athenakles was ordered to leave the boundaries of Bennipolis and enter itno some other country while he was ostracized. His property shall remain untouched, as the rest of his family shall remain in Bennipolis as both guardians of his household and motivation that would inhibit Athenakles from doing anything rash against Bennipolis. Also, Lysander was named as the interrex for the post of Basileus Eponymous, since he would relinquish this position to Athenakles’ daughter once she comes of age in the fall. Furthermore, his son, Diomedes, would become the interrex for Basileus Hierateumatikos.

Also, the following letter was crafted and sent to the Councilate of Arbasses.

- "Trial" of Athenakles by the Ekklseia.
- Athenakles is ostracized , meaning he must leave all Bennipolitan territory for 10 years.
-Lysander becomes an interrex for the post of Basileus Eponymous. His son, Diomedes, becomes an interrex for Basileus Hierateumatikos (Lysander's old post). Athenakles' daughter shall inherit the post of Basileia Eponymous when she comes of age in the fall.
-Message sent to the Councilate of Arbasses by Lysander, apologizing for his fellow king's actions and that at this time, Bennipolis shall not uphold Athenakles' decree.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darthpaul


Member Offline since relaunch

Collab between Winston and I
Wan Chai, Capital of the Empire of Khan, Mother of all cities and seat of the Emperor of the earth

Baron Verlan Duloire had initially made his way north by carriage but the urgency of his mission dictated that he should act quickly, the survival of Aznavor’s two settlements in the new world depended on his work and thus he abandoned the comfort of his carriage for the mobility of a horse that belonged to a member of his escort The cuirassier had eagerly accepted to swap places and now finished the rest of his journey shielded from the rain . Verlan had learned from courtier Ga Yao that in Aventia, rainstorms , called monsoons, were frequent In summer and the summer months c constant downpours ould sometimes batter the land for weeks on end, rarely had he been so glad to be travelling in winter. His peer Ga Yao had turned out to be an amicable and intelligent man who knew much of his own people and Aznavors’ for the Khan no doubt had observers among all the colonies. At the beginning of their journey the men had employed Aznavori interpreters who had been living in Newport and had come into contact with the locals and picked up some of their strange language but by the end of the three week-long journey Verlan himself was had mastered basic Khanian etiquette and had grasped few sayings and quotes spoken by Khanian wise-men of old. He felt he had developed a sort of respect for Ga Yao the young and able eunuch that had accompanied him to the capital. Verlan had spent the first days of his journey asking about Khan’s customs and history hoping to discover useful information that he could report back to his younger brother King Phillip. When he did this, Ga Yao would smile politely, answer vaguely and change the subject. It was when, during the second week of travel,when Ga Yao and Verlan had begun talking without their interpreters , that the two envoys had begun playing opening up to each other This had first been achieved when Ga Yao invited his Aznavori counterpart to play Maidan ( The Empire’s equivalent to Chess) a challenge which verland had accepted with keen interest even though he lost all but one of the games he played with the Imperial courtier Despite these losses the journey became much more interesting and Verlan’s interest in the culture of the people of Khan soared prompting hi mto take his decision nto abandom formality and ride to the capital confident in the knowledge that the cuirassier he had left in the carriage would ensure its contents Aznavor’s gifts for the Emperor of the Earth would make it safely to his Imperial Majesty.
Ga Yao liked the look of Verlan Duloire’s face when he first saw the extensive fields leading to his home town a mix of awe and admiration were barely concealed beneath a weak veil of self-control.
“Ah yes the harvest has been tragically poor this year” he teased his foreign guest who soon gaveu p all pretense of not being impressed by the wonders of the Empire. Fields spread from one horiozon to the next interrupted only by hamlets which Duloire assured him would be considered large villages in his home country . The cortege had interrupted their journey only once on the way to the capital after Ambassador Duloire insisted on visiting a small roadside temple. To yao the temple was nothing impressive it’s walls were green and the temple did not have the gold-leaf roof of city temples. It was a fitting shrine for local spirits and the ancestors of the local peasants but no man could hope to directly address the Heavenly Emperor in such a place. Nevertheless, Duloire gazed in amazement as he stepped beneath the green marble arch and noticed the white jade statues within. Duloire had seemed so disappointed to leave the shrine that Ga Yao consented to writing him a permit to visit the biggest Temples of the Capital.
Despite the best efforts of Ga Yao to be jovial Verlan Duloire felt a sense of concern when his horse reached the walls of the capital. Ten Thousand warriors all clad in steel lamellar armour bearing plumed helmets and bright banners were assembled on either side of the road leading t othe city gates which were themselves an impressive feat of engineering. Before entering the city the Verlan passed beath two massive oaken gates and two steel portcullises separated by thirty meters of tunnel.Tthis thick wall and long gates were evidently menat to trap enemies between the gates as the ceiling was a series of murder holes and funnels to pour boiling liquids down on any foes unfortunate enough to end up between the two gates. No doubt the Imperial soldiers were only a demonstration of the Empire’s might intended to worry the first foreigner to enter the capital of the Empire but the fact remained. The Empire was a nation which in peacetime could field an army of over 100,000 men and dedicate 20,000 of these to guarding one gate belonging to one of its cities.
Emperor SI Fu was not blessed with courtier Yao’s patience or diplomatic skills and was not impressed by the Aznavori Ambassador yet he was pleased that Aznavor had ent an ambassador at all. Other nation could not boast as much.
“Have the other nations of your homeland forgotten their respect? Or is it that they have ever learned any?” boomed the Emperor in Khanian as soon as ambassador Duloire was led into the room.
“I cannot speak for my fellow ambassadors, nor their masters, my liege, but Aznavor has not forgotten the old ways. We too have wise-men who remind us of the importance of tradition, respect and honor. “
The court fell silent. Two things were clear. Firstly that two strong personalities wre present I nthe room and that for all the Aznavori’s talk of respect and honor, the ambassador had addressed the Emperor directly, without being introduced or even bowing. The second was that he spoke in Khanian.
The Emperor was the first to regain his composure. Had he even lost it? He smiled bemused at his foreign guest. And what do your great men say of tardiness and truth? My messengers inform me that you insisted on delaying your arrival to my city to stop at a lowly roadside shrine. Did you truly have too many sins to wash cleanse yourself of before meeting the son of the heavenly Emperor? Furthermore You are clearly not the King of Aznavor, my men have shown your coins and I can see that you are not King Philip of Aznavor.
“It’s true, my younger brother does not share my good looks but I assure you I have the authority to act on his behalf. He has granted me such priviliges because he values my honesty and valour and I bessech your to put them to the test. As to your first question, Krieger the blinds shares the same view as your own Diu Lei, he states that tardiness is always a fault of the lazy, the worthless and the extremely important. I hope that by trying to contact my God in one of your temples I have not given you the impression of belonging to one of the former categories. ‘
The Emperor eased up a little, pleased to have found a jousting partner as opposed to his usually sycophantic courtiers. He decided he like this man and would grant him an audience King or no. The other nations had after all not deigned to send anyone at all, where were their Kings or even their Kings’ brothers? Instead he had letters all stating much the same; trade with and do not fight with us for we are wielders of powerful magics from beyond the seas. The Empire had no need of their Trinkets nor fear of their threats. Spies of the Empire noticed ships carrying more and more soldiers to Aventia each day, cowards who hid in their home castles were these kings who preached peace with one hand yet prepared for war with the other. Some were no Kings at all! How could he be expected to foster friendship let alone trade with men who did not have bear the divine mandate to rule but merely the mandate of the common people? Aznavor had recognized the merits of the Empire and had sent a man of royal blood to treat with him. He would listen to the man’s propositions.
“I am willing to forgive the fact that you aren’t your brother. Indeed it would seem that some of the ladies at court are intrigued by your facial hairs that your brother does not seem to have. However I must insist upon the need for gifts. It is a tradition I cannot backdown on you msut understand.
Of course your grace. You need not worry your tribute is on its way by carriage. I hate to spoil your surprise but one of the gifts is meant do precisely that and therefore I will let you in on a secret. One of my Kings’ first gifts to your people is one of the magics from beyond the sea the other Kings have warned you so much about. Should you come to blows with these other Kings mine own liege, who I believe can will see you as a brother, would not see you at the mercy of their magics and would give you these gifts so that your warrior become accustomed to them before the need to face them arises. Now I wish to propose the following deal to your highness…
-“I insist on being the eldest brother.and I you must one day tell me why your younger brother not you inherited the thrones of Aznavor” declared the Emperor who was clearly younger than both King Philip and Baron Verlan.
Baron Verlan Duloire nodded and smiled knowing that sometimes it was best to keep one’s mouth shut. He would open it later only to present his deal, agree with his Imperial majesty and to share the Aznavorian wine that would by that evening have arrived at the palace. He let the Emperor have the last word for he had won his diplomatic victory.
The Empire of Khan is introduced.
Verlan Duloire meets Emperor Si Fu and a friendship is made through Vineyard diplomacy.
The Kingdom of Aznavor is recognized as the Empire of Khan’s little brother (its inferior only in name)
250 Arquebus are gifted to the Empire of Khan to become acquainted with
Aznavor is declared The Empire of Khan’s primary trading partner and is given rights to send merchants into Imperial lands and trade in its resources.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Spring Rolls In

