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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

G M: Lord Wraith C O - G M ( S ): BlackSam3091 G E N R E: Superhuman, Modern Fantasy, Slice of Life T Y P E: Linear with Sandbox Elements
"The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is the duty of the living to do so for them."
-Lois McMaster

N A V I G A T I O N:

A C C E P T E D C H A R A C T E R S:

Teller, Henric Jr. as portrayed by Torn
Thompson, Vernon as portrayed by Utrax

C E L E S T I A L S (1 Spot Open)
Al-Bariqi, Tariq as portrayed by SgtEasy

D R A O I (2 Spots Open)
Caille, Colin as portrayed by CallSignCorsair
Glasse, Jacqueline as portrayed by Tackytaff
Lindquist, Anton as portrayed by Ferrocerium

H E L L I O N S (2 Spots Open)
Carstein, Elicarrion von as portrayed by Pirouette
Maliceet-Dowd, Elwood as portrayed by Roman

Evans, Tobias as portrayed by Kalas - Astral Projection
Khurana, Priya as portrayed by FantasyChic - Re-Active Adaptation
O'Brian, Gavin as portrayed by Lurking Shadow - Enhanced State
Smith, John as portrayed by Canoli - Knowledge Replication
Thoreau, Joseph as portrayed by Lord Wraith - Ability Negation/Amplification
Walker, Lisa as portrayed by BlackSam3091 - Pain Manipulation

Coming Soon

V E N A R I (2 Spots Open)
Quinn, Claire as portrayed by Superboy

I N A C T I V E C H A R A C T E R S:

Blackwell, Frederick as portrayed by Tyler - Hyperhuman
Campbell, Thomas as portrayed by Hillan - Hellion
Cassidy, Marcus as portrayed by Hillan - Hyperhuman
Cassidy, Vanessa as portrayed by Lord Wraith - Hyperhuman
Fitzgerald, Annabelle as portrayed by Sisyphus - Hyperhuman

C H A R A C T E R S H E E T F O R M A T:

[CENTER][h1][color=slategray][b]A L I A S[/b][/color][/h1][h r][h3][sup][sup][color=silver]B I R T H N A M E   [color=slategray]◼[/color]   B I R T H D A T E   ( A G E )   [color=slategray]◼[/color]   S E X   [color=slategray]◼[/color]   G E N U S[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img]
[sup][color=silver]"Witty Quote #1"[/color][/sup][/CENTER]
[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A P P E A R A N C E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Witty Quote #2"[/color][/sup][/CENTER][INDENT][INDENT][IMG]Image of Character[/IMG][/INDENT][/INDENT][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//STATS:[/color][/b]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HEIGHT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]How tall is your character? (Imperial preferred, metric accepted.)[/i]

[B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ WEIGHT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]How heavy if your character? (Imperial preferred, metric accepted.)[/i]

[B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ BUILD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Your character's body shape, this can be a single descriptive word that you can build on in the description section below.[/i]

[B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HAIR COLOR |[/COLOR][/B] [i]What colour is your character's hair? Note you can elaborate on this in the description if your character changes their hair colour often or if it's a difficult to describe color or combination.[/i]

[B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ EYE COLOR |[/COLOR][/B] [i]What is character's eye color? This can be elaborated on if needed in the description should your character be wearing colored contacts or has changing eye colors due to their abilities.[/i]

[B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ OTHER |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Can be changed/removed depending on if your character has any other noteworthy features. Feel free to add additional stats for piercings, tattoos, scars etc. Sexuality could also be added here if you feel it's worth noting.[/i][/indent]
[indent][i]A written description of the character's appearance. Keep in mind that appearance isn't only limited to their physical make up, but the style of clothes they wear, they're body language and in general how they present themselves.[/i][/indent][/indent]
[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ B I O G R A P H Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Witty Quote #3"[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][indent][i]This is the story of your character's life, their defining moments nd how they made it from the womb to where they are now. You can include as much other details as you think is necessary but don't go overboard and spell everything out. Sometimes its best to show through the IC than to tell in the CS.[/i][/indent][/indent]
[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Witty Quote #4"[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][indent][i][/i]What is driving your character? What makes them tick? Why do they act the way they do.[/indent][/indent]
[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Witty Quote #5"[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//ABILITIES:[/color][/b]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent][/indent]
[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//SUPPORTING CAST:[/color][/b]
[indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent][/indent]
[b][color=CADETBLUE]//STOMPING GROUNDS[/color][/b]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent]
[indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ TBD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Test[/i][/indent][/indent]
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

P L A Y E R P L O T F O R M A T:

This form is for submitting Sub-Plots which can take place in any of the listed 'Notable Locations'. These Sub-Plots can be used to share your ideas or flesh out your character while still allowing other players to get involved.

[sup][color=silver]"Witty Quote."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][INDENT][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]P L A Y E R N A M E:[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER][I]Your Name Here[/I][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]P L O T S Y N O P S I S:[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER][I]A quick description of the plot as would be shared with the other players on the In Character OP.[/I][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]D E T A I L E D P L O T:[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER][I]This is a more detailed outlining of your plot so I can understand exactly what your intent is, what enemies are involved and what the overall goals are.[/I][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]D E S I R E D N U M B E R O F P L A Y E R S:[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER][I]How many players do you want or need for this plot to work?[/I][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT]

S U B M I T T E D P L O T S:

Coming Soon

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

G L O B A L O R G A N I Z A T I O N S:

Information in this section will be revealed as the plot demands it. Please watch for updates.
3 H A:
The Hyperhuman & Human Alliance, often stylized 3HA ( Triple 'H'-'A'), is a social equality group that is made up of both Hyperhumans and Humans fighting for equal rights among both species. It is the work of the Alliance over the past twenty years that has allowed the law to become much more lenient towards Hyperhumans using their abilities to benefit society. As a result, Society has progressed rapidly, much faster than any analysis could ever have expected it to.

T H E A L E X A N D R I A F O U N D A T I O N:
Originating out of the Middle East, the Alexandria Foundation is a rival institute to North America's H.E.L.P. The Alexandria Foundation's jurisdiction ranges from Africa to Europe, covering most of the Western world outside of Asia and Oceania. It should be noted that Oceania has no division of Hyperhuman affairs and has received aid from both H.E.L.P. and the Foundation on different occasions. Despite having the same primary goals, the Alexandria Foundation often finds itself in conflict with the Black Lotus Society and H.I.T. as they compete over recruitment potentials.

Like their North American counterparts, the Alexandria Foundation runs several insitute which are specifically for Hyperhuman students to allow them to study in an environment which encourages not only the use but also the improvement of control over their abilities. However it believed that this is a clever masquerade. Intel has found that the Alexandria Foundation is actually a preservation force looking for assets to benefit its countries of origins. It is believed that the Alexandria Foundation has actually been experimenting on Hyperhumans and is in fact trying to develop a new bioweapon in order to take down its rivals and assert world dominance.​

T H E B L A C K L O T U S S O C I E T Y:
Founded before 500 BC, the Black Lotus Society started out in Greece as a group of ambitious philosphers seeking to create a stronger ruling body. Instead what developed was the founding of a secret society. While the exact goals of the Black Lotus Society have changed over through the centuries, the primary aim has always been to eliminate the middle class in order to create a dominant ruling class and a serving lower class.

In order to accomplish their goals, the Black Lotus Society takes a high interest in actively seeking out anything extraordinary or not of this world. Knowledge, technology, artifacts, it doesn't matter to the society, so long as they can find a way to use it to strengthen themselves.

Members of the society are generally recruited from a young age, sought out during their teens after years of academic assessment. The Society does not care about physical condition beyond that the candidate be free of any physical disabilities. Gifted children from wealthy families are regarded as the highest of prizes as they carry more power with them for the Society to manipulate and eventually take as their own. Morals and physique are both grafted onto the candidate as they're put through the Society's gruelling training regime. While the Black Lotus Society prefers to manipulate from the shadows, its members are more than capable of acting as an army or operatives of espionage should the situation require it. It is not uncommon for the Society to manipulate the deaths of important figures in order to put their own chess pieces into play or use a terrorist attack to gain political or even military power over an area.

The Society's training includes martial arts from all over the world as well as an introduction to numerous weapons, both archaic and modern. Perhaps the signature component of the Society's combat training is the emphasis on learning to harness the Vis and utilize it in both stirkes and blocks to bring the human body to its fullest potential. Furthermore, each member is given the highest education possible in order to sharpen and enhance the mind's cognitive abilities particularly in strategy and problem solving. The Society has the finest mentors in every field imagineable, having many of the world's top professionals under their thumb.

​The Black Lotus Society originated out of Greece but primarily operates out of Central Europe and Southern Asia in modern times.

C O N S T A N T I N E ' S G U A R D:
A fragment of the Knight’s Templar, Constantine’s Guard are a group of extremists dedicated to exterminating anything on Earth that is not human. Despite being small in numbers, the Constantine’s Guard are highly efficient at taking down beings much more powerful than themselves using stolen prototype technologies. Constantine’s Guard has been linked to numerous biomedical organizations over the years and it’s theorized that they may be experimenting with bioweapons to diminish the growing Hyperhuman population.​

It should be noted that the Guard's bias extends to Draoi and Hellions. This bias however does exclude Celestials which fall in line with Judeo-Christian beliefs with of course the exception of 'demons'. The Guard will hunt and destroy anything that looks or is remotely similar to their perceived vision of a demon with extreme prejudice. It is unknown how the Guard recruits to its ranks but it is believed that over the past two years they have been creating weapon contracts with both the U.S. Military and local law enforcement in order to close the gap between humans and Hypes alike.

H . E . L . P .:
The International Bureau of Hyperhuman Equality, Logistics and Protection was a former Canadian initiative that was expanded into part of the United Nations. The department is organized into three divisions. The first of these divisions, Equality and Research deals with the social issues that plague Hyperhumans. The Logistics and Research Division focuses on further understanding the genetics and development of the Hype-Gene along with numerous technologies which help to protect the average citizen from Hyperhumans who choose to abuse their abilities. Lastly there's the Protection and Enforcement Division who track down and contain those who do in fact abuse their abilities. On the other side of the coin, the Protection and Enforcement Division protect Hyperhumans from those who wish to persecute them.​

H . I . T .:
The Hyperhuman Intervention Tactical Unit is a specific team affiliated under H.E.L.P.'s Protection and Enforcement Division. Equipped with specialized gear members of H.I.T. Squads are dispatched when situations become far too dangerous for the military or H.E.L.P. agents to handle directly. H.I.T. Squad members are trained to resist and avoid even some of the most dangerous Hyperhuman attacks and about 95% are Hyperhumans themselves. H.I.T. was first established in response to a rising number of vigilantes who were abusing their Hyperhuman abilities. H.I.T. was created to intervene and contain the situation to prevent the loss of life on both sides. As such, standard armament for H.I.T. agents includes both lethal and non-lethal weapons such as tasers and tranquilizers.​

P . R . C . U .:
The Pacific Royal Collegiate And University is a special institute founded in 1986 and led through associated by the Hyperhuman Equality, Logistics and Protection Department. The goal of P.R.C.U. is to train young Hyperhumans to control their abilities and while working with the Hyperhuman Equality, Logistics and Protection Department in order to one day reach the goal of fostering friendly relations between Hyperhumans and the general populous.

Originally a large Victorian High Gothic style mansion built on Digby Island in British Columbia, Canada, the mansion was built just beyond an old coastal defense built at Frederick Point used as a watch during the Great Wars. Originally purchased by H.E.L.P.'s anonymous sponsors, it was then re-purposed the fort into a base for their own Hyperhuman Intervention Taskforce along with another old coastal defence at Dundas Point, while the mansion was converted into an academic building. As enrollment increased, H.E.L.P. commissioned the construction of gender specific dorms. Eventually, the class sizes outgrew the mansion and the construction of a new academic building was completed. P.R.C.U. continued to grow and expand adding the University component in 1999. This lead to the construction of three new dormitories, one of which was the first co-ed dorm on campus, a risky move but necessary to update to modern times.

U R O B O R O S:
A ‘hacktivist’ group, Uroboros is a networked group of like-minded hackers dedicated to uncovering and exposing every dirty little secret behind every government and corporation out there. Using various IPs, and pseudonyms, Uroboros manages to remain in the shadows and keeps its members secret. Anyone who tries to infiltrate Uroboros is generally found out immediately and made an example of. It is not known what the goal of Uroboros’ activity is or if they even have one, many law enforcement agencies simply dismiss them as anarchists.

Most recently, Uroboros has been acting as an information broker for the Hyperhuman convoy. For the right price, the organization is more than happy to keep the convoy informed of any potential threats in the area as well as sending them live traffic information hacked from local law enforcement. However negotiations are slowly breaking down between the two groups as the convoy increases in size and money becomes tighter. Should communications completely break down, there's nothing to stop Uroboros from selling out the convoy to a higher bidder.

L O C A L O R G A N I Z A T I O N S:

T H E B R U I S I N ' B O Y L E S:
The local Irish Mob, the Bruisin' Boyles, or the Bloody Boyles, or even simply the Boyles work out of Kilbride’s Industrial District. Unlike the Kings who openly recruit, to be part of the Boyles you have to be born into one of the city's Irish or Scottish families. The Boyles primarily deal in carjacking and chop shops. But they're often brought on as enforcers and bouncers at pubs around the city. Rough, rowdy and violent, the Boyles are regarded as highly dangerous. The Boyles often ship their 'frankenstein'd' cars north to Seattle, bringing in a suitable profit which they use to ensure their gang remains in control of the industrial district. The Boyles also buy and distribute drugs from the Fierro's through their territory as well as being known arsonists. At one point in history, the Boyles were the largest organized crime family in the city with a substantial amount of control on it. This has diminished significantly since the 1960's.​

C R E S C E N T C I T Y E M E R G E N C Y S E R V I C E S:
The Crescent City Police Department or CCPD is the local law enforcement which serves and protects all three urban centers. Like all police departments, CCPD has several special operations divisions. The main headquarters is centered out of New Lilith with a secondary headquarters in Los Paraíso and a small office in Kilbride.

The Crescent City Fire Department is centered out of Kilbride, with small stations in both of the other city. In terms of medical services both Kilbride and New Lilith are equipped with state of the art hospitals although Kilbride’s is retrofitted as opposed to New Lilith’s which was built five years ago. Los Paraíso has several medical facilities but no hospital to call its own. Crescent City is also dotted with numerous walk-in clinics and even some free clinics to help those in need.​

D E V I T I S C R I M E S Y N D I C A T E:
The De Vitis Crime Syndicate is the most dangerous of all organized crime in Crescent City. Run by the elusive and ominous Raul De Vitis, the De Vitis Crime Syndicate has their hands in almost every pocket in Crescent City. Originally starting off as arms dealers, De Vitis eventually gained enough money to build his casino empire eventually buying up enough land to create an entertainment district in Los Paraíso. The De Vitis Crime Syndicate still primarily deals in arms dealing, but also blackmail, extortion, arson, assassination, human trafficking and prostitution. The list of crimes is constantly being added to as the Syndicate will do anything it can to make money. Becoming an actual member of the Syndicate requires being fully hired. Unlike many of the gangs around Crescent City, the Syndicate believes in providing its members an actual career. They are professional criminals, having trained specialists in their ranks ranging from lawyers, to doctors to former Spetsnaz operatives. On top of those who are actually on the payroll, the Syndicate has control over some of the more influential citizens in Crescent City including but not limited to, the Mayor and the Police Commissioner.​

L A F A M I L I A D E L F I E R R O:
A dangerous drug cartel that came up from Mexico during the 1980's, the Fierro's grow, manufacture and distribute a wide variety of drugs but among their most popular are marijuana, cocaine, meth, heroin and ecstasy. The Fierro's are highly protective of their producers and suppliers, this brings them into conflict with the ever aggressively expanding De Vitis Crime Syndicate. While most of the other organized crime sects within the city avoid open conflict, the Fierro's have no problem opening fire while surrounded by a crowd of bystanders. This greatly enhances their fear rating within the community. In addition to this, the Fierros are known for back stabbing or double crossing those who deal with them especially if they can gain additional profit from these actions. For this reason people would prefer not to deal with them, however due to addiction and the Fierror’s cheaper prices most customers come crawling back to buy more despite the danger.​

F I V E C O I N S:
One of Crescent City's oldest legends says that the city's original founders have five ceremony gold coins minted to mark the occasion. It was also said that these fives coins were stolen by a group of thieves. The Five Coins are a secret sect of thieves who live and operate within Crescent City though many dismiss them as urban legends and fictional. The police refuse to take the notion of a underground network of thieves secretly despite the fact the Coins leave a signature calling card in the form of a golden coin. The Five Coins live by a very strict code and anyone in the group who kills or attacks while performing a heist is immediately kicked out of the group and turned into the police either by way of entrapment or a frame job. It is unknown if the Coins have a set headquarters or if they're nomadic, constantly changing their base of operations from location to location within Crescent City. The Coins also act as protectors for the city’s homeless and constantly open up abandoned buildings to act as shelter for them as well as providing food and money stolen from those who they deem have more than enough.​

H A R B O U R K I N G S:
The Harbour Kings, or simply the Kings are a vicious gang which claims the Docks, Harbor and Beach districts as their territory. A more modern gang, the Kings are somewhat unpredictable and constantly change their tactics. They specialize in illegal imports and exports hence their territory claims. At home however they often distribute drugs especially to late night beach parties. The Kings are reported to be quite violent, including assault with deadly and often illegal weapons. The Kings have also been known to deal and distribute arms as well which brings them specifically into conflict with the De Vitis Crime Syndicate. This occasionally leads to violet shoot outs around the Docks. The Kings are thought to have a friend in the system as more often than not, those who have been apprehended usually get away with anything up to and literally including murder. The Kings are open to recruiting just about anyone, however once you're in you usually don't get out.​

T H E H I G H W A Y M E N:
The Highway Men are a well-established biker gang that runs out of Kilbride's Narrows. Specializing in preying on travelers and stealing their cars, the Highway Men have quite a reputation out near the freeways. They operate out of several garages around the city, keeping their base on the move since their last leader was busted just over two years ago. These garages are all equipped for stripping a car of its identifiers and making it easy to sell on the black market. While they weren't originally a violent gang, ever since the new leader took over the Highway Men have become steadily more vicious in their attacks and car jackings. This change in mode of operations has brought them into conflict with the Bruisin’ Boyles.​

T H E T H I R D S T R E E T R O U G H N E C K S:
The Third Street Roughnecks, or the Thirds as their often referred to, are a group of older kids with too much money to work and too much time on their hands. They're regarded as pests primarily, and are often a nuisance to the local authorities impeding them from attending to much more serious crimes throughout Crescent City. Though they normally terrorize the rich neighbourhoods of Los Paraíso, the Thirds will occasionally venture down into the shopping districts. The Thirds have an ongoing rivalry with ‘The Welcome Crew’ and occaisionally the two gangs will be brought into conflict. Some of the other gangs, particularly the De Vitis Crime Syndicate are known to hire the Thirds to create a disturbance to draw the authorities away from their own crimes or at the very least divide the available force. The Thirds' primary methods of operations include vandalism, graffiti, petty theft, limited assault and occasionally breaking and entering.​

T H E W E L C O M E C R E W:
Primarily made up of Los Paraíso’s bored local rich kids ranging from mid to late teens, the 'Welcome Crew' prey on lone or weak looking tourists. Once they've found a target they split their numbers in half, with the one half running ahead to find an ambush alley while the other half tails the target. Once the target passes the ambush point, the 'Crew drag them into the alley where the rest of the gang rushes in and the collective group brutally beats the tourists before running away leaving the victim in critical condition and sometimes dead. Police believe that the gang is run by a single authoritative figure who has found a way to manipulate these kids.​

C R E S C E N T C I T Y P O L I C E D E P A R T M E N T:

Vigilant ad Mortem

B O A R D O F P O L I C E C O M M I S S I O N E R S:

The Crescent City Board of Police Commissioners also known as the Police Commission, is a five-member body of appointed officials which oversees the CCPD. The board is responsible for setting policies for the department and overseeing the CCPD's overall management and operations. The Chief of Police reports to the board, but the rest of the department reports to the chief.

O F F I C E O F I N T E R N A L A F F A I R S:

The Office of Internal Affairs is an independent part of the CCPD that has oversight over the department’s internal disciplinary process and reviewing complaints of officer misconduct. It is exempt from civil service and reports directly to the Board of Police Commissioners. The OIA receives copies of every complaint filed against members of the CCPD as well as tracking specific cases along with any resultant litigation. The OIA also conducts audits on select investigations and conducts regular reviews of the disciplinary system in order to ensure fairness and equity. As well as overseeing the CCPD's disciplinary process, Internal Affairs may undertake special investigations as directed by the Board of Police Commissioners.

T H E O F F I C E O F T H E C H I E F O F P O L I C E:

The Office of the Chief of Police is the administrative office comprising the chief of staff, the Employee Relations Group, the Public Information Office, and Complaint Statistics. Also reporting to the chief of police is the special assistant for constitutional policing, whose office is divided into Fiscal Operations Division, Risk Management Division, Research and Planning Division, and Internal Audits and Inspections Division. The Professional Standards Bureau, which includes the Internal Affairs Group, Special Operations Division and Force Investigation Division, also reports directly to the chief of police.

Real-time Analysis and Critical Response Division/Computer Statistics maintains crime data. It holds regular weekly meetings within a purpose-built suite in the new Police Administration Building with the Chief of Police and senior officers. The Real-Time Analysis & Critical Response Division is composed of the Department Operations Section, which includes the Department Operations Center Unit, Department Operations Support Unit and the Incident Command Post Unit; Detective Support Section and the Crime Analysis Section. The Office of the Chief of Police shares a building with the Office of Operations within the Spires District of New Lilith.

O F F I C E O F O P E R A T I O N S:

The majority of the CCPD's approximately 10,000 officers are assigned within the Office of Operations, whose primary office is located in the Police Administration Building in the Spires District. An Assistant Chief commands the office, and reports directly to the chief of police.

The CCPD Office of Operations comprises 21 police stations, known officially as "areas" but also commonly referred to as "divisions." The 21 police stations or "divisions" are grouped geographically into each of three urban centers, each known as a "bureau."

OPERATIONS – Eden District Bureau

The Eden District Bureau is responsible for the urban center of New Lilith and is the most densely populated of the three patrol bureaus. It consists of five patrol divisions and a traffic division, which handles traffic-related duties such as accident investigation and the issuing of citations/tickets. The Eden District Bureau should not be confused for the Police Administration Building and is located separately from the main headquarters in the East City neighborhood of New Lilith.

DIVISIONS - Eden District
◼ Central (1st) Division serving the Spires and Towers District
◼ Harbor (13th) Division serving Crescent City Harbor
◼ King Street (7th) Division serving the Docks
◼ Market (5th) Division serving Little Italy and the Bazaar districts.
◼ Abramson (10th) Division serving East City.

OPERATIONS – Point District Bureau

The Point District Bureau oversees north Crescent City ranging from Pointe Bordeaux to Jethrull and includes the island of New Alexandria. The Point District Bureau consists of four patrol divisions, Criminal Gang and Homicide Division and a traffic division, which handles traffic-related duties such as accident investigation and the issuing of citations/tickets. The Point District Bureau also has an off road vision which makes use of all-terrain vehicles as well as dual purposed motorcycles. This division is at times shared with the Orlaith District Bureau.

◼ Clyde (2nd) Division serving the Power district.
◼ Calder Street (3rd) Division serving the Industrial and Narrows districts.
◼ Edward (12th) Division serving the North City district
◼ Northwest (8th) Division serving the Rows and West End districts.

OPERATIONS – Orlaith District Bureau

The Orlaith District Bureau's operations covers all of Orlaith from Paradise on the Water to Longhorn, Paradise Valley and even the Desert of the Dray Bones. The Orlaith District Bureau consists of five patrol divisions and a traffic division, which handles traffic-related duties such as accident investigation and the issuing of citations and tickets. Traffic Divisions also conduct DUI enforcement through a DUI Task Force composed mostly of motorcycle or "motor" officers. In addition to this overt enforcement activity, the traffic detective bureau houses a Habitual Traffic Offender Unit (also known as an H2O detail), which conducts undercover surveillance of habitual DUI offenders and other criminals with suspended licenses.

