Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Darth Revan
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Darth Revan

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Anna Shane was well known, she was the leader of a group of run away padawans that where half the time always on the move to not be caught or found by their masters or the Jedi order. She was not the oldest of the group but she had a power signature that was scary big but she was not dangerous to those in her family. She was well known throughout many of the galaxy as the kin of Revan though she shared no love for her family. She knew she would have demons she would have to face from her great great great parents life. She was running through the dense forest of Naboo as she had set up their camp deep deep within the dense forest and near a waterfall which they could cover their path at the water fall. She had a few things for food for them as well as she had her best friend which was a large Naxu that she had befriended since running away from the temple.

She came to the hidden case and opened the entrance and smiled as she allowed the creature in as it growled and then laid down as she pushed the food into thye storage place and smiled as she sat down and thought about everything. It was extremely early in the morning and she waited for the group to wake up and so they ould start their day. She though trains others she knew it was up to them to fully train themselves as she smiled and closed her eyes relaxing. Nexu laid down and lifted its head smelling some of the members where up and around and flicked its tail slightly. The Nexu only obeyed Anna but never harmed anyone in the group but wasn't afraid to harm others. She was the leader of the group for the last three years.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sahrot woke up. Well, he didn't actually woke up, as you need to have slept for that. He had nightmares, leading to a sleepless night. Again. He just sat up on his 'bed' and held his knees to his chest. He only recently got into Anna's group, but so far all he did was close himself further away. The only times he got out of the sleeping chamber was when he went to get food, and even that was getting less and less. Sometimes he even made a Protection Bubble around himself, just wanting to escape from this world. Why did his master have to leave him? Just why? The more he tried to find an answer in the Jedi Code, the more he started hating it. "There is no death, there is the Force." He started to believe this was just another children's story. Whatever way he looked at it, Master Hind was gone. He just sat there, on his bed, staring at the ground in front of him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sera was sitting cross-legged, her eyes serenely closed, hands resting on her thighs. Her fingers were twitching, however, which meant she was having a vision. Her breath began coming shallowly as she got further into the vision. Soon, her eyes snapped wide open and she gasped. The fifteen year old girl was disoriented as her green eyes darted around her surroundings, then she soon calmed. She looked up at Anna, who had just come in. She said, "Anna...Are you alright?" She looked up at their leader, her expression now calm.

@Darth Revan
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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In a cave on Dantooine Kale Doro sat cross-legged in meditation. He had set up alarms around the entrance to the cave, clearing the rest of the crystal cave first, to make sure that no Kinrath or Kath hounds came upon him while he was in this state. His mind, however, wasn't there. It had been drawn to Naboo, where a group of teens, also strong in the Force, yet not fully of the Light or Dark side, were in another cave. He wasn't sure why he as drawn there, but if the Force was guiding him there, he should see what it was about.

He returned to his body and stood up. He would have to go there and find them. Maybe the Force was leading him to a group of similar people so that they could rebuild the Je'daii Order. He could hope, at least.

An hour later he had loaded his equipment into the shuttle the Order had issued him for his life in solitude. He then walked into the cockpit, and lifted off, setting course for Naboo once he was in space.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vonghese
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Glimmik music was the best workout music, in Djak's humble opinion. His muscles burned as he pushed, pushed, pushed in time with with the heavy bass beat. Sweat trickled down his red skin, flushed dark with his exertions, his fire-glass black hair soaked. He was working out in their makeshift gym, laying on his back across a row of crates, bench pressing a heavy durasteel pipe weighted at both ends.

He wasn't concerned that his music would disturb others. The tunnel was long, taking several tight turns, and the walls were soft enough to muffle most of the sound. What filtered through was a pleasant rumble, and if that was enough to hurt their delicate sensibilities, they were sensitive enough to be useless in the game of survival. Djak did like to know who was dead weight. Not that he'd leave anyone behind if he could help it... the veins in his neck stood out, and he racked the weights at last, sitting up to catch his breath.

