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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

James Camron

Burning amber gazed out about the table, trying to read the attitude of everyone assembled. However, the burning globes of orange-gold always seemed to return to one figure in particular. As Carmen berated Kain for his thoughts and opinions, James silently restrained his own impulses and emotions, engorged as they had become with Raganavic urging him towards his base, more primal thoughts. Those eyes. . . why do I always have to end up under the control of people with eyes like that. His fingers curling into fists, James only half-way listened to the briefing, storing away everything said to be reviewed on the ride as he struggled to keep his breathes nice and even. Eyes turned downward, James could almost feel his parents presence behind him, looking at him with those same, dark eyes. They didn't care for him, they didn't care for each other, they didn't care for anyone or anything besides themselves. . . and she was no different. If anything, she was worse, every cell in James' body warning him to keep away from her, that she was dangerous.

But the Aeon he held knew him better then that. Raganavic knew what James wanted to do, the anger and frustration held deep in his heart being forced up near the surface in a boiling, roiling mess. With silent breaths, and distracting thoughts, he was able to hold back the dark desires that the Aeon pushed to the surface, the maddening anger and frustration bubbling up from deep within his psyche at the behest of the dragon's call. While ignoring Raganavic was always hard, it was always more difficult when they fell inline with his own wants and desires, and right now he wanted to hurt Carmen. Deep, deep down, he wanted to hurt her badly, wanted to take out all of his frustrations and anger on this perfect caricature of everything he hated about the adults in his life, this power-hungering madwoman who looked at those around her like they were toys, and Raganavic's influence only made his thoughts turned to more violent and animalistic fantasies of doing it. These thoughts sickened him, made him hate himself, made him wish he could just curl up in a ball and shut everything out. But he couldn't do that, not now, not ever. He had to deal with the constant pressure as it built up inside of him, trying his best not to let Raganavic make him do something rash.

As they all got up and were hurried to the Shyp, James realized that he hadn't really touched his food, though that would probably be best all things considered. Popping one of the pills that Natalya had given him, and remembering what Athena had told him. He took a seat as far away from the others as possible, continuing to take deep, calming breaths as he went over the info given and the mission briefing. Seeing that he was on the same team as Carmen, however, did very little to calm his inner demons, the thought of serving her throwing Raganavic into a maddening frenzy. Whatever the Aeon had sensed in Carmen, or her Aeon, he didn't like it, treating the female SOLDIER and her Aeon as if they were challengers to his throne and eagerly wanting to end them. Every second that James refused to indulge in these desires, was a second that the loud roaring emotions of the Aeon would continue to nearly deafen all other thoughts. It was hard to focus on anything, hard to even think as his Aeon raged inside of him, baying for blood and death. It hungered greatly for those who dared to challenge it, who dared to stand up to it's might.

Luckily, as times went on, the Aeon seemed to relent in it's relentless barrage upon young James' mind. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth as he sagged against his safety harness, rubbing his temples slightly in a vain effort to lessen the pain that the dragon's tantrum had left in his mind. WIth little else to do, James went over his current gear once more, checking to see what he'd be working with as part of the 'Distraction' team, a.k.a Bait.

5 Stun arrows. . . 5 Smoke Arrows . . . 5 Concussion Arrows. . . 30 regular arrows. . . Regular side arm. . . big-ass knife. . . temperamental dragon thing. . . and lets not for get crippling sense of not being prepped for this.

The young SOLDIER let out a low sigh, running a hand through his dreadlocks as he briefly wondered what he was about to step into, before giving a slight shake of his head to get rid of any lingering senses of self-doubt from his (conscious) thoughts. Putting everything back into place, James was in the middle of tying his Dreadlocks back into a sort of ponytail, using another dreadlock as the tie, when he noticed something about how his body was being pulled by the Harness. A series of numbers flashed before his eyes in a space only he could see, his mind running through a number of equations as he figured out the angle of their incline, the speed at which they were likely falling, and various other factors, all leading up to the feeling that something was about to go very, very wrong. However, before he had the chance to voice this concern, Carmen was already on it, even if she got cut off by the pilots of the Shyp speaking of some sort of malfunction. Everything seemed to start going wrong after that, as flames seemed to burst out from the top, and the Shyp's steady glide turned into a sudden halt as the Shyp slammed into the dark, unforgiving waters of the Canal.

Conscious thought did not decide what James did as the Shyp slammed into the icy waters, only a sudden burst of instinct as his thoughts turned right towards action. His knife lashed out with at his harness, the sharp blade taking only a small amount of time to cut through the harness before he was freed. As Carmen ripped open and exit for them, James was quick to follow behind. Diving into the waters, the icy chill that attempted to sap him of his strength quickly abating as the life energy surging from him quickly warmed up the area around him. For those who saw him swimming through the waters, they could see the tendrils of energy flowing around him through the movements of water as strange currents and eddies seemed to circulate in the water around his body. His eyes glowing with barely restrained energy, he kept after the rest of the group for a moment, but soon came to a halt as he turned to look back towards the wreck.

Corr and Natalya were staying behind, making sure that anyone still inside the Shyp would be able to make it to safety. For a moment, James thought that he should head back, try to help them out, maybe put his Aeon to good use. However, after some thought, he shook his head and kept on going. The Sinking of the ship would likely cause some sort of undertow that might pull him into the brink if he's not careful. With this in mind, he kept pace with the rest of the group focusing on his breathing as he pushed for shore, extending his senses out as far as he could towards that direction, to see if he could feel any signs of life awaiting them. If he did so, he'd be quick to warn the others, lest they all fall into a trap after narrowly avoiding the jaws of death.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Noxious
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Noxious ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴅ ish

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A B O A R D T H E S H Y P // T H E C A N A L
The twisted amalgamation of pixie and shadow despised confinement in its myriad of forms; interment, hospitalization, forced limitations, and bonds [especially bonds]. The consuming feeling that washed over in reaction to such wasn’t a weak compulsion that caused the girl to skulk and tremble. Rather it was one that baited a repressed inner ferocity better left buried within the web of a shattered soul. Something woven together by the mutation and union of two nefarious counterparts. And it was this unassailable block in her character that the simpleton goons tempted when they informed her to “strap in”. Having replicated this conversation previously there was little conviction and the flash of distaste received only a shrug as they left her to her whims, as childish as they may appear.

There was something else too, something that had soured her previous gleeful disposition and perched upon delicate features since the briefing-- an entwinement of contemplation, turmoil and sorrow tangled inextricably. The labyrinth of her agitation, an emotion not hijacked but purely created, beckoned both chatter and acknowledgment to curl into the inky recess. She allowed a traipsing through self without complete detachment from reality. Thankfully, no one seemed inclined to chat. Two of the bo-shuriken were removed from their place at her wrists. They idly twirled about between slender and arching digits, mingling with wisps of shadow and phasing in and out of focus in her attempt to steady sub-conscious ruminations.

The sudden lurch in the shyps steady rhythm brought her back into focus in a feat of clarity usually only accomplished by the nasal candy dipping from around her neck into the covetous possession of her cleavage. The initial drop in altitude was severe enough to heave her forward onto the floor, fortuitous in terms of warning for what was to come. She’d been forced from bed by the burly palms of orderlies enough that gravity stood little chance when instincts had her spearing above her head with the two bo-shuriken and gouging in with obstinacy born unto both facets of being. Military grade points buried themselves past the metal barrier of the chair that had pitched her from habitation. Slender claws tightened about the makeshift anchors to the degree of eliminating blood flow that ordinarily emerged in a pale rose tint. As the shyp’s gravitational center shifted again with grotesque vibrations and melodies, joining the already piercing buzzers, cadaverous coiled fingers untensed and allowed her to rotate her entire constitution 180 degrees before digits returned to their latching grasp. A prickling began between her hearing as xcavairn started in with a grating cackle, the cruelty of a friend in times of woe.

You are not going to like this.

“Such an assh----” She’d momentarily reverted to tonalities gritted between teeth instead of within their abode; but thoughts, words and meaning shattered as the shyp slammed into the water. Aeon infused durability: test seventy four. Her modest stature lurched, barely maintaining her grip, and then rebounded while settling with such force that her rib cage collided with the seat and the oxygen was thoroughly sucked from within and leaving the girl momentarily breathless. It was likely at least one of her ribs had cracked, a slight nuisance that she failed to notice once she caught her breath and surveyed their surroundings. The clutter, disarray and emotions sweeping about the personnel and weapons hold barely registered, not while there was frigid water saturating everything.

Adrenaline began to work itself into every fiber of her being, coursing through her and gracing her movements with a darting twitch as she scanned the enclosed space. Something was splintering, as if the icy water ruptured a piece of her mind and coaxed her towards frenzy. She attempted to ground herself, lashing out for other’s emotions to stabilize but the chaos within and without battled against her. It was too late for cohesive thought, for civility. And it was a chilling display as those pale vacant eyes shifted into something pleading, a child lost and vulnerable and then a web shattered across her pupils like molten gunmetal devouring their hue. Dark brows were pulled downward as her features drifted towards profane exaltations.

Spider-like digits suddenly ripped the bo-shuriken from their placement and used them to scale the wall, or was it the floor? Ceiling? It mattered not as she divested her entirety into escaping the water. As the ship righted and began to truly flood, Amentia stabbed higher, a pointless struggle of animalistic intuition that would yield no conclusion of peace. The others were paid little attention, until she saw their means of escape… through the water. Lips curled back into a cringing feral hiss. The tenobricity of shadow licked and tainted her pale skin, carving itself from her silhouette into her being-- a cornered predator latching onto its last option.

Don’t worry little one, I’ll take care of you.
And then it all went black for a moment.

She pawed at the faceless perpetrator, claws useless after her early assault had removed the privilege and terminated the nails down to the quick. She was powerless again. A frail heiress erased from memory and history with little recompense to lash out at the dull grays of the world that strangled her, determined to extinguish the blossoming decay of civility. Then she was alone, leather straps confining her beneath water as her throat grew sore from abhuman howls littered with malicious threats and omens of disease and termination. There was no time, not in dreams, not in nightmares, and definitely not in the asylum. A ticking clocking would only provide stability to those it influenced, and there was no such creature within these walls.

The hallway yawned before her, and her soaking feet swarmed with the shadows that engulfed each treacherous corner. A light flashed overhead, a strobe signaling the release of each latch on every pen of the damned. They swung wildly into the hall, once again dark and bleeding hues of ebony, crimson and juniper devouring all other coloration. She attempts to move forward but the flimsy white gown, still dripping and algid, tangles about her and suffocates like a straight jacket. She wants to squeeze her eyes shut, to be gone from this place, this heathen fairy-tale where the monsters capture the princess and the world rejoices in its loss, but there will be no such reprieve. Her sight blazes true, the wicked must play witness, must view the slaughter and torment of purgatory. The promise of eternity bound here sears itself like a lobotomy behind her eyes and the smell drifts from her own nostrils of brain matter infected and cauterized.

A girl, so helpless, precious, skips from one of the doorways. The movements are slow, as if looped to provide minimal progression in an action that appears to recall the opposite. Amentia squints, trying to decipher a dwelling recognition as the girl grows closer. Then the image flickers and the girl is standing at her side and facing the wall so that it is still a struggle to place the child in convoluted and hazy memory. There is something familiar. Was she not forced to stare into the abyss of that very wall? Count for time out, the elusive key of purgatory that dangled just beyond one hundred. And she would choose the imperfections of abuse displayed prominently upon the walls to keep her numbers straight; abuses towards both the property and those within its servitude. But why could she never move beyond eighty three? There were numbers beyond this but they stole them from her.

She had briefly forgotten the child and now as she turned back towards the flickering form it was facing her and she knew whose face it held. You had to look beyond the bleeding and gouged pits, bottomless voids where eyes should have been placed, but she knew. It was her. She once again attempted to reach out for herself but the fledgling versions mouth twisted into a noiseless scream and arachnids poured from the cavity. From their abdomens spun radiant silk that lit past her captivity and warmed a soul she thought had grown still and cold with death.

The small child extended her hand and Amentia was finally able to take it. She smiled, and it was mirrored on her own face. A soothing feeling of rising took her from this place, and for the first time, she felt a tinge of sadness at the departure.

...but where would you be without me...

