Crayvenhart Admiralty"The Fist of Cray" Type of Governement: Auxiliary Branch of the Imperial Military.
Description of Governement: Alien auxiliaries willing to betray the cause of their race and galaxy are nothing new, but never are they as numerous as the Crayvens for specific reasons explained later. The Admiralty works in an identical fashion as the Imperial Army except that its foot soldiers and lower ranking personal are Crayven auxiliaries by the millions, positions of importance being occupied by humans while they and their families live segregated from the swarming mass of Crayvens.
Main race:
"The candle that burns twice as hard lives only half as long."CrayvensThe insectoid race was always considered a blight on the entire galaxy before humanity came and arguably, is still considered worst than them for biological and cultural facts. On a biological matter, Crayvens are kept sexless as long as they are in contact with the pheromones created by the presence of a female, should they not be subdued by this pheromone, they will begin changing sex until one they are either in contact with these pheromones again or become female, in which case they will begin to lay hundreds of eggs each day, insuring that at a natural rate, the Crayven population doubles roughly every 8 months. This despite their extremely short lifespan of on average 15 years, an ancient Crayven being of the age of 35.
They of course mature excessively fast in only a few short months and have inherited from a very communal attitude where the individual often means nothing in front of the group as well as a single minded and extremely driven focus in life instilled by how they are treated in the first few months of their lives. Someone being trained from their hatching as a soldier will single mindedly pursuit to better himself in this purpose until his death for example.
And they make excellent soldiers and workers by their disciplined nature and strong bodies that eat little for the effort they can provide, capable of lifting a few times their own body weight. Perfect slaves as Admiral Konev calls them.
Minority races:-Humans: The officers, supervisors and their families.
Demography:-80% Crayven
-20% Human (Needs constant immigration or steady attrition from the Crayvens to maintain at this level, they can become a laughable minority in months otherwise.)
Religion:"The Drive": The name a human psychologist has given to this psychological phenomenon that 'plague' the Crayven population. Crayvens, in short, are unable to be satisfied of what they have or of a situation, even if its good. They crave a cause, to have something that drives them to push themselves harder. Before the humans came, this 'Drive' was the cause of the most horrible and epic events on their side of the galaxy as they embarked in conquests or massive projects demanding every ounce of their energy, but after they were subjugated by the humans, it also led to the most violent revolts they had to face, the species often being brought near extinction many times because of their defiance.
Culture:The Crayven culture is basically inexistant at this point, their core worlds were made barren during their conquest and after over 20 of their generations, Crayvens have no idea what they were before and now only speak human languages, use human terms and technologies. Crayvens, despite or because of their short lives, strive for a kind of immortality, through their actions and what they build. It is in their nature to be motivated by the idea of leaving a mark forever, through whatever means possible. If the universe is lucky, it is by building the biggest space ship ever made, if not, it is by conquering the galaxy. Needless to say, a Crayven doesn't know the meaning of the word 'moderation'.
Despite being so heavily influanced by humans however, it is apparent that in their mind at least they aren't subjugated. Crayven exceptionalism is very much alive and indeed, these ant people believe that no matter what, they are special, something greater than others. This has of course always been problematic for their human overlords but recently, they realized that this rage and pride could be chanelled. Indeed, Crayvens do not care for humans but neither to they anyone else. They do not feel empathy or brotherhood with the other races in the galaxy they live in and as such, have no problem brutally crushing rebellions of any kind, genociding entire species and indeed making anyone go through the most brutal and abject of treatment.
History:The records of the Crayvens before they were conquered have mostly been erased but when the humans came the species was, at everyone's great relief, in the middle of a brutal civil war, entire fragments of the population trying to genocide each other for obscure reasons. Despite this however, the humans had a hard time conquering the ant people who would fight with sticks and stones against all odds, throwing themselves in front of moving tanks to slow them down, live in total squalor and sacrifice themselves to the last to fuel the war effort. The endeavor could probably have been something to have taken a generation if some Crayven factions hadn't been so happy to join the humans to genocide their own people. These factions of course would eventually be subjugated themselves as some gained special status in the empire if they maintained the peace but 10 years later, they of course rebelled and were obliterated themselves.
At first, the humans tried to use the Crayvens as slaves and it worked, for a while, but a series of 'Great Rebellions' where the Crayvens rearmed at light speed with enough force and vigor to require significant efforts from the humans to put down gave an end to this practice. The growth of the insectoids were simply too cancerous to not keep in check and indeed, they once tried to genocide the entire specie and believed they did until a few years later it became evident some had survived and had managed to repopulate despite being only less than a dozen individuals as far as people recall.
