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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Invader Len
Oh yeah, forgot to tell you that I already fixed my CS.

And my character's a mage. Thank God I didn't make her a familiar.

Just two questions/concerns. You mentioned her health and frailty, and how they kept her from attending school before. Why? Why is she sick and frail? Is she still sickly? If she’s so delicate and unhealthy that attending school is too dangerous, how is she supposed to fair at a boarding school? If you could explain this and tell us if she’s still sickly and to a more specific extent, that would help immensely.

Next up, for the question of her tutoring, all the characters in the RP start out at the same level magic wise. Because some characters don’t have their magic or ability manifest until their first year, its highly unusual that she would get this tutoring at an early age. This would make her much more advanced than the other mages, and for equality’s sake, we’re gonna have to put our foot down on that. She can have received supplementary tutoring after starting high school, but I’m gonna be highly skeptical about before.

If you could address these issues over her health and tutoring, and correct your CS accordingly, we would be happy to admit your character. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Us gms are going to head to bed now, we'll be answering questions and looking at cs' once we get back on tommrow. good night everyone!
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Discontent
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Discontent in my Disco Tent

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Started writing this when there was the Familiar shortage, so, uh, I'll change him to mage if we don't get any more mages.

Also, this took me far longer than it should have.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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<Snipped quote by Hammerman>

Just two questions/concerns. You mentioned her health and frailty, and how they kept her from attending school before. Why? Why is she sick and frail? Is she still sickly? If she’s so delicate and unhealthy that attending school is too dangerous, how is she supposed to fair at a boarding school? If you could explain this and tell us if she’s still sickly and to a more specific extent, that would help immensely.

Yeah, she's better now. She not going to public school was the combination of her easily getting tired and her parents being somewhat overprotective to her. That, and public schools not really teaching magic that much was quite a turn-off to her. With her now at the age of entering the academy, and her knowing that the academy is all about teaching magic, she is actually excited to go, and she will insist to go even if her body is still weak.

still quite nonathletic though, which is why her score on that matter is 0. If there's a running class, she will definitely be panting behind.

Next up, for the question of her tutoring, all the characters in the RP start out at the same level magic wise. Because some characters don’t have their magic or ability manifest until their first year, its highly unusual that she would get this tutoring at an early age. This would make her much more advanced than the other mages, and for equality’s sake, we’re gonna have to put our foot down on that. She can have received supplementary tutoring after starting high school, but I’m gonna be highly skeptical about before.

Ah, it wasn't my intention on making her more advanced than the others. I'm okay with leveling the playing field.

If you could address these issues over her health and tutoring, and correct your CS accordingly, we would be happy to admit your character. :)

Ask away if you still see something that bothers you.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord of Evil
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Lord of Evil Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

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Oh man there's a lot of interest in this. And a lot of familiars. Still, I want in on this, so do you still have room?

If there is my character's gonna take a little bit because jeez, you guys sure were thorough with that first post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jacobite
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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@Invader Len
If we need mages, I can easily switch my character into a mage if need be due to a large influx of familiars. And I don't mind do so at all, so it's definitely okay with me if it's alright with you guys!

Though, would I need to repost my app, but with the mage quiz filled out?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Lord of Evil Yes, we do still have room! However, we will be accepting Familiars again once we get a few more mages. Errorist, onenote and I are going to be working on getting our second CS's up today, which will bring our confirmed Mage count up to 6.

@Jacobite, @Hammerman, @Discontent, we'll be reviewing your CS's hopefully by noon. I'm afraid I'm the only one on right now, and I can't interpret the quiz results all by my lonesome. However, things look good, and assuming the others don't find flaws that I've overlooked, you should be all set to enter! Which would definitely bring balance to our Mage:Familiar ratio.

@MechonRaptor Thank you for offering, it's very kind of you. I think that after we get our 3 mage characters up and work on accepting the two we have, we'll be balanced. No need for you to change, but I'm very grateful you offered. ^^
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Matthew Donatello Carter

Image or Description:
Short dark and finely combed hair, asides from the long pony-tail he grew out. Black eyes that always seem to have a far-away quality to them, as though he were not totally there. He stands at 5'5'', though he seems taller due to his habit of walking around on tiptoes. His skin is somewhat pale, and he has dark circles under his eyes. Matthew has a perpetual smile on his face that is somehow able to convey more than one emotion at a time.
[Will add picture later]




Mage or Familiar:

Magic Type: 「 」

Known Spells: 「 」

Partner: 「 」

Matthew is a pathological liar, a sadist, a nihilist, an optimist, and overall just a very confusing person. He is a hypocrite of massive proportions: He enjoys poking fun at peoples insecurities and failures, but at the same time dislikes other people doing the same. He spits at liars, yet is a pathological liar himself. He is disgusted with talented people, yet is even more disgusted with people that try to put them down. He is a nihilist, yet belittles people who have no purpose in life.