She was once again encompassed by darkness, and at first it was hard to distinguish where the other world ended and reality started. She had returned to a bit of normality, losing the infection of consuming aeon and panic. She still didn't look pleased, especially not as the cold water splashed against her face, though it was an omen of reality. Fingers circled back and forth through the water to keep her afloat and she felt a dull ache in limbs momentarily sore from the loss of adrenaline and the tumultuous fall from the sky. Another sure sign of reality. Pupils adjusted, expanding into her blanched iris and allowing her to pick out the bobbing heads of her fellow SOLDIERs and she heard Samm yell something about enemies at the shore. She tried to train her focus, but the distance was too great and so she deemed it beneficial to await orders or cues from one of the others that she began to make her way towards.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The Aeon hissed within the depths of Kains soul. Carmens arrogance only served to confirm what he knew. If she ever stepped out of line, he would not hesitate. There was nothing to gain from keeping such a person in their midst. She’d be the first to betray them for personal gain, of this he was certain.

And then it was time for them to leave, to do what had been trained to do. TO kill, to fight, to do battle. “Finally.” The crackling voice of fire and madness rangout inside his head, echoing about him as he felt every bit of the impatience of his aeon. There were linked, in both mind and body. The heat of Balils rage made him warm, filled him with the same intense burning temprature of a some who gone fatally feverish. Yet to him it was nothing. He was part of the Distraction team, it suited him fine. He had never been much for sneaking around, he preferred to face things head on. And he did make for quite a spectacular distraction.


The metal heaved and bent and flexed gently as the flying machine moved through the air. Kain didn’t like flying, simply because it meant he was trapped in yet another big metal box, that could crash at any second. So, it came to no surprise to him and just a little bit of vindication, that they were hit by something. It was little comfort however as the soon began to plummet towards the ground. As the shyp hit the surface, Kain was at once relieved and disappointed that they hit water. No fire, no great crash. Just the resounding noise of metal being torn by sheer force before water flooded the insides of the transport aero-vehicle. As water hit him, he actually growled. His knives cut trough the harness like it was tissue paper and he was out of his seat in a instant. Following the light of Corrs arm, he soon find the crack. FOr good measure, he grabbed each edge and pushed, the metal creaking as it widened a little bit, making it easier for Kain to get his bulk out.

O f W A T E R A N D D E A T H

He hated water. He could swim just fine, but it was the antithesis of being. He was fire, water suffocated fire, it killed fire. And now he had to swim in it. Nevertheless, he did. He moved through water with only one purpose: Get to dry land, then kill everything in sight. The berserker's rage was bubbling up inside him, and he would not be able to withhold it this time. He didn’t want to. That’s when some mentioned enemies. As if the gods had decided they wanted a bloodbath, they sent him victims.

“IT is time Kain. Unleash your anger. We go to work” Balils voice was suddenly eerily calm in his head. It wasn’t a suggestion. It was not a taunt. It was an order. Balils power surged with his anger as the savage, violent warrior shot like a comet towards the shore once Kain had been within the range of his comet rush ability.

The others would only see a cloud of steam rise before Kain shot up from the surface of the water, his in either hand and the large main sailing trough the air as if shot from a cannon. If there was a shoreparty waiting for them, he he would right on top the closest enemy. And when he roared, Belials voice was overlayed with his own. A frenzied beasts voice boomed at almost deafening decibels.

“PURGE THEM ALL!” Fire licked his skin before several foot high flames enveloped him completely, creating a shroud of heat that burned everything that got close to him. He broke out into laughter as he set out to sow dissarray and chaos among the enemy ranks who might not have been expecting their enemy to literally light himself on fire. He would engage and fight with everything he had, punching, stabbing, headbutting and kicking. A burning dervish sowing fiery destruction.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A R C H A D I A / / S H O R E L I N E. . . P A T R O L.
She shouldn’t have been all that surprised, she briefly reflected, her claws finding purchase on the hull, tearing through the metal further, her eyes burning, the oculi banked within her veneer webbed with scarlet as the salt of the waters assaulted her senses. The malfunction, the entire circumstance was a ominous projection of awaiting misfortune, chaos and reaping intentions that sowed ill intent to their objective. The frigid Celsius sundered her pores beneath her armour, forcing her claws to execute quick work against the canal’s depths, the natural buoyancy of her figure carrying her upward until she broke the surface with a swift inhale. The Shyp yonder was descending further, the waters pressing inward, invading and crushing the entire behemoth of aerial inclination and power as if mere nothing - to smithereens of hopeless manufacturing. Carmen counted each of the heads within her spanning stare, treading waters with her clawed gestures churning whorls of water.

Some won’t make it out.

There was that tangible odor of death, the fresh taste of crimson sorrows mingled with a taint of regret and sudden sorrow, the pain akin to blackened and charred epidermis that she’d describe as a rare palette of candied flesh. It coiled coyly and tempting from the froth of waves and whirlpools beneath them, and the exposure of mania was betwixt her external projection and inner appetency at the prospect of fresh kill. The King roared critically, within it was a crescendo of a predator lurking heavenward above their quivering submissive, the prey thus warped under claw and tooth of a creature and surrendered under might and wonder. Carmen glanced yonder to the shore, a whorl of nightly fog banked down low, the tentative mist concealing what potential threat may yet wait and carefully panned her stare across the waters, until the caper of a sentry brought her observation back to the present circumstance. The scent she associated with her potential new favourite bloomed across her parted orifice and the creature looming above, warped and distorted and bridled with a myriad of crimson orbs was all too fascinating not to observe.

“Scan the shores! I doubt the crash didn’t attract at least a few curious dead-fellows, we need to know if there’s anyone, and if so, we need to avoid detection.” She rejoined Sammael’s suggestion, heading to his proclamation of potential enemies awaiting their suddenly foreseen and announced arrival. Carmen carefully made her slow swim to the shore, following behind the floating scents of her sudden comrades, pinging each by the gathered ranges of their fears, powers, and general consensus of taste and appeal. She recognized a waning taste of despair cloaked in fissures of malformed ice, the demented and tainted lilacs and periwinkles warped by a foreign dictator of darkness and shadow. She forgets her name, her claws pausing momentarily to pick her out among those making way for the line of sand and muck. Only she has no time to engage, only to command.

“Head close to the shore, but do not bring-”

The plume of fire erupted suddenly, several feet high, careening forth by the defiance of a roar that inflicted Carmen down to her chilled bones, akin to a tempestuous bellow from a fictional creature of draconic might and wrath. Thus now making a straight and critical line towards the shore before they even had a chance to accumulate and formulate a stratagem, though, she supposed the ceremony was now ruined upon the berserker’s ravaging power. She hissed, felidae teeth grounding against one another as she made headway to the shore, the mistral of her previous power display upon their arrival sired by the bestial domination within her soul, the banshees of ebon lust heralded by the wake of her fury.

Imbecile. Heathen. He’ll ruin this mission with all that bluster and bellow.

“Stand down SOLDIER!” Carmen screeched, knowing it would fall on deaf ears, bladed claws digging and falling through sand, water sloshing around her figure as winds fell and writhed against the feverish blaze and conflagration surrounding him, her figure nearly rid of water and salt deposits and remains suddenly hardening in pale crystallizations.

They were ordered not to kill, they couldn’t afford to reap Archadian bodies and have the weeping blood and scarlet on their hands, not quite yet. There was a cage awaiting her return, bars yawning wide, peeling open like demented dentures awaiting the feast of flesh and heart. Carmen came closer to Kain, her winds billowing outward, fighting against the fog until she saw them.

Indeed there was an awaiting contingent, a phalanx of infantry creeping closer, edging towards the awaiting shore by minuscule steps and falls, hesitant and unsure. The sound of the Shyp crashing having obviously brought unfortunate attention to their supposed preference of secrecy and darkness. She could smell that much through the mistral and glades of her fluctuating emotions and the careening wail and shuffle of The King within the visual of her mind. It was always incomplete, this visual, this presentation of a wrathful being that harboured death and power, not quite whole, not quite there, but just enough to bring about the eternal pain within her soul. Carmen halted her steps, the gleam of her gauntlets and footwear burying deep within the loose soil as more of the SOLDIERS came afoot, her eyes were glimmering pools of feral inclinations, her figure crouching down low, black within the blonde and brown follicles of sand darkened by the wet muck of their water givings and shedding. She rapidly tapped one blade on her knee, a quick succession that combined with the rapid ping and tap of her claws against the metal of her pauldron. They were manic, burdened by haste, but it was a code.

It was a lost method of communication, only privy to those familiar with the action and execution of a well-worn custom, but she knew Corbyn would recognize the sounds and be informed by her silent commands. Continue with the mission, do not falter, they’d start the distractions early and bring all forces to the shore, they would need to continue onward.

The Shyp was lost to them, the possible order malformed and done so poorly, but they couldn’t afford the moment of listing judgement and initiative. Carmen glanced towards the Commander, her following nod quick and nearly passable until her gaze fell onto Nicholaus in the same manner and she tucked one coral shell betwixt teeth, fang and all and whistled, the sharp screech amplified by the flurry of her winds and sanction of power, summoning all attention and acknowledge.

“Infiltration team, move, Distraction team, on me. We’ve got company boys, missions is starting early.” Carmen intoned, her figure rising slowly forth, body swaying until snapping into formation, the bend of her spine and arch of her fingers critical in every twitch of sinew and ebon armoured exterior.

“Unless the buffoon burns us all alive,” she sneered, slick and mocking before forcing her body flew up the shore line, leaving behind the churning waters as the canal swallowed more of the Shyp, clawing the remains to her awaiting depths. The pending troop barely had time to prepare before the whorl and wrath of black winds fell, screeching banshees presenting her impending malice as Carmen fell upon one unsuspecting soul, bringing them flush against her body, claws on his armour, her manic grin and fangs oozing with taint and tar. She utilized the force of her sudden leap, forcing them down and down, her simper looming above before she brought down her clawed gauntlet, knocking one of them out cold.

“One down,” she barked, her laughter sickening and her eyes, aglow and wide, practically famished once more.

Archadian infantry was mostly consumed of poor souls and individuals drafted to their sudden cause, the sealing of the borders having brought a massive sweep through the states to protect them from further harm and injustice. They were outfitted almost medieval like, with prototype artillery at the ready, helms flagging behind typical advancement, thus proving inferior to the current wardrobe of most SOLDIERS and common military of Galbadian empowerment. They had numbers, their only benefit, as her quick calculation brought forth the answer of at least twelve mortal souls suddenly at their mercy.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AmongHeroes
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AmongHeroes ♤ LOST ♤

Member Seen 1 day ago

Like a wraith he emerged. Bathed in obsidian, and coated with the falling vestiges of the sea, Sammael stepped from the churning waves. His booted feet crunched soundlessly upon the wetted sands—though stealth, it would seem, had been discarded the moment Kain had erupted into his tormented conflagration. In spite of it, the SOLDIERS still maintained an element of surprise via their quarry’s unsuspecting disposition. These poor Archadian souls were mere pawns in a game they had already lost. Moving up the beach, Samm fell loosely in behind Carmen. Her orders were clear, and their targets lay before them like chaff before the wind.

The Archadian’s moved with only a thin repertoire of military tactical knowledge at their disposal. Faced with Carmen’s combined assault of surprise and overwhelming force of action, the infantry visibly faltered; disoriented and confused. Several of the men discharged their aged long-arms haphazardly, while yet others tried to distribute themselves to face the coming enemy force with more poise.

For his part, Samm’s black form moved rapidly in the troughs of the sand dunes. Winding his way forward, his heightened senses focused upon an Archadian who had taken cover behind a length of driftwood. The man’s rifle was aimed downrange, in the general direction of the approaching SOLDIERS. Even as his feet churned sand behind him, his body poised and leaning forward like a stalking lion, Samm could feel the man’s heartbeat roiling within his veins. This man feared for his life, and had the scent of prey wafting off of him--almost visibly--into the sea air.

”Quietly. Quickly. Show him enlightenment.”

The sword came forth from its sheath, arcing upward over Samm’s shoulder as he pulled it free. It hummed with the desire to strike, and to draw blood to purge the Archadian’s wickedness. Time seemed to slow before Samm as he lunged up the sand, directly in line with his target’s left flank. His vision became sharp to the point of near pain, his eyes itching with the heightened sensation given by Ither’s gift. Every pore on the Archadian’s face. Every bead of sweat. Every ripple of blood in his veins gathered into Samm’s mind, and was processed to bring a quick, and merciful end to this engagement.

Gripping the hilt with both of his obsidian hands, Samm propelled himself forward. He struck out with the blade of his sword, the weapon moving to the Archadian in a trajectory that would cleave his skull in two. Oblivious to this coming strike, the man continued to aim his weapon, his heart still bounding and uncertain.

At the last moment, just as the deadly blade was about to bite, Samm spun his hands. In the breadth of a moment, the sword turned, presenting the flat of the blade to its target. With resolute force, the steel struck the Archadian on the left of side of his head, between his temple and ear. The thud of the impact raced up the blood groove, and into Samm’s sensitive fingers. It had been a sure, and successful strike.

