@AnaSilan Sunja Decky:

@BrutalBx so Roddy doesn't mind that his wife was talking to the man that she loved before him?
Now wouldn't it just be damn hilarious if Katilin's son and Elaine and Roddy's daughter would become best of friends somehow when they get to school? Or maybe even lovers in the far future.
Would force the two to make up or hide their animosity for each other.
On another note, I told you I would be coming back. When Midterms was over and I got my priorities straight, my muse came back unexpectedly. So if you would take me back, I'd like to continue playing with you all.
- Insert me grovelling at your feet as I say this -
Quick question before I throw a post up IC. Is the memorial happening on a Friday leading into the weekend, or will everyone see each other and students at the school the next day?
*cries* not only do I have a 9 and a half hour shift tomorrow, but my front desk person won't even be there after 7:30, whereas they usually stay until 9:30 to help me count and bundle the money and count down tills. It's gonna be so much 😭