With the cold harsh months having gone the rains of spring have finally arrived and crops are beginning to thrive as new life is born. The farms across the continent have boomed bringing in large amounts of crops to all nations. It seemed the major crash in the market was not as bad as first thought and despite another fall in GDPs it was not nearly as bad as first thought and by the end of the year economies would be booming again. Furthermore the discovery of a new empire in Aventia has led to a completely new market in Edoniras. All nations lose 5,000,000,000 ($).

-Privateers were hired by not one but two nations have called for their aid. Bennipolis and the the Corleonn-Warrus-Grudden-Nollin Alliance both have looked to ‘pirates’. The routes to the New World are no longer safe for anyone.

-A year has passed since they were first commissioned however the canals in Aznavor have finally opened and goods are now transported around the country faster than ever. This has led to a slight increase in productivity. The Kingdom of Avnavor gain 250,000,000 ($).

-The events that occurred with De Stonee still haunt Lascaux as they found it increasingly difficult to attract economic specialists into their country however after much grovelling and begging from their leaders a number did arrive and begin reforming the economic system into one that was a lot more capable and effective, especially finding the invested funds useful. Lascaux gains 500,000,000 ($).

-The Sofon Dominion’s venture into the unknown was cut short by the recession however they were able to begin trading with some of the colonies on the side brining in a small profit themselves. This of course benefitted the Councilate of Arbasses who made some money off of the agreement. The Councilate of Arbasses gains 250,000,000 ($).

-It seems the Imperium of Valm has struck gold with Henry De Stonee. His fields have triple what he expected and as a thank you has gifted everything to the Imperium for giving him the opportunity as well as saving his life.

-Alongside the Imperium’s success in farming it’s recruitment drive has been fairly successful as well. 3,000 recruits have been drafted into its fold, the recession leading to a number of other men signing up in places with extreme shortages. The mperium of Valm gains 3,000 recruit and 5,000 consripts.

-With the collapse of the market and the extreme recession Dont begun a slow descent into anarchy. Recent ‘abductions’ of Dontian citizens led to even more heated relations between the two societies that made their home there however when their market crumbled it was the last straw. Alliance soldiers were spread thin having to corral their new ‘slaves’ across the borders and into the mines whilst President Von Klebb fled the country at the first sign of trouble. Without a leader and only a foreign occupation in charge the people of Dont have rebelled led by Robert Freedman. Supplies smuggled in over the Aznavor border have meant that the Workers Party have staged one of the largest rebellions the world has ever seen. Almost half of the population are now armed and openly defying the Corleonn-Warrus-Grudden-Nollin Alliance. Alongside this 70,000 recruit and 30,000 regulars have joined the banners of the rebels declaring their nation no longer under the tyrannical rule that they have suffered so long. The 20,000 regulars who have remained loyal are stuck desperately penned in to the mountains that surround the Alliance begging to be allowed refuge from the onslaught. Currently eighty percent of the citizens who had an Alliance cultural background are dead, their wealth thrown across the burning streets. The rest remain locked inside their compounds hoping that order will return if they simply bury their heads. Already Alliance soldiers are retreating across their borders and the men leading them are in the field, their army in disarray as they attempt to co-ordinate the return of order. Nacer remains an Alliance stronghold however it is under siege and only the palace guard remain to hold it, outnumbered almost fifty to one.

-Despite the bad economic time people still invest in colonial lands and new colonies are springing up all over Aventia.

-Furthermore the large investment into Aventian products has paid off for the the Councilate of Arbasses as people buy up the new ‘swanky’ products. The Councilate of Arbasses gains 1,000,000,000 ($).

-Finally, Terheridon has made a public declaration to the entire world. They stake a claim to all the lands that currently belong to the the City-State of Bennipolis and using the newly imported arms Terheridon intends to conquer the City-State of Bennipolis. With the new armsa their military has become more updated and as such 60,000 Recruit and 10,000 footmen have begun to march across the border they share, destroying villages and killing people as they go. Stealing the food they need to survive. They have offered any country that would aid the City-State of Bennipolis 10,000,000,000 ($) in gold now with the promise of a future 10,000,000,000 ($) when they win if they don’t interfere.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The City-State of Bennipolis


The 14th Eponymous Year of Athenakles With Lysander as Interrex

As the interrex, Lysander held an emergency Ekklesia in order to determine the best action to take for the imminent invasion of Terheridon. Lysander stood in the midst of the Ekklesia and gave this speech.