Completing his lunge, Samm came to rest upon his feet at the Archadian’s right side. The infantrymen was slumped loosely upon the sand, his discarded rifle resting against the driftwood. Samm didn’t need to touch the man to know he was alive, yet utterly lost to the world. Reaching out, he took the rifle off the driftwood, and dismantled it. The motion took only a scant moment, as springs and gas tubes separated in Samm’s skilled hands.

“Another down,” he announced to his comrades.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A R C H A D I A / / S H O R E L I N E P A T R O L

It was certainly a sight to behold. Multiple tons of metal slowly descended into the darkening azure depths as sporadic streams of bubbles outlined the reluctant fall against a dim glow of crimson flashing. The aerial Shyps of Archadia were built to withstand varying degrees of artillery as well as the wrath of mother nature while maintaining their renown defiance of gravity. The behemoths were comprised of special alloys of metal amalgamations that found their abnormal strength through patented processes; repetition and a rigorous testing phase allowed these military craft to be known as some of the safest transport any aspiring military could own. As Corbyn watched the Shyp be dragged towards the canal floor briefly, his mind had already settled on a likely paranoid conclusion - sabotage. Muscle memory pulled the SOLDIER's body through the pressure of the waters while an absent mind continued to parse and sift through every possible scenario. Elongated memories stretching back to the fringes of neural recall were forcibly pulled from their corners and various mental prisons in an effort to glean even the smallest details, a hopeful scavenging of mentality that attempted to piece together something that just made sense. Then the surface broke.

A rough splash followed the commander's emergence and it only took a few moments for a curious gaze to twist into a half-disappointed frown. The man on fire, Kain, smashed into the sandy shoreline, a tower of flame spontaneously combusting toward the heavens and a maniacal bellow bursting ear drums all around. The increase in security meant that stray patrols could be out on the shorelines, but this kind of revealing was too much. The group hadn't even been given the chance to collect their bearings and wonder what happened before the massive berserker decided to--surely--draw every enemy within a mile radius to their exact location. In spite of his rationale however, Corbyn found him a slight grin at the sight of Archadians being downed. At the very least, Kain was good at what he needed to be good at. Setting foot on solid ground once more, the lancer took a moment to take stock of the surroundings.

Beyond the beaches which were quickly filling with Archadian cavalry were several different paths that all seemed to run in the direction of a cityscape on the horizon. Though the group was caught at the moment, the nature of the mission was yet to be compromised. Metallic pings confirmed as much as Carmen brought claw to knee and pauldron several times in an almost ancient sequence of covert communication. Corbyn shifted glance to his peripheral vision, acknowledging his fellow commander's nod and spoken order with a slight smirk and quick nod of his own. It seemed there was no more time to hand over to the ruminations of earlier and the mission was truly to begin. However... There was a just a little work to be done first. Surveying the land once more, Corbyn wasted no time in picking a route and unlatching the double-headed lance from its back holster. Topographical maps of Archadia had been provided to the team at the Fort before even travelling to the encampment and the commander had taken the chance at hand to study the land as part of operation preparation. Once the debriefing at the encampment had begun, he had also considered the possibility that increased security would mean that any route into Faelan might need to be cleared before it could be taken. The worst case scenario had, of course, come to pass.

Raising a flat hand in the air before pointing a rigid arm to the left, Corbyn didn't even bother looking back to see if his team had emerged from the canal. The strong would survive a minor setback like this. "Looks like the game is on, people," Corbyn said in elevated volume, "Stay on me and remember, our job is to infiltrate as quickly and quietly as possible." The commander pulled the lance from his back as he felt the beat of his heart begin to grow more frequent. "However... Thanks to our burning friend here, we've got a few obstacles blocking our route. Feel free to remove these troublesome things!" Launching from his rear foot, Corbyn took off to the left of the distraction team, exactly where he pointed, and quickly made his way towards his chosen route - a path covered by vegetation and a cluster of trees that were presently shrouded in a blanket of blackest night. A handful of Archadian infantry made their way towards the infiltration team drawn to the area by Kain's bright display of power.

Sailing passed several of them, Corbyn set his sights on a group of three directly blocking his path. He was confident his team could handle the slight alteration to the plan, especially considering they would need to down each and every one of the grunts in their way if they had any chance of regaining the element of surprise before heading towards Faelan. Abruptly, the commander stopped in the midst of his enemies. The poor equipment they were outfitted with would only make things easier. The first of the three buried his brief surprise at the sudden statuesque commander, charging forward with gun in hand. Spinning low, Corbyn swept the shaft of his lance against the shins of the first brave soul, toppling the grunt before quickly coming back around and jabbing a spear-head into his neck. From there, a back kick disoriented a second infantrymen just long enough for a high spinning twirl to open his esophagus up while the third grunt luckily blocked one blow only to be tripped by one side of the fatal lance and impaled in the gut by the other. Corbyn spun the weapon in both hands for a moment to hastily fling blood from both heads before setting his sights back on the infiltration route.

With only a brief pause, the commander disappeared into the thicket and slowed his speed down to a controlled, slightly crouched trot. He never even looked back to ensure the success of his team. In his mind, if any of them fell to an Archadian grunt, there was no use in putting trust in them in the first place.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Doctor, we are about to be in a lot of trouble!”

Corr yelled his warning over the roar of the rushing water towards Natalya as the last of their surviving companions escaped through the dark waters. At this point it was cresting far above his waist and soon threatened to consume the entire cabin. The low audible groan of strained metal somewhere above him was enough to make him spin his head. He had enough of his faculties about him to dive out of the way slipping underneath the darkness as part of the Shyp’s roof came down right where he was standing moments earlier.

Head emerged from frothing darkness as water began pouring into the newly formed wound. The ruined wreck groaning as it shifted once more. Water quickly passing the chest and meeting up to lap at the neck. The slow chill sinking through the flesh and rooting itself into bone.

It was time to go.

He extinguished his arm, took a breath and then dived beneath the water. The saturation gripped at the furs weighing him down like an anchor. He made his way pulling himself along through the waterlogged skeleton. Finding his way through the rip in the metal he pulled himself through and out of the wreck. Almost immediately his body was buffeted by the intensity of the current. The downward thrust by the collapsing vessel trying to drag him down to the jagged seafloor below. He moved upwards propelled by feats of inhuman endurance towards the surface. Eyes burning against the salty mixture focused upon the glow of moonlight refracting against the shimmering aquatic barrier.

He broke the surface moments later. Deep gasps of air tinged with smoke and salt. Looking upward in the breaks and channels that the sea breeze cut through the fog he saw the sky. A broken geode, sparkling contents strewn in the darkness. It would've almost been beautiful if not for the sounds of conflict that were carried by the wind. Eyes flickered in the dark watching shapes move, the flash of fire and the occasional muzzle flare. A brilliant chiaroscuro of conflict.

He sighed, “Well there goes the element of surprise.”

The Giant inside roared as the sounds of battle awakened it. The clash of metal it's symphony, the yells of struggle it's chanting chorus and the blood its anointment. He looked around in the dark waves for Natalya wanting to make sure the doctor made it out okay. Yet the waves made it too difficult and the darkness too hard to see. She was a strong one though and Corr had a feeling she made it out okay. Besides he was wasting time. And so like a knife he began to cut through the water, the shoreline getting closer and with it the sounds of conflict.

Hands soon found purchase upon wet sand that embedded itself upon cloth and fur. The fog on the shore was less condensed than it was at sea allowing for a further gaze. The combined pull of the currents had put his companions further up the beach and inland then his current landing position. He needed to get to them quicker, the pounding of feet against sand would only waste precious seconds. Luckily for Corr he was not alone.

“You feel like helping out?” He whispered to himself and took the accompanying silence as begrudging acceptance. “Good.”

And so Corr concentrated turning his gaze inwards towards the swirling mass inside of him. Heartbeat began to slow, a solid pulsing drum as the iris of ember began to flicker and flame. Corr’s vision warped and distorted itself as he saw the world as the Giant saw it. A swirling cacophony of chaos and life, brilliant and mind consuming all at once. Invisible strands seemed to stretch outward from the darkness from where his companions battled. Some of the strands vibrated instantly as if they were about to snap. A hand reached out and grabbed at one of the strands. From the curious watcher on the outside it would of all happened within less than a second, one moment he was there and in the next he vanished in a flash of light.

The Archadian soldier moved forward legs shaking. Her allies were falling around her. They weren't trained for this. They were barely an upgraded militia meant to keep militants off their shores. Fight and flight responses were screaming to run but deserters just got shot. Shaking hands leveled a shotgun state of the art forty years ago towards the laughing clawed banshee that was ripping through her allies. Preoccupied with her friends she might of been able to get off a shot. As a finger began to squeeze the trigger there was a flash of light and a deep voice.

“Hello there.”

As Corr appeared he felt a kick in the chest as a slug slammed through ceramic plates and hit flesh where it found surprising resistance. A normal person may have just received a new hole in their chest for Corr there might of been heavy bruising and even blood but it would take more than a singular firearm to break through his increased vitality. The helmet obscured the face of the soldier but a face wasn't need to sense the fear.

He reacted quickly before another shot could be fired, hands grabbing the gun and yanking forward with a surge of strength. As the body was pulled forward it was met with the thunderous smash of a boot against chest plating. The impact enough to loosen the fingers from their death grip. He flipped the gun around and wielding it like a club brought it down hard upon the stunned soldier's helmet. The blow was enough to cave the metal in and send the solder into unconsciousness. Satisfied Corr dropped the weapon to the sand.

“You know commander you can't keep having your subordinates save you; what will the people start to think?” Corr yelled over the roar of the battle towards Carmen; a playful jab as he knew fairly well that even without his intervention the soldier would not of hit her and that it was more to speed up his own entrance to the fight.

He then turned his attention back towards his remaining foes, outstretching his arms and welcoming them to try and take him down.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

James Camron

Kain’s fiery entrance onto the battlefield seemed to be the spark to an inferno of chaos, as the SOLDIER’s rushed into the poorly equipped Archadian militia, cutting them down as easily as one would do to a field of wheat, only that blood and pain was all that they were harvesting tonight. As James reached the shore, he felt an. . . urge that he couldn’t explain, couldn’t understand, yet it flowed through his veins like a burning poison. His breath got stuck in his throat, his mind assaulted by disjointed images, emotions, and all other sorts of sensory stimulus. Falling to a knee and clutching his head, James let out a short cry as the singular moment seemed to stretch on towards an eternity, the images, sights, and sounds coming together to show a brief moment of his past.

He stood before a trio of thugs, shortly after completing the sign-up for the SOLDIER program. They were hopeful like him, and from the way they looked down at him, he had known they were insulted by his apparent gaul. They had pushed him around, kicked him, knocked him down, beat him some more. . . and he had taken it. He had taken it just like he’d taken everything else in his life, with nary a word or cry and accepting it all like it was a fated happening set in unchangeable stone. But it was not a passive nature or unwillingness to strike and harm that held him back, no matter how much he had told himself that.

As they laid into him that day, cursing and berating him for daring to do something so brazen, he hadn’t felt sadness, nor despair, nor even the slightest bit of regret or remorse. What he had felt was rage, a rage that he’d been suppressing ever since he was a child, because he knew it wouldn’t do him any good. He knew that acting on anger only got you killed, clouded your judgement, made you someone you didn’t want to be, so he bottled it all up, for years and years, never once letting out so much as a hint of the broiling rage that had building up in his heart.

But as James saw his slightly younger self get beaten to the pulp, knowing that he would later get lectured on getting beaten later and nearly disowned for his decision to join the SOLDIER program, he suddenly found himself wondering. He wondered briefly, yet thoughtfully, on what life would be like if he had never let this anger build up as it did. What if he had never just let things happen, what would happen if he stopped thinking, planning, considering, even wondering, and just let the first urge that hit him, take him.

As the moment in time faded back into reality, James noticed something.

To your left.



Before he could even think of what these feelings meant, the SOLDIER was already on the move, hopping out of the way of a hail of bullets as a group of three Archadian soldiers decided to take aim at him. Landing a short ways away, Bow already in hand and nocked, James drew back the arrow, then let it fly with barely half a second of aim, yet he knew it would hit. And hit it did, smacking into the front most soldier with a burst of smoke enveloping them and their companions. Apparently fearing another, more lethal shot, the two allies began shooting in the direction James had been standing, but he had long since moved on from that position, the sound of chaos masking his approach from the side as he slipped into the smoke, homing in on the burning life energy that flowed through them all.