Divisions – Orlaith District
◼ Athens (14th) Division serving the Greek Quarter, Farmer’s Market and Old Stone Mountain
◼ Sweet Street (4th) Division serving Sugar Beach.
◼ Diamond (6th) Division serving the Paradise Hills district.
◼ South (9th) Division serving Paradise on the Water and Paradise Valley.
◼ Studio (11th) Division serving the Paradise Strip district.

O F F I C E O F S P E C I A L O P E R A T I O N S:

The Office of Special Operations is headed by an Assistant Chief and the Assistant to the Director, which is a Commander. The office comprises the Property Division, Jail Division, the Detective Bureau, and the Counter Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau. Situated out of East City in New Lilith, the Office of Special Operations serves the whole city working in collaboration with whichever division requires their services. It should be noted while the New Lilith Bureau is also located in the East City district, the two do not share a mutual building.


The Detective Bureau, which reports to the Director of the Office of Special Operations, consists of several divisions and sections responsible for investigating a variety of crimes. Despite being a part of the Office of Special Operations, the Detective Bureau has their own building in the North City District of Kilbride.

◼ Investigative Analysis Section
◼ Scientific Investigation Division
◼ Robbery-Homicide Division
◼ Homicide Special Section
◼ Robbery Special Section
◼ Special Assault Section
◼ Cold Case Special Section
◼ Special Investigations Section
◼ Commercial Crimes Division
◼ Detective Support and Vice
◼ Mental Evaluation Unit
◼ Threat Management Unit
◼ Juvenile Division
◼ Gang and Narcotics Division

SPECIAL OPERATIONS – Counter Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau

The Counter Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau provides the Crescent City Police Department specialized tactical resources in support of operations during daily field activities, unusual occurrences and, especially, during serious disturbances and elevated terrorism threat conditions. Situated on the cusp of both the Tower district in New Lilith and the Paradise Strip of Los Paraíso, the Counter Terrorism and Special Operations Bureau is built in the heart of the city to allow for rapid deployment.

◼ Major Crimes Division
◼ Emergency Services Division
◼ Emergency Operations Division
◼ Air Support Division
◼ Metropolitan
◼ Canine (K-9) Platoon
◼ Control and Support
◼ Special Weapons and Tactics
◼ Crime Suppression

O F F I C E O F A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S E R V I C E S:

Headed by an Assistant Chief and the Assistant to the Director, which is a Commander, the office is divided into the Behavioral Science Services, Use of Force Review Division, Information Technology Bureau, Administrative Services Bureau, and the Personnel and Training Bureau. The office of Administrative Services can be found in the same building as the Office of Operations within the Spires District.

O F F I C E R R A N K S:

◼ Commissioner
◼ Internal Affairs
◼ Chief of Police
◼ Assistant Chief of Police (Police Deputy Chief II)
◼ Police Deputy Chief I
◼ Police Commander
◼ Police Captain III
◼ Police Captain II
◼ Police Captain I
◼ Police Lieutenant II
◼ Police Lieutenant I
◼ Police Sergeant II = Police Detective III
◼ Police Sergeant I = Police Detective I, II
◼ Police Officer III
◼ Police Officer II
◼ Police Officer I
◼ Cadet
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

P E R S O N S O F I N T E R E S T:

A C T I V I S T S:
Christianson, Isabella: The voice of 3HA, Isabella can be found at numerous rallies across not only the USA but also Canada as she works towards equality for Hyperhumans. Seeking to end the hostility between Hyperhumans and 'Mundanes', Isabella does the best she can to show case positive uses for Hyperhuman abilities to gain the public's favour.

C I T Y O F F I C I A L S:
Corrotto, Victor: The aging police commissioner, Corrotto has been in office since the days of the Mavericks, put in his role at a controversial age due to the hand of infamous crimelord Roman Locke.
Often accused of being corrupted, Corrotto disregards these claims and does his job. A valuable alley to mayoral re-elect Timothy Simmons, Corrotto is currently campaigning on the side of his friend while standing his ground against the District Attorney, Silas Thoreau.

Thoreau, Silas: An ambitious and driven lawyer, one of Silas' earliest career moves was to implement Crescent City's Zero Tolerance Police towards Vigilantism. It was this action that set the tone for his career, as Silas was quickly scouted for the State Prosecutor position before naturally falling into the role of District Attorney several years later. An active public figure, Silas has recently rallied behind Emilie Blake to garner support for the mayoral candidate. However, at the last rally, an assassination attempt on his life was fouled resulting in the death of his wife Samantha. In the two weeks past, Silas has been working hard to crack down on crime in Crescent City but with the city pushed to its breaking point, many are wondering just how much more Silas can demand from it.

F E D E R A L A G E N T S:
Caspian, Winter: The Director for the bureau of Hyperhuman Enforcement, Logistics and Protection. Winter Caspian is a force to be reckoned with. Winter started her career working in H.E.L.P.'s Equality and Rights Division before eventually advancing to the position of Director in 2013. Aggressive with a take no prisoners attitude, Winter has sat down with numerous world leaders to fight for equal rights to all Hyperhumans. A feat no previous Director had managed before, leaving Winter with quite the infamous reputation among both the organization and outside of it.​

O'Bran, Killan: The Commanding Officer in charge of the Specialized Hyperhuman Intervention Federal Taskforce, Commander Killian O'Bran reports directly to the Protection and Enforcement Division and even the Director of the Hyperhuman Equality, Logistics and Protection Department herself. Despite having numerous taskforces under his command, O'Bran still likes to take to the field himself and often hand picks a team for himself under the belief that one should only keep their aces up their sleeves.​

F O R E I G N A G E N T S:
Demetrios​, Theron: The head of the Alexandria Foundation, Demetrios has extended an olive branch to H.E.L.P. in recent years with the Foundation taking a less aggressive approach to recruiting. However, Theron himself is much more interested in unlocking the secrets of the Vis and has been spotted visited numerous sites thought to hold ancient Draoi or Venari knowledge.

M A Y O R A L C A N D I D A T E S:
Blake, Emilie: A relative newcomer to the political scene, Emilie Blake is all about business and is full of ideas to improve living in Crescent City. A master of the oral debate, Blake has dominated any public session where she has faced off against Cruz or Simmons. Smart and economically minded, Blake worked her way to the top,
fighting against economic privilege and bias in a male dominated career path. The polls have shown Blake to have a hard lead on both Cruz and Simmons, a lead which Blake intends to keep as she joins emergency services to help lay sandbags and other less than glamorous jobs to ensure the city keeps running despite the state of emergency.

Cruz, Armand de la: A direct descent of Sir Eduard De La Cruz, Armand belongs to one of the city's wealthiest families. Generally well liked and often regarded as handsome, Armand has the popular vote in the bag, often showing up to shelters with a truck full of food to do his part to serve the city in its time of need. Infamously a party boy in his youth, Armand seems to have left that life style behind and is ready to serve his home in any way possible.

Simmons, Timothy: The current Mayor of Crescent City, Timothy Simmons has been re-elected twice despite claims to being in bed with none other than Raul de Vitis. As far as mayors go, few complain about Simmons, he has kept taxes in the city low and maintained a smooth sailing ship. But there are those who do believe it's time to see someone new in charge. Simmons' greatest controversy has arisen during the last month as the mayoral re-elect has done next to nothing to help the city during the onset of the torrential down pour.

V I G I A L A N T E S:
Mavericks, The: Before their disbandment under the Anti-Vigilante Act of 2003, the Mavericks were Crescent City's most notable vigilantes. Appearing in 1985, the team came together after stopping a Hyperhuman bank robbery. From there, vigilante acts rose as the group sought to end the reign of Roman Locke. Primarily operating in the Eden District, members of Longhorn always insist that the group's leader; Angel, started out on Crescent City's Eastern edge. At their peak, the Mavericks were made up of six members, Angel, IllAdvised, the Atomic Man, the Gecko, Haywire and Whirlwind.

A N T A G O N I S T S:

C R I M E L O R D S:
Boyle, Mackenzie: Mackenzie 'Big Mac' Boyle is the current leader of the Bruisin' Boyles. A far more assertive leader than the Boyles have had since before the time of Locke, Mac Boyle aims to bring the luck of the Irish back to his Bruisers and retake what was once theirs.

Fierro, Francesca del: The Matriarch of the Familia del Fierro, Francesca is not a woman to be trifled with. Patient, cold and calculating, Francesca knows how to use her frail appearance to gain trust and underestimation before lodging a knife between the ribs of those who cross her. Rival and occasional alley to Raul de Vitis, nothing happens in the Orlaith District without the blessing of Mami Frani.

Locke, Roman: Before his death in 1994, Roman Locke had been Crescent City's undisputed reigning crime lord. The self titled 'God King' of Crescent City, Roman Locke controlled nearly everything in the city and had a finger in every industry and trade. Ultimately meeting his end at the hands of the Mavericks, Locke's legacy lives on and the shadow he cast over the city can still be felt.

Vitis, Raul de: One of the most infamous crimelords operating in Crescent City, Raul de Vitis rushed in to collect the ashes of Roman Locke's fallen empire once the reigning King had been dethroned by the Empire. Backed by external supports unkown to his associates, De Vitis has seen constant and consistent growth over the last twenty years. Like Locke before him,
De Vitis has numerous officials and law enforcement members in his pocket. Nothing happens in Crescent City without his permission and anyone who crosses De Vitis finds a way into Dead Man's Bog.

T E R R O R I S T S:
Enlightened One, The: The enigmatic leader of the Black Lotus Society, few have looked upon the face of the Enlightened One and lived to tell about it. Little is known about this cloaked figure but it is said he has seen the future and is guiding the Society towards it in an effort to create his vision of utopia.

Epitome: Hidden behind a logo and voice modulator, Epitome is the public name given to the leader of the hacker group known as Uroboros. A dangerous information broker, no secret is safe from Epitome and for the highest bid any piece of information is available, if you stay on their good side.

Kowalski, Yakob: Believed to be the mind behind Constantine's Guard, Kowalski was originally an alley to H.E.L.P. before the death of his family at the hands of a Hyperhuman who had yet to gain control over their abilities. Accredited with creating much of H.I.T.'s Anti-Hyperhuman arsenal, it is believed that Kowalski has moved into biochemical weapons, looking to arm the Guard with a method of undetectable attack in their war against non-humans.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


"Mother had a saying, something about how sometimes a favourable outcome requires a few ill-advised actions."

J O S E P H E D W A R D T H O R E A U 0 2 / 0 8 / 1 9 9 5 ( 2 2 ) M A L E H Y P E R H U M A N
▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Yeah I know, I don't look like a Thoreau."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'-10"
◼ WEIGHT | 164 lbs
◼ BUILD | Athletic
◼ HAIR COLOR | Deep blue outer iris with an inner ice blue iris
◼ EYE COLOR | Dark brown with hints of ruddy auburn
◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian
◼ SEXUALITY | Heterosexual

Joseph has a slender frame that is covered in compacted muscle built up from years of exercising and toning his body. His torso and legs are built like someone who regularly competes in marathons and free running competitions while his arms and shoulders are built more like that of a boxer mixed with a martial artist. Joseph prides himself on being more balanced in his physique and as such has kept his flexibility and somewhat slender frame despite his well chiseled biceps and abdominal. Joseph is especially known for his keen piercing blue eyes. Deep blue with flecks of icy blue strewn throughout, Joseph's eyes are known for being able to look right through someone as though he is staring into their soul. Joseph has deep brown hair with strands of gold and auburn acting as natural highlights, these are most visible in bright light where as in dim and barely lit places, Joseph's hair can seem to be almost black. He keeps his hair anywhere from a short to medium length, often grooming it into various ways.

Joseph's general attire ranges from long sleeve mock tees to hoodies usually. Always paired with straight leg or boot-cut, dark-wash jeans. In collaboration with these, Joseph prefers to wear semi loose fitting tops in an effort to hide his more chiseled physique so as not to draw too much attention to himself. To that end he often will wear a t-shirt paired with a hoodie and jacket, or a long-sleeved shirt adorned with a hood and a jacket. Depending on the weather though Joseph may wear just a t-shirt, or a rolled up long sleeved mock tee. His outfit is almost always complimented with a leather jacket.​

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Words don't define us, actions do."
During the height of the Mavericks' career Joseph's grandfather, Forrest Emerson Thoreau was a officer with the Larissa Lilith Police Department, (a predecessor to the modern Crescent City Police Department), often providing support to the Mavericks themselves. Proud to call himself an ally to the Mavericks, Forrest often told a young Joseph tales of the daring heroics the vigilantes had once brought to not only New Lilith but all of Crescent City. However, Joseph's father, Silas Edward Thoreau didn't see eye to eye with his own father and while Forrest had been aiding the Mavericks, Silas had been away at Harvard earning his law degree and developing a deep rooted seed of hatred against those who took the law into their own hands. Upon Silas' return to Crescent City, the ambitious young lawyer set his eyes on the gross abuse of the law he considered the Mavericks to be. Appealing to the local district attorney, it was Silas who instigated the city's zero tolerance policy towards vigilantes and ultimately caused the Mavericks to vanish from history. Due in part to his contribution to the city's new anti-vigilante stance, Silas became a valued asset with numerous law firms trying to recruit the young hotshot. Having his pick of the crop, Silas settled in with Campbell and Reid quickly rising to partner over three short years. Eyed by the District Attorney's office, Silas was scouted to take over the position of state prosecutor. Settling into his new career with ease, Silas eventually met and impregnated a young woman by the name of Samantha Russells. Desperate to keep the bastard child out of public headlines, Silas married Samantha in a private civil ceremony. Nine months later, Joseph Edward Thoreau was born to his loving mother and career driven father.

Growing up distant from his father, Joseph spent most of his time with his mother and grandfather. His mother provided the love and care every growing boy needed while Forrest filled the void left by Silas and taught Joseph many numerous life skills. Drawing upon his years of experience as a former police officer, Forrest taught Joseph to listen to the beat of the city, to hear its voice and learn its rhythms. Due to the teachings of his grandfather, Joseph grew to a strong set of street-smarts, taught to remain constantly aware of his surroundings and how to read those within them.

But Joseph found he had trouble connecting to the city, especially on its crowded streets. Constantly overwhelmed, he found the only time he could clearly hear the rhythm of the city was from high above the street. Looking down on the world, Joseph learned how to pick apart the details and eventually found his groove. The city became his playground and Joseph would sneak out of the house to play among the roof tops. It was from this height that the corruption growing in Crescent City first became clear to Joseph, he could see the city was sick and that the illness was only spreading. It was here that the idea to follow in his grandfather's footsteps was laid in Joseph's head, within him a fire had lit and the flames of passion ignited a need to help the people of Crescent City, a need he wouldn't act on until quite a few years later.

Originally traversing them by climbing fire escape after fire escape before eventually growing bold enough to jump from roof to roof. From there Joseph's skills only continued to expand as Joseph learned to move more efficiently from place to place, learning the city from a whole new angle. At least he would have until his mother, Samantha caught Joseph sneaking in through a window one dark night. Never before had the boy seen his mother so scared as she checked him over for any sign of injury, acting as though he had been out re-enacting the stories of the Mavericks. Making him swear to never use the roof tops again, Joseph was literally grounded from that point on. But he learned to adapt, find new ways to hear the city as he moved through the crowded streets and eventually behind the wheel as his grandfather taught him how to drive and he succeeded in gaining his driver's license.

Despite never being the brightest in his class, Joseph never struggled through school. Maintaining above average grades and achieving honors upon graduation, Joseph had a wide selection of post-secondary institutions to choose from along with several sizable scholarships. However money had never been a concern for the Thoreau's thanks to Joseph's distant father. Deciding to take inspiration from his grandfather, Joseph turned his back on the numerous high brow institutions that had sent him accepted letters before deciding to pursue his education at the local community college. Enrolling for EMT certification, Joseph completed course after course until finding a career with the Crescent City General Hospital as a paramedic. Never had Joseph felt so much pride as the day his grandfather shook his hand to congratulate the young man upon his first assignment. Silas however was disgusted with Joseph's career choices, his attitude towards Joseph causing friction between both Joseph and himself as well as Samantha and he.

Having little contact with his parents due to his father's attitude towards his career, it came as a great shock to Joseph to learn that Silas had begun publicly backing mayoral candidate Emilie Blake. Knowing that backing anyone who wasn't Simmons would only garner the attention of the wrong type of people, Joseph pleaded with his mother to convince Silas to step back from the public face. But Samantha reminded Joseph that Silas had made his choices as Joseph had made his. Unfortunately this would be the last time Joseph would be able to talk to his mother as she was killed in a botched assassination attempt on Silas at one of Blake's rallies. Blinded by rage, Joseph confronted Silas, nearly attacking the man before the two broke down in each other's arms over the loss of Samantha.

Despite the city wide state of emergency keeping Joseph busy, the young paramedic has begun his own investigation into his mother's murder after the police have failed to turn up any leads.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"The city is hurting, it's time someone helped her."
Ever since he was young, Joseph has felt a desire to help others. This need was only further honed by his grandfather who was a retired member of the Crescent City Police Department. As an officer who had served during the Golden Age of the Mavericks, Forrest believed in heroes and Joseph inherited this belief but Crescent City was long past the age of heroes and crime was beginning to resurface without any opposition. Taking to the streets as a member of Crescent City's paramedics, Joseph decided to help in the best way he could by tending to those hurt in the rapidly growing crime wave.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Time to level the playing field."
◼ ABILITY NEGATION | Joseph’s primary ability is that of ability negation. This is accomplished by blocking the flow of energy through manipulation of bio-electricity within the target. In a Mundane, this can lead to muscle seizure as a direct blow from Joseph can temporarily lock or paralyze the afflicted muscles. In Hyperhumans, Joseph can suspend the use of their abilities, causing them to be temporarily disabled and ineffective.

When in physical contact with another, Joseph’s body will instinctively negate out of self preservation meaning that if he were touched or assaulted while asleep or unconscious, his body will negate the abilities of his assailant. If the assailant is a Mundane, the ability will not activate unless Joseph’s body is in a state of dismay.

Physical contact is the easiest way for Joseph to manifest his abilities. However, Joseph is able to emit a small blast which can carry the same effects as physical contact. This blast will only negate abilities for several minutes, acting like a small taser blast. Repeated blasts will build up the duration of the negation but only to the extent of three hours. After this the host will recover unless Joseph incurs another attack upon them. Physical contact with Joseph has increased potency in comparison, immediately rendering a Hyperhuman individual powerless for several hours.

At peak potency, Joseph can project a field of effect, capable of rendering all gifted individuals in a set radius powerless. He can create a prolonged blast, repeatedly pelting a target or even summon a wider-spread attack capable of targeting multiple foes. Joseph is able to render most gifted individuals powerless for several days and may even be capable of stripping another of their abilities completely if prolonged physical contact is held.

◼ ABILITY AMPLIFICATION | A secondary ability, Joseph is also able to enhance the abilities of other Hyperhumans. By laying his hands on another who possesses extraordinary abilities, Joseph can increase the potency of their abilities beyond what they are currently capable of. This increase only lasts as long as Joseph remains in contact with the ability's host and its effects almost immediately dissipate as soon as Joseph releases contact. Joseph is able to form empathetic links with those who he's close to allowing him to amplify their abilities while they're nearby. However as with his other abilities, the effects are only temporary, wearing off an hour or so after Joseph terminates the link.

At his peak, Joseph is able to evolve the abilities of others to their fullest potential. This could lead to any number of outcomes and may even hurt the host as their powers become too unstable to control or contain. This effect can last for upwards of a day depending on Joseph's bond with the host, those he has an empathetic connection with will find themselves empowered longer than another gifted individual who Joseph has just encountered. Upon reaching this mastery, Joseph's ability does not rely on physical contact and can operate solely on a field of effect which can come at risk of enhancing even his foes. Physically touching another increases the duration of the evolution and its potency. While the field of effect can amplify abilities and with sustained effect can evolve the host, physical touch from Joseph accelerates the process, making evolution almost instant.

◼ PARKOUR | Although rusty, Joseph taught himself how to parkour during his youth before being stopped by his mother. His body still remembers the movements and he has since stayed in good physical condition both for personal interest and due to his chosen career.

◼ DRIVING | Although Joseph isn't by any means a stunt driver, he is capable of driving most vehicles, including large vehicles such as ambulances. Even with such a large vehicle, Joseph is able to steer it an a manner that would be considered agile, capable of weaving in and out of traffic nearly as efficiently as the average motorcycle driver.


◼ SELF DEFENSE | In a city as dangerous as Crescent City, one knows better than to work on the streets without some sort of defense training. While attending college, Joseph attended several self defense classes in anticipation of picking up patients in Crescent City's seedier areas.

Joseph can not use both of his abilities at the same, Joseph has to choose whether to enhance or negate constantly, he can't lay a hand on an ally to enhance while firing a negation blast at a foe. Furthermore, the effects of his abilities are not permanent, except in an extreme case when regarding his negation ability.

Range of effect is also a major limitation, as even at his fullest potential, Joseph only has a maximum area effect of a twenty five foot radius. His abilities are most effective with physical contact which combined with his lack of physical enhancement requires Joseph to constantly be pragmatic enough to get close to a foe.

Despite the effects of his abilities on both Mundanes and Hyperhumans, Joseph has no guaranteed effects on Homo-Magni, Hellions or Celestials. He can not disable their abilities, nor can he boost them as the latter is limited to only Hyperhumans and the former to both Hyperhumans and Mundanes.

Joseph has no physical enhancements of his own, meaning he's vulnerable to every conventional form of harm. His abilities can be interrupted by a strike to his nervous system such as electrical shock from a tazer. A sustained electrical field, even at a harmless voltage would interrupt Joseph's abilities enough to render them useless.

Extreme voltages can and will render Joseph's abilities null and void, potentially even temporarily blocking them. Energy based attacks, particularly electrical ones are extremely dangerous to Joseph due to the way his abilities operate through bio-electricity.

▼ N O T E S:

"It's the people waiting for me at home that keep me going each and every day."




◼ FIREHOUSE 53 | The fire house that Joseph and Travis' ambulance is based out of when Joseph's not working the rapid response vehicle.

◼ RHODES LIGHTHOUSE (Mavericks Bunker) | Coming Soon

◼ THE SOUND | The location of Joseph's apartment. Joseph rents an apartment at 221b Baker Street. TBD





Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


F R E D E R I C K B L A C K W E L L 2 2 F E B R U A R Y , 1 9 9 0 ( 2 6 ) M A L E H Y P E R H U M A N

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Honey, you've got a big storm comin'."
◼ HEIGHT | 6ft

◼ WEIGHT | 166lbs

◼ BUILD | Athletic

◼ HAIR COLOR | Blonde

◼ EYE COLOR | Grey-blue

Freddie is a good-looking guy. Sure, a healthy diet and a regular fitness routine keeps him in great shape, but his angular features, blonde locks and piercing eyes certainly don't hurt his appeal. He is infallibly well-dressed, and it would be fair to say that he often looks like he has spent a lot of money on his clothes - because he has. Freddie has a certain confidence about him, most present in his elevated posture and his almost-cocky smile; though the appearance of the latter is rare. He is usually seen to appear serious, and has a decidedly cold demeanour that is almost stand-offish.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Whether Tempter sent, or tempest-tossed thee here ashore..."
Frederick James Michael Blackwell had a privileged upbringing; his name's Frederick James Michael Blackwell, for goodness' sake. Unfortunately, there is little redeeming backstory to his silver-spooned life; there was no challenge, no hard graft or labour. Blackwell's Publishing was founded in the 1800s; Freddie's father James had inherited it from his father, Michael, to whom it was betrothed by his own father, Frederick... Yes, we're talking about that kind of upbringing, where teenage bedrooms were cleaned by maids and family meals were cooked by chefs. He was one of many children, and whilst their parents loved them all unconditionally, the attention they were able to afford them between their busy schedules was scarce. Freddie supposed this emotional distance came in useful as he matured, because it would soon become obvious that he wasn't quite like his brothers.

