Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gavin Prince

The bullets hit Gavin's Combat Suit, which reduced the injuries taken, but not nullified them entirely. Nevertheless, Gavin was still functioning, and that counted. As the Grenade was apparently taken along for the ride when he had phased through the stack of crates instead of being left behind with the thugs, Gavin would use the last few seconds he had to conjure up a small wormhole that would suck in the grenade and spit it back at the group of enemies.

Moving in pursuit of the man carrying a duffel bag, the Navy Seal would pursue, Assault Rifle in hand, moving inexorably to the back of the room, hoping that he can shoot the man with the bag dead before his compatriots caught up to him. If Gavin can find the enemy in time, he would shoot him dead, take the duffel bag, then portal himself to the communications suite, where he would finally do some examination...

But if this skirmish continued, Gavin would have to make a tactical retreat instead of facing superior numbers - he loathed the idea, but he was still open to it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by M127
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

If there was one thing Joseph was sure of at the time, it was that he needed to get out of overheat as quickly as possible without being incapacitated first.
For the most part, this meant running, but thanks to the ring he was wearing, he could accelerate the process by falling.

Thus, he started running in the direction in which the two other divers had headed before a floor above him. It ensured he was out of sight for longer, and as that area was not swept yet, he was less likely to run into more divers. However, before reaching a staircase or similar way up to the floor above, he should take a turn into another hallway, otherwise one of the divers above could cut off his route.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the diver-leader shot a flurry of bullets at him, Itachi faced an internal silence. His mind blank, out of fresh ideas, he went with the oldest strategy in the book; Charge. Relying solely on prevasion, he charged the stream of bullets head-on, the kusarigama's flail swinging rapidly, building up momentum. He was uncertain of his success, but not afraid, there was no time for that. As he drew closer to the leader and his septimal support wore out, he yelled "Venti, give me strength!" Causing his fatigue to once more fade as he bull-rushed the diver.

Taking a final step before bashing the leader, Itachi prepared to full-on tackle him, a single goal in mind; toppling the man. If he could just pin the man to the ground the battle should be decided quickly, but at the least he'd want to be in close range...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lilith sighed softly, then she got behind cover, firing swift shots at the divers who fired at her. Although she had a graze on her calf from the bullets, she was otherwise mostly unharmed. Only when she was sure she was safe did she turn to look at her wounds. She sighed softly, not bad enough to warrant using her septima to heal it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 35 min ago

Six shots plugged themselves into the back of the thin man as he approached the crate. The divers perused, taking formation at the stairs' landing before one fired a laser weapon at one of the empty metal crates above, causing it to disintegrate. As the small wormhole was beginning to be created, the grenade detonated, tossing the Space Walker back in the blast, and searing his hand, and toppling other boxes, allowing the diver to flee with his bag, and revealing his position to further gunfire.

As the floor gave way, Joseph began falling. The burning sensation of Overheat was slowly lessening, and he had fully recovered moments before hitting the ground in the cargo hold.

The lead diver kept shooting- and shooting- and shooting. But nothing seemed to happen. The air around his target was distorting, and the bullets were being embedded in the back wall. With a roar, he lunged forth, swinging the butt of his gun at the attacker's face, only to be slammed back. However, his back hit the console, causing the throttle to be pushed up, accelerating the boat with a jolt.

None of the shots hit, but the pale woman was able to hide without further injury.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by M127
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The moment he fully recovered from overheat, Joseph used fly to break his fall such that the impact would not hurt him.
Once he landed, he quickly looked around for any immedeate danger, but was interrupted by the sudden acceleration of the ship.

With none of his suitcases having fallen down, he knocked away anyone who he noticed had noticed him. After that use of the gravity slingshot Joseph jumped up, using the upwards momentum in combination with his flight ability to fly back up through the hole he fell down.

While coming up through the hole, Joseph was facing where the two other divers were moving before he used his emergency skill. If they had not run off, he would knock them over with one more use of his gravity slingshot before landing on the floor, picking up his suitcases.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lilith felt the boat jolt a bit and she cursed, running with a slight limp further back into her crevice. She growled low, her rose-colored eyes narrowing further. She waited for them to stop shooting at her. She groaned in annoyance as her wound began to throb slightly in pain. She applied pressure onto her wound, then grabbed some bandages from a medical kit that happened to be there, wrapping the wound.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Enough!" Gavin turned around angrily. He had been holding back the full use of his Septima, but he had been struck by bullets and now had his hand seared/burnt. In retrospect, he may have been too kind to these goons.

