James Camron
Burning amber gazed out about the table, trying to read the attitude of everyone assembled. However, the burning globes of orange-gold always seemed to return to one figure in particular. As Carmen berated Kain for his thoughts and opinions, James silently restrained his own impulses and emotions, engorged as they had become with Raganavic urging him towards his base, more primal thoughts. Those eyes. . . why do I always have to end up under the control of people with eyes like that. His fingers curling into fists, James only half-way listened to the briefing, storing away everything said to be reviewed on the ride as he struggled to keep his breathes nice and even. Eyes turned downward, James could almost feel his parents presence behind him, looking at him with those same, dark eyes. They didn't care for him, they didn't care for each other, they didn't care for anyone or anything besides themselves. . . and she was no different. If anything, she was worse, every cell in James' body warning him to keep away from her, that she was dangerous.
But the Aeon he held knew him better then that. Raganavic knew what James wanted to do, the anger and frustration held deep in his heart being forced up near the surface in a boiling, roiling mess. With silent breaths, and distracting thoughts, he was able to hold back the dark desires that the Aeon pushed to the surface, the maddening anger and frustration bubbling up from deep within his psyche at the behest of the dragon's call. While ignoring Raganavic was always hard, it was always more difficult when they fell inline with his own wants and desires, and right now he wanted to hurt Carmen. Deep, deep down, he wanted to hurt her badly, wanted to take out all of his frustrations and anger on this perfect caricature of everything he hated about the adults in his life, this power-hungering madwoman who looked at those around her like they were toys, and Raganavic's influence only made his thoughts turned to more violent and animalistic fantasies of doing it. These thoughts sickened him, made him hate himself, made him wish he could just curl up in a ball and shut everything out. But he couldn't do that, not now, not ever. He had to deal with the constant pressure as it built up inside of him, trying his best not to let Raganavic make him do something rash.
As they all got up and were hurried to the Shyp, James realized that he hadn't really touched his food, though that would probably be best all things considered. Popping one of the pills that Natalya had given him, and remembering what Athena had told him. He took a seat as far away from the others as possible, continuing to take deep, calming breaths as he went over the info given and the mission briefing. Seeing that he was on the same team as Carmen, however, did very little to calm his inner demons, the thought of serving her throwing Raganavic into a maddening frenzy. Whatever the Aeon had sensed in Carmen, or her Aeon, he didn't like it, treating the female SOLDIER and her Aeon as if they were challengers to his throne and eagerly wanting to end them. Every second that James refused to indulge in these desires, was a second that the loud roaring emotions of the Aeon would continue to nearly deafen all other thoughts. It was hard to focus on anything, hard to even think as his Aeon raged inside of him, baying for blood and death. It hungered greatly for those who dared to challenge it, who dared to stand up to it's might.
Luckily, as times went on, the Aeon seemed to relent in it's relentless barrage upon young James' mind. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth as he sagged against his safety harness, rubbing his temples slightly in a vain effort to lessen the pain that the dragon's tantrum had left in his mind. WIth little else to do, James went over his current gear once more, checking to see what he'd be working with as part of the 'Distraction' team, a.k.a Bait.
5 Stun arrows. . . 5 Smoke Arrows . . . 5 Concussion Arrows. . . 30 regular arrows. . . Regular side arm. . . big-ass knife. . . temperamental dragon thing. . . and lets not for get crippling sense of not being prepped for this.
The young SOLDIER let out a low sigh, running a hand through his dreadlocks as he briefly wondered what he was about to step into, before giving a slight shake of his head to get rid of any lingering senses of self-doubt from his (conscious) thoughts. Putting everything back into place, James was in the middle of tying his Dreadlocks back into a sort of ponytail, using another dreadlock as the tie, when he noticed something about how his body was being pulled by the Harness. A series of numbers flashed before his eyes in a space only he could see, his mind running through a number of equations as he figured out the angle of their incline, the speed at which they were likely falling, and various other factors, all leading up to the feeling that something was about to go very, very wrong. However, before he had the chance to voice this concern, Carmen was already on it, even if she got cut off by the pilots of the Shyp speaking of some sort of malfunction. Everything seemed to start going wrong after that, as flames seemed to burst out from the top, and the Shyp's steady glide turned into a sudden halt as the Shyp slammed into the dark, unforgiving waters of the Canal.
Conscious thought did not decide what James did as the Shyp slammed into the icy waters, only a sudden burst of instinct as his thoughts turned right towards action. His knife lashed out with at his harness, the sharp blade taking only a small amount of time to cut through the harness before he was freed. As Carmen ripped open and exit for them, James was quick to follow behind. Diving into the waters, the icy chill that attempted to sap him of his strength quickly abating as the life energy surging from him quickly warmed up the area around him. For those who saw him swimming through the waters, they could see the tendrils of energy flowing around him through the movements of water as strange currents and eddies seemed to circulate in the water around his body. His eyes glowing with barely restrained energy, he kept after the rest of the group for a moment, but soon came to a halt as he turned to look back towards the wreck.
Corr and Natalya were staying behind, making sure that anyone still inside the Shyp would be able to make it to safety. For a moment, James thought that he should head back, try to help them out, maybe put his Aeon to good use. However, after some thought, he shook his head and kept on going. The Sinking of the ship would likely cause some sort of undertow that might pull him into the brink if he's not careful. With this in mind, he kept pace with the rest of the group focusing on his breathing as he pushed for shore, extending his senses out as far as he could towards that direction, to see if he could feel any signs of life awaiting them. If he did so, he'd be quick to warn the others, lest they all fall into a trap after narrowly avoiding the jaws of death.