The Zeltron hadn't touched a lightsaber in three years. He'd left it, along with his padawan braid, when he'd left the Order. His swordsmanship had never progressed beyond mere proficiency, since he'd done so much work undercover, and he didn't really feel the loss the way his companions would. His weapons harness was hung over a peg in the corner, sporting a heavy blaster pistol in a drop-down leg holster, a smaller backup blaster, and a vibroblade as long as his forearm. He was never defenseless, though. Even in workout attire, he wore another backup blaster on one calf, a vibroblade on the other. Those were his normal weapons, though. While running with the gangs of Coruscant, he'd learned how to handle bigger weapons, and kept up his practice here in exile.

Laying back down, he started another set. The tattoos on his right arm rippled as his muscles flexed with each rep. His breath came in short gasps and long huffs. The uneven edge of the crates beneath him dug into his back. He was training with free weights and no spotter, and with his ineptitude in telekinesis, if his muscles failed he would have a very difficult time of things.

Finishing at last, he sat up with a groan and stretched his aching muscles. Anna would be back in by now. He stood, still stretching, and turned off the glimmik music before picking up his harness and heading down the tunnel, intent on a good hot shower before breakfast. Through the Force, he could sense the others beginning to stir. Sahrot in particular hadn't slept well. Djak could probably have helped him with that, but it would only be a temporary reprieve.

His fingers instinctively combed through his hair before he came into the common area, raking the sweat-dampened locks into a stylish tousle. "Anna, Sera," he nodded to the two young women as he came in. "How's tricks?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darth Revan
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Darth Revan

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@NightmareInd@Nikki Moonlight@Vonghese

Anna looked over to Seras and smiled softly to the young girl who was very gifted in the force and knew she was a good team member to this group. She smiled and nodded "I am fine Seras, just an early morning hunt with Nexu" she said smiling as the Nexu growled deeply with agreement nodding its head laying by Anna who sat on the couch in the main meeting room the fire pit was out of fire but the place was warm from the morning sunshine. She could hear the dripping and spattering of the waterfall outside and smiled to the girl. She looked over hearing another voice that came from the Zeltron that had been there and smiled.

"Hey you Djak how has your morning been?" she asked smiling to the older padawan she often seen as a brother figure to her though not blood related to him at all. Everyone was a family to her and she saw them all as such. She sat up and smiled at the group that seemed to be waking up and hummed gently "Where is the rest of the group? " I got some fruit and meat in the storge if you guys want breakfast. You know if you actually got your lazy asses up earlier you guys could hekp me" she pouted sweetly at them in a tease grinning teasingly as the Nexu yipped and flopped to the side happily slapping its tail on the ground in amusement. She had a purple lightsaber, she had it because her master said she was ready for it but she had made a golden lightsaber that she used more then the prple. She was more then aware of where the purple lightsaber came from, the great grand parents of Revan. She looked around the cave but also sensed another being coming for the cave and eyes narrowed.

"Hmmmmm, We might have company I sense another ship approaching us" she said as her connection to the long range of the force told her another padawan was coming toward Naboo which worried her but also made her glad. Friend or foe was hard to learn but they would have to prove themselves as all others had when they came into the group. There was three tests you had to pass to be apart of the group. The test of reasoning to reason beyond that of a Jedi to not think in the way of the jedi completely to have your own mind. The test of spirit to show you are spiritually ready for whatever might be thrown at you when you joined the group and the last test was the hardest and it was a test of force and Anna did this test with the new ones .

There was two white lines that would be painted on the ground behind her and it was up to te new comer to get her to be pushed or forced back. This was hard to do because she was allowed to attack back but she was not too hard if she knew you can't do it completely. The main part of the trial is you never give up and keep trying no matter what. Once anna thought you where ready you where allowed in and part of the family. But you were on a period of watching where you still had to prove that you could be useful but after you passed the three tests you where offical part of the group. But you proved to be dangerous you would be kicked out and she was leiant and understood accidents and such. She knew better then most she had made many mistakes but she never allowed that to stop her. But once you broke her trust it was near impossible to get it back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Neri awoke from her slumber, lying in bed for a moment as she took in the surroundings of her room before covering her eyes with her arm. She had been hoping this time she’d wake up and she’d be in her room at the Jedi Temple, but it never was and what had happened with her on Tatooine really happened and she didn’t dream the whole thing up. She let out a sigh, soon sitting up and then slid her legs out of the bed, staring down at the floor as flashes of memories entered her mind, various whirls of her lightsaber, slavers being cut down and finally her striking her master.