The soldier he had initially struck was the first target, having apparently backed away coughing from the sudden influx of polluted air. They never had a chance of noticing him sweeping in out of the fog with a clawed strike to their throat, cutting of the flow of air into their body as he continued the strike, swinging them around by the neck to bring them slamming down hard into the earth. The two other militiamen tried to turn around upon hearing the ruckus from behind them, but the SOLDIER whipped around his bow into the gun of the first one to turn around, hitting their hand hard enough to make them drop it with a cry, one that was quickly silence as the bow came back with frightening speed to strike them against their chin from below, knocking their head back harshly before bull-rushing into them and bring them down to the ground in a tumble of limbs. The remaining soldier pointed the gun in the scuffles direction, unable to see what was happening in the smoke, but didn’t fire, too afraid of hitting their fellow comrade.

This proved their undoing.

A figure quickly rose like a specter and flew at them, quickly revealing itself to be unconscious form of the second Archadian sent hurtling towards their brethren as he darted to the side, his leg snaking out to strike at the inside of his final foe’s knee. The man crumpled to the ground with a cry, his fellow soldier falling atop him. Pinned to the earth, they tried desperately to push the body off of them, but before they could make any progress, James struck with a savage flurry of bows from his bow to their helmeted head.

As the smoke spread out through the battlefield, so with it came James, rational mind and fears washed away by the searing pulse of Raganavic’s instinctual lust for domination of those who would challenge him. The beast and the man worked together as one to stalk the smoke, slipping out of it to let loose precise shots at any who would deem to try and sneak up on or target his fellow SOLDIERs, only to then slip back into the dark cloud of smoke, relying on the Aeon’s ability to see the life around him in order to make his next judgement for attack. However, one would notice quickly that, while accurate, the SOLDIER never shot to kill, only to disable, aiming for shoulders, elbows, knees, etc, trying his best not to add to the kill count if he didn’t have to.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

S O L D I E R. . .E N C A M P M E N T / / S H O R E L I N E. . . P A T R O L

As they made their way on to land London physically and mentally checked herself. Adapt and thrive. While this was not in the mission parameter, one had to make do with the circumstances allowed them. As it stood, there Shyp was shot down, most likely by hostiles, they were away from their destination which means they needed to travel a bit more than they thought, and now they were on their own.

London allowed a small smile to creep on her face.

This was fun! She didn't expect to feel this way. She half expected a boring mission where nothing happened. She expected that some of her team would die in that crash or would drown. She was pleasantly surprised on both ends. She could hear Angelius sigh in her head. Probably wondering why she was enjoying this new wrench in the plan.

Before she could gather more of her thoughts, fire erupted. She braced for combat only to find it was one of her fellow SOLDIERs providing the illumination. The flames engulfed him and she could only stare. Unamused. "If that idiot wants to kill himself, let him. He would only hold the rest of us back," she thought to herself. Much to her dismay, Carmen ordered him to stop and did some sort of tapping motion. It seemed to work as the fire eventually gave way. She rolled her eyes. They would allow the imbecile to continue with them? It was obvious he was allowing his Aeon to get the better of him. Why wait until his eventual demise? Angelius scolded her, but she paid no mind. That's what you do. Teach the Aeon who's actually in charge. Don't let them in, don't let them control. Adapt and thrive.

Carmen split them up and she followed Corbyn and the others in her team. They would be meeting resistance soon. She knew the code. They did not kill, only incapacitate. Easily done. As she followed, she noticed Corbyn come up to three of the oncoming Archadian's. She scoffed. Seems he wanted to clear them up himself. Not a strong basis for a good leader. She mentally shrugged and pulled out her sniper. In a fluid motion, she crouched, aimed, and pinged a shot right at one of the Archadian's upper thighs, hitting the target perfectly as she saw him fall. She watched as Corbyn took down the three he came to and continued onward. She had to hand it to him, he was skilled. She watched through her scope as the others in her team took down the remaining, helping with some well-placed shots of her own in the legs, arms, and chest. Easily enough, they took down the threat. She placed the sniper rifle on her shoulder and followed the others.

This was going to be fun.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Insatiable
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Insatiable 𝚁 𝙴 𝙼 𝙴 𝙳 𝚈

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Canal

A harsh rumble roared underneath, prodding torrents that surged through a singular course across the canal. Underneath was unwelcoming, a darkened blanket of shaded azure that harboured nothing but indifference. Metal fragments tossed and scattered, descending towards an unrevealed abyss where the sunken drift to seek eternal rest.

Nic's descent underwater quickly altered into a mere juncture of life and death as swift, successive strokes helped to swim himself away from the pitching debris and climb towards the surface where he would regroup with the other SOLDIERs. Labored breaths accompanied his emergence from the depths of the canal, squeezing his eyes shut to rub off the unpleasant sting that the waters granted. When he settled, he brought himself back to the raven, his visual field synchronizing then supplying an aerial surveillance of the listed Shyp. As the others were seen, Nic mentally enumerated each until he could put up a total count from the last surveyed SOLDIER; something wasn't right. When he was about to motion the bird to do another scan, a request prompted a deviation from his self-appointed task.

It was Sammael, his name converging with Nic's brittle memory within the last second. Scanning the shorelines seemed feasible for the raven's purpose, but leaving the SOLDIERs who were undocumented from the surveillance's total count would somehow defeat the whole purpose of being a team. Perhaps it could be given utmost concern and attention once granted a convenient time.

Taking the fellow SOLDIER's request, he nodded and had the bird take off towards the given route. The creature stationed at a palm tree after its quick flight, talons hooked on the sturdy branches with its six eyes aiming for the described spectacle of a hostile company. As foreseen, a mass of infantrymen were marching straight to the shoreline. They were prepared, but so was SOLDIER.

"There's a lot of them out there, but I guess numbers shouldn't matter given our equipped arsenal." Nic's spoken words screamed of overconfidence, but that was his natural way of raising everyone's morale to anyone who would be listening. "Anyway, there's a path up ahead that might be used as some kind of shortcut. I'll scan further and see if there are more of these unwelcoming people patrolling the particular area."

As signaled, the raven then left its spot to reach another site with an unobstructed view of the designated location.

"Now if we can just avoid any unneeded attention, we can secure a shortcut, remain undetected until we-" Nic interrupted himself shortly upon sighting a compulsion of fiery recklessness. It was Kain, and seeing him advance to the shores with nothing but brute force, Nic was left with his eyebrows furrowed. " ... or we can blow up our cover and just kill everyone."

The shorlines

Clamorous cracks of gunfire rained from thickets of tall weeds to the expanse of trees and vegetation. Nic rushed to take cover, immediately calling out the raven once crouched behind a boulder. The rule was to wait until the detected foes would move past his line of position. He waited, eyes peering over their movements, studying their verbal motions in an attempt to predict where they would proceed next. Patience managed to sustain his cover. Within the following moments, he anticipated them to be lured by the SOLDIERs who were segregated for distraction. They were still there however, but when one of their comrades gestured to move forth, opportunity struck as Nic bolted towards the clustering trees, opposite to where the men were advancing.

Abruptly, he stopped a few meters from where he sprinted. His crimson eye swept upward, sighting a pair of dark wings fluttering between leafy branches. The raven has arrived and with its quick scouting mission finished, he now needed to catch up with the infiltration team and tell them about the shorter route he had found. As the bird landed on his shoulders, Nic continued to move through the area. Muffled gunshots were heard from a vicinity. He glanced and saw two more infantrymen from afar. They were several meters away from where he was, so it wouldn't be a problem for him to leave his trails as he sprinted once more. Before he did however, sudden metallic clicks were heard nearby. When he turned to see, there were four Archadian troops coming out of nowhere; their rifles all trained at him.


Reluctantly, Nic raised his hands albeit the absence of being demanded to do so. He reckoned they wouldn't say much from how they looked. They were meager grunts deployed for their own, misled cause. But Nic couldn't simply portray a certain kind of disrespect that would somehow convey their purpose as worthless pawns. They were still men, but because of what they believed, they led themselves to their own damnation.

"I'll drop my weapon as long as you hold fire. Deal?" He was doubtful they could understand. Archadians bore a different kind of language, but knowing the facts still prompted Nic to speak up. After all, communication was key to make sure his head won't catch a bullet from their rifles.

He was looking for a verbal nod. When he pulled Selena out from its holster, the men tightened their grip of their weapons, but when Nic freed his fingers from the revolver's trigger, leaving a few to hold the grip, one of the troops gave him an approving nod. A grin flashed from Nic's face as a he slowly let the gun slip from his clutches.

"I'm glad we're able to have an understanding." He said, his voice sounding earnest from the intercession.

After that, time seemed to freeze from the frames of action. Nic released the revolver, the men fixing their gazes at its gradual descent. And just as when the wind shifted, Nic swung his arm, snatching Selena a second before it could reach the ground. He rolled to his left as he caught the gun, holding it in place with his index finger attached to the trigger and its electrical charge calibrated to a full six bars. With a resounding wind of its cylinder, three successive shots were fired, all aimed at the first three men. Ionized bullets would find their way piercing through their armour and onto the targeted spot which were their chests. The distracted men fell with only one left. Nic fired another shot that was aimed at the man's knee. Once hit, The grunt screamed, his weapon dropped as he painfully squirmed to the ground.

Mercy forced Nic to not leave the wounded with its unbearable stance. With the raven sitting back to his shoulder after the quick, messy scene, its six eyes gazed at the Archadian soldier. Afterwards, green tethers swirled outward from its opened beak, connecting to the soldier's chest. For the entire duration, the target's life force was siphoned, ending his consciousness as it was all transferred to Nic. It then granted him a satiated feeling, like a soul empowered from its restlessness. He felt his drowsiness voided, replaced by a euphoric sensation that he knew could only be influenced by one truly voracious being.

He took one final glance at the fallen men.

"May your souls find peace." With thoughts swam in pity, he knew best to not waste anymore time and find Corbyn as quick as possible. He only hoped the blaring gunshots of Selena didn't attract anymore unwanted adversaries.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I S L E O F I V A L I C E / / M A N Y Y E A R S P R I O R

As the dimly lit world slowly came into focus, jumbled thoughts, feelings, and irrationality violently reclaimed their place in the mental sanctum. Freezing strands of water ran the length of his bare back though he remained perfectly still against the aged, wet brick presently keeping the seated boy upright. The stone floors were equally as cold, easily permeating the thin fabric of tattered pants and gleefully allowing outstretched legs and bare feet a reluctant resting place. He kept his hands clasped, fingers interlocked, though the steel shackles had long since been removed and even the marks on his wrist were healing pretty well. Time was a non-existent concept within the walls of the four-by-four room and it seemed like the only indicator of such was the visible healing of bodily scars that now felt much older than they actually were. A groggy Corbyn scoffed at the blank wall staring back at him before reverting his gaze to the identical ceiling above. There were no windows to enjoy a view from and the only source of light seemed to be burning from the wall on the other side of the bars that separated the boy from another who was held behind a similar metal grate.

"You finally awake?" A female voice, clearly tired yet somehow invigorated, lightly questioned. Corbyn groaned. He didn't bother to look over.

"Can a person really sleep in a place like this?" He replied, annoyance saturating his tone.

"That's certainly a better question," the female sat cross-legged against the wall directly across from her caged window, blue eyes glinting in the scattered torch light.

"How long's it been, Varrina?" Corbyn asked. Varrina was silent for a moment.

"A few hours since the guard took away the food."

"No, since we've been down here?"

"Oh. Maybe three weeks?"

"Is that all? Great. Only an indefinite amount of time to go. Fuckin' awesome."

"Well, whining is not going to get us anywhere either."

"Whining she says. Don't forget how we got here in the first place, damnit."

"This is just a simple show of power. They have to assert themselves every now and then. Who would respect the leadership otherwise?"

"Or, because they found two recruits fighting each other with live weaponry. That, ya know, could also be a factor."

"Jesus, I already apologized for that, didn't I?"

"I couldn't hear it over the sound of chains, locks, and keys."

"In any case, they won't hold us for much longer. I've heard from my contacts that the Order got their mobilization orders."

"Funny how you can hear from these contacts through solid stone."

"Believe me or not, it doesn't really matter. The point is that they're not going to let a single knight get out of deployment and that includes us. We're going from prison straight to the battlefield."

Corbyn was silent. He huffed and folded his arms, resting his head on the damp wall behind him and closing his eyes. He knew she was right. And it was that very fact that scared him.