"HORIZON'S REDIRECTION!" Gavin shouted as he opened a portal that absorbed the stream of gunfire directed at him and spat it back towards the unfortunate enemy soldiers using smaller wormholes that opened close to their arms, legs, and knees, allowing for a non-fatal knockdown.

He would then gesture at the enemy with the duffel bag, and envelop him in another wormhole that would deposit the goon just in front of him, where he would then shoot the enemy paramilitary point blank, also at the knees, with his assault rifle, which was now held with only one hand.

Should more harpoons or lasers be fired, Gavin would redirect those as well, but towards empty space.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the lead diver slammed into the console, Itachi shot the still rotating flail into the man's gut at killer speed. "That's not how you make yourself scarce..." Itachi sneered at the man "The same goes for all of you!" he yelled to the other remaining divers, before immediately using an air cutter curved to fly through the room in a circle. All the while without diverting his attention from the lead diver, Itachi pulled the man up with his now-free hand which had previously held the flail. Itachi slammed the kusarigama's blade into the man's shoulder before tossing him to the ground and gently sliding down the lever to decelerate the boat.

"Now...Do you still wish to play games or will you leave quietly?" Itachi mocked. He already knew the answer of course. Tossing a pair of storm bombs and detonating them against the man's chest, Itachi sighed and mumbled to himself. "Crap, I did it again...I guess I'll make an appointment again." Then, turning to all remaining divers So, do any of you want to add anything to this story?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gensai the Muramasa
Out of control Cruise Ferry

"Codename Gensai do you read?", the sound of a thrumming engine with a cutting stream of water on either sides. Seated upon the jet ski was a man cloaked in black with shimmering reds. Tucked on his waist was an uncanny katana. Currently he was wearing a helmet, as safety requires while riding one of these.

"I read you. This better be a good one", the reason he was on this vehicle in the first place was because the target, in other words the boat, suddenly accelerated, so now he was playing catch-up.

"I'm sorry but you were the only one in the area. We intercepted a signal on this attack, if there's something these guys want, we want it too"

"Hmph. Figures. Not even they know why I should be here. Over and out, ready to board", and with that the communication line was cut off.

@tobiax@Nikki Moonlight

Abandoning the jetski to either drift out to sea or some beach patrols to pick up the temporarily stolen vehicle, Itou landed at the front of the ship on the deck. He didn't waste any time to immediately dash down and towards the soldiers in diver gear, blade already drawn. They had a load of good equipment on them, rifles, knives, side-arms, explosives, and even harpoons based on the harpoon guns they either dropped or stowed on their backs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 35 min ago

As the falling man began to rise, he would surely hear the howls of excruciating pain, caused by the rifle fire being directed into nerve bundles at near point-blank range. Upon returning whence he came, the foreigner would find effectively no one.

For a moment, the gunfire aimed at the pale girl would stop. However, that was only as the divers redistributed certain items among each other. One, now holding a rounded shield, stepped forward. Pausing only a moment, he threw a yellow and blue spherical object forward towards the location in which the girl hid.

The sight in the cargo bay was rather gruesome, to say the least. A rather large area of blood was gathering around them, oozing towards the young man with the gun. The screams and groans of pain reverberated in the metal room, as many of the divers began to bleed out profusely. The now confused diver fell onto the ground in front of his attacker, and immediately scrambled to his feet once more, beginning to run away yet again.

There was a gasp from one of the divers- muffled by his suit and barely audible, as the lead diver died in a heap. The speed of the boat became much more manageable at that point, thought the dock at the train station was looming rather close. The men who had been battered and knocked down by the beam of wind stood, only for one to be thrown back, and explode rather painfully.
"He killed the boss! Get him!" one yelled, as another diver rushed at him, making an attempt to flip the attacker onto his back.
However, calls for reinforcements on the deck were hard to answer, as most divers were clambering about with adepts now. So, as a speed-boat rider leapt onto the deck, a handful of divers left the corralled civilians and began opening fire at him with harpoons.

