Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie

Tapping his foot along to the beat of the citadel elevator music, Kieran leaned against the back wall of the elevator recalling the recent events that transpired. After being dismissed by the council and by all those who claimed to put the safety of the people before all, Kieran felt disheartened. He might be a selfish ass most of the time, but he certainly loved to live. He liked living in a galaxy not run by an evil dick that wanted everyone dead because every one included himself. So for once he tried to do the right thing and go beyond himself, trying to warn others of the impending danger. They all just....laughed at him, discrediting him for ridiculous reasons and dismissed him before he could truly explain everything. Not that he could have but he would have thought of something. The visions he recieved from the Protheana beacon were intense and hard to focus on but they were there and it showed visions of destructions and chaos, with words like "Reapers" appearing over and over again.

Kieran tried to drown his sorrows in drink and indulgance in Purgatory, before heading back to the Blue Suns with the knowledge of his failures, when a seemingly random Turian introduced himself to Kieran. He gave his name as Bob, which Kieran thought was slightly strange, and when he asked about a last name Bob replied only with," My name is Bob." Bob persuaded him to follow him to the back of the club into the offices, where they both sat down and it was explained what Bob wanted. Bob worked for the illustrious Shadow Broker, the most famous info broker in......well the universe basically. The Shadow Broker heard what Kieran said in the council meeting and believed him, for reasons not given, and explained how the Turian on Eden Prime was named Saren, who was a Spectre of the council. One of their favorites in fact, and that he has worked with Saren in the past. Saren betrayed the Shadow Broker in a past recent dealing, and now the Shadow Broker wanted Saren dealt with. Severely dealt with.

Bob explained how Kieran was chosen because of the unique incident with the Prothean Beacon. How the things Saren work for have made Saren very powerful, and that he needs to be stopped. Kieran was going to be paid of course for the assignment if he chose to accept it. It took less than a second for Kieran to accept the mission, partly because he agreed Saren and those he worked for needed to be stopped and partly to rub it in the councils stupid fucking faces in the fact that he was right and they were wrong. Bob sent data to Kierans omni tool, giving him a way to contact Bob if he needed to but was told to not need him. Bob explained a small ship was now given to Kieran, with a pilot already hired, and gave Kieran a digital collection of dossiers on others who the Shadow Broker thought would make a good addition. They would be assigned under Kierans command, and would be an invaluable part of the team. If he chose to not recruit anyone then that was his choice, but Bob had already sent messages to a krogan, asari, and quarian inviting them to the team and explaining how they were being recruited, if they chose to accept, under his command to aid in a mission to bring down a spectre who may or may not have gone rogue. They were to all meet at the ship but Kieran would arrive at his new ship first, ready to engage with his new allies.

Fast forward to present time, Kieran opened his eyes as he heard the ding of the elevator open, then walked into the docking area. Kieran scanned the docks for his ship, which he decided to name "Dawnbreaker", eager to set his sights on his very own ship. When he found it he looked over at the sleek silver paint job, the superior craftmanship that went into the design. He took a few steps up the ramp and stood at the entrance of his ship now waiting for any others who Bob invited.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 5 days ago


One of the first to arrive, was an asari - matching the description in the dossier. She had a finely-made asari weapon strapped to her hip and a large bag strapped to her back - as she kept typing something on her omnitool.

Zeral' recruitment had been 'sudden' to say the least - the the matron had been on the Citadel, to fetch some supplies for a trip to a rather toxic planet, namely a place where she believed another part of the 'clue' was hidden. Her journey, that had initially started three centuries ago to find her lost sister, had devolved into a dive into the deepest waters in the Galaxy. During that time another new race had even been discovered with their own unique culture and out-look on life - called humans. Despite that initial surprise, Zeral had resumed her quest.

She recalled how long ago, when she had been a young maiden - and she started her search, Zeral had expected to find pirates or slavers had taken her eldest sestra. Then as she continued on, she maybe thought that maybe she would uncover some secret Spectre or Council facility - for 'special' prisoners. Nothing of the like, instead - as she continued to journey across the Terminus and Attican Traverse, Zeral continued to find 'signs'. Strange buildings, strange artifacts and strange carvings on stone walls. Some of the buildings were older than the pre-dated Prothean Empire. Some artifacts were unable to be carbon-dated since they seemed too 'ancient'.

