While this is a fandom rp, no prior knowledge of setting, characters, etc is expected or even particularly desired. I don't give a damn whether you've never heard of it or you're a diehard fan. I'll take anyone, within reason. However, without further delay, Jace Beleren presents:

A Magic: The Gathering Fandom Roleplay
Welcome to Ravnica. Can you imagine an entire planet, covered in a single city? Probably not. The scale is unimaginable. But that is Ravnica. Where only at the top of the tallest towers can you watch the sun set, because the skyline is blocked by the stonework of the buildings surrounding you. Where no government is powerful enough to control even one city, because there is only one. Where magic is the tool of battle.
The Setting
As I described more poetically in the intro, Ravnica is a city that covers an entire planet. It is inhabited by ten guilds that fought each other almost to their own complete destruction. It was then that the Guildpact was signed, an agreement between the ten (though House Dimir never actually agreed) to cease the fighting, and to have each guild specialise in two of the five colours of magic. Each would take a role in the city, and by doing so contribute to its stability. 9999 years and most of the ten-thousandth later, tensions are rising once more. The guilds are gathering their resources and readying for a new age of warfare. Only the truly gullible still believe that a re-signing will take place at the anniversery. Most expect a revolution.

Magic is divided into five "colours", which represent groups of spells related in both their effects and the manner of ther casting. A powerful red mage who has never heard of a given red spell will still be quite proficient in it from the moment he is taught it, and the effects will be related to the typical themes of red magic. It is possible and actually very common to be capable in multiple colours of magic. Two-colour mages are the most common multi-coloured spellcasters, but while using four is practically unheard of, using three is only somewhat rare, and though five-colour mages are very rare, they are also some of the most powerful mages in existence. In Ravnica specifically, almost everyone with magic uses two colours, those used by their guild. Not all spells are divided into a colour: as well as multi-coloured mages being able to use spells from all the colours they own, they will almost always use spells that come from multiple colours. Also, there is magic whch doesn't use any colours. Automata are the most common example of this, but the Eldrazi, horrific creatures from the space between universes, are also summoned through colourless mana.
The philosophy of white is altruism. Its spells include healing, and the bolstering of allies. Other key parts of white include justice and mercy: some spells are built to disable rather than to kill. Creatures summoned might be soldiers, knights, or even angels. The Boros Legion, the Azorius Senate, the Selesnya Conclave and the Orzhov Syndicate use white magic.
Blue is the colour of thought, and the mind. At the fore front of its spells are mental manipulation and illusions. Blue is also the most direct form of magic, as magic comes from thought. This is why blue, uniquely, has both counterspells and a way of having an opponent temporarily forget their spells, leaving most mages weaponless. Summons are rare, but include shapeshifters and sphinxes. The Azorius Senate, House Dimir, the Izzet League and the Simic Combine use blue.
(I know someone will ask about this: yes, you can counter countermagic)
Black is the total opposite of white, springing from selfishness. Its spells are full of hate and malice, and include some that can instantly kill the mentally weak. Creatures include vampires, zombies and demons. The Orzhov Syndicate, House Dimir, the Golgari Swarm and the Rakdos Cult use black.
As much an opposite to blue as black is to white, red is about spontaneity. Where blue is slow and ominous, red is fast and unrelenting. Fire is a key aspect to many of its spells. A red mage may summon goblins, devils (NOT demons) or dragons. The Izzet League, the Boros Legion, the Rakdos Cult and Gruul Clans use red.
Green is the colour of nature. It embodies physical power, and can be both as unrelenting as red and as slow and careful as blue. Spells are rare, but generally involve the enhancement of a summoned creature's strength, speed, or toughness. Typical creatures summoned by green mages include werewolves, and large, physically powerful beasts.
Ten guilds inhabit Ravnica. Each specialises in two of the five colours of magic, and this directly relates to their general philosophy and role within Ravnica. To give a clearer representation for unfamiliar players, I will also include one of the nine Dungeons and Dragons alignments for each guild because, though the whole system is, ugh... debatably unrealistic, it actually fits really well (Wizards of the Coast own both franchises, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised). For those of you who really want to know, there is one guild for every alignment except true neutral and two for that. The guilds are ordered based on their appearance on the tablet of the guilds (shown below).