Frederick's life changed in two dramatic ways around the time he was sixteen years old. The hormones kicked in, and Freddie realised that he was into dudes. This shocked absolutely nobody, except Freddie. But, unfortunately for him, it was soon apparent that being queer was fairly low on his list of immediate concerns. As his Hyperhuman influence over the weather began to manifest, Frederick (and the rest of the Blackwells) soon realised that he was harbouring a power far beyond his control. His father was aware through his Masonic connections that the Alexandria Foundation had some decidedly questionable practices, and Freddie's parents were reluctant to send him to any of the 'special schools' run by the organisation. Fortunately for our privileged Not-So-Straight White Male, mummy and daddy were able to fund his move stateside, where he studied at the Pacific Royal Collegiate & University; a prestigious academy for Hyperhumans, run by H.E.L.P. He spent some years there, learning to control his powers, and generally coming out of his shell. He'd always been a shy theatre kid at heart, but learning to regulate his tempestuous emotions (Hey, he's a Pisces) as part of his power training allowed him to build more stable relationships, too. By the time he graduated, he had blossomed; both emotionally and physically.

As the second-youngest Blackwell and with a father who was very much still alive, Freddie wasn't about to be running the publishing corporation any time soon, and so he decided to stay in America. He built a life for himself there, living for various amounts of time in Seattle, Atlanta and New York City. He basically spent his days doing what any young heir would do; drinking, partying, buying stuff he didn't need, and having a disgusting amount of sex; both with men and women; because hey, he's grown up now, and tits are fun. So whilst he might not be a bigshot CEO, Freddie was decidedly living his best life as a transatlantic, newly-bisexual millionaire who just so happens to be able to control the weather. They say it's always sunny in Philadelphia, but Freddie has never been because it's always sunny wherever he wants it to be.

That was, until he heard about Crescent City. Seeing the news and reading the crazy theories about the relentless storm, Freddie decided it would be an experience to head over and fix their problem. A flick of his wrist and he'd have the storm sent on its merry way, the city indebted and every twink and cougar in town wanting a piece of him. It was the perfect plan for a weekend away.

And so he booked the ticket: a return flight to Crescent City on Delta Air Lines. First Class.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Here I go, into the eye of the storm..."
Freddie has been brought up to have no real drive or ambition; nor does he have the need to. With a seemingly endless stream of money, Frederick has little motivation to accomplish anything. He's doing just fine, thank you very much. But when he arrives in Crescent City, Freddie is faced with a situation that is almost entirely foreign to him: things aren't going his way. The storm won't budge, no matter how hard he wills it to. Not to mention, the hard-working city-dwellers are completely uninterested in his vapid existence. Realising that he could be on the cusp of doing something that could actually make a difference, Freddie becomes obsessed with figuring out the mystery of the storm, as he tries to leave his hedonistic ways behind and seek a greater sense of purpose.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Batten down the hatches, bitches. I ain't holding shit back, oh at all."
◼ METEOROKINESIS | Freddie is able to influence the weather. He can shift a small town from a sweltering summer's day to an arctic snowstorm and back again before the Weather Channel can say... Whatever it is that's on their autocue. He can summon gale-force winds, blinding fogs and fire bolts of lightning at those who displease him. There is little limit to what he can achieve meteorologically, when he puts his mind to it. If it's a naturally-occurring weather phenomenon, chances are Freddie can whip it up, if you give him enough time.

◼ MINDFULNESS | Freddie's powers are connected directly to his emotions, and the biggest challenge in teaching him to control his abilities, was to first teach him to control his feelings. The staff at the PRCU spent countless hours training him in various methods of meditation and ways of practicing mindfulness. This has resulted in Freddie maturing into a very calm, collected person. He is highly aware of his emotions, and able to invoke them at will; forcing himself to be angry, in order to bolster his storms, or recalling his happiest memories to brighten his skies.

◼ ACTING & DECEPTION | Being a theatre kid for much of his school life, especially at the PRCU, Freddie has become quite the prodigious actor. Perhaps owing in part to his control over his emotions, Freddie is very easily able to portray certain moods in a highly convincing fashion; even if he is not necessarily feeling them. Coupled with his intellect and creativity, this skill also makes Freddie a great liar; whilst he usually uses this to exaggerate his way into people's beds, it has the potential to be used in more resourceful ways.

◼ INTELLIGENCE & LOGIC | Whilst his hedonistic, spoilt rich-boy ways might lead haters to discredit him as dense, this would be a poor judgement. Freddie has always demonstrated a high intellect, and was a high-achieving student at any school he attended. His intelligence affords him a logical thought process and a creative imagination that work wonders when problem-solving. Plus, he loves Shakespeare. He's smart, OK?

◼ AREA OF EFFECT | Freddie's area of effect is limited to as far as his eye can see. At ground level, this is significantly smaller than if Freddie were to climb a tower or mountain. Naturally, the further he extends his atmospheric influence, the more his energy is drained and in extreme situations he even risks physical harm. On the flip side, his area of effect can be limited by large buildings etc. that could impair his view of the surrounding area.

◼ SUSCEPTIBILITY | Freddie is entirely susceptible to the weather he summons. Intense sun will burn his skin, hurricanes will blow him away and if he invokes a blizzard he is probably going to catch a cold. This means Freddie has to be careful about what kind of weather he produces, and in what context he uses his powers.

◼ EMOTIONAL INFLUENCE | Whilst he may have developed a solid technique for keeping his emotional state balanced, Freddie is human and as susceptible to extreme emotions as anyone else if he is not mindful. Extreme emotions for Freddie, however, mean the manifestation of extreme weather, that can only be controlled if he is able to calm himself. The moods and weather phenomena are connected and feed off each other, so the longer he allows them to run wild, the harder he will find it to regain control of the situation; putting himself and others in danger.

◼ MAGIC / TECH | Frederick is only able to influence weather in its natural state. Thus, any weather effects summoned by magic or created artificially by atmospheric technology is immune to his influence. He assumes this to be the reason he is unable to dispel the storm over Crescent City.

◼ UNTRAINED FIGHTER | Whilst in recent years, Frederick has spent time at the gym keeping in shape, he has never had any sort of close combat training. He is reasonably strong and could no doubt throw his weight around, but without the proper training in throwing a well-placed punch, or defending himself from incoming attacks, Freddie is at a considerable disadvantage when it comes to fighting hand-to-hand.

◼ VULNERABILITY | Freddie's powers do not grant him much protection. He has plenty of tricks up his sleeve for making his enemies' lives more difficult, by blowing them away with strong winds or hiding from them within thick fogs, but his abilities afford him little in the way of actual defence; especially from others gifted with the Hype gene, magic or advanced weaponry. He has a good enough understanding of his powers to know how best to fend of attackers, but even using his powers can sometimes put him in a dangerous situation. Freddie often relies on his logic to escape a situation instead of staying to fight it out.

◼ LACK OF WORDLINESS | Freddie has little understanding of the 'real world', having lived a decidedly pampered life whereby anything thrown at him can be resolved with a big enough cheque. As he moves to a less 'glitz & glam' neighbourhood and meets people struggling to stay afloat in a flooded town, he will soon find that this attitude does not wash with the locals. And if he is to have any sort of support on his mission to solve the city's problem, he is going to have to open his eyes and really experience life.

▼ N O T E S:

TBD | To be established IC...

TBD | To be established IC...

TBD | To be established IC...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 16 hrs ago


M A R C U S K A L V I N C A S S I D Y J A N U A R Y 1 S T 1 9 8 8 (29 ) M A L E H Y P E R H U M A N

"I might not go down in history. But I will go down on your sister."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I tend to attract."
◼ HEIGHT | 191 Centimeters

◼ WEIGHT | 74 Kilograms

◼ BUILD | Well built.

◼ HAIR COLOR | Brown

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue

◼ OTHER | Semper Fi is tattood on his left underarm, reaching from his wrist to his elbow, over his chest the crest for The Hyperhuman Intervention Tactical Unit, "H.I.T"

First thing you might notice about Marcus is his appearance, naturally handsome with his sharp features and well sculpted body, and once upon a time, you'd sense a scent of some expensive perfume on him if you walked past him, these day you'll be met with the sour scent of whatever drink he had ten off. Marcus has the makings of a strong, proud man, he walks with determination in his steps, showing that the training he went through is still in his very essence, despite him trying to wash it away. Used to wearing combat gear or elegant suits, he now wears rundown leather jackets, four day old T-shirts, ripped Jeans and his five year old boots. Hoodies or coats are not uncommon for him to wear, either. His face is constantly scruffy, as he only ocassionally bothers to shave, one a month or so. There's a certain elegance to the way he moves, even despite his drunken stumblings, all betraying his secret that once upon a time, he was someone you could rely on, but no more.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Nobody that comes from a happy home joins the military."
Marcus Cassidy, born to Arthur and Camille Cassidy. His mother a aspiring actress, his father a big shot corporate Lawyer. Thanks to Arthur's business contacts and wealth, Marcus grew up very wealthy, having the ability to get everything he ever wanted. His childhood was somewhat normal, growing up, till he was four years old, at least. That was the first time he ever heard Arthur and Camille fighting, they were arguing about his mother's desire to get her acting career off, which Arthur would not permit. Marcus saw his father hit his mother for the first time that night. It escalated, like stairs that move and in the coming years, Arthur's business would do worse and he began drinking more and more. Once he got drinking, he turned violent, abusing Camille, but never Marcus.

But that changed when he was eleven. Marcus heard Arthur grab Camille, and she cried, cried that she was gonna call the police. Marcus ran into the kitchen, and put himself in between his parents, protecting the most important woman in his world from the monster that was his father. Arthur hit him, and threw him into the fridge, breaking four of his ribs and giving him a concussion.

Marcus spent his preteens and teenage years living under the thumb of Arthur, pretending to be a normal, happy family. And at times, they were. He and Arthur had good times, Arthur taught Marcus how to ski, and how to drive, he helped him with his homework and he talked with Marcus when Marcus has his first crush on a classmate. But the good times didn't make up for the bad times. When Marcus was 17, he had a little sister, Daisy. He was scared, and angry that his little sister would grow up with Arthur, living under his thumb, and Marcus couldn't stand for it, so before Daisy's first birthday, he shipped off to join the military. While going through basic training, his abilities manifested, stopping a bullet in the middle of the air. Calls were made, and he was taken out of his training, and instead relocated to Canada, PRCU. Where he would finish his high school education, and go on to live for the next five years.

At 22, he was offered a spot in the H.I.T Program, one he rejected at first, instead wishing to serve his country, finishing his military training. He became a Marine, and for two years he was deployed to hotzones all over the world. Fighting dictators and terrorist forces alike. That is, until his unit was put in the Operation “Dawn Of Orion”. Officially, their mission was to confiscate blueprints for a new bio weapon from a terrorist cell in Sudan. Unofficially, it was a black ops to eliminate a threat the Marines had no business in dealing with. His squad was attacked by three Hyperhumans, Marcus used his abilities to fight two of them off, but was defeated and put in critical condition.

Half a year later, he had recovered from his injuries. He was honorably discharged with a purple heart for his bravery. Having for the first time truly seen what Hyperhumans out of control could do Marcus got in contact with Helpand joined H.I.T. But not before returning to Crescent City, and giving his father a piece of his mind.

He was the model agent of H.I.T for the entirety of his career. It all coming to a heed in 2016, when he was tasked with tracking down a Hyperhuman serial killer, who had already claimed 6 Victims, his M.O was the ice related wounds. He found Mr.Frost, as the deranged lunatic insisted he would be called. The two had a battle, where Marcus killed the Hyperhuman. Discovering 20 teens and children, all of which were missing – and the offspring of Hyperhumans, frozen to death. Having been powerless to stop their deaths, it finally got to him.

He quit his job at HIT and moved back to Crescent City, his mother had divorced his father, and gotten full custody of their child, his little Sister. He began numbing his pain in the comfort of unknown women and cheap booze. And that's about where he's stayed for the past year.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"All I want is some good tunes, a pretty girl and a cold drink. Not asking for the world here."
Marcus is running from his past. Well, trying to drown it, more accurately. He's full of self hate, loathing and doubt unable to know if he's made the right call in life. He's trying to forget his problems and occupies his time with cheap booze and expensive women.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"What goes up, always comes down. Unless I say so."
◼ Gravity Manipulation | Marcus is able to gather complete control over Gravity, one of the four fundamental forces of physics. He can add force to gravity, or subtract, allowing him to make you very heavy, or almost weightless. He's able to affect large areas, such as entire buildings. He can create new points of gravity, creating new gravitational pulls, albeit, he cannot remove ones he has not created. This allows him to pin foes, or things to walls by pushing them against it. By making threads of new gravity points, he's able to feign telekinesis, or flight, simply slingshotting himself through the air. But, most efficent is his ability to create null-gravity zones in a area around him, he can all but turn off gravity, giving himself artificial gravity to still move, but putting any opponent in total inertia, making them unable to generate friction.

◼ Martial Training | Marcus is trained in Martial Arts, Marksmanship and Vehicular Warfare by both the U.S Military and H.I.T, making him an excellent combatant, trained in a wide variety of martial arts.

◼ Free Running | You don't get to chase down rogue speedsters or super agile freaks without learning how to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Being able to control gravity, and therefor being able to control if you fall or not aids greatly in this effort..

◼ Detective Skills | He used to operate as a detective for H.I.T, as port of his workload as a Agent. His skills are on par with the best of Crescent City P.D, plus added knowledge about Hyperhumans.

◼ Drinking | Years of practice, he's become an excellent drinker, able to drink most under the table. With his years of bar diving during his days off, he's developed a kind of 'urban shamantism', able to connect with a bar and the people in it, quickly getting a read on them. This has lead to him becoming somewhat charming, both to further his own interests, and to get with the ladies. That, or the booze's talking.

◼ Powers | His gravity abilities are powerful, but due to their natural power to mess with physics, Marcus is constantly wired to play them down. To rely on his martial prowess, over his powers. As such, he never truly cuts loose, as if he did, things would go terrible and he'd very easily become the thing he's spent his adult life battling.

◼ Concentration | His powers require great amount of concentration, if he cannot muster that up, his powers will not amount to much. Emotional grief works as a substitute, leading to him keeping his feelings under lock and key, too.

◼ Physical Form | If he cannot see a bullet come – and stop it in the air. His body's just flesh and blood. No super soldier serum, no alien DNA, no healing factor. If you shoot him, he'll die, just like a regular human.

◼ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | Marcus has been suffering from PTSD ever since he was a child, the brutal beatings he took at the hands of his father laid the groundwork for the damage the trauma he would face later in life. His current mental health could by some shrinks be considered a psychotic episode, being mentally burnt out'.

◼ Alcoholism | He's an alcoholic, addicted to the sauce. He'll drink himself to death, sooner or later.

◼ Impulsive | Thinking before acting isn't Marcus's strong point anymore, he'll just do things.

◼ Self-Sacrificing | Not to say Marcus is suicidal, he's not. But he'd be okay with getting run over by a car.

▼ N O T E S:


Camille Cassidy |
Loving mother, recently divorced from Marcus father, Arthur, 50

Daisy Cassidy |
Baby Sister, 12


Lisa Smith |
On Again Off Again Girlfriend, 28.


Arthur Cassidy |
Estranged Father, 52

◼ Lonely Hearts Club | Pointe Bordeaux Marcus knows all the ins and outs of the Lonely Hears Club area, every bartender has poured him a drink ever stripper knows his name, and every bouncer has kicked him out.

◼ H.I.T Suit | A ballistic weaved, specially tailored suit capable of protecting against small caliber gunfire, knives. It's also fire resistant and puts the suits of the Feds to shame.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sisyphus
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A N N A B E L L E F I T Z G E R A L D 0 4 / 2 1 / 1 9 9 6 ( 2 1 ) F E M A L E H Y P E R H U M A N
"Never thought I’d grow up to be a messiah."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Expecting someone taller?"
◼ HEIGHT | 5’7”

◼ WEIGHT | 119 lbs.

◼ BUILD | Lean

◼ HAIR COLOR | Bright Red

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue

◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian

◼ SEXUALITY | Heterosexual


Annabelle is a pretty, slight girl with red hair and a smile that in times gone by was considered adorable. Her hair falls around her ears in a kind of deliberate messiness, and her skin is pale enough that you don’t need to know her last name to guess that her family’s Irish. These days her blue eyes bear heavy bags from lack of sleep, and she rarely if ever takes the time to put a smudge of makeup on. She’s generally seen wearing some combination of jacket, t-shirt and jeans or sweatpants, though she does have a fondness for sundresses when weather permits, and has been wearing the same ratty pair of converses for almost three weeks now.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Just a small town girl… well, you know the rest."
Annabelle was born and raised in Lowell, Oregon, a small city that most people couldn’t find on a map. Her mother was usually busy running the local hospital, so for the most part she was raised by her father, and enjoyed a the sleepy childhood of a middle-class kid in rural America. Come High School she was the star of the track team with grades to match, but for all she knew she was just another small-town teenager, like all the rest.

That changed one Saturday morning during her second year of High School, when the family dog managed to escape the house and got himself lost. After an hour or so of searching, she came upon him in the road, bleeding and whimpering, his back legs shattered by a car that had just kept on driving. Annabelle knew that her pet was dying, and did the only thing she could do – she held him close, and she wept.
Imagine her surprise, then, when the animal’s wounds began to knit closed the second her sobbing breath touched them. Within moments, he could walk again like nothing had happened, and she led him home in a daze. She told nobody about her discovery, not her friends or even her parents; anti-Hyperhuman sentiment was on the rise in her area, and so she did her best to hide her abilities even as she experimented with them in secret.

Her life went on as planned, and in 2014 she moved to Grimm University in Crescent City to study sociology and attempt to expand her horizons beyond the narrow confines of her hometown, though it had to be said that life in New Alexandria wasn’t really the thrill-a-minute adventure she’d been hoping for. Nevertheless, she flourished in her college days, and for two years it seemed too good to be true.

But crime was on the rise in the city, and not even the smallest fishing community was spared. One night walking back from the movie theater, Annabelle came upon a man lying in a pool of his own blood – he’d been mugged at knifepoint, and resisted to an admirable but perhaps unwise degree. Immediately Annabelle knelt and breathed him well again, and as the teary-eyed stranger poured out his gratitude, she was struck with a wave of guilt. She had the power to change people’s lives, to save them, to make real change, and her own fear had made her squander it. How many more could she have saved in the years since she found out what she was capable of?

Almost immediately and without a single call to any of her friends or family, Annabelle dropped out of school and disappeared. A few days later she marched into the Crescent City General Hospital and asked for a job, and after a few days of demonstrating her powers to various medical professionals and officials, she was officially hired as a ‘nurse’.

Annabelle remains on staff at the hospital to this day, healing those brought in with serious wounds and occasionally riding with the paramedics to the sight of more serious emergencies. Slowly, she’s taken root in city mythology as ‘The Mender’, the Hyperhuman they keep at the hospital who saved your friend’s cousin’s life that one time, though only a few of her close co-workers and superiors at the hospital know such details as her real name and what exactly she can do.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"You ever hear about something bad happening and know you could have stopped it? I do. All the time."
Annabelle is driven to use her powers for the benefit of others to the point of obsession. She’s consumed by the notion that all the death and suffering in the world only comes about because she wasn’t there to fix it, a mentality that is slowly turning her into a bit of a twitchy guilt-ridden wreck.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Take a deep breath."
◼ MENDING BREATH | The air Annabelle breathes out is infused with a strange temporal energy that recalls objects to their previous shapes – essentially, when she breathes on a damaged object, it rapidly begins repairing itself. Flesh knits back together, rust subsides, machines begin to function again. The effect works on organic and inorganic matter alike, speeding up the longer she breathes and dissipating over time when she stops.

◼ CARDIO | Annabelle ran track in high school and college and was quite good at it, so she’s able to run fast and for long distances without tiring.

◼ MARKSMANSHIP | Among more dubiously useful lessons as horse-riding, Annabelle’s father was insistent that she know how to use a gun should she be required to defend herself, and made her spend long hours at the local range practicing with a variety of pistols and rifles. She’s no sharpshooter by any means, but she can handle a firearm better than the average untrained civilian.

◼ RANGE | The energy in Anna’s breath dissipates quickly after it leaves her body, giving her an effective range of roughly seven inches in front of her face, though she can squeeze a few more inches out of that by breathing through a tube or something similar.

◼ IMPERFECT | Anna’s ability to mend is far from perfect. Her powers won’t expel foreign objects from whatever she’s healing, instead causing it to try to heal around them – so it won’t force a bullet or shrapnel out of the body, for example. Her ability to create new matter is also limited, meaning that she couldn’t cause a car to regrow its engine or a person to regrow a limb, though she could re-attach one if she had it available.

◼ THE RAVAGES | In addition, Anna can’t really undo damage inflicted by the passing of time in organic beings, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear to her. Though she can fix long-term wear and tear and oxidization in machinery, the aging of animals is completely beyond her ability to heal.

◼ SOFT | Annabelle is, physically speaking, just a person, who bleeds and is as vulnerable to injury as anyone else – particularly in areas of her body she can’t easily breathe onto, such as her back. She’s not terribly strong, either, and could be overpowered with fairly little effort.

◼ UNTRAINED | Her respectable shooting skills aside, Annabelle has absolutely no martial training whatsoever. Combined with her poor reflexes and mediocre physical strength, and it’s difficult to imagine her standing up to anyone with any modicum of talent or experience in a fight.

◼ MESSIAH | Annabelle has a savior complex about a mile wide, and it’s taking a real toll on her mental health. She holds herself responsible for pretty much anything that goes wrong in the world and obsesses over her work at the hospital and outside it, often neglecting to take care of herself in favor of seeing more patients or scouring the streets in search of people that need her help.

▼ N O T E S:

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

◼ Crescent City General Hospital| Annabelle spends almost all her time here, healing patients obsessively and occasionally helping to fix worn-out medical equipment.

◼ New Lilith Apartment| She technically lives alone in a modest apartment in New Lilith, paid for by the hospital, though she spends less and less time there as the days go by.

◼ Backpack | Annabelle keeps a backpack on her at all times containing her computer, charger, a change of clothes and a few toiletries, in case she’s called to spend the night at the hospital (which happens a lot).
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago


L I S A M A R I E W A L K E R 03/02/1997 (20) F E M A L E H Y P E R H U M A N
"You hit like a girl."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Surprised? I Guess I'm just tougher than I look."

◼ HEIGHT | 5'2"

◼ WEIGHT | 106 pounds

◼ BUILD | Curvaceous yet athletic

◼ HAIR COLOR | Dark brown to auburn

◼ EYE COLOR | Summer blue

◼ OTHER | N/A at the moment

Lisa is of slightly under average height for a girl, standing just above five foot. Though neither particularly skinny or bulky, her body is well proportioned, almost curvaceous. Long limbed and graceful, she could have made quite an accomplished dancer. Her skin is pale perfection in that it is unmarked by either scar or ink, though it is quite common to sunburn, even in weak sun. Though not heavy in muscle she is toned, due to a fondness for yoga and calisthenic exercise coupled with regular cardio workouts.

The term 'Girl Next Door' jumps to mind when asked to describe Lisa. Her features are warm and open, her summer-blue eyes concealing nothing but a honest friendliness uncommon in today's cynical world. Her smile, albeit slightly crooked, is her most disarming feature. Many an icy heart has been melted when graced by it. Her dad, Red Walker, will tell it often and loud that she is the most beautiful girl in the world, and in the moments, that she smiles it's easy to take his father's pride for the gospel truth.

Lisa, like most women her age, doesn't restrict herself to one style of outfit. Depending on the time of year, weather, and her own mood, her clothing can vary considerably, though she prefers to keep it relatively conservative when it comes to showing skin. She has a liking for bright, summery colours.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Do you think I should scowl more often? I feel like I don’t scowl enough to be a proper vigilante."

Lisa was born to Redford 'Red' Walker and Michelle Lynn, on-again/off-again high school sweet hearts. Red was a marine who sent every paycheque home, while Michelle passed her days working as a cashier in a local supermarket. While Lisa wasn't planned both her parents resolved to make the best of their unexpected 'miracle'.

Things took a turn when Lisa was born prematurely. Thankfully both mother and child survived the experience, though Lisa's health was never great after that. She was left with a host of medical complaints including lowered immune systems and decreased motor functions. From then on she was plagued by illness, the family quickly accruing a mountain of hospital bills that there was no feasible way they could pay in their current situation. Red was approached by a shadowy organisation who claimed they could make all his problems go away if he worked for them. He took them up on their offer, leaving the marines to become a freelance mercenary working for the Constantine's Guard. (Red is a hype, but both he and the Guard were unaware of that fact at the time.)