“We need not be alarmed either at the possibility of the Tereridonians raising fortifications in Bennipolis, or at their navy. It would be difficult for any system of fortifications to establish a rival city, even in time of peace, much more, surely, in an enemy's country, with Bennipolis just as much fortified against it, as it against Bennipolis; while a mere post might be able to do some harm to the country by incursions and by the facilities which it would afford for desertion, it can never prevent us from sailing into their country and raising fortifications of our own there, and making reprisals with our powerful fleet. For our naval skill is of more use to us for service on land, than their military skill for service at sea. Familiarity with the sea they will not find an easy acquisition. If you who have been practicing at it ever since the Great War, which happened so very long ago, have not yet brought it to perfection, is there any chance of anything considerable being effected by an agricultural, unseafaring population, who will besides be prevented from practicing by the constant presence of strong squadrons of observation from Bennipolis? With a small squadron they might hazard an engagement, encouraging their ignorance by numbers; but the restraint of a strong force will prevent their moving, and through want of practice they will grow more clumsy, and consequently more timid. It must be kept in mind that seamanship, just like anything else, is a matter of art, and will not admit of being taken up occasionally as an occupation for times of leisure; on the contrary, it is so exacting as to leave leisure for nothing else.”

“Even if they were to touch their Tereridonian gold, and try to seduce our foreign allies by the temptation of huge tribute, that would only be a serious danger if we could not still be a match in arms for them, by embarking our own citizens and the aliens resident among us. However, in fact by this means we are always a match for them; and, best of all, we have a larger and higher class of native coxswains and sailors among our own citizens than all the rest of the lands around the Hellenic Bay. And to say nothing of the danger of such a step, none of our foreign allies would consent to stay neutral as our fair nation is barraged by the Tereridonian forces, for the sake of an extremely high tribute.”

“If they march against our country we will sail against theirs, and it will then be found that the desolation of the whole countryside of Bennipolis is not the same as that of even a fraction of Tereridon; for they will not be able to supply sufficient forces to repel our raiding parties since they have sent the majority of their military against us. On the reverse, since our forces are so small compared to Tereridon’s, sending out a small attachment against their homeland would not cause any more damage to our own land than if we kept them in our own homeland. The rule of the sea is indeed a great matter. Consider for a moment. Suppose that we were islanders: can you conceive a more impregnable position? Well, this in future should, as far as possible, be our conception of our position. Dismissing all thought of our land and houses, we must vigilantly guard the sea and the city. No irritation that we may feel for the former must provoke us to a battle with the numerical superiority of the Tereridonians. We know that the Tereridonians outnumber us. Therefore, we should not engage in battle until reinforcements arrive from our allies so that we might turn the odds in our favor. We must cry not over the loss of houses and land but of men's lives; since houses and land do not gain men, but men them. And if I had thought that I could persuade you, I would have bid you go out and lay them waste with your own hands, and show the Peloponnesians that this at any rate will not make you submit.”

“Therefore, first we must send a formal request of assistance to our allies. We hope that they value our alliances between us and them. Next, we must send word to the ruler of Alm, Alart III. Their nation had been supplying the Tereridonians with modern weapons for the past few months. We told them to reduce the amount of weapons that they would send to them because we knew that the Tereridonians would invade our land. Nevertheless, they did not listen. Now, since the Tereridonians are fully armed, they have arrived on our doorstep and the Almians are to blame! They complained that their economy was going to fold if they did not provide arms, but was their economy not afloat before Tereridon opened its borders and asked for military weapons? Their lead ears are to blame for this war and if they refuse to do anything about Tereridon, we shall press charges of reparations. For if someone would give a man a gun and that man would kill another man, wouldn’t the first person be also guilty by association because he was the one who provided the gun. If the first man had not given the second man the gun, the third man would not have been dead.”

“Next, we must rally our military forces. We must send messengers to all the tribes of Bennipolis and have them summon troops and one general before the gates of Bennipolis. In addition to this, all the people of Bennipolis would need to abandon their homes, destroying anything that might be able to be used by the Tereridonians, and come to the Eastern shores of Bennipolis, where our forces can defend them until our alliances can arrive. Finally, we shall send a naval force against the Tereridonian shores. Our first target should be their port cities. Destroying their navy would be extremely beneficial to our cause, giving us free rein over the waves. Then, once their navy burns and their ports destroyed, we shall start devastating their coastal regions. And throughout this excursion, we shall free all and any Hellenic serfs who have suffered under the Tereridonian iron fists for too long. We shall send two of our Frigates, 7 of our Schooners and Sloops, and 8 Brigs against the Tereridonian coasts, along with four-hundred knights and one-thousand regulars. Finally, we shall put out a call for arms to our nation. We hope to get as many recruits as possible who are not already in our ranks.”

And in this way Lysander gave his speech, which was met by a roar of applaud. The letters were sent to their respective recipients and a call of arms and retreat was given out to the rest of the Bennipolitan population.

Note: Speech quoted (and edited) from Thucydides' The Peloponnesian War, Book 1, Chapter 142
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hevish, Corleonn

With Duke Kollin II still gone, overstaying his trip in Azvanor, Duke Hemmlar V has been appointed the temporary head of the alliance in Duke Kollin II absence. Duke Kollin II himself has sent a letter to the other members of the alliance council to proceed with the negotiations without him for he had to attend to other 'pressing matters'. The alliance members were then forced to converge on the mountain-top fortress of Hevish. The journey towards it was almost impossible and it was difficult to trek the long winding dirt paths that led to it. The snow was beginning to melt and the dirt paths were beginning to get dangerously slippery. The horses climbing up the path had top be handled by professional guides who knew the route well and had to, at times, calm the animals if they didn't want to fall off the cliff. At the top, a welcoming party was ready to receive the visitors. Some workers were preparing to lay down some gravel on the road so that the trip below would not be as dangerous or even more so. Duke Hemmlar V along with his adopted son, Sir Karl August, were among the those of the party. This meeting among the members were to discuss the dire incident that was happening in Dont. Its neighbor has seceded to rebellion, to nobody's surprise, and most of their men, along with Dictator Lipeche II, was trapped in the capital of Nacer. The alliance men anticipated this, although they did not thought that it would be as devastating as this. The men came, the ceremonies were held and they were quickly rushed to the conference chamber where they were provided an excellent view of the mountain slope winding down to the valley below. They all took their seats and were handed their refreshments. Duke Hemmlar V then spoke.

"Gentlemen, I'm sure you are all aware of what's happening in Dont?" Hemmlar asked. The rest of the men could only nod.

"Now I do not wish to waste our time, that is why I would present my proposal and we shall take a vote whether to commit to it or not. If anybody has any better plan, speak after I have done so. Recently, my men captured Von Kliebb trying to make to the town of Baliche south of this town. I have him under my custody. We exchange him with the safe passage of our men from Dont to alliance lands."

"What if they refuse, seeing as we have 'borrowed' a lot of their citizens for our mines." Sir Coppish asked.

"Their will for independence from Alliance 'tyranny' is only matched by their lust for vengeance. They will see to it that Von Kliebb is to be hanged at all cost. All we ask is for our soldiers to return home safely, along with any Dont officials who would like to join us."

"That reminds me, there are those who would like to seek quarters in Nollin. Dont soldiers who are still loyal to Von Kliebb I think." Duke Ollisius said, remembering this fact.