On that last thought, it made her recoil and bring her knees to her chest as she gripped her head, burning tears running down her cheeks as she tried to get those memories out of her head, “I’m sorry, master. Please...forgive me,” she whispered quietly to herself. It took her a few minutes, but she eventually composed herself, wiping away her tears and stains they left behind on her cheeks, then washed and changed her clothes before leaving her room.

She remembered when she first joined this little group of lost Padawans, it was a couple of weeks ago, she had killed some slavers and then attacked her own master when he tried to stop her. She fled the planet she was on as well as her master, choosing a random destination, she ended up on Naboo and had decided she’d seclude herself in the forest, a self imposed exile, she thought it was only fitting for her after she attacked unprovoked and with hatred, but worst of all, she attacked the man that trained her from when she was but a child, if he hated her, she certainly wouldn’t blame her.

But then she happened across Anna one day whilst she was looking for food, after a brief chat, Neri had been invited to join her and the small group she had formed. It had honestly surprised her at first, she didn’t think there’d be so many Padawans that had lost their way in some manner or another like she had, whilst it didn’t ease her guilt, it did make her feel a little better knowing she wasn’t the only one.

She made her way down the ladder from their rooms, hearing a conversation going on in the distance, she decided to headover to it, she had been a bit reclusive her first few days there and didn’t talk a lot, Neri figured she should try and change that, especially since she didn’t know how long she’d be staying there with Anna and the group. She eventually made it to the main area, seeing a Zeltron arrive just before her as well Anna and Sera in the room, “Uh, good morning everyone,” Neri spoke up to everyone, a little nervous since she hadn’t interacted with them much before now, she mostly just stayed in her room and left only when she was hungry, so she didn’t know how they would react to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by jeroukoo
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jeroukoo Coolest Cat on the Block

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tap, tap, tap... SWISH

Kurt's offhand vibroblade cut through the rain, slicing several droplets with it's fine edge.

Tap, tap, tap... SWISH-SWISH

Kurt had always enjoyed practicing his lightsaber forms in the rain. He had no targets to hit when it was bright out, a tree or a rock couldn't emulate an opponent's complex movements. The rain drops made him focus.

Tap, tap, tap, tap... SWISH-SWISH-SWISH

With the combination of Kurt's force camouflage and the rain, he was virtually undetectable to anyone. He preferred it that way, since the invisibility gave him comfort and allowed him to focus solely on his technique of two handed bladework. Kurt's paranoia was temporarily subdued.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap... SWISH-SWISH-SWISH-SWISH

The rain's intensity picked up, and so did Kurt's ferocity in his swings. Each slice came faster and stronger than the one before. His breath became heavy. He became irritated with his increasingly difficult foe, who did not let up on their assault.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap... SWISH-SWISH-SWISH-SWISH

Kurt tried to keep up with the rain, but could not keep pace now. The Ssi-Ruu swung in vain, but the power in his strikes grew.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, SWISH-SWISH-SWISH-SWISH-SWISH

Kurt let out a roar and disabled his camouflage as he swung wildly, desperately trying to land a blow against his invisible enemy. He fell to his knees, panting heavily. He murmurred to himself.

"There is no passion..."

The rain began to let up. Exhausted, Kurt slowly rose from the ground. It was about time to head back to Anna. He hoped for a lesson about the force today.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Nikki Moonlight
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Nikki Moonlight Keeper of Books, Collector of Randomness.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Darth Revan@Sohtem

Sera looked up at Anna and smiled back, then saw Neri come down. She smiled at Neri. "Morning, Neri." She watched the others slowly coming down, at least those who weren't outside or in their rooms still. She leaned back on her spot on the floor. She usually didn't sit in a chair. Found it uncomfortable.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The first thing Kale Doro noticed upon nearing the surface of Naboo was the forest. For not being classed as a forest planet it seemed to have a lot of trees. Then he noticed the lakes. There were a lot of lakes and waterfalls. He was drawn towards one of those waterfalls and landed in a clearing at the edge of the lake it fed into.