Red's new job seen him perform several despicable acts, all so he could raise the money to help his family. Ironically the deeds he committed and hid from them made him think himself unworthy of his wife and daughter, and he grew more and more distant from them. Michelle eventually found solace from her husband's supposed indifference in the arms of another man, Colton Fitch. Fitch was the shy and reclusive millionaire owner of a family winery located near Mount Nysa. He and Michelle had 'met' in an internet chat site, and developed their relationship from there. Eventually Michelle separated from Red and moved to live with Colton, taking Lisa with her. Lisa was just old enough to understand what was happening, but both parents resolved to raise her right, despite their personal differences.

Lisa's hypegene activated during puberty, and with it's arrival her illnesses disappeared almost overnight. Doctors hired by Colton were stumped to just how this miraculous recovery had occurred, but eventually the family decided to accept it as a blessing. The years following were the best of Lisa’s life so far. She began to live, instead of just sitting on the side-lines, getting to join her friends on whatever adventures the day may be bringing them, rather than being kept safe in the family home. However she always wondered if she wasn’t supposed to be doing something more profound with her second chance, something more meaningful Surely one didn’t just bounce back from her level infirmity so they could spend the rest of their life shopping and late night partying.

Eventually Lisa desired a degree of independence from her family. After months of begging and bartering her parents agreed to allow her to move out and get a place of her own while she attends art school. It was shortly after moving in that, no longer insulated by her step father’s wealth, she began to realize that not everybody had life as easily as she had. Crime, while not rampant, certainly held sway in the city, the criminals bolstered by the apparent fall of the Mavericks. Matters only got worse after the storm of the century hit, making Crescent a worse place to live than ever. Realizing that with her powers she is perfectly suited to taking the fight directly to those who consider themselves untouchable. She decides to follow the example set by IllAdvised and his ilk by punishing the wicked, and more importantly helping the innocent. After all, she knows what it feels like to be helpless.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"I know what it feels like to be helpless. Good people shouldn't have to go through that."
Lisa spent much of her formative years in and out of hospitals, being told by her parents what she could and couldn't do, always being warned against what might be to dangerous for 'someone like her'. Helplessness isn't fun for anyone, especially not when you're reminded of just how helpless you are on a daily basis by the people you love most. She learnt to live vicariously through fantasy stories and comic books, but they always played a distant second place to the dreams of getting to have her own adventures. The day her Hype gene kicked in, and she shook of the frailty of her youth, was quite literally a new lease of life for Lisa. She has a desire to do all that living that she's been missing out on for so long, and will throw herself into danger with an almost reckless abandon. More than that though, is her belief that no one should have to suffer the same feelings of helplessness that she once did. To that end she has decided to emulate her heroes, The Mavericks, and use her gifts for the good of all through vigilantism.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Let's bring the pain!"
◼ PAIN RESPONSIVE-BIOKINESIS/ODYNOKINESIS | Lisa's body has the ability to convert physical pain into theoretically limitless super-strength, speed, durability and regeneration. (I know it sounds like a game breaking concept, but let me try to explain myself!)

Lisa's resting rate, the level of strength she has before suffering any pain, is no more than the average for a girl of her size and weight who regularly engages in physical exercise. After that her powers will increase relative to the trauma she suffers. For example if she accidentally stubs her toe then the gain would only be slight, however if she was to be punched in the face by a champion heavyweight boxer then her gain would be greater. This doesn't mean she does the most painful things to get stronger faster though, as at her resting rate he is no more durable than anyone else. If she was to be hit by a tank shell at resting then she would be blown apart just like anyone else. However, theoretically she could build her powers up to be able to withstand a tank shell.

Her strength, speed and durability is fuelled by the energy her body builds while receiving pain. This means that although she gets more powerful, her time with that power is finite, having only until she has burned through her stored energy before returning to his resting rate. The harder she hits, the faster she moves, the more punches she takes, this all uses precious energy.

A downside to her increase in durability is that eventually things that powered her before will stop hurting, failing to give her any more power. To go back to the previous example, if the boxer was to punch her once then her increase would be great. The second time the boxer punches her then the increase wouldn't be as great, as Lisa’s durability would have increase, negating the boxer's ability to hurt her. If the boxer continued to hit her eventually his strikes would have no effect whatsoever, except to hurt the boxers fist. This means if Lisa wants to build herself to zenith level power then she must constantly find more threatening foes.

Lisa’s resting rate regeneration is actually higher than normal -Surface cuts and the like will heal over in the space of seconds- it has similar setbacks to her durability. Although having the ability to heal is useful to someone who routinely goes out of his way to get hurt it also means that the harder his body is working to offset the pain he's receiving then the less return he's seeing for it.

Lisa’s pain tolerance is astronomically high, likely a secondary effect of his powers. Even at her resting she can take hits that would knock full grown men out and still keep on keeping on. However, she can still be 'overloaded' and knocked out. Too much trauma and her nervous system will shut its self down, a defense measure that even her superhuman body can't resist.

◼ THE ARTIST | Lisa has a sharp mind, one especially adept at reflexive thinking, she is able to take small pieces of information and develop a plan with them in incredibly short spaces of time, even when presented with new and unknown circumstances. As an artist Lisa has a vivid imagination, one that lends itself to creating out of the box ideas.

Her open and friendly allows her to work well in a team atmosphere. She's not going to be running off half-cocked on any lone wolf quests anytime soon. Not only that, but she'll be there to encourage her team-mates to rely upon each other as well.

She has a pretty fantastic mind for details, especially the small ones. Small, apparently inconsequential things most people would dismiss, she remembers with ease.
A talented artist.

◼ SUCH A SWEET KID | Lisa's prime limitation is a complete lack of any previous combat experience. She never even got into a schoolyard tussle. Powers or no, that's a major setback.

Her parents are extremely protective of her. It was an uphill battle for Lisa to get them to let her to move out to The Sound for college, so she can only imagine the fit they would collectively throw if they found out about her extra-curricular activities. A lot of time and effort is put into hiding her double life from everyone in her civilian one.

Lisa is an idealist and an optimist, and she always tries to see the best in people. She doesn't just give second chances, but third, fourth and fifth ones too. While not necessarily a bad thing it does mean she runs the risk of trusting people she shouldn't. Perhaps not the best trait for someone in her situation.

While she is accepting of other's flaws, concerning her own efforts Lisa is a perfectionist, expecting the best from herself and her own work. Lisa is able to push herself to further heights and grow as a person. However, it can lead to her throwing herself head first at problems that she may not be equipped to handle, determined to both push and prove herself.

◼ GETTING HURT HURTS | The obvious weakness of Lisa's powers is that she has to get hurt for them to work. Despite having an abnormally high pain tolerance Lisa is just like everybody else in that she hates getting hurt. She’d much rather finish a fight with as little damage to herself as possible.

She must be careful not to be overconfident in her strength or durability levels. Taking a bullet to the head when she is at 'resting' rate will kill her as surely as it would anyone else.

A downside to her increase in durability is that eventually things that powered her before will stop hurting, failing to give her any more power. To go back to the previous example, if the boxer was to punch her once then her increase would be great. The second time the boxer punches her then the increase wouldn't be as great, as Lisa’s durability would have increased, negating the boxer's ability to hurt her. If the boxer continued to hit her eventually his strikes would have no effect whatsoever, except to hurt the boxers fist. This means if Lisa wants to build herself to zenith level power then she has to constantly find more threatening foes.

Although having the ability to heal is useful to someone who routinely goes out of her way to get hurt it also means that the harder her body is working to offset the pain she's receiving then the less return she's seeing for it.

Lisa’s power is only activated by physical pain, so spiritual, mental or emotional pain will NOT give her any increase.

Her nervous system can be overloaded much like anyone else’s. Electrical attacks will lock her muscles, intense burns will knock her out, gases and poisons at resting rate will have near full effect. (Her healing factor will help her deal with the toxins more effectively)

▼ N O T E S:

"If daddy finds out what I'm doing, he's going to kill me!"

Redford 'Red' Walker | Lisa's father. Massive Elvis fan, and more than a touch over-protective. A Hype himself, though one that has made a career of hunting down his own kind for the Constantine's Guard.


Veronica 'Vronnie' Symonds | The first friend Lisa made at art school. They room together at Conquistador University.

Michelle Fitch | Lisa's mother.

Colton Fitch | Lisa's step-father. Owns a family winery.

N/A for now |

◼ TBD | Test

◼ WEAPONS | She carries a stun gun and pepper spray on her, useful for those times that she isn't at higher level strength. Mostly she ignores melee weapons as even things like the hurt caused to her knuckles by punching someone can give her some sort of gain at lower levels of durability, and when she is at higher levels were knuckle strain is no longer an issue the weapons are no longer necessary.

◼ ATTIRE | At the moment she just wears black combat trousers, boots and gloves, along with a dark hoody. Over the hoody she dons a ballistics vest she purchased using money she had 'borrowed' from her step-father. She uses a dark face buff and the hood to conceal her identity. All this is just for the moment though, as she has big ideas of how she would like her alter-ego to eventually look while on patrol, once she manages to assemble the funds necessary.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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P R I Y A K H U R A N A J U L Y 1 2 , 1 9 9 5 (2 5) F E M A L E H Y P E R H U M A N

"I will not back down. Not now. Not ever "

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Even a beautiful rose has its thorns."
◼ HEIGHT | 5 feet, 7 inches

◼ WEIGHT | 122 pounds

◼ BUILD | Slender with curves. Light, muscular build

◼ HAIR COLOR | Black

◼ EYE COLOR | Brown

◼ OTHER | Has her nose pierced on the left side. Occasionally wears her Bindu, especially when her mother is around. Has a tattoo with her sister's name on her right wrist.

Priya is an Indian young woman with light, tan skin, brown eyes, and long, black hair. She is physically fit, with a slender frame, generous hips, and double C cup breasts. She has her nose pierced on her left side, usually with a small, silver hoop, but occasionlly wears a small nose stud. She has her sister's name "Prisha" on her right wrist.

Priya has two sets of style. One is her work attire and the other is her out of work attire. On the job, she is fond of wearing blazers, dress shirts, blouses, slacks, dress pants, or long skirts. She will usually wear comfortable boots or flats along with it. Out of work attire, she is usually in a tank top and sweatpants when around her home. Otherwise, she wears dresses, flowy shirts, and shorter skirts. She also will wear high heels if she is out to impress, otherwise she sticks to flats or boots. She is fond of darker colors like blue and purple. She wears make-up in shades of pink or blue, typically. She gets her nails done as well, but rarely paints them.

She embraces her Indian heritage, but doesn't embrace it as much as her mother. She has a Bindu she will wear only if she is going to see her mother. She owns a few colorful Sari that she wears to family gatherings or parties.Priya holds herself well. She is confident and capable and usually broadcasts such in how she walks and carries herself.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"What's life without your past? It's like the first few chapters of the book."

Priya was born 3 seconds after her twin sister, a fact Prisha held over her head whenever she could. Despite this, the two girls couln't be closer. Their parents, mother Riya and father Varun, moved to Crescent City after immigrating to America when they were younger. Their father is a successful doctor and their mother deals with charities maintained an indian home, raising their girls with their beliefs and traditions. It was hard as there were not many other Indians living in Crescent City, but they wanted the best for their girls. Their mother, being the traditian sort, raised her girls with the belief they would get married and have many children of their own. Their father, unbeknownst to their mother, shared his wish that his girls would pursue their own dreams. He doted on his girls, much to their mother's chargein.

It was the year the two girls were 12. A serial killer known only as "The Adopter" had been targeting the city, abducting one twin and, after two weeks, killing them and dumping their body. The police struggled to catch the killer and disaster struck when the two girls were on their way home from school. The killer abducted Prisha leaving Priya alone on the street. A manhunt was formed to catch him before he killed her. Priya tried to remain strong for her mother, who was a wreck, but she couldn't help herself. Her school work suffered, she holed up in her room, and she rarely talked. The police called for outside help to track the man down. The investigation fell though and, after two weeks time, Prisha's body was found.

It's unknown what happened to The Abductor, but he was never found. The investigation was put back and never picked up again. Prisha was his last kill. For years, Priya struggled with guilt and sadness. Life had to move on. In that time, Priya had to take care and be there for her younger brother. However, Priya took her father's words to heart and pushed herself in her studies. When she turned 18 she applied straight away to the police force. She went through the training and the orientation and passed. She worked hard, took classes on the side and studied, eventually raising through the ranks over the years. Finally, she achieved part of her goal and became a detective, specifically working Cold Cases.

Priya didn't find out about her powers until she was working the beat one night. During an investigation, she was taken by surprise and forced into a tub inside. The perpetrator was holding her under water, while she struggled, her powers acted and she grew the ability to breathe underwater. She pretened to be dead and too the perp by surprise. Afterwards, she checked herself to see if she could breathe underwater, only to find out the ability passed. Since then, she has experiemented a bit, determining what causes this. She heard of hyperhumans before. It was hard not to, but she never imagined she would be one.

Priya continues to work the cold cases, bringing much needed closure. She still persues The Adopter case when she can, if only to satisfy her own needs, but especially to bring justice to her sister, who died too young.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Life moves on. It has to. If it doesn't, then nothing is worth it."
Saying that Priya is married to her job is an understatement. She is dedicated to her job and closing cases that others haven't been able to. Digging out the truth is a huge motivator, especially since the death of her twin sister. To this day, she hopes she will catch the person responsible for her death and that is why she has become a police officer and why she chose to dedicate her time to the cold cases: to give closure to those that need it. Priya puts others before herself and overworks herself trying to make sure others are happy. She would willingly give up her life if it meant her sister would come back. She wants to become a batter police officer, a better woman, a better Indian, and a better daughter and the pressure gets to her occasionally.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Think you can do better than me? I urge you to try."
◼ Reactive Adaptation: | Priya has the ability to grow and develop powers to react to different situations. These powers are only temporary and last for various amounts of time, usually for no more than an hour. For example, if Priya were to be drowned, she would adapt and grow the ability to breathe underwater. If she were shot, she could grow tougher skin or rapid healing. She doesn't have control over which powers she gets and she has to adapt to using them.

◼ Firearms | Due to her police training, Priya has been trained with firearms. Most notably, the standard handgun, which she carries while on the job and off. She has also practiced with rifles, shotguns, and crossbows. She prefers her handgun, though.

◼ Hand-To-Hand Combat | Priya has been taught the art of hand-to-hand combat due to her police training. She is a capable fighter and can disarm her opponents and incapacitate them with her own hands. She may not look it, but she is strong, especially her legs.

◼ Persuasive | Priya is able to persuade others to give her information and get what she wants out of them with ease. This is especially useful on investigations when those people may not want to talk or do not trust the police. This is due partially to her good looks, but her manners and comforting voice aid as well.

◼ Uncontrollable | Priya has no control over her powers. While they may be helpful, she can't dictate when they appear and what they appear as. For all she knows, she could wind up with large bone claws out of her hands or grow fur. Depending on what happens, it can drain her energy and make her tired.

◼ Danger Sense | Priya's power can only happen when she is in danger. Priya has to be aware of the danger in order for it to happen. A gun fight, being attacked, or a car accident are good examples. If she were taken by surprise, her powers would not activate unless she was aware and concious afterwards. If she were knocked unconcious, she wouldn't be able to do anything.

◼ Controllable | Due to the nature of Priya's power, she is more susceptible to being controlled. If someone were able to control the various powers she could posess, or just control powers in general, they could potentially use her against her will.

◼ Work Oriented | Priya lives for her job. This often takes its toll on her with long hours, lack of sleep, or missing out on being with friends and family. While she tries to make time to have a life outside of the office, it is especially hard for her because she is devoted to her cause.

◼ Testy | Priya has heard it all before. Whether it's due to her gender, her race, her looks, or any variation thereof, she has been on the end of many insults and judgement. She gets annoyed and angry easily due to it. She seeks that much more to prove she is more than what she may appear to be, but usually the person or persons can't escape her wrath.

◼ Survivor's Guilt | The serial killer that targeted her and her sister could have easily picked her as his target. Instead, he took Prisha. Since then and especially after her sister's death, Priya has felt tremendous guilt over being the one to survive. Not a day goes past that she doesn't think "it should have been me."

▼ N O T E S:

Riya Khurana | Priya's mother. Avidly tries to get her daughter to leave the police force in search of something else. Wants her daughter to find a nice boy to marry and, yes, does try to set her up. However, she opposes forced marriage and doesn't force her daughter into that. Despite it all, she loves Priya dearly and just wants her to be happy.

Varun Khurana | Priya's father. Dotes on his children. He is a successful doctor. He wants his children to grow up happy and well off. He worries about his daughter's safety, but is happy she is doing something she is passionate about.

Arjun Khurana | Priya's younger brother. Kind of a trouble maker. Currently going to college for his degree in psychology. He looks up to his sister, but gets annoyed by her overprotectiveness.

Cassidy Ritter | Priya's roommate and best friend. Currently a para-legal at a law firm. She likes going out and enjoying life and urges her friend to do the same. She is usually the reason Priya is ever outside doing something.

The Adopter | Still an unknown person. He is still alive somewhere. She is sure of it. He is going about his daily life like nothing happened. Priya has devoted her spare time to finding out who he is and finally catching him and making him pay. Not just for her sister, but for the other families that lost children.

◼ Apartment in the Tower District | Priya shares an apartment with her roommate and best friend. It's close to her family and doesn't take much effort to get to work from. Plus she enjoys the city and the nightlife, which brings its own unique excitement.

◼ Crescent City Police Department | Her "home away from home" as it were, Priya spends a lot of time here, dealing with work. While she does have the freedom to leave and pursue investigations, she does a lot of work inside in her office or in the File Room dealing and reading the cold cases.

◼ Prisha's Grave | As morbid as it may be, Priya visits her sister's grave as often as she can. The graveyard itself is beautiful and she can sit and think when she comes. She also talks to her sister here, which helps her vent and cool down if she's angry, pull herself together if scard, or make her feel better if she's sad. It's cheaper than therapy.

◼ Smith and Wesson Handgun | She usually never leaves home without it Having been trained to use it, she carries it with her on investigations and on the job. She has a permit to carry it outside and has on occasion. Typically, if her mother is around, neither is her gun.

◼ Detective's Badge | Say what you want about the police, but when Priya sees her own badge, she can't help but smile. She worked hard to attain it and many others thought she couldn't cut it. There are very few women among the ranks of the police department and she is proud to represent them.

◼ Prisha's Cold Case File | Priya keeps her sister's cold case file with her at home. She checks it occasionally. If a new lead turns up, she takes it with her to work. Otherwise, it usually sits in her desk for when she needs it. It also has a picture of Prisha when she was 12 years old.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 1 day ago



"Your race are a collective of interesting creatures, Human."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I'm so glad that you approve of us Al."
◼ HEIGHT | 6 ft 5 in

◼ WEIGHT | 210 lb

◼ BUILD | Lean and muscular

◼ EYE COLOR | Light Green

◼ OTHER | Tribal sand-coloured markings adorn their body, travelling up from their heels, intertwining through the legs and the torso before ending at their forehead. They also have two golden earrings and a silver piercing on their lip. However, this is covered by their ghutrah (غُترَة), a white cloth of cotton mild. In fact, their whole body is covered traditional Arabic cloth that masks their alien features, even gloves covering their hand. All except the eyes.

Tariq is a "man" of two species, melded and intertwined to create one new specimen. They way they speak, their mannerisms and their way of thinking is both similar and different to what most humans are used to. They walk unnaturally half of the time, a sort of limp to their stride that ruins the confidence and bravado they give off. They present themselves with a tall, straight posture unlike most tall people. They do not bend down and to any passerby, they could be seen as arrogant from afar. However, the nervous drumming of their fingers is always present and they would be seen frequently trying to stop a shaking left knee. Glitches in the otherwise perfect bond they had formed together.

The Alien represents them in physical form, standing at a muscular 6"5 with a rough edge to his look. Humanoid in shape with five fingers, two arms and two feet, under layers of clothing there is no distinguishing him from any normal person walking around. Of course, underneath these layers is anything but human. He was previously of a sand people, a warrior culture and so he has the build that best represents this. Bulging muscles hide behind clothing and wrapping. The white bandages that cover him warms his skin while also making it smoother to the touch when someone touches him while he is clothed. This is because his outer layers of skin are like sandpaper to touch, harsh and coarse with small spikes protruding where humans have joints. He has softer tissue under this hard, carapace-like outer skin and every two years or so, he needs to shed this natural armour that the Human likens to an insect shedding old skin. This is to let the inner tissue beneath the natural armour breathe and during this time, he would look like a skinned human and would be as sensitive as one. This results in him needing time indoors, away from the elements for at least 48 hours in an unconscious state.

Alien's natural birthmarks are like art, telling the story of his long lost family. They are four, large sandy stripes that come in pairs on his two feet. They split and come apart as they run up his body, intertwining and connecting into dozens of different pathways. It forms a flower like pattern over his torso but they all connect once more in a simple pattern on his face. These birthmarks tell a story of his ancestry, woven through years and years in a modified gene-sac. They do not change between the shedding of his skins and they never disappear. Whether this was natural for his species or he was genetically modified to be like this, it is unknown.

A product of the melding, Alien has Human's light emerald eyes. They shine quite obviously in stark contrast to the dark skin. Alien's face is adorned with three piercings, two golden earrings on his right ear and one silver piece on his bottom lip. The rough skin of his outer body carapace doesn't reach his sensitive face, his skin as smooth as a baby's bottom. Under Human's influence, a wry smirk is always present and their mannerisms become much cheerier, giving off an aura of friendliness and love. However, under Alien's influence, their movements become predatory. Face still like stone, eyes seemingly arrogant and judging, hands held ready in case of danger. To most, this is a clear sign of mental illness and so it is Human who is present during most days.

Tariq, in reference to both the Human and the Alien, wears minimalist clothing that is easy to move in but is still stylish. This is mostly due to Human's insistence in keeping up to fashion, something Alien is still trying to wrap his head around. They wear manoeuvrable and expensive sports/fitness gear as casual wear. Left with a small fortune his father gave him, Human immediately hit Los Paraiso's shopping malls and ordered clothing from different online stores. Their current attire (with thick wrapping underneath) consists of expensive Nike running shoes, semi-skintight mini drop-crotch sweatpants, form-fitting long-sleeved Nike shirt and a comfortable hooded jacket with a soft ghutrah to top it all off. Their hands are adorned with slim black gloves to cover Alien's unnatural skin.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"I hope that you know that I find that nickname.. disturbing, Human."
There are two sides to Duos, the Human and the Alien. The Human, who now shares his original name of Tariq ibn Hakeem Al-Bariqi, was born privileged and rich in the deserts of Saudi Arabia. His father, once an oil prince drowning in liquid gold, had realised the sudden surge in technology that would come with the aftermath of the Cold War and the finding of Hyperhuman mutants. Such a thing would scare people, frightening them into advancing technology and he was not foolish to think that they would use Arabic oil to fuel such tech. Instead, he had invested his money into the nuclear fusion industry, against the warnings of his fellow oil barons and friends.

When the value of oil dropped like a stone and the fusion industry skyrocketed, the Al-Bariqi family did not fall like the others. They did not fall into bankruptcy or out of grace, they kept their riches and wealth. His father thrived where most failed and started his own nuclear fusion plant in Saudi Arabia, funded and payed by the government to ensure that the country would be able to keep up with the the West. This was the world that the Human was born into, a family of the top 1% in the world. His parents, Hakeem and Alya, were kind-hearted if a little too dedicated to their work to construct a healthy family. His brother Ali took care of him during his early years, a well-educated high school student who had tutors at home. While their maids and butlers did most of the chores, it was his brother that sung him songs at night to make him sleep, it was him who ordered bed-in-breakfast for him almost everyday.

The Human had come to respect and revere his brother. He was everything to the young one and tried everything to impress him, only being successful in creating amusement. But when Ali had to leave for medical school when the Human was only sixteen, the young boy was left alone once more. With little to no parental figures in his life and the maids and butlers being cycled through mansions every month or so, it was difficult for him to have anyone to connect with. It was through this loneliness that he had discovered his love for hip hop culture and the rich, cash-spending culture that came with it. His parents were okay with him spending their money to get anything he wanted, as long as he was happy they didn't care. Luxury cars, new phones everyday, high-tech gaming, joyrides in the streets, even helicopter rides around the desert. It was a grandeur lifestyle of epic proportions but it never truly spoiled his personality.