Still, there is a method to his madness - though trying to decipher that method is an exercise in futility for normal people. Despite his ever revolving table of values, there are things that he holds strictly true to himself. These form the cornerstone of his mentality and prevent him from completely going over the end, and keep him 'eccentric' rather than 'insane'.

He believes that actions once started must be finished - for good or for ill; he believes that you must be willing to take as much as you can give; he believes that, ultimately, humans are not born equal nor are they equally valuable - yet he also believes that everyone has an equal shot at finding happiness for themselves; finally, he will, without exception, cheer on and assist those who are struggling.

He puts on a constant - and extremely obvious act - nearly all the time, always smiling and eccentric. He acts in an energetic manner, and is prone to violating others personal space or just making them feel uncomfortable in general; no that he cares much about how some random stranger feels.

He is oddly very attached and supportive of those he considers friends - though that will hardly make them an exception to his barbs and other disturbing habits; though those he calls friends may not share the sentiment. Nevertheless, he is a surprisingly loyal friend, and will honestly try to help them when in need.

He appears to care very little for his own self; or at the very least, he's got no self-esteem to speak of.

He is also somewhat of an open pervert, constantly talking about this or that fetish.

From nobody to monster - that sums Matthew up easily. Born from a normal, albeit slightly impoverished family from Erridún, Matthew was a normal though somewhat introverted boy. He easily scared, and was a crybaby in the extreme. He played with kids, but often got excluded from games which did little for his self-worth. Still, he was a far-cry from the person he is currently.

What changed him was a certain incident during a game of hide-and-seek with neighboring kids. Eager to prove that he could play with them evenly and not end up crying or scared, he sought out the best hiding spot ever! This eventually led him to the back of a retirement home, where he spotted an open window, and a pile of junk he could climb to get there.

What followed was something that no one else knows about, and that he has never bothered repeating.

He landed and fell into the room of a dying and raving old man. The old and delirious madman took one look at him from his bed, and began screeching at him at the top of his longs, raving endless nothings at a petrified Matthew, who was to frightened to even move.

This went on for hours, and Matthew was stuck in the room for one whole night.

By the time faculty came to inspect the room, Matthew had long lost his fear, and in place of that fear, curiosity gave way. Somewhere along the way, he stopped shaking and started talking; started asking questions, to which the old man responded, and to which Matthew nodded in understanding. By the time he was found, he was carrying a back and forth conversation with the corpse of the old man - the madman had died hours ago.

Since then, he had changed, his personality twisted. He acted as though he were suddenly enlightened, and it seemed as though he no longer feared anything. He visited the old man's grave, referred to him as 'Master' and ostracized himself from the neighboring kids all the more - but this time, he hardly seemed to care.

His parents, hoping that he would go back to normal after awhile, gradually realized that whatever change had taken over him, it was permanent. Slowly, his personality twisted more and more, until there was no trace of the shy and introverted boy that he was. Instead, a scary kind of confidence had engulfed him.

Unsure of what to do with him, or what his motives in life were now. His incomprehensible and frankly sociopathic behavior was slowly driving them to their wits end; they were unable to predict how he would act, or what he wanted out of life.

Which is why, when he said he wanted to apply for St. Fortuna's, they jumped the gun and gave him their full support. At last, a somewhat normal request to come from him.

As for Matthew, he was intelligent enough to gun for a scholarship, even if his true interests lay elsewhere, somewhere asides academic pursuits.

Likes: Liars, Love-struck girls, Comic Books, Winning, Honesty, Crying girls.

Dislikes: Noise, Fakers, Sore winners, Sore losers, Talented people, Quitters, Loose ends, Haughty people.

Points: 「 0 」

Proficiency: 7

Intelligence: 2

Athletics: 1

「Carpe diem!」 - words to live by, perhaps?
He's fond of quoting Latin proverbs.


Done diddly done (sort of)-!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sorrelmyst
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Okee, you guys already know I'm into it :3 Should post my character within the next 24 hours
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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@Invader Len
Alrighty. I'll move my character over to the character tab now, can't believe I forgot to!

I will ask though, familiar abilities can progress, don't they? Does that mean eventually Nathan will be able to do things extremely quickly once his reflexes improve, or is it limited to simply running?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Invader Len
Alrighty. I'll move my character over to the character tab now, can't believe I forgot to!

I will ask though, familiar abilities can progress, don't they? Does that mean eventually Nathan will be able to do things extremely quickly once his reflexes improve, or is it limited to simply running?

With enough training, yes, his reflexes can improve! I left the improvement mostly up to the players to decide how they want to improve their abilities and what to do with them. That's because I can't predict how people will spend their points, or how they'll write out their training. Hope this helps!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MechonRaptor
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@Invader Len
Of course it does! It actually makes super speed better than I originally anticipated.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@MechonRaptor Excellent! Glad it pleases you!