"Let them in as long as they change allegiance to our cause. Men with training in the art of warfare are always welcomed here." Duke Hemmlar V answered. "Well gentlemen, we all have our jobs to do, may Altaiya help us all."

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kutuk slowly overlooked from his balcony, the booming city of Cheahattro. It was a couple of days since the barbaric Terheridon's invasion of Bennipolis, and things weren't going too good. All armies were to be mobilised to protect their ally in need. He desperately called for the international community to condemn the attacker.

"People of Cheahattro!" he boomed, standing up. "Our ally, Bennipolis, stood strong and just, while Terheridon greedily ate away and armed themselves, to attempt to invade Bennipolis for no justifiable reason." He showed towards the entrance as a little, exhausted, barely alive girl stepped up on the stage. "Her name is Amelia, she is Bennipolitan and lived alongside the Terheridon border. She had to endure pain, witness the death of her mother, father, her brothers! Ssh, don't cry. You're a heroine to us today. You have walked through places we have never walked through, you have shown us the savageness of Terheridon." Guards gently led her over to her room. The crowd applauded the Kamm, soldiers roared, youths stormed the recruitment office, and Kamm humbly walked away.

As he walked inside his room, he found a man clothed in dark robes sitting atop his balcony. "I am glad you have come." He sat down on his bed, and spoke up; "I want to buy your services. Assassinate all prominent generals and influential figures as well as King Dearheart. Sabotage all things that could be sabotaged, and you will have a good reward." The dark man nodded, and jumped on the neighboring rooftops, running off stealthily.

Admiral Efendi stepped on the dock, to find himself staring at a privateer. He hated those men, but his opinions mattered not, he would be unceremoniously kicked out if he dared lift a hand against those bastards. He grimly threw a bag of coins at the man, and nodded. They did everything with style, knew all the things they needed to know. Do not attack Bennipolitan nor Kamalao ships, but always attack and raid the Terheridon's ships and allies. Efendi sighed, and emerged back into his ship's cabin.

-Kamalao Republi is urging the international community to condemn the attacker.
-The whole military and navy is mobilised
-A declaration of war is issued to Terheridon, either give up and pay reparations and disarm or face the fury of Kamalao.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Standing upon his personal balcony, mighty Walhart examined the beauty of his capital which expanded out on all sides from his mighty palace. Spring time was finally upon his lovely empire. With the recent world happenings, he made sure to take this time to relax and properly plan out how his country would react to the events which expired around them. It seems Valm had to do nothing in response to Bennipolis. Their broad claims to all lands of the new world brought the ire of not only the commerce league, but many other nations at large. Their standing among the international community plummeted. No longer would he worry about those fleas biting at his side like the nuisances they were. He had received word that Terheridon had even launched an invasion upon the fools for their bold claims. It seemed the weapons that transferred hands into their poorly armed military were of great use. Still, not all was well. Kamalo, the outdated nation to Valm's south had publicly declared their disapproval of the situation and seemed to be urging the continent to turn on Terheridon. It put Valm in an odd spot. With so much of their boarders shared with Valm, trading with them was very lucrative. If Terheridonian gold was to make it to a large portion of the land it would have to cross through his borders and withstand his taxes. If, Kamalo were to mobilize their forces against Terheridon and win, it would gravely hurt the beautiful trade that expired between her and Valm.

At the same time, Walhart doubted that any other nations would be as bold as to invade Terheridon considering who their target was. Bennipolis had rightly pissed off the commerce league, the group whom Valm belonged and as a result, held the strongest combined military strength in the world. So, any nations among Valm's associates would be unlikely to wage war against the wealthy, if not backwards aggressors. Bennipolis was pitiful in terms of her military numbers, but Kamalo was a threat. Her forces nearly rivaled Valm's in sheer number, but paled in comparison when it came to training and modern weaponry. He knew not much about Terheridon's own military, but a joint attack between both Bennipolis and Kalmalo could spell disaster for them. Valm would a chance at gaining more wealth, and Kalmalo and Bennipolis would lined their pockets with the spoils. Still, Valm couldn't publicly support Terheridon. They brought war upon a continent which had seen peace for long. It would also lower Valm in the eyes of the Commerce League, at least in the eyes of Arbasses, the most valued of them all. Perhaps some diplomacy and a nice infusion of coin would change their tones, should Valm need to mediate the conflict with her armed forces.

But the worries at home couldn't have come at a worse time. Not only were the seas rife with pirates these days, something he had a solid hunch was not completely the vault of recent colonization attempts alone, but winter storms had delayed Valm from responding to Arbasses' request for finacial aide. That would surely set them back in their fleet building attempts. Even once it was done and over with and the colonies Valm intended to form were said and done, making war with anyone now, especially the naval powers of Kalmalo and Bennipolis would make life difficult for the colonies and the freshly appointed sailors of Valm's navy unpleasant to say the least. Perhaps, instead of letting himself be brought into war as others of his lineage maybe have done, Walhart would stand back. Build up his lands once more, get the economy roaring and ready to fund the new world expeditions while his neighbors made bold claims and squabbled. He inhaled the fresh air of the spring once more before returning to his chambers and sitting upon his desk. He grabbed some parchment and a quill, scribing away in his bedroom whilst the gentle snores of his wife and the calming breeze of the outside world filled the room.

One letter down. With the councilate addressed and Valm's opinions sent to the league, it was time to take steps in interactions with other nations. It was fairly common knowledge that Marcus, Walhart's eldest son and heir to Valm's throne was of age to marry. He had been for some time now. Walhart was personally proud of his boy. He was of strong body and sharp wit. A tad aggressive, but a shrewd man who was a worthy heir to the Valmese throne. But the boy had yet to take up a bride, preferring to focus on a strong military career before he settled down for more noble duties, as Walhart himself and Walhart's father had. He blamed the lad not. It still didn't make the constant requests and offers of his councilmen's daugthers any less irritating. Walhart had nothing to gain from his son laying with Valmese women but grandchildren. As much as he looked forward to those, marriage with another kingdom was far more lucrative. Frankly, he had intended to work out a deal with Terheridon. Their wealth would make them very useful allies. True, their nation had an odd system of rotating dynasties, but they were set for another 99 years, more than enough for Valm to get what it needed from them. Other governments had adopted their 'senates' and 'ruling councils'. It made political marriages useless. Still, a few kingdom remained. Aznavor to the high north, while not sharing a border with Valm, was an option. If he recalled, they possessed daughters of age. Marrying one of their daughters off to the heir of a wealthy and powerful empire would do well for them. Valm would gain more allies in the world, gain more support in their colonial endeavors. It was a win win.

So he drafted another letter to be sent out.

The emperor sighed softly as he finished his letter, sliding it to be taken to his aides and sent off with the others later. Just a few more orders of business to attend to and he would be done. With the economy still injured from the market crash, it was important to invest in industry and growth now. Help revitalize the system so that Valm could expand its coffers once more. Henry De Stonee's successes were also to be spread throughout the empire's fields. Then there was the business of the newly received troops to attend to...