The values the Human had been first taught by his brother still stood. A portion of the "pocket money" he got from his parents was given to charity and he made sure not to show off his wealth too much. However, he was still a teen and a rich one at that. He still had an Instagram, posting a few photos of him and his luxurious lifestyle. Some people see him as an arrogant, spoiled rich boy and he was anything but that, however it is not wrong that he is more well off than most people. One day, Lady Luck and the general shit you got in life all fell on him one day, in the form of a helicopter crash. He had been taking his helicopter for a ride in the night, haven taken lessons in how to pilot one. It was a cold night in the Saudi Arabian sand dunes, his helicopter being the only man-made object for miles. His parents never approved of him going alone but he had hit that rebellious streak that every teenager possessed and so he flew anyways.

It was a glint in the night sky, barely perceptible to the human eye. Built from unknown metals and detected as mere debris by any satellite or radar, a small pod careening through space. Coming in slow enough to prevent burning up when it pierced our atmosphere, it seemed as though that it's course was calculated and exact. Whether the resulting crash was a glitch in the system or not is something Tariq has yet to solve. It all happened in a flash, one moment the Human was flying a helicopter costing to the millions of dollars and the next moment, he was lying unconscious, bleeding in the desert sand as his pieces of his helicopter tumbled down the dunes. He had barely even registered the pod crash before he entered into a coma, one that would last the next several days.

When he awoke, he would find himself in a small clinic in the middle of the desert. In a village of around 150 people, it was here that he would awake. Bandaged and dressed in a smooth silk, the Human opened his eyes to a doctor. He had been taken here by a mysterious man, very tall and very wide, dressed in black with a ghutrah on on his head. He had dragged him to this very clinic, and he was informed that the man was waiting outside. Bewildered, suffering from shock and trauma, the Human decided stupidly to walk out of the clinic against the warnings of the village doctor. There, the man waited for him and then, they melded. It was quick and efficient but the results were anything but. The next couple of months were a blur, memories flooded a shared mind, thoughts were confused as to who was in control. Was this a dream? Is this all real? A flood of both nothing and everything entered into their mind, events occurring without their full consent. They didn't mean to leave the house with only a note, they were directed to.

They didn't mean to gather money by selling the Human's property, they were directed to. They didn't want to become the Vigilante of Arabia, they didn't want to leave their home to fight crime. They didn't want to live together, they wanted to be separate from each other. Two individuals cannot be in one body, it merely resulted in a storm of chaos, two people going in and out of unconsciousness rapidly. It was at this point that their thoughts were mostly controlled by the being called the Human, the first couple of months in where the body was in prime directive mode. It was controlled by Alien's instincts but the Human had control over the mind. As he rose to consciousness once again, the Human and the Alien first had their first conversation within their own mind.

Neither remember what took place in those few months, nor their first dozen conversations. Their combined brain was working on overload, trying to sort every memory to create two individuals, two personalities. It was stressed, following the prime directive of it's genetic coding to create two lifeforms within itself while also commanding the body to do what the directive told it to do. It was during this tumultuous and chaotic period that Alien, who the Human had taken to call Al, introduced itself in their shared consciousness. He was a warrior, born from a genetically engineered cloning sac on his home planet. It was a harsh place, sandstorms and deserts as far as the eye could see. Things like an oasis were rare and closely guarded by a tribe.

They were a dying race, doomed to be drowned underneath the desert sands, their planet too harsh to support life any longer. The sandstorms had worsened over time and many of them saw the beginning of the end. Alien was taken from his home by visitors at a young age, kidnapped and put into a strange spacecraft. They coded with his DNA, collecting data samples and genetically engineering the young xeno. His race was of great interest to these strange celestial beings, as they melded. The Meld is a process in which you combine personalities with another warrior out of respect, resulting in one body with a split personality. A combined might, intelligence and will of two individuals. After what felt like years of experimentation and genetically engineering, the young Alien was stuck into a pod and set with an oath to the Celestials.

To continue the legacy of his honour-bound people beyond the stars, to meld with a specimen of a different race and to cement himself as a warrior without peer. Given the knowledge of centuries of warriors across his species, his oath binder him to prove himself by solving injustice within the galaxy. His first planet was Earth, and this was how Duos began. When the Human and Alien finally settled, their body ready and minds prepared, they began small, building on the actions that their body had done without them. Tariq, in their black robes and shining green eyes, armed with the latest advances in modern technology, a vast wealth and out-of-this-world reflexes, became a star in Saudi Arabia. A peacekeeper, a lawbringer in a country which was brought to ruin in the fall of the oil market. They moved out eventually, moving to new places to fight crime and bring the law, some of their actions being questioned by those who didn't understand. Their next destination? New Lilith.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Get used to it Al, I got used to the fact that 'Tariq' refers to both of us."
The prime directive. The reason the Alien had been sent here in the first place. To fight injustice, crime and prejudice in a different world, to prove himself amongst another species as a warrior without peer. To continue the legacy of his long lost people, to show that his species would not go quietly thin the night. This powerful force in their minded, genetically coded into their combined personalities, this is what drives them to move forward. To fight criminals and save the innocent. This is what they call the Greater Good, a mental drive within them to do the right thing for the majority. Whether this meant killing a criminal for repeating their crimes or sacrificing one person for the lives of two, it does not matter for they will act with cold logic. This has brought into question whether their actions are justified, whether their value of "no mercy" was immoral or not. This does not stop their almost cult-like following on the Internet, many agreeing in the way they do things. For the Greater Good.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"You shall learn soon Human."
◼ Heightened Senses and Reflexes | The average specimen from Alien's race possesses better senses than the average human. Tariq has very good eyesight, focusing on objects much faster than a human, they can track using smell, hear through soundproof walls and can even taste more and get more out of a meal. They have also been genetically engineered to have very fast and reactive reflexes, their minds when fully tuned to their body, can command it quickly to do their bidding. Take into consideration their athletic body, higher-than-average strength and speed, they are essentially a step above the base Homo Sapien in a physical sense.

◼ CQC Specialisation | With the memories of Alien's planet, culture and people contained within them, Tariq has mastery over dozens of empty hand and armed martial arts developed over hundreds of years of war. They prefer to incapacitate the opponent through brutalisation, using underhanded tactics and the environment to their advantage. Opponents often end up in hospital with injuries ranging from broken arms to a paralysed spine.
◼ Riches beyond imagination | Apparently, by selling the dozens of cars, a yacht, a mansion and several other luxuries the Human had bought, it would gather a lot of money. When Tariq sold all the things the Human had bought, they could not have imagined the large amount of money that now resided in several international and multi-national bank accounts. With more money than they know what to do with, they spend on weapons, ammunition and high-tech equipment. Sometimes, even shopping sprees that Alien definitely does not approve of but something Human does frequently.
◼ Prince Charming and his loveable Alien sidekick | Two personalities equals double the person! They have the intelligence and will of two people, two opinions from two different perspectives to judge on a situation. Through this, they make more informed observations and more intelligent answers to hard questions. The Human also has quite the charming personality and was known before the melding as a womaniser. This image has been slightly ruined by the fact that he now appears as intimidating to most people but he still has the words of a charmer. He is the talker while the Alien is the warrior, that is how they have functioned for the last two years.

◼ Two Clashing Personalities | Tariq is still made up of two different entities. This can lead to unfortunate disagreements within their body even with the uniting force of the prime directive. These arguments can occur during totally normal and human situations that Alien does not comprehend, or during high-risk hostage situations where they argue the most viable objective. These clashes result in a delayed reaction time, which can spell the end of a mission and thus it's failure. As the two have become closer, disagreements become rarer but they still happen, usually with very strong points on both sides.
◼ A Glitch in Genetics | The very directive that pushes and motivates Tariq to move forward can be their very end. To be warrior without peer is an insurmountable task that is already chipping at the resolve of both the Human and the Alien. Unknown to them, the Greater Good that they speak of is a mere mind controlling tool, to keep them on the leash. They have become slaves to their own ideology and thinking, some of their thoughts are foreign and intrusive. The directive also leads them to do things that others would frown upon, sometimes even motivating them to do something illogical or overly brutal. The directive is a force of powerful suggestions, almost willing and controlling the two personalities to do it's bidding.
◼ A Slow Switch | To switch control between the Human and the Alien, it takes one to two hours. During this time, they are absolutely vulnerable to outside influences and the elements which is why they spend theis time inside. However, this is a weakness that can be easily exploited and because of how long the switch takes, Tariq can be stuck in a sticky situation where the wrong personality is in control. For example, Alien would be very useful if they were trying to fight a group of criminals in the streets but would become useless in convincing a criminal to drop their weapon. The slowness of the switch restricts their capabilities as the other can advise a personality to do something but they are not tuned to do it naturally..

◼ Fuck Water | Water is neither personality's friend. Tariq's heavy and rough skin makes him sink in water and with neither the Human nor the Alien knowing how to swim, it is likely that they will one day die because of drowning. Rain or any sort of water splashing unto them can also be harmful as certain properties within water makes them weaker with slower reflexes and normalised senses. Water basically turns them into a normal human being except with an alien biology and appearance. This is why they try and use very waterproof clothing when going outside to avoid being severely weakened. However, the act of drinking water does not affect them nor do droplets of water.
◼ Not That Special | Heightened reflexes and senses are not necessarily "special". There are dozens of hyper humans and other celestials that have better powers than Tariq. They try and overcome this using wit and intelligence combined with superior strength and the use of technology however this comes as a limit. They can only go so far with money and buying high-tech equipment doesn't necessarily equal the ability to shoot lasers out of your eyeballs. There are even some normal humans who have trained themselves enough who are stronger or faster. However, they are still very capable and can adapt, learn and train just like any other vigilante.

▼ N O T E S:


Hakeem ibn Muhammad Al-Bariqi| The Human's father, sometimes contacts Tariq thinking that they are in Los Paraiso to study in a university and travelling the world. Is a great source of income.


Ali ibn Hakeem Al-Bariqi | The Human's brother, a medical student studying in Great Britain. Is unaware of what is happening to his brother and family

Alya bint Hassan Al-Goswami | The Human's mother, a relatively reserved woman who is slightly more concerned for the Human than her husband.

N/A | For Now

◼ New Lilith | The city is the current place of crime-fighting that Tariq has chosen. They have seen that the Los Paraiso area is under the scrutiny of the international community and the events of the world seemed to centre around that area. They are in the process of making it their domain, starting rivalries with criminals and the local gangs. The name Duos has yet to stroke fear here, the hospitals still relatively empty of broken criminals as they wait for the correct moment to start fighting once more.

◼ Saudi Arabia | Revered as a hero amongst the people, Tariq arose from seemingly nowhere and tackled crime around the country. They became some sort of folk legend, stories spoken about them at nighttime to make children sleep. They were labelled as a mysterious hero, saving the country from falling into crisis unlike many of their neighbours. Seeing to the stabilisation of the Human's home country and the establishment of a friendly government, they have moved on from Saudi Arabia, leaving many of their equipment and bases behind. It can still serve as a resting place and base of operations on occasion however.

◼ Weapons & Equipment | Currently, Tariq is armed with a long and flexible metal staff, knuckle dusters, a knife in their boot and equipped with a SIG Sauer P320. The staff has long been the weapon of choice for them, as well as the knuckle dusters. The handgun is equipped with three different types of ammo, non-lethal rubber, normal and explosive. The semi-automatic pistol has been modified to have more power behind each shot and longer range however, this results in more recoil. Duos is also equipped with a grappling hook, two portable bulletproof metal shields that can be deployed from either their right or left forearms and a headset which can wire tap into police calls and emergencies. The headset also has a red holographic UI interface that can come over the user's eye, it can be used to check a nearby enemy's vitals, movement and thermals. They can also be used to mark targets and indicate how far they are.

◼ Attire | On duty, Tariq wears black synthetic robes designed to be both water proof and easy to breathe in. Their head is covered by a black hood attached to the robes while their face is covered by a white ghutrah. With black military boots and bulletproof kevlar underneath, straps across their body carries their staff, knuckle dusters and pistol. Their shields are strapped to their forearms and can be folded in and out of their slim containers with a press of a button.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

Member Seen 6 mos ago


T O B I A S J A M E S E V A N S 1 2 A P R I L, 1990 ( 26 ) M A L E H Y P E R H U M A N
"Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Attractive to some, fearsome to others. I'm the best looking nightmare you'll ever experience."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'-9"
◼ WEIGHT | 159 lbs
◼ BUILD | Average
◼ HAIR COLOR | Dark Brown
◼ EYE COLOR | Grey
◼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian
◼ SEXUALITY | Hetero

Formal but always with an air of informality. With his often slicked-back hair, some might even go so far as to describe him as suave, though even he would say that's too far. Tobias never dresses to impress and certainly not to impose. He prefers to utilize his appearance as a means to state his social standing, which resounds quite evidently as upper-class. However, he likes to live on the fringes so as not to come across as too uppity. A slim-fit, dark suit remains his preference, usually with the tie but oftentimes without it too. Very rarely is he seen in any other form of attire except special occasions.

Beneath the suit resides a typically average body of a man. One who engages in regular physical activity but not enough to be considered athletic. A few definitive muscles here and there with a hint of what could be a fully-fledged six-pack, if the time and effort were dedicated to it. His skin shows slight shades of a tan but nothing to write home about. Facial hair is often a point of contention for Tobias. There's never enough to sport a full beard but shaving it off almost always knocks ten years off, usually to some comedic effect.

Tobias possesses a harsh stare, one that is backed up by dull, yet sometimes icy, grey eyes. It is considered his go-to look of disdain, which helps with the fact that he is generally unimpressed by everything, so he doesn't have to go to much effort to display his discontent.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"There's no red in my ledger, only black."

Born wailing out to the echoing halls of a Manor House buried deep within the Royal Borough of Berkshire, England, Tobias James Evans was to be the only son and heir of a wealthy couple who owned several Slate Mines back in their ancestral home of Wales. Mines which also stood as trading points for a few high-society, black-market arms dealers. His inheritance, however, was not to be. As merely three years later did the Manor House in which he was born burn down, killing both his parents and leaving him as the sole survivor. An incident he vehemently states not to remember. Upon his parents' untimely death, every asset they owned was immediately transferred to the Black Lotus Society, including the custody of any remaining heirs to the estate. This of course meant that little Tobias was now property of a particularly shady and none too friendly secret society that wanted nothing but the elimination of the middle class. A class he had, until recently, been a part of.

But instead of leaving the orphaned child to his fate, someone within the Society decided it would be a good idea to raise the young fellow as one of their own. Where fire destroys, it also clears the way for new things to grow and Tobias would indeed grow. Passed down, presumably, through his mother's side, Tobias' Hype-Gene was discovered particularly early on, much to the Society's joy. At the age of twelve, Tobias was moved to Switzerland where his training regime began. Rich education and rigorous training remained a large part of his life for the next decade, until he was finally ready to be utilized as the Society's pawn.

In the years that followed, Tobias was ordered to various parts of the world each time with the same mission: Organize and re-structure trade agreements for weapons shipments amongst multiple organized crime syndicates, whilst inciting discord and chaos to local areas in order to increase the demand for guns. The Society were essentially funding Gang Wars for profit. But that's not all, the ensuing anarchy that came with the warring of gangs allowed for certain mid-to-high level assassinations to go unnoticed as such, instead being attributed to the growing dissatisfaction of the public or the unruly gangs having stepped too far across the line. One notable success being the assassination of the Romanian Prime Minister's Brother, who's car was caught in the crossfire of a particularly nasty shootout between two feuding organizations.

Tobias' repeated successes did not go unnoticed and has since been granted diplomatic immunity in five countries, including Switzerland and Germany. His role, however, remains unchanged due to his proficiency. A victim of his own success, Tobias has finally been sent to the US to start work on new trade relationships after previous agreements had broken down due to the unfortunate passing of a certain Roman Locke, a well-known affiliate to the Society. Since his death, the Society had retained a minor presence within the Crescent Bay Area. But the time has come again for the Society to reaffirm their standing within the Crescent City Triad, especially with the upcoming Mayoral Election. And they have just the man for the job.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Tenacity & cunning, but above all, loyalty."

Tobias is driven by a deep sense of loyalty toward the Black Lotus Society. Due to his special circumstances, Tobias was one of the few who didn't receive any brainwashing treatment, or so his dossier says. Whether he was or not remains to be seen but either way, Tobias feels the need to repay the Society for saving his life and for raising him after his parents' tragic death. Most won't understand these feelings, not even his fellow comrades could truly get it. The Society gave him everything when they owed him nothing. This is something that Tobias doesn't easily forget and he makes sure to show his gratitude by attempting to perform outstandingly in every task issued to him. He is a Society man through and through and it'd take a revelation to change that.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Does my ability to see all not frighten you? It should."

◼ ASTRAL MANIPULATION | Tobias has the ability to project his own consciousness from his physical body and control it in various ways that allow him to perform feats such as passing through physical objects, flight, astral senses, soul sense & interaction with physical objects from a distance.

Astral Illusions - Tobias can create and project up to three (3) astral clones of himself which he calls The Illusions. They are non-corporeal, manifesting as light blue, translucent versions of himself, and may not physically interact with the world at all. As such they are able to fly and pass through any physical object and are even intangible to most sources of energy. Upon creating these Illusions, Tobias is granted Astral Senses that allow him to see & hear the world from up to three different points of view at the same time as well as his own. He may also sense another being's soul even if he cannot see them, providing it is within the Soul Sense Radius of his projection.

Astral Phantasm - Tobias can create and project a singular astral clone of himself which he calls The Phantasm. It is corporeal, manifesting as a deep blue, opaque version of himself, and can physically interact with the world at his command. Like The Illusions, Tobias' Phantasm is able to fly but cannot pass through physical objects and may be affected by sources of energy. The Phantasm possesses enhanced strength, speed and durability to aid against its' tangibility. Upon creating The Phantasm, Tobias is granted Astral Senses, allowing him to see & hear the world from its' point of view as well as his own. He may also sense another being's soul even if he cannot see them, providing it is within the Soul Sense Radius of his projection.

◼ MARTIAL PROWESS | Due to his extensive training at the hands of the Black Lotus Society, Tobias possesses a high level of martial prowess. As such, he is well-versed in various styles of martial combat and can call upon each style almost seamlessly. His preferred Martial Arts, however, are Taekwondo and Muay Thai. Understanding the speed and power of the former but enjoying the sheer brutality of the latter. Despite his high level of training, Tobias usually resorts to fighting as a secondary measure, preferring to use his words in order to deflate increasingly violent situations.

◼ TENACIOUS | Tobias is a survivalist at heart, given that he was the only survivor of the fire that killed his parents and burnt his family home to the ground. Despite having no recollection of this event, Tobias chooses to rely upon his instincts to keep him out of harms way. He also falls back on them during social interactions, using his quick-wit and practiced charm to navigate through tricky trade deals or ballroom banter. Not one to accept failure, Tobias will stay until the job is done. Oftentimes sacrificing others in order to complete his task.

◼ MANIPULATIVE | Though to some it could be considered a superpower, manipulation in any form (emotional, financial or psychological) is merely a social skill that Tobias has managed to hone rather adeptly. He often tries to gain the upper hand over everyone he meets, however, some prove to be more difficult than others. He uses this skill in order to achieve his missions for the Society. Having learnt how to manipulate others from the very best minds the Society has to offer, Tobias certainly has the upper hand with most people he meets, though there are times where his manipulations have aroused suspicion. Leading himself to believe that he still has room to learn.

◼ ASTRAL MANIPULATION | Tobias has a Vicinity of Control that applies to both his Illusions and his Phantasm when utilizing his abilities. The largest circle represents a 1.5-mile radius in which he may project and control a single Astral Illusion. The second largest circle represents a 1-mile radius in which he may project and control two Astral Illusions. The smallest circle represents a 0.5-mile radius in which he may project and control three Astral Illusions or his Astral Phantasm. So far he has been unable to push past these boundaries, especially so with his Astral Phantasm which requires significantly more concentration to project and control than his Illusions. With each expanding radius, Tobias' ability to sense souls becomes weaker and more stressful on his mind to try and maintain. As such, he limits the radius of his Soul Sensing from both The Illusions & The Phantasm to two-hundred (200) feet.

Astral Illusions - Tobias cannot create more than three (3) Illusions at any one time. Doing so causes too much taxation of his mind and may result in Mind Burn if he were to try and create any more. When creating two or more Illusions, Tobias has to take care to keep all Illusions within a relative distance of each other, as having his mind in more than once place at the same time can cause a lot of stress if the distance between each Illusion is too great; which would force him to end his projection after a certain period of time. For example: Tobias could project two Illusions to be on opposite sides of their 1-mile radius but he would only be able maintain them at those positions for around twenty (20) minutes. And whilst he can easily use his Astral Senses to switch between his Illusions giving him the ability to see & hear from each projection, Tobias' mental taxation becomes increasingly higher if he decides to use his Astral Senses with more than one clone at the same time.

Astral Phantasm - Tobias cannot create more than one (1) Phantasm at any one time, nor can he create said Phantasm in conjunction with any number of his Illusions. Due to the sheer amount of concentration needed to project just one Phantasm, Tobias has never even entertained the idea of projecting another. Whilst the Phantasm possesses enhanced strength, speed and durability it can only receive a certain level of damage before it is dispelled. If a limb is removed from the Phantasm, Tobias cannot replace or repair the damage at all, he must completely dispel his projection and create a new Phantasm but doing so can cause massive taxation on his mind, especially during highly stressful or already drawn-out situations. The level of enhancement of the Phantasm's strength, speed and durability are only just above that of an average human being, meaning that it is unlikely to be able to throw cars around or be blasted through a solid brick wall.

By far the largest drawback of Tobias' ability is his physical body. Due to him having to project his consciousness out of his physical form, it is left vulnerable since his physical senses are dulled whilst projecting. The well-being of his physical form is of the utmost priority at all times whilst projecting. If his body were to sustain any trauma or strong interruption, the connection to his projections would be immediately severed, causing an immense wave of crippling pain to overcome him which he has come to call Mind Burn. Every instance of Mind Burn is extremely painful for Tobias, but it has been discovered that the severity of pain is amplified by the length of the duration of his projections. As such, it can be surmised that if he were to experience Mind Burn after an extremely extended period of projection time, the pain caused could undoubtedly force him into a coma or, in the worst case, kill him.

Tobias' abilities make him vulnerable to others with Telepathic abilities. Though he would be more than competent enough to be able to fight off the control of another telepath whilst in his physical form, his body would be considerably vulnerable to any telepath that may have discovered his location whilst projecting. Also, if he is faced up against a stronger Astral Manipulator, his body may be susceptible to possession and his mind being displaced amongst the Astral Plane.

▼ N O T E S:


The Phantom | Tobias' handler and the man who, he believes, decided to have the Society raise him after his parents' death. Though their contact is minimal, Tobias harbours great respect for The Phantom and will drop anything should The Phantom come calling.

Sasha Raphaelle | Owner of La Petite Mort and one of the city's best Information Brokers. The pair of them are close business partners, however they also share a somewhat tumultuous romance between each other. Tobias trusts Sasha with his biggest secret; that he is actually a member of the Black Lotus Society. Though their time together has been relatively short, Tobias would stop at nothing to protect her from his enemies.

Lucio Tiago de Souza | Tobias' right-hand man. His loyalty lies with Tobias more than it does the De Vitis Syndicate. This is evident by the sheer lengths he is willing to go in order to appease his boss. Despite Tobias' often cold approach towards his men, he cares about Lucio as if he were a younger brother. As such, he tries his best to guide him and keep him safe, even if that means berating him all too often.


Vitis, Raul de | Head of the De Vitis Crime Syndicate. Introduced to each other through the machinations of The Phantom, with Tobias' employment being the main topic of discussion. Raul didn't seem to like the idea at all but The Phantom needn't ask twice.


Many | Most of them unawares, those who know are already dead.

◼ THE WHARVES | His current place of 'employment.' After being strong-armed by the Society into employing him, Raul placed Tobias down in The Wharves and practically gave him free roam of the place. No one seemed to ask any questions either, despite none of the gang members ever seeing his likeness before, although Tobias felt the tension as they regarded their new boss. However, they all marched to Raul's tune and right now that tune said Tobias was in charge. Tobias, however, had other ideas. He locked himself away, tending to the books and learning the numbers inside and out, letting the docklands continue on as they'd always done, it wasn't long before the initial unease amongst the lower levels faded away. Pretty soon he'd gathered all he needed to know about the De Vitis' illustrious dockland operations and had even garnered a rapport with the men. There were a few minor instances of insubordination but nothing one or two displays of violence couldn't solve.

