Put on your hat in an attempt to woo this powerful stranger.
Derilah puts on her red cap, which has "Make the library great again!" written on its front.
(Graphics are subject to change as the thread progresses.)
Put on your hat in an attempt to woo this powerful stranger.
Ask him why the doors are unlocked if the place needs a guard.
Ask him if only amateurs get scars.
Try to impress him by spinning your broom around like a helicopter
Look up a guide on how to get the best ending for this guard's romance route.
Pretend you didn't just waggle your broom around and ask where this place is.
Sit on the floor because your legs ache from standing constantly for a day an a half
slowly back away towards the chest (or crawl, if you're resting)
Make experiments conclusive to the components of the gem.
Attempt to eat a random item from the inventory.
Ask the Guard what his name is, ignore what answer he gives and rename him Clyde.
Ask Clyde where the sages are whilst attaching the radioactive stone to your broom
Examine how safe the ladder looks. Maybe ask Clyde about it.
Ignore how safe the ladder is and cannonball down the hole.
Make sure self doesn't die.