"Isn't it a bit early to be attending to those affairs, my dear?..." Purred the empress from the large bed she shared with her husband. "It's not often we get this kind of time to ourselves. Perhaps you can forsake your writing for just a few hours? I have a few issues in dire need of your attention.~"

How could a husband refuse such a request? The emperor stood from his study and stretched slightly. Yes... perhaps attending to more 'internal' affairs would do him some good. Valm could wait for just another day...


Valm declares it shall not interfere in the war efforts. As such, it accepts Terheridon's bribe without shame.
Striking a deal with the Councilate, Valm spends 2.5 billion to construct its first naval fleet. General Val Heimstell is appointed Grand Admiral of the newly formed force and leaves for Arbasses with his officers and men to crew the newly commissioned vessels.
Valm also invests another 1 billion in Arbasses' import plans.
To revitalize and strengthen the economy of Valm, it spends 5 billion on internal improvements of its industry and commerce sectors.
Henry de Stonee's inventions are spread throughout the country side to help boost the agricultural production. He is credited for his invention and receives a personal award from the Emperor for his contributions to Valm's peoples.
Valm's military begins drilling the newly recruited Conscription forces in the hopes of turning them into a more formidable force.
Valm requests an alliance with Aznavor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After a trying year the future of Arbasses was beginning to look positive once more; their colonial possessions were beginning to turn a profit and promised strong long-term profitability, their deal with the Sofon Dominion was beginning to look like a master stroke and their coalition of rivals faced a crisis from the warlike state of Terheridon. The only slight downside was the costs inflicted by the discovery of the new empire across the sea but there was a few tricks up Marcus’ sleeve to deal with that.

The first matter of business was the matter of their ship construction deal with Valm which’d seen them net a profit of $0.5B to their coffers and $2B worth of work going to their shipyards. In return they’d produce a fleet for one of their colonial allies to expand with. All in all it was looking like a triple win off this deal for the Councilate. Work was to begin immediately on these ships and utilising their new shipyards and technology they’d be able to pump them out relatively quickly.

Now to the Terheridon conflict, there was a number of interesting avenues to take with this opportunity. Firstly he had his friend Emperor Walhart III suggesting neutrality from the Commerce League, there was the Kamalao Republi asking for international condemnation and finally there was the option of bringing their full weight to bear in assisting the aggressor. After all they were attacking Bennipolis, the nation that’d been the cause of the global recession and has proclaimed outright aggression against the world. Bennipolis had spat in the eye of the world and been shocked when it’d responded.

Now to the matter of the international pressure, Marcus decicded; the Kamalao Repbli had called upon the nations of Edorinas to declare the invasion illegal and condemn it. But a question had remained for Marcus and the Council as to whether it was illegal or not; he’d put his nations best lawyers, judges and doiplomats onto the matter and they’d come back saying Terheridon did indeed have a casus belli for invading Bennipolis. Such a revelation had torn Marcus down the middle, he did not want open hostility and war to ravage Edorinas yet he couldn’t proclaim against the law and expect justice within the land. The Casus Belli in question was mainly revolved around two incidents: firstly the colonial proclamation which despite being sent by a deposed leader could still be seen as an aggressive action and as such the Terheridons were merely defending themselves and secondly the attempts of Bennipolis to halt their arms supply was a dishonourable action and as such they could claim grievance for that. Yet they hadn’t announced a Casus Belli for their invasion either so there was another shred of doubt around the legitimacy of their invasion. All in all, Marcus felt he couldn’t condemn it internationally and still feel just about his actions.

Through war came one major opportunity however; their supply of Drikin, a cheap and more potent form of alcohol from their colonies, whilst unsafe to drink had proven to be an affective anti-bacterial agent. As such Marcus sent his merchants out to the nations of Edorinas praising the medicinal effects of Drikin, with a particular focus on those at war. Infection, disease and injury were all common in war, as such would a supply of potent anti-bacterials not be handy for their doctors?

Business was also proposed with the Sofon Dominion, they're colonial possessions were coming further under threat from privateers due to the actions of a few jealous nations that sought the wealth of others.

The last matter he had to attend was a secretive one, funds were sent with an armed escort and the utmost secrecy in order to secure a contract for reasons unknown.

- Arbasses neither condemns nor condones the Terheridon invasion (do I receive the bribe for this as Kamalao technically called us to assist?)
- 0.5B is deposited into the Council coffers and ship production commences for Valm
- $1B is deposited into a Commerce League fund
- Drikin is offered as a cheap and potent anti-bacterial agent to the nations of the world, a handy tool in this time of war (based off the effects of normal alcohol)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winston Smith

Winston Smith

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Usually, with spring came new life, flowers would begin to bloom, the great bears of the north would emerge from hibernation, streams would come to life again after long months of slumber but with this spring came death. As the people of Edoniras counted their dead, the revolution of Dont reached scales of terror with non Aznavori families and soldiers being dragged from their homes and murdered by people who used to be their neighbours. To the south two warlords waged war over the southern peninsula. Rumours of a rogue Bennipolitan warlord leading the antiquidated forces of the Kingdom of Teheridon over the border into his homeland abounded. The reality of these rumours was only clear when King Phillip Duloire received an appeal for help from his ally.
Having just seen off Duke Nollin of Norfolkke and his wife off to their ship after a successful diplomatic visit, Philip had returned to his royal business. He was overseeing the final steps of the overthrow of the Nacer Regime, so far everything had gone according to plan; townships and communes were falling to the Aznavor-backed revolutionaries with each passing day and advisors had been sent to assist Robert Freedman in building a sustainable economy after the economic mess had struck the continent. The last step that remained was the seizure of the presidential palace of Nacer where all the corrupt heart of the regime had regrouped. No doubt his friend Robert had already sent men to collect cannons from the Dontian navy in order to break down the walls. Such weapons would eventually tear down the walls that needed to be overcome but King Philip hoped that things could be done more delicately. During autumn and the winter months an Aznavori spy network had set itself up within Dont and a few agents had remained trapped within the capital when Otto von Klieb ordered the city sealed. They would undoubtedly be eager to see an end to the struggle and avoid being part of the bloodbath that would inevitably ensue if the mob took the capital by storm. These half dozen agents could undoubtedly act as a fifth column but only if communication between them and the besieging forces could be established. Getting in touch with the mob outside was relatively easy as all available men were needed and given weapons to man the walls with. A first message was quite easily fired via crossbow bolt down into the camp of the mob. It informed the revolutionaries of their existence, their plan to open the city gates at night three days hence when they would be given sentry duties. No response could be expected from the revolutionaries as the city walls were high and the weight of a similar messaged fastened to a crossbow bolt could never reach them. The spies could only hope that someone in the besieging forces would get the letter and could convince the leaders of the forces besieging the capital to act on it.
It was after King Philip had ordered the dispatch of advisors to assist the formation of the new Dontian government that a messenger rushed in bearing news from the south.
‘‘The ravens are sent. Bennipolis calls for aid!’’
The room was quiet for a second as each council member weighed the consequences of non-intervention and intervention. Peace and acceptance of Teheridon’s offer would mean discrediting Aznavor’s credibility, and allowing a powerful friend to collapse whereas war would mean more death, expenses and a weakness that enemies of Aznavor could attempt to exploit. It was a hard decision.
‘’And Aznavor shall answer!’’
boomed the King. Aznavor had few enemies besides the doomed members of the Nacer government and had only friends at its borders. Besides a friend who Aznavor helped today was a friend Aznavor could count on in the future.
‘’Ross of Shipskeep: ready the fleet. You have three weeks on the fourth it leaves harbour. ’’
‘What of the army sire?’
‘’ It will remain here, at least for now’’
‘’Martin of Misthall and Matthieu Delunion: I want you to get in touch with our southern friends and coordinate a strategy with them. See what they want of Aznavor’’
‘’Barlow: take steps to finance our operations as we get more news. Find new sources of wealth, perhaps we could find some resources I nthe new world than would help generate profits’’.
As the men set off to their duties the King discreetly whispered to his son and heir, Alexander:
‘’Use the lessons you have learned in Dont to prepare Teheridon for invasion by Bennipolis’s Republi allies. I want the few forces Teheridon has left to defend, scattered all over the place when the Kamm strikes. You have many agents in Teheridon, make use of them I want misinformation spreading, I want rumours of new heavy wartime taxes reaching the serfs and them believing them, I want soldiers on the front lines to be receiving news of their wives being unfaithful back at home. I want you to make chaos happen. Show me what you have learned’’.
As Alexander turned away, he king added ‘’Also I want you to go and see the royal tailor and talk to you mother because as soon as the Republi attacks you’re getting married’’. The pricne was confused but did not argue for he was a man who understood his duties.
‘’Can I ask who to?’’ asked the prince surprised that his father had finally made up his mind after having turned down so many potential noble Aznavori brides.
‘ You’ll find out soon enough. Somehow I don’ think you’ll mind. ’’ The King smiled ‘ for now focus on your wartime duties, you can focus on your bedroom ones some other time. Though I don’t imagine you need much guidance there either, from what I heard during our guests’ visit their daughter was quite fond of you. ‘’. The king grinned like a cheshire cat and read over a sealed letter letting his son know that the conversation was over.
When Alexander left the room, the King asked his remaining councillors on how to best reply to The Emperor of Valm, powerhouse of Edoniras. Eventually the drafted up the following response
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darthpaul