◼ LONELY HEARTS CLUB | More specifically, La Petite Mort. Tobias is currently dating the owner of the prestigious gentleman's club whilst also having business dealings regarding the club's sexual services. He tends to keep his appearances rather low-key, so as not to bring attention to his relationship. Tobias will often hide out here whenever he needs to lay low, relying on the protection of the club's guards and its' reputation as a place of peace.

◼ The Black Book | Containing highly-encrypted Black Lotus instructions and information.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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T H O M A S C A S E Y C A M P B E L L U N K N O W N (57) M A L E H E L L I O N

"We're not born to be good. It's a choice, and you have to make it every single day. And some days, it's hard as hell."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"The weight of the world is on my shoulders."
◼ HEIGHT | 6'3 (6'4 in his prime)

◼ WEIGHT | 210 lbs (190 at prime)

◼ BUILD | Muscular, good shape for his age. (The most fit person on the planet in his prime.)

◼ HAIR COLOR | Dark Blond.

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue with green speckles.

◼ OTHER | Several scars that have not healed from the many years of duty. On his right shoulder, going down to his shoulder-blade is a long scar from a dragon's claw. He's got six scars on his chest, right next to his heart – from buckshot as a teenager.

These days, Thomas dresses casually when he's off from work, T-shirt, jeans, a pair of old boots he's had since his youth. When hitting the gym, he's donning a tank top, hoodie and probably a pair of sweatpants and sneakers. When at work as the Chief of the Longhorn Police, he wears a dress shirt, a loose tie and a black sports coat with elbow pads, matching it with either dark jeans, Chinos or casual suit pants and black oxfords or boots. His hair is casually swept to the left in his old age, as opposed to his youth where he would always style it to the right. He's often seen with a bit of 4'o clock shadow, or a short beard depending on how long ago he shaved.

He walks with a upright posture, coming off as an even bigger guy than the hunk of a man he is, his very stature brings a boost in morale to the cops in his precinct, his gaze is worn and every look he gives is both respectful, loving, but also incredibly exhausted, like he's seen too much. One would often catch his lightning fast reflexes, another thing one will notice about him is how he still carries his detective badge on his person, as well as a handgun – and unlike anyone else in the Crescent City PD Officer ranks, he still takes field duty quite seriously. Every aspect about Thomas Casey Campbell shows off his leadership skills, and the respect he's fought tooth and nail to get.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The fire always burns the brightest right before it burns out."
Thomas Campbell is not the first name that this being's ever held. It's merely the last in a line of thousands, perhaps more. Thomas is a being without a name, from another unknown realm within the tree of life and death one where the Vis flows less freely than in others, which is why he has explored hundreds of realms and thousands of worlds during his many lifetimes. But the tale of this life began in the early 60's, one summer night in Crescent City, when a young man, Jack Michaels, a young man in Crescent City would be held a gunpoint by a deranged lunatic in an alley but as the gunman was about to pull the trigger – wiping the young man from existence, his gun exploded and he was swept away by a six-winged being of pure light.

A few hours later, a couple walked past that very same alley, after a lovely dinner at a nice little restaurant – when they heard the cries of a child. The man, Bruce, walked into the alley, and found the newborn baby, only a few hours old, laying in the dirt. He and his wife, Mary Campbell took the child in, and name it Thomas, after Bruce's father, a world war 2 veteran who would pass from old age when Thomas was not even a year old.

The Campbells were at the time of adopting Thomas incapable of having a child, devout Christians like most, they would thank the Lord for giving them this child, calling him their little angel. When Thomas was two years old, the Lord would gift them once more, as Mary became pregnant, her infertility miraculously cured.

Thomas grew up as a relatively normal boy, he was awfully calm for a child, hardly any tantrums, happy and laughing most of the time. That is, till he was six years old, and his three year old brother, Jason, was injured. The compassion he held for his brother turned into anger, and the room he was in caught on fire, nobody ever realizing what caused the flames. His protective nature of his brother continued growing up, Bruce instilling him to take care of his brother as the two got older – that the most important thing in the world was family.

As Thomas came towards his preteen years, it became more and more clear he was no ordinary boy. He was never sick, his bruises, cuts or other injuries healed almost instantly and he was as strong as a grown man at the age of ten, capable of doing all chores as effective as his father. Bruce, a detective in the Longhorn PD former soldier who had seen all kinds of things, quickly noticed this and sheltered Thomas from the world, trying his best to teach him how to use his quickly emerging abilities, just a man trying to mentor something more than himself, Bruce did his best.

Bruce's frustrations over his job got too much for him when Thomas was in his teens, and his training shifted gears. It was no longer about control – hiding, or suppressing abilities. Now, it became about channeling them. Using them to step around the law, to do what Bruce – or other cops, never could, after two years of training, Thomas was 17 years old when he did his first act of vigilantism.

He fought off four thugs whom were attacking a couple, he was scared, yet excited. Like this was what he was supposed to do. He ended up getting stabbed several times that night, but by the time the fight was over, the thugs were beaten down, a lot worse than he was, and the couple was fine, thanking the man in the ski mask and leather jacket. By the time he got home to his father, his wounds had already all but healed.

His powers continued to escalate, and a year later, he took flight. Six tendril like wings out of his back, as if they were made out of holy fire, they were like extra limbs, fully functional, capable of causing fires, or of being as warm as his hands to the touch. The reported sightings of 'Longhorn's Guardian Angel' became more and more frequent, coming to a plateau one particular night during a bank robbery committed by one of the recently emerging Hyperhumans. That night was the catalyst – the conception of the greatest heroes the Crescent City area had ever seen. Bruce would pass away from a heart attack – one Thomas had no way of ever stopping, and in his father's memory, he became a cop. Moonlighting as Longhorn's six-winged hero.

The rest of the escapades of Angel are shrouded heavily in legend and mystery and not much about his exploits can be confirmed. What is known is that Thomas Campbell is a incorruptible paragon for justice within the police force, he works harder than anyone else, being the very definition of what people think a hero should be.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"You don't have to be super to be a hero."
Mr. Campbell is a paragon of justice, jaded over the years, sure, but he still carries that same light he had several decades ago. He wishes to clean up Crescent City – and the whole world, still. He's just come to terms with it not being behind a mask and with his wings, but as one of the highest ranking members in the Police Force. Thomas's goal is currently to become the new Commissioner, and the highest law enforcement authority, to make sure that the cops all follow the same moral code as he.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"You'll lose."
◼ Hellion Physique: | Angel's body is a natural conductor of the magical force of the Vis. It powers his entire being, supercharging his muscles, improving his senses, and being the source he taps into for all of his other abilities.

◼ Angelic Flight | Six wings on his back, any form Thomas decides for them to take. The wings can be used as weapons, limbs or shield. He is able to fly at speeds reaching up to Mach 4 when pushing himself. But, alas, his true limit lies only in however much Vis his body can sustain channeling without burning up.

◼ Celestial Healing | Vis powered Biokineis, Thomas is able to increase cellular regen in just about all life forms, passively on himself, but with effort to others. In his youth, he radiated health to all around him, even to such a degree that his very presence held his father's heart together, as well as allowing his teammates on the Mavericks to survive their many near-death encounters. Able to heal complex wounds at but a touch, Angel is truly a miracle worker.

◼ Superhuman features | Angel is superhuman strong, durable and armed with incredible speed and reflexes. Aable to see – and catch a subsonic bullet in his hand, and if he couldn't, the bullet would barely phase him. Lift planes and run faster than any athlete.

◼ Smiting | Like his wings, his very touch can induce flames powered by the Vis.

◼ Immortality and Rebirth| Angel cannot die. When his body burns out from the use of the Vis, he hibernates, leaving only ashes behind and a new physical body emerges, starting another lifespan. When his body is about to be destroyed, his powers reach their maximal peak, allowing him the utmost of his abilities. Over the course of a lifetime, he will recollect fragments of memories from previous lives – lifetimes he has more recollection than others. Thomas recalls bits and pieces of the other times he's lived, having a sense of Deja Vu and a familiarity.

◼ Warrior of Light | While he cannot put his finger on it, Thomas carries the skills of thousands of lifetimes within his soul. He lives for combat, and always has, a fight peaks his interest every time – as does fighting a challenging opponent. He's a master at martial arts and melee combat, and a skilled shooter with a handgun, shotgun or even crossbow.

◼ Magic | Being a natural conductor of the Vis, Thomas is able to cast some basic spells that he has learned over the years.

◼ Detective | Serving as one of Crescent City's finest, Thomas is a skilled detective, just like his father before him. Bruce taught him the skills of his trade before he would pass, skills Thomas has since then further mastered.

◼ Leadership and Charisma | A booming voice and a tall stature goes a long way to grabbing people's attention. He's not exactly one to have a way with words – saying what he means, nothing less and nothing more. He speaks from the heart and the good in his heart always shines through, inspiring others to do better. To be better.

◼ Mechanic | Police Cruiser, Tractor or tank, it does not matter much to Tommy, he's got experience fiddling

◼ Pilot | Thomas is a licensed pilot, seeing it necessary to learn how to fly without his wings to make full use of them.

◼ Painting | In his later years, he's gotten quite handy with a pencil or brush, drawing and painting his many visions and fragments of memory.

◼ Life Giveth, Life Taketh | The very Vis that gives him his abilities is killing him. He cannot use too much, as his body cannot handle it and will deteroate even faster if he pushes himself too hard. For him to give it his all, he's doing so at the cost of his own life.

◼ Humanity | Ironically enough, Thomas still considers himself human. He carries empathy, sympathy and a lot of other emotions within him that are possible to exploit and makes him vulnerable, just like any other person.

◼ Vis Poisoning | The Vis is killing him, and in his advanced age – this is one of his longest lifespans, it's actively causing him harm

◼ Old Age| While his powers are many, his age is making him wear thing, his physical body growing ever weaker, making it harder for him to keep performing as he could in his youth.

◼ Rusty | Angel retired a decade and a half ago, and has not put on his suit since, leaving many to believe the celestial Maverick perished.

◼ Trusting | Thomas is, albeit a bit more jaded in his late years, very trusting of people. Willing to see the good in most and give just about anyone a second chance, this is mostly a positive trait, but can be abused.

◼ Immortality | His very powers have blinded him in the past. Filled him with hubris and stopped him from seeing the clear danger in front of him – to him, or to people he cares about.

▼ N O T E S:

"You don't get to be in this game this long without making a couple of enemies."




◼ TBD |

◼ TBD |
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



"Apache flyin' high, hellfire from the sky!"

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"We are not afraid to die, so early in the mornin'!"

◼ HEIGHT | 6ft
◼ WEIGHT |190lbs
◼ BUILD |Hearty, aged, muscled
◼ EYE COLOR | Brown Left, Cloudy Gray Right
◼ OTHER | Horribly scarred right side of face

Dirty describes Vernon in simple terms. He dresses oddly, wearing soft leathers and thick scarves year round, with a particular obsession with keeping his hair short and facial hair absent. All of his clothing is mismatched or threadbare. Sometimes a well worn brown leather hat is on his person, either worn or hanging around his neck. Clearly he was once built from well-sculped muscle at some point but, that has somewhat deteriorated from age and lack of use. Still, due to a sparse diet, desert conditions, and excellent genetics, Vernon has kept a very low body fat percentage. His eyes are always red and bloodshot and he often reeks of alcohol. To say he is confident undermines the sheer up front attitude with which he carries himself-- prideful and very in-your-face, despite his circumstances. Vernon is a man hardened by isolation, paranoia, and a former military lifestyle. All this hides a very real and often crippling sense of loneliness. He feels no one will be able to understand him again, that he is best left alone in the wilderness, and that anyone trying to get close to him is trying to "trick him."

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Don't nobody move at zero-dark thirty 'cept soldiers and shitters."

Born and raised in the Southern United States, Vernon grew up poor and the middle child of five. Seeking to make a name for himself and to make more money to buy that legendary "pot to piss in" Vernon Leroy Thompson became a boxer. He wasn't the best but he wasn't the worst-- a real darkhorse of a fighter that won against opponents no one bet on him to win against. Withstanding concussive blows without falling earned him the name "Ram Head" inside the ropes.

Eventually, Veron gave up his dreams of becoming the next Muhammad Ali and enlisted into the U.S. Army. at the age of twenty four. He chose to become a combat medic, figuring that there would be both the undeniable use for him and a steady paycheck. Around that time, the Gulf War, Operation Desert Shield, was in full swing, and he ended up immediately shipped off to war. Vernon also participated in Desert Storm then, years later, in the invasion of Iraq.

Three deployments passed in support of the Iraq invasion before Vernon, aged 40 at the time, on an ill-fated convoy, was involved in an IED explosion. This resulted in the loss of his legs, right arm, right eye, and significant scarring.

Upon rehabilitation and military discharge, several failed attempts to live with his family, and inability to accept proper treatment for his post-traumatic stress, Vernon found himself homeless and heading west. Along the way he found himself a dog, a trailer, and a rather isolated place in the northern Nevada desert that let him live in relative peace.

There came a time however, while watching his morning marathon of The Price is Right, that a commercial advertising compensation for disabled veterans aired. The year was 2014 and the augmentation breakthrough had sank it's teeth firmly in the population. Like any good consumer, Vernon dialed the number on the screen, found a lawyer, a doctor, found out that they had been trying to contact him for months now, disregarded that fact, and eventually found himself on a surgical table at a Veterans Affairs hospital in Northern California.

There, Vernon received new legs, a new arm, and eventually a new eye, but there are wounds that hospitals cannot heal, sadly. Still prone to bouts of paranoia and hostility, Vernon retreated back to the desert, this time opting to stay in California, where he could keep himself alone and safe from the troubles of the world.

Still, there came the commercials and news reports, interrupting his Walker Texas Ranger marathons, that served both to keep him informed about events and to fuel his sleeping passion for doing what's right. Someone needed to bring justice to fools, didn't they? And then there were the weird motorcycle gangs, making so much noise so often, that he couldn't exactly ignore to the world's problems anymore...

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"I'd turn a blind eye but, I ain't got one no more."
He used to box and then he used to box. Who was supposed to keep good peace and order when the cops were too busy responding to other calls? They couldn't be everywhere at once, after all, so Vernon often found himself knocking petty thugs around the head when he was younger. Now? Well, maybe those busy cops needed help again plus, he figures he can beat up thugs and still make it home in time for Wheel of Fortune anyway. Seems like it's about time he paid more attention to the world again.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Ain't nothin' you can't learn from a good bit of sufferin'-- I mean, studyin'. You ever notice the dyin' in that word?"

◼ Augmented Limbs and Eye | Vernon's legs from the thigh down have been replaced with augments. They have the power to propel him high into the sky, run great distances, stand for hours. His right arm from the shoulder down was replaced and is capable of carrying and moving intense weight. Vernon's right eye was replaced as well and sees perfectly with the ability to see up to two miles out with clarity.

◼ Military Marksmanship and Tactics| Military training consists of learning how to shoot, move, and communicate. When one does these things for years of their life, such tasks aren't easily forgotten. Vernon is well versed in military tactics from house to house combat, grappling techniques, and leadership. These skills also became something of a necessity while living in the middle of nowhere-- hunting is sometimes a means of survival.

◼ Military Medicine| Vernon was an Army Combat Medic that experienced several active enemy combat deployments. He knows how to keep a patient living with or without proper supplies. This by no means makes him an expert in medicine or even anatomy, however. Time and medical advances have introduced many techniques which he has no experience with. Though dated his skills, they are something of a foundation upon which higher skillets were built, and therefore useful.

◼ Hard Head | They didn't call him Ram Head for nothing. He was known for being able to withstand direct blows to the head and face like a champion. Had Vernon been more skilled, he likely could have went far.

◼ Only Human | He may have fancy augments but they are hindered by his personal endurance. He's still an old man, after all, so he can only do as much as his heart and lungs allow. His right arm is limited by the muscle and bone surrounding it, too. If the muscle and bone can be broken or otherwise strained by the weight or force set against the mechanical limb, then there will be some pain and huge problems.

◼ Electrical Attacks | Like most early augment recipients, Vernon is especially vulnerable to electrical attacks. An electrical attack can render his augments useless and his eye blinded. His eye actually went out versus a wool blanket with too much static cling-- a story he doesn't speak of.

◼ Getting OLD| Vernon doesn't like to admit to the virtual pharmacy's worth of pills he needs to take in order to get going in the morning. Then there's the fact that no matter how many pain meds are perscribed, his back still tends to hurt after a long day's worth of work. While any other person at 54 would be considered still reasonably young, Vernon's been aged by intense labor and his military career's worth of stress, and it shows.

▼ N O T E S:


Bongo, the English Mastiff | Only Friend In The World

"Boof? Wuff? WOOF!"
Bongo was a stray puppy that began following Vernon at a train station in Texas, after Vernon handed the dog a bit of jerky. They've been friends for years. Bongo has grown old but still acts just as spry as a puppy. Bongo follows Vernon everywhere and refuses to be left behind. Bongo is very disobedient to commands most of the time. There are occasional bouts of obedience, however.



◼ The Demon's Teeth | Lonely Trailer Far off the road, with no mailbox, at the end of an unmarked and rarely used trail, sits a metal trailer with room enough for two. A firepit sits to the side of the trailer that appears to have frequent use. Behind the trailer is an orange and white umbrella accompanied by a wooden picnic table, a large rusted metal grill, and another fire pit. A lazy looking dog usually sits in the shade of this umbrella. This is where Vernon lives. Needless to say, Vernon gets most of his mail delivered via Drone drop or simply not at all.

◼ Kilbride| Super E Mart Vernon used to bring his pickup truck in town only to restock his food stores. Nowadays he tends to leave the truck in the parking lot and walk about town. Remember those thugs that needed a beating? This is where his hunts generally start from.

◼ Dog Tags | To Remember... Vernon first saw dog tags as a silly and stereotypical thing, then essential, eventually as a reminder of times gone and past. He retains both his tags around his neck on their proper chains. There are two other short chain dog tags dangling next to his own-- both soldiers he was close friends with that had no surviving family to receive the tag.

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C L A I R E L I L Y Q U I N N 0 1 / 02 / 1 9 9 4 ( 23) F E M A L E V E N A R I

"Not all monsters have fangs and claws."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Is it wrong that I find pleasure in a monster's screams?"
◼ HEIGHT | 5'5"

◼ WEIGHT | 135 pounds

◼ BUILD | Athletic, Muscular

◼ HAIR COLOR | Blonde

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue

◼ TATTOOS | Currently, the young Venari huntress possesses two tattoos. The first is Odin's Illusionary Rune, a symbol for camouflage and deception. It adorns the underside of her left wrist. The second is the Gapaldur, meaning success in combat, and it rests upon the back of her neck.

Whenever anyone is asked to describe Claire's appearance in a single word, they typically answer with 'intimidating' or 'strong.' Claire has spent the last several years enduring a grueling training regime in order to turn her body into a living weapon. Under the guidance of Scribe Kletus Rex and the journal left behind by her father, Noctis has developed herself to the peak of human capability. Her upper body is bulky and solid thanks to regular boxing lessons at Invictus Gym. Claire's well defined arms and shoulders are supported by a powerful core sculpted to perfection. Upper body strength isn't all that's needed to win a fight, however, and Miss Quinn knows this well. She runs constantly to help build up her endurance and speed, allowing her to move faster for longer while patrolling the city's streets. She also takes acrobatics classes on the weekends; while she's still quite the amateur gymnast, Noctis's Vis enhanced body is still capable of incredible feats of agility when she puts her mind to it. Four years of intensive training, strict dieting and regimented physical preparation has given Claire the tools necessary to turn into the monster hunter her father had always wanted her to be.

Outside of her physique, Claire is typically described as short and pretty. The young Venari doesn't smile often, and is quite standoffish. It isn't often that anyone outside of Rex or Pierre sees the girl loosen up and enjoy herself. Her cold, passive aggressive appearance drives most people away, leaving Miss Quinn with few friends or acquaintances outside of the people that help her in her mission. Claire likes to keep her dirty blonde hair down whenever she's not working. During the hunt, however, it's better for her to have it up in a bun to keep her golden locks out of her face. In regards to clothing, Claire has a fondness for darker shades. She likes to wear a combination of jeans, a light jacket and a graphic tee on most days.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The world still needs the Venari."
Thune Quinn was a hunter with no equal. He possessed a level of skill that few men could hope to ever achieve in their life time, and the knowledge he gathered through decades of experience made him one of the most potent warriors the Venari had since the Witch trials. Quinn was born in the late sixties, and introduced to the world of the Venari by a friend of his uncle when he was thirteen years old. The old guard was long gone, wiped out hundreds of years ago by the Witch hunters that had betrayed them. But a pocket of them survived, continuing to watch over the world from the shadows. The young Thune proved to be a prodigy; he earned the respect of the council with his tenacity and drive to be the best of the best. As the years passed on and he grew into adulthood, Thune joined the ranks of the hunters and gained a reputation for his skill at arms and dedication to learning his enemies. Even with their numbers waning, Thune and his few remaining brothers in arms carried on the legacy of the Venari with pride. They remained vigilant, even in the face of the emergence of the Hyperhumans in the late 80s. There was an intense debate between the remaining Venari about how they should classify these new humans; were they to be hunted like the Draoi and the Hellions, or accepted as the next step in humanity’s growth as a species? Thune was a part of the latter camp and encouraged cooperation with the Hyperhumans. He firmly believed these superpowered beings would help reinvigorate the Venari’s fight against the darkness.

In the early nineties, Thune moved to the newly formed Crescent City and set up shop with a handful of other Venari, including his friend Kletus Rex. The place was thought to be a hub for Hellion activity, and Quinn was hell bent on eradicating the otherworldly threat in its entirety. He was in the height of his carreer when he met the gorgeous Annabethe Yukianessa, a fiery Irish woman that had immigrated to the States a few years prior. Thune was baffled by how enamored he was with her. For the first time in his life, the Venari hunter found something he’d rather do than work. The two started dating, and Thune’s performance on the field dropped significantly. He slacked in his training. He missed out on guild meetings. He even started to smile. The two were wed within a year of meeting one another. Thune elected to never speak of his ‘other’ life to his wife, believing that to do so would put her in incredible danger. In 1994, Annabethe gave birth to a baby girl they named Claire. Thune dove back into his work to earn money to provide for his new family, leaving Annabethe to raise Claire mostly on her own. He was still around and tried to help when he could, but his job took up a large portion of his time and required most of his attention.

Claire’s early life was mostly uneventful. She didn’t have too many friends, but stayed out of trouble for the most part. Her brother, Charlie, was born when she was three. Claire wasn’t ecstatic to have to share the house with a stinky brat, but there were worse things in the world than her new baby brother. Dad tended to disappear on business trips quite often, lasting anywhere from a week to a month. When he was home, Thune often vanished into his study downstairs and only came up for dinner. He was distant. Sometimes, he came off as cold. Claire sometimes wondered if the man actually loved her or her family. Life continued as normal for awhile. It was good, if a little bit boring. Everything changed in 2004. Claire was sitting in the kitchen across from her father and finishing up her schoolwork when she heard a knock on the front door. She paid it no mind at first- probably just someone coming by to visit mom. The severity of the situation only hit when she heard her mother scream. Dad was out of his chair in an instant. He told Claire to find somewhere to hide, and ordered her not to leave that spot until he came to get her. She did as she was told, finding the best hiding spot she knew. Claire would never forget the horrendous sounds that assaulted her ears as she cowered in fear, praying she wasn’t found. The thirteen year old girl had to listen while her baby brother was torn apart by a monster. She didn’t know how long she stayed there. It felt like time had stopped after everything went silent. The police eventually found Claire nearly eighteen hours later- she hadn’t made a peep the entire time.

Claire didn’t have any living relatives to go to, so she was taken in by Alice Grace, an old friend of the family. Words cannot describe how destroyed that little girl was. Fear devoured her from the inside out, eating away her innocence. It no longer felt like she was truly alive; Claire existed in a strange limbo, like floating in a dark abyss, where all hope was choked to death until nothing remained but primal terror. Every time she tried to sleep, Claire’s mind was assaulted by the screams of her dying family. Whenever she closed her eyes, all she could glimpse is what she imagined had happened to them. The dark terrified her. Putting her anywhere dark for even a second would leave Claire in a crying, anxious mess, only recovering hours later. She didn’t speak about what happened to her for two years. Any attempt to get her to open up was met by unmatched fear. She refused to speak to any therapist Grace sent her to. As the years went by and Claire floated through the remainder of her schooling, she changed. The frightened little girl was twisted into something…dark. Fear turned to anger. She became increasingly hostile to everyone around her. She got into countless brawls at school. Even the smallest slight was enough to send Claire into a violent rage. Miss Quinn’s attempt to cope with what happened to her shattered what few relationships she still had, driving everyone away with her hostility.