The problem was placed in the hands of the then young Admiral Konev who decided to handle it differently. First breaking the back of the current Crayven generation, he relocated them in core worlds rich in radiations as a way to naturally cull the population with genetic defects and take the survivors to deal with some other species that used their high resistance to radiations to defend themselves against Humanity, telling the Crayvens that 'Only the strong would survive', something the Crayvens actually masochistically cheered at. It was only the start and Admiral Konev would in 20 years instill a violent warrior tradition in the ant people, making the population people control itself as the Crayvens killed their own weaklings, worked themselves to death and threw themselves with savage enthusiasm at the enemies of humanity with religious fervor that it was a cosmic truth: The strong survived and by constantly and suicidally going in the most dangerous situations possible they only became stronger.
The funny thing is however... Konev was right. At each passing generation the Crayvens become stronger, more military minded and more resilient to the radiation of the core worlds, suffering less birth defects as they go... And Konev knows that and counts on it. For indeed, his xeno army would one day place him on the throne as EMPEROR OF MANKIND! If only he knew however that he was only developing a weapon that may serve as the bane of humanity and maybe all other race.
Important characters:-Grand Admiral Konev: The aging man made his name after ruling for over 50 years the Crayvens without major rebellions, something that is a feat in itself, but also by managing to turn one of the worst plague of the galaxy into an efficient warmachine that crushed multiple xeno insurections in the territories. He also became one of the most dangerous person in the galaxy a few years back when he also crushed a human mutiny within the army as while other soldiers were confused and reluctant to kill other humans, his army of Aliens savagely crushed them. But this position isn't enough for him, he wish for more! A shame that he actually has only a very powerful tool and isn't at all even a good commander or statesman.
-General Hotch: The Elite ground commander under Admiral Konev, he would probably have received a promotion to more important tasks if Konev didn't want to keep him as his subordinate at all cost. Hotch however, doesn't care. Indeed, he serves with the Crayvens under Konev because of his fascination of their warrior ways, the incredible belief Konev managed to instill in them to strive to be the absolute best they can be. It is, he believes, something humanity should learn from, something they were before even! But now they have become soft in the last hundred years, after the galactic conquest. Yes, only the strong should rule!
-Admiral Stern: Another hyper competent subordinate of Admiral Konev, he is in charge of speaheading space operations. He has learned to become reliant on Crayven military might but doesn't stand in awe before it like Hotch, indeed he finds that if they are robust soldiers, Crayvens are all, except for a few notable exceptions, unimaginative, too prone to use their numbers as a crutch to rely on. Still... he is one of the few officers that realize there is something going on in the Crayven ranks, they've been quiet for 50 years and it isn't normal.
-General Lucretia: 'If only I could be like general Lucretia!' is something you often ear in Crayven ranks, for if genetic defects often lead to weaklings discarded and killed in their youth, Lucretia is something very few Crayvens are: Patient and a woman ('she' is asexual, but her mannerism make the human officers she work with think of her more as female than male) of multiple fields of expertise but not only that, naturally good in all of them. She was at first 'General Hotch's pet', an Alien in high command and one capable of putting anyone she competed to shame, using a natural knowledge of the Crayvens to use them more as a precision tool rather than a battering ram as they were often used. Every human around her but Hotch see her as a menace, something terrible waiting to happen... and they are right.
Description of Military:Most people make the mistake to assume the ants only relly on number, but it is a terrible mistake to make for the insectoids learn quickly and dedicate their entire short lives to one thing, this coupled with their vast strength and endurance as well as seemingly inability to feel fear or have anything hamper their iron moral makes them, despite their often extremely limited equipment a devastating force to be feared that crushed many xeno rebellions and showed after a large scale mutiny in the Imperial force, that they are also capable of devastating human forces.
Technology:The Crayvens produce their basic necessities as well as mass produced military equipment of great reliability but otherwise substandard performances on their new worlds near the galactic core, but the humans supervising them make sure that they don't produce a single thing that could give them an edge in case of a rebellion, especially ships, which are other than small supply vessels entirely assigned to admiral Konev by the standard Imperial navy. It is fair to say Crayvens haven't given the galaxy any technological innovations for quite some time.
Additional(whatever you feel like you want to add):