Zeral even got the chance to visit old Prothean sites and compare notes to her previous findings - and slowly, she started to believe - that modern galactic history might be completely wrong. She tried posting her findings and knowledge upon the extranet - but usually some older matriarch or more intelligent salarian would de-bunk her theories; proving them false or impossible to exist. It was true, Zeral didn't know much. She was a simple kid from Thessia, who had a Lunar' Degree in Cultural Antrophology.

But that part of her, screamed that something was wrong. The cultures, and objects - they seemed to originate from a species BEFORE the Protheans. And some even before them - all of them suddenly gone, yet their items intact and forgotten. And surprisingly - while she had a large amount of people denying her beliefs. There had been this 'strange benefactor' whom had engaged in debates with her on the extranet. Including a few times, a vid-call - albeit, having their face and background shrouded in darkness. The figure, even was willing to buy from her - top credit, those strange artifacts that many other scholars had declared worthless.

And now, that 'strange benefactor' had sent an agent. Zeral almost felt, she had indeed stumbled upon some mysterious Galactic conspiracy but instead - was a contact of THE Shadow Broker, whom revealed his/her/it's role in her quest. Namely they required a person, with a special kind of knowledge. Namely a knowledge of the unknown and strange - as such, Zeral found herself handed a location to gather upon, for her new task.

She soon arrived at the ship and spotted a human. "Hello? Am I supposed to meet you? My name is Zeral T'Amani. A pleasure to meet you," she spoke, in her calm and crisp voice dialect. Offering her hand for him to shake, as she recalled it was a human custom, when one greeted another.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 13 days ago



Rukt downed another bottle of Ryncol as he read the message on his omni-tool. The reward was quite a bit more than any headhunting contract he had undertaken to date. Of course, given the one contracting him it was no surprise. With just the advance payment he could buy several years' worth of Ryncol. He grinned slightly, the final contract payment would buy enough for even a Krogans' lifetime. He could kill for leisure instead of having to rely on bounties.

He arranged for his gear to be sent to the designated ship, it was truly annoying that the council wouldn't allow him to carry weapons around the Citadel. Within a few minutes he made his way to the docks to find the aforementioned vessel. It was...well, it was smaller than a frigate. In fact, it made an average frigate look like a cruiser. It was going to be slightly cramped, and if they were to be hunting a spectre, it would likely be his home for quite a bit. With an annoyed grunt he approached the ship.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The last to arrive was a young Quarian - who matched his description to a tee from his dossier. He wore a mostly white envirosuit and was well equipped for a Quarian as the Sub-machine and Heavy Pistol strapped to his hips revealed. While his masked hid his facial features but if one looked well enough they could see that the Young Quarian was looking at the wide arrange of ships in the dock and looking for the one he was to go on.

Kato was to join a ragtag group of mercenaries and take down a Rogue Spectre who is a danger to the whole galaxy. To say that the young man was overwhelmed by the responsibility would be an understatement - just a few hours ago he was simply scanning Keepers for some extra Credits and researching information so he can give something useful to the Shadow Broker - now he was to help take down a spectre as the Tech and Geth Expert of the team.

Under his mask he was sweating bullets from the stress and worry for what will happen; when he started his Pilgrimage he assumed he would do some odd jobs here and there, nothing dangerous, but this, this is the completely opposite of what he assumed he would be doing with his pilgrimage. Kato opened his Omnitool as he walked down the dock of the Citadel; he has only been here for a couple weeks and he already knew every nook and cranny of the station by heart, searching for the surprisingly evasive Keepers, you always find them when you don't want them and can never find them when you do. Kato started to suspect that the Keepers avoided people curious about them, but that would be silly since they're mindless creatures with no wills or self preservation, but yet they seemed to be avoiding him. It's probably for the best - C-Sec started to keep an eye on him after that one incident; who would've thought going into an office after hours would be so... weird, like how many Mistresses does one Hanar need? One is reasonable, two is strange, but 6 is insane. But Kato needs to leave the Citadel for a bit and this mission while insane is much needed for him to get off the hook.

