This isn't your first scourge, not if you've been in Yharnam for any amount of time or anywhere else in the world for that matter. But this one is definitely the worst. You aren't a hunter, not by a long shot. You might be a guardsman, making sure the people are locked safely in their houses and providing support for the real hunters and the mobs of angry citizens burning the beasts at the cross, but it isn't your job to take on the monstrosities. Hell, you might not even be that. You're a civilian, a Yharnamite just living out your life. You rely on blood, just like everyone else. Blood fuels this city. But its blood that will tear this place down. This night is the worst night, the plague is at its peak. The weeks or months preceding it have been just waves of death, the church locking up coffins and setting them on the side of the road as they move on. Its clear to anyone that this cursed place days are numbered. But you can't just leave, not anymore. Its impossible. The hunters will sort it out, the brave hunters, they always do...
Until they don't.
Welcome to a roleplay idea that I have created against my better judgement and I say that because I have not finished bloodborne yet! I am in Yahar'gul, fighting my way past the smashed together atrocities. But I am so enamored with this game that I had to start a roleplay about it.
So the concept is, you are an average Yharnamite who is forced onto the streets and must survive the night of the hunt and its horrors. You aren't a hunter, the closest thing you could be is a guardsman but you'll have to learn fast how to fight like one if you're going to survive. This will take place during the events of Bloodborne, the same night, the same hunt. We will be starting out in Central Yharnam. I have multiple ideas for how our group of citizens could go but I think I'll leave what path your Yharnamite will take, up to you.
Some orders of business first. The type of map we'll be using.
Personally, I'm partial to B, but it will be a majority vote.
So, any takers?