@TheHangedMan Just one question. While Matthew’s eccentricities and delusions may toe the line of insanity, he is not going to go over that line, correct? I’m simply concerned, mostly because of the mention of sadism and the implication of insanity. As mentioned in the rules, insanity is forbidden. This is because I’ve often seen it, coupled with sadism, as an excuse for characters to 1) be inconsistent with their actions and personality and 2) deliberately cause strife and upset to other characters in ways that do not match the genre.

I don’t mind allowing his eccentricities or his sadism, but you can see why I would be uneasy with both. This is not going to be a dark RP, and so having both of these things in his character is rather out of genre. If you can tone down both of them or give him some kind of counter, such as he’s a sadist but the sight of blood makes him ill, or he’s eccentric but the thought of torture makes him cringe, that would make me feel much better about your character being in St. Fortuna’s.

Also, while I understand the trauma of a young child being in the room with a corpse, I cannot understand why his parents would not take him to therapy of some sort. I’d like an “exit strategy” to his route of madness. Either have him attending therapy on behest of his parents to overcome his trauma (he doesn’t have to be working very hard at it, just has to attend), or tone down the effects of the trauma.

With these corrections made, we would be happy to review your quiz results! Errorist and onenote are on now, and we’re going to be reviewing CS’s in just a moment!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@TheHangedMan one more thing. Could we also have more reason to why he wants to attend St. Fortuna and not some other school?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@Invader Len

Don't worry, I understand your concerns completely, and I made him with the explicit understanding that this RP is an SoL + Magic; nothing overtly dark or sinister will come from him, I swear. One thing I'd like to address though is the 'sadism' part - it's definitely an error on my part but in all honesty I couldn't find a better word to describe him without delving into a longer explanation. It is not exactly that he wants to physically harm or traumatize people, but rather he likes seeing them squirm or be insecure - in fact, physical harm doesn't come into play at all. A teaser or a trickster would be a way to define him but I felt those words were a bit too innocent, I guess? Another way to describe him is that he's got an extreme case of schadenfreude, but I felt that was too impersonal.

As for therapy, his parents aren't wealthy enough to afford it, and it would be largely useless - therapy is largely based on the assumption that the patient is willing to open up and tell the truth - the problem here is that Matthew is largely unaware or at least feels as though he doesn't have a problem, which also ties in to his motivation to attend St. Fortuna's, which I will edit in at @onenote's behest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Thank you for clarifying on the topic of sadism. If you could change that in your CS to say he likes to tease and trick people, that would give a much better impression than sadism.

As for therapy, I’m still going to have to insist on it. I don’t care if he opens up to it or not, I still want it there. You can be creative with it, have his parents qualify for Prydainian medicare or put money aside for a therapist, take up an extra job or find someone cheap, I don’t care. But as someone who has endured trauma, is poor, and has received therapy, I’m going to have to disagree with you on the notion of Poverty=No help. In addition, there are numerous therapies designed specifically for people who don’t open up well. It’s not all armchairs and recliners. I’m not saying the therapy has to be effective, but I want him going. Otherwise, he will risk trouble with St. Fortuna for hiding mental illness, or St. Fortuna’s risks trouble for not giving him emotional support based special ed.

Please either give your character a more plausible mental health backstory, or remove the trauma entirely. If his parents are concerned about his personality, why would they send him off to a boarding school with no mental or emotional supports? This is not a hard thing to ask.

Edit: Fuck, I @‘d the wrong person. Sorry discontent. @TheHangedMan
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Now for the correct @’s.

@Discontent Congratulations! You’re accepted! Your character get an Ocular Ability! Your Ability is Aura reading! Your character can see the aura of those around them, and determine their feelings from the color! It’s very weak without a familiar, perhaps he hasn’t even noticed these aura’s until now! However, with enough training, your character can learn to read auras much more precisely, and determine health, strength, magic type, mixed emotions, and even see the outline of auras through walls! How cool!

@Jacobite Congratulations! You’re accepted! Your character’s magic type is Ice Magic! Using your magic, you can turn water into ice, shape it into fantastic forms, and utilize it in combat! So far, you only know Summon, which means you can turn nearby water into ice, but can’t do much else yet. With time, however, you can become a powerful ice Mage, in combat or out of it! Be careful, it still melts!

@Hammerman Congratulations! You’re accepted! Your character’s magic type is Healing Magic! Using your magic, you can summon an aura of healing energy that invigorates cell growth and repair in humans, animals, and even plants! However, you can’t cure terminal illnesses, spur the regrowth of limbs, or fix scar tissue. So far, you only know Summon, which means you can summon your aura and heal small injuries, like light bruises and paper cuts, but not much else yet. With time, however, you can learn to heal more damage, and even cast your healing energy into a ball to heal others from afar! Useful!
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jacobite
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Invader Len

Is it possible to ask for a reroll, and if it's not as good, can I go back to the first one?

(I don't mind the ice power, because I can imagine much worse; I'm just not feeling it in combination for my character's personality at all.)

Yes, you can. The one reroll means that you are presented with a second option, but we're not gonna be awful and say you can't go back to the first if you like the second even less.

With that said, would you like us to reconvene and decide a new magic type for you?
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