Finally after walking down the docks for a little while longer, Kato found the ship he would work on for the unforeseeable future. Overlooking the ship, it was an impressive ship to say in the least, it would be a great pilgrimage gift he could take it, but it's the Shadow Broker's and if he took it from them, the Flotilla would be an enemy of the Shadow Broker and the Flotilla has enough of those to last a century. Kato hiked up to the ship and sees a Human and Asari shaking hands. Kato uncomfortable stood at the entry of the ship for a moment waiting for the pair to shake hands before introducing himself. Hopefully it won't take too long
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie


Kieran eyed the newcomers warily, already unsure of the success rate of the mission. He had merely skimmed the huge compile of dossiers that was given to him but he did remember that the few people that had shown up were people whose files were located towards the bottom of the list. He did not know why, he did not really care, but he did not want to die. So Kieran sighed inwardly and accepted the handshake from the Asari, suprised to see a human greeting from a non human. He looked over the Asari quickly, taking in as much as he could in a mere second trying to read her body language. Kieran looked at the Krogan and the Quarian but made no effort to read their body language. Krogans all have the same thoughts, mainly "Kill" and "Drink". Quarians were hard to read with body language alone, so he would need to speak to him one on one later. Kieran crossed his arms and leaned against the ships entrance.

"So.....I'm not one for big speeches. I like being honest and straight to the point, if you come with me you have a good chance of dying. I dont know what everyone has been told but here is what we are doing. We are going out to hunt down a Council Spectre, the councils favorite spectre, Saren. He is pretty much an all around dick of a Turian, and he is backed by someone or something way powerful. So if you come with me, I expect you to be able to work with each other and to trust me. The Shadow Broker gave me this mission, and I intend to see this mission through to end with all of my allies at my side."

Kieran ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"That means no suicide moves, no back stabbing, and lets try to keep the infighting to a minimal. Besides I am pretty sure the Broker offered a substantial reward for everyone so if we kill this son of a gun we are all rich right?"

Kieran smiled and stood up straight.

"With that in mind welcome to the crew of the DawnBreaker. Any Questions?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 5 days ago

Zeral T'Amani

Her hand was already up in the air, once he had finished his talk and had asked if there were any questions. It was one thing both the humans and asari had in common, when they had a question. Or rather with an asari - it was an indication that she was going to speak, instead of the human once to be asked.

"Does this ship possess a funtioning science facility?" asked Zeral. "I was mostly hired upon my skill-set of being the 'data scimmer'. Or in simple terms, the one whom makes sense of any data we might find while searching."

"Also I understand, the risk and reasons. Believe me, I spent three centuries in the Terminus - where dying painfully was a fact of life," she added, continuing her speech. "I have a Lunar Degree in Cultural Antrophology. Or...that is Mas-ter Degree in human? Yes. Fifty years Eclipse - no I didn't kill, extort, or have a three-way with Jona Sederis. I worked as a data clerk and got the firearms training. I am also a trained Seven-Wave Biotical...or...C7 Adept...as you humans categorize it..."

Zeral for her quirky nature, was atleast open to talk and discussion - willing to work out any differences, speak about her strengths and skill-set early on. "And from a personal angle. Will you be able to discuss in private Captain? I am rather interested in your Visions, as you say. If what you say is true - it could rewrite Galactic history as we know it. That is all from me."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 13 days ago



Rukt Walked past the others, glancing down at the one that was supposed to be in charge.

"Pretty words, Human. We've got a Turian to hunt, so just point me at what needs to die." He said slowly walking past them and into the ship. Killing a Spectre was a task that shouldn't be taken lightly, they had resources and experience that most targets couldn't hope to. The thought excited him, in single combat even he would have to be cautious against a Spectre... "I'll do what I'm paid to."

He looked at the others. They were small, the only one that was likely older than he was would be the Asari. At some point he would have to have a conversation. Anyone that lives for centuries always has an interesting story or two. He would take a good fight to listening any day, but on a ship of that size...and with opponents that much smaller than him...it would probably go poorly for someone.

"For now, I'll set up in the cargo bay." By now all of the equipment would have been delivered, so he would need to take a look at his weapons.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kato listened to the Human's speech intently, taking it all in that this is a dangerous mission. It didn't really help with anxiety but at least the human was honest about the dangers and risk of the missions as well as the weight they need to pull. Which he was more then used to doing, a Quarian always have to pull their weight even artist like himself.

Once the Human, Kieran, was done the Asari raised her hand and spoke about her qualifications and skills. Which was impressive, maybe, he should give her his information about the Keeper's as much as he's technologically gifted he's just not a biologist and lack the skills to make full use of the scanned data. Next to speak was the Krogan who spoke crassly as most Krogan do, but he spoke calmly compared to other Krogan and seems to know how to follow command.