Still at the stern of the ship, the pink coated boy ducked behind a pile of overturned chairs. With distinct regularity, he would hop up, tossing a several blasts of bark at the various encroaching assailants, only to take cover a moment later, letting out a rising shout, which, accompanied by a pink and green glow, allowed him to continue to hold off the divers. With the sound of an outboard motor approaching, however, he took a deep breath, then cast forth his hands, creating a floating ball of cotton like material. The divers paused, scratching their heads at its sudden appearance, before the Adept dashed past, passing under the fluffy sphere. In a flash, he swept out with his spear, knocking the legs out from under the three encroaching divers, as he ran towards a larger group, opening fire into what appeared to be an empty corner, with what looked like a bomb being thrown from one who now sported a retractable yellow shield.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryougu
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Ryougu He who rides the bandwagon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As if flipping on and off a switch, the moment the diver jumped Itachi, a swirling blast of wind (Tornado Aura) knocking the diver aside before disappearing completely. "Hot damn! You guys are persistent." Itachi took a quick step back towards the lever and pulled it to the far end completely, to stop the boat entirely as he'd originally planned. Picking up the chain and once more spinning his flail, Itachi quipped "Alright, now we have some time to play. Let's." Lunging to the first best diver and striking him with the blade of his kusarigama, then shooting the flail at the next diver that presented himself.

Itachi scoffed at the divers, mocking them. "Disclaimer; not suited for kids, pets and infiltrating divers."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gavin, in response, kicked at the enemy man's stomach with his Techno Boot, not activating the thruster, of course. He would then holster his assault rifle, so that his now-free hand can try and finally snatch the duffel bag, before, if the enemy wasn't unconscious yet, kicking him again with the Techno Boot.

"Please," Gavin pleaded, "stay down, all of you; I don't want to kill anyone, but I will if I have to." He would then finally look at what's inside the bag, while making sure that if there were any enemies left to attack him, he had enough energy to open a portal and redirect any attack back at them.

Breathing in and out, Gavin noticed that blood was on his shoes. He hoped that it wouldn't end up being the blood of dead people; he was and had been willing to kill, but even so...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by M127
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As the sound of pain reached his ears, Joseph's instincts recognized it as the screams of serious injury, despite him never having heard those sounds beforehand. As terror seeped into his mind, his thoughts raced to the conclusion he had come to earlier: get out, quickly!

However, before the adrenaline rush would force him to run for his life from whomever caused that pain down in the cargo hold, he did manage to grab his suitcases.

Aided by his adrenaline rush, Joseph ran for the nearest way to deck, forcing it open by swinging one of his suitcases into it with his arms.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lilith heard the spherical object hit the floor and she ran with a slight limp away from it, hoping to get away from it before it did what it was going to do. Damn, these divers pissed her off. She was tempted to just throw a grenade over there but sadly, she had none. She drew her Demonshadow Katana and ran instead directly at them, throwing a beam of Demonshadow at the divers engaging her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gensai the Muramasa
Out of control Cruise Ferry - Deck

As soon as he landed on the bow he could quickly survey the situation. Based on some of the crazy stuff going on, he can tell there were some Adepts on board, whether they were his enemy, or in combat with these soldiers was beyond him, but the ones he can see seemed to be fighting the soldiers. They didn't seem to come geared for Adepts specifically either, meaning they didn't expect adepts. There also seemed to be a hostage situation going on too as some soldiers who were herding the civvies on deck turned to him, and pulled out or picked up their harpoon guns.

As soon as they fired, Itou quickly sprinted at them, zig zagging in seemingly crazy ways, returning fire with a Bladewind, before abandoning the zig-zag pattern and speeding straight at them as soon as the harpoons had been expended, and going for a wide swing. They didn't have shields or anti-Adept equipment on them, meaning this was going to be easy as soon as he got to them, slicing through not just the soldiers themselves, but their guns too as they tried to raise and fire, rendering them useless.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 35 min ago

The moment the whirling vortex of wind appeared, the lunging diver began wincing in pain as he moved. However, he was still able to punch the adept in the back of the head before the wind stopped, leaving him breathless. He stumbled back, panting a bit, as the boat slowed, then lurched to a drifting stop, floating in the ocean. The diver who had punched the Adept was then impaled by a curved blade, falling to the ground, the next was sent staggering as the heavy weight crashed into him. However, a small red light was now blinking, and letting out a buzzing sound on the console next to the tiller. The ship was going to be late.