He grabbed his belt with his lightsaber, put it on, and walked down the loading ramp and towards the waterfall, certain the he was being drawn into the area behind it. "Hello?" he called out. "Anyone in there?" He picked up a rock from the shore and threw it through the water, boosting his speed before throwing it to make sure it are it through.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darth Revan
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Darth Revan

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Anna's ears picked up the sound of the voice calling out and frowmed. She got up and looked at sears and the rest "stay here" she said before turning and walking out with drawing the purple blade cutting the rock that was thrown in half coming from the water and stood there "Name yourself! Why you come as well" she said her stance was not all friendly but she didn't know if he came as a friend or foe which was something she was not willing to risk until she knew why he came here and what his motives were. Though she was younger then he was that didn't mean much when you didn;t live by the jedi code anymore it was all up for grabs yet not everything was dirty. her eyes stare at the male wondering who he was and what he was here for. Hopefully not a threat she didn't wanta fight so damn early in the morning. Her purple lightsaber glowed sharply in her hand giving off a ominous feeling to it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vonghese
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

There hasn't been enough time for a shower. Djak had just stepped into the water when he'd sensed the approaching shop. Their home wasn't too far away enough from a nexus of shipping routes, so he hadn't been concerned till he'd sensed the presence aboard. A force- user, almost certainly a Jedi.

Grumbling to himself, he wrapped a towel about his person and came out of the back room. His usual harness remained behind, but he did pick up a flechette fun from its rack by the door and flock the safety off. Coming into the common area, he saw Anna leaving to confront their first and sighed. She was a sweet girl, but he felt she needed to deligate more.

So he leaned against the wall, his skin glistening from the quick rinse, his eyes lazy and his expression indolent as he cradled the heavy weapon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jeroukoo
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jeroukoo Coolest Cat on the Block

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kurt drew closer to the cave he knew as their main quarters. He treated the cave more as a school than a living space, as he only really learned the ways of the Jedi and ate the food provided to him by Anna. He preferred not to sleep near the rest of the padawans, for it was when he was most vulnerable. He could take on most of the humans in a hand to hand combat solely due to his natural size and strength, but he could be slaughtered as easily as a kath pup during his sleep. He usually found himself a separate hiding place away from the others, only remaining close for practicalities sake. As much as he didn't trust the others, he also despised pointlessly long walks.

A sharp scent hit his nose, and his forked tongues instinctively extended outward. Kurt recognized the off color as human, but it was not a familiar one like Anna or Sera. He thought for a second it could have been the new one, Sarhot, but the odor he smelled was completely new.

Another human... Kurt ignited and drew his lightsaber. He activated his force camouflage as he slowly made his way to camp. The question is, do I slaughter him on sight or no?

Kurt shook his head, a muttered to himself. "Peace... Knowledge... Serenity... Harmony... The Force..." He took a deep breath and brought himself to the cave clearing. In front of him stood a starship, which covered most of his view. However, he could make out the feet of two different figures, one of which his smell identified as Anna. He kept close to the star ship and still invisible, crept closer to the unknown figure.

"Name yourself! And why you come as well!" Anna barked at the other.

Someone is having a bad morning. Kurt's lightsaber hummed quietly, hopefully out of earshot of the mystery man. Just give me the clear Anna, and this guy is as good as gone.

He thought so in vain, as there was no way she could hear his thoughts. He decided as soon as Anna ignited her saber, position his kill shot on the man.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sohtem
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Neri gave a simple nod to Sera when she greeted her back, her stomach growled and she was ready to get some food and then sit with the others, but that was put to a halt when they heard someone calling from outside. Though they were told to stay, Neri couldn’t hold back her curiosity and decided to follow behind Anna, making sure to stay out of her sight.