"I was hired for my Tech and Geth expertise as you no doubt already know, so if you have any questions about Geth, come and asked, I will answer to the best of my ability." Kato spoke politely. "If I may be so bold I will check out the ship's specs and capability... this is the nicest ship I seen in years which must say something about me... I would like to see what it can handle if we are attacked."

The white cloaked Qurian walked deeper into the ship, admiring the tech within before turning around and studying the Asari and human. Despite his anxious and skittish personalty he knew how to handle himself in a crew. "Once you are done talking to T'Amani, I would like to talk to you as well... I would like to know the Captain of the Ship before I fight for them." Kato spoke frankly but he kept his tone politely. "You can find me in the ship's engineering deck." He really needed to know how the ship works, he would never sleep if he didn't.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie


1900 hours

Kieran almost groaned, he was going to have to speak to everyone. He wished he could have options for what to say in front of him and somehow just....fast forward what the person he was talking to was saying then just pick the best choice of words for what the situation called for. But this is real life, and he needed to actually conversate with the blue humanoid alien, the ridiculously easy to get sick alien, and the giant wrecking ball with a shotgun. Kieran nodded at the Krogan as he spoke and brushed past, then looked at the Quarian.

"I will probably come find you in a bit before we head out. From what I understand our ships systems are not super up to date, but they should do the job."

Kieran looked at the Asari and nodded in her direction.

"If right now is ok I would appreciate if we spoke in the captains quarters."

Kieran walked inside the ship with Zeral and to his quarters.

2000 hours

Once Kieran was done speaking with Zeral he left his quarters and headed to the engine room where he found Kato scurrying away, entertained with every apsect of their ships systems. He leaned back against the wall and sighed.

"You cant have relations with the ship so calm down man."

2100 hours

When Kieran was finished speaking with Kato he headed down to the cargo bay where he found Rukt. Kieran almost decided against coming down to talk to Rukt, but he realized that sooner or later he was going to have to talk to him eventually. He didnt want to end up on a beach in a one on one fight with the Krogan, guns aimed at each others faces. Kieran walked up to Rukt, shoulders straight and head up.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crono
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Crono Dudeman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nathan Campbell

Nathan had literally been gearing up for a protection detail in the locker room for some Salarian ambassador when his omni-tool started flashing. Nate simply skimmed the message, someone wanted him to recruit him off-citadel for some mission or other. It wasn't exactly unusual for those in the bodyguard business to get such things. Nate's brain must have been on auto-pilot because it wasn't until he saw Kieran's name that he had to go back and actually read the message. He'd heard the whispers of some crazy mercenary spouting rumors and being dismissed by the council but it wasn't hard to connect the dots that the mercenary was an old friend. So Nate went to his superior's and got leave from the company because if Kieran was even half the man Nate once knew him as then he probably wasn't crazy and he probably wasn't lying.

When he boarded the ship he took a quick look around at the general vicinity, it was a bit...less than he was used to lately if he was going to be honest. Not that Nate was one to complain. The man shifted with his dufflebag of belongings thrown over his shoulder as Nathan started walking further into the ship blindly, if nothing else maybe wandering around he'd stumble onto the kitchen or the crew quarters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 5 days ago

Zeral T'Amani

1900 hours

Zeral for her time spent with Kieran - took the time to bring him upto speed. Despite most Spectre' records being sealed and the assignment being handed only a day ago to them - Zeral didn't waste time in gathering information and connecting dots to various points of her assessments. She wasn't some super-smart scientist, nor doctor - but she had a knack for multi-tasking, thinking outside the box and connecting points together - in a simple yet understanding way. One of them being Saren and his 'skill-set'.

"...as I was saying, despite Saren being a Spectre and an unknown - due to his nature, and public spotlight, he is rather vunerable to a certain analysis. Namely, his movements and acts, from this vid," she spoke, showing him some charts and vids of his 'heroics'. "Are common to that of the Turian Blackwatch. To get into that, you have to be best of the best. I am talking, Master of Five Arms - at the start of bootcamp, or age fifteen. His age looks to be around the thirty-to-forty. Expect a minimum of twenty years of hard physical training and skill. Those news-feed revealed, has him taking on from krogan to turian pirates and drell assassins."

