Operation Katabasis; Infiltration Team
Phalanx reloaded then aimed its sniper rifle again, but the female Turian Unit identified as Sicaria Velinian and Ja'Far Balak had taken care of the remaining hostiles. Sicaria Velinian promptly eliminating two of troopers while Ja'Far Balak simply incapacitated them. Joining the Centurion on the floor in pain from being shot. Threat neutralized, the Geth stood up from its position, cloaking out and headed down the steps to join the others. It was then the alarms started blaring. As well as the sight of the human Spectre yelling at a aged human scientist. As it was explained that the aged human had released a horde of husks, and the explanation of the reason why, Phalanx's flaps rose abruptly before slowly lowering, though its left upper one remained slightly ajar like a cocked eyebrow.
"Illogical. Probability of safe escape is 34.324% non accounting the delay of husk arrival and having to get through our armed forces first. Instead of safe escorting with proper behavior, now face higher probability of being flesh being forcibly torn apart and consumed." Phalanx chirped, finding such a desperate attempt quite unfathomable. Is this a human thing or just a general organic thing? Scientists were supposed to be logical, correct?
Odd odd creatures.
"HOLY SHIT IT'S A GETH! voiced one of the scientists as they noticed the towering synthetic. Eyes stretched in both terror and intrigue.
"Requiring refraining of loud outbursts due to upcoming horde of aggressive mindless hostiles." Phalanx replied in its robotic monotone, sounding a lot more calm in comparison to the terrified scientists.
Listening to Jake Anderson's plan, the Geth platform processed it over. In order to protect the innocent lives living above, the team the Spectre's just formed had little choice but to hold off this army. It was apparent everyone was quite capable, however, taking on a full on army was a near death sentence. Even if it was with mostly mindless creatures, they were outnumbered. They would eventually run out of resources that would be required to just keep them at bay. The close quarters however did assist them in the endeavor as husks tended just charge straight forth their opponent without thought. Could shoot them in a line, or throw grenades to take out several at once. They could attempt to collapse the place if it came down to it. Risked destroying the structure and the team but it was better then so many lives dying. For now, that suggestion will remain as a last resort.
Listening to the human Spectre give each team member a designated position, Phalanx responded with a, "Acknowledged, Anderson-Spectre." before getting into position on the groups left side. Taking its sniper rifle and popping out the clip. Switching to Cyro Ammo, the Geth flicked its flashlight head toward the Cerberus troopers as the Husks finally arrived and started to rip them apart. The synthetic being didn't react, or at least not one could tell with something that had a flashlight for a face, but the metal flaps around its head shook ever so slightly.
Moving with the group as the Turian Female Unit Alria “Angel” Vicrinus lead, Phalanx examined the group of scientists as it flanked their left. Making sure none tried anything suspicious or made a attempt to get of line and escape their escorting prison. A few of them flinched away from the towering synthetic being, perhaps remembering that Geth had once assisted in creating these husks that were currently chasing them down and held no hesitation in ripping the soft organic flesh from their bones.
Gunfire flared up behind them as husks attempted to lunge themselves at the group. It was then the Geth spotted a Marauder charge through the horde of regular husks, pushing its way to the front and leading the charge. Phalanx instantly raised its sniper rifle, took aim in order to not land a bullet into one of its comrades, then fired into the charging Turian Husk. It squealed as the head shot blew it back and flat onto two other of the husks. Moving along, Phalanx reloaded watched as Alria “Angel” Vicrinus opened a door to reveal two husks. Alria “Angel” Vicrinus took care of one with a couple of shots. The Geth calculated that Ja'Far Balak had the other, but if for some reason he did not, the Geth would take another shot.
Switching out its sniper for its shotgun as they entered a room that looked like a mess hall. As they traveled through, doors burst open as husks charged toward them. Several starting to spark to detonate their electrical blasts that would take down their shields and cause damage. Many spilling over from overhead, in which case Phalanx immediately fired its shotgun as hordes spilled overhead while moving to push the prisoners in a attempt from being landed on. It couldn't get them all, however Phalanx was soon ripping husks off of scientists and flinging them into the tables. Assisting scientists up while aiming its gun and shooting again. It had to be cautious of where it aimed and what it used. It couldn't use incinerate at this close proximity without burning some scientists.
"Do not scatter. Stay close to this platform. Remain silent." Phalanx ordered the scientists, before emitting a high pitch sound in order to assist in attracting attention, as it slammed a metallic fist against a few husks in order to shove them away before blasting them again with its gun. This particular platform did not have a lot of melee capabilities, so for the most part, it had to body block as much as it could in order to protect both the scientists and Creator Rayes'Xum vas Fowal. Despite that however, there was no hesitation as Phalanx moved to do anything in its power in order to protect them. Husks moaned and groaned, clawing at the larger metal body, teeth biting into the synthetic muscle in its shoulder. Ripping and tearing to the best of their ability through the Geth shielding and into the actual platform. White liquid spilling out of the torn synthetic muscle. For the most part, the Geth managed to get them out from the center of the group and return back into position with the assistance of its teammates. Scratches scraped against its metallic form, white liquid trickling down from around the neck, shoulder, arms and waist. Sustaining quite a bit of damage due to its effort to protect.
As it spotted a scientist trying to make a move to slip out using the chaos as cover, the Geth snapped its hand on his shoulder and pulled him back into the middle. "Remain in formation. Percentage of death increases if you should leave armed individuals willing to protect you." it warned before reloading and continuing, using its Omni-Tool to help assist repairing some of its injuries in a quick patch up job. It was then that three more husks appeared in the front. Alria “Angel” Vicrinus took care of one before having one cling to her back. Phalanx moved up as she shot it a couple times before the Geth moved and grabbed the husk by the skull with its Omni-Tool. Removing it as Phalanx used incinerate to burn its skull then toss it to the side.
Navigating to the new room, Phalanx turned its flashlight head around to examine the boxes that surrounded them. It was then they bursted with husks that charged at them from all around. There was too many to fight to the lead Turian called for them to run for it. Phalanx quickly followed, urging the scientists to move while shooting its shotgun into any upcoming husks that got too close. One of the female scientists tripped and fell. In which case, the Geth quickly doubled back and grabbed the human, who screamed as the synthetic life form approached, struggling a bit from its grasp. Having no time to deal with this, Phalanx let out another scattered shot from its shotgun to its left then used waved its omnitool using incinerate to leave a flamed wall. Scooping up the panicked human scientist and flinging her onto its left shoulder before running back to its original assigned position. She kicked at it and punched it, but it didn't appear Phalanx either felt or cared. Although the struggles made some of its injuries worsen and some reopen. The quick fix up not able to sustain the stress of the struggling body.
Finally, they arrived their designation and with the Assault Team in sight, Phalanx urged the scientists through, but moved in front of them, so they didn't make a break for it once they passed the Assault Team. Once somewhat safely behind the Assault Team, Phalanx turned to the scientists. "Stay down and take cover. Watch her." it instructed, setting the terrified female down as the group knelt down with whatever cover they could find. The Geth mostly made sure the scientists were in place, but did throw a fireball to the husks and made a few shots with its sniper rifle when it spotted a Cannibal or Marauder in the horde.