A R C H A D I A / / I N F I L T R A T I O N - T H E F O R E S T S

The deception of the forest became apparent as soon as one stepped past the initial thicket and waded deeper into the sea of canopies. Varying sized trees stood watch over the green and brown ground below though each sentinel stood exactly the same height - they differed in size of trunk and complexity of branches and leaves. Moss unnaturally grew all over the base of the wooden guardians while bushes, foreign plants, and shrubs claimed patches of land far and wide in any direction. Though the path was more sophisticated than first glance, this had been the exact reason Corbyn had chosen it for the infiltration team. The forests of Archadia seemed small on a topographical map, but in truth they were served as a labyrinth for foreigners and insurgents who sought to lay claim to the capital city of Faelan. It was widely believed that only native Archadians knew the land well enough to navigate the forests effectively and any trespassers would be easily dispatched through guerrilla warfare tactics practiced by the Archadian military. Of course, these same rumor-mongering souls knew nothing of the existence of SOLDIER.

Corbyn rested on one knee in a small clearing surrounded by bushes and one larger tree. The clearing was far enough from the shoreline that any infantry grunts should have lost sight of their enemies, but close enough that any of the team who survived would have been able to follow the commander with only a little trouble. A twig scratched at the hardened dirt, making crude drawings of what seemed to be nothing but nonsense. The commander had not been waiting long, but he already found himself just a little lost in thought. The mission was indeed the most important task at hand, but the brief lull provided by his straggling team members allowed the man to retreat into his mind just slightly. The mission may have been the most important, but it was far from the only important thing. An ulterior agenda was a step too far, but there a few issues Corbyn had to take into account as well. The first deployment of SOLDIER was exciting in itself, but there were other reasons why he needed to leave the fort.

"Impressive. I honestly thought you were going to cave and borrow my power once that hellion ruined the surprise," Asteria echoed from within her mental residence. Corbyn sighed, but the lifted corner of his mouth betrayed the emotion.

"I told you it wasn't going to happen. There's a reason we trained so hard, you know."

"And that reason is to master the Aeon's power, is it not?"

"Maybe true for others, but I can rely on my own abilities. I thought you didn't like that word?"

"The word Aeon? I do not enjoy the idea of being labeled by you humans, but it does not cause me pain."

"So I guess if I ask that question again, you'll give me the same answer?

"Of course. There's no other answer to give, unfortunately."

"Figured as much."

"However, I desire to ask you a question."

"We got a little time I guess. Shoot."

"This team of yours... Do you trust them?"

"What the hell kind of question is that?"

"One that you know I already know the answer to."

Corbyn was silent. He tossed the twig away and took a quick survey of the area. There were a few lone infantrymen heading in different directions in the forest, each separated by massive amounts of space. They were spread out in a search pattern. The move wasn't unexpected, but it was unwelcome all the same. Corbyn crouched lower, his grip around his lance tightening. His brief killing spree had been necessary, but the orders from here on out forbade killing anyone else. The lancer holstered his weapon and looked in the direction of the forest's entrance. He could hear the slight footsteps of multiple people. His team was finally on the way. Putting a finger to the earpiece in his ear, the commander opened a private radio channel for the infiltration team.

"As I said before, we're going to have do this as quickly and as quietly as possible. To that end, we're going to split into groups of two. Nic and London, Bruce and Natalya, Amentia and myself. If anyone in those groups don't show, the other person can ride solo or join a different group. We'll be heading in the same direction, but we're going to need to spread out a bit, make it harder for them to find us. Our objective is to stealth all the way the Faelan, if possible. All teams on me and Amentia. Keep your distance, watch your back, and keep comm use minimal for now. Out," Corbyn whispered, gazing into the drawings he made on the ground. With that, he awaited Amentia's arrival. They would begin moving forward as soon as she was with the commander.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



The voice was his only guide. The flame did not die, it only burns brighter with the rage of his being. Some would claim him mad. Some would lament the loss of cover. They were fools, idiots blinded by men in fancy suits telling them about “strategic importance” and “Sensitive Situations.” They had called for him to be on this mission. They had wanted a distraction. There were no better distraction than Kain. A kid from the slums, a brawny, violent thug turned berserking SOLDIER. A literal human pyre. What else could he do, but to burn as bright as possible. His head smashed visirs in, his fists were enhanced by the knuckle duster design of his trench knives, sending men tumbling and almost flying. He kept moving among the thick of it to avoid the cowards nad their rifles, putting bodies between him and them. ANd for each scratch they made to him, the more power he unleashed.

He was the flame. All these little men were moths. drawn to him. What better way to distract these pathetic mortals. These insolent weaklings. No, he was surrounded by blind fools, fumbling in the dark, to afraid to harness the flame that gave mankind dominion over the world in the first place.

Around him, his comrades fought, dispatching foes with ease. There gifts were different then his, strange and alien in their own ways. But none was so vital, so full of emotion as his. They reeled it in, they tried to keep it down. They were fools, they would be eaten by their own aeons from the inside.

“COME THEN” He bellows and flew once more from his position, a blazing, brilliant streak in the darkness, landing between three Achadian soldiers, and right on top of a fourth. He screamed in terror, but he smashed his fist down. As he rose, he let his fire die down a little. The heat was becoming to much, even for him. Mistaking it for some kind of opening, the other three charged at im. It was a fatal mistake. He caught one of them by the face, a giant h and encompassing a lot of that skull between meaty fingers. His eyes snapped open in sheer terror as Kain lifted the unfortunate man up so his feet was kicking of the ground.

“Burn with me.” He said as he fire roared to life once more. The poor man’s screams startled the other two soldiers so badly their knees buckled. Their weapons scrambling onto the ground. Looking down on them, Kain spoke.

“I am judgment. I am vengence. Leave, never lift a weapon, and justice will be kind.” He said as he dropped the charbroiled young man to step onto one of the archaic guns. “Go for your sidearm. ANd I will gut you both, and make you burn, inside out.”

As he spoke however, some cracked a shot at him. It snagged his shoulder, and Kains eyes flared red. The two terrified soldiers ran for it as he turned to stare at a soldier who did not seem to waver, but calibrating his gun for a proper shot. Kain smiled. IT was not a happy smile. It was feral, visceral. Teeth bared like on a primitive primate threatening another. He leaped, once more the comet. Landing with both knives dug into the mans shoulder, deep and lethal. The man stared trough his helmet, fear, confusion and disgust.

“A-animal..” He died with the words on his lips as Kain tugged his knives out. The heat searing the wound shut.

“Perhaps.” Kain admitted. “A hound.” He turned to the Commander of his mission. The person he felt a almost compulsive need to purge. But in a way, that was useful. Someone to stoke the rage that fueled his fire. He idly wondered if the higher ups had taken that into account.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Noxious
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Noxious ᴅ ᴇ ᴀ ᴅ ish

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Slim digits curled through the freezing water in a lackadaisical and rhythmic sway that sufficiently sustained her position amongst the chilling embrace of the canal. The shadows had found her form and begun to taste across the modesty of her exposure, curling about in an ever changing web that afforded her a lazy unconcern about detection. Not that the Archadians had time to worry about a spectator. They had found themselves in blooming chaos upon the SOLDIERs murky stage as their tranquil spell shattered. They were unlikely prepared for the crashing fall from the heavens and the angels of death birthed without that began to appear from the womb of the canal and offer their blessings to the unanointed.

Kain, a blinding flame within the dreary fog called to the moths like a ravenous siren and the others picked them off with the laughable ease. Moths, with their firefly beacons of gunshots that darted across the shoreline and did little but call upon them the ferocious attention of their hunters. The obscurity of brume swirled about the monstrous ballet, devouring players and then regurgitating them upon their foes. A dance of destruction half-contrived upon fragility of pure humanity, confused and faulty in their movements, their thoughts, their approach. Her creeping progression had begun finding footholds upon the bottom of the canal. As she continued to look on it would be a lie to say she wasn’t offended stunned at the notably tame maiming of the enemy and lack of slaughter upon creatures so obviously lesser.

Her clothing did well to let the night’s consummation devour her form as she slipped like a nymph from the river Styx and frolicked across the madness to locate Corbyn just as he moved into the brush away from the shore. She added a small pirouette en arrière to dodge a bullet before ducking in behind her dashing leader. She caught sight of him just as he began his graceful, and apparently practiced, slaughter and she moistened her lips as the first blood of death began to scent the air around them and turn the tide of her ambition.

They did say “unnecessary death”, and who are we but gods to judge necessity?

The slumbering dull gray of her eyes began to twist with merging union of fantastical configurations of mind and other; an inklike pitch began to bleed from her iris and called forth little tremors through her fainéant presence; demanding something more sanguine and cruel. The tips of her fingers seemed to twitch little patterns of summoning or impatience. Innocence fell from her lips to give way to a curling snarl as the shadows began to whip more voraciously about her still uncovered feet. She’d failed at putting her boots on before the shyp had fallen from the sky and they had been lost somewhere in the crash. She seemed not to notice the lack of footwear as she let the illumination devouring umbra coil through the landscape, seeking sustenance and servitude. It crept with her as she edged along the treeline towards Corbyn’s direction.

Then her ears perked and the twitching of her fingers stilled as she sensed the audacious attempt at “sneak” that screamed through the ambiance of the terrain and the firefight she had left behind on the beach. The vengeful finger of decay crept to the fore front as her feet sought tactical placement subconsciously and she darted forward. Dual bo-shuriken flipped from her wrists and were gripped tightly in wound spider-like digits, blurring at her sides as she gained momentum towards her target. She was silent as she pounced upon the unsuspecting and exposed back and speared the metal through pliable flesh, through shattering bone, rupturing both of his shoulder blades in a demonic piggy back.

The overwhelmed figure began to descend, placing one foot forward in a comical effort to stabilize his form, already woven within the web, already a fly to the spider, her legs wrapped around his torso without reprieve. Snarling lips found hold as they plunged inside his neck, gripping with an inhuman locking of jaw on his jugular and ripping it away before he could falter once more and fall to the ground. She let out a melodic little giggle, completely obscene spilling from her lips that now wept gore down her alabaster chin and then disappeared beneath the neck of her jacket. She pulled herself from him, along with the deadly chopsticks which elicited a painful cry that gurgled from his neck wound that he struggled to grip in an attempt to hold the life force within. Her head tilted at the frivolous attempt and she extended a bare foot to roll the man over onto his back so he could face her. She reached the same foot down and removed his damaged appendage from the wound and pressed it into the ground beside him. In an unexpected snap of movement she raised her foot and slammed her heel into his wrist, feeling the bones shatter through her now blood soaked pad. Corbyn’s voice began to override the whimpering of the destroyed man splayed before her and she listened as her fingers resumed their odd twitching. Obeying on a technicality she turned and left him there. He still one hand he could hold to the wound.

When she slipped out of the trees it was rather close to Corbyn and she offered him a dazzling smile, overlooking the fact that she probably resembled some cliche vampyre flick. As she joined him the pulsing inky miasma that clung to her silhouette and immediate space began to slither across his feet, pooling between them yet enticing nothing but vision. The sentience of the aeon 'gift' could register him as friend, especially as she bent at his side and strangely studied his eyes, barely visible in the gloom that housed them, had they been human. Her voice came out a whisper and there was something about it that seemed to question more than the mission at hand. “Do you think you’re ready for what must be done?” Then she gazed down the path they would take, ready to follow the commander. If the road to hell was paved with good intentions, where would this road lead?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 19 days ago

Natalya Kortensky

Archadia | Shoreline

As soon as they hit the beach, things went to hell. The berserker, Kain, blossomed into a fiery pillar of death, attracting all the attention of the Archadian forces as the SOLDIERs and what remained of their backup reached the shore. She identified her team leader, a younger man called Corbyn, and followed right behind him as they ran into the forests, Archadian soldiers in hot pursuit.

The irony was not lost on the doctor; she'd spent the better part of her life serving with soldiers like these, the exact same men and women that were now chasing her down with the intent to kill. She couldn't let them know she was local. It just didn't sit right if they knew one of their own was amongst the intruders. Natalya made a mental note to herself to not speak a word of her native Archadian unless it was absolutely necessary, gritted her teeth and forged onward, bringing up the rear of the infiltration group.

When gunfire peppered them from the rear, the doctor spun around to respond. Her shield unfurled from her left gauntlet as she brought her machine pistol to bear on the soldiers to their rear. It spat fire and lead at the advancing troops, causing them to retreat momentarily while the rest of the SOLDIERs moved further into the forest. Eventually they lost the beach patrols and their pace slowed to a quick jog as they reached their first checkpoint within the depths of the forest.