"Direct physical combat with him is highly unadviceable. He is too skilled and dangerous. Even my biotics, would only slow him barely. Since he has likely fought dozens of enemies in his lifetime."

As for his visions, Zeral mostly had him describe the scenes, images and what he knew - in addition, how he know about such things. Was it an intuition or a dream-like memories. She didn't question much about what they meant or what he thought about them. Just wrote down names, sights and appearances. "I will update, once I have checked my facts and notes. In addition - no, you are not insane. Despite what the Council or some doctors would say. Prothean Beacons, as far as we know - worked upon a strange thought-transfer system. Similar to an asari meld, only more...shall we say...direct and more exchangeable."

"There are several reported cases of damaged, or cracked Beacons inducing madness or breakdown of mental faculty of an individual or group - after contact with such objects. Your the first one to survive, mind intact...and with such images. I don't have a solution to offer, but I would suggest - that you try to sleep more than usual. Asari find that helps whenever, we have bad imagescapes...or dreams, as you call them."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie


Talking with Zeral T'Amani

Kieran had not had an opportunity to rest since he awoke from being knocked out from the Beacon exploding, and had not honestly thought of the impact it would have on him mentally besides annoying the crap out of him. Every once in awhile when he closed his eyes the visions would flash before his eyes and startle him slightly. But other than that nothing out of the ordinary seem to be affecting him, granted it had not been that long since the incident. Kieran sat back in his desk chair and put his hands behind his head. He looked up and sighed, not truly happy about the situation.

"I am not really worried about Saren. My skillset does have me having a higher degree of hand to hand combat knowledge but if you say up close combat is inadvisable I will take it under advisement. I prefer long range strikes to be honest."

Kieran leaned forward and pretended to look down the eye of scope from a sniper rifle.

"When we finally meet Saren I will probably have you guys set up the distraction while I get into position. If our super duper awesome tank of a Krogan doesn't crush hi skull, I will be able to pierce through his shields and put a round through his skull."

Kieran pretended to disarm his imaginary rifle and leaned back in his chair.

"So Zeral, tell me more about yourself. What made you want to join the mission?"

2200 Hours

Kieran shook himself off and rubbed the back of his neck. Rukt was quite the.......challenge to talk to. Freaking Krogans. Kieran travelled back to the center of the ship, near the entrance and found a new arrival. Kieran failed to recognize Nathan, but he did realize that he looked familiar. Kieran walked up to him and smiled.

"If your here to rob us be warned we have a Krogan in the cargo bay. He is your problem now. If not then can I assume your got an invite to join our mission?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 5 days ago

Zeral T'Amani

"Oh, well. I guess I was more along the lines of groomed into this, rather than recruited," spoke Zeral, leaning against the wall. "I am something, you humans would label a...conspiracy theorist. Now, I am not the human term - I don't write up crazy ideas, without any information to backup their claim. I am one whom searches and examines by ideas."

"You see. I had a sestra. An eldest, whom went missing on a colony she was visiting. Colony was empty, like nobody had ever lived there. No damage, and yet no people. Yet all their possessions were there, like the Goddess had come and plucked them all away. Now, it was said pirates had been there. But I don't know believe that - as most pirates are mostly turians or batarians. And they have no idea of subtlety or limiting colleteral damage."

"Well. I started searching for. Found strange rumors. Followed that. Then slowly stared to unravel the darkness hidden behind the stars," she spoke, growing more somber and serious. As she soon typed something on her omnitool, and let dozens of images be illuminated onto his quarter' walls. Various, some familiar strangely and other completely alien and unknown.

"It was said, the Prothean Empire was the greatest ruling force in the Galaxy. Until they mysteriously disappeared, us asari think - they might have been involved in a civil war or unrest. But...the problem being, that doesn't make sense. Namely cause, all of the Prothean remains we have found are either demolished or in pristine condition. No homeworld, no ships, no markers of their greatness, not even a devolved race that resembles them."

"Yet throughout the galaxy. There are have been signs, artifacts and paitings," she spoke, gesturing at various items or images of strange cephaloid creatures. The same kind from his visions. "Paintings detailing your creatures, before the Prothean Empire. Artifacts, even older than some of the planets in the Galaxy."

"Why did I join this mission? I originally started this journey to find my sister. But after three centuries, I am trying to unravel this strange dark mystery - that wherever is mentioned, has ended with civilizations disappearing without a trace or mention. If what you say is true - then we might be on outskirt of an invasion, by these strange machines."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie


Talking with Zeral T'Amani
@NecroKnight(on my phone so I won't be using color scheme to highlight when my character speaks.)