She watched from a corner near the entrance to their hideout, the waterfall made it hard to see who was on the other side and since this stranger was an unknown, she kept her arms crossed near her waist, ready to draw her hilts if need be. Not that she didn’t have faith in their leader, just she knew numbers were better against an opponent, plus someone would need to be really foolish to attack a cave full of Jedi, even if they were still Padawans.

Maybe we should just attack now, better safe than sorry, she thought to herself, her hands reaching for the hilts on her waist before stopping, remembering again what happened the last time she blindly attacked someone and ended up harming her master as a result.

“No, best not just yet, I already made that mistake once before, I’ll not do that again,” Neri whispered quietly to herself, pulling her hands away from her waist slightly, she wondered if it was the Jedi, perhaps they were there to retrieve and punish them, or at the very least, retrieve and punish her, not that she felt she didn’t deserve it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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@Darth Revan@Vonghese@jeroukoo@Sohtem

"Woah," said Kale, holding up his hands to show that he wasn't hostile. "I don't mean you any harm. The Force lead me here while I was meditating on another world. I believe it is because your group," he paused for a second, remembering his earlier meditation, "I believe four of you, are all strong in the force, but I didn't sense a strong tie to the Light side or Dark side. I am Grey as well. I am a Je'daii." He pronounced it "Dje-Daie", the closest he could get to the original pronunciation. Hopefully they wouldn't confuse it with Jedi. Best make sure. "The Jedi broke from the Je'daii order over 25000 years ago, before they Republic, after fighting agents of the Dark side. They lost their Balance, and the resulting imbalance in the Force has cause much pain and destruction. I am trying to rebuild the ancient order to restore balance to the universe. If you don't wish for me to be here, though, I can leave."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jeroukoo
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jeroukoo Coolest Cat on the Block

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Even after the Je'daii's speech, Kurt's suspicions of the man had not been quelled. To fly all the way out here just to quickly leave at the sign of confrontation? It made little sense to Kurt. Either this human was spineless, a pacifist, or up to something else. Either way, he figured no one wanted the man to leave without the permission of Anna. Kurt positioned himself between the newcomer and the ship and revealed himself, lightsaber still ignited.

"You said there were four of us." Kurt's translator conveyed his speech coldly. "There are more than that here. Are you saying that only a few of us are strong in the force? And how are we sure that you speak the truth? You could be a bounty hunter, trying to bring us to the Jedi. And never have I been told about a Grey Jedi."

Although Kurt cared little for the history of the force and it's users, he only remembered there being the two polar opposite sides of the force; light and dark. The light side's code had to be rigorously followed, as it only took the smallest temptation to go down the dark side. Anna had never spoke anything about a middle ground.

Kurt watched the Je'daii very carefully, still using his forked tongues to try and get a read on the man's emotional state. Humans were always difficult, especially new ones, so he could not tell if the man was being sincere or not. Still, Kurt readied himself for any action the man might choose.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Darth Revan
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Darth Revan

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Anna stares at the man with cold eyes her lightsaber still at the ready to attack should the man spoken lies he would be sorry. She stared at him listening to his words before frowning and lowered the lightsaber "And should we trust you ? Why do you come for our group? There are more then us around the planets that have higher readings" she said wondering why he came toward her group and not other run away groups she knew of that had more emembers then hers but maybe not as high of a force signature as all of the people in hers. She looked at Kurt and spoke.