The man who had been kicked scrambled away in fear, clutching his stomach, and fumbling with his pocket. After he pulled out a small device, he spoke into it, calling for assistance, saying the job was in jeopardy. After stowing the assault rifle, however, the skinny adept would find that there was no duffle bag to be seen. Some of the mauled divers began crawling towards the stairs, while others writhed in agony and despair as they bled out in excruciating pain, almost unable to hear what was being said.
"You... you're a monster!" one of the divers shouted, and began shooting a pistol with a panicked persistance from his position on the ground.

The German man running wildly up the stairs to the deck would be met with the sight of a pale woman running away from the wall, as an explosion sounded moments later. Not long after that, a throng of divers began running down the stairs, some almost ignoring him. The passengers who had been rounded up remained guarded, however.

As Palav and the new Arrival rushed forth, they would see a beam of smokey darkness blast through several of the divers who had gathered near the stairs. A few stray shots floated past the beam, but most didn't make it past the beam. Hindered by the beam, they were helpless against the slash from the new arrival, which cut right through five of them, as the beam disabled three. The fighter in pink paused as he saw this, a harpoon from the hostage guards cutting through his shoulder, before barreling towards one of the other adepts in the fight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gavin Prince

With a twirl of his finger, Gavin whisked away the bullets to empty space with a small wormhole, then used another tiny portal to take away the goon's pistol, which would reappear in the floor in front of the young man.

As for the person who used to have the duffel bag, Gavin would open another small wormhole right in front of his face, and then punch through it, causing the goon to run directly into the Navy Seal's fist.

He would then portal away the laser weapon the enemy used back to his cabin room; Gavin might need it in the future. That might yet be the largest expenditure of energy he might have attempted yet.

Then, finally, he would start looking for the mysterious bag, because it obviously contained explosives or something terroristic, while portalling away any attempts to attack him. And once he had finally found the bag and disabled whatever metaphorical witchery it contained, Gavin would then look for a first aid kit in the cargo hold or brought by the divers; compassion had won out and he wanted to give the wounded medical attention, even though it would delay his' saving the hostages or investigating the sounds of battle on the top of the ship...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gensai the Muramasa
Cruise Ferry - Deck

As the five diver soldiers went down in an instant, falling back and chests cut open, and whatever harnesses or gear they were wearing were also slashed. Some gun bits split apart mid-fall rendering some of the weapons useless too. Itou quickly looked around him while he flourished his blade, letting the blood fly off of it. The stairwell likely had an adept down there as the soldiers attempted to bypass it, a few were completely stopped, and seemed a little preoccupied, unable to attack for a short while. As his free hand went for his hand gun he heard the bellow of a harpoon gun. He turned just in time to spot the shot, taking a quick backstep to the side, ensuring it flies right past him. It didn't seem to be aimed at him at all, evident by the injured Adept. Yes, this adept seemed to have come out of nowhere, but it was no concern of his as long as they weren't his enemy.

He turned back to the remaining disabled soldiers after that little scrape, pulled his hand gun out, and shot all three of them down. As they were unable to quite fight back, he took his time with each shot, aiming for their head, or vitals in their upper chest. As soon as that was done with he immediately sped along further down deck, hunting for the leader.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by M127
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As he ran up the stairs, Joseph saw a bunch of divers heading in the opposite direction. In his adrenaline rush, because some of the divers didn't ignore him, he used gravity slingshot to simply push the entire group back up the stairs.
While that would alert any divers on deck, the tossed pile of divers should act as a temporary shield.

As such, when he reached the top of the stairs, he let go of his suitcases, using gravity slingshot to swing them at two of the divers he could see, while using his flight ability to cancel his momentum, and pull himself back into cover behind the stairs.
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