"If that's the case I have no qualms with helping you find your sister, we need everyone focused on the goal ahead so when we have a chance and when you find a promising lead on your sister we can explore it. We will just go out and follow up on it when we have a chance after whatever we are doing, whenever our find a good lead."

Kieran stood up from his chat then sat on the edge of his desk.

"If I'm being honest I don't honestly care about the protheans, or some long lost empire, or even what destroyed them. It's great you have a hobby, but I seriously doubt there is some force out there destroying civilizations and shit. I'm just a simple merc with a mission, to kill some stupid Tyrian Assbutt. Sure I may also have an urge to kill him from when I was on Eden Prime but it's still just a mission. I tried to warn people of my visions that are barely able to be made out on the citadel and all that did was get me laughed off the stage. So, not that I believe it, but if there is some civilization ending force out there I hope they take out the ducking citadel and the mooks who think they are so high and mighty.

Kieran sighed and rubbed his eyes with his right hand. His head started to hurt and there was a force behind his eyes, which he could only assume meant that he was going to get hit by a sharp pain of after shock from the prothean beacon. He has felt this pain twice since he awoke on the Citadel and neither time was much fun.

"No offense towards you of course. I'm sure......there is SOME truth to your......research. Of course if there was a way to make these visions clearer that would help out a lot. I almost feel as if I'm not even getting the entire message."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 5 days ago

Zeral T'Amani

"Thank you for the offer. But after three centuries, I have not much hope on finding her alive," sighed Zeral, rubbing her eyes - and old memory re-surfacing of her childhood, but she quickly dispelled it.

"I am not asking you to believe, just that there might a connection to the vision you saw and the ancient history of the Galaxy. Atleast this way, you won't be surprised - if we run into some ancient technology or ancient war-machine that wants to disembowl us."

"I understand your hate. But well, if you think about it seriously - you was speaking to leaders who're responsible for the safety, prosperity and protection of a trillion people. A single command or idea, could mean playing with the lives of millions on stake. My people have a saying: one doesn't flee their home, everytime the tide shifts.

"I could order and find you some medication, that might help deal with those head-aches and pains," she offered as a friendly companion.

She didn't reply, when he called her work a hobby, it was her life - her face twisting into a frown. "Yes. I searched for Saren. Now most of his records are sealed and unable to be accessed. However, I managed to find a clue about Saren. Namely I found he owns a part of a company on Noveria. Those are public records easily available on the extranet. It's not much - but Noveria is know for not following Galactic Law and are a good place to start our search."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

2000 hours

Kato has been spending the last hour or so studying the Ship's capabilities and weapons at the engine room, to say he was exited about being part of a crew again would be an understatement. He was practically bouncing from place to place as he studied the output and input of the Dawnbreaker. While the ship was older, it was still miles better then a quarter of the ships in the Flotilla, which barely held together with only duck tape and determination keeping it together.

Suddenly while working away, the Quarian heard a sigh and the voice of the captain of the ship, Kato looked at the scanner one more time before looking back to the captain of the ship. The human made a joke about him and ship, Kato let out a chuckle before facing him fully. "You don't have to worry about me having sex with the ship, we Quarians may love ships and technology but we never go that far..." Kato sheepishly responded before pausing suddenly, "Well... There's was this one crew member who..." Kato look down as he drifted off for a moment remembering how long it took the cleaners to clean up that mess it was two weeks , before looking back up at the captain, "We don't talk about her." Kato responded bluntly.

Kato shifted from foot to foot for a second before talking again. "So, I think introductions are needed... I'm sure you read my dossier... but a Captain should know their crew personally." Kato said honestly, while he doesn't know much about Kieran, Kato has to at least respect him since he he's the closest to a captain this ship has. "My name's Kato'Reigan Nar Rayya, a Quarian engineer for the Migrant Fleet... well for the shadow broker and by extension you until my pilgrimage is finished." Kato finished introducing himself. "May I know the name of the captain of the Dawnbreaker?" Kato politely asked the human.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crono
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Crono Dudeman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nathan Campbell

2200 Hours

Nathan chuckled at Kieran's introduction, it'd been years but Nate had expected Kieran onboard. It would seem however that Kieran wasn't particularly expecting him though. Nate arched an eyebrow, "So what you're telling me is that you'd rather sick a guard dog on me rather than do it yourself?" It was and wasn't a challenge at the same time. He'd hoped for a moment to tick by and allow Kieran to process his face maybe but it didn't seem to be having an effect.