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Emperor Si Fu was pleased, his sleep had been undisturbed for weeks, his country had a new trade partner who not only brought profits to his empire but also guaranteed the safety of the eastern provinces. Si Fu knew that if any threat to his Empire existed it would come from either the Kamalo republi or the Conciliate of Arbasses who were to his west. The latter in particular was a threat for it possessed two adjacent settlements and had expanded towards the Empire of Khan. It also seemed to be building up a large number of forces on the continent of Aventia Khanian scouts saw large boats offloading hundreds of soldiers into the city. There could be little doubt of the intentions of the Arbassian people. Thankfully friendship with his little brother meant Si Fu was aware of things his western enemies would not expect. Many of his warriors had been shown the fire weapons that Ambassador Verlan Duloire had brought over and once troops had been introduced to such a weapon and its effects they would no longer be surprised by it or fear its terrible sound in battle. Si Fu had considered purchasing such weapons from Aznavor but the councillors from the earth and Fire party advised him against such actions. Why spend Khanian silver on foreign trinkets when his empire had crossbows that could fire at a much greater range and much more frequently than these arquebus could. The men who had demonstrated the weapons to his soldiers boasted about firing four rounds in a minute but each of his repeating crossbowmen could fire near to forty bolts a minute at a slightly greater range. The only apparent advantage of the Edoniran weapon was its accuracy but knowledge of the land and superior numbers would overcome this. If they wanted war his walls would be manned and his people would be ready.

In other news adventurers to the south had written with stories of large grey animals twice as tall as horses with thick hides against which blades did very little damage. It would seem that after many years of building the great southern river had finally been bridged. Si Fu was proud the southern river had always been an obstacle to the southern expansion of the Empire of Khan and it had been one of his fathers’ personal projects to cross the Southern River. It was an accomplishment that Si Fu had overseen his father had believed in working during the dry months when water flow was reduced but no matter how many workers or gold he invested in the project the summer rains would bring the floods that would wash away all construction before a bridge could be completed. Si Fu had followed this approach but with a major modification instead of simply hoping for a late monsoon season he bought his workers more time by building an earthworks damn that would divert the water around the contraction works until a suitably sturdy bridge could be completed. Now he could finally boast that he had achieved his fathers’ dream and that his bold new approach had paid off. He ordered that men be set to the task of domesticating these beasts; no doubt their size and strength could be put to good use. As he dispatched the order the young emperor called for a scribe to write the following letter and send it away immediately.

Elephants are discovered in southern Aventia and people are instructed to tame them.
Emperor Si Fu is wary of the Conciliate and prepares his cities for siege as scouts report increasing number of settlers.
The great southern River is bridged! No immediate expansion yet but the extension of the Empire of Khan is now possible.
Aznavors’ offer of Muskets for GDP is rejected as the Empire sees no use for the slow cumbersome weapons.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

‘War Never Changes’

-War has always been a brutal thing and the Tereridonians were in no mood to change that. Bodies littered the streets of the villages and towns they sacked on their rampage towards Benniopolis itself. Women were raped as their homes burnt however nothing was slowing the assault.

However recent messages between the waring parties have caused the Tereridon to cease their relentless killing for the time being, in hopes that a resolution might be found. Currently peace talks are taking place. Tereridon makes it clear that all countries aiding Benniopolis honour this too. The Kamalao Republi also came under some pressure for their decleration of support for Benniopolis, they had enlisted the aid of the Stone Rose Society, a guild of assasins renowned throughout the world however one of the assassins was captured on his entry to King Dearhearts private chamber,in exchange for his freedom he gave up the name of his employers, the Republi. Terheridon has publically denounced the Kamalao Republi as underhand, back stabbing and devious as well as not to be trusted by other nations for this blatant act of disrespect. However whilst this was happening all trading parties and vessels have been halted from entering into Terheridon.

-In other news the revolution in Dont was becoming more and more bloody as the days went on. Bands of ‘Freedom Fighters’ went from village to village slaughtering anybody believed to be aiding the regime. Public executions were common and nobody seemed safe. Robert the Freedman officialy claims he is no leader of the revolutionaries however coordinates everything from his own base inside the capital. The Palace still stood as a government stronghold however it was running low on supplies and would fall soon.

-In light of all the death Drikin is indeed an incredibly effective and useful anti-bacterial agent, armies and mercenaries buy it up in large quantity to deal with the constant threat of infection. The Councilate Gains 1,500,000,000 ($).