The Azorius Senate
Colours: White and blue
D&D alignment: Lawful Good
Quote: "Enter the Senate, the seat of justice and the foundation of Ravnican society."
At the top of the Tablet of the Guilds is the Azorius Senate (it is rumoured they payed a small fortune to ensure this). They are the police force of Ravnica. Often they use completely nonlethal methods when in combat, detaining criminals and labelling enemies as no different. They fight by attaining air superiority with both skynights and sphinxes, and using countermagic to prevent a counteroffensive.
Colours: Black and white
D&D alignment: Lawful evil
Quote: "Enter to find wealth, security and eternal life - for a small price up front."
Clockwise to the Azorius are the Orzhov Syndicate. Though they rarely commit actual crimes (and when they do, they tend to hire someone else to do it for them), they will do a lot to get every last coin out of a situation. Their fighting style involves a form of lifedrain, similar to that wielded by vampires and suitable for their greedy outlook.
Colours: Blue and black
D&D alignment: True neutral
Quote: "Enter and become a mastermind of spies, lies and deception."
Next is House Dimir. A shadowy group of thieves, spies and assassins, the Dimir are practically untouchable. The guildless common folk even believe they are a myth. They do little for themselves, instead generally working for hire. Preferring to avoid combat, when they must fight they use stealth and misdirection before striking at once for a killing blow. Many also know basic countermagic.
Colours: Red and blue
D&D alignment: Lawful neutral
Quote: "Enter, those with the vision to create and the daring to release their creations."
The Izzet League is a guild of inventors. Followers of both theoretical and applied science and magic, they coninuously experiment with whatever they choose. Their combat style involves using fire and lightning based spells in tandem with blue countermagic. Creatures are particularly rare among the Izzet.
Colours: Black and red
D&D alignment: Chaotic evil
Quote: "Enter, and indulge your darkest fantasies, for you may never pass this way again."
The Rakdos cult is a depraved, psychotic group of serial killers. Though many are completely insane and nothing but a threat to the people of Ravnica, they are also some of the most capable mercenaries and bounty hunters in existence. They fight will aggression, usually trying to end the battle as quickly as possible, even at their own expense.
Colours: Green and black
D&D alignment: Neutral evil
Quote: "Enter, those who are starving and sick. You are welcome among the Swarm when the rest of Ravnica rejects you."
The Golgari Swarm follow the philosophy of death being a necessary part of life. Providing shelter for those who may go nowhere else, but just as full of sickness and disease. In combat, Golgari mages take advantage of death, using the corpses of fallen summons to enhance the survivors.
Colours: Red and green
D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral
Quote: "Enter and leave the shackles of society behind."
The Gruul clans are a group of destructive raiders with little central authority. They produce little themselves, instead taking resources from more civilised groups. Like the Rakdos, they are very aggressive and speed-focused in combat, going for a heavy beatdown. Creatures are very common among the Gruul.
Colours: White and red
D&D alignment: Chaotic good
Quote: "Enter with merciful hearts. Leave with battle cries."
If the Azorius are the police force of Ravnica, the Boros are its military. Intensely zealous and idealistic, it is a very bad idea to get in the way of a Boros legionnaire. Boros mages use large amounts of creatures, defeating enemies by outnumbering them, with air support from the angels at the peak of the Boros chain of command.
Colours: Green and white
D&D alignment: Neutral good
Quote: "Enter and rejoice! The Conclave stands united, open to one and all."
Though it has been described as a "brainwashing nature cult", Selesnya represents the pinnacle of unity and altruism. Following this outlook, many of its spells involve helping and healing others, and focus particularly on protection over attack. Lots of creatures are also used, and these often include centaurs and dryads.
Colours: Blue and green
D&D alignment: True neutral
Quote:"Enter and comprehend the perfection of orchestrated life."
The Simic, a secretive group within Ravnica, are obsessed with creating the most perfect form of life. They do this by designing ever newer and newer species, then taking most useful qualities and putting them together. The Simic use large amounts of creatures, and use both the other creatures and spells to improvea handful of them, creating a small but very capable force.

The Azorius Senate
Colours: White and blue
D&D alignment: Lawful Good
Quote: "Enter the Senate, the seat of justice and the foundation of Ravnican society."