A frown crossed his face whilst he shifted from his right foot to his left. "You know for someone in charge you should really know who gets invited to join. But I guess you haven't changed a bit have you, and here I thought you might have asked for me personally." There was a gentle shrug of his shoulders then with his right arm and hand he saluted, legs coming together in the standard form which was something he hadn't done in a long while. "Corporal Campbell reporting for duty!" With that he relaxed once again with a smirk at the corner of his mouth, he'd been a Corporal back when Kieran had left. If that didn't jog any sort of memory he was probably going to settle for the fact that Kieran had just forgotten his existence. "I can't look that much different. Hell, you don't." He'd added for good measure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie


Talking with Zeral T'Amani

"Thanks for the offer but I will be fine, nothing a little time wont heal. That and some alcohol."

Kieran rubbed his eyes, suffering momentarily from an intense sharp pain but just as soon as the pain came it passed away. Kieran coughed once into his hand straightened himself out.

"I wont try to force you to have hope, just if you pick up anything on her just say the word. Your Lead about Noveria sounds good but I think you should research a bit more before we head there. I have been to Noveria once, not really my cup of tea. Bunch of stiff, corrupt, corporate men that have never had to work hard in their lives. But they cheat and back stab so like I said better to have more information before we go there. I actually already have a destination in mind on where we will go first."

Conversation with Kato'Reigan Nar Rayya

Kieran was already weary of Kato, but he realized he did actually need to read each of their dossiers. Crap, he thought, he was the captain he needed to do stuff like that. He was used to leading men before but usually into battle. Not.....captaining a ship and crew. But he did like that Kato was funny, Kieran cracked a small smile at Kato's words.

"Yea so there is no way in hell you are not telling me the entire story about a Quarian f***ing a ship. If you do not tell me that story later on I might literally die. But yea no my name is Kieran Hishamie, ex Alliance soldier, I guess now ex Blue Sun mercenary officer, and current owner of the Dawnbreaker and currently under contract for the Shadow Broker."

Kieran scratched the back of his neck.

"Wait what? Pilgrimage? What the f**k is that?"

Conversation with Nathan Campbell

Kieran raised an eyebrow but suddenly a few short memories came back to the front of his mind. He laughed and crossed his arms.

"No f***ing way. Campbell? Yea no now I remember. When you first joined our unit we got you to try to beat the dents out of our Mako with a wrench. First Sergeant saw and got so mad he put you on extra guard detail for like two weeks."

Kieran wiped away a tear and straightened himself.

"But you were pretty handy in a fight. So glad to have you on board.......well that is as long as your not some alliance spy huh."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AquaAzura
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

2000 hours

Kato started out weary of the human captain since he has so little experience dealing with his kind, but Kieran's relaxed nature made him easy to talk to comparatively to most other races who has treated him disdain and mistrust, due to the sterotype that Quarians are thieves and suit-rats. It made the first few encounters with other races difficult, but humans have been a strange encounter, Kieran is his first time talking to a human directly, a few humans are distrustful of all other races but not directly at Quarians which was a nice change in pace, the few humans he seen on the Citadel they gawked and stared at him, but rarely with the same disdain as the other races. Kato personally found human's quite fascinating, they looked so much like unsuited Quarians that it took him a few looks to make sure he isn't seeing things, like one major similarity is that Quarians and humans are the only species in Citadel space with hair on top of their heads. The Differences are still there, but it's not as pronounced compared to other races in Citadel. It also doesn't make it as weird to linger on his facial features as it would a Turian or Salarian.

Kato laughed at Kieran's joke about dying not to know about the Quarian that had her way with a ship, he also introduced himself as Kieran Hishamie, Ex-Alliance, ex-mercenary, and current captain of the Dawnbreaker. The large number jobs were either impressive or disappointing, depending on why the human changed jobs, but for now it's more impressive then his own resume. "Sounds like you know your way around space." Kato responded.