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

So the wildfire grew. Reports the emperor received of the war were... well, one sided. It seemed the freshly trained troops of Terheridons were cutting down any resistance in their paths. He was, to say the least, surprised by their sudden cease fire. It troubled him. There was no reason for them to call the cease fire, aside from fear of intervention via the Kalmalo Republi. It no doubt had to do with the mad Bennipolian king among their midst. A plotting scoundrel. He didn't like this at all. This man was no doubt the cause of the invasion. Walhart wagered the ceasefire was his idea. Probably wanted something left to rule when the Bennipolians inevitably surrendered. It also meant, should he be put on the throne, Terheridon would be awfully friendly with the new regime. Considering Bennipolis' condeming of Valm and their bold claims over the new world came from the crazy greek's time on the throne, allowing Atthenakles to take his country by force wasn't something Valm enjoyed. Their buffer would become another side of the front line.

So he began drafting. In light of the current events, the international community would be a buzz with activity. He needed to capitalize on this. This time would be dire if the events of this debacle escalated.


Now waiting began. As well as some orders for Valm's military branches...

In response to recent events, security around the Emperor, his family and council are heightened.
Valm's military is mobilized, with large forces station along the western and southern borders. Defensive measures are increased around these borders.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The City-State of Bennipolis


The 14th Eponymous Year of Athenakles With Lysander as Interrex

The Ireneopagus, the hill of Irene, the Hellenic goddess of peace, had been the site of countless treaties in the past that had diffused conflicts even worse than the war that was taking place now. Athenakles had set up camp at the foot of the hill, since the Ireneopagus was sacrosanct land. The day before, the Bennipolitans had sent envoys to Athenakles and the Terheridonians. However, once Athenakles and Terheridonians demanded that the Bennipolitans wanted that either Athenakles installed as the new leader of Bennipolis or the land west of the Ireneopagus be surrendered to Terheridon. If they could not accept these terms, then they would continue waging war. Obviously, the Bennipolitan envoys could never accept these terms and therefore left.

Now on that day, one-hundred knights appeared before the Ireneopagus, along with three women of varying ages. First amongst these women was Hermione, Athenakles’ mother, followed by Cynthia, his wife and Hermione’s daughter-in-law, and by Adraändreis, Athenakles’ daughter. All three of them were adored in black garments to show their mournful and destitute position. And when he saw his family, Athenakles started up like a madman from his seat, and he would have embraced her when he ran up to meet his mother, but Hermione showed no love but only hate towards her son.

“Suffer me to learn, before I accept your embrace, whether I have come to an enemy or a son; whether I am a captive or a mother in your camp. Is it this to which long life and an unhappy old age have brought me, that I should behold in you an exile and then an enemy? Could you bring yourself to ravage this country, which gave you birth and reared you? Did not your anger fall from you, no matter how hostile and threatening your spirit when you came, as you passed the boundary? Did it not come over you, when Bennipolis lay before your eyes: ' Within those walls are my home and my gods, my mother, my wife, and my child?' So then, had I not been a mother Bennipolis would not now be besieged! Had I no son I should have died a free woman, in a free land! But I can have nothing now to suffer which could be more disgraceful to you or more miserable for myself; nor, wretched though I am, shall I be so for long: it is these you must consider, for whom, if you keep on, untimely death or long enslavement is in store. For my own part, I cannot bear to live until fortune decides the event of this war. If I cannot now persuade you to make a lasting peace, and so become the benefactor instead of the scourge of the two nations, be well assured that you shall never assail Bennipolis without first passing over the corpse of your mother.”

Even as Hermoine ended her speech, Adraändreis darted toward her father’s knees, taking the position of a suppliant. She unshrouded her face, revealing why Athenakles had insisted on her following the ancient ways. Adraändreis had the most uncanny resemblance to what the Bennipolitans considered to be the image of Bennis, even down to her dark brown eyes and her long dark blonde hair. Both Athenakles and Cynthia feared lest the Bennipolitans would begin to worship her as the human avatar of their city’s chief deity when the people would catch sight of her beauty. They feared that if such would occur that the gods would punish both her and the whole state of Bennipolis. Even the Terheridonian Knights diverted their eyes away from her since they could not bear to watch such a beautiful face waste away from grief.

“Father, what madness has taken hold of you? You know full well that the Bennipolitans would never accept either of your demands. Once your barbarian armies have laid siege onto our goddess’ blessed city, what would you do once she falls? Do you expect us to join you happily over our own conquered people? For if this was your plan, you have thought wrong. We shall suffer the same fate as our people shall. Just as Andromache was led away as a harlot, so shall I. But the real question is to whom shall I be a whore? Shall I be the whore of some Tereridonian prince to whom I shall produce bastard children? Or shall even you yourself claim me as your personal whore? Will you suffer me to endure a fate similar to Oedipus’, namely to give birth to my own brothers and sisters? If you think I shall endure these things, then you do not even know your own daughter. I value my chastity and virginity as one of the most important virtues in my life. If I cannot lose my virginity as a legitimate and honest wife would, I shall die as a virgin.”

Adraändreis lurched out and grabbed the sword that hung at Athenakles’ waist. She would have impaled herself on his blade, had he not restrained her. What men could not have done, women did. The actions of his family had dissolved Athenakles’ iron heart. Therefore, he sent his mother, daughter, and wife back to Bennipolis with their 100-man escort. Later that night, since Athenakles knew he would never survive if he told the Terheridonians that he no longer sought the thrown of Bennipolis, Athenakles took the sword that had almost impaled his daughter early that morn and he nobly committed suicide by the sword.

**Hermoine's speech adapted from Plutarch's Life of Coriolanus 33 and from Livy's Ab urbe condita libri 2.40
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Terheridon has denounced us in front of the international community."

Kutuk sighed as he walked back and forth in his marble room, the square white table in the middle of it, all his advisors seated tightly.

Things were going bad. The assassination of King Dearheart failed, but it certainly scared him. He said we're disrespectful? Bah, I shall deliver a speech so frightening, he shall momentarily leave Bennipolitan soil. He heightened the security around himself, and specifically designed the balcony to be nigh impossible to be shooting at, nor the balcony you can easily climb without slipping and falling to your death, not speaking about being noticed by guards.

"People of Cheahattro, Subjects of Tribe Slinbt! Terheridon has called us out as backstabbing, or even more, disrespectful." He took a moment to stop for the tension to build up, some annoyed voices moaned over at the back, but the mob waited for him to continue, seemingly interested in this. "Disrespect of what happened, however, simply cannot build up to their barbaric invasion of a sovereign country, killing children, old people, and raping women! They have not yet ascended from the mentality of the medieval ages, and such things are simply not worthy of a modern monarch. For I stand here to say, not only to you, not only to the whole people of the Republi, but also to King Dearheart, and the whole world. If the mindless murdering from the side of Terheridon shall continue, our fully mobilised forces shall attack swiftly, tearing apart Terheridon and it's armies. Immediately return all the forces back to your homeland, or face dire consequences!" the people applauded, but he knew he wasn't done. "Hurray to Bennipolis! We shall pray tonight for our Bennipolitan friends to sleep sound, to have a roof under their heads, and to have a soup in their bowls, for we call to Svarog, let our muskets fire swiftly and straight, and our minds be free of fear and death, HURRAY TO BENNIPOLIS!"