At the top of the Tablet of the Guilds is the Azorius Senate (it is rumoured they payed a small fortune to ensure this). They are the police force of Ravnica. Often they use completely nonlethal methods when in combat, detaining criminals and labelling enemies as no different. They fight by attaining air superiority with both skynights and sphinxes, and using countermagic to prevent a counteroffensive.
The Orzhov Syndicate
Colours: Black and white
D&D alignment: Lawful evil
Quote: "Enter to find wealth, security and eternal life - for a small price up front."
Clockwise to the Azorius are the Orzhov Syndicate. Though they rarely commit actual crimes (and when they do, they tend to hire someone else to do it for them), they will do a lot to get every last coin out of a situation. Their fighting style involves a form of lifedrain, similar to that wielded by vampires and suitable for their greedy outlook.
House Dimir
Colours: Blue and black
D&D alignment: True neutral
Quote: "Enter and become a mastermind of spies, lies and deception."
Next is House Dimir. A shadowy group of thieves, spies and assassins, the Dimir are practically untouchable. The guildless common folk even believe they are a myth. They do little for themselves, instead generally working for hire. Preferring to avoid combat, when they must fight they use stealth and misdirection before striking at once for a killing blow. Many also know basic countermagic.
The Izzet League
Colours: Red and blue
D&D alignment: Lawful neutral
Quote: "Enter, those with the vision to create and the daring to release their creations."
The Izzet League is a guild of inventors. Followers of both theoretical and applied science and magic, they coninuously experiment with whatever they choose. Their combat style involves using fire and lightning based spells in tandem with blue countermagic. Creatures are particularly rare among the Izzet.
The Rakdos Cult
Colours: Black and red
D&D alignment: Chaotic evil
Quote: "Enter, and indulge your darkest fantasies, for you may never pass this way again."
The Rakdos cult is a depraved, psychotic group of serial killers. Though many are completely insane and nothing but a threat to the people of Ravnica, they are also some of the most capable mercenaries and bounty hunters in existence. They fight will aggression, usually trying to end the battle as quickly as possible, even at their own expense.
The Golgari Swarm
Colours: Green and black
D&D alignment: Neutral evil
Quote: "Enter, those who are starving and sick. You are welcome among the Swarm when the rest of Ravnica rejects you."
The Golgari Swarm follow the philosophy of death being a necessary part of life. Providing shelter for those who may go nowhere else, but just as full of sickness and disease. In combat, Golgari mages take advantage of death, using the corpses of fallen summons to enhance the survivors.
The Gruul Clans
Colours: Red and green
D&D alignment: Chaotic neutral
Quote: "Enter and leave the shackles of society behind."
The Gruul clans are a group of destructive raiders with little central authority. They produce little themselves, instead taking resources from more civilised groups. Like the Rakdos, they are very aggressive and speed-focused in combat, going for a heavy beatdown. Creatures are very common among the Gruul.
The Boros Legion
Colours: White and red
D&D alignment: Chaotic good
Quote: "Enter with merciful hearts. Leave with battle cries."
If the Azorius are the police force of Ravnica, the Boros are its military. Intensely zealous and idealistic, it is a very bad idea to get in the way of a Boros legionnaire. Boros mages use large amounts of creatures, defeating enemies by outnumbering them, with air support from the angels at the peak of the Boros chain of command.
The Selesnya Conclave
Colours: Green and white
D&D alignment: Neutral good
Quote: "Enter and rejoice! The Conclave stands united, open to one and all."
Though it has been described as a "brainwashing nature cult", Selesnya represents the pinnacle of unity and altruism. Following this outlook, many of its spells involve helping and healing others, and focus particularly on protection over attack. Lots of creatures are also used, and these often include centaurs and dryads.
The Simic Combine
Colours: Blue and green
D&D alignment: True neutral
Quote:"Enter and comprehend the perfection of orchestrated life."
The Simic, a secretive group within Ravnica, are obsessed with creating the most perfect form of life. They do this by designing ever newer and newer species, then taking most useful qualities and putting them together. The Simic use large amounts of creatures, and use both the other creatures and spells to improvea handful of them, creating a small but very capable force.