With her helmet firmly attached to her torso rig, she could monitor everyone's vitals wirelessly. Small blue circles connected by light blue lines glowed around the middle of the others around her, marking them as allies and part of her team. The network kept them together, and it made her job of keeping them alive easier. However, something struck her as the group settled down in a thicket. Now that they were firmly entrenched in phase one, Natalya could take stock and check on the team. Other than racing hearts and fast breathing rates, the team was alright, except for one. The tall, rugged SOLDIER known as Bruce was missing, and the vitals monitor on her helmet hud showed a flat line and zero vitals. Their first casualty. In the heat of battle, they'd lost a man and they didn't even know it.

As the squad took a knee and assessed themselves, Natalya took a position next to their leader, Corbyn, as he briefed them on the journey ahead. They were to be paired up for the next leg, but upon mention of the dead man's name, she spoke up. She tapped the side of her helmet and its visor split in the middle and slid into the sides of the combat helmet, allowing her to speak freely without using the really loud in-built speakers.

"Bruce is dead, komandir - I mean, Corbyn. We must've lost him in the crash. If it calls for it, I can be our rear guard."

She shouldered her shotgun, idly adjusting her heavy combat armour. With all the gear and medical supplies she was carrying, she doubted her "expertise" at stealth was needed. The doctor sighed to herself as she adjusted her stance in the undergrowth.

"Oh spirits, this feels so weird," she muttered to herself. "Ran'she eto byl moy dom, no teper'... Ya ne tak uveren."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A R C H A D I A / / E A S T E R N. . . S H O R E L I N E.
Carmen Auset had long abandoned her prey, helm buried within the sand, every follicle and grain parting to welcome a temporary tomb of slumber and malice bidden by silvery claws. She had risen slowly like a demented pursuer of dreams, blades lax, figure poised as she regarded the mortal betwixt her bladed feet sunk deep into slogged sediment. It pinged a fickle memory, a ghost of a past; the figment phantasm of a man knelt before her stance under her pursuit and conclusion.

The Imperial Paddock had not been kind to the souls of the damned, the kind caught and reaped and pillaged for entertainment within the rings of that malformed arena; the most dangerous were used for sport against the lesser offenders.

C'mon pet, we got another one for you. Meaty this time too.

She sweeps the exterior of her claws through sallow threads, dispelling the voice crinkling through the breadth of her mind, where The King growled low in memorial, invading the recesses of her experiences and torture; starved for days, led to the flesh of man by leash, and bidden to tear through fragile barriers by the reaping of her mere teeth.

She didn't even realize the threat looming yonder her perception, leveling a shot towards her, and didn't even become aware until the avid and tantalizing scent of one she found within favourtism bloomed across her wanting lips, summoning a reflex of a pirouette as she turned and met mirth and benevolence. Had he saved her, as anyone could be saved with the enemy thwarted by their intended shot? Did he desire favour and fortune by her grace she wondered swiftly, a wreath of a smile adorning her features, full of teeth and bite and the sultry wink of gratitude that followed hence.

There was no time allowed for a rejoiner, as the air was rife and thick in the coiling temptations of blood and flame, but she could thank him later; her gracious reply and quip would be swift in the execution of travel, she mused briefly and willed her gaze else where. Bodies were dispatched easily, most knocked out cold in the preferred method, but had some had been slain and Carmen's fangs ground against one another.

The objective was to avoid death, now Archadia had bodies to be lain to rest, names to strike from the record and families to inform. Justice for the fallen would be demanded, for there wasn't supposed to be a war, just a mere sentry. They didn't know what SOLDIER was, how were you explain injury by medieval talons and weapons and wounds seared, life siphoned by demented beckon and pull. Carmen watched men fall and pried open her orifice, banshees of the maelstrom wailing aloud, her eyes aglow in terrifying hails of power as winds of ebon colour and intent just as dark descended. Sired from The King at those who were to defy the given task, the court of jesters, knights and advisers falling under their own desires rather than the wants and needs of the true ruler.

And then she screamed.

Whatever men had been left by her comrades that - only some - lacked mercy, fell to their knees, warped and wreathed in blackened winds and silenced by the terrible gale that destroyed their wills and surrendered their weapons to sand and ruin.

The banshees of her maelstrom only then silenced when all had fallen and her wailing command waned, with only fickle whorls of wind remaining by the fluctuating breadth of her heart and The King within her soul. There thrived an eternal wealth and desire of subjugation and she could taste the immortal wrath of wronged rule and might, the lingering touches of madness bidding and demanding until Carmen forcefully tempered down The King by a promise of blood later. She would have to feast later, soon, to placate their terrible appetency.

"Stand down, SOLDIERS." She commanded, rapidly flicking her clawed gauntlets, every flex and digit grinding the blades together and creating an infusion of sparks. Carmen took stock of the air, her tongue falling afar from her lips, tasting beyond flame and blood to gather those who remained. "The Infiltration has moved out, least we haven't failed that." She cast a pointed glower towards the Berseker. "Now we need to move along the shore, take out any more sentries we see. They know we are here, better make use of the attention while we can. The Infiltration needs to secure a route," she gestured yonder, further within the land, where trees loomed and forestry wreathed alive within abundance of coverage.

"We'll follow and meet close to Faelan." Carmen cast a last look towards the canal, where the Shyp had finally met the bottom of the waters and had stilled. There were bodies in the water, possible links to the Govern with the Galbadian wears connecting them to the central influence. She glanced to those of her troupe, dismissive and probing, wondered if they witnessed the dead as well as she had, and then she commanded: "Set fire to the Shyp boys, the flames shall draw attention from our travel, but will also burn away any possible connection we might have to the Govern. We need to salvage what methods of secrecy we can."

The shores of Arcahdia fell in line with the forest, the banks consumed of roots and vile tangles of deadened reeds and various flora, all in suffrage from the Maridum sea that banked to the East; the coldest and darkest of the oceans Viera possessed. The paths to Faelan were usually traversed by Shyp ways and transports from the outer establishments, as the land was best suited to thwart those attempting ill-fortune to the city. These shores were, at best, forgotten and gone without tending or civilization, no domiciles were within sight or refuge, and perhaps - Carmen personally speculated - purposely left to the wiles of nature that teemed these sands and waters.

The thick, arched claws of her footwear easily sliced through the deadened reeds attempting to tangle themselves amidst her swagger, and perched easily on roots rising high from the sand, snaking their paths towards the forest bordering alone their trek. The canopy here was consumed of an emerald green that darkened and shifted to bruised violets, thick and teeming and adapted to the coldness that swept Eastward by the wind and wiles of the sea. The tide was out, at least, allowing them to traverse with mild secrecy, any of the Archadian militia wouldn't dare come across here, not with the bank infested as it was, but would skirt across the forest when the tide would come back by the pull and manipulation of the Viera moons.

Every so often Carmen would pause, perched and reclining, claws embedded and impaled within deadened wood and plants and carefully gauge the air with parted lips and flickering eyes, gathering scent and visual. The winds were ripe and full of salt and the teeming life of unfurling growth, mingling with deadened blood from the others and the constant flavour of her favourite. She had almost forgotten about him, she reflected, when she had found a new odor to canter after with baited smile and want, and opted for a quick glance in his direction. To distract didn't mean to sneak across the lines of the border, but so long as Corbyn and the others secured their route, the plan would commence without flaw.

"Nothing so far, Archadia doesn't drift out this far it seems. Let's cause some more fires," she lashed out with her claws, hammering down with the blades of her footwear to break pieces of the root serving as her temporary perch. "We can use these, start small, lots of smoke. If we can draw their attention to the fires, it'll prevent any from finding the others."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

A R C H A D I A - E A S T E R N A P P R O A C H

Hands dragged bodies up the shore lest they be washed away with changing tides. Allowing whatever patrol that came to collect their dead. Adrenaline dampened and the Giant fell to slumber, allowing for reality to lurch back into place. Pain flared across the body distant yet discernible. He didn't think about it. He didn't think about the faces of the bodies that he dragged, how young they were. There wasn't time for that. To become consumed by the dead would only serve to draw his eyes from the living. There was still a mission ahead of them, there was still a task that needed completion.

The mind did focus upon other more troubling aspects of that which had occurred and which would. Shyps don't fall out of the air without purpose. Corr was not a man of obtuse equations and obscure theorems, but he like the others had studied the mechanical diagrams. There were fail-safes and fail-safes built into those fail-safes to ensure skyward orientation. Yet there was no changing of whatever had occurred, the mind could wander upon thoughts of sabotage for hours if left alone. Focus instead came to what it meant moving forward.

The crash had its own merits no matter how few they were. A distraction they set out to create and a distraction they had created. A Shyp falling into the canal was something that wasn't ignored. And once the squad that mustered upon the shore did not report in more and more Archadian forces would come. This was of course assuming that the infiltration team was worth all the trouble. In that regard Corr could only hope that Corbyn kept his team moving towards the objective. The only real downside was those that they had lost.

The smell of smoke filled lungs and nostrils as the Shyp began to burn out at sea. A burial of short muster for fallen comrades consumed by unfeeling waves. Promises of protection having fallen short upon the blades of chance. A slow exhalation of breath followed as hands brushed away at particles of sand. Cool water still dripped from hair and beard, a chill in the lonesome night. A slow pulse of greenish hue ebbed beneath the skin as unnatural processes combated the cold.

Words spilled forth from somber lips. The tongue was old and broken in its countenance from a time when Gatrea was still young - spoken now only in temple. Among its few scant breeding grounds it swirled and reverberated with power. The old a tongue a chanting chorus doubling back upon itself with mystical reverence. Here on the lonesome beaches of Archadia it was a quiet and unrefined dirge gentle enough to get lost on the wind.

Join us those whom have fallen

Join us in a final song

Join us those who fought as the sword to keep balance

Fear not that your sacrifice will go unforgotten

And may you find peace in Spirit's embrace.

Letting the words drift off into the night, Corr turned and followed his companions.

Feet moved with aberrant silence through the foliage. A discordant mixture of life and death like most of Archadia. Life surged upwards towards a distant sun, nourishment provided from that which could not survive. The air was still accented with salt and blood, the sounds of waves crashing onto the shore fading in the distance. Curious animal life flickered about eyes peering through the brush at the foreign entities which traversed the woods.

Corr's eyes flickered with every movement as he watched on alert. He was at the back of the group, leading up the rear is it were. Making sure that they did not have any unpleasant surprise pounce upon them. Yet from a cursory glance one might gather an air of calm. Deep within he touched the whispering voice of the Giant, predatory senses alert. He was 'anchored' to this place and it anchored to him heightened sense beyond mortal reach. He heard the cautionary grumble in the back of his head and looked up to see Carmen looking back at him. He give a simple thumbs up before turning his attention back to his watch.

As they moved forward focus fell upon Kain - a font of destruction which crackled with anger and flame. If Carmen was the Void than Kain was the furious breath of Creation. Yet Kain's thread was one which never rested, the tension ripping through it. The fires were useful when harnessed but when left unattended it would burn till death.

Corr placed a heavy hand upon the berserk's shoulder as they walked. When he spoke his voice was in direct contrast to his fellow commander one without sneer or hunger.

"I fear you are better than you think. But if you must insist, the funny thing about hounds is their loyalty to the pack, they do not act in such ways to endanger the whole, lest they have to be put down." Corr explained pleasant despite the slight air of warning which came with it. He did not continue - no other words were needed. The man was not in the business of giving other people lectures but he was in the business of making sure what remained of his team made it out of this shitshow alive.

And then Corr stepped back withdrawing his hand and taking his position at the rear once more. Soon enough they came to a stop as Carmen hashed out the next stage of the plan. More fires it seemed was to be the way of approach. Rather than smoking them out it seemed they would be smoking them in.

"So we either split up or we stick together. We split up: more smoke across more locations make us look like a bigger force than we actually are. Stay together: we have a big old cloud to draw them in with. Matter of preference really, either way it should bring our friends running towards us rather than Corbyn's group."

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by icmasticc
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icmasticc Chaotic Order

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A R C H A D I A / / I N F I L T R A T I O N - T H E F O R E S T S

“Do you think you’re ready for what must be done?”

The words were mystifyingly poignant. Trailing from the etchings in the dirt, his anomalous gaze curved in a slow, upward ascension to meet the toothy smile of Amentia's visage. Her lips were dressed with a smearing of crimson blood under shimmering, pallid oculi soaked in a fresh coating of overindulgent glee. Within the silence of a single moment, Corybn's blank expression scrunched and contorted into a brow raise punctuated by a crooked frown. It wasn't that he disapproved of his less known--and much less understood--comrade, but to say that she was aberrant was far beyond an understatement. He briefly glanced at the ink-like substance crawling around his silhouette, seemingly assessing his form, before his half-confused countenance returned to find equally curious eyes deadlocked mere inches away. He reciprocated the extended silence before those words broke the tension and Amentia's entire face snapped to the direction in which the duo would be moving. Corybn made no moves, no sounds, as he took a second to reflect on the question posed. Then he grunted and exhaled.