Kieran then asked what a Pilgrimage, Kato nodded and spoke up, "A Pilgrimage is a coming of age passage that all young Quarians must go on to prove their worth to a ship captain and become a member of their ship." Kato said matter of factly, "How you prove your worth to a ship captain is different for each Quarian, sometimes it's getting a new ship for the fleet, other times it's useful information that helps improve life for many Quarians, but until you find something useful you have to explore outside the Flotilla." Kato continued, "So that's what the f**k a Pilgrimage is," Kato lightheartedly repeating the Captain last's words.

"Now I want to ask you something if you don't mind me asking." Kato asked Kieran politely. "So as one of the first organic person to battle the Geth in nearly 300 years... Do you have any recordings of them in action? Or explain to me how they fought?" Kato inquired, his stance tightening and tense to hear the answer. Kato would do anything for information on the Geth, anything that would help bring the Quarian people closer to retaking the Homeworld.

The Young female Drell was finishing getting all her supplies sent to the ship where she will work for the unforeseeable future. Orisa double checked her inventory, more as a coping mechanism then actually worrying about forgetting the numbers, she'd be a bad Drell if she forgot anything at all, or Senile, which would be bad at her age. Orisa raised her black eyes up to the shipping dock, spotting the hull of the ship that she would call home. The ship was an older model and wasn't in the best shape, but it was better then nothing, especially what they will be dealing with. A Rogue Spectre, she could barely believe her eyes when she saw those words, but it was from a Shadow Broker Agent and they and by extension the Shadow Broker would never waste their time and resources on lies. And with that recent news about the mercenary that shouted about Siren and a theory about Reapers, she could she the dots connecting to each other. It all seemed crazy, but yet all she knew was that this crew of aliens need a medical expert and she is more then willing to take that role.

Orisa made her way to the ship's entrance where there were several interesting faces. A Krogan, two Humans, A Quarian, and finally an Asari. She sees now why she was needed, a strange doctor for a strange crew. The human who seems to be in charge asked the group for questions, the Krogan left after speaking shortly, the Quarian and Asari asked their questions and got their answers, then when it was Orisa's turn, she simply shook her head and said, "I don't have any questions at the moment, but if you have any for me, just find me in the medical bay; By the way I'm the ship's doctor and medic." Orisa spoke quickly and frankly before she made her way to the Med Bay. Orisa is interested in how this group will function. She's prepared for anything when it comes to a mission like this.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 13 days ago


2100 hours


With a satisfied grunt, Rukt looked over the cargo bay. It was cramped, but metal crates and complete lack of other furnishings would be perfect. It was good that he claimed the space when he did, it seemed that the team was going to be larger than he thought. For a ship this size, any place that one could set up would probably be a luxury before long. Without much use for his other weapons on the ship, Rukt simply placed his hammer on the magnetic holster on his back. If nothing else, it would be something to deter the more annoying "allies" from pestering him. Even so, it would probably be a good idea to know who he was working with. This wasn't going to be the type of mission he was used to. Normally, his clients would have already tracked down the target and would simply set him upon them. Part of this mission was going to be hunting this "Saren" down...and because their target was a spectre, that would require quite a bit of investigative work.

Maybe the Asari? He did have a half-sister of their race. In fact, the Asari that had sired her was the entire reason his father had requested the rite of parentage in the first place. Normally, Krogan children were raised within the females' camps. Under some circumstances however, males have raised their offspring. That being said, Rukt firmly believed his name was the result of one of his father's belching contests. The name just sounded like the result of a sovak juice burp.

His half-sister though was probably one of the toughest people he had ever fought when he was younger. Perhaps it was because they were both essentially children, but it was easily one of the most difficult fights he could remember. At that age his fighting was just charging in and swinging violently, which wasn't of much use against a biotic like her. It had been at least two hundred years since he had even seen her, so maybe now it'd be different. Probably for the best though, he wouldn't be able to hold back if it came down to a fight...one of them would almost definitely not be getting back up.

That slight bit of nostalgia convinced him, the Asari would probably be the most tolerable. Especially if she was out of her Maiden stage. Maybe she'd even have a good story or two to tell. With that thought in mind, he left the cargo hold and with the intention of seeking the Asari out.

Unfortunately, as he was walking out he noticed the human that was supposed to be in charge walking towards him with clear intentions. Rukt wouldn't be able to simply walk past him like he did before. With an annoyed sigh, he looked down at the human.

"What?" He asked bluntly, he knew he'd have to talk to the 'captain' eventually.
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