He emerged back into his room, and then into the war room.

"Take 25,000 recruits, train them a little more, and send them to the border to breath down the Terheridonian necks. Then await further orders."

"Yes sir."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Wollemburg, Nollin

Duke Ollisius stood at the border between Nollin and Dont. Behind him was a carriage and a several of his armed guards. Across him were several hundreds of Dont soldiers, clearly angry at him and they seemed to have a very unsteady trigger finger. He nodded at a man next to him who in turn whistled to several other men behind him. They drove the carriage across the border and stopped in front of several Dont soldiers. The soldiers looked inside the carriage to find Otto Von Klieeb cursing at them and the alliance. The soldiers closed the door and took Von Kliebb away. The men then sent the other carriage they have across the border, inside was a very tired and frustrated dictator who was still confused about what was happening. When the carriage got to the other side, Duke Ollisius opened the door and rode inside, much to Lipeche's surprise.

"Commander Lipeche, I presume your trip was a pleasant one?" The duke asked.

"I presume you and the other lords organized this 'rescue of me and my men." Lipeche II asked back.

"Indeed we did my dear commander, indeed we did. You seem displeased with this." Duke Ollisius answered.

"I could have held the capital if you would have accepted my request for an army to relieve the attack. The Dont rebels were disorganized, they were weak, they were..."

"Enough Lipeche." Duke Ollisius interrupted him. "I'am confident that you would have held Dont and you would have won if the suffice men and equipment were given but we need our armies and our equipment elsewhere."

"That would be where?"

"Warrus or to be more precise, the southern most edge of Warrus. You see Lipeche, we see another opportunity to the south. The Terheridonians are invading the Bennipolians to the south. They've left most of their northern expanses of their lands open for the taking. That is where we need our army."

"The last reports on mine about Terheridon is that they were being supplied by Valm. Can we expect any sort of trouble from them?"

"They are suppliers of arms and like most merchants, they will not intervene with matters unless it should affect them."

"It would affect them, they would loss their most trusted purchaser."

"We would take their place of course as we have plenty of steel but no where to forge them. We could strike a deal with them, one they could and would not refuse."

"Very well then." The dictator said, convinced of the alliance's new plan. "How many do I have under my command and when will we mobilize?"

"Excellent question. You have 20,000 men under your command, half of which would be taken from the Dont loyalist soldiers who are escaping into our lands. They will be re-armed and re-equipped. We are now purchasing cannons from our Azvanor. How many we can expect from them is anybody's guess. If all go smoothly, we can expect the assault to begin by summer or sooner."

The commander looked down at the floor of the carriage, deep in thought. He then looked up at the duke who was smiling at him.

"You will have the honor of leading this charge Lipeche, Imagine the glory to be had from this."

'Yes.' the commander thought to himself. 'Imagine the glory and prestige this would bring.'

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The war had taken a somewhat fortuitous turn of events for the uninvolved Councilate of Arbasses, their concerns regarding Terheridon and their backing of the former Bennipolian idiot Atthenakles had been solved by the winds of fate. A man who’d ruined the economy of the world and brought about a cacophony of slaughter to the land had thrown himself on his own sword, the kind of death the man deserved. But Marcus now had a letter from his friend Emperor Walhart III to consider and what actions he would take regarding it.

He then set about signing a number of orders, requisitions and warrants. 25,000 Men were moved to cover the Southern boundaires, keeping a keen eye on the borders in light on recent world tension. One thing was for sure, this war would not spill over into Arbasses, at least not if Marcus could do anything about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darthpaul


Member Offline since relaunch

Aventia was quiet. too quiet perhaps. Rumours from Aznavor merchants made their way into the street and rumours of the street made their way to the very doors of the Palace. Rumours of War in Edoniras. Supposedly some southern Kingdom had waged war on another and because of this all the nations of the world felt entitled to some opinion on the matter. Even the Empires' ally Anavor apparently felt invovled by the affairs of the two warring states. This was surprising but reassuring in a sense that it meant that Emperor Si Fu could count on his ally should enemies of the Empire of Khan ever seek to trample on Imperial soil. This was something the Emperor was very keen to avoid. Nevertheless should war come to the Empire his armies had long been readied, his men had seen the fire-weapons of the west and knew of their weaknesses. Thick oak and hide pavises had been built for weeks by thousands of carpenters to protect the Empire's crossbowmen from the impact of these weapons and thick leather cuirasses had been handed out to even the lowest of Empires' forces. Si Fu desired peace but was ready for war.

It was on an inspection of his military might that the Emperor was reminded of the words of sage Xin To, a monk turned warrior turned general. Xin To had dwelt on the terrors of war and emphasized that the majority of suffering would be incurred by the invaded nation and that the best way to prevent the suffering of ones' own people was to take the first step. In short that a good offensive was the best way of defending ones subjects from a belligerent neighbor. And the Edonirans were belligerent, as the southern war demonstrated. In a turn that surprised almost all but his closest councillors. Emperor Si Fu announced after completing the inspection of his Imperial units that the generals had been summoned to the capital not only for the purposes of parading their units but for the the purpose of securing the Empires' borders. Early that night under the cover of darkness 50,000 men would march over the border into the Counciliate's lands. Five hundred mounted Samurai would first fan out and ride down all known sentries,border officials and patrols before 15,000 swordsmen,15,000 spearmen and 25,000 repeating crossbowmen would flood into enemy lands destroying farms, compounds and villages before moving to the cities whilst staying away from the coasts and well out of range of the enemy's powerful ships. Generals and lower commanders had each been allocated targets, particular farms or unwalled communities to take. No doubt some officers would meet resistance from some foolhardy settlers but they were poorly coordianted and undisciplined. Emperor Si Fu knew that overwhelming numbers combined with the element of surprise meant that by the dawn all targets would be overrun. Men were slaughtered as youths who had resisted but women,children and the elderly were unharmed. The Emperor had taken great pains to ensure not being seen as a barbaric neighbour. Non-combatants were treated with respect and taken to the nearest imperial cities of Kok Tai and Foo Mei and were well treated as prisoners. However, unless the Arbassi people proved to be cooperative Emperor Si Fu feared he must do what he must and kill his hostages. They had refused his divine mandate once perhaps the destruction of their outlying farmland and the fact that their elderly and their wives were in the hands of the Empire might make them reconsider the issue of fealty.

When the dawn broke and the men of Arbasses stood atop their mighty city walls they would look on their lands and despair. By the morning whole communities had been turned into pillars of smoke rising to the heavenly Emperor,harvests were taken from storehouses and added to army supplies, fields were sown with salt,fishing communities were looted and the souls of hundreds of Arbassian farmers and citizens had joined their ancestors in the sky. Only the mighty settler cities and the coastal regions where enemy ships were seen had been spared from the nights carnage. Within two weeks twin lines of trenches and small palisades would be built around these settlements well out of range of the enemy. Preparations for siege had been made and so it would be the turn of the settlers to have sleepless nights.
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