At the age of eighteen, she turned her rage away from those around her and toward the unknown individual that had murdered everyone she loved. She tried, at first, to see what the police knew. Her questions went unanswered by them- her case had gone cold awhile ago. The condolences they offered were a slap in the face. With the police failing her, Claire returned to the scene of the crime. The house had remained untouched for the last five years, aside from the blood being cleaned up and the bodies cremated. She tore the place apart looking for clues- even the smallest hint letting her know who or what had done it would help. She wanted to find the man that did it. She wanted closure. Her search eventually led her down to her father’s study. Claire wasn’t usually allowed down there, especially when dad wasn’t home. After rummaging through the place, she came to a disturbing conclusion: her dad didn’t actually have a job. None of the documentation she found said anything about work. The most tangible things were the travel notices and emails shared with coworkers. Yet, even those were mostly nonsense that looked like a thinly veiled attempt to cover up the fact that he didn’t actually DO anything.

Everything Claire believed about her father came into question when she accidentally stumbled upon a switch beneath his desk that opened up a hidden passageway behind the bookshelf. The passage led to a wide open room that wasn’t on the house’s floor plans. The walls were lined with weapons from across time. There were glass cases displaying strange hooded costumes, suits of armor and intricately designed medieval weapons. A massive computer with technology far ahead of its time sat at the far wall. Claire couldn’t make heads or tails of what it was all doing down there. Why did her father have a secret room filled with this stuff? Her attempts to get past the computer’s password failed, so she went about looking through the filing cabinets and drawers. That was when she discovered a leather bound journal hand written by her father. The book was addressed directly to Claire. It explained everything about her father that Claire could have possibly wondered. She learned of the Venari, and Thune’s job as a hunter. She learned of the Hellions and the Draoi that he fought against every time he left on a ‘business trip.’ She even learned of her father’s struggle with having to keep distant from his family in order to protect them from what he was doing. The journal told Claire that her father predicted his own death. It said that she’d one day have to take up the mantle and walk in his stead. The world still needed the Venari. Thune wrote that he planned to leave some kind of hint for Claire, so that she would find this book after he had passed. It seemed Claire had only stumbled upon it now out of dumb luck- or, perhaps, destiny.

The book led her to searching for the other Venari that Thune had worked with. Claire was disturbed to find that all but one of them had died since her father had fallen; all within a few years of one another. She sought out the man named Kletus Rex, eventually finding him in a small mechanic’s shop in Somerset. The old scribe tried to run her off at first. He claimed he had retired, and that the Venari were dead. Claire was wasting her time by trying to dig up what should be remained buried. The girl refused to listen. She demanded answers, and returned there every day for three weeks until eventually the old man cracked. He told her everything he knew about her father and what he had been up to. She learned of his private life in the darkness, of his shadow war against the world’s last remaining monsters. The Venari were dying off in droves, and had been in steady decline for hundreds of years. Claire shared the journal with Kletus. He didn’t seem surprised that Thune had written such a thing; his old partner had spoken at length about rebuilding the Venari and returning them to their glory days. He laughed when Claire said she wanted to become a hunter just like her dad. It was a ridiculous notion.

Only, Miss Quinn never let it drop. She fought tooth and nail to convince the man to train her. Rex broke down once more and decided to go through with it. Using the vast knowledge the master hunter had left behind for his daughter, Kletus began educating the girl. She started her physical training at Invictus Gym. With the help of the gym’s owner, ex Golden Gloves champion Jean Pierre and renowned amateur boxing coach, Claire turned herself into a living weapon. She spent the next four years rigorously studying the Venari’s hunting methods, and rebuilding her body from the ground up for the purposes of combat. Her drive was incredible. Both Kletus and Jean were amazed by the girl’s tenacity. She refused to quit or slow down, always striving to improve herself. She never forgot what motivated her: every time she lay down to sleep, their terror-filled voices reminded her why she went through with the taxing training regime. The self torture changed her from an angry teen to a dedicated young woman. Kletus held a mock trial for apprenticeship that she passed with flying colors. He gave Quinn her first Vis tattoo. It was made with what little ink he had left over from his time as a scribe, gifting her the strength of a Valkyrie.

Her first hunt was more frustrating than dangerous. She had to chase down an invisible Sigbin that was messing with some locals in Los Paraíso. Claire had to track the little bastard back to its nest using nothing but its wretched smell. Killing it was surprisingly easy. Rex had made it sound like killing something was one of the hardest things in the world. Her prey bagged, Claire returned back to Kletus. He applied her second tattoo, gifting her the Sigbin’s invisibility powers. It was then that she decided on the alias Noctis, after the Latin word for night. She thought it was appropriate. She’s been at this whole ‘hunter’ thing for less than a year now. The number of Hellions and Draoi in Crescent City is, as one might expect, very low. Still, Claire’s excited for what lies ahead. Maybe she’ll finally be able to use her newfound skills to track down the thing that killed her family. She would make that monster pay for what it did to them. To her.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"I won't back down. Not now, not ever!"
Claire is driven by an intense desire to avenge the death of her family. Her rage consumed her whole being, darkening a once bright soul until it was pitch black. The monster that tore her family apart had taken everything from Claire. It had ripped her heart from her chest and crushed it in its disgusting maw, fundamentally changing who she was forever. That little girl had felt so helpless. What sick reality did she live in that a child had to listen to the tormented screams of her mother and baby brother while she cowered, praying that the demonic beast would not find her? For awhile, she felt lost- purposeless. That changed when Claire discovered who her father really was. Equipped with the knowledge of the Venari, the relentless Noctis now seeks to cleanse the world of the Hellions. The darkness will be purged, and the creatures of the night utterly eradicated. Never again should a child have to feel so helpless. Never again.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Think you can hit me? Try it. I dare you."
◼ Invisibility | By channeling the power of Vis contained within her tattoo of Odin's rune, Noctis is capable of temporarily vanishing from sight. This isn't a form of camouflage but rather true invisibility, removing Claire from the spectrum of light in its entirety. She becomes untraceable through any conventional or natural means, allowing her many unique opportunities to act that otherwise would not be practical or even possible.

◼ Enhanced Physiology | The Gapaldur symbol Claire wears was made with the blood of a Valkyrie. The Norse angel of battle possessed incredible physical attributes that have, in part, been passed down to the Venari huntress. Her strength, speed, endurance and natural durability have all increased three fold. Complimented well by her own physique, the Vis of the Hellion allows Miss Quinn to stand toe to toe with enemies few humans could hope to fight on equal footing.

◼ Boxing | A Venari hunter must be prepared for every scenario. In the ideal world, Claire would never have to get into close quarters with anything that has knives for fingers or limbs as large as tree trunks. However, not every hunt ends cleanly. On the off chance that Noctis finds herself trapped in hand to hand with a superior foe, she's come prepared with approximately four years of boxing experience. Her time with Austin Gates at the Invictus Gym has taught the huntress how to throw and how to take a punch.

◼ Acrobatics | A major part of any hunt is the chase. It is absolutely vital that Claire knows how to traverse any environment in order to pursue her foe and vanquish it. To this end, Noctis recently took up a couple of gymnastics classes and begun applying what she's learned in an Urban setting, running across the rooftops and scaling the sides of buildings to hone her craft. She still has plenty to learn. But, in time, the young warrior will be able to move across Crescent City like a master acrobat.

◼ Deadeye | Claire is a natural deadeye when it comes to shooting. Her training with Kletus has helped cultivate this affinity, leading to Noctis being a crack shot with a firearm or her usual crossbow.

◼ Conditional Invisibility | Unlike the Sigbin she killed to make the tattoo, Noctis cannot remain in her stealth form for very long at all. It's duration is short, lasting a minute or two at best before requiring a certain span of time dependent on how long she used the power for it to recharge. This means that there are moments where she is visible and, therefore, vulnerable to being spotted. Aside from that, her invisibility does not make her undetectable by the other four senses. She can still be heard, felt, smelled or...tasted.

◼ Peaked | Despite her enhanced physiology, Claire still has limits. She's caped out near the peak of human ability- but can go no further. She's a better athlete than most; however, don't expect her to outrun Usain Bolt or have the strength of a powerlifter. The best of mankind is still able to outclass her in their specialized areas.

◼ Amateur | Notic is one of the only new Venari uplifted in the past decades, and she's quite possibly the last. She lacks a proper teacher, having only an old Scribe and the book left by her father to guide her through her future hunts. Her inexperience could very well be the death of her.

◼ Still Human | Noctis is still vulnerable to anything a human is: bullets, fire, knives and a powerful knock to the head can do her in just like anybody else. It might take a little more umph to finish the job.

◼ Easily Manipulated | Claire's conviction is a two edged sword. She's willing to do anything to destroy the monstrosities that terrorize the world. A man with a silver tongue and knowledge of who Claire is would find it an easy task to turn her to his side, provided he promises to somehow advance her mission. Noctis' moral compass isn't well defined yet. She's willing to do things that that be illegal or, in some cases, even cruel, in the name of the hunt- and someone with an agenda could make use of this.

▼ N O T E S:

"Am...am I becoming what I hate?"



◼ Invictus Gym | Built over fifteen years ago by retired boxer Jean Pierre, Invictus is a small local boxing club in the Lower East Side of Larissa. The club is frequented mostly by the poor residents of the East Side. It struggles financially due to Pierre's desire to help the local kids stay out of trouble.

◼ Rex's Motor Garage | Rex's Motor Garage is the self owned workplace of Kletus Rex, the former Venari scribe turned mechanic. It's located in Somerset, not far from where Claire's squatting with Grace.

◼ Grace's Apartment| Home to Alice Grace, Claire's childhood friend turned legal guardian. Claire calls the place home whenever she isn't off with Kletus or Jean.

◼ The Room| The Room is what Claire's nicknamed her father's secret armory. She uses it as her base of operations.

◼ Weapons | Noctis' primary weapon of choice is the crossbow her father used to use. The weapon has a lever for quick, easy reloads during high stress situations. It has a draw weight of 150 lbs and is designed to kill big game, making it effective against most enemies Claire will run in to. Her secondary weapons consist of a pair of Glock 19s.

◼ Outfit | When hunting dangerous creatures of the night, it pays to come well prepared. Claire wears a modified version of the Venari uniform her father used to use. It consists of a leather hooded trench coat with armored plating on vital areas, a ballistic vest and cargo pants. She prefers darker clothing to assist her in staying hidden from sight during night time operation. Noctis keeps a quiver on her hip for easy access to bolts when using her crossbow. To conceal her identity, Claire typically wraps a shemagh scarf around the lower half of her face. Her attire, while nothing too special, works well for her.

◼ Equipment | What equipment the Venari huntress chooses to carry with her depends upon the conditions she predicts she'll be hunting in and the monster she's chasing. Rex provides her with any necessary materials necessary for dealing with a specific threat, though she usually carries silver and iron tipped bolts with her due to their usefulness against many different magical threats. Smoke bombs, a flare, medical supplies, a grappling hook, blinding pellets and a taser are also kept on her person during hunts.

◼ Other |Claire has a couple of other items dear to her. The book that her father left behind being one of them. The journal has taught her almost everything she knows about the Venari, and how to hunt. It contains a detailed list of every known Hellion and how to defeat them, among other things that Thune deemed necessary information. It isn't just a book about the Venari, either. It was a love letter from a father to his daughter. Miss Quinn learned more about Thune from that book than she had from the actual man himself. The other item is a sword she found among his equipment. She wasn't sure how to use it and couldn't find anyone so far who could teach her, so it remains back at The Room, gathering dust.
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Stories Yet Untold

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E L I C A R R I O N v o n C A R S T E I N U N K N O W N ( S E V E N T Y - T W O ) F E M A L E H E L L I O N

"I am the monster in your closet."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I’m not going to get any older."
◼ HEIGHT | 4’8”

◼ WEIGHT | 91 lbs

◼ BUILD | Thin, almost waifish

◼ HAIR COLOR | Midnight Black

◼ EYE COLOR | Faded Blue

◼ OTHER | Can be changed/removed depending on if your character has any other noteworthy features. Feel free to add additional stats for piercings, tattoos, scars etc. Sexuality could also be added here if you feel it's worth noting.

Eli is very deceptive in terms of her appearance and presentation. She looks young, like an adolescent girl and presents herself with a certain quiet, reservedness. Thin and short with a pale complexion, she hardly looks intimidating. Her clothes are usually basic with very neutral colors with a very conservative theme, matching what one would expect from a young girl who was off to Sunday services.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Yea… just like a vampire."
Somewhere dangling from the Tree of Life and Death is a world similar to this one that played out entirely differently. For simplicity sake, Eli’s homeworld will be referred to as Earde and this world, Earth. For the most part, the two worlds share a common ancestry but with different land features and a weaker sun compared to Earth’s. However ancestral Homo-Sapiens, humans, grew up with a closely related cousin, Homo-Nosferatu, Vampyrs. The origins of Homo-Nosferatu are largely unknown as their ancestral history is near non-existent. This is likely due to the Earde theory of Historia Victoria, stating that early Vampyrs had very few numbers compared to humans and were often exterminated with extreme prejudice by humans due their intolerance of Vampyrs and their vampiric tendencies towards their kind.

This “boogeyman” in Earde had usually provided a common enemy and as a result, human empires were vastly more successful than their Earth counterparts. The promise of security from the parasitic menace had provided the tools of subjugation and loyalty that the historical empires of Earth had never seen. As a result, some things never happened like the Israelite rebellion on Egypt. However, humans weren’t completely united and power struggles, rebellions, and wars still did happen.

At around 200 AD, the Roman Empire was a prominent force with close ties with their long-term allies the Egyptians, who controlled vast expanses of the Middle East and Africa while Rome controlled nearly all of modern Europe. In fact, they were just about to squash the petty rebellion of the Germanics who had tried to break away from Roman rule for centuries. Their desperation had finally brought them to make a deal with their cousins, the Vampyrs.

That deal would shape the modern world of Earde as the Vampyrs used the terms of the deal to bolster their ranks of the Germanic Nobles, converting them into Vampyrs from their bite. In turn, the Vampyr Germanics used their heightened abilities to fight off and defeat the Romans in a pinnacle battle that is covered in every modern day Earde history class. The name accredited with this deal was a Vampyr named Archalian who bestowed his gift to the Germanic Leader at the time, Germanicus von Carstein.

The results of the that battle would be the turning point and for the first time, Vampyrs were the winners as they successfully bent the Romans to surrender, providing the Vampyrs their first sovereign nation, Transylvania.

In the centuries following the Transylvania’s creation, humans tried many times to eradicate the Vampyr menace but each time were defeated by the cunning of the Germanicus using the hit-and-run tactics throughout the forest. The march through the Transylvanian Forest became a nightmare for humans until eventually they stopped trying to invade all together.

For nearly a millennia, the Vampyrs were left alone as humankind continue to develop their technology, eventually reaching the enlightened age of the Renaissance. It was at this stage that the first olive branch would be offered to the Vampyrs, offering the very primitive Vampyrs a chance to develop and sophisticate themselves in the following years. Trade and diplomacy were now common with the Vampyrs but it wouldn’t last eternally.

As Earde continued to develop, the small Vampyr nation could no longer trust the nations of the humans as their weapons were beginning to negate their advantages. Firearms were proving to be too effective at slowly balancing the power differential between Vampyrs and humans, causing tension to form as the humans no longer wanted their own being sacrificed to the Vampyr Lords.

War broke out in 1850 as the entire modern human nations united against the Transylvania. Both sides were taxed greatly with casualties but the Vampyrs had won and without the threat of nations to stop them now, they quickly expanded their influence across Earde until nearly every nation was under their rule. This would be the beginning of the end for both.

No longer restricted, Vampyrs subjugated the human populace, making them more slaves than anything. Technology develop came to a halt and the world entered a dark age, mirroring Earth’s typical tales of Vampires. Vampyr nobility ruled over their respective regions in large castles or estates while humans lived poorly under their rule.

Initially there were no restrictions in place as Vampyrs drank from and then killed or converted any human they wanted. However as the populations of Vampyrs grew and Humans diminished, the problem eventually realized. This lifestyle was unsustainable and moves were made to prevent this. Human breeding became just as common as human harvesting. The need to preserve humans drove technology to advance again until eventually Earde entered a modern age comparable to Earth.

Humans were slowly becoming an “extinct” species as automated facilities processed their birthing, development, and eventual harvesting. The ease of nourishment saw an increase of Vampyr adoption and their population soared to unsustainable levels. To make matters worse, processed humans were slowly dying out due to a disease or weakness of some kind, further limiting the human blood supply.

Enter Elicarrion von Carstein who is adopted by the descendant of Germinus von Carstein. Her father, Wilhelm von Carstein, is recognized as the modern leader of all Vampyrs simply due to his bloodline. As daughter of the most powerful Vamp in the world, she lived quite tastefully in luxury. While she grew up being taken care of, many of the Vampyrs were struggling with starvation. Riots were becoming commonplace as human blood started to become a rarity. Eli was spared of all that up until she became old enough to realize what was going.

To put it simply, Eli was against her father in nearly everywhere, often fighting with him, blaming him for everything. In truth, there wasn’t much Wilhelm could do but due to his private reserve of humans and strong-arm tactics to control the Vampyr population, he could hardly be counted as innocent. Eli would go on to try to be an active force against her father. This would eventually lead to her house arrest under her father’s watch.

On a rather ordinary day under house arrest, Eli would just vanish. Thorough investigations took place and the results eventually concluded that Eli had been taken somewhere else, virtually unreachable in another world. Alarmed but also intrigued, Wilhelm began focusing all his attention on discovering how to recreate the circumstances of his daughter’s disappearance. There was a chance that wherever she might be, there'd be a rich source of new sustenance…

Eli has been missing from Earde for about one month and to her, it was as if she had passed from her previous life to feast in the eternal halls of Archalian’s Manor. Despite being gifted with such a blessing, Eli is cautious about her unnatural existence in this world. To spread her Vampyr blood to this new world would risk the same fate that awaits her homeworld, thus she has reserved herself to drink only when she needs to and opting to kill any she tries to feast on, lest they become a Vampyr like her.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Believe me, there are worse out there."
Eli’s foremost goal is to survive in this new world while also trying to keep low. While this alone may be easy, she theorizes that there is a danger that her father may discover how to follow her. She wants to prevent a catastrophe like that in her homeworld and feels she must let this world know somehow. Driven by this, she is carefully considering how to come forth, wary that her identity alone could be treated with hostilities.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Just like your vampires, I’ll fuck you up."
◼ Vampyr Physiology | Eli’s physical attributes are considered to be far beyond the capabilities of a normal human. She is not only gifted in superior strength, faster speeds, quicker reaction times, but also heightened senses as well.

◼ Virtually Immortal | The oldest Vampyr is said to have aged to see a thousand years because the fact is, Vampyr’s slowly age, are almost entirely impervious to disease, and have incredible regenerative capabilities. Although she can still feel pain (even pass out from too much). She doesn’t even need to eat or drink like a normal human, relying entirely on human blood to sustain herself.

◼ Espionage | Eli’s time as a saboteur for her father’s enterprises have conditioned her well enough to be fairly talented in stealth and deception tactics.

◼ Blood Dependance | A Vampyr who had recently drank a human’s blood will nine times out of ten, beat a Vampyr who hasn’t drank in a week. This is because the human blood is necessary to providing the energy to obtain those heightened abilities. Furthermore, a Vampyr can die of starvation if they do not drink at least a pint in 10 days. That bare minimum, leaves a Vampyr very weakened, however.

◼ 30 Days of Darkness | On Earde, the sun’s weak rays barely penetrated the ozone of the distant planet and even then, the Vampyr population always found themselves getting sunburns from that amount of light. Compare that to Earth and a Vampyr’s skin peel and burn under that intense amount of UV Light. Even the briefest exposure of their skin would result in third degree burns. Weaponized UV Light can be just as damaging.

◼ Animal Repelism | Animals hate Vampyr’s especially cats and dogs. They can smell Eli for what she is and may viciously attack her, no matter the circumstance.

◼ Let the Right One In | There was a strange side effect when Eli arrived in this world. It is as if the Vis present in this world is manifesting itself against Eli in the form of a deterrent.She has to hear an audible invitation into someone’s private dwelling in order to enter. Otherwise she may explode. Whether this was a product of earlier Draoi or Venari influence or just some weird effect, humans have a passive protection against a Vampyr.

◼ Watching what you Eat | Eli will get physically ill if she eats even a little bit of human food or drink. This can effectively be a poison to her and too much may risk some severe health problems.

▼ N O T E S:


Eric Cromwell | Plays as Eli’s host. Divorced after losing his daughter. Honest hardworking man. Eli’s moral compass.


Oskar von Carstein| Eli’s second elder brother; he is a bit of a sweetheart and a goof. Unfortunately passive and often overlooked.


Wilhelm von Carstein | Eli’s Father. An oppressive, violent tycoon, Wilhelm will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Victor von Carstein | Eli’s Eldest Brother. The heir of the von Carstein line but more of a pawn in Wilhelm’s schemes. A complete idiot, though brutal.

◼ The Narrows | Home. Eric’s lowly, cheap apartment is here and where Eli hides during the day.

◼ Lower East Side | Feeding territory. As per Eric’s condition, Eli is tasked with vigilante justice and take out the scum who took his daughter away from him.

◼ N/A |
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 18 hrs ago


E L W O O D M A L I C E E T - D O W D O C T O B E R ' 9 7 ( 2 0 ) M A L E H E L L I O N

"I'm still learning how to...talk to people. The supernatural...comes second."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I can look kind of...intense. It's not..on purpose.."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'11"

◼ WEIGHT | 121lbs

◼ BUILD | Lean. Elwood could stand to gain a few pounds.

◼ HAIR COLOR | Jet black.

◼ EYE COLOR | Deep brown.

Elwood's minimalist, monochrome fashion sense is self-tailored to understate (or perhaps underscore) the unique peculiarities of his facial structure afforded to him by his mixed-race heritage - Egyptian on his father's side, and Native American on his father's. His sharp cheekbones and large eyes give him a naturally piercing, inqusitive stare, and many people have felt uncomfortable under his gaze, as if he were silently unearthing all of their secrets or, more accurately, sizing them up for a meal.

Due to his pre-existing condition, Elwood does tend to shy away from much of the social interaction his day-to-day offers him, seceding from others as his anxiety and possession overruns him - as such, his body language and general posture is nearly always reserved and defensive. There are very few people he is open with, and no one he completely relaxes around.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"I don't like talking about...anything. Myself especially."
'In North American folklore, the Wendigo is a ravenous monster native to the northern forests of the Atlantic Coast of the United States.

The Wendigo may appear as a monster with some characteristics of a human, or as a spirit who has possessed a human being and made them become monstrous.

It is historically associated with cannibalism, murder and insatiable greed.'
- Cash Ahenakew, Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices.

"The Wendigo is a curse of hunger and corruption.
It is my family's.
It is mine.
It will not be the world's."
- Elwood Dowd

In the Nineteenth Century, shortly after the first European settlers came to North America, the Wolastoqiyik tribe came to a schism: a majority of the people accept the new travellers, joining their existing villages with the new settlements and starting a new trading relationship with the colonies, while a small faction saw no need to change their ways for the foreigners that now lived on their land. Eventually, neither side could reconcile with the other, and the faction chose to abandon their villages and move northwards in search of new country to live, holding on to their traditional ways. This faction broke off from the Wolastoqiyik people, and named themselves after their leader, Tobique Malecite. The Malecite tribe left 40-strong on a cold morning with the tools and provisions allowed for them, and trekked into the forest with the sun to their sides. They, or their descendants, would not be seen again for sixty years.