Race: Human, elf, viashino, merfolk, veldaken, dryad and goblin are currently allowed. Speak to me if you want to use something else, since I've pretty much listed these off the top of my head.
Appearence: Image or description.
Associates: Characters your character has a relationship with, good or bad.
Rank within guild:
0 - notable associate, nothing more than someone who's helped the guild out before.
1 - junior member, an actual member, but one who hasn't distinguished him/herself particularly yet.
2 - senior member, as junior member, but has been around long enough that he has a few contacts, etc. People know him/her.
3 - distinguished member, carries a small amount of authority after proving to be particularly helpful to the guild.
4 - significant member, carries a large amount of authority, having been very helpful to the guild on numerous occasions.
5 - guild leader, runs and (mostly) controls the guild.
Note: You may not start above guild rank 3. Higher ranks than your starting one must be earned in-game. Also keep in mind that while having a higher rank will give you more resources and influence, you will have less freedom to work outside of what the guild wants.
Colours: (No more than 3.)
Preferred spells:
Preferred creatures:
Additional information: Optional, for anything noteworthy not covered here.
Format the sheet however you like, but it must contain all the listed information, not change styles partway through, and be readable.
Race: Human, elf, viashino, merfolk, veldaken, dryad and goblin are currently allowed. Speak to me if you want to use something else, since I've pretty much listed these off the top of my head.
Appearence: Image or description.
Associates: Characters your character has a relationship with, good or bad.
Rank within guild:
0 - notable associate, nothing more than someone who's helped the guild out before.
1 - junior member, an actual member, but one who hasn't distinguished him/herself particularly yet.
2 - senior member, as junior member, but has been around long enough that he has a few contacts, etc. People know him/her.
3 - distinguished member, carries a small amount of authority after proving to be particularly helpful to the guild.
4 - significant member, carries a large amount of authority, having been very helpful to the guild on numerous occasions.
5 - guild leader, runs and (mostly) controls the guild.
Note: You may not start above guild rank 3. Higher ranks than your starting one must be earned in-game. Also keep in mind that while having a higher rank will give you more resources and influence, you will have less freedom to work outside of what the guild wants.
Colours: (No more than 3.)
Preferred spells:
Preferred creatures:
Additional information: Optional, for anything noteworthy not covered here.
Format the sheet however you like, but it must contain all the listed information, not change styles partway through, and be readable.
- Really it's nothing abnormal, but I'll go through this anyway.
- Mid-high casual writing level.
- Violence is pretty much inevitable, and it's fine to describe it, but don't spend 3 paragraphs talking about the way blood spurts out of the sword wound, please.
- Similar sort of thing for romance, should it occur. "Fade to black" if it's going to go that far.
- Any sort of query, my say is final. Don't accept it? I'm the GM, I can make life very difficult for your character.
- If a PC will die in your post, both of you must agree on it beforehand. Do this in PMs to avoid spoilers for everyone else. I suggest a colab.
- Same goes for particularly significant NPCs, except, of course, speak to me.
- Mention people who you interact with at the start of your post.
- Also include the name and (optionally) an image of your character at the start of your post.
- Multiple characters may be allowed later, but for now, one per person.
Yes, this is a Magic: The Gathering rp, but no, we will not be playing actual games of Magic: The Gathering to determine the results of combat. Combat will be worked out similarly to how it is done in arena (for those of you who don't know, it generally involves each combatant acting and reacting in how their character reaListicly would NOT NECESARILY HOW THEY NEED TO TO WIN THE FIGHT. In the first turn of combat for each fighter, they will be at "mana one". They will be able to cast spells/summon creatures that would realistically cost one mana. In the second turn of combat each, they will be at "mana two". They could cast/summon two "mana one" spells/creatures, or a single "mana two" one. You get the idea from there. All the colours of spells cast must be some or all of the ones the character uses (that is, a blue-black-red mage can cast a blue-red spell but not a blue-green one, for example). Finally, any spell cast must realistically exist with the colour and mana cost used by the player. The easist way to do this is to post an image of a card matching the effect you are trying to create in the OOC. Effects which would obviously fit may be allowed without a card, at my discretion. My recomendation something like 97% of the time would be to find a card. The Gatherer could be useful for this.