@poog the pig Well, you know what, we might eventually commission you to draw the entire Divinus cast! Maybe when I'm overworked and richer (rather than getting poorer to get overworked... damn uni) we'll sit down for a cup of tea and have a conversation in the Scottish highlands. Termite will be hiding in the nearby woods and Ommok Cyclone will be there too. Rtron will be under the table. We'll negotiate, I'll haggle, will try to keep it sweet, play on your love for those SCOTTESH MOUNTAINS. You'll demand £x.50 and I'll insist on £x.45. I'll try to keep you sweet, but if you persist I'll have to call them in.
And Niciel Scarifar will be like, 'wait, is that real blood on Vestec's claws?'
And Rtron will be like, 'Nooo...'.
And Niciel Scarifar will be like, 'wait, is that real blood on Vestec's claws?'
And Rtron will be like, 'Nooo...'.