"At ease I have heard of the grey Jedi i do not always believe in what they had spoken about then but I am more concerned on why come at us and no others there are more then a few hundred run away padawans during this time period" she said hontesly wanting a rerason for coming to them and not others. "We are not grey jedi, we are just run away with out own teachings of the force and while I do belive there is to be balace between both sides thats not always going to happen" she said sharply to tell him that the balance in the force was always shifting and no grey jedi no rouge padawans could stop the shifting of power between the two sides of the force.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haterade
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Haterade The reptilian wrangler

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Yez I ztill breathe the air I do not dezerve..." the young Barabel moaned as he opened his sharp reptilian eyes. The poor creature was very used to this by now, with the whole drunken and broken hearted young man pity party that his Nobel life had become. He once again had no clue where he was, he knew it was Naboo, he knew it was the forest, he knew he didn't give a damn. He had been aboard a medium sized land cruising craft with a bunch of misfits and thieves... again. "Well better check the damage this time" he grumbled as he opened the medium-sized backpack he always carried, much to his surprise everything seemed to be in order by the looks of it. Now his duffle bag was a different story, pretty much the only things left in it were his clothes, (most humanoids with the intelligence to steal for profit did not have the need for clothes that had huge cutouts in the back to make room for a large tail such as his) his rain gear, his tent, and as usual the lightsabre he kept in a hidden compartment near the frame of the bag.

As he trudged through the thick foliage he came across a waterfall, along with the beautiful sight of the waterfall he rolled his fearsome eyes in annoyance," Forze uzerz are here, I guess I had better hunker down and make camp... and prepare for a fight if I am to be bothered with." He set up his tent, made a fire, gathered a few small mammals to eat, and prepared for whatever is to come. He also practiced his Telekinesis by moving three small stones as close together as he could around each other in a braiding motion. If he was gonna have to fight he was most certainly going to need his tricks he had learned at the temple.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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@Darth Revan@TheUnknowable

'There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.'

Cole sits cross leg off out on his own in the forest meditating upon, The Jedi code is so simple but is it right? Was the order wrong? My path that lies ahead of me, is mine to find. I will find what fate awaits me and follow the path I truly was destined for. The thoughts swimming Cole's head remain strong as the same as when he left the Jedi order. He followed his teacher Anna for his own reasons, the age difference wasn't very big, they were the same age but Cole followed Anna as a padawan. Unknowingly to Cole he never got to know his bloodline or his lineage of which he was part of. His bloodline stretching from those from one that followed Anna's grandparent. Cole didn't even know this and yet he followed Anna anyway.

Cole kept his distance away as he meditated wanting to have quiet as he cleared his mind of all thoughts and search his inner self for answers that he seeks deep in himself. Cole eventually stands up and dusts himself off thinking he should start heading back over to Anna. He adjusts his belt and the two sabers on his both sides of his hips. Showing off the tool of the Jedi and the weapon of a sith openly.

As Cole made his way back to the waterfall he notices something was off, or something was different. A presence was there he wasn't use to and that was bizarre which made him a bit more careful as he approached. As he made his approach towards the waterfall he began to speak, "What do we have here Anna? Friend or foe? I really hope it is the former and not the latter." Cole spoke without looking at another other than the stranger. He made no visible movements towards his weapons as he waited for Anna to say anything or for the stranger to make any hostile moves. Cole's tone wasn't hostile it was rather causal as he spoke to Anna. Cole didn't seem to be considering this as a threat, but he was full ready to grab his weapon at any moment Anna would tell him to do so.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Haterade
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Haterade The reptilian wrangler

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I am whatever the hell you want me to be." Zheister bellowed from his campsite. "I have been both to many at one time or another, but zeeing az how there are two of you here I don't wish to make enemyz of you." Zheister revealed himself through the dense jungle foliage defensively weilding his two handed lightsabre which glowed with a fierce yellow beam that matched his reptilian eyes. As he began sizing up these two small beings he realized that they were not hostile only defensive, much like himself. "Zo I zee that you are just padawanz... where are your masterz?"

The Barabel, no matter how ready for battle, could feel the sadness from the little female human, who did not allow her emotions to phase her. Zheister immediately dropped his guard to the low ready. Seeing as he had not yet been attacked as of yet he felt it was safe to assume that they meant him no harm. "Zo what are two young flezhy creaturez zuch az yourselvez doing out here In the middle of the jungle?" he asked inquisitively.As he looked around he noticed moreally force user signatures that he did not notice before, he shrugged it off knowing that he would come to no harm here. It was odd, it was the first time he had felt this in a long time, since his home planet, since Zardaña, he felt safe.
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