"What must be done, eh?" The commander began, taking another brief pause, "It doesn't matter what must be done. As a SOLDIER, I'm going to do what needs to be done. That's a promise." Taking long, controlled strides, the crouched lancer began his forward movement down the path the team would need to navigate.

Corbyn’s response drifted through the charged uneasy stillness that had enveloped them-- the tempest’s eye that narrowed it’s gaze upon the merciless children of man’s overindulgent pride. Oh yes, trouble brewed about them in the coaxing shadows, but at this moment, Amentia seemed to be lacking battle focus and instead meandered through a hazy definition of reality entirely her own. Amentia allowed his response the same consideration he had afforded her question. And she was left wanting. She’d always found the concept of need to be tricky and it curled about her mind leaving in its wake a distrust of his answer. It seemed off, false in the way humanity often struck her. Not in the way she was wrong, no, he wasn’t like her in that regard. There was a gnawing that told her he was worse; he had secrets. It prickled her the way his emotions roiled in steady waves about him, yet not from him. While she faltered in trusting his response, she didn’t feel the same about Corbyn. She shrugged off the inward ruminations.

It was a silly thing anyways, what was she comparing him too? Since her sheltered youth the only deficient knowledge of interaction and humanity stemmed from nurses, doctors and military supervisors. None involving something as frivolous as socialization. Maybe this was simply the way people should be. Corbyn was moving forward, away from her, and it struck her that she couldn’t quite remember being alone with anyone. Other than me. I’m always here. She offered the inner beast a smile in acknowledgment as she started ahead, quickly skipping barefoot between their distance so as not to be left behind. Corbyn obviously trusted her enough to show his back, so yes, she would traverse his convoluted path of need. And there was something else too, something that wanted so badly to trust someone else, something that didn’t want to be left alone. She could almost swear it was something born of her own emotion.

And then, silence.

Quiet courted the twosome once more, almost lackadaisical in the way it seemed to saunter into their bubble of reality. Yet the lack of immediate reply incited a feeling of intrigue from deep within the steadfast commander. The unforeseen tranquil had also served to devour the budding tension and a sensation of relative comfort began to ease itself around the duo, at least on Corbyn's end. Human beings were not without flaws and mistrust certainly kept a claw in his side, but Corbyn now considered his own dripping curiosity as it steadily formed into a pool of sheer wonder. Amentia was the sort of SOLDIER that invited shadowed rumors and allowed hushed whispers to float by without giving them a second thought or even a fleeting glance. Unsubstantiated information usually formed a web of half-truths and full lies, begging rumormongers and gossipers to travel the length of a single sticky strand with the hope of gleaning pieces of confirmation or settling for whiffs affirmation in truth's stead. The lancer never took the time to delve into the web surrounding his present company, but now that she was only a step or two behind, the inevitable humanity of simply being inquisitive suddenly struck the man. And before he knew it, his own familiar intonation echoed into the noiseless air.

"Let me ask you a question," Corybn began, carefully pushing tall grass out of the way as he continued to step forward though his pace had notably slowed, "You asked me about being ready for whatever has to be done... What made you ask something like that?"

As Corbyn’s gait lessened, her own settled her less than half a pace behind. Threads of black fringe fell across her shoulders, escaping from their confinement as her neck twisted toward him without forgoing their progressive journey. He received a head tilt as pale eyes, still mottled with wisps of twilight, assessed his features once more. He seemed to be refined in the areas where she lacked. His features, his stature, they were akin to what one would expect of a commander, focused and well maintained. Yet, he spoke to her without necessity. Her pleasure at the conversation danced across her gore stained lips, bringing out dimples beneath the hint of macabre. They continued to weave through the pitch stained route, uncovered pads gingerly picking her course on their own accord as he held her attention. The silence stretched out between them and it almost appeared she would fail to respond.

She let her focus be summoned upward, taking in the beauty of the sky. The stars cared little about the monstrous acts that would be /had been/ committed on this plane, forever the unfazed spectators. They seemed to twinkle brighter under scrutiny and for a moment she tried to remember if they had looked the same before all of this, before SOLDIER. Her features softened, appearing lost and wondering with the innocence of youth, consumed with awe over the immensity of it all. When she spoke it was with a childlike resolution that left little room for doubt on her own end.

“I think we often fail to ask ourselves.”

Corbyn stopped, his gaze swiveling to a side profile as he glanced over his shoulder.

"This one is of few words, but those that are spoken are prominent indeed, " Asteria echoed within her mental confine.

"Shut the hell up," Corbyn's own mental voice snapped. He cleared his mind and refocused on the SOLDIER before him.

"Maybe we do. But if a person has a clear goal in mind... " The commander trailed as his visage became forward facing once more. "... Should they really be questioning their own resolve?"

The pangs of reminiscence stung and stabbed at the frozen commander. He had been duty-bound since joining the program, but it was also true that, like most others, a semblance of waver had overtaken his determination at various points in the early days. The specific methods of joining the body with the mysterious Aeon beings eluded the man, but he could remember the times after, the adjustment period that every SOLDIER underwent when bonding had been deemed successful. His own experiences were muddled in varying emotions covering the entire spectrum of feeling itself. Unbeknownst to his partner, her words had unintentionally dug up the graves of buried nightmares, repressed memories that played out as dark dreams within the mind's eye of Corbyn Vesper. A quivering foot solidified and took a reinvigorated step forward as the commander shook the false reality from his immediate purview and continued along the darkened route. This was not the time for that.

"That's the bigger failure, if you ask me." He said, finishing his thought.

Her steps suspended for his pause and when her gaze lowered to meet his own the innocence had faded into something almost apologetic in its amused superiority. The words came despite herself, coated in honey and blood, and slipping from between her lips. “Is SOLDIER all that you are? You speak of needs, goals, failure....” She had begun to shake her head as she spoke tumbling the loose strands about her narrow shoulders, her tongue was tapping against her teeth in a tsking noise when she noticed a change in her companion. She grew quiet while the aeon within took up its own pleased tsk, tsk, tsk.

She had forgotten what she was saying. Her head canted and the splattering across her eyes twisted and devoured upon the ghostly pallor. The shadows that danced across their feet curled hungrily towards his nightmares, twisting about his ankles and crawling up his thighs. The aeon begun to purr, a sickly deranged rumble that threatened to eek from betwixt her lips. Within Corbyn's features she saw pieces of storm like those that executed across Hade's gates, ghouls flickering behind his eyes before they fell from his gaze and licked across her arms beneath the still damp coat, prickling the hairs that lay there. Their conversation had vanished, no longer toying with his words but rather consumed with his countenance. The coils of shadow had made it to his waist before she snapped them back again with a twitching sort of pull from arachnid digits. Her eyes blinked, returning a fraction of their pale hue as he began to turn away. The emotion stung as it clawed against her chest.

For a brief moment she actually thought about offering a soft touch-- something she remembered from childhood-- but her fingers clenched and remained at her side. Battle was their home, whoever's battle it may be, and there was no place for such inane gestures where they stood. Who was she to think she could provide comfort to anyone? She wasn’t so crazy that she didn’t know her place. She hadn’t touched another person outside of combat and “medical professionals” in sixteen years. She faltered at her own thoughts and fell a few paces behind. A frown twisted across her cheeks, one directed at herself. Who was she to put any judgment into matters such as this? She knew nothing of needs, nothing of resolve or goals and very little of failure.

She brushed away the emotions and listened, her ears straining into the darkness as she suddenly remembered the company that weaved about them in the darkness. “I’m sorry, sometimes I’m not…right.” She was talking about her mental state, not the function of correctness and accentuated the word to convey as much. With his back to her there was no way to know her smile had returned other than a lightness that crept into her voice, “I do believe you are ready Corbyn; ready for what needs to be done. And for now, my only path is yours.” Because where else would she go? Perhaps Corbyn was right. Better to focus now.

Corbyn found himself stopping once again as the patrols began to criss-cross the area in their search. The nearest few were still a few meters ahead of the hidden SOLDIERs. As half of his attention rested on navigating the labyrinth that was the Archadian forest, the commander found his other half being pulled into the quieted inflection of his partner. At first, her words came freshly sharpened, tinged with hints of venom and the sultry scent of condescension radiating from them. The mere implication they intended to insinuate pulled the corners of her lead's unseen lips and shifted his entire physiognomy into a contortion of amused expression against a dastardly smirk. Silent gratitude permeated his mentality at the fact that his back was Amentia's only visual in that moment. Had the lancer really allowed SOLDIER to dominate his entire being? The thought tingled on the tip of his tongue, but was ultimately swallowed without any real introspection. Corbyn had spoken of clear goals just a few minutes prior and he was no traitor--no hypocrite--to his own philosophy. The next surprise, however, came from the bloody woman's continuing dialogue.

The apology was a bit far into the formal territory, but her reasoning just created even more intrigue. It was plainly obvious to see that Amentia did not behave in the way a typical individual might, but her admitted guilt was an interesting proposition. Maybe it was his paranoia claiming superiority once more, but Corbyn toyed with the idea that this woman might have been more than she was letting on. He could not say with certainty that her outward idiosyncrasy was a ruse of some sort, but she gave the cautious man the impression that her semi-erratic ways might have been some form of wall she kept up for appearances - or to hide appearances, as it were. Either way, it provided a new and interesting layer to the volatile woman that did not seem to be there before. Wiping a hand over his face, Corbyn exhaled and checked his surroundings again. The patrols were still about, but they had moved far enough way to pass. With that, he began forward.

"I probably should have told you this before. My title may be commander, but I really don't care for it. You don't have to be formal with me... Just sayin'. I do want to ask you a kind of unrelated question though." Corbyn took a breath and glanced back for a single second before facing the front again. "Do you... Do you talk with... Well... The thing, inside you?"

His back played witness as the shock of his question resulted in a flinch that would have been less severe had he physically struck her across the face. The others, the ones at the base, also liked to ask questions like that. Claws clenched white knuckled around the bo-shuriken and the thought of breathing consigned itself in a line of reactions that were darting to the forefront of her mind. She did very little to squelch the scowl that took residence in its twisted glory, finally manipulating her visage into the weapon of war she had been presumed to be. The streaks of umbra the eeked from her being took up a shuddering giddy dart with the impetuous swell of emotion dripping from their host. Doubtless it was the wrong reaction that won out, but she committed.

“That thing,” the word rolled off her tongue laced in as much disgust as could be accentuated upon a word and continued to roil about her tirade, “has a name. And where would you be commander without that thing? Cozied up by a warm fire with family and friends? No such life was offered to me. Xcavairn saved what bit of self I had. All I had. And whether or not I talk to him is none of your, or any of the rest of the SOLDIER hierarchies, fucking business.” Her seriousness didn’t allow much time to consider the humor that the petite demon, still coated in the malicious remnants of feasting on a man, somehow sounded ridiculous cursing due to awkward lack of use.

In spite of her awkward profanity, however, the more important highlight was the fact that the facade was broken. Wrath laid behind false persona poured out into the open air and all the while, Corbyn smiled. Presumptuous cadence spilled alongside the unmitigated anger as words laden with audacious impudence attempted to mount a surprise offensive into the conversation - a nerve had been struck and was it ever a sore one. In the same vein however, Amentia had also seemed to finally come from behind the wall that separated her true self from the rest. It was clear that she was offended by the commander's use of the word "thing" to describe the mysterious beings that inhabited their bodies, but more than that she felt gratitude towards the alien entity. That was where the lancer drew his line. He once more stopped in place, the smile widening at the tall blades of grass in front of him and the beating of his heart growing more frequent and just a little more intense. This woman had found a nerve of her own to strike.

"Do you believe so little in your own abilities that you'd go as far to say that thing saved you? That a being we know absolutely nothing about deigned to come to a human's aid? Is that some kind of twisted joke?!" Corbyn chuckled, stifling an outright laugh as he reclaimed consciousness of the present situation. "Maybe you had a hard life. Who the hell knows. The only thing I know is that these creatures aren't deserving of our trust, much less our gratitude. I told you once that I don't care about this title and that fact is still the truth. Think what you want about me. But don't ever try to convince me that these... Things are something more than they are. Just don't even bother wasting your breath in that case."

The steam of her words seemed to simmer, her commitment faltering as she felt momentarily like a petulant child, but instead of choosing to fold she doubled down. Her steps emerged forcefully and terminated the distance the pair had momentarily shared. Her shoulder collided with his arm, her height failing what her fury expected, though still delivering a startling amount of stability for such a pixie thing. With the contact she paused, their silhouettes scarcely touching as her eyes-- still convoluted with the weeping fetor of pupil-- drilled into his own. A slithering solidification breached the corporeal realm from amongst the tenebrous well at their feet and pierced through Corbyn’s ankle, linking the two with the demented manacle. There was no physical pain, but rather a creeping cold until the link shattered his own reality and force fed her own; a quaint parade of mania. The once solid ground began to slither and crawl with eldritch ease and the sky broke open and birthed phantoms howling for death and everything became a juxtaposition of apathy and empathy. But there was no fear, not in this place.

Her gaze, steady and determined bore past him, through him, leeching out beyond the fleshy bags they inhabited and her words came out in a disbelieving hiss, “I can't believe you let him talk to you like that.” And he knew she was not addressing him, there wasn't a doubt.

Corbyn felt the cold in her eyes and the chill of the ebon tentacles she commanded. In contrast to what one would think though, the commander simply bore his own gaze straight back into those of his temporary warden. The smile on his face had regressed into the smirk it once was only a short while earlier and though he could tell Amentia was looking past him, he hoped she would take note of his silent defiance. In spite of being placed within the same unit, Corbyn had little understanding of the other SOLDIER's abilities. Their files had only given basic information--probably a conscious decision made by top brass--and barely made mention of the weapons they were carrying. In this case however, the commander was more than prepared for his comrade's brand of mental assault. As was another.

In the pitch black of her quiet realm, Asteria seemingly sat on air, legs-crossed and arms folded. Long, dark hair fell far past her back though part of it was styled in some sort of ornate up-do. She regularly took the form of a young woman at the request of her host and it was through this form that polychromatic oculi suddenly opened and her visage twisted into a furrowed brow and waiting grin. She felt the intrusion as soon as Amentia had linked the two. The bloody woman's voice manifested as an echo that came from everywhere at once within the realm though Asteria was sure she could be seen at that moment - all the better.

"Child," a feminine, yet somehow aged timbre began, "My pact with this boy is presently beyond your understanding. However, his mannerism towards me is more intriguing than hostile. You humans amuse me with your spectacularly varying personalities and characteristics. I will not say that it wouldn't be nice to be worshiped and adored as you so graciously allow one of my kind to feel." Asteria paused for a moment. Her teeth began to show as her grin widened. "Your ability is very interesting, indeed. To be able to speak with me independent of my host is... Fascinating."

Well, that would make two of them, Amentia hadn’t know she could speak to another’s aeon either, though that realization would have to come later. While Asteria abated some of the fury that coursed through Amentia's veins there seemed to be a current not yet ready to be dammed. She unintentionally had released a valve on years of collected tension. Her heart thrummed within her chest, echoing in the emptiness that should have been Xcavairn, who remained inexplicably withdrawn during the exchange.

Amentia, now fully connecting to the eyes of Asteria, continued on without ceasing for answers. She didn’t really want them anyways for fear that they would just confirm the tide of her thoughts. "Intriguing? This “boy” speaks of the needs and goals of SOLDIER as if they were his own. Does he even have any beyond them? He trusts them, but yet he is incapable of trusting you.” She sighed and it was clear she was winding down. The fury in her gaze softened so that the pupils had almost completely collected their own pale gray, though a tinge of sorrow pooled within. Her rigid stature relaxed and while the world around them continued to portray the sinister retelling of Through the Looking Glass it seemed somehow less abrasive than before.

The rest of her words were a sad whisper, a chill slipping between the two that was almost taken with the night breeze, “SOLDIER will fail him. They will not come to his aid. You will do what needs to be done to keep him safe.” The last sentence was not uttered as a question. Yes, she adored her Aeon, but Corbyn was the first person to just talk to her, or at least try too. And she did not know Asteria so why not push her luck with demands on his protector? It likely wouldn’t count for anything anyways. “I won’t claim that I was right when the day comes, nor will I experience joy. There is more at stake than my pride, and no matter what, this story will not have a happy ending. I just hope he doesn’t expect one.”

And with that she released her hold and lowered her eyes to dissuade contact with the man, the shadows suddenly skittered away from him as if disconcerted by their previous connection. If Asteria had anything to add, she best say it to Corbyn. Amentia didn’t need Asteria, but Corbyn would. She watched for a brief moment the curling protection that seeped from her pale bare feet against the ground, the gifts of Xcavairn. She glanced in the direction of the patrols that had been weaving about up ahead. There was no emotion in her voice when she spoke now, resolve, isn’t that what he had said? Do what must be done. “There’s men up ahead, but they didn’t hear us.” She turned her form further from his own and continued down their original path, the path of the damned. She was done talking for now. She was done smiling for now. And honestly? She wanted to kill something.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Two dudes present: two dudes talking about feelings in a surprisingly healthy manner given the nature of this band of fuckups.

A R C H A D I A / / F O R E S T. . . I N T E R I O R.

Kain looked at the hand that landed on his shoulder. Corr, the one person who he didn’t have a actual problem with seemed intent of fixing that little irregularity with his comments. Yet there was no malice, no arrogance. He was not like Carmen, posturing and beating her chest with taunts and empty posturing. Not a manipulator who saw only tools. There was a sense of calm to the man, like someone that seen the world for what it is and decided it would not shackle him.

“Like the rock that that split the wave. Like the sun bleached stone and frozen and cracked earth, he will remain even when our fire have scorched the flesh and vegetation off the world's crust.” His aeon coiled inside him the fires dimming down. An act itself that was downright confusing for Kain. But Kain was not one who saw things the way of his fellow soldier. He was born and shaped not from natures elements, but from the nature of his fellow cruel man. His tone, as he spook was not unkind, but it carried a harshness to it. Tinged with bitter resentment not for Corr, but for everyone else.

“And who would put the hound down, The Government? I would have wasted away in a cell either way.” He said with a snarl that bared teeth, much like the proverbial hound he now apparently represented. “Besides, there is no such thing as a controlled fire, only a dying or a contained one.” He said before the plan was layed out by Carmen. He scoffed. Their plan was fire? Why bother with sticks when he could just light whatever tree they came upon on fire. Regardless, he nodded.

“Alright. I’ll go with Corr." IT was a statement of fact rather than anything else.

“Fine by me.” Replied Corr as he made a quick gesture with his head towards a path through the surrounding foliage. He could talk to the man once they were moving and away from the group proper. In his time he had learned folks respond better to that, felt more comfortable not encircled by judging ears. But he did think on the words that Kain had said, the thread as it were still flickered and flared and that bothered him. Yet that was typical of him - there was something wrong and so he had to try his hardest to fix it.

Purposefully he did not lead but kept his gait at an even peace with the other man so that they walked side by side, shoulders almost touching. It was a strange thing as Corr was not used to somebody that was nearly his height, he could keep his head straight for once instead of keeping it perpetually cocked downward. Yet these new foreign sensations were outweighed by the feeling in the back of his head as small pockets of energy sparked as their close proximity made the auras released by their aeons clash and bounce off of one another. Much like whenever the others draw in the Giant rumbled agitated by the other presence.

He sighed.

“No, the Government won’t put you down - they are too weak willed for such things but I will.” He spoke simply not mincing his words, no idle threats to show dominance, only a simple promise between equals. He continued. “A warrior controlled by his rage is but a slave to it. You speak of contempt of the idea of rotting in a cell, yet you let your anger hold a dominion over you that no prison warden could ever have, and I just don’t understand why to be honest with you.”

“What do you feel, when you look upon the word. What did it give you?” Kain said, not looking Corr's way. “I will tell you what I see. I do not see people, I see those that condemn me. I do not see trees, I see the fuel of my fires. Why? Because I was given nothing. I took everything I ever had but for one thing. And that one thing was taken from me. Ripped out of my grasp, because I dared to dream of more. And so I tried to make a life for myself, despite the old one doing everything to snuff me out.” He said as he picked up what he thought looked like the driest and largest sticks on their way. His eyes never looking to Corr, just staring ahead, as if he was searching for something.

“When the time comes.” He began, kneeling, picking up a particular large branch. “I rather it be someone like you, who take me down. Then someone like Carmen. Out of all of them, you are the one who does not make my insides boil with rage” He finally look the others way. “If you are able, that is.” He rose to his feet.

“I was made the way I am. I was turned into what I am not by nature, but by people. The only person I ever truly cared for is dead, I buried him myself. Everywhere I have gone, people have tried to control me, and every time, I have bucked them off. What they cannot control, they fear. What they fear, they kill or put in a box to rot. You see me as a prisoner of my own anger. Maybe you are right. But I rather be a prisoner to that rage, then sit behind the dull bars of obedience.”

“I suppose we are all trying to get free of something.” Corr mused pondering upon the words spoken as he tilted his head skyward. The canopy had become progressively thicker as they moved deeper into the forest proper, now there was only the darken silhouettes of branches occasionally broken up by small pockets of stars. The smell of smoke was filling the air as various fires crackled to life in the surrounding area.

“But,” Corr looked back towards his companion, “to answer your question. I’m not quite sure what I see the world as anymore.”

He laughed dry and morose.

“The first thought that comes to mind is abandonment. I see a world which has forsaken me. A world where every good deed, innumerable moments of a lifetime were repaid with nothing but sorrow. They gave me praise and titles such as Commander and yet I only feel the loss for what once was and fear that I'm becoming what I once hated. I saved a woman in the slums not too far from here and in return I was repaid with self-damnation. Even if a time comes where I can leave this life behind - which I highly doubt would even come, there is nothing I can return to; to my people what I have become is nothing more than a wretched best, a weapon forged from union of flesh and sin.” Corr explained as he felt the Giant grumble and roar more loudly roused by an influx of emotions normally kept at bay. “And I’m not a perfect man, I’m no saint despite my namesake, and sometimes all I wish to do is just crush it all, make them pay. And it would be so damn easy.”

A fist snapped outward like lighting bursting across the sky, and slammed into an adjacent tree, the trunk groaned and bark splintered fragmented by spiderweb fissures and cracks. The fist crackled and roared with energy unrestrained by force of will. Kain was to see something most rare indeed, for a brief moment something began to form behind Corr like a shadow come to life but made of brilliant white - the Giant let loose. But with a breath it vanished and Corr was back in his normal composure as he drew the fist from its tiny crater and examined the now bloodied knuckles, a smile upon his face.

“But then I remember all the little things. The shameless dreams of children, the unrestrained love of youth, the smiles on the families which let me sleep in their homes when the cold came, and the laughter. And maybe in the end if I managed to at least make one more person smile, help just one person it will all be worth it. Or at least that’s the hope that I desperately cling to” He shrugged.

“I guess you could call me desperately naive. But maybe I’m a prisoner to my hope as much as you are to your anger.”

“I could imagine worse bars to be trapped behind. Hope” He said the word as if it was a rare spice he hadn’t tasted in a long while “Hope makes you do stupid things, reckless things. But unlike anger, the strength hope gives does not.. Break all reason. Or blind you to everything.” He said before pushing his palm against a crooked, wind bleached dead tree. There was a spark of fire as his arms briefly was engulfed in white hot flames. Then the tree was burning just as bright.

“And yet it still does blind you.” Corr said more to himself as he watched tree feeling the warmth creep out towards him in the chill of the night. “I ask a favor of you Kain - Give the others a chance. I do not ask for love or for acceptance, but only an open mind.”

Kain hesitated, but then he nodded. The fire around his arm died out and he reached it out. “I will.” He said finally, grabbing the others hand in his. “If only because you remind me of someone. Someone who asked me the same thing once.”

Corr could feel it in the vocal inflections, a familiar sense of painful nostalgia that he knew all too well. He didn’t pry upon the matter though. He liked to believe that a man was entitled to his past, and there were some things that were better left unsaid. He did though reply with a simple smile and a nod of his head. “They sound like a person who I wouldn't want to disappoint. A good person.”

He reached out unflinching towards the burning tree and ripped off a branch and tossed it with tremendous strength out towards the horizon, a trail of smoke following behind it as it deposited itself somewhere in the distance. “And for my part I promise to keep Carmen and the others to the same standard of which I’m holding you to now. If anyone tries to start anything, they are going to have to answer to me. And we will see how that turns out for them.”

He laughed again lighter this time, less weighed down. Whether he liked to admit it or not it felt good to actually be able to talk to somebody again.

“Well we best finish lighting these fires and get back eh? World to save and whatnot.”

“Are we saving the world? Damn, They really need to brief us better”

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