When the first few descendants of the Malecite people broke away from the treeline a decade or so before the beginning of the Twentieth Century, they propagated a vicious legend through the first settlements they stumbled into; gaunt men and women with sunken eyes and pale skin, with bellies distended from malnutrition, and a feverish gaze. Many tried to feed these poor wretches, only to find that they ripped and tore at the bread and meat with voracious and violent frenzy. Many died, unable to digest the food they gorged themselves on, or simply choking on hunks of unchewed food. Those that didn't often vomited up what they had managed to swallow; it was a lucky few that were taken in to medical facilities to be cared for and fed in a manner that would not kill them. The only survivors of the Malicite expedition were invariably young and hardy. No one knew what had happened in that forest for the last half-a-century; but many guessed and gossiped. The Malicite people, the three that remained, gave up their predecessor's prideful gestures, integrating themselves into the new, modern society that had developed in their absence - and so it was for another thirty years.

The Malicite line propagated itself singularly; while all three found themselves new partners, only one - Oro Malicite - succeeded in having children, and he passed his name onto a daughter, whom he loved very much, and cared for with every waking moment. Still haunted by the starvation and hunger he had suffered upon leaving the forest, Oro worked hard to provide his family and himself more than they could possibly hope to consume. In his waning years, Oro felt that hunger still, and ate more and more, terrified of feeling the cold, hollow pain he had felt in the forest, until one day, old and grey, Oro died, still reaching for another meal - and his daughter, the only living Malicite blood, began to feel a slow, creeping hunger descend upon her.

And so it was for another century - an endless cycle of hunger and birth and death and hunger, the spirit of the Wendigo passing on after every death to the youngest living Malicite - now Maliceet - before consuming them and repeating the curse. Strange characteristics were always matched with the sufferer - sharper teeth, darker eyes, gaunter frames, paler skin - and every Maliceet held the secret burden of the Wendigo within them, caging the beast while it wailed against their bellies. So it has been since Oro, and so it is now, in the time of Elwood; this raging creature snared within him, a starved, voracious monster desperate for meat. Elwood struggles everyday, but resists nonetheless, lest the Wendigo be unleashed upon the people of Crescent City. He has slipped, like many of his ancestors, but only once - and the blood he tasted will torment him until the end of his days.

For now, only Elwood's willpower, and his Maw-Maw, safeguard the people of Crescent City from yet another beast, in a world that already has far, far too many monsters.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"It's difficult...to do the right thing. But I'm trying every day."
Elwood's primary and ongoing objective is the supression of the Wendigo Spirit that inhabits his body, preventing it from taking over his body and creating a new hunting ground in Crescent City. His Maw-Maw takes care of him, teaching him the history of his family and the curse that has plagued it for so long, and while he knows it is never truly possible, he still tries to have a 'normal' life as best he can. He struggles with the Wendigo's impulses and instincts, and is determined to do the opposite, and use his affliction for good. He also hopes to overcome his own anxiety disorder some day, but figures he has more pressing matters.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"My family's legacy...it's...hunger. Hunger is the all of it."

◼ WENDIGO POSSESSION | Like his mother before him and his grandfather before him, and on and on, Elwood is possessed by the spirit of the Wendigo, an ancient force from North American legend. While the spirit's full power is locked away by Elwood's resistance to being overrun, its mere inhabitance of his body lends certain boons and drawbacks.

◼ Supernatural Durability | The Wendigo's skin can be likened to ancient stone - old, superficially cracked, but immensely tough. While Elwood has absolute control, he retains only a small portion of the Wendigo's true invulnerability, as well as its resistance to cold temperature, but as the spirit wrestles more and more control over Elwood's body, the Wendigo's skin is soon able to withstand harder and harder blows, until it cannot be harmed at all.

◼ Supernatural Senses | As the Wendigo gains control, Elwood's senses are enhanced to more befit an apex predator. Eyesight gets more accurate and motion-based, and Elwood's hearing and sense of smell also dramatically improve. Elwood does not experience any of these improvements while he has full control.

◼ Supernatural Agility | As the Wendigo gains control, Elwood is able to utilize incredible bursts of speed to leap great distances, dodge incoming obstacles, or clamber up buildings. The Wendigo often employs this agility to perch in a hidden spot, remaining perfectly still before pouncing on unsuspecting prey. Elwood does not experience this enhanced agility while he has full control.

◼ Supernatural Strength | As the Wendigo gains control, Elwood's strength ramps up, allowing him to lift men single-handedly, stop cars and motorcycles, punch dents into brickwork, and smash through obstacles with frightening ease. Elwood does not experience this enhanced strength while he has full control.

◼ Supernatural Physiology | As the Wendigo gains control, Elwood's body twists and morphs to better suit the predator that is taking over. His mouth splits and enlarges, growing fangs while the jaw unhooks itself in order to open wider, while his pupils dilate and his sclera turns black. Elwood's limbs stretch out, his body becoming emaciated as mass is transferred, and his skin grows white and cold, while talons spring from his hands and feet. The stronger the Wendigo's possession becomes, the further the transformation goes, but these changes are lost as Elwood enforces his will upon the spirit.

◼ WILLPOWER | Long years of suffering under the Wendigo has sharpened the mind of every member of the Harjo family, Elwood included, and honed within them a sharp and powerful force of will, allowing them to resist the Wendigo's possession.

◼ WENDIGO PSYCHE | As the Wendigo spirit gains more influence over Elwood's body, so does it gain more hold over his mind; the predator instinct of the Wendigo starts to overpower Elwood's humanity, and begins to become a threat to any living being in the vicinity. With effort, Elwood can wrestle control of himself back - but it's better if he never gets to that point in the first place.

◼ FIRE | Fire - and, by extension, high heat - is the only thing that can harm a Wendigo, and does so at an accelerated rate. Furthermore, any burnt skin becomes vulnerable to further damage from any source.

◼ HUNGER | The Wendigo's Hunger is its defining trait, the reason for its existance, and its eternal purpose. Elwood feels this Hunger every second of every day, and as such has a voracious appetite, especially for meat - but he must be extremely cautious in indulging this appetite, as over-feasting is a prime trigger to give way to the Wendigo. When Elwood is not in control, the Wendigo will do everything possible to feed itself, and this drive can be easily exploited.

▼ N O T E S:




◼ NEW LILITH | Living with his Maw-Maw in his parent's old house (his mother deceased, and his father moved away), Elwood is only ever found at home, in his workplace at The Lamp, or in the grocery store in between.

◼ TBD | Test
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CallSignCorsair
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CallSignCorsair If you couldn't tell, I like planes

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


C O L I N C A I L L E 5 / 2 8 / 1 9 9 2 ( 2 5 ) M A L E D R A O I

"We were gods once. So shall we be again."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Yes, I am aware that I don't look Irish."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'11"

◼ WEIGHT | 182 lbs.

◼ BUILD | Athletic

◼ HAIR COLOR | Black

◼ EYE COLOR | Brown

◼ ETHNICITY | Korean-Irish

◼ SEXUALITY | Bisexual

Colin is a half-Korean, half-Irish man with short black hair, light skin, and dark, brown eyes. He bear an athletic frame gained from years of training, angular facial features, and carries himself with feline grace expected from someone raised with power. Wrapping around his right bicep is a tattoo bearing the name of his Inmate's group selected sacrifice, spelled in traditional Gaelic. He carries himself with the confidence of a man who knows what he wants and has doubt that he will eventually get it. Beneath his smiling eyes and warm grin, there is the faintest hint of a domineering glare that will not be denied what he knows is rightfully his.

In most occasions, Colin can be found wearing an expensive, tailored suit which handsomely shows off the man's cut form. He'll usually couple the suit with an expensive watch from his personal collection, and of course he's never found without his conduit ring. In his rare moments of rest, and when he's absolutely away from prying eyes, the Draoi will shed all pretenses of formality and stick to black v-neck, either a pair of jeans or sweatpants, and comfortable sneakers to finish.

Colin has been fairly westernized, and identifies more with his Irish heritage than his Korean one. His stylistic choices, mannerisms, cultural interests, and even accent reflect as such.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"No one's born a Draoi. They have to be made."
Every family has a black sheep, someone who strikes out against the grain to their ancestor's chagrin. Before Colin became that for his family, his mother Ava Caille had the honor of that title. A fiercely independent soul, Colin's mother decided to travel the world instead of following her family's wishes to expand their influence. She saw unimaginable sights and had unbelievable experiences on her journey, but, by her own admission, all of them paled in comparison to Seoul, Korea. She never revealed to her family what exactly happened in Korea, but when she returned to them she carried with her a baby named Colin and a sort of bittersweet joy that never left her. The baby was hers, and the O'Connor family never discovered who the father was, but it didn't matter to them. They were Cailles, and Cailles took care of their own.

Colin was raised no different than any other child that came through his family. The Cailles were a wealthy family with a storied history, and Colin was required to learn it all. Every tale told, all the way back to their Celtic origins, Colin memorized by heart. He had personal trainers and personal tutors to ensure that his mind and body were worthy of the Caille name, and his family soon learned that the passion and fury which so gripped their daughter Ava had found its way into Colin's blood. Even at his young age, Colin was growing to be every bit the fighter his mother was, and she couldn't have been prouder of him.

At age 11, Colin entered the Initiate process and began his journey to become a Draoi. The process was long and intensive, but, against he recommendation of the Elders, Colin's initiate group had grown close and carried the burden together. Unfortunately, the initiate process required a sacrifice, and as such their group lost a good friend the day their souls were bonded to the Alfar. In remembrance, Colin's initiate group tattooed the girl's name, Aine, in Gaelic across their right arms. The Cailles were overjoyed that Colin had survived to become a full-fledged Draoi, and at the age of 16 Colin's true training began in full.

Much of Colin's life after his Rite of Passage was spent wandering Ireland's more remote locals. There he spent a number of years learning among the locals and other Draoi, piecing together a variety of different spells, skills and lore. It was during this time that Colin had learned of the legend of Balor, an ancient Draoi known for his conquest of the Mundanes in Ireland's early times. Though most considered him a radical who threatened the Draoi's already tenuous relationship with normal humans, Colin saw in his tale a sort of truth. He had been taught his entire life that his kind were superior than the Mundanes, so why should the Draoi not rule. Mundanes were short-lived, inventive yes, but also supremely chaotic. They needed a firm hand to guide them. To lead them. To rule them. Here, in his adopted homeland, Colin realized that if his race wanted to survive, they needed to reclaim their status of godhood. Here, Colin decided that it would be he who led that charge. He who would lead man and Draoi alike. He who would be king. He who would be Balor.

Ambition founded and power sought, Colin dedicated himself to the Order. He served them as a warrior, an enforcer, and an investigator, and they provided him with bits of knowledge that would serve both he and them in the future. Recently, the Order has heard tell of a member of the Alexandria Foundation attempting to find knowledge of the Draoi or the Venuri. Booking him a flight to Crescent City, Colin has been sent to either suss out the lost knowledge before the Foundation, or find a way to establish influence with the Foundation Emissary.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Born of the Alfar, forged in blood, and bade by the Tree of Life and Death. I am a Caille, and we shall rule again."
Colin is consumed by a need to become greater than what he is. Despite being brought up the same as any other Caille child, because of where his father is from, Colin has always felt the need to prove himself worthy of his family's name. He feels he needs to make his family name known everywhere as something to respect and fear. He searches for the power to do this, and the only people he's found who can provide that power is the Order of Draoi. He wants power in order to restore the Draoi, and by extension his family, to their former status of conquerors, kings, and gods.

In Crescent City, Colin is determined to figure out why a member of the Alexandria Foundation is interested in the rumored lost Draoi knowledge, and if the rumors prove to be true, obtain that knowledge for himself and the O'Connor family before any other Draoi or Venari does.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"The Vis obeys me. If you're smart, so will you."
◼ Draoi Attraction | Like every Draoi, Colin has a sixth sense regarding the location of other Draoi and is naturally attracted to them.

◼ Extended Lifespans | Having one's soul bonded to an Alfar has done wonders for the health and vigor of the Draoi. They live well past human lives, rarely get sick, and have the potential to extend their lifespan even further if they absorb an Alfar soul form another Draoi,

◼ Magic | Having survived his Initiation and been judged worthy by the Elders of his Order, Colin has access to Vis and can cast some novice level spells and a couple of more advance spells. He has a particular talent towards the school of Nox.
  • The Blight of Balor II- Tapping into the Nox, Colin can force those whom he locks eyes with to experience brief feelings of dread or terror. These effects last for ten minutes or so, and make the target feel at ill-ease with either their environment and the people which inhabit it. With Colin's increased understanding of this spell, so too do new applications arise. At his discretion, and once a target is hit with the initial spell effect, Colin can incite feelings of extreme panic and inflict temporary blindness for a brief 10 second period. (Nox/Instantaneous/Range: Eye-contact)
  • Morrigan's Call I- Putting his mouth to his conduit, channeling Vis, and chanting a rhyme in honor of the Morrigan in Gaelic, Colin can summon two crows to aid him and his goals. The crows follow his directions to the best of their abilities, and Colin may see through their eyes if so wishes, but have no addition enhancements besides that of their natural form. They last until their duration is up, after which they vanish in a puff of smoke. (Nox/Casting time: 30 seconds/Duration: 30 minutes).
  • Break the Looking Glass I- Colin channels his Vis through his conduit, and the object the conduit is touching breaks in a relatively minor way. This can be anything from a mechanism in a lock, or a firing pin in a gun, but Colin must know what he wants to effect with this spell. (Nox/Instantaneous/Touch)
  • Balefire II- A jet of otherworldly fire jumps to life at the tip of Colin's conduit. The flame is intensely hot, and could easily cause severe burns or set alight flammable objects, and can leap from Colin's conduit and at a target if he so wishes. (Nox/Concentration/Touch and Range: 25 feet).
  • Macha's Blessing I- A spell of the Lux school, Colin's version of the basic protection spell forms in the shape of a clear, medium sized shield. This wall of force proves most effective at defending against enemy spell-casters, but can also protect against small-arms fire. Anything more powerful than a pistol, however, will likely shred through the shield. (Lux/Concentration/Personal)

◼ Draoi History and Traditions: | From an old and ancient family of Draoi, Colin was educated about their history and traditions even before he entered the order as an Initiate. He is well-versed in the history and stories of his people, as well as the traditions which connect them to the Tree of Life and Death.

◼ Old Money: | Colin's family has been around for a long, long time, and as such have thousands of years worth of wealth to fall back on. Houses and safe-houses scattered across the world, allies in federal and state government, and a large amount of spending money, life is good for those born of Alfar blood.

◼ Arcane Scrapper: | When one thinks of wizards, old, frail men with wizened faces and white beards spring to mind. Such a description couldn't farther from the truth for the Draoi. The race once considered gods before being hunted to near-extinction by the Venari, the Order ensured that its Initiates were well trained to combat the world around them. Colin in particular practices an old form of Gallic wrestling combined with the modern form of Krav Maga, peppering in spells to supplement his effectiveness as needed.

◼ Blood of the Tyrants: | A dominant presence in any room, Colin doesn't just invite people to think of him as a leader, he demands it. Aggressively assertive, pragmatic, and bearing with him a streak of ruthlessness that ensures he'll get what needs to be done, Colin has all the makings of a conqueror forged in fire. He will protect his people, the costs be damned.

◼ Knowledge: | While Colin has a few years of study and application under his belt, the potential of Vis is limitless. Despite his studies, he has a lot to learn about the Vis, the challenges of being a Draoi, and even about the Tree of Life and Death itself. Simply put, his Vis-usage is only as powerful as his understanding of the spell allows it to be. He can't cast something he doesn't know, and he can't will a spell to be more powerful if the theory isn't there.

◼ One Thing at a Time: | Every spell requires it be cast through a conduit, and every conduit can only cast one spell at a time. Colin, like most Draoi, cannot subvert this rule of magic. For example, he could cast Macha's Blessing I, but could not also cast Balefire II at the same time.

◼ Conduit: | Unless he wants to end up a cautionary tale that young initiates whisper among themselves in the dark, Colin requires a conduit in order to cast spells. To do otherwise would invite death.

◼ Control Issues | If there are shots to be called, Colin needs to be the one calling them. If he isn't, unless of course the leader in question has earned his respect, one can expect the man to become contrary, rude, and overall uncooperative.

◼ Ruthless | In Colin's eyes, the ends justify the means nearly every time. If his goals are at risk of failure, there are few lines that the Draoi would not be willing to cross to ensure his success

◼ Arrogance | Colin was raised his entire life being taught that his kind were meant to rule, and as such he has a tendency to think that Mundanes are meant to be led by those with the power to do so. He doesn't think this with malicious intent, however, but has simply been taught that the Draoi must lead for the Mundane's own good.

◼ Squishy Bits | As powerful as they might be, the Draoi are still made of flesh and blood. If caught unawares, Colin will go down as easy as the Mundanes he purports to be better than.

▼ N O T E S:


Ava Caille | Colin's mother and former world traveler. Always willing to lend some advice, listen, or point Colin in the right direction

Walt O'Connor | Caille family friend, on-and-off-again Bruisin' Boyle, hedge mage, and Colin's Order of the Draoi contact. Stubborn, sarcastic, and bearing a delightfully wicked streak for an old man, Walt is determined to look after Colin as a favor to Ava.

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

The Venari | A Draoi's worst nightmare, no user of the Vis is truly safe from these hunters

TBD | Test

◼ North City House | An old but elegant house the Caille family is renting for Colin's stay in Crescent City.

◼ Whispering Woods | An eerie forest which reminds Colin a bit of Ireland. He's gone exploring one or twice, but still has much to uncover from the wild woods.

◼ Caille Family Signet Ring | A silver ring detailing the wearer's blood connection to the Caille family, Colin received this upon his gaining the Initiate title. This ring serves as his conduit and most prized possession.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ferrocerium
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago


A N T O N L I N D Q U I S T 0 8 / 1 9 / 1 9 8 4 ( 3 3 ) M A L E D R A O I

"I could tell you what I am, but I doubt you would believe me."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Yes, I preferred to read as a child. However could you tell."

◼ HEIGHT | 6'0"
◼ WEIGHT | 130 lbs
◼ BUILD | Wiry
◼ HAIR COLOR | Dark brown
◼ EYE COLOR | Blue

Anton Lindquist is a tall, thin rail of a man, with a slightly slouched posture that makes him seem an inch or two shorter. He has high, pronounced cheekbones, and his heavy eyelids and the slight downward curve to his mouth make it look like he's disinterested by the world in general. Usually well put together, he keeps his dark brown hair swept up and out of his eyes, and he pushes it back without thinking about it as a nervous tic. He dresses well, preferring to avoid bright, flashy colors, but due to his arrow-thin physique, most untailored clothes look baggy and ill-fitting.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"You can say your family is strange, but mine has a tradition of blood sacrifice for the purpose of gaining magical power. Don't give me that look; it works."
Anton Lindquist was born to a wealthy New England family, one that had for countless generations carried the Draoi bloodline almost uninterrupted. At the age of eleven, Anton was made an Initiate of the Draoi, and at sixteen, after imbibing the blood sacrifice, a full Draoi in his own right.

However, Anton's interests lay less in the practice of his abilities than the theory and the history behind them. While his peers practiced in the art of manipulating the Vis, he drowned himself in libraries and research, poring over ancient tomes written in languages that hadn't been widely used for millennia. As a consequence, his powers deteriorated, but Anton was too absorbed in his studies to really care.

Of particular interest to him was the early history of the Draoi, and the first of their number who drank the Sap of the Tree of Life and founded their order. The art had long been lost to the Draoi, and Anton believed that if it could be rediscovered, the Draoi might be able to return to their former glory, without the need of the gruesome blood sacrifice that was their only method of producing new Draoi.

Unfortunately, his research hit roadblock after roadblock, and the ruling council of the Draoi became impatient with his consistent lack of results. When the council met one year to decide the next sacrifice, in the end it was Anton who was given the dubious "honor".

Anton, unsurprisingly, didn't agree with this decision. He felt that he was on the verge of a breakthrough (the same verge he'd been on for almost fifteen years) and that his death at this point would be horribly inconvenient. He fled New England the night before his sacrifice, and upon learning that Crescent City was in the midst of a disaster situation, decided that there was no better place to hide out and continue his research. Well, there probably was, but beggars, as they say, can't be choosers.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"I am aware that everything I am telling you sounds completely insane."
In the short term, Anton's primary interest is in his continued survival. He's fairly sure he covered his tracks well enough - if he has any luck, anybody searching for him will be chasing a ghost into the Russian countryside - but he intends to keep his head low, and gather influence and allies if the worst should transpire and it comes down to a fight. Long term, his goals are far grander. He intends to recover the lost art of obtaining the fabled sap of the Tree of Life and Death, and return the Draoi to their lost glory.

And then maybe they won't kill him.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"The things I have seen beggar belief."
◼ Vis Manipulation | As a Draoi, Anton is aware of and can channel the Vis, a mystical energy that permeates all things. While his powers are weak due to years of neglect, his specialty lies in the use of the Lux side of the Vis, specifically in the art of instantaneous travel from one point to another. Or, teleportation.

◼ Ancient Linguist | In order to learn more about the early Draoi, Anton became fluent (or as close to fluent as possible) in a number of dead languages, and the archaic ancestors of modern languages.

◼ Enchantment | Anton can imbue objects, preferably made of metal, with magical effects, allowing them to be used to perform a single, basic spell.

◼ Conduit | Since Draoi need their Conduit to properly channel the Vis, if Anton was to be separated from his, he would be unable to perform even the smallest spell.

◼ Out Of Practice | A life spent focusing on research before practice has led to the deterioration of Anton's skills. He can only access the Lux side of the Vis, and even then he can't perform much more than teleportation spells.

◼ Out Of Shape | There's no polite way to put it. Anton was never an athlete, gets light-headed whenever he stands up too fast, and has the habit of hissing when exposed to direct sunlight. He's lucky if he can sprint full-speed for a block, and even then he's not very fast. There's a very good reason he decided to specialize in teleportation.

▼ N O T E S:


Oretha Gable | Anton's earliest teacher when he was being initiated into the Draoi. She saw potential in Anton, and agreed with his belief that the method of obtaining the Sap of the Tree of Life and Death could be rediscovered. Even after his tutelage ended, the two remained in close correspondence, through the use of a messenger bottle of her own creation. When Anton was chosen to be sacrificed for a new batch of initiates, it was Oretha who alerted him and aided his escape. She remains with the Draoi, her involvement in the incident totally hidden.


Jerry Griffith | Anton's roommate, a Mundane and small-time drug dealer suffering from a big-time ego. The De Vitis family doesn't even know he exists, which Jerry tributes to his own mastery of subtlety, but is more to do with the fact that he's so inconsequential that they don't even notice him. He's not sure what to make of Anton, but he's sure that between the two of them, he's the normal one.


Nicholas Lindquist | Anton's father, and a member of the ruling council of the Draoi. When the council met to decide the sacrifice, his vote was the tiebreaker that led to his own son being chosen. Let that speak towards his character.

◼ Jerry's Apartment | "Seeking roomate [sic], two bedroom apartment, cheap, MUST match rent, 420 friendly prefered [sic]. Contact the-j-man@yahoo.com for details." Cheap and dirty: those are the two words that best fit Anton's present living arrangements, nestled deep in the heart of the Narrows. Due to his extreme budget, he can't afford to live anywhere else, and Jerry is usually too high to ask any questions.

◼ Anton's Workshop | Because the half of Jerry's apartment that isn't taken up by living space is dominated by a weed farm, Anton has had to find somewhere else to do his work. Situated in a rented storage compartment a few blocks from the apartment, Anton has set up a place to get some peace and quiet and produce enchantments. Due to a lack of capital, he's had to use more common conductive metals, such as copper, instead of his preferred (and very expensive) working material, gold.


◼ Elsewhere Cane | Anton's primary 'weapon', such as it is. An old, sturdy, ebony walking stick with a gold handle and tip, connected by a thin core of gold. It belonged to Anton's great-grandfather, given to him on his ascension to a full Draoi, when his family still believed that he wouldn't be an utter disgrace. The cane is Anton's Conduit, the focus for his power, and he uses it whenever he needs to get somewhere quick. It can also be used to teleport other people and objects.

◼ Messenger Bottle | An enchanted bottle, given to Anton by Oretha Gable, his teacher, upon his graduation from her tutelage. It is part of a bonded set, with the other being possessed by Oretha. A letter, rolled up and placed in the bottle, will be instantaneously moved to the other, no matter where it might be. It glows with a faint orange light when a new message has been received. It seems to lack any conductive metal that would allow it to hold the enchantment, but that is a part of the trick of its construction; Oretha blew the glass herself, and mixed powdered silver in with the molten glass as it cooled. A Draoi unaware of its